And the dawns here are quiet, analysis of the heroes. Lesson-reflection on the story by Boris Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet...”. And the dawns here are quiet

  1. Give a brief overview of B. Vasiliev’s work, draw attention to the problems that the writer poses in the story.
  2. Help students understand and evaluate the actions of heroes and express their attitude towards them. Develop text analysis skills.
  3. To cultivate high patriotic qualities.

Equipment. Portrait of a Writer; an exhibition of his books; illustrations by students for the story, poster by I. Toidze “The Motherland is Calling,” stands “For the sake of life on earth,” “Woman and war.”

Preparatory work.

  1. Read the story.
  2. Prepare to retell the writer's biography.
  3. Write a review about the book.
  4. Draw illustrations for the story.
  5. Publish a wall newspaper based on the writer’s work.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. The lesson begins with showing film footage about the war. Levitan's heartfelt words sound:

Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours!

Teacher. With this faith, the Soviet people went through the most terrible war that humanity has ever experienced. Millions of Soviet people gave their lives for a just cause, for the Soviet people to be free and happy. No, this cannot be forgotten!

(Reads S. Shchipachev’s poem “To the Fallen”)

They all wanted to live, but they died so that people could say: “And the dawns here are quiet...” Quiet dawns cannot be in tune with war, with death. They died, but they won, they didn’t let a single fascist through. They won because they selflessly loved their Motherland.

Woman at war...The role of women at the front is great. Women doctors and nurses, under shelling and explosions, carried the wounded from the battlefield, provided first aid, and sometimes saved the wounded at the cost of their own lives. Separate women's battalions were organized. We dedicate our lesson to girls - fighters of harsh times. Today we will talk about girls who were inhumanly, cruelly “levelled” by the war, viciously trampling on their charm, tenderness, and love.

It is no coincidence that Boris Vasiliev made the girls the heroes of his story in order to show how cruel the war is. After all, women are the beginning of all life. Murder of women is more than a crime. The Nazis killed them by the thousands...

2. Formation of new concepts.

a) students present materials on the biography and work of the writer.

b) student reports about the story. 1st student. For the story “The Dawns Are Quiet Here...” B. Vasiliev was awarded the USSR State Prize, and for the script “The Dawns Are Quiet...” - the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

3) 2nd student

The story is set in May 1942. The location is the unknown 171st crossing. Soldiers of an anti-aircraft machine-gun battalion are serving on a quiet patrol. These are fighters - girls. Chasing enemy saboteurs in the forest, the girls, led by Vaskov, enter into an unequal battle with the fascists: six against sixteen. There were only five girls: Margarita Osyanina, Evgenia Komelkova, Elizaveta Brichkina, Galina Chetvertak, Sonya Gurvich.

1st student. “And the Germans wounded her blindly, through the foliage, and she could have hidden, waited, and maybe left. But she shot while there were cartridges. She shot while lying down, no longer trying to run away, because her strength was gone along with her blood. She could hide, wait, and maybe leave. And she didn’t hide, and she didn’t leave...”

Zhenya Komelkova is one of the brightest, strongest and most courageous representatives of the female fighters shown in the story. Both the most comic and the most dramatic scenes are associated with Zhenya in the story. Her goodwill, optimism, cheerfulness, self-confidence, and irreconcilable hatred of her enemies involuntarily attract attention to her and arouse admiration. In order to deceive the German saboteurs and force them to take a long road around the river, a small detachment of girl fighters made a noise in the forest, pretending to be lumberjacks. Zhenya Komelkova acted out a stunning scene of carelessly swimming in icy water in full view of the Germans, ten meters from enemy machine guns.

Here Zhenya “...stepped into the water and, screaming, began splashing noisily and cheerfully. The spray sparkled in the sun, rolled down the elastic warm body, and the commandant, not breathing, waited in horror for his turn. Now, now, Zhenya will hit and break, throw up his hands..."

Together with Vaskov, we see that Zhenya “smiles, and her eyes, wide open, are filled with horror, as if with tears. And this horror is alive and heavy, like mercury.”

In this episode, heroism, courage, and desperate courage were fully demonstrated.

In the last minutes of her life, Zhenya called fire on herself, just to ward off the threat from the seriously wounded Rita and Fedot Vaskov. She believed in herself, and, leading the Germans away from Osyanina, did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well.

And even when the first bullet hit her in the side, she was simply surprised. After all, it was so stupidly absurd and implausible to die at nineteen...

“And the Germans wounded her blindly, through the foliage, and she could have hidden, waited, and maybe left. But she shot while there were cartridges. She shot while lying down, no longer trying to run away, because her strength was gone along with her blood. And the Germans finished her off point-blank, and then looked at her proud and beautiful face for a long time after death...”

2nd student:

“Rita knew that her wound was fatal and that dying would be long and difficult. So far there was almost no pain, only the burning sensation in my stomach was getting stronger and I was thirsty. But it was impossible to drink, and Rita simply soaked a rag in the puddle and applied it to her lips.

Vaskov hid her under a spruce tree, threw branches at her and left...

Rita shot in the temple, and there was almost no blood.”

Courage, composure, humanity, and a high sense of duty to the Motherland distinguish the squad commander, junior sergeant Rita Osyanina. The author, considering the images of Rita and Fedot Vaskov to be central, already in the first chapters talks about Osyanina’s past life. School evening, meeting Lieutenant Border Guard Osyanin, lively correspondence, registry office. Then - the border outpost. Rita learned to bandage the wounded and shoot, ride a horse, throw grenades and protect herself from gases, the birth of her son, and then... the war. And in the first days of the war she was not at a loss - she saved other people’s children, and soon found out that her husband had died at the outpost on the second day of the war in a counterattack.

More than once they wanted to send her to the rear, but every time she appeared again at the headquarters of the fortified area, finally she was hired as a nurse, and six months later she was sent to study at a tank anti-aircraft school.

Zhenya learned to quietly and mercilessly hate her enemies. At the position, she shot down a German balloon and an ejected spotter.

When Vaskov and the girls counted the fascists emerging from the bushes - sixteen instead of the expected two, the foreman said to everyone in a homely manner: “It’s bad, girls, it’s going to happen.”

It was clear to him that they couldn’t hold out for long against heavily armed enemies, but then Rita’s firm response: “Well, should we watch them pass by?” - obviously, greatly strengthened Vaskov in her decision. Twice Osyanina rescued Vaskov, taking the fire upon herself, and now, having received a mortal wound and knowing the position of the wounded Vaskov, she does not want to be a burden to him, she understands how important it is to bring their common cause to the end, to detain the fascist saboteurs.

“Rita knew that the wound was fatal, that she would die long and difficult”

3rd student.

- “Were the Germans waiting for Sonya or did she accidentally run into them? She ran without fear along the twice-trodden path, in a hurry to bring him, Sergeant Major Vaskov, that thrice-cursed shag. She ran, rejoiced and did not have time to understand where the sweaty weight fell on her fragile shoulders, why her heart suddenly burst with a piercing bright pain...

No, I made it. And she managed to understand and scream, because she didn’t reach the knife to her heart with the first blow: her chest was in the way. Or maybe it wasn't like that? Maybe they were waiting for her?

Sonya Gurvich – “translator”, one of the girls in Vaskov’s group, a “city” girl; as thin as a spring rook.”

The author, talking about Sonya's past life, emphasizes her talent, love for poetry and theater. Boris Vasiliev remembers." The percentage of intelligent girls and students at the front was very large. Most often - freshmen. For them, the war was the most terrible thing... Somewhere among them, my Sonya Gurvich fought.”

And so, wanting to do something nice, like an older, experienced and caring comrade, the foreman, Sonya rushes for a pouch that he had forgotten on a stump in the forest, and dies from a blow from an enemy knife in the chest.

“I ran, rejoiced, and did not have time to understand where the sweaty weight fell on my fragile shoulders, why my heart suddenly exploded with a piercing bright pain. No, I made it. And she managed to understand and scream, because she didn’t reach the knife to her heart with the first blow: her chest got in the way.”

4th student.

- “The Germans walked silently, bending down and holding out their machine guns.

The bushes made a noise, and Galya suddenly ran out of them. Bent over, clasping her hands behind her head, she rushed across the clearing in front of the saboteurs, no longer seeing or thinking anything.

The machine gun struck briefly. From a dozen steps he hit her on her thin back, strained by running, and Galya plunged face first into the ground, never removing her hands from her head, clasped in horror. Her last cry was lost in a gurgling wheeze, and her legs were still running, still beating, piercing the toes of Sonya’s boots into the moss. Everything in the clearing froze..."

Galina Chetvertak is an orphan, a pupil of an orphanage, a dreamer, endowed by nature with a vivid imaginative imagination. Skinny, little "snotty" Galka did not fit the army standards either in height or age.

When, after the death of her friend, Galka was ordered by the foreman to put on her boots, “she physically, to the point of nausea, felt a knife penetrating the tissue, heard the crunch of torn flesh, felt the heavy smell of blood. And this gave birth to a dull, cast-iron horror...” And enemies lurked nearby, mortal danger loomed.

“The reality that women faced in the war,” says the writer, “was much more difficult than anything they could come up with in the most desperate time of their fantasies. The tragedy of Gali Chetvertak is about this.”

The machine gun struck briefly. With a dozen steps, he hit her thin back, strained by running, and Galya plunged face first into the ground, never removing her hands from her head, clasped in horror.

Everything in the clearing froze.”

5th student.

“Just a step to the side, and my legs immediately lost support, hung somewhere in an unsteady void, and the swamp squeezed my hips like a soft vice. The long-simmering horror suddenly splashed out at once, sending a sharp pain through my heart. Trying to hold on and climb out onto the path, Lisa leaned all her weight onto the pole. The dry pole crunched loudly, and Lisa fell face down into the cold liquid mud. There was no land. Her legs were slowly, terribly slowly dragged down, her arms rowed the swamp uselessly, and Lisa, gasping for breath, wriggled in the liquid mass. And the path was somewhere nearby: a step, half a step, but these half steps were no longer possible to take..."

Teacher. Girls almost your age died. “I wanted to talk about the experiences of today's nineteen-year-olds. Tell them in such a way that they themselves seem to have walked the roads of war, so that the dead girls seem close and understandable to them - their contemporaries. And at the same time - girls of the thirties,” - this is how the writer addresses his young readers. Guys, can the death of each of the girls be called heroic?

2nd student. The death of all the girls shocked us all, our hearts sank for each one. Each of them could live, raise children, and bring joy to people. They, women, destined by nature itself to give and continue life on Earth, gentle and fragile, enter into a merciless battle with cruel invaders. They, women, without demanding any discounts for themselves and without thinking about them, do everything to stop the enemy. And for this they do not spare their lives.

Teacher. Why do all the girls in the story die?

3rd student. At one of the readers' conferences, B. Vasiliev said: we must keep in mind that we are talking about German paratroopers, who had not yet surrendered. To stop them, it was necessary to pay with the lives of Soviet people. And here against them there is only one foreman and five inexperienced girls. But these girls knew perfectly well what they were giving their lives for.

Vaskov knew one thing in this battle: not to retreat. Don’t give up a single piece of land on this coast to the Germans. No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on.

“...And he had such a feeling, as if all of Russia had come together behind his back, it was he, Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov, who was now her last son and protector. And there was no one else in the whole world: only he, the enemy and Russia” (Reads the excerpt “What, they took it?...They took it, right? Five girls, there were five girls in total, only five!...And - you didn’t pass, you didn’t pass anywhere and you’ll die here, you’ll all die!...I’ll kill everyone personally, personally..."

The heart of the seasoned fighter, hero-patriot F. Vaskov fills with pain, hatred and brightness, and this strengthens his strength and gives him the opportunity to survive. A single feat - the defense of the Motherland - equates Sergeant Major Vaskov and the five girls who “hold their front, their Russia” on the Sinyukhin Ridge.

This is how another motive of the story arises: everyone on his own sector of the front must do the possible and the impossible for victory, so that the dawns are quiet.

3. Teacher's generalization. It is impossible to overestimate the educational value of literature about war. The best works of Soviet writers force students to comprehend the greatness and beauty of patriotism, to think about the bloody price that was given for every inch of their native land, to comprehend “at what price the happiness of victory was won and peace was gained.

This short story cannot leave either adults or teenagers indifferent. For everyone, the tragic fate of the young girls who gave their lives for their Motherland, for victory in the brutal battle against fascism, personifies the cost at which our people achieved victory.

Analysis of the work “And the dawns here are quiet...”

war poem character story

Recently I read Boris Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...”. Unusual topic. Unusual, because so much has been written about the war that one book would not be enough if you only remembered the titles of books about the war. Unusual because it never ceases to excite people, reviving old wounds and souls. Unusual because memory and history merged into one.

I, like all my peers, do not know war. I don’t know and I don’t want war. But those who died did not want it either, not thinking about death, about the fact that they would no longer see the sun, grass, leaves, or children. Those five girls didn’t want war either!

Boris Vasiliev's story shook me to the core. Rita Osyanina, Zhenya Komelkova, Lisa Brichkina, Galya Chetvertak. In each of them I find a little of myself, they are close to me. Each of them could be my mother, could tell me about beauty, teach me how to live. And I could be in the place of any of them, because I also like to listen to the silence and meet such “quiet, quiet dawns.”

I don't even know which of them is closer to me. They are all so different, but so similar. Rita Osyanina, strong-willed and gentle, rich in spiritual beauty. She is the center of their courage, she is the cement of achievement, she is the Mother! Zhenya... Zhenya, Zhenya, cheerful, funny, beautiful, mischievous to the point of adventure, desperate and tired of war, of pain, of love, long and painful, for a distant and married man. Sonya Gurvich is the embodiment of an excellent student and a poetic nature - a “beautiful stranger”, who came out of a volume of poems by Alexander Blok. Lisa Brichkina... “Oh, Lisa-Lizaveta, you should study!” I would like to study, to see the big city with its theaters and concert halls, its libraries and art galleries. And you, Lisa... The war got in the way! You won’t find your happiness, won’t give you lectures: I didn’t have time to see everything I dreamed of! Galya Chetvertak, who never grew up, is a funny and clumsily childish girl. Notes, escape from the orphanage and also dreams... to become the new Lyubov Orlova.

None of them had time to fulfill their dreams, they simply did not have time to live their own lives. Death was different for everyone, just as their fates were different: for Rita - an effort of will and a shot in the temple; Zhenya’s is desperate and a little reckless, she could have hidden and stayed alive, but she didn’t hide; Sonya's is a dagger strike at poetry; Galya's is as painful and merciless as herself; from Lisa - “Ah, Lisa-Lizaveta, I didn’t have time, I couldn’t overcome the quagmire of war...”.

And the Basque foreman, whom I have not yet mentioned, remains alone. Alone in the midst of pain, torment; one with death, one with three prisoners. Is it alone? He now has five times more strength. And what was best in him, humane, but hidden in his soul, was suddenly revealed, and what he experienced, he felt for himself and for them, for his girls, his “sisters.”

As the foreman laments: “How can we live now? Why is this so? After all, they don’t need to die, but give birth to children, because they are mothers!” Tears inevitably come to your eyes when you read these lines.

But we must not only cry, we must also remember, because the dead do not leave the lives of those who loved them. They just don’t grow old, remaining forever young in people’s hearts.

Why is this particular work memorable to me? Probably because this writer is one of the best writers of our time. Probably because Boris Vasiliev managed to turn the topic of war on that unusual side, which is perceived especially painfully. After all, we, including myself, are accustomed to combining the words “war” and “men,” but here are women, girls and war. Vasiliev managed to construct the plot in such a way, to tie everything together in such a way that it is difficult to single out individual episodes; this story is a single whole, fused. A beautiful and inseparable monument: five girls and a foreman, standing in the middle of the Russian land: forests, swamps, lakes - against an enemy, strong, hardy, mechanically killing, who significantly exceeds them in number. But they did not let anyone through, they stood and stand, poured out of hundreds and thousands of similar destinies, exploits, from all the pain and strength of the Russian people.

Women, Russian women, who defeated war and death! And each of them lives in me and other girls, we just don’t notice it. We walk the streets, talk, think, dream like them, but a moment comes and we feel confidence, their confidence: “There is no death! There is life and struggle for Happiness and Love!”

The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” a brief summary of which is given later in the article, tells about the events taking place during the Great Patriotic War.

The work is dedicated to the heroic feat of anti-aircraft gunners who unexpectedly found themselves surrounded by Germans.

About the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”

The story was first published in 1969, it was approved by the editor of the magazine “Youth”.

The reason for writing the work was a real wartime episode.

A small group of 7 soldiers recovering from wounds prevented the Germans from blowing up the Kirov Railway.

As a result of the operation, only one commander survived, who subsequently received the medal “For Military Merit” at the end of the war.

The episode is tragic, however, in the realities of wartime this event is lost among the horrors of a terrible war. Then the author remembered the 300 thousand women who bore the hardships of the front along with male soldiers.

And the plot of the story was built on the tragic fates of female anti-aircraft gunners who die during a reconnaissance operation.

Who is the author of the book “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”

The work was written by Boris Vasiliev in the narrative genre.

When the Great Patriotic War began, he had barely finished 9th grade.

Boris Lvovich fought near Smolensk, received a shell shock, and therefore knew first-hand about front-line life.

He became interested in literary work in the 50s, writing plays and scripts. The writer took up prose stories only 10 years later.

The main characters of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”

Vaskov Fedot Evgrafych

The sergeant-major, whose command the anti-aircraft gunners were placed in, occupied the commandant’s position at the 171st railway siding.

He is 32 years old, but the girls gave him the nickname “old man” for his intractable character.

Before the war, he was an ordinary man from the village, had a 4th grade education, and at the age of 14 he was forced to become the sole breadwinner in the family.

Vaskov's son, whom he sued from his ex-wife after the divorce, died before the start of the war.

Gurvich Sonya

A simple, shy girl from a large family, born and raised in Minsk. Her father worked as a local doctor.

Before the war, she managed to study for a year at Moscow State University as a translator and spoke German fluently. Sonya's first love was a bespectacled student studying in the library at the next table, with whom they timidly communicated.

When the war began, due to the excess of translators at the front, Sonya ended up in a school for anti-aircraft gunners, and then in Fedot Vaskov’s detachment.

The girl loved poetry very much, her cherished dream was to see her many household members again. During a reconnaissance operation, Sonya was killed by a German with two knife blows to the chest.

Brichkina Elizaveta

Country girl, daughter of a forester. From the age of 14 she was forced to leave school and take care of her terminally ill mother.

I dreamed of entering a technical school, so after my mother’s death, following the advice of one of my father’s friends, I was going to move to the capital. But her plans were not destined to come true; they were adjusted by the war - Lisa went to the front.

The gloomy Sergeant Vaskov immediately aroused great sympathy in the girl. During a reconnaissance mission, Lisa was sent through the swamp for help, but was in too much of a hurry and drowned. After some time, Vaskov will find her skirt in the swamp, then he will understand that he is left without help.

Komelkova Evgenia

Cheerful and beautiful red-haired girl. The Germans shot all members of her family; the merciless reprisal took place right before Zhenya’s eyes.

Her neighbor saved the girl from death. Burning with the desire to avenge the death of her relatives, Zhenya became an anti-aircraft gunner.

The girl’s attractive appearance and perky character made her the object of Colonel Luzhin’s advances, so the authorities, in order to interrupt the romance, redirected Zhenya to the women’s detachment, so she came under the command of Vaskov.

In reconnaissance, Zhenya twice showed fearlessness and heroism. She saved her commander when he was fighting a German. And then, exposing herself to bullets, she led the Germans away from the place where the foreman and her wounded friend Rita hid.

Chetvertak Galina

A very young and sensitive girl, she was short in stature and had a habit of making up stories and fables.

She grew up in an orphanage and didn’t even have her own last name. Because of her small stature, the elderly caretaker, who treated Gala in a friendly manner, came up with her surname Chetvertak.

Before being called up, the girl almost managed to complete 3 years of library college. During a reconnaissance operation, Galya was unable to cope with fear and jumped out of cover, falling under German bullets.

Osyanina Margarita

The senior person in the platoon, Rita was distinguished by her seriousness, was very reserved and rarely smiled. As a girl, she bore the surname Mushtakov.

At the very beginning of the war, her husband, Lieutenant Osyanin, died. Wanting to avenge the death of her loved one, Rita went to the front.

She gave her only son, Albert, to be raised by her mother. Rita's death was the last of five girls in intelligence. She shot herself, realizing that she was mortally wounded and was an unbearable burden for her commander Vaskov.

Before her death, she asked the foreman to take care of Albert. And he kept his promise.

Other characters in “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”


She was Rita's senior comrade in the industrial platoon. Before serving on the border, she took part in the Finnish War. Kiryanova, along with Rita, Zhenya Komelkova and Galya Chetvertak, were redirected to the 171st crossing.

Knowing about Rita’s secret attacks on her son and mother during her service with Vaskov, she did not betray her long-time colleague, interceding for her that morning when the girl met the Germans in the forest.

A brief retelling of the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”

The events of the story are greatly abbreviated. Dialogue and descriptive moments are omitted.

Chapter 1

The action took place in the rear. At the inactive railway siding at number 171, there are only a few surviving houses. There were no more bombings, but as a precaution, the command left anti-aircraft installations here.

Compared to other parts of the front, there was a resort at the junction, the soldiers abused alcohol and flirted with local residents.

Weekly reports from the commandant of the patrol, Sergeant Major Vaskov Fedot Evgrafych, on the anti-aircraft gunners led to regular changes in personnel, but the picture was repeated again and again. Finally, after analyzing the current situation, the command sent a team of female anti-aircraft gunners under the leadership of the foreman.

The new squad had no problems with drinking and revelry, but for Fedot Evgrafych it was unusual for Fedot Evgrafych to command a female, cocky and trained squad, since he himself had only 4 years of education.

Chapter 2

The death of her husband made Margarita Osyanina a stern and withdrawn person. From the moment of the loss of her beloved, the desire for revenge burned in her heart, so she remained to serve on the border near the places where Osyanin died.

To replace the deceased carrier, they sent Komelkova Evgenia, a mischievous red-haired beauty. She also suffered from the Nazis - she had to see with her own eyes the execution of all family members by the Germans. Two dissimilar girls became friends and Rita’s heart began to thaw from the grief she had experienced, thanks to Zhenya’s cheerful and open disposition.

Two girls accepted the shy Galya Chetvertak into their circle. When Rita finds out that she can transfer to the 171st crossing, she immediately agrees, since her son and mother live very close by.

All three anti-aircraft gunners come under the command of Vaskov and Rita, with the help of her friends, makes regular night trips to her relatives.

Chapter 3

Returning in the morning after one of her secret forays, Rita encountered two German soldiers in the forest. They were armed and carried something heavy in bags.

Rita immediately reported this to Vaskov, who guessed that these were saboteurs whose goal was to undermine a strategically important railway junction.

The sergeant major conveyed important information to the command over the phone and received orders to comb the forest. He decided to go to Lake Vop a short way across the Germans.

Fedot Evgrafych took five girls with him, led by Rita, on reconnaissance. These were Elizaveta Brichkina, Evgenia Komelkova, Galina Chetvertak and Sonya Gurvich as a translator.

Before sending, the soldiers had to be taught how to put on proper shoes so as not to wear out their feet, and also forced to clean their rifles. The conditioned danger signal was the quack of a drake.

Chapter 4

The shortest path to the forest lake was through a marshy swamp. For almost half a day the team had to walk waist-deep in cold swamp slush. Galya Chetvertak lost her boot and footcloth, and part of the way through the swamp she had to walk barefoot.

Having reached the shore, the whole team was able to rest, wash dirty clothes and have a snack. To continue the campaign, Vaskov made a birch bark chunya for Gali. We reached the desired point only in the evening; here it was necessary to set up an ambush.

Chapter 5

When planning a meeting with two fascist soldiers, Vaskov was not very worried and hoped that he would be able to capture them from the forward position, which he placed among the stones. However, in case of an unforeseen event, the foreman provided for the possibility of retreat.

The night passed peacefully, only the fighter Chetvertak became very ill, walking barefoot through the swamp. In the morning, the Germans reached the Sinyukhin ridge between the lakes; the enemy detachment consisted of sixteen people.

Chapter 6

Realizing that he had miscalculated and that he could not stop the large German detachment, Vaskov sent Elizaveta Brichkina for help. He chose Lisa because she grew up in nature and knew her way around the forest very well.

To detain the Nazis, the team decided to depict the noisy activity of lumberjacks. They lit fires, Vaskov cut down trees, the girls shouted and called to each other merrily. When the German detachment was 10 meters away from them, Zhenya ran straight to the river in order to distract the attention of enemy scouts by swimming.

Their plan worked, the Germans took a detour, and the team managed to gain a whole day of time.

Chapter 7

Lisa was in a hurry for help. Having not followed the foreman’s instructions about a pass on an island in the middle of the swamp, she, tired and cold, continued on her way.

Having almost reached the end of the swamp, Lisa became thoughtful and was very frightened by a large bubble that swelled right in front of her in the dead silence of the swamp.

Instinctively, the girl rushed to the side and lost support under her feet. The pole that Lisa was trying to lean on broke. The last thing she saw before her death was the rays of the rising sun.

Chapter 8

The foreman did not know exactly about the trajectory of the Germans, so he decided to go on reconnaissance with Rita. They found a halt, 12 fascists were resting near a fire and drying clothes. It was not possible to establish where the other four were.

Vaskov decides to change his location, and therefore sends Rita to fetch the girls and at the same time asks to bring his personalized pouch. But in the confusion, the pouch was forgotten in the old place, and Sonya Gurvich, without waiting for the commander’s permission, ran for the expensive item.

After a short time, the sergeant major heard a barely audible scream. As a seasoned fighter, he guessed what this cry meant. Together with Zhenya, they went in the direction of the sound and found the body of Sonya, killed by two stabs in the chest.

Chapter 9

Leaving Sonya, the foreman and Zhenya set off in pursuit of the fascists so that they would not have time to report the incident to their own. Rage helps the sergeant major clearly think through a plan of action.

Vaskov quickly killed one of the Germans; Zhenya helped him deal with the second, stunning the Fritz in the head with a rifle butt. This was the first hand-to-hand combat for the girl, which she endured very hard.

Vaskov found his pouch in the pocket of one of the Fritzes. The entire team of anti-aircraft gunners, led by the foreman, gathered near Sonya. The body of a colleague was buried with dignity.

Chapter 10

Making their way through the forest, Vaskov’s team unexpectedly ran into the Germans. In a split second, the sergeant-major threw a grenade forward, and machine-gun bursts began to crackle. Not knowing the enemy's strength, the Nazis decided to retreat.

During the short battle, Galya Chetvertak was unable to overcome her fear and did not participate in the shooting. For this behavior, the girls wanted to condemn her at a Komsomol meeting, however, the commander stood up for the confused anti-aircraft gunner.

Despite extreme fatigue, perplexed about the reasons for the delay in help, the foreman goes on reconnaissance, taking Galina with him for educational purposes.

Chapter 11

Galya was very frightened by the real events that were taking place. A dreamer and writer, she often immersed herself in a fictional world, and therefore the picture of a real war unsettled her.

Vaskov and Chetvertak soon discovered two bodies of German soldiers. By all indications, the soldiers wounded in the firefight were finished off by their own comrades. Not far from this place, the remaining 12 Fritz continued reconnaissance, two of whom had already come very close to Fedot and Gala.

The sergeant-major reliably hid Galina behind the bushes and hid himself in the rocks, but the girl could not cope with her feelings and jumped out of the shelter screaming right into the machine-gun fire of the Germans. Vaskov began to lead the Germans away from his remaining fighters and ran to the swamp, where he took refuge.

During the chase, he was wounded in the arm. When dawn broke, the sergeant-major saw Liza’s skirt in the distance, then he realized that now he could not count on help.

Chapter 12

Being under the yoke of heavy thoughts, the foreman went in search of the Germans. Trying to understand the enemy’s train of thought and examining traces, he came across the Legonta monastery. From a hiding place, he watched as a group of 12 fascists hid explosives in an old hut.

The saboteurs left two soldiers for security, one of whom was wounded. Vaskov managed to neutralize the healthy guard and take possession of his weapon.

The foreman with Rita and Zhenya met on the river bank, in the place where they pretended to be lumberjacks. Having gone through terrible trials, they began to treat each other like brothers. After a halt, they began to prepare for the last battle.

Chapter 13

Vaskov’s team held the defense of the shore as if the entire Motherland was behind them. But the forces were unequal, and the Germans still managed to cross to their shore. Rita was seriously wounded by a grenade explosion.

To save the foreman and her wounded friend, Zhenya, firing back, ran further into the forest, taking the saboteurs with her. The girl was wounded in the side by a blind shot from the enemy, but she didn’t even think about hiding and waiting out.

Already lying in the grass, Zhenya fired until the Germans shot her at point-blank range.

Chapter 14

Fedot Evgrafych, having bandaged Rita and covered her with spruce paws, wanted to go in search of Zhenya and her things. For peace of mind, he decided to leave her a revolver with two cartridges.

Rita understood that she was mortally wounded; she was only afraid that her son would remain an orphan. Therefore, she asked the foreman to take care of Albert, saying that it was from him and from her mother that she was returning that morning when she encountered German soldiers.

Vaskov made such a promise, but did not have time to move a few steps away from Rita when the girl shot herself in the temple.

The foreman buried Rita, and then found and buried Zhenya. The wounded arm ached greatly, the whole body burned from pain and tension, but Vaskov decided to go to the monastery to kill at least one more German. He managed to neutralize the sentry; five Fritz were sleeping in the monastery, one of whom he shot immediately.

Having forced them to tie each other up, barely alive, he led them into captivity. Only when Vaskov saw the Russian soldiers did he allow himself to lose consciousness.


Some time after the war, in a letter to his comrade, one tourist describes amazing quiet places in the area of ​​two lakes. In the text, he also mentions an old man without an arm, who came here with his son Albert Fedotich, a rocket captain.

Subsequently, this tourist, together with his new comrades, installed a marble slab with the names on the grave of the female anti-aircraft gunners.


A poignant story about female heroism during the Great Patriotic War leaves an indelible mark on hearts. The author repeatedly emphasizes in his narrative the unnatural nature of women's participation in hostilities, and the blame for this lies with the one who started the war.

In 1972, director Stanislav Rostotsky made a film based on the story. He dedicated it to the nurse who carried him away from the battlefield, saving him from certain death.

“And the dawns here are quiet...” is a sad and at the same time life-affirming story about the heroism of women in war. Boris Vasiliev published it for the first time in 1969. And since then it has touched the hearts of many readers. And films based on the work increase the popularity of the story.

How did the idea of ​​writing the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” come about? The author said that he was inspired by the real story of brave soldiers who defended a guarded point, a section of the railway in Kirov, preventing the Germans from committing sabotage there. Vasiliev took a real case as a basis, but changed the characters. He made young girls brave anti-aircraft gunners. This significantly changed the view of the event. After all, the heroism of the young guys was no longer surprising, but the courage of the girls was something new.

The analysis of the work should begin with the interpretation of the title. “And the dawns here are quiet” is at first glance a simple, but very meaningful title. The author calls the stars dawns, turning to folk art. The epithet “quiet dawns” speaks of a peaceful, calm sky, incompatible with war. This is exactly what the main characters are fighting for - for peaceful, quiet dawns here in their homeland.

Theme of the story: a story about the feat of five young girls who, under the leadership of a sergeant, completed an important task during the Second World War. And although “war does not have a woman’s face,” they proved that women can resist it.

The idea of ​​the story: to show the great soul of people who are capable of sacrificing themselves for the peaceful life of others. The writer creates images of young heroines for a reason. After all, their sacrifice is especially touching. They haven’t had time to live themselves yet, but they are already forced to make difficult decisions.

By creating female images, the author was able to more clearly show the results of the war. He puts his ideological message into the sergeant’s thoughts about the death of one of the anti-aircraft gunners: “... Sonya could have given birth to children, and they would have grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but now this thread will not exist. A small thread in the endless yarn of humanity, cut with a knife...” So Vasiliev shows that war does not destroy individual lives, but interrupts entire births.

The story has a very vivid gallery of images. The main male image is the platoon sergeant. He is 32 years old, but has already experienced a lot: the departure of his wife, the loss of his son. He is depicted as a man of strong character. But due to his lack of education, the hero did not know how to express his feelings beautifully. Therefore, he was often considered rude, although he concealed a lot of beauty in his soul.

There are five main female characters in the story. Despite their common youth and occupation, they are all very different in character.

She is shown as a gentle but strong-willed woman. Her main distinguishing feature is spiritual beauty. Perhaps this heroine is the most fearless, because she is not just a woman, but already a young mother.

– one of the most memorable heroines. Her appearance still showed her childhood – carefree and beautiful. She was beautiful, mischievous, artistic. The latter helped her brilliantly act out the scene of carefree swimming in the water in front of the Germans. But, at first glance, the carefree girl had many emotional wounds. Zhenya accomplished a feat trying to save other girls. But she couldn’t quite believe that she was dying, because it’s so stupid when you’re only nineteen years old.

The plot and system of images of the story “And the dawns here are quiet...”

Vasiliev's story artistic genre

“War does not have a woman’s face” has been a thesis for many centuries. Very strong people are capable of surviving the horror of war, which is why war is generally considered a man’s business. But the tragedy, the cruelty of war lies in the fact that along with the men, women also stand up and go to kill and die.

Five completely different girlish characters, five different destinies. The female anti-aircraft gunners go on reconnaissance under the command of Sergeant Major Vaskov, who is used to living according to the rules. Despite the horrors of war, he retained the best human qualities. He realizes his guilt before them for not being able to save the girls. The death of five girls leaves a deep wound in the heart of the foreman; he cannot find an excuse for it even in his soul. The sorrow of this simple man contains the highest humanism.

The behavior of the girls is also a feat, because they are completely unsuited to military conditions.

According to the author, the story is based on a real episode during the war, when seven soldiers, after being wounded, serving at one of the junction stations of the Adler-Sakhalin railway, did not allow a German sabotage group to blow up the railway in this section. After the battle, only the sergeant, the commander of a group of Soviet soldiers, survived, and after the war he was awarded the medal “For Military Merit.” “And I thought: this is it! A situation when a person himself, without any order, decides: I won’t let you in! They have nothing to do here! I started working on this plot and have already written about seven pages. And suddenly I realized that nothing would work. This will simply be a special case in war. There was nothing fundamentally new in this plot. Work stopped. And then suddenly it came up - let my hero have young girls under his command, not men. And that’s it - the story was immediately built up. Women have the hardest time in war. There were 300 thousand of them at the front! And then no one wrote about them"

The narration is conducted on behalf of Vaskov. The whole story is based on his memories. And this plays an important role in the ideological and artistic perception of the story. It was written by a man who went through the whole war, so it is all believable. The author devotes it to the moral problem of the formation and transformation of the character and psyche of an individual in war conditions. The painful topic of war is illustrated by the example of the heroes of the story. Each of them has his own attitude to the war, his own motives for fighting the fascists. And it is these young girls who will have to prove themselves in war conditions. Each Vasiliev character has its own flavor and its own range of feelings. The events that take place make you empathize with each character. As they said during the war, there is one life and one death. And all the girls can equally be called true heroines of war.

For a more complete disclosure of images, Vasiliev uses such an artistic technique as a retrospective. A retrospective review is a return to the past. The technique of retrospection in fiction (inclusion of past events in the narrative).

It is from the memories of the heroes of the story that we learn more about their life before the war, their social relevance and characters. The heroines of this story are very different. Each of them is unique, has an inimitable character and a unique destiny, broken by the war. What these girls have in common is that they live for the same goal. This goal is to protect the Motherland, protect their families, protect loved ones. And to do this it is necessary to destroy the enemy. For some, destroying the enemy means fulfilling their duty, avenging the death of their loved ones.

Let's look at each character separately. Let's start with commandant Fedot Efgrafovich Vaskov. In this character we see a lonely person for whom there is nothing left in life except the regulations, orders of his superiors and the department entrusted to him. The war took everything away. He lived strictly according to the rules and imposed this rule on everyone around him. In the life of the commandant, everything changed with the advent of the sent anti-aircraft gunners. In addition to their pleasant appearance, the new arrivals were also sharp-tongued. Despite the noticeable rudeness, Vaskov shows concern for all five anti-aircraft gunners. The image of Vaskov experiences a rebirth throughout the story. But not only the foreman himself is the reason for this. The girls also contributed a considerable share, each in their own way. Fedot Efgrafovich is having a hard time experiencing the death of the girls. He became mentally attached to each of them, each of the deaths left a scar on his heart. Vaskov’s arm was shot, but his heart hurt many times more. He felt guilty for the death of each of the girls. Without losing the pouch, he might have avoided the death of Sonya Gurvich; Without sending Lisa Brichkina on an empty stomach and more convincingly forcing her to rest on an island in the swamp, her death could also have been avoided. But was it possible to know all this in advance? You won't bring anyone back. And Rita Osyanina’s last request became a real order, which Vaskov simply did not dare to disobey. There is a moment in the story when Vaskov, together with Rita’s son, lays flowers on a memorial plaque with the names of all five female anti-aircraft gunners. The thirst for revenge ruled Vaskov’s consciousness after the death of Rita Osyanina, who asked to take her little son to her. Vaskov will subsequently replace his father.

The story of Elizaveta Brichkina, who suffered an absurd, but terrible and painful death, is complex. Lisa is a silent, somewhat withdrawn girl. In the story, Lisa is a dreamy and calm, but at the same time serious girl. She lived with her parents on a cordon in the forest. Filled with a sense of hope for happiness and anticipation of a bright future, she walked through life. She always remembered her parents’ parting words and promises of a happy “tomorrow.” Once in the detachment of anti-aircraft gunners, Lisa was calm and restrained. She liked Vaskov. Lisa, without hesitation, asked to join the squad to search for German saboteurs. Vaskov agreed. Throughout the journey, Lisa attracted Vaskov’s attention more and more. He told her: “You take note of everything, Lizaveta, you are our forest man...” (178). Realizing the danger of the situation, when instead of two saboteurs sixteen appeared on the horizon, Vaskov immediately knew who he would send for help. Lisa was in a hurry. She wanted to bring help as soon as possible. All the way she thought about the words of Fedot Evgrafovich and warmed herself with the thought that they would definitely carry out the order and sing. Walking through the swamp, Lisa experienced incredible fear. And this is understandable, because then, when she walked along with everyone, they would definitely have helped her if anything happened, but now she is alone, in a dead, deaf swamp, where there is not a single living soul who could help her. But Vaskov’s words and the proximity of the “cherished stump” (201), which was a landmark for Lisa, and therefore solid ground under her feet, warmed Lisa’s soul and lifted her spirits. But the author decides to take a tragic turn of events. Attempts to get out and heart-rending cries for help are in vain. And at the moment when the last moment in Lisa’s life has come, the sun appears as a promise of happiness and a symbol of hope. Everyone knows the saying: hope dies last. This is what happened to Lisa. “Lisa saw this beautiful blue sky for a long time. Wheezing, she spat out dirt and reached out, reached out to him, reached out and believed... And until the last moment she believed that this would happen tomorrow for her too...” (202)

The death of Sonya Gurvich was unnecessary; she, trying to do a good deed, dies from an enemy blade. A student preparing for the summer session is forced to fight the German occupiers. She and her parents were of the Jewish nation. Sonya got into the group that Vaskov recruited because she knew German. Like Brichkina, Sonya was quiet. She also loved poetry and often read them out loud, either to herself or to her friends.

Vaskov dropped his memorable tobacco pouch. Sonya understood his feelings about the loss and decided to help him. Remembering where she had seen this pouch, Sonya ran in search of it. Vaskov ordered her to return in a whisper, but Sonya no longer heard him. The German soldier who grabbed her plunged a knife into her chest. Having decided to do a good deed for her boss, Sonya Gurvich passed away.

Sonya's death was the first loss of the detachment. That is why everyone, especially Vaskov, took it very seriously. Vaskov blamed himself for her death. But nothing could be done. She was buried, and Vaskov removed the buttonholes from her jacket. He will subsequently remove the same buttonholes from all the jackets of the dead girls.

The following three characters can be viewed simultaneously. These are the images of Rita Osyanina (maiden name Mushtakova), Zhenya Komelkova and Galya Chetvertak. These three girls always stayed together. Young Zhenya was incredibly pretty. “Laughter” had a difficult life story. Before her eyes, her whole family was killed, her loved one died, so she had her own personal scores to settle with the Germans. She and Sonya came to Vaskov’s disposal a little later than the others, but nevertheless they immediately joined the team. She also did not immediately develop a friendship with Rita, but after a sincere conversation, both girls saw themselves as good friends. Zhenya, with the last bullets, began to lead the Germans away from her wounded friend, giving Vaskov time to help Rita. Zhenya accepted a heroic death. She wasn't afraid to die. Her last words meant that by killing one soldier, even a girl, they would not kill the entire Soviet Union. Zhenya literally cursed before her death, laying out everything that hurt her.

They also did not immediately accept homely Galya into their “company”. Galya showed herself to be a good person who will not betray and will give her last piece of bread to her comrade. Having managed to keep Rita's secret, Galya became one of them.

Young Galya lived in an orphanage. She got to the front by deception, lying about her age. Galya was very timid. From early childhood, deprived of maternal warmth and care. She made up stories about her mother, believing that she was not an orphan, that her mother would come back and take her. Everyone laughed at these stories, and unfortunate Galya tried to come up with other stories to amuse others.

Gali's death can be called stupid. Succumbing to fright, she breaks away and runs screaming. A German bullet instantly overtakes her, Galya dies.

During her nineteen years, Rita Osyanina managed to be married and give birth to a son. Her husband died in the first days of the war, but she did not know about this and was waiting for him all the time. Rita herself became an anti-aircraft gunner, wanting to avenge her husband. Rita began to run away to the city at night to visit her son and sick mother, returning in the morning. One day that same morning, Rita came across saboteurs.

The death of Rita Osyanina is psychologically the most difficult moment of the story. B. Vasiliev very accurately conveys the state of a young twenty-year-old girl, perfectly aware that her wound is fatal and that nothing awaits her except torment. But at the same time, she was only concerned with one thought: she was thinking about her little son, realizing that her timid, sickly mother was unlikely to be able to raise her grandson. The strength of Fedot Vaskov is that he knows how to find the most accurate words at the right moment, so you can trust him. And when he says: “Don’t worry, Rita, I understood everything” (243), it becomes clear that he will really never abandon little Alik Osyanin, but will most likely adopt him and raise him as an honest man. The description of Rita Osyanina's death in the story takes only a few lines. At first a shot sounded quietly. “Rita shot in the temple, and there was almost no blood. Blue specks of powder thickly surrounded the bullet hole, and for some reason Vaskov looked at them for a particularly long time. Then he took Rita aside and began to dig a hole in the place where she had been lying before.”(243)

The tragedy and absurdity of what is happening is emphasized by the fabulous beauty of the Legontov monastery, located next to the lake. And here, amid death and blood, “there was a grave silence, there was already a ringing in my ears.” War is an unnatural phenomenon. War becomes doubly terrible when women die, because it is then, according to B. Vasiliev, that “the threads break” (214). The future, fortunately, turns out to be not only “eternal”, but also grateful. It is no coincidence that in the epilogue, a student who came to relax on Lake Legontovo wrote in a letter to a friend: “It turns out that they fought here, old man. We fought when we were not yet in the world... We found the grave - it is behind the river, in the forest... And the dawns here are quiet, I only saw it today. And pure, pure, like tears...” (246) In B. Vasiliev’s story, the world triumphs. The girls’ feat has not been forgotten; their memory will be an eternal reminder that “war does not have a woman’s face.”

B.L. Vasiliev in his story “And the dawns here are quiet...” created a figurative system of characters. The image of the main character, Sergeant Major Vaskov, is revealed when interacting with the heroines of the story. These comparisons allow us to show the inner world of the heroes.

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