September 22nd is the day of the autumnal equinox. Magic. The magic of the autumn equinox! What you definitely shouldn’t do on the day of the autumn equinox


On September 22 or 23, the autumnal equinox occurs, when day and night last 12 hours. The autumnal equinox is the astronomical beginning of autumn. After the date of the autumn equinox, the sun moves to the southern hemisphere. From the autumn equinox, the reduction in daylight hours seems to us to be at its most rapid.

In Rus', the day of the autumn solstice, which falls on September 23, was considered a holiday and was always celebrated with pies with cabbage, lingonberries and meat, as well as folk festivities. The night began to move not with “chicken steps”, but with “horse leaps,” as the people said. The Slavs celebrated for a whole week. They worshiped spirits, celebrated the Harvest Festival, and told fortunes, since it was believed that during this period the Spirits were much more “ready” for such communication.

From the moment of the autumn equinox, the power of the sun decreases every day until the winter solstice, after which it will begin to increase again, bringing the new agricultural season closer.

After a temporary balance, the time of the power of darkness comes. The earth is preparing for winter: migratory birds gather in flocks, and autumn leaves begin to fall. For our ancestors, the autumnal equinox was a time of giving thanks to the gods for harvest and prosperity, as well as paying honor to the dead and decorating graves. At the end of September, they went into the forests to pick mushrooms and medicinal plants, made wine from ripe apples and grapes (in southern Europe), and also celebrated the end of the harvest with thanksgiving feasts.

Dates of the autumn equinox for the coming years:

At the beginning of September, the Slavs celebrated Oseniny (giving of Ovsenya) - a holiday of the beginning of autumn and thanksgiving to the Earth for the harvest. Ovsen in Slavic mythology was the deity responsible for the change of seasons, therefore the beginning of September was considered a fertile period in order to thank the Spirits and Nature for all the gifts that it brought to people.

On the day of the autumn equinox, the Slavs began the seventh month of the year, dedicated to the god Veles, who was called Veresen (Tausen, Radogoshch). By the way, many people do not know that the Ukrainian name for the month of September “Versen” comes directly from the name of the god Veles...

After the autumn equinox, the ancient Slavs accompanied the goddess Zhiva to Svarga (heavenly kingdom), thanking her for the gift of the harvest. Svarga was closed for the cold and dark winter period. (Let me remind you that the opening of Svarga was celebrated on the last day of the holiday week of Komoeditsa (Maslenitsa), which among the Slavs fell on the spring equinox - March 21.).

The holiday Velesen always fell on September 21, this date, by the way, was “stole” by Christianity for its holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary...

It is believed that autumn is the time of fading, the time of “little death,” therefore, after the Autumn Equinox, the goddess Mara, in Slavic mythology, the goddess of Death and Night, came into greater power.

This is logical and fair, because it was after this day that most often the Knowledgeable people performed rituals that were indirectly or directly related to Mara and her “competence”. And these are transfers of various kinds, damage, deliverance from evil Fate (not enough), etc.

On the autumn equinox, the ancient Celts celebrated Mabon, a festival of the second harvest and the ripening of apples. Mabon traditions have been alive since pagan times in many European countries, where harvest festivals are traditionally held at the end of September. Often the Harvest Festival (Harvest Appreciation Day) is held on the Sunday following the full moon closest to the autumn equinox. This full moon is called the Harvest Moon. Usually the harvest festival takes place at the end of September, but sometimes it falls at the beginning of October. On this day, parishioners decorate churches with baskets of fruits and vegetables from their gardens, produce from farms and fresh flowers. After the service, this food is distributed to those who need it. Be sure to do charity fundraisers for the local community.

There was a tradition among farmers of holding a special dinner to which everyone who worked on the farm during the year was invited so that the farmer could express gratitude to his helpers. Sometimes these suppers were called the supper of the last sheaf: the harvest was over and the feast began. Farmers competed among themselves to see who could harvest the fastest.

During the Middle Ages, the Roman Church replaced the ancient September festivals of gratitude with Michaelmas (the day of the Archangel Michael, September 29), the celebration of which inherited many of the traditions of the ancient autumn equinox festivals.

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There are not many holidays in autumn. But it is during the season of rains and leaf fall that the mood of creativity and self-discovery appears. The autumnal equinox, which occurs on September 22, is a special day for such seekers. The sun, rising exactly in the east and ending its path exactly in the west, marks the arrival of real, astronomical autumn. Several thousand years ago, the equinox was located in the constellation Libra. The Sun was located here when day became equal to night. Since ancient times, various peoples have developed their own traditions associated with this event.

The Myth of Persephone and the Eleusinian Mysteries

In ancient Greek mythology, there is a legend about the abduction of the young goddess Persephone by the ruler of the kingdom of the dead. While her mother Demeter, the goddess of fertility, wandered in search of her daughter, the earth was barren, the vegetation withered. Having agreed to let Persephone go back, Hades gave her a pomegranate to taste, which made it impossible for her to remain permanently in the world of the living. By decision of Zeus, Persephone began to spend six months with her new husband as the mistress of the world of shadows, and the other half of the year in the sunlight. According to the myth, then the seasons appeared, replacing each other.

In culture, this was reflected in the Eleusinian mysteries, celebrated every five years on the day of the autumn equinox. Secret rituals carried out by the priests were aimed at introducing the sacred knowledge of the other world - the underground possessions of Persephone.

Purification by fire and conversations with the brownie

In Rus', the arrival of golden autumn was celebrated with folk festivities. Their traditional part was lighting a fire. Jumping over it, they cleansed the body and soul. And if the fire of love ignited in someone, the feelings were considered especially strong. A wedding played on this day or in the remaining days of September promised happiness in family life.

Fortune telling on the day of the autumn equinox was also popular. Unmarried girls could ask about the future from the barn brownie, who lived in buildings for drying sheaves before threshing. Stretching out a hand with a roll of bread through the window of the barn, they waited for a reciprocal touch on the hand. If no one touched her, remain a maiden for now; if the touch is cold - to be a poor man's wife; if the brownie’s hand is warm or shaggy, the spouse will be rich.

If during the day the invisible forces were not very supportive and friendly, then a surefire means of protection from them was a rowan branch inserted into the window frame.

Feathered serpent that grants wishes

In Mexico, many try to celebrate the day of balance between light and darkness in the city of Chichen Itza. This ancient settlement is notable for the Kukulkan pyramid, the name of which translates as “feathered serpent.” At its top there is a temple, and the pyramid itself is oriented clearly to the cardinal points. Each of the four wide staircases consists of 91 steps. If you multiply this by the number of stairs and add the top platform as a step, you get 365 - the number of days in a year.

Only during the spring and autumn equinoxes are the shadows of the platforms projected onto the main staircase, forming a pattern of light and dark triangles. As the sun begins to set, the outline takes on the increasingly clear outlines of a writhing snake. Her body descends the stairs, all the way to the ground. The illusion lasts exactly 3 hours 22 minutes. They say that wishes made during this period of time at the top of the pyramid will certainly come true.

Appearance in a sunbeam

Even where the celebration of the equinox is not so widespread, its mystical echoes can be found. Strasbourg Cathedral has a 19th-century stained glass window depicting Judas. It is on this September day that the sunlight, passing through the green glass of the stained glass window, falls on the statue of Christ. Some French engineers are inclined to think that this was a deliberate calculation by the architects, and not just an accident. Perhaps next generations of researchers will be able to decipher the message.

How to celebrate the autumn equinox

Regardless of time and place, there is something that unites ideas about this day among people of different countries and religions. At the moment of the autumn equinox, the energetic connection between earthly space and cosmic spheres is especially strong. It is best to spend this day in meditation in nature, mentally thanking it for the present. As for the past, some prefer the ritual of burning a piece of paper on which they write everything they want to get rid of - negative situations, thoughts, character traits. It is also considered important to formulate goals for the future. By enlisting the support of the forces of the equinox, you can create a great mood - both for completing projects already started, and for dramatic changes in your life.

On the night of September 22-23 - at 1 degree of the sign Libra, the autumn equinox begins!!!

Only twice a year there comes a special time when day and night are equal. Not only nature changes, but also human cycles. Everything is imbued with unprecedented energy, a special period when the light and dark periods of the day last the same amount of time - 12 hours each.

In autumn, the equinox will occur when the celestial body crosses the equator and moves to the southern hemisphere. It is at this moment that a huge release of cosmic energy occurs.

It is worth explaining that 1 degree of the sign Libra has the energy of transformation - “destructive” status.

Thus, in the vernal equinox- when the day is growing, it is better to “sow” the seeds of desires. And on the autumn equinox, when the forces of light give way to darkness, it is recommended to get rid of unnecessary things (tidy up).

The autumn equinox is a mystical time for getting rid of what has outlived its usefulness. It will be much easier to get rid of extra pounds, bad habits and laziness.


I offer you a simple but very effective ritual.

During the daytime on September 23rd, collect beautiful fallen leaves and write on them the shortcomings that are bothering you in your life.

At sunset you need to light a fire (in the apartment you can replace it with candles). When the sun is on the horizon, burn the leaves in this fire, thinking about how your troubles are burned along with these leaves.

I wish you a pleasant release and clearing of space for future joys!!!

Twice a year it happens that day and night are equal. The autumn and spring equinoxes are important dates to remember.

First of all, they carry an energetic message, because the autumn equinox, which will be discussed later, symbolizes the beginning of astronomical winter. This is exactly what this day is called in astronomy.

Astronomy and the equinox

On the day of the equinox, the Sun passes the celestial equator along the ecliptic, that is, the Earth at the moment of the equinox passes exactly three-quarters of the way when moving around the Sun. In astronomy, this phenomenon rather represents a specific physical location, because the day actually still turns out to be slightly longer than the night, since the sun's rays are visible in the atmosphere longer than they actually are.

That is why the equinox is actually an extremely short period of time. This is the position of the Earth, which is a point on an elliptical circle. This also explains why day will never be equal to night second by second.

The deviation of the autumnal equinox can be small - it occurs either on September 21, or 22, or 23. In 2017, the Earth will pass the autumn-winter boundary at approximately 20.02 Moscow time.

Astrology and the equinox

In Celtic culture, days such as the equinox were of great importance. Since ancient times, September 22 was a holiday called Mabon (Mabon, to be more precise in terms of pronunciation). On this day, deceased women are remembered with kind words. It was the day of harvesting and completion of all agricultural work.

Astrologers say that the autumn equinox is the time when human energy is renewed. When the New Moon coincides with the equinox, this greatly increases its power, because the energy of these two events is very similar. In bioenergy, the equinoxes are given very much attention and importance. The fact is that, as on the New Moon, on September 22, 2017 it will be possible to start new things, it will be possible to perform some important actions.

Astrologers advise spending this day surrounded by loved ones and doing pleasant things. This is a good time for love dates, for romance, for finding and strengthening love. In principle, you can even plan a wedding for September 22, if you have such an opportunity. Guests will be honest and cheerful. This time for a wedding is very favorable from any point of view.

Even psychics say that it is better to get rid of negativity on September 22, at the equinox, because the energy of the Sun will be very creative. This is a good day for white love spells and for removing evil eyes. Make the most of this day. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.09.2017 06:07

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Super important information! Find out 10 things to do on September 22 - the day of the autumn equinox! Your next year will depend on it!

You've probably already heard that the autumnal equinox awaits us on September 22¹? We will not go into the history of this Slavic holiday (you can read about it everywhere). Let's move straight to the main thing - the list of necessary things!

What is a must-do on the day of the autumn equinox?

1st and most important thing on this day!

Establish harmony with yourself! According to legend, “the state in which you are on this day will be with you all year,” until the next autumn equinox!

In fact, it is not at all difficult to come into harmony. There is one simple but very effective practice for this.

2nd and also extremely important!

Establish relationships with others, resolve conflict situations and resolve all disputes. Again, so as not to live with this for a whole year. How to fix it? Will help

3rd. As for love...

The day of the autumn equinox is the best time for fortune telling for love and relationships! It is believed that you will definitely find out the whole truth about what your loved one thinks about you and about your future.

And if you are already sure of everything, and your feelings are mutual, then on the day of the autumn equinox it is best to start a family or announce an engagement. Even just a declaration of love will give your relationship new strength! After all, unions established on the day of the autumn equinox are harmonious and durable.

4th – complete all important tasks without delay!

It’s better to solve everything that you have accumulated on this day. By the way, this will be much easier to do than at any other time! It is especially favorable on this day to get a job, start a new business or some kind of joint project, conduct business negotiations, speak in public, and redo things related to the home.

5th – go somewhere!

On this day you have every chance to make profitable acquaintances, create useful connections and contacts that are important to you. Therefore, you definitely shouldn’t stay at home! Even an ordinary visit can be a pleasant surprise for you (as, indeed, receiving guests).

6th – buy yourself something for the soul!

On this day you should buy jewelry, clothes, flowers and any beautiful things. They will not only bring you joy, but will also attract extra money into your life!

7th – if you are planning a child, then it’s time to conceive!

By the way, about how to plan his gender, you can

8th – make a wish!

Think about what you want most? A wish made on the day of the autumn equinox will definitely come true.

Since ancient times, on the day of the autumn equinox, magical rites, rituals, conspiracies and spells were very popular. It is believed that it is on this day that they gain the greatest strength.

The best money rituals you can, and if you are interested in love magic, then you

9th – cleanse the karma of the family!

To do this, you just need to remember the departed women of the clan (those closest to you) and bless them. It is also good to carry out a ritual to cleanse ancestral karma.

10th – burn the list of problems you want to get rid of!

Only this action should be approached in advance and with all seriousness.

Sit down the day before, take a piece of paper, and write on it everything that you don’t want to see in your life. It could be bad habits, laziness, lack of self-confidence, some external difficulties, or anything.

On the day of the autumn equinox itself, take a list prepared in advance and burn it (of course, observing fire safety rules). So, according to the ancient Slavs, you can get rid of everything that bothers you in life.

What is clearly not worth doing on the day of the autumn equinox?

Despite so many positive aspects, there are activities that should be avoided at all costs on the day of the autumn equinox!

1. This is not the best time to sell large or important items.
2. Wills cannot be made on this day.
3. Sadness, solitude, and introspection will have an extremely unfavorable effect.
4. It is strictly forbidden to think negatively.

The fact is that it is on the day of the autumn equinox that all our thoughts acquire the greatest power of materialization!

Therefore, it is worth controlling yourself if you do not want troubles to come into your life.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ The equinox is an astronomical phenomenon when the center of the Sun, in its apparent movement along the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator (

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