Adyghe cheese - delicious recipes for cooking at home. Secrets of making Adyghe cheese at home

The technology for producing Adyghe (or Circassian) cheese is simple and available in the home kitchen. How could it be otherwise if this is a traditional homemade cheese in the Caucasian republics. No rennet or long ripening is required. You just need to heat the milk at 100 degrees, pour the whey into it, and then collect and place the resulting cheese mass under pressure.

The process is simplified for those who have a culinary thermometer, and even easier for those who have a multicooker with the Multicook function, which allows you to set and maintain the desired temperatures.

Adyghe cheese is prepared from goat, sheep or cow's milk. Previously, the cheese mass was placed in baskets made of willow twigs and the cheese acquired an interesting ribbed surface, repeating the weaving pattern on the bottom and sides of the baskets.

The whey needed for Adyghe cheese is usually obtained after preparing homemade cottage cheese. There are different options for making homemade cottage cheese on the website. Sometimes they use the liquid that drains when you hang yogurt or sour cream.

Serve Adyghe cheese with flatbreads and bread, in various appetizers, as part of salads, bake khachapuri with it, etc.

To prepare Adyghe cheese at home, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

The whey should be allowed to acidify at room temperature for a couple of days.

Heat the milk in a saucepan in a water bath or in a multicooker bowl to 95-98 degrees, that is, almost 100.

Pour in the whey while stirring lightly. Leave the resulting mixture at the same temperature for another 15-20 minutes.

Then strain the mixture through cheesecloth, which will leave a cheesy white mass. Hang the gauze with the cheese mixture for 15-20 minutes to drain excess liquid. After this, you need to place the cheese mass in a basket and under pressure.

I didn’t have a suitable small basket and, at the same time, one made of natural twigs, not covered with paint or varnish... Therefore, I left it under pressure just in gauze for a day. The compressed cheese is sprinkled with plain or flavored salt.

Homemade Adyghe cheese is ready.

It turns out very tasty if you cut it into cubes and pour them with olive oil, salt and aromatic spices (garlic, peppers, herbs). This is my family's favorite snack and an excellent ingredient in vegetable salads.

Bon appetit!

Hello dear readers. I really love homemade cheese. I like the recipe to be simpler. But at the same time the dish turned out very tasty. I really can’t get around to making hard cheese, but I need to tinker with it a little. I have never cooked Adyghe cheese at home. But I tried it in Crimea and I really liked it. I'm talking about homemade Adyghe cheese.
Very tender, not sour with a creamy aftertaste. We also used Adyghe cheese to prepare Greek salad, as well as feta cheese.

I know how to make cheese from cow's milk. Previously, we often cooked, then ate. And I always want to try something new and interesting. My recipe is simple; my mother often used it to prepare cheese for us.

To be honest, I like homemade cheese more than the plastic cheeses that are sold in our supermarket. One thing is the presence of village milk. And it’s better if the village milk is thick.

The advantage of Adyghe cheese is the natural raw materials for its preparation. It is useful for children and adults, and pregnant and lactating women.

The calorie content of Adyghe cheese is approximately 270 kcal per 100 grams of product.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home

The soft and delicate taste will not leave you indifferent. Moreover, the ingredients are more than simple.

Ingredients for making cheese:

Were you surprised by the amount of ingredients? Me too, when I found out the recipe. Our friends shared the recipe with us. I don’t know how they make it in dairies, but it can be prepared at home. If you know how to cook Adyghe cheese correctly, write the recipe below in the comments.

Making Adyghe cheese is even easier. From this amount of ingredients we got 550 grams of delicious homemade Adyghe cheese.

I try to prepare cheeses at home and try different recipes because I like to have a cup of aromatic tea with a piece of cheese for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cottage cheese with honey. Well, sometimes there is oatmeal. But every day I get tired of oatmeal for breakfast and want to diversify my breakfast. So that it’s both tasty and healthy.

I made homemade cheese from a liter of milk, eggs and sour cream. It turned out 300 grams of cheese. But the cheese was also very tasty. I recommend trying it if you haven't tried it yet. The recipe is very simple.

We bought milk at the local market from friends. We made kefir ourselves from milk. You can say all the products are rustic. I’ll say right away that I don’t know whether cheese from store-bought products will work or not, I don’t know. Because I’ve never made cheese from them. As you know, the milk there is powdered.

To prepare cheese you need to boil 3 liters of milk. I took a larger saucepan so that the milk wouldn’t “run away.” Pour kefir into boiling milk in a thin stream while stirring the milk.

But I read, searching on the Internet, that kefir can be replaced with regular whey or even lemon juice. But I have an original recipe with kefir. That's why I try and cook with kefir.

The milk will curdle. Leave the milk on the stove until it boils. When you see pieces separated from the whey, the cheese needs to be strained. It boiled for me for about a minute. It is important not to overheat it, otherwise the cheese will be hard.

Usually you need to wait until the serum turns greenish. So that the milk curdles well.

A lot of whey remains. I have more than 3 liters left. The whey is tasty, not sour. You can cook many different dishes from it or drink it just like that. Moreover, there is no salt in the whey. The whey is not sour, I would even say sweet. Very pleasant to the taste.

Then the whey drains and we collect the cheese into a ball, while I tied the gauze. Be careful the mixture is hot. Next, you need to put a press on the cheese. I cover it with a plate and put a bottle filled with water on top.

You need to leave it under pressure for 2-3 hours. But I didn’t leave it like that for long and left it for 1 hour. The cheese turned out great. I had it with cheese. I left it under pressure for a long time and it was rubbery and dry.

I pour out 0.5 liters of whey and dissolve half a tablespoon of salt in it (for 1 liter of whey, 1 tablespoon of salt) and dip the cheese into the salty solution. Next, I covered it and put it in the refrigerator.

But of course, before that we tried Adyghe cheese. The cheese turned out to be very, very tasty.

Don't be afraid that it won't work out, everything will work out. Moreover, you already know how to prepare Adyghe cheese at home.

It can be added to salads, eaten with honey, as well as with herbs and vegetables. I add this cheese to Greek salad. Sometimes I cook with feta cheese, sometimes with Adyghe cheese. It turns out very tasty. You can make sliced ​​cheese for the holiday table. You can get a natural and healthy product in a matter of hours.

We ate half of it almost immediately. Our children really love homemade cheese, especially our daughter. She eats it without bread, tea or vegetables.

So try it, cook it. You will succeed. Enjoy your meal.

Hello dear readers. I really love homemade cheese. I like the recipe to be simpler. But at the same time the dish turned out very tasty. I really can’t get around to making hard cheese, but I need to tinker with it a little. I have never cooked Adyghe cheese at home. But I tried it in Crimea and I really liked it. I'm talking about homemade Adyghe cheese.
Very tender, not sour with a creamy aftertaste. We also used Adyghe cheese to prepare Greek salad, as well as feta cheese.

I know. Previously, we often cooked, then ate. And I always want to try something new and interesting. My recipe is simple; my mother often used it to prepare cheese for us.

To be honest, I like homemade cheese more than the plastic cheeses that are sold in our supermarket. One thing is the presence of village milk. And it’s better if the village milk is thick.

The advantage of Adyghe cheese is the natural raw materials for its preparation. It is useful for children and adults, and pregnant and lactating women.

The calorie content of Adyghe cheese is approximately 270 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The soft and delicate taste will not leave you indifferent. Moreover, the ingredients are more than simple.

Ingredients for making cheese:

  • 3 liters of milk
  • 1 liter of kefir

Were you surprised by the amount of ingredients? Me too, when I found out the recipe. Our friends shared the recipe with us. I don’t know how they make it in dairies, but it can be prepared at home. If you know how to cook Adyghe cheese correctly, write the recipe below in the comments.

Making Adyghe cheese is even easier. From this amount of ingredients we got 550 grams of delicious homemade Adyghe cheese.

I try to prepare cheeses at home and try different recipes because I like to have a cup of aromatic tea with a piece of cheese for breakfast. Sometimes I eat cottage cheese with honey. Well, sometimes there is oatmeal. But every day I get tired of oatmeal for breakfast and want to diversify my breakfast. So that it’s both tasty and healthy.

I was cooking. It turned out 300 grams of cheese. But the cheese was also very tasty. I recommend trying it if you haven't tried it yet. The recipe is very simple.

We bought milk at the local market from friends. We made kefir ourselves from milk. You can say all the products are rustic. I’ll say right away that I don’t know whether cheese from store-bought products will work or not, I don’t know. Because I’ve never made cheese from them. As you know, the milk there is powdered.

To prepare cheese you need to boil 3 liters of milk. I took a larger saucepan so that the milk wouldn’t “run away.” Pour kefir into boiling milk in a thin stream while stirring the milk.

But I read, searching on the Internet, that kefir can be replaced with regular whey or even lemon juice. But I have an original recipe with kefir. That's why I try and cook with kefir.

The milk will curdle. Leave the milk on the stove until it boils. When you see pieces separated from the whey, the cheese needs to be strained. It boiled for me for about a minute. It is important not to overheat it, otherwise the cheese will be hard.

Usually you need to wait until the serum turns greenish. So that the milk curdles well.

A lot of whey remains. I have more than 3 liters left. The whey is tasty, not sour. You can cook many different dishes from it or drink it just like that. Moreover, there is no salt in the whey. The whey is not sour, I would even say sweet. Very pleasant to the taste.

Then the whey drains and we collect the cheese into a ball, while I tied the gauze. Be careful the mixture is hot. Next, you need to put a press on the cheese. I cover it with a plate and put a bottle filled with water on top.

You need to leave it under pressure for 2-3 hours. But I didn’t leave it like that for long and left it for 1 hour. The cheese turned out great. I had it with cheese. I left it under pressure for a long time and it was rubbery and dry.

I pour out 0.5 liters of whey and dissolve half a tablespoon of salt in it (for 1 liter of whey, 1 tablespoon of salt) and dip the cheese into the salty solution. Next, I covered it and put it in the refrigerator.

But of course, before that we tried Adyghe cheese. The cheese turned out to be very, very tasty.

Don't be afraid that it won't work out, everything will work out. Moreover, you already know how to prepare Adyghe cheese at home.

It can be added to salads, eaten with honey, as well as with herbs and vegetables. I add this cheese to it. Sometimes I cook with feta cheese, sometimes with Adyghe cheese. It turns out very tasty. You can make sliced ​​cheese for the holiday table. You can get a natural and healthy product in a matter of hours.

We ate half of it almost immediately. Our children really love homemade cheese, especially our daughter. She eats it without bread, tea or vegetables.

So try it, cook it. You will succeed. Enjoy your meal.

Among the population of our planet there are many lovers of cheese in all its forms. Many gourmets prefer a fragrant homemade product to store-bought cheese from the nearest store. Some people order it from small private cheese factories, and some know how to make cheese themselves!

Any creative endeavor (and cheese making can, without a doubt, be classified as such) has its little secrets:

  • It is better not to buy milk or cottage cheese in the store, but to find a supplier who sells only their own farm product. Practice has shown that there is a high percentage of unsuccessful cheese making from store-bought milk;
  • If there is no way to buy farm products, then when purchasing, pay attention to the fat content of the milk - the higher it is, the better. And don't use ultra-pasteurized;
  • ripening will take place at the highest level if you take more than 500 g of its mass;
  • the tenderness of the cheese directly depends on its fat content - the higher it is in the original products, the tastier the finished product will be;
  • keep the hard cheese a little longer - then its taste will be much richer;
  • Is there a special mold for making cheese? No problem! Take a colander and all problems are solved! A deep-frying net will also work;
  • Don't let the whey go to waste, but use it for pancakes and other baked goods.

Now you can start preparing delicious treats!

Homemade Adyghe cheese - tasty and healthy

Brynza or Adyghe cheese is not very difficult to prepare at home. With a little effort, you can enjoy an amazing and magical taste.

To prepare you need:

  • milk (fat 3.5%) – 1 l;
  • cottage cheese (homemade preferably) – 1 kg;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • soft butter – 100 g;
  • salt - from 1 to 1.5 teaspoons;
  • soda (baking soda, of course) – 1 teaspoon.

The preparation time for Adyghe cheese is 5 hours.

The calorie content of the finished product (100 g) is 240 kcal.

Here's how to prepare a simple soft cheese from milk:

In this form, the cheese can be served on the table. It is better not to store it for a long time, as it does not contain special additives to extend the shelf life, which are used in industry. Although, such cheese will not stay in the refrigerator for long.

Making hard cheese at home

Hard cheese is considered the most versatile. It is eaten in its pure form, made into sandwiches, used to make pizza, etc. Consider a recipe for hard cheese at home.

For it you need:

  • low-fat milk – 1 l;
  • dry cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pieces;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • spices - to taste.

Preparation time: 1 hour (excluding freezing in the refrigerator).

Calorie content – ​​325 kcal per 100 g.

Cooking method:

This cheese will bring true pleasure to those who try at least one piece!

Curd cheese made from homemade milk

Good curd cheese is incredibly tender and tasty. It can be prepared at home just as well as store-bought. Or maybe several times better.

Ingredients for curd cheese:

  • homemade cow's milk – 3 l;
  • acetic acid – 1 tablespoon;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • garlic (young) – 2 cloves;
  • salt - to taste.

The time to prepare curd cheese is 75 minutes of the cooking process itself.

Calorie content – ​​215 kcal per 100 g.

Prepare curd cheese as follows:

  • Pour the milk into a stainless steel pan, add some salt and put it on medium heat;
  • When the milk boils, add acetic acid to it. The milk will immediately curdle, that is, the curd will separate from the whey;
  • Boil the mixture in this form for a couple more minutes and remove from the stove;
  • pour the mixture from the pan into a colander with gauze and let the whey drain;
  • As soon as the excess liquid has drained as much as possible, collect the ends of the gauze and form a bag. In this form, we hang the bundle over some container for several hours;
  • as soon as the set time has passed, squeeze out the gauze bag well and place the contents under a press and put it in the refrigerator to get rid of even more liquid;
  • in this form, the curd cheese should stand in the cold for 6 to 8 hours;
  • after that, add spices and spices to it, mix well.

Thus, the result is a very delicate curd cheese for morning sandwiches and holiday snacks.

Do-it-yourself processed cheese – possible and delicious

Many people have known processed cheese since childhood. Their purpose is very different: for hot toast, for making soups, for salads, etc.

You will need:

  • cow's milk – 1 l;
  • cottage cheese – 1 l;
  • butter (softened is better) – 100 g;
  • regular baking soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 tablespoon.

Preparation time is only half an hour for the process itself and 6-8 hours for hardening in the refrigerator.

Calorie content per 100 g of processed homemade cheese is 150 kcal.

How to make homemade processed cheese:

  • Pour the milk into a saucepan of a suitable size and bring it to a boil;
  • add all the cottage cheese to the milk and mix without turning off the heat;
  • cook this mass for 5 minutes over low heat;
  • it is necessary to prepare a colander with high-quality gauze and transfer the milk-curd mass onto it to allow the liquid whey to drain;
  • Next, you need to take a large frying pan and melt the butter in it;
  • put the mixture of milk and cottage cheese into the frying pan and melt for 15 minutes. It is necessary to continuously stir the contents so that it does not stick to the bottom and sides of the frying pan - this is very important;
  • as soon as the mass stops sticking to the walls of the pan and does not look like cottage cheese, it begins to stretch, then the processed cheese is ready;
  • It is recommended to put the processed cheese in the refrigerator for a while before eating it so that it hardens a little.

In some recipes you can find chicken eggs among the ingredients. Classic processed cheeses do not contain them, but for the sake of variety they can be used in the amount of 2 pieces, which must be added to a hot frying pan before placing the milk-curd mixture into it.

To give the processed cheese interesting flavors, you can use herbs, nuts, pieces of ham and even chocolate, which can be added to the cheese before hardening.

Great homemade Italian mozzarella

Italian cheese consists of the following ingredients:

  • milk - one and a half liters;
  • pure distilled water (this is important!) – 250 ml;
  • Pepsin or acidin-pepsin – 2 tablets are enough;
  • citric acid – a third of a teaspoon;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

It will take 60 minutes to prepare the mozzarella.

Calorie content – ​​270 kcal per hundred grams.

Making mozzarella cheese at home step by step:

You can supplement the product with herbs (basil, dill or other herbs).

Homemade recipe for the famous "Philadelphia"

Many of you have tried this cheese as part of many types of rolls and sushi. However, this cheese is also great on sandwiches and toast as a snack.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • milk – 1 l;
  • kefir - half a liter;
  • chicken eggs – 1 piece;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - the same amount;
  • citric acid - enough on the tip of a knife.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.

Calorie content - per 100 g only 68 kcal.

How to make Philadelphia cheese at home:

  • pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, add sugar and salt to it, turn off the heat on the stove;
  • immediately pour all the kefir into the milk and stir;
  • pour the liquid onto gauze, collect it into a knot and let the serum drain for 20 minutes;
  • Beat the egg and citric acid well with a mixer or blender;
  • Add the gauze mass to the beaten eggs and beat well until smooth;
  • this way the cheese is ready.

It wouldn't hurt to add some greenery to Philadelphia.

With the advent of multicookers in the home, cooking various dishes began to be done in a new way. Cheese can also be prepared using this miracle of technology.

So, for example, you can take a liter of milk and mix it with sour cream and kefir (a tablespoon of each), leave it overnight in some insulated place. When you wake up in the morning, pour the liquid into the slow cooker and heat for 1 hour. Place the mixture on cheesecloth or a sieve and allow excess liquid to drain freely. So, you can get very tasty cheese.

To prepare hard cheeses, it is better to stock up in advance on items that can be used as a very heavy press. This way, the cheese will really become hard, as it should be!

You can store homemade cheese in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. After this period, various undesirable reactions will begin to occur in truly natural cheese, which can lead to unpleasant and painful sensations in the human body.

Another interesting and detailed recipe for making cheese at home is in the next video.

Making Adyghe cheese at home is not difficult, and the benefits of consuming a natural product made with your own hands are undeniable. The taste of soft cheese, easily prepared within an hour, is milky with a delicate texture.

Basic recipe for Adyghe cheese

Initially, Adyghe cheese was produced from goat or sheep milk. Currently, it is prepared from cow's milk, which makes it possible to get cheese at home, right in the kitchen. Several recipes are known.

So, to make a wheel of cheese weighing 500 grams you will need the following products and materials:

  • pasteurized cow's milk – 2 l;
  • curdled milk (kefir) – 600 g;
  • salt, spices (to taste);
  • gauze;
  • sieve (or colander);
  • a saucepan with a volume of at least 3 liters;
  • a saucepan (deep salad bowl) in which you can place a sieve;
  • deep dish (salad bowl, or cheese dish).

We perform sequentially:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place over moderate heat.
  2. Wait until small bubbles and a film appear.
  3. Without bringing it to a boil, carefully stirring the milk with a spoon, slowly pour yogurt (kefir) into it.
  4. Continue stirring. Meanwhile, the milk will begin to curdle and turn into lumps.
  5. Wait until the whey separated from the milk turns greenish and turn off the heat.
  6. Continue stirring for a minute.
  7. Then prepare a saucepan (salad bowl) and place a sieve in it. Place gauze in it.
  8. Carefully place (pour) the contents of the pan into a sieve.
  9. Allow excess liquid to drain and quickly transfer the cheese to a deep dish.
  10. While the cheese is still hot, season it with salt and add spices if desired.
  11. After cooling, cover the cheese with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Important! The cheese must not be completely drained of liquid. Since this may affect its taste.

Prepared from whole milk and kefir

The homeland of Adygea cheese is the Republic of Adygea, where local women prepare it from whole milk and kefir.

To make cheese according to this recipe, you will need:

  • whole milk (cow, sheep) – 3 l;
  • kefir – 1 l;
  • salt – 20 g.
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