1s zup 3.1 dismissal of an employee. Drawing up a dismissal order

There comes a time in every company when you have to say goodbye to an employee. We'll tell you how to process an employee's dismissal using programs and step by step.

How to file a resignation

To reflect the operation in the program, we use the “Dismissal” document. This document records the fact of termination of the employment relationship between the employee and the employer and creates a termination order for printing in the unified form No. T-8. All necessary accruals occur in it. In ZUP 3.1, the “Dismissal” document is both personnel and payroll.

We create the “Dismissal” document. We find it in the “Personnel” section - “Receptions, transfers, dismissals.” Click on the “Create” button and select “Dismissal” from the proposed list. If there are a lot of layoffs, we use the program’s function for mass dismissal of employees: to do this, select “Dismissal by list.”

Now let's fill out the document. First, select an organization and indicate the employee who is leaving. Next, select the month and date of dismissal. If an employee does not have time to take his vacation, he is entitled to “Main Vacation Compensation.” If you took a vacation in advance, select “Retain for vacation used in advance.” When paying severance pay, we indicate the number of days. The information for the calculation has been entered, let's look at the result:

As you can see, the program calculated all the indicators. The program is, of course, smart, but it wouldn’t hurt to check the calculations. This can be done in the “Accruals and Deductions” tab. Through the “Print” button you can view the printed form “Dismissal Order (T-8)”.

Next, the employee needs to pay everything that is due. For this purpose, a “Gazette” is being created. Go to the “Payments” / “All statements” section, click “Create”. The program offers a choice of four types of statements: to the bank, transfer to accounts, to the cash register and payments through the distributor. Select the required statement. In the created document we indicate the date, organization, employee and month. Next, in the “Pay” field, select “Dismissal”, after which the “Not selected” hyperlink will appear, select the already created “Dismissal” document. The document will be filled with the calculated amounts to be paid. The last stage is conducting a statement. Calculation and payment upon dismissal of an employee in the 1C: ZUP 3.1 program is completed.

How to file a resignation

Dismissal of an employee and execution of a dismissal order is carried out using the “Dismissal” document. I note that it is available when the “Full” switch is selected in the “Salaries and Personnel” / “Directories and Settings” / “Salary Settings” / “Personnel Accounting” section. If it is enabled, then in the “Salaries and Personnel” / “Personnel Records” section there will be a “Dismissal” document. Let's create a document. We select an employee, indicate the date of dismissal and the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After the document has been processed, a printed form of the dismissal order (T-8) will be available. In BP 3.0, the “Dismissal” document is a personnel document, and no accruals are made in it. To calculate payments upon dismissal, fill out the “Payroll” document.

As you know, BP 3.0 has a small salary block, so we create and configure the calculation type. To do this, in the section “Salaries and Personnel” / “Directories and Settings” / “Salary Settings” / “Salary Calculation” - hyperlink “Accruals” we create “Vacation Compensation upon Dismissal”. You can set up this type of calculation using the picture below.

In the “Reflection in accounting” section, in the “Reflection method” field, we indicate the method of reflecting the accrual in accounting to generate accrual transactions. The accrual has been created - “Record and close”.

In the BP 3.0 program, the calculation of vacation compensation upon dismissal is not automated. Therefore, we calculate the compensation amount manually.

Calculation of the calculation upon dismissal is made by the document “Salary calculation” (section “Salaries and personnel” / “Salary” / “All accruals”). Click “Create” - “Payroll”. We will add an employee to the tabular section using the “Selection” or “Add” button, and using the “Accrue” button in the list that appears, select the created type of accrual “Leave compensation upon dismissal”. And we will indicate the accrued amount in the “Result” column. After that, “Pass”.

If the employee was given vacation in advance, the vacation amounts must be withheld. We create, as with “Vacation compensation upon dismissal”, the type of calculation “Deduction for unworked vacation”. The settings are shown in the picture.

Then, by analogy with compensation, we create a “Payroll” document, where we select the accrual type “vacation deduction”, and indicate the deduction amount with a minus.

After calculating the charges, we make the payment. In the 1C:Accounting 3.0 program, starting with release, the payment is generated immediately from the “Payroll” document through the “Pay” button. After clicking on this button, the program will generate a “Payment Statement”.

If you have any questions about registering your dismissal in 1C programs, we will provide you with a free consultation within 15 minutes. Read more.

In the 1C ZUP 3.1 information base, all necessary actions are performed by one document “Dismissal” in the personnel document log. Select the section Personnel – Hires, transfers, dismissals – create:

We indicate the month, full name of the employee, date of dismissal and reason for dismissal. The date field reflects the date of the dismissal order:

In 1C ZUP, when choosing a dismissal date, the number of days of unused vacation for which compensation must be paid to the employee is automatically calculated:

And in the same “Dismissal” document, a full final calculation of everything that is due to the employee upon dismissal is made. In our case, this is salary payment for 9 working days from January 1 to January 21 and the amount of compensation for unused vacation:

According to our example, the employee does not have planned deductions and loans.

Also in the document “Dismissal” personal income tax is calculated:

The “Dismissal” document calculates insurance premiums from payments in favor of this employee:

  • The date and amount of payment due to the dismissed employee according to the law are checked.
  • The day of dismissal must be no later than the date of the dismissal order, since 1C ZUP fills in the day of dismissal by default:

If the “Dismissal” document is filled out correctly, then the accountant checks the “Calculation approved” checkbox and approves the document:

How to make a calculation upon dismissal in 1C ZUP 8.3

By clicking the “Pay” button in the “Dismissal” document, 1C automatically creates a statement, depending on where the employee’s salary is paid: either it is a statement to the cashier, or to the bank, or through a distributor, or to an account.

In this example, a statement is created for the cash register. The amount to be paid and the amount of personal income tax to be transferred are automatically filled in. We carry out the document:

Personal income tax must be transferred no later than the day following the day of payment, since this is not a temporary disability benefit or vacation pay - this is the employee’s salary. After the personal income tax has been transferred, in 1C ZUP you need to indicate the details of the payment document with which the tax is transferred:

1C ZUP also provides the ability to generate a 2-NDFL certificate for a dismissed employee and a certificate of earnings for calculating benefits.

After the calculation for the employee is made, when calculating the salary for this month, the dismissed employee will no longer be in the document “Accrual of salaries and contributions”, since all calculations have been made.

How to register and formalize the dismissal of an employee, and carry out a full calculation of the dismissed employee is discussed in the module.

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The dismissal of an employee is an operation that is regularly recorded in the accounting records of an enterprise accountant. Calculation upon dismissal in 1C 8.3 Accounting must be done in accordance with the law. This allows you to avoid conflicts with dismissed employees. Read on to learn how to fire an employee in 1C 8.3 Accounting step by step.

The dismissed employee is legally paid the salary he worked. In addition, employees working under an employment contract must be paid upon dismissal. It must be calculated for all periods of unused vacation. Learn more about compensation calculations. How to fire an employee in 1C 8.3 Accounting step by step is written in this article. How to fire in 1C 8.3 and make a full calculation in 5 steps, see below.

Step 1. Set up HR records in 1C 8.3 Accounting

Before maintaining personnel records and salaries in 1C 8.3 Accounting, set up a program for this. To do this, go to the “Salary and Personnel” section (1) and click on the “Salary Settings” link (2). The settings window will open.

In the window that opens, in the “Human Resources” section (3), set the “Full” checkbox (4). Now in 1C 8.3 Accounting you can create orders for the hiring and dismissal of employees.

Step 2. Formalize the dismissal of an employee in 1C 8.3 Accounting

Dismissal in 1C 8.3 Accounting begins with the creation of an order. To create it, go to the “Salaries and Personnel” section (1) and click on the “Personnel Documents” link (2). A window with previously created personnel documents will open.

In the window that opens, click the “Create” button (3) and click on the “Dismissal” link (4). An order form will open for you to fill out.

In the order form, fill in the fields:

  • "Organization" (5). Please indicate your organization;
  • "Employee" (6). Select the employee to be dismissed;
  • “Date of dismissal” (7). Indicate the date of dismissal;
  • "Date" (8). Indicate the date of the order;
  • “Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” (9). Select the article of the labor code under which the employee is dismissed.

To save the order, click the “Post and close” button (10). The order is issued and recorded.

Step 3. Create salary calculations and compensation upon dismissal in 1C 8.3

In 1C 8.3 Accounting, the functionality for payroll calculation is limited. Full functionality is available in the 1C Salary and Personnel Management program. When dismissing an employee in 1C 8.3 Accounting, you must manually enter the amount of accrued salary and vacation compensation for this employee. How to calculate the amount of compensation. In order to reflect accruals upon dismissal, go to the “Salaries and Personnel” section (1) and click on the “All accruals” link (2). A window will open with all previously entered payroll accruals.

In the new window, click the “Create” button (3) and click on the “Payroll” link (4). A window for accruals will open.

In the window that opens, fill in the “Salary for:” field (5), and indicate the month of accrual. In the “Organization” field (6), indicate your organization. Next, click the “Fill” button (7). The calculation will be filled in with salary accruals for all employees.

In the line with the employee being dismissed, click on the “Accrued” link (8). The accrual window for the employee will open.

The window automatically calculates the salary amount for a full working month. If the employee worked for less than a full month, then you need to manually calculate the amount of the salary and enter it in the “Amount” field (9). The need for manual calculation is due to the fact that in 1C 8.3 Accounting, as we wrote earlier, there is a simplified functionality for payroll calculation. All additional accruals are also entered manually, including compensation for unused vacation. To enter compensation, click the “Add” button (10). In a new line, enter the department (11) in which the employee worked, the accrual type (12) and the calculated compensation amount (13). Also enter the personal income tax deduction code (14) and the amount of this deduction (15). The deduction amount must also be calculated independently. To save the data, press the “OK” button (16). You will be taken to the accrual window again.

Now you see the current data for the employee (17) - the total amount of all accruals (18), the amount of personal income tax withheld (19) and the amount of accrued insurance premiums (20). To reflect wages in accounting, click the “Record” (21) and “Post” (22) buttons. To view the wiring, press the “DtKt” button (23). The posting window will open.

In the posting window, we see postings for salary (24) and vacation compensation (25) for the employee (26). Also here you can see deductions for personal income tax (27) and postings for contributions (28). So, all payments are reflected in the accounts. Do not forget that by law you must pay the employee on the day of dismissal.

Step 4. Print the dismissal order from 1C 8.3 Accounting

Go to the “Salaries and Personnel” section (1) and click on the “Personnel Documents” link (2). A window with previously created personnel documents will open.

In the window that opens, double-click on the order you want to print (3). The order form will open.

In the order, click the “Print” button (4) and click on the link “Order for dismissal of T-8” (5). A printed order form will open.

In the printed order form, click on the “Print” button (6). Do not forget to sign the printed order from the employee and the general director.

Step 5. Print the employee's payslip

Go to the “Salaries and Personnel” section (1) and click on the “All accruals” link (2). A window will open with all previously entered payroll accruals.

Double-click on the desired accrual (3). The accrual window will open.

In the accruals window, click the “Reports” button (4) and click on the “Payslips” link (5). The screen will display the payslip for the employees included in the accrual.

On the payslip we see the accrued salary (6) and compensation for unused vacation (7). There is also the amount of personal income tax withheld (8) and the total amount that must be paid upon dismissal (9). Print the payslip by clicking on the “Print” button (10) and provide it to the employee for review.

We continue the series of articles devoted to working with basic documents in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management program 8 edition 3.1 and today we will consider the operation of dismissing an employee. I will tell you about the features of this document and I hope that this article will become another argument for using the 1C: ZUP program.

A document is created Dismissal In chapter Salary and in the list that opens, use the button Create:

Or also in the section Salary open a list of all charges

In the list of all accruals, click the button Create select the desired document type:

In the document that opens, select the month, organization, employee and proceed to filling out the first tab Conditions of dismissal. When filling out the dismissal date, the program automatically makes a calculation and the main difference from the document in the previous edition of the program is that one document calculates compensation for vacation and salary for the part of the month worked, personal income tax and contributions, etc. Those. Everything for which we previously needed to use three documents is now done with one! And it's very convenient. Remember, before you had to control personal income tax, remember to calculate insurance premiums, fill out certificates for the employee, and a lot of other hassle.

In order to see all accruals and deductions, go to the appropriate tab. Here in the section Accruals we see that the program automatically calculated wages for time worked and compensation for unused vacation.

If necessary, you can view a more detailed calculation using the special button:

Here on the tab the program performs all the calculations that are usually made by the document Payment of salaries and contributions, i.e. deductions, for example, according to a writ of execution:

Withholding personal income tax separately for each type of income:

Also, immediately after the dismissal document, insurance premiums are calculated:

A very convenient functionality is also implemented here - creating a payment slip directly from this document. To do this, use the corresponding button in the document:

The created statement can be found in the list of all payments to employees. And another very convenient point for an accountant is the ability to create a 2-NDFL certificate and a certificate for calculating benefits from a document Dismissal. To do this you need to use the functionality Create based on and generate the necessary certificates upon dismissal of an employee.

More details about the generation of certificates for employees can be found in our article Certificates for calculating benefits and 2-NDFL for employees in 1C:ZUP 3.1.
We have considered the most basic points when working with the Dismissal document. I hope that our publications will help you quickly understand some of the features of the new program. If you have any questions when working with 1C: ZUP edition 3.1, write to our consultation line. And work in 1C with pleasure.

When an employee leaves his job, it is necessary to make a full payment. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay the entire wage debt. If an employee has unused vacation days, they also need to be compensated. In addition, additional vacations are also subject to compensation. In a certain number of cases, payment of severance pay is also mandatory.

In accordance with the legislation of our state, the employer is obliged to make this calculation and, accordingly, payment on the day of dismissal. In certain cases, the period may be extended by a day.

In this article we will look at step-by-step instructions on how to formalize the dismissal of an employee in 1C ZUP 8.3 and accrue and calculate compensation for unused vacation.

In the 1C: Accounting program, just like in 1C ZUP 8.3, it is possible to reflect employee dismissals. Unlike the first, this configuration allows you to simplify and partially automate the process. Using the “Dismissal” document, you will be able to correctly make all final payments to the dismissed employee without much difficulty.

This document is located in the “Personnel” section - “Hiring, transfers, dismissals.”

In the list form that opens, using the special “Create” menu, we will create a new dismissal document. As part of this article, one employee will be fired. In connection with this point, we will not use the “Dismissal list”.

The new document will automatically fill in the date of dismissal and month. This data can be adjusted if necessary. We will also indicate that employee Dmitry Petrovich Antonov is resigning from the Kron-Ts organization. Let’s assume that the reason for leaving is “of his own free will,” so the article will be clause 3, part 1, art. 77.

Vacation compensation

After we selected an employee in the header of this document, data appeared in the “Main Leave Compensation” section. The program automatically calculated how many days of vacation were due but not used by D.P. Antonov. Also, the period for which the unused vacation was calculated was automatically established.

If you have any doubts or questions about the correctness of the calculation made by the program, click on the question mark to the right of the period. You will see a tooltip containing the hyperlink “How did the employee use his vacation?” After clicking on it, a report will be generated that details how many days of vacation and for what periods the employee was entitled. It also reflects how many days were actually used.

In some cases, employees are entitled to additional leave. Upon dismissal, they must also be paid compensation. This data is entered in the corresponding tabular section to the right of the data on compensation for main leave.

Average earnings

In an employee’s dismissal document, as well as in some other documents of this program, for example, vacation, sick leave, maternity benefits, average earnings are calculated automatically. In our case, the period for calculation was set to September 2016 – August 2017.

If necessary, this data can be corrected manually. You need to click on the green pencil sign for the amount of interest, as shown in the picture below. In our example, the average earnings for compensation will be adjusted.

You will see a form for detailed data settings on the basis of which average earnings are calculated. At the top of the window, you can specify a different period, as shown in the image below. In this case, data on earnings in the new period will automatically appear in the tabular section with calculations.

If you need to change any specific numerical indicators, you can do it manually. The program allows such edits. However, it is recommended to adhere to the automatically performed calculations and, if incorrect data appears, to correct the source documents directly.

To cancel manual changes and return to automatically calculated data, click on the “Recalculate” button.

After we filled in all the necessary data, two lines appeared on the “Accruals and Deductions” tab. The first of them is payment for days worked in the current month - September 2017. The second line is compensation for 14.67 days of unused vacation by the employee.

This tab also displays and adjusts data on benefits, deductions, personal income tax, loans and contributions.

Payment of funds

All the necessary documents and certificates that need to be generated when dismissing an employee can be created directly from the document we are considering. For example, a dismissal order.

Here you can also immediately pay off the entire debt of the employer to the dismissed employee. After posting the document, click on the “Pay” button.

After clicking on this button, 1C ZUP 8.3 will open a configuration form. In this case, the payment, as expected, will be made on the day of dismissal - September 27, 2017. The tabular part shows that a statement will be created in the amount of 79,477.89 rubles. In our case, this includes compensation for unused vacation and wages for the current month. This document can be edited manually.

Please note that starting with edition 1C: ZUP 3.1, a new document “Reinstatement” has appeared. You can also create it from a dismissal document. The reason for such restoration may be a court or government decision. inspections. The document cancels the dismissal due to the fact that it was declared illegal.

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