Aphorism as a literary genre

In the world literary and cultural space, aphorism has always been a respected and popular genre. It is enough to recall the names of the authors involved in this genre: Voltaire, Goethe, Labruyère, La Rochefoucauld, Letz, Lichtenberg, Montaigne, Montesquieu, Maurois, Pascal, Renard, Twain, Wilde, Schopenhauer, Shaw, Emerson... La Rochefoucauld, for example, worked exclusively in the genre of aphorism , and the body of his aphorisms is a magnificent philosophical and psychological treatise on human nature and human weaknesses. Here is what Voltaire said about the work of La Rochefoucauld: “The maxims of La Rochefoucauld significantly contributed to the formation of the taste of the French people.” Another luminary of the genre, the Pole Stanislav Jerzy Lec, worked in a slightly different vein: he was interested, first of all, in social problems, which he commented on in an exceptionally witty, moreover, acute form. The aphorisms of such a thinker as Pascal are deep and interesting. Aphorisms of many authors from this list are scattered throughout their works: Voltaire, Wilde, Shaw, Twain, Goethe, Maurois, Montaigne, Chopin-Gower.
But in Russia, with its rich literary tradition, the aphorism was, oddly enough, a suspicious genre for publishers and editors. It seems that yes, the genre is ancient, sanctified by literary authorities (and what kind!). On the other hand, it was often believed that there was something undesirable in it for public peace: subtext, hint, mockery, ridicule, equivocation... The writer of aphorisms seemed doubly suspicious. What is he trying for? The fee is meager. Why not master larger forms, where the fee is larger? As A. Karakovtsev aptly noted (Aphorisms magazine, No. 19, 2015), “either he is lazy or a completely disillusioned graphomaniac. A novelist, for example, if untalented, is at least a hard worker. Day after day he sits down at his desk and pores, pores, creaks with a feather... Or a poet. He walks, mumbles, weaves words and images... And the aphorist? Clap! Ready! There may be no images, almost no words, the meaning is often vague. Not a writer, but a recorder." Like Eckermann under Goethe. Only Goethe is not here - he writes down himself. Well, if he really were Goethe, otherwise we don’t know who. So they “lower” him into the basement, onto the last page, to the back of magazines and newspapers, away from the eyes of the reader, in the “relaxing” section.
It is usually believed that an aphorism is a moralizing, edifying genre, something like a morality crowning a fable. In Soviet times, the depth of thought contained in an aphorism was assessed by its “ideological content,” therefore, collections of aphorisms were filled with statements by the classics of Marxism and the current General Secretary. Previous general secretaries rested in previous collections; their statements after their death (or resignation, which, however, happened only once in Soviet history, with Khrushchev) immediately lost the right to be called an aphorism. So, voluntaristic chatter...
However, in fact, not every statement is an aphorism. If 0.01% of statements can be considered aphorisms, then this is already good. Everything else has nothing to do with the genre.
What does it have? Is pathetic seriousness required for an aphorism given the authority of the author? Apparently not. “A dictionary is the Universe in alphabetical order.” This is F. Voltaire. This could well end up in the “12 Chairs Club” of the Literary Newspaper, although the author is still authoritative and serious. Can an aphorism be funny? Seems Yes. “Long live all that thanks to which we are in spite of everything” /Z. Paperny/. This is right from there, a treasure from one of the 12 chairs. But is this an aphorism?
All this is still a subject of debate. The problem is that next to the aphorism there are different types of statements grazing that have an unclear relationship to the aphorism. In the already mentioned Literary Newspaper, the so-called “Phrases” were published on page 16; they were funny, puns, and witty, but very, very rarely had the right to be called aphorisms. Therefore, the section was called differently: phrases. There is something in common, but still not quite the same. Like opera and operetta. “There are so many Newtons – there’s nowhere for an apple to fall!” /Ya.Barkovsky/. “I would like to write something about Oblomovism, but I’m lazy” /M. Weisberg/.
Another case: the statement, although deep, is too long for this genre. Still, the aphorism should fit in one phrase, preferably not a long one, less often in two (“A man without humor is dangerous” / R. Plyatt /). A few sentences are no longer a judgment, this is a reasoning; it may be suitable for a quotation, but in any case, this is not an aphorism. A joke, even a short one in the form of a remark, can also be somewhere close to an aphorism, but whether it is an aphorism is always a big question. “The salvation of those escaping is the work of the escaping people themselves” /B. Beinfest/.
What then are the true signs of an aphorism? Brevity and extreme semantic and formal completeness (emphasis) are the two most obvious genre features of an aphorism. However, that's not all. The words “go to hell” sound short and precise, however, they are not an aphorism.
The main feature of an aphorism (but certainly in combination with the two mentioned) is a thought that is non-trivial, unexpected, and sometimes paradoxical. Highlighting a certain object, or phenomenon, or attitude towards them from a new angle. “If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly” /C.Chanel/.
Aphorism is a universal genre. It can contain the psychologism of a novel (“A truly worthy person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool” / F. La Rochefoucauld /), the plot tension of a short story (“The last match is more expensive than Promethean fire” / V. Konyakhin/), verbal clarity free verse (“The closer the rows, the harder it is to breathe” / G. Aronov/), the depth of the philosophical treatise (“Equality is the most natural thing and at the same time a chimera” / F. Voltaire/), a look into the past (“Eternal glory of the CPSU !” /B.Beinfest/)…
Here is another quote from A. Karakovtsev. “The aphorism lacks that thickness of mediation that separates the author’s thought from the reader in poetry, prose or drama - for example, plot, characters, plot, action and all that stuff. An aphorism is merciless to its author: if he has nothing to say, the aphorism will leave no doubt about it. The slightest weakening of thought, the slightest falsity or mistake in its expression will be mercilessly exposed to him. Thought is “matter”, the texture of an aphorism. That is why it is so often included in the arsenal of philosophers.
Since every thought, as has long been known, is dialogical, the above-mentioned completeness of the aphorism is rather formal. In its internal, meaningful connections, it strives outward, strives to become a replica. We can say that the aphorism is provocative by its very essence. Its ultimate task is to provoke the reader to any kind of response, be it an action or simply a response thought and emotion.”
In order for this or that judgment, opinion, or statement to become an aphorism, that is, a fact of literature, and not of everyday speech, it is necessary that their completeness be achieved by artistic and stylistic means. Language in an aphorism must not only serve to express thought, but do so in such a way that the form of expression itself becomes equivalent, equal in rights to the expressed meaning. Therefore, in an aphorism, language is especially sophisticated in revealing its riches. An aphorism is a carnival of language, a celebration of its semantic and role redundancy.” In this sense, a pun, a play on words can perfectly decorate an aphorism, for what is a carnival without decoration? “Give me harmony!” /B.Beinfest/.
The aphorism most clearly demonstrates the interdependence and intertwining of language and thought. The question of the primacy of one or the other reveals its scholasticism here, like the question of the chicken and the egg. Other thoughts, in order to become conscious of their paradox, novelty and essence, require sophistication and originality of form from the language. “The phrase must be cherished, groomed, affectionately stroking the subject” /I. Ilf/.
A. Karakovtsev compares the cramped area of ​​aphorism to a ring where language and thinking come face to face. Its spatial scarcity and their opposition create the necessary semantic and formal tension, the presence of which, in fact, turns an aphorism into a fact of literature. Boxers have such a concept - a hook. This is a short, sharp, unexpected, direct blow, due to which the enemy is immediately knocked down. An aphorism can only be considered successful if it contains such a “hook” that forces the reader’s gaze of aphorisms not to glide over them, as through prose or poetry, but to get stuck and stumble on each of them. Stumbled? Has stopped? Thought? Go further. “Losers are happy people: everyone loves them” /A. Kulich/. A knockdown is not a knockdown, but you’ll have to scratch your chin and say “Hmmm…” here.
It can be added that one of the qualities of a good aphorism - not genre characteristics, but qualities - is instant memorability, and not due to brevity and precision, but due to its impact on the emotional part of perception: surprise, admiration... As is known, emotional memory is the strongest. And a good aphorism can also be recognized by the fact that it is immediately remembered. Like a hook. “Give me signs of life!” /V.Bazylev/.
Typically, aphorisms - this has already been said - can be divided into two groups: “inserted” - those that were originally part of some text, and “isolated”, born independently, outside the text. The first can arise in any writer, sometimes even involuntarily, as a result of his mental activity and manipulations with language within a variety of literary genres - from scientific monographs to poetry. An ideal example of an inserted aphorism is the well-known beginning of Anna Karenina. Or Pushkin’s “The less we love a woman, the easier it is to be liked”
we to her."
But writers who write aphorisms purposefully are less common. To do this, you must have two very specific properties. Firstly, the special responsiveness of consciousness to external and internal events, since the aphorism “seeks to become a replica”; and secondly, a special style of thinking and writing, when thoughts are born in the head not in the form of vague sensations or images, but are immediately cast into clear, complete formulas that do not require mandatory development. “It’s been a long time since we’ve heard of anyone going to the grave to bless someone” /I.Savelyeva/.
Each aphoristic statement has a hidden context - the context of the author’s fate, the author’s worldview. “Philosophy triumphs over the sorrows of the past and future, but the sorrows of the present triumph over philosophy” /F. La Rochefoucauld/.
The aphorism cannot be filmed, theatricalized, or set to music; based on its motives, it is unlikely that anything can be sculpted or depicted on canvas. It is therefore the most literary of all literary genres, concentrating in itself the literary nature as such. A sure sign of stagnation in literature is the shortage of good aphorisms. Conversely, the appearance of good aphorisms is a symptom of the fact that literature is thinking. And then: “Forward to new mistakes!” /B.Beinfest/. And how pleasant it can be to stroll through the gardens of aphorisms and reflections, in which freedom of thought, freedom of knowledge and freedom of spirit find refuge.
Returning to this type of aphorism as “phrases,” let’s say that in an era when direct statements can be fraught, subtext and hint often help out and allow you to convey a risky thought. Sapienti sat - the smart one will understand. Although the question of whether this is a type of aphorism or a close but independent genre is, as already mentioned, controversial. In my opinion, it’s still the second one. This genre also has its classics: Averchenko, Ilf, Krotky, Svetlov, Zhvanetsky, Knyshev, Kolechitsky, Malkin, Krutier, Paperny, Furstenberg, Shenderovich (the list, of course, is incomplete). This genre also has its own Achilles heel: topicality is a very temporary phenomenon. And today’s phrase: “Przhevalsky died, but his horse lives” / V. Goloborodko/ is hardly understandable to young people. But anyone who still remembers the original source with which it echoes will, of course, laugh heartily. Although at a time when the original source was canon, such a very transparent allusion was, of course, impenetrable. But today, many years later, this mockery of the original source is harmless and simply funny. Like another similar one: “Paradise with Lenin in a hut” /B. Banefest/.
It must be said that if for wise aphorisms and sayings the name and authority of the uttering author is important, just as the pedestal is important for a monument, then for “phrases” this is not at all necessary. “Phrases” have an innumerable number of authors, and with luck, anyone can give birth to a brilliant phrase. Famous people simply drop such “phrases” on the go, not caring about their further fate, but there are always those who overhear, pick up and publish these “fruits” of wit that have fallen from the branch. These are, for example, the “phrases” of Ranevskaya. Or Coco Chanel pearls. Among these authors there are also people well-known in another field, but for the time being completely little-known in the field of aphorism, for example, film actor Boris Andreev (who would have thought?) or showman Nikolai Fomenko. And finally, such “fruits” grow from completely unknown authors.
And of course, simply funny snatches of phrases that are not complete statements, the humor of which lies not in thought, but in some kind of allusion, irony, unusual combination of words, etc., do not belong to aphorisms. “Erogenous zone of a strict regime” / G. Frumker /, “The Top of Lowness” /B. Beinfest/.
Moreover, as is clear, individual (invented) funny words, the results of plastic surgery on the word, do not belong to aphorism, for example: “soap drama”, “Jewish rating” or “erectate” /B. Beinfest/.
If serious aphorisms (actually “aphorisms”) are indispensable for literary epigraphs (primarily those that are supported by the authority of their famous authors), then “phrases” are good for quoting in everyday life, in conversation, or, if in a text, then either not too serious, or serious, but which the author suddenly wanted to “revive.” In collections, both are usually mixed, and therefore calling them collections of aphorisms is hardly correct. For example, I called the collection of my “aphorisms” like this: “Splashes of champagne.”
Such collections have one more feature. The fact is that aphorism is a very insidious genre, and quite high-quality, bright aphorism is a piece of goods. Therefore, usually in a mass meeting - such aphorisms with a quality mark are good if there are 1-2 per page. The rest is a fairly passable product that does not linger in the memory. Well, this is natural: true pearl grains are rare. The book “Aphorism and Caricature” (EKSMO, 2003) contains 700 pages, but there are not too many of my pencil notes next to the aphorisms I especially liked. If you publish a collection of these aphorisms I have selected, it will probably last fifty pages, no more. But it will be natural, fresh, like freshly squeezed juice, a concentrate of thought, the taste of which is undeniable. And although my choice is subjective, this is a case where there is hardly any need to argue about tastes.
Collecting (and even writing) aphorisms has been my hobby for almost my entire adult life. This word, intricate and defiantly foreign, not Russian, defiantly not bowed down (like the lobby), flew here at a time when their morals began to penetrate to us through the slightly opened curtain.
It meant, as they explained to us, a passion for something besides the main job, a disinterested hobby (in most cases, on the contrary, requiring expenses), it is better if it is original. At one time I thought that this was actually an abbreviation (if you want to be original, be one!), but then I found a simple translation into Russian: whim. This whim manifests itself in different forms: you can get carried away with sawing with a jigsaw, picking mushrooms, dancing, solving crossword puzzles, but still the most important part of those who are susceptible to this whim are collectors. In addition to philatelists (stamp collectors), philumenists (collectors of match labels), philocartists (collectors of postcards), numismatists (collectors of coins) and others appeared. All specializations contained a phylum root, i.e. to love, and only numismatists, due to an absurd misunderstanding, or perhaps due to cunning intent, did not put their love for the subject in the name of their specialization, although with them it is most clearly expressed. Well, what normal person can, tell me, love matchsticks more than money, even not banknotes, but coins?
For a whim, you need free time, and where does it come from for the working Soviet man, who was all thinking about how to earn at least a little more, to find extra work, in a word, who has no time for fat. The bourgeoisie who came up with this word: hobby is another matter. You can't do anything out of boredom. In Germany, a rich man collected steam locomotives. Fortunately, since the middle of the last century they have fallen out of use, and they could be bought for almost nothing. But we still need a place to put them! This is not a stamp album. In short, apart from Brezhnev and his car collection, our hobbies were much more modest.
No, antiques, paintings, orders, icons, porcelain, ancient manuscripts - all this is not about our honor. Yes, all people are brothers, but this does not apply to collectors. Some flock to Sotheby's auctions, with a checkbook in their pocket, and hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars in the bank, others collect match labels, what a brotherhood that is! And yet, both of them experience the same inspiration and delight upon a successful acquisition. So, people on the beach are equally purring with pleasure while basking in the sun: both those who have exposed only their faces, and those who demonstrate a divine figure, burdened only by a bikini.
In our poor material life, we could afford little. But does this mean that we did not find joy in life? Of course not. One of the joys was collecting. It was a good outlet, a way to relax and disconnect from dull reality with all its ideological chains. This was the reason for the rapid establishment of both this word and what it denotes: hobby.
When choosing a collectible, I was guided by this.
1. It should be small in size (the apartment is not God knows what).
2. It must be available and as cheap as possible (the second requirement was warmly approved and supported by my wife).
3. It must give food not only to vanity, but also to the mind.
4. It should not become scarce with unlimited drawing from it.
The last requirement is satisfied only by a treasury of ideas, but not of things, this is obvious. Ideas are also small in size. Finally, individual thoughts can be collected completely free of charge, without encroaching on anyone’s property (at best, making a non-binding link to authorship); the product is publicly available.
Finally, viewing and demonstrating such a collection gives a lot of food for the mind and a lot of joy, and what is a hobby without joy? Have you ever heard of a hobby being a burden?
So, the aphorisms fully meet all four requirements. Three dozen notebooks (checked, in leatherette black binding), densely stuffed with quanta of other people's wisdom and wit (and this is not the same thing), constitute my pride and wealth (not measured in any rubles), and they occupy, God willing, if half a small desk drawer. Each contains 96 pages. I am ready to say that novels are written by those who do not know how to write aphorisms. And novels are read by those who are unable to appreciate a good aphorism. After all, the smarter the reader, the more profound the aphorism. An aphorism is a symbol of our fast-flowing and compressed time, and I am always ready to prefer a book of good aphorisms even to a good novel, not to mention a bad one.
When I say “aphorism,” I also mean such a hypostasis of it (or, let’s say, such a relative of it) as a “phrase” (their relationship has already been discussed above). Let us agree, for brevity, to call both an aphorism. Let's say a few more words about him. An aphorism is a specific and aristocratic genre; it requires the author to have a sophisticated, sharp mind, which is not always inherent in a novelist or short story writer. On the other hand, an aphorism is a democratic genre, it is akin to a proverb, although the latter is an orphan, and an aphorism always has a parent, even if he is on the run. Aphorism is as different from novelism as microbiology is from biology or quantum physics is from astrophysics. The aphorist considers life at the cellular level, and the world at the level of elementary particles, but it is at this level that only one can discern the essential basis of being. In the aphorism, the greatest pressure of thought per square centimeter of the area of ​​the cerebral hemispheres.
I will add that I never chased quantity; all exhibits in the collection are of selected quality, having undergone strict selection, in accordance with my taste, which, as I collected it, I honed on the best samples.
Collecting aphorisms - serious and humorous, philosophical and simply punning, famous and still unknown - like any other collecting, among other things, calms the nervous system, increases overall tone, turns away from alcoholism and other vices and temptations that swarm around and only and wait for you to lose interest in collecting. But the aphorism, as a collectible, also has its own attractive force: its witticisms; pleasantly tickles the aesthetic sense, its paradox and depth excite and enrich the mind, its laconicism disciplines character. A good aphorism is an extremely concentrated expression of thought (here aphorism is akin to poetry, where words are also cramped and thoughts are spacious), but in an aphorism there is also a paradox, a surprise, sometimes with elements of a pun, a formula. Instead of saying, “Don’t cross the street when the light is red, it can be fatal,” someone brilliantly said, “Don’t cross the street when the light is red”! That's all! You can't cut it out with an axe!
“Paradoxes are the only truth,” said Bernard Shaw. And his great admirer, the author of this essay, said: “Truth is always paradoxical; it looks like a paradox, but it is the truth.”
A good aphorism is like a shot: it is short and completely convincing. A very good aphorism is like a test shot. You can’t erase a word from a song, let alone an aphorism! The Germans call this "die letzte Form". Ultimate perfection of form.
How many novels are devoted to the study of the mysterious, restless Russian soul! But then Fazil Iskander got down to business. And he said only four words: “Russia is a drinking Hamlet.” Dot. The question is closed.

There is an ocean of aphorisms in world literature, but to give an idea of ​​the genre, I have chosen examples of selected aphorisms and phrases from several authors. The selection was made, I repeat, according to taste, but I hope that the taste is not a woman, and in this case it did not betray me.
First, aphorisms of selected classics (those that are suitable for epigraphs).
Francois Voltaire.
Happiness is just a dream, and grief is reality.
Equality is the most natural thing and at the same time a chimera.
Kindness requires proof, but beauty does not require it.
An explained joke ceases to be a joke.
I am an ardent friend of truth, but I do not at all want to be its martyr.
All genres of art are good, except boring, but boredom is not a genre.
Superstition makes people fools.
A dictionary is the universe in alphabetical order.
Surplus is an extremely necessary thing.
Prejudice is the mind of fools.
Language is also of great importance because with its help we can hide our thoughts.
A beautiful thought loses all its value if poorly expressed.
The first accusation is rejected, the second hurts, the third wounds, the fourth kills.
An honest person can be persecuted, but cannot be dishonored.
Trouble is he who says all he can say.
Work eliminates boredom, vice and poverty.
The slow hand of time smooths the mountains.
Only what is natural is beautiful.
I may not agree with your opinion, but I am ready to give my life for your right to express it.
When the listener does not understand the speaker, and the speaker does not know what he means, this is philosophy.
Blaise Pascal.
Everything that I read in them is contained in me, and not in Montaigne’s writings.
The smarter a person is, the more originality he finds in everyone with whom he communicates.
The arguments that a person reaches on his own are usually the most convincing for him.
A person feels how vain the pleasures available to him are, but does not understand that the ones he desires are just as vain.
Feeling is just as easily corrupted as reason.
Time heals us only because we change with time.
We are so vain that we would like the recognition of all people on earth, even those who have not yet been born; and at the same time we are so vain that we are content with the good assessment of five or six people close to us.
The greatness of man lies in the fact that he is aware of his insignificance.
Everything in this world is partly true, partly false.
We are not as concerned about the essence of phenomena as we are about the search for this essence.
Those who write in condemnation of vanity crave praise for having condemned it so well.
Wouldn't a person be happier if he doesn't know himself?
It is not shameful for a person to bow to the power of grief, but it is shameful to bow to the power of pleasure.
We never live, but only settle down to live; the present for us is just a prelude to the future; we only hope for happiness, instead of finding it.
How many powers do not even suspect my existence.
The most commendable things are those good deeds that are not made public.
If Cleopatra's nose had been a little shorter, Zesli's appearance might have been different.
The eternal silence of these spaces terrifies me.
The most terrible of perversions is a person’s sensitivity to trifles and insensibility to the essential.
How ridiculous we are with our desire to find support in our own kind.
At the hour of death a person is always alone.
Speak like everyone else, but think your own way.
The power of reason is that it recognizes the existence of many phenomena that are incomprehensible to it.
Unable to make justice strong, people decided to consider force just.
What is "I"? We love or hate not the person himself, but his shell.
It is incomprehensible that God exists, it is incomprehensible that He does not exist.
It’s not good to be so free, it’s not good to not need anything.
True wisdom lies in the ability to live simply and calmly.
Controversy does not mean the statement is wrong, just as universal agreement does not mean its correctness.
There is only one view of a thing that is right; others are either too close to it or too far away.
People are mad, and this is such a general rule that not being mad is also a kind of madness.
The true nature of a person is knowable only in its entirety.
Unhappy is not the one who does not have, but the one who has lost; that's why it's better not to have than to have.
People are divided into righteous people who consider themselves sinners and sinners who consider themselves righteous.
The only virtue is in understanding your own vices.
Happiness is neither outside nor inside us; it is both outside and inside at the same time, i.e. it is in God.
Let us try to think with dignity: this is the basis of morality.
Francois La Rochefoucauld.
Philosophy triumphs over the sorrows of the past and the future, but the sorrows of the present triumph over philosophy.
We evaluate everything that fate sends us depending on our mood
The world is ruled by fate and whim.
Neither the sun nor death should be looked at point-blank.
Not a single flatterer flatters as skillfully as self-love, not a single cunning person can compare with pride in cunning.
If we didn’t have shortcomings, we wouldn’t be so pleased to notice them in others.
A person is never as happy or unhappy as he thinks he is.
There are no circumstances so unfavorable that an intelligent person cannot derive some benefit from them, but there are also no circumstances so fortunate that a reckless person cannot turn them against himself.
The truth is not as beneficial as its appearance is harmful.
Love dies as soon as it ceases to hope or fear.
There are many women in the world who have never had a single love affair in their lives, but there are very few who have only had one.
For most people, the love of justice is simply the fear of being subjected to injustice.
We judge the merits of people by their attitude towards us.
Old people love to give good advice so much because they can no longer set bad examples.
Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.
There are successful marriages, but there are no delightful marriages.
The qualities that people possess are not as funny as those that they claim to have.
Avoiding praise is asking for it to be repeated.
If we did not flatter ourselves, we would not be spoiled by the flattery of others.
Decent people respect us for our merits, the crowd - for the favor of fate.
Some people repel, despite all their merits, while others attract, despite all their shortcomings.
There are fools who are aware of their stupidity and cleverly use it.
He who has never committed folly is not as wise as he thinks.
Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue.
The highest dexterity is to skillfully hide your dexterity.
We always love those who admire us, but we do not always love those whom we admire.
Human virtues, like fruits, have their season.
We often treat those who burden us with condescension, but we are never condescending with those who burden us.
The only reason lovers don't get bored with each other is because they talk about themselves all the time.
Our frankness is restrained not so much by distrust of the interlocutor as by distrust of ourselves.
It is not intelligence that enlivens a conversation, but trust.
It is a small misfortune to serve an ungrateful person, but a great misfortune is to accept a service from a scoundrel.
We consider only those people who agree with us on everything to be sane.
A truly worthy person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool.
No matter how little we trust our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are more sincere with us than with anyone else.
There are few decent women in the world who are not sick of their virtue.
Our mind is even lazier than our body.
It is not those people who have not achieved the goal who are deprived of insight, but those who have passed by it.
When we manage to outwit others, they rarely seem as foolish to us as we appear to ourselves when others manage to outwit us.
It is easier to know people in general than one person in particular.
You should care not so much about creating favorable opportunities as about not missing them.
You can't like someone for long who is always smart in the same way.
As long as a person is unable to do good, he is not in danger of encountering ingratitude.
Our peace of mind or confusion depends not so much on the most important events in our lives, but on the successful or unpleasant combination of everyday little things for us.
Georg Lichtenberg.
What is shallow in a serious way can be deep in a witty way.
If you thought for yourself, your discovery will always be original.
What is usually called deep knowledge of people is, for the most part, nothing more than introspection, a reflection of one’s own weaknesses.
Since every person can go crazy, I see no reason why this cannot happen to the entire world system.
A person's character can never be understood more accurately than by the joke he takes offense at.
Actually, only the truth can give a calm enjoyment of life.
A person needs society, even if it is the society of a lonely burning candle.
If you can hit a smart person in such a way that he will go crazy, then I don’t understand why you can’t hit a crazy person in such a way that he will become wiser.
Self-love, however, has the advantage that it does not have many rivals.
You can do good, as well as sin, in the same ways: by thought, word and deed.
It’s a pity that drinking water is not a sin – how delicious it would be then!
The most remarkable surface on earth is the human face.
Every person has his own moral backside, which he diligently covers with the pants of decency.
Is it not surprising that people are so willing to fight for religion and so reluctant to live by its precepts?
Don't frighten the Eskimos about the heat in hell.
You can feel with your mind and think with your heart.
The interpreter is a more important person than the prophet himself.
Are you sure that the Lord is Catholic?
The first step of wisdom is to attack everything, the last is to endure everything.
What seems strange rarely remains unexplained. The usually inexplicable does not seem strange.
We think about life phenomena not as differently as we reason.
Teach people not what to think, but how to think.
About turning water into wine using a compass and ruler.
The greatness of a ruler lies in the evil that he could have caused, but did not.
First learn to clear your nose, and then turn it up.
People often think that they have been persuaded, when they were simply persuaded.
First you believe in everything, then not in everything, then in nothing, and then again in everything.
People who read a lot rarely make big discoveries.
If the “history” of some government was not prohibited, I do not want to read it.
They write about secret vices publicly, and about public ones – secretly.
Doesn't the spirit of contradiction ultimately bring more benefit than the spirit of unity?
A statement is banal if its opposite is absurd.
What we, after long efforts, finally understand, we consider proven for ourselves.
Not everything new is explained by fashion; there is also progress.
To act justly, you need to know a little, but in order to do injustice with good reason, you need to thoroughly study the law.
We, by God's disfavor, are day laborers, serfs, blacks, and so on and so forth...
Is it not surprising that the highest positions are given without the examination required of any city doctor?
I don’t understand why future generations should be more ashamed than contemporaries?
Another question is what is more difficult: to think or not to think.
Ah, if only I could say something truly paradoxical, something that no one has ever thought about even in passing!
There are theories that are only suitable for discussion about themselves.
I don’t know whether it will be better if it is different, but it is clear: for it to be better, it must be different.
Most people live by fashion, not by reason.
Among the greatest discoveries that the human mind has come to in recent times, undoubtedly, is, in my opinion, the art of judging books without reading them.
Is it not surprising that the public, when it praises us, is always considered a competent judge, but as soon as it blames us, it is considered incapable of speaking about the works of the mind.
The healthiest and most beautiful people are those who are not irritated by anything.
Where once there were the boundaries of science is now its center.
A sharp mind is a magnifying glass; wit is a diminutive.
Don’t let undeserved reproach upset you too much; but sometimes they praise you for nothing.
There is something in every person's character that cannot be broken.
The greatest happiness for which I daily ask heaven: let only intelligent and virtuous people surpass me in intelligence and strength.
True, we no longer burn witches, but we burn every letter that contains the complete truth.
The most dangerous lies are truths that are slightly twisted.
The situation with wit is like with music: the more you listen to it, the more subtle harmonies you desire.
You can blame the mistakes of a great man, but you should not blame the man himself because of them.
Overthinking is one of the most shameful types of stupidity.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.
Silent people cannot be deprived of their words.
Many of my friends became my enemies, many of my enemies became friends with me, and those who did not care about me remained unfailingly faithful to me.
To be yourself, you have to be someone.
A lie is no different from the truth - except that it is not.
I proclaim truths so old that humanity no longer remembers them.
To get to the origins, you need to swim against the current.
Do you want to sing in a choir? Then pay attention to the conductor's baton!
I don't agree with the math. I think that the sum of zeros is a terrible value.
Nothing in nature disappears - only fulfilled hopes.
Great eras can accommodate a fair number of small people.
Well, you'll hit the wall with your head. And what will you do in the next cell?
Remember, a person has no other choice - he must be human!
It could have been worse. Your enemy could be your friend.
When will we conquer interhuman spaces?
You can deeply revere God without believing in his existence.
Where laughter is prohibited, crying is usually not allowed.
You can't see the invisible hats at all!!!
How many nightingales does a predator have to swallow before it starts singing?
Ignorance of the law is never an excuse from responsibility. And knowledge - often.
A true enemy will never leave you.
If I knew then what I know today, I would not know it now.
Has it stood the test of time? And what?
Those who survived the tragedy were not its heroes.
Eternity? Unit of time!
Demosthenes spoke freely with a stone in his mouth. I have a problem too!
When the monkey laughed when he saw himself in the mirror, a man was born.
I just can’t believe that lies existed even before the invention of the printing press.
Sometimes the crime is just an alibi.
For some people, all that is needed to be completely happy is happiness.
The dream of slaves is a market where they could buy masters for themselves.
There are no such fools who would not pretend to be them from time to time.
Every century has its Middle Ages.
When destroying monuments, save the pedestals - they may come in handy.
XIth commandment: “Thou shalt not speak foreign!”
If the art of conversation were higher among us, population growth would be lower.
Has a human tear ever rolled down from the All-Seeing Eye?
“One could make two crossbars for gallows from one cross,” the specialist responded disdainfully.
And if a cannibal uses a fork and knife, is that progress?
The hardest thing to find the truth is in an era when everything can turn out to be true.
Sometimes you need to be silent to be heard.
Plagiarists can rest easy. The muse is a lady, and it is unlikely that she will tell who was her first.
Some, when the gag is removed from their mouth, go dumb with delight.
Everything is already open, and only the area of ​​vulgarity is pure virgin soil.
We understand everything, and therefore we cannot understand anything.
A horse without a lancer is still a horse. A Ulan without a horse is only a man.
If you hear: “Long live progress!” – always ask: “Progress of what?”
The first condition for immortality is death.
Freedom cannot be simulated!
Hay smells different for horses and for lovers
The illiterates are forced to dictate to the literate,
The education of a juggler must necessarily include ignorance of the laws of physics.
Optimism and pessimism differ only in the date of the end of the world.
And just think that Giordano Bruno was burned in the fire stolen from the gods by Prometheus!
What do I believe? In God, if he exists.
The exit is most often where the entrance was.
Proverbs are often contradicted by each other, and this is precisely evidence of folk wisdom.
All words can be removed from a brilliant idea.
Bernard Show.
The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.
Work by obligation is work, and work by inclination is leisure.
Generally speaking, power does not spoil people, but fools, when they are in power, spoil power.
Democracy is a device that guarantees that we will be governed no better than we deserve.
The only lesson that can be learned from history is that people do not learn any lessons from history.
If you start by sacrificing yourself for those you love, you will end up hating those to whom you sacrificed yourself.
Titles and titles were invented for those whose services to the country are indisputable, but are unknown to the people of this country.
Democracy cannot rise above the level of the human material from which its voters are composed.
Those who know how do it, those who don’t know how to teach.
Sarah Bernhardt plays the role of the great actress perfectly.
The color of her face shows that she did not study modern painting in vain.
I don't care where people make love, as long as they don't do it in the middle of the street and scare the horses.
The first task of any successful revolution is to shoot all the revolutionaries.
Winston Churchill.
If you are going through hell, go without stopping.
Do you have any enemies? Fine. This means that you once stood for something in your life.
Any crisis brings new opportunities.
A smart person does not make all the mistakes himself - he gives others a chance.
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm.
The falcon flies high when it flies against the wind, not with the wind.
A stupid person is the one who never changes his opinion.
The inherent flaw of capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth; The inherent virtue of socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.
When eagles are silent, parrots chatter.
Power is a drug. Anyone who tries it even once is poisoned by it forever.
Throughout his life, every person stumbles over his “great chance.” Unfortunately, most of us just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and move on as if nothing happened.
Don’t wish for health and wealth, but wish for good luck, because everyone on the Titanic was rich and healthy, but only a few were lucky!
A lie manages to travel halfway around the world while the truth puts on its pants.
Politics is as exciting and dangerous as war. In war you can only be killed once, in politics many times.
My tastes are simple. I am easily satisfied with the best.
Do you want your word to be the last in an argument? Tell your opponent, “Perhaps you are right.”
A big advantage goes to those who made mistakes early enough to learn from.
People are great at keeping secrets they don't know.
I love pigs. Dogs look up at us, cats look down at us. Only pigs look at us as equals.
War is when completely innocent people die for the interests of others.
The greatest lesson in life is that even fools are right.
It is much better to bribe a person than to kill him, and to be bribed is much better than to be killed.
It is easier to govern a nation than to raise four children.
We live in an era of big events and little people.
From wooden shoes to wooden shoes there is a path of four generations: the first generation makes money, the second multiplies, the third squanders, the fourth returns to the factory.
There is nothing you can do to gain authority more than calmness.
Americans always find the only right solution. After everyone else tries again.
In difficult times for the country, the importance of myths is difficult to overestimate.
Learn history, learn history. History contains all the secrets of political insight.
The best way to ruin a relationship is to start sorting it out.
The purpose of parliament is to replace fist fights with verbal ones.
When two people fight, the third one wins.
If you kill a killer, the number of killers will not change.
A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
You will never reach your destination if you throw stones at every barking dog.
A people that has forgotten its past has lost its future.
Even the most dazzling light cannot exist without shadow.
I'm an optimist. I don't see much benefit in being anything else.
Not a single star will shine until there is a person who will hold the black cloth behind.
If the newspapers start writing about quitting smoking, I’d better quit reading.
I owe my longevity to sports. I've never done it.
When I was young, I made it a rule not to drink a drop of alcohol before lunch. Now that I am no longer young, I adhere to the rule of not drinking a drop of alcohol before breakfast.
Now "phrases". Everything is taken from the already mentioned book “Aphorisms and Caricatures”.
But first, a few more pearls - from Coco Chanel.
Very expensive clothes make you look old.
If you are struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means she was dressed perfectly.
Disgust often comes after pleasure, but often precedes it.
There are people who have money and there are rich people.
- Where to apply cosmetics? -Where do you want to be kissed?
Youth fashion – pleonasm; There is no such thing as old fashion.
I love it when fashion comes out into the streets, but I don't allow it to come from there.
Nothing makes a woman look older than an overly rich suit.
Fashion, like architecture, is a matter of proportions.
Fashion no longer exists. It is created for several hundred people.
Beware of originality; in women's fashion, originality can lead to masquerade.
To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time.
Your face at twenty years old was given to you by nature; what it will be like at fifty depends on you.
After fifty, the days are already counting!
Old age does not protect from love, but love protects from old age.
So that's what fame is: loneliness.
There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.
Fashion is something that goes out of fashion.
Fashion passes, but style remains.
People are not captivated by fashion, but by the few who create it.
He found time to deal with me and to cheat on me every day.
Don Aminado (Shpolyansky).
Youth is content with paradoxes, maturity with proverbs, old age with aphorisms.
After relatives, the most unpleasant thing is namesakes.
There is still a way out of pessimism, but no way out of optimism.
Ilya Ilf.
Living on such a planet is just a waste of time.
You need to have a terpenium mobile.
The phrase must be cherished, groomed, affectionately stroking the subject.
Emil Krotky.
Shared grief is less, shared joy is greater.
The posterity court is bad because it considers the case in the absence of the victim.
A forgotten thought always seems significant.
The nightingale takes quality, the sparrow takes quantity.
Tsal Melamed.
Nothing is thought out more carefully by a woman than a rash step.
Kindness and humor cannot be preserved without expending.
The hero of the novel cannot be smarter than his author.
Daniil Rudy.
What costs us the most is what we cannot get for any money.
There are such big targets that it is impossible to hit them.
If someone realized that he does not understand anything in life, it means that he has already figured it out.
Boris Andreev.
The ancient Greeks never thought that they would be ancient Greeks.
The extra glass is usually the first one.
There is no creative torment, only the torment of exhausted creativity.
Anatoly Anisenko.
There is no need to be subtle about borders: where the roads are bad, there is Russia!
Everyone knows that work is not a wolf, and yet they are afraid of it.
Geliy Aronov.
The tighter the rows, the harder it is to breathe.
All regimes love patients.
Don't be afraid of rumors, the truth is even worse.
Yuri Bazylev.
How many Boldino autumns have been ruined by Indian summer!
You can also deface the banner with kisses.
Darkness spreads faster than light.
Long live twilight - the bright future of darkness!
Only the fall is truly free.
Show signs of life!
Nikita Bogoslovsky.
A smart woman is as old as she really is.
I'm not interested in all the shows except Bernard.
Matter is primary, consciousness is secondary, tertiary is not given.
Alexander Botvinnikov.
The woman is not as scary as she paints herself.
The only thing better than a wedding is a wedding with a dowry.
How tired of dying for ideas on an empty stomach!
Boris Brainin.
Oh, great, free, truthful and powerful Aesopian language!
Mikhalkov's best fable is the Anthem of the Soviet Union.
Don't give political instructors free rein!
A black man entered the room, ruddy from the frost.
Anatoly Breiter.
Mistakes make us smarter, but unhappy.
Teeth that do not show are wisdom teeth.
Good content is always in form.
Fighting flighty women is as stupid as fighting windmills.
Sergey Valenteenko.
People are divided into smart and honest.
Hell awaits the sinner after death, the righteous during life.
Not everything that is bad for fat people is good for thin people.
Andrey Vansovich.
I bequeath to you my spiritual wealth.
There is no truth at the feet, but there is no truth above...
A good joke never gets old, it just changes authors.
Arthur Vasiliev.
The triumph of truth is not always the victory of truth.
Cynics like to call themselves pragmatists.
Freedom without independence is like a bank account without a deposit.
Vyacheslav Verkhovsky.
If a good thing were also cheap, it would have no price!
All doors are open to the lucky ones, all windows are open to the unlucky ones.
I am an optimist: there will be no fourth world war!
Vladimir Vishnevsky.
Let's not dramatize the tragedy!
Lawlessness: organized crime began to suffer from unorganized crime.
The intestine is thin, but it is straight!
Vladimir Vladin.
The debt, unfortunately, is redundant in payment.
The pride of our Motherland is the Tunguska meteorite.
Science today owes a great debt to obscurantism.
King: “But the people are naked!”
Victor Vlasov.
Each of us is right on one side and left on the other.
An aphorism is a drop that dares to reflect the Sun in itself.
Life is not sugar, although it melts.
Yuri Voitelev.
Every plus is a hidden minus.
Little weaknesses grow over the years, like children.
Valery Vorontsov.
To whom much is given, much is due.
The world survived because it laughed, and I survived because I held back my laughter.
Alexander Galaganov.
If you close your eyes, you’re scared; if you open them, you feel sick.
The stricter the regime, the more subtle the humor.
Our patients are the most sincere.
Jaguli Gvilava.
Good takes quantity, evil – quality.
Humor prolongs a person’s life, satire prolongs society.
A lie is an easy truth.
Mikhail Genin.
To live beyond your means, you must have them.
Happiness is not in money, but in its quantity.
We are all below the poverty line - just on different sides.
Knowledge is forgotten, but gaps in it are never forgotten.
If a fool is smart, then he is from a fairy tale.
Veselin Georgiev.
There are mistakes that you really want to repeat.
There is no system that does not systematically dig its own grave.
Man cannot in any way squeeze out of himself the slave, the god and the beast.
Vladimir Goloborodko.
The better we take care of animals, the tastier they are.
A graphomaniac is perseverance, hard work plus mediocrity.
He made a valiant journey from embryo to marshal.
Time is on the prisoners' side.
Andrey Gotovsky.
Good must overcome evil economically.
An optimist who has not gone through the stage of pessimism is not yet an optimist.
A fool is dangerous not so much because of his stupidity as because of the remnants of his intelligence.
Arkady Davidovich.
The state is not me!
The executed son is not responsible for the executed father!
Koschey the Immortal is the Eternal Jew without the fifth point.
It's good where we are not, but we are everywhere.
Paris is a holiday that is always without me.
Tanks are the locomotives of history.
Glory to the CPSU that it doesn’t exist.
Amir Dautov.
Smart people make mistakes, but fools have to correct them.
A major businessman in Russia is always accompanied by either security or a convoy.
Oleg Donskoy.
It is good to despise honors when they are given to you.
Precision is the politeness of kings, and we are simple people.
Virtue is always rewarded, but vice is pleasant in itself.
The trouble is that positive people have more negative emotions.
Every cook must teach the monarch how to prepare food while she rules the state.
Vladimir Dubinsky.
I'm not Socrates, but there are some things I don't know.
Don't hit the weak, much less the strong.
In order to wear glasses, it is not enough to be smart, you must also have poor vision.
Konstantin Eliseev.
An illiterate book lover is a shining example of selfless love.
Sometimes, to get rid of rats, you have to sink a ship.
Venedikt Erofeev.
I happened to be born in a country least loved by heaven.
Well, I love Russia too: it occupies one sixth of my soul.
And what a pity that she only has two knees!
We must deprive our Motherland of its maternal rights.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky.
Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity.
The history of Russia is a struggle between ignorance and injustice.
The political influence of women in the country during the day is very small. .
He is an old fool, although age has nothing to do with it.
Victor Zhemchuzhnikov.
Wisdom is not wrinkles, but convolutions.
Humor is laughter to tears, and satire is laughter through tears.
Alexander Zhukov.
What could be more innocent than the first sin?
Life is like a pencil: it gets shorter and in the end it becomes completely uncomfortable.
Simplicity is the politeness of a wise man.
Boris Zamyatin.
A smart person understands that the government simply doesn’t have money, but a wise person understands that there won’t be any.
A fool in the land of smart people thinks that he is in the land of fools.
The root of evil is in its fruits.
It takes two to be happy, three to be complete.
All roads lead to Rome, and only ours - no one knows where.
Vladimir Zuev.
So far no one has managed to become a hero of our time twice.
Ivan Ivanyuk.
A book about tasty and healthy food for the mind.
Centenarians age so early...
It is useful to listen to the silence of some people.
Choose your facial expressions!
Igor Irtenev.
Pushkin is something of ours.
So! - said Zarathustra.
I wish everyone Siberian health, Caucasian longevity and Jewish happiness!
V. Kazakov
She was celebrating her eighty-third spring.
If for every fool there are ten smart ones, then the forces are approximately equal.
Arthur Kazaryan.
Sometimes an idea becomes interesting thanks to a typist's mistake.
Under matriarchy, men were the fair sex.
The lion's share of success goes to the trainer.
Boris Kamyanov.
Son of a bitch of the Fatherland.
Institute for noble maidens of easy virtue.
He lived happily ever after and died on the same day.
Down with “Long live!” Long live “Down!”
Vytautas Karalius.
The shortest form of review is silence.
An aphorism is a jump without a run-up.
Victor Kashkin.
The world has already become small: it’s time to lose weight.
It’s a strange thing: subtle thoughts, but they don’t make it into any editorial office.
Tamara Kleiman.
Every devilry in a woman is from God.
Cognac dilates blood vessels and connections.
The slit on the skirt allows you to keep up with the times.
Old age is when you still love life, but it is no longer with you.
Birthmarks of capitalism... Where are you, my dears?
Hands up! Unanimously.
It had a zest, but it had already been compote.
Alexander Klimov.
It is not the dream that is scary, but its interpretation.
He’s good for everyone: tall, handsome, slender, but his shoulders are a fathom slanted.
Don't grab stars from the sky, don't confuse astronomers.
Andrey Knyshev.
If you like to ride, go to hell!
A good man - but he got caught!
It is not a good life that leads to a bright future.
People are smart in different ways, but stupid in the same way.
Freedom of conscience: have it if you want, don’t have it if you want.
Vladimir Kolechitsky.
The truth worked out well: every joke has its share.
It’s amazing: there are so many places of detention in a country where there is no freedom at all!
As a thinker, so differently.
Soon the only oxygen left will be in the pillows.
In the kingdom of crooked mirrors with crooked faces, you feel more confident.
In the beginning there was a word, then - words, words, words...
Live forever, learn forever - you will become a long-liver.
Don't take vices to heart!
Russia is one sixth of the world and five sixths of darkness.
Alexander Kondrashov.
Hero of our timelessness.
A light dinner during the plague.
Endless flesh.
Victor Konyakhin.
The swallow makes spring, the fly makes summer.
Sprats live in water and die in oil.
The last match is more valuable than Promethean fire.
What would we know about Pompeii without Vesuvius?
Where nothing is possible, everything is done as an exception.
Leonid Krainov-Rytov.
Fame passes, the unknown remains.
He who has enough for trifles earns well.
Felix Krivin.
The main law of motion: there should not be more sticks than wheels.
The ratio of a born mouse to the mountain that gave birth to it is called the efficiency coefficient.
Old apes still remember how they lived before evolution.
It's hard to be the raisin in the raisin box.
The great Pyrrhus won many victories, but only the Pyrrhic victory went down in history.
For a butterfly that lives for one day, it is not at all indifferent what the weather is like today.
Boris Krutier.
All of man’s misfortunes are because he was created for happiness.
It is not the place that makes a person beautiful, but the row in which it is located.
Life is so short that you don’t even have time to really be disappointed in it.
It is easier to change beliefs than misconceptions.
Only then is silence golden when there is something to say.
Life isn't so bad as long as you can complain about it.
For the lead singer, the main thing is the voice, for the backup singer, hearing.
Life was not a success, but the attempt was counted.
The majority dreams of living like a minority.
Sometimes it pays to pretend to be a fool so as not to look like an idiot.
As soon as we begin to get used to the bad, it becomes even worse.
When Bonaparte first called himself Napoleon, he too was considered crazy.
To die a natural death, you must live to see it.
Some birds can be seen by their flight, others by their droppings.
Sometimes they drink out of grief and out of their minds.
Before you go into intelligence with someone, make sure that he is not from counterintelligence.
It happens that everything goes like clockwork, and only then it turns out that it was margarine.
In marriage, a woman is tied to the past, and a man is tied to the future.
While beauty will save the world, monstrosities will destroy it.
We have already learned how to make fairy tales come true, but so far only the most terrible ones.
There are three troubles in Russia: fools, roads, and fools showing us the roads.
All for the election of two evils!
Our roads are bad, but our barriers are better than theirs.
Andrey Kryzhanovsky.
We have taken so much from nature that we cannot expect favors from it.
If you can’t remain silent, write!
S. Indoor.
Knowledge is power, but there is power - no need for intelligence.
Money doesn’t buy happiness, but how you want to see this from your own experience!
Mikhail Kuzmin.
As soon as animals are included in the Red Book, they become delicacies.
In fairy tales, everything ends suspiciously well.
If you don't have a sense of humor, how are you going to declare your love?
Alexander Kulich.
Losers are happy people: everyone loves them.
Don't listen to what the person says, but think what he wanted to say.
If it weren't for the road signs, I would never have guessed that this was a road.
There is no wish that cannot be made.
Everyone who has umbrellas approves of the cycle of substances in nature.
Konstantin Kushner.
Comedy laughs at stupidity, tragedy cries at intelligence.
The art of war requires sacrifice.
Lazar Lagin.
Lackeys do not respect those who respect them.
You can't crush a bug with a tank.
Vladimir Lebedev.
The mind takes one barrier after another, stupidity knows no barriers at all.
There has never been a case in history that did not take place.
There is no question that cannot be turned into a problem.
Leonid Leonidov.
God sees everything, he just doesn’t want to look at anything anymore.
Sometimes what seems strange is actually just absurd.
Only restrictions have no limits.
Those who have a bad memory remember everything.
In the Bronze Age, silence was iron.
There are actions that can only be interpreted wrongly.
A banality said at the right time becomes a joke.
Boris Lesnyak.
The number of “r”s in the word corruption is increasing.
Even if the jungle disappears, the law of the jungle will remain.
Anton Ligov.
Truths are born in disputes and die in squabbles.
Students remember nothing more firmly than the mistakes of their teachers.
Roses teach you to love nature, and thorns teach you to respect.
Gennady Malkin.
The path to a heart attack is much more pleasant than running from it.
The victim has the best alibi.
Much leaves much to be desired, and the best leaves much to be desired.
The service sector is a good way to get rid of delusions of grandeur.
A thought cannot be invented.
Maturity is the youth of old age.
Reasonable pessimism inspires optimism.
The beauty of a woman is that she works.
The only thing better than ballet is corps de ballet.
Generals never desert.
Konstantin Melikhan.
Beauty is the wealth of a woman, wealth is the beauty of a man.
If you want to marry a smart, beautiful and rich woman, you will have to marry three times.
When choosing a wife, a smart man looks at his hands, and a stupid man looks at his legs.
If you are going to marry a rich and old man, then a very rich and very old man.
Silence does not yet indicate the presence of intelligence, but it does already indicate the absence of stupidity.
Zinovy ​​Paperny.
Life is the only way out of this situation.
Long live all that thanks to which we are in spite of everything.
Alexander Perlyuk.
We know what we are doing, but we do not know what we are doing.
The more beautiful the words, the more difficult it is to move from them to action.
The wings make it very difficult to crawl.
Alexander Petrilin.
What can modern youth know about insanity?
Don't approach the horse from behind, but approach the TV from the front.
Vladilen Prudovsky.
Keep your tongue behind your false teeth too.
A real dream never comes true.
Faina Ranevskaya.
I was smart enough to live my life stupidly.
God created women beautiful so that men could love them, and stupid so that they could love men.
Women are smarter than men; Have you ever heard of a woman losing her head because a man has long legs?
I feel well, but not well.
Health is when every day it hurts in a different place.
Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.
If the patient wants to live, doctors are powerless.
What I do? I feign health.
Old age is when it is not bad dreams that bother you, but bad reality.
I’m like an old palm tree at a train station: no one needs it, but it’s a shame to throw it away.
My God, how life has slipped by, I have never even heard nightingales sing.
Thoughts are drawn to the beginning of life, which means life is coming to an end.
Old age is a time when candles on a birthday cake cost more than the cake itself, and half of the urine goes to tests.
Getting old is boring, but it's the only way to live long.
Life passed and did not bow down, like an evil neighbor.
Birds fight like actresses over roles.
I live only by myself - what self-restraint!
For some, old age is especially tragic, these are those who remained between Tom and Gekoi Finn.
If you have a person to whom you can tell dreams, you have no right to consider yourself lonely.
Spelling errors in a letter are like a bug on a white blouse.
A fairy tale is when they marry a frog, and she turns out to be a princess: but reality is the opposite.
Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you start a family, think about what you value more: family or everything.
A real man remembers a woman's birthday, but never remembers her age; the one who does not remember a woman’s birthday, but knows exactly her age, is her husband.
It has always been unclear to me: people are ashamed of poverty, but not ashamed of wealth.
You know, when I saw this bald man on the armored car, I realized that big troubles awaited us.
Do you understand my shallow thought?
A child from the first grade of school should be taught the science of loneliness.
Anatoly Ras.
And a marriage of convenience can be happy if the calculation was correct.
Conclusions need to be drawn, not the necessary ones, but the correct ones.
While good triumphs, evil operates.
The rescue of those escaping is the work of the escaping people themselves.
These Canary Islands are terribly far from the people.
Anatoly Ratner.
Life is beautiful, and you have to put up with it.
A philosopher is the same person, only he understands more and knows less.
Ratmir Tumanovsky.
A good author and plagiarists are great.
A fool has as many thoughts as a genius, they are just different.
Money does not bring happiness, but there is still something in it.
Woe from the mind, honor and conscience of our era.
The theater of the absurd begins with the absence of a hanger.
In heaven, God knows what's going on, in hell, God knows what's going on.
There are funny Jewish surnames: Ivanov, Petrov...
Thought is fast, but stupidity is faster.
Poor New York!
Vitaly Urazhtsev.
In the Russian struggle between stupidity and stupidity, as always, idiocy triumphs.
The streak of bad luck in Russia is over, a streak of wild bad luck has begun.
Valery Filchenko.
Life sometimes passes by, death never.
Modesty that is too conspicuous is already impudence.
Genius is talent plus the persistence of a graphomaniac.
A dispute is considered intellectual if the subject of the dispute cannot be hit on the head.
Georgy Frumker.
Until the pogrom breaks out, the Jew will not cross himself.
Erogenous zone of strict regime.
Nikolay Fomenko.
Enter quietly, speak clearly, ask for little, leave quickly.
How to explain to a foreigner that for a Russian one bottle of vodka is normal, two is too much, and three is not enough?
Love the newspaper, an inexhaustible source of bags for seeds.
Love is not something you just want to do, you have to do it!
Love is evil, and goats take advantage of it!
Love will unexpectedly appear when you are not expecting a wife at all.
If the first time didn’t work out, then skydiving is not for you!
You may not be a maniac, but you must be sexy.
Men love women, women love children, children love hamsters, but hamsters love no one!
We are neither right nor left, because we are felt boots!
Men! Get married! Women! Take heart!
Our country is rich, but temporarily poor.
Our people have already been promised so much, but it’s still not enough!
Never play leapfrog with a rhinoceros.
Well, again there is no reason not to drink.
Nothing is given to us as cheaply as we want.
Oh, Russian sex, meaningless and merciless.
One head is good, but with a body it’s better.
He said let's go and washed it down with water.
She followed him to Siberia and ruined his entire hard labor.
Little children left unattended very quickly become little parents.
Carefully! The lid gets clogged. The next station is the final one.
At the request of readers, our newspaper will be published in rolls and without text.
I offer my hand and heart in exchange for breasts and hips.
We will always make it under the lying stone.
Why do you girls love beautiful girls?
The work is not wolf, but the product of force and distance.
The working day shortens life by 8 hours.
Russian speech without swearing turns into a report.
Russians don’t get married after the first one!
One born to crawl cannot fall.
Marital duty. Performed for the first time.
Counting money in someone else's pocket is not good, but it is interesting.
A well-fed horseman is not on foot.
Drink seven times, eat once.
No matter how much vodka you take, you still have to run twice.
That’s the kind of person I am – I don’t remember any evil, I have to write it down.
Only women's hands can lay asphalt so gently...
The Ukrainian night is quiet... but it’s better to hide the lard.
It’s hard to treat, but it’s easy to die.
The noodles on your ears haven't dried yet.
Let's hit the pangs of conscience with a sound sleep!
Alexander Furstenberg.
Among those who love humor, there are also those who understand it.
Lies have short legs, but what muscular calves!
Only great success can turn into failure.
A fool who takes your side doesn't seem so stupid.
The rats know more than the captain.
Vladimir Khochinsky.
The main thing is to understand that; that's actually the main thing.
The centuries were very middle-aged, but what a Renaissance!
Aphorisms are short, like life.
There are idealists in all matters except material matters.
A tidy sum is always greater than a round sum.
Yuri Shanin.
A satirist is a humorist with high acidity.
Leonid Shebarshin (the same one!).
The burden of unlived years becomes lighter and lighter.
In the Soviet Union, business was considered a crime; in Russia, crime became business.
If the Lord did not want people to watch television, he would not have given it.
Individual rights are reliably protected in our country; the individual himself is defenseless.
According to Goskomstat, Russians most often die from living in Russia.
Treatment is expensive, dying is cheap, but burying is more expensive than treatment: you have to live.
In a democratic society, truth and lies have equal rights.
Russia is a part of the land, surrounded on all sides by civilization.
We should not forgive the Czechs for forcing us to bring tanks into Prague in 1968.
In order to properly distort history, you need to know it.
Siamese twins – organized crime and disorganized government.
Life would be interesting if you watched it from the outside.
We have had private property for a long time, but is it fair?
A hopeless bright future.
When you open the newspapers in the morning, you look at what’s new in Russian history in recent decades.
You can still live, but it’s very disgusting.
Russia is a mighty mountain. But what kind of mice she gave birth to!
They have hindsight instead of common sense.
Russia is a country inhabited by Russians, ruled by Russians.
We have everything ahead. This thought is disturbing.
There is no need to go back to the past. There's no one there anymore.
If things go this way, the people will not even have the strength for a civil war.
Many went into politics because it is a more profitable business than armed robbery.
Such difficult times, and no one has been shot yet. It’s as if we don’t live in Russia.
Moscow is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. All around Russia!
What is destroying Russia is literacy without culture, drinking without snacks and power without conscience.
Things are still not bad enough to expect improvement.
When the winning side was determined, it turned out that there was no one on the losing side.
If the state was run by cooks, they would not leave the people hungry.
The advantage of dictatorship over democracy is obvious to everyone - it is better to deal with one swindler than with many.
The instruments of power are the shadow of the stick and the ghost of the carrot.
We Russians are very talented. Especially the Jews.
The views are so broad that they do not fit into any gates.
The country cannot bear another victory for democracy.
Youthful romanticism is invariably replaced by senile rheumatism.
If a government agency is not affected by corruption, then no one needs it.
The eternal question of the Russian intellectual is not “who is to blame?” and not “what to do?”, but “who will pay?”.
Special Justice Society.
Victor Shenderovich.
The rhino sees poorly, but at this weight this is no longer his problem.
Those who survive will tell you how wonderful it was.
To stink does not mean to be strong in spirit.
While the cook was learning how to manage the state, the food ran out.
Medici era etiquette: the knife should be on the right, the poison on the left.
You can’t understand Russia with your mind, but in other places it’s very painful.
Grigory Yablonsky.
Individuals, don't crowd!
In Russia, all the huts are on the edge.
Iron rules have iron exceptions.
Now the piece pearls (from the last section of the mentioned book).
Good must be sown, and evil must be planted. /A.Arkanov/
Is this why our fathers shed the blood of our grandfathers? /A.Inin/
They say that if you stop stealing, life will become better, even a fool can understand this, but how can you stop? /A. Trushkin/
Dreams that come true are not dreams, but plans. /A.Vampilov/
The more interesting a century is for history, the sadder it is for contemporaries.
The writer writes so that something will come out, and the editor sits so that something will not come out.
The beauty of the colors disappears under the varnish. /I. Ehrenburg/
Aphorism is the only genre where you can prove your mediocrity with one line. /G. Podolsky/
A half-truth is not half the truth, but the absence of it. /V.Tonkov/
Your homeland will not forget you, and don’t hope! /N.Kazakov/
Small successes never lead to big victories; A major victory comes only from defeats. /V.Zinoviev/
Wisdom is intelligence infused with conscience. /F.Iskander/
Life is in a hurry if we ourselves hesitate. /D.Granin/
To tell the truth, you have to be a heretic. /B.Pasternak/
In a real tragedy, it is not the hero who dies—the choir dies. /I. Brodsky/
Everyone wants something to happen, and everyone is afraid that something will happen. /B.Okudzhava/
Sex is a sitcom. /D.Khrapovitsky/
Avoid the tram in front, the bus in the back, and avoid the fool. /B. Gureev/
Not loving her is a crime, loving her is a punishment. /V.Ninth/
Brevity is the sister of talent, but the stepmother of fees. /A.Svobodin/
Friendship is a 24/7 concept. /M.Svetlov/
The people are a population with ambitions. /D.Samoilov/
When you take from one, it’s plagiarism; when you take from everyone, it’s erudition. /B.Ryabenky/
You cannot promise everything to everyone: there is a lot of everyone, but not enough of everything. /M.Vilensky/
One problem is not so bad. /A.Putyaev/
There are so many Newtons – there’s nowhere for an apple to fall! /Ya.Barkovsky/
In the fight against oneself, the weakest wins. /V.Mironov/
It’s been a long time since we’ve heard of anyone going to the grave blessing someone. /AND. Savelyeva/
I would like to write something about Oblomovism, but I’m too lazy. /M. Weisberg/
How good, how fresh the stamps were when they were first born! /B.Beinfest/
And in conclusion, something else from world aphorism - a fertile topic: about women.
Happiness is as demanding as a legal spouse. /Giraudoux/
Everything is lost except happiness. /Prever/
Every happiness is a masterpiece. /Valerie/
Once in a lifetime happiness knocks on everyone's door, but often this person sits in the next tavern and does not hear the knock. /Twain/
The secret of happiness is known only to those who have not achieved it. /Esar/
What is enough for our happiness is not always enough for our pleasure. /Deval/
Happiness is such a fragile thing that you risk losing it even just by talking about it. /Lemaitre/
We fuss much less to achieve happiness than to convince ourselves that we are happy. /La Rochefoucauld/
Happiness is the end of hope. /Orben/
If women did not exist, all the money in the world would have no use. /Onassis/
The most beautiful cosmetics for a woman is a passion, but buying cosmetics is much easier. /Saint Laurent/
My clothes are addressed to women who can afford to travel with forty suitcases. /Saint Laurent/
When I was young, I was popular with women because I was young. Now I'm successful because I'm old. Middle age, in my opinion, is the most difficult time. /Anton Rubinstein/
All a writer has to do to get a woman is say that he is a writer. This is a powerful stimulant. /Bellow/
Marriages don't last forever, so why should divorces last? /Omon/
The desire to make the fleeting eternal is love. /de Serna/
If a woman does not give up, she will certainly win. If he gives up, he dictates terms to the winner. In both cases she wins. /Chapek/
Caress the circle and it immediately becomes vicious. /Ionesco/
A luxurious library is a harem of old people. /Nodier/
God did not give women a sense of humor so that they could love men and not laugh at them. /Gift/
In love, as in war, only hand-to-hand combat has a price. /Marshal de Montluc/
Money is like sex: you can't think about anything else if you don't have it. /Baldwin/
Marivaux argued that style has a gender, and he can recognize a woman by a single phrase. /Chamfort/
Writing is an act of love, and if it is not, then it is only writing.
The family will be strong if the son-in-law and mother-in-law love each other. /Botvinnikov/
The existence of women can explain all the vices of the universe, except one - the very existence of women. /Botvinnikov/
A woman is exactly the same force of nature as wind, lightning, electricity. /Torrey/
Marriage is like conquering a colonial country: it is conquered and then forever faced with the struggle for independence. /Almazan/
In France there is marriage for love, marriage for convenience and marriage for the kitchen. /Sezbron/
Anyone who considers himself a lover is most often just an accomplice. /Salakru/
Love is the child of illusion and at the same time the mother of disappointment. /de Unamuno/
When choosing a wife, a smart man looks at his hands, and a stupid man looks at his legs. /Melikhan/
Woman is just one of nature's most charming blunders! /Maurois/
The ideal woman is the one who has the ideal husband. /Tarkington/
An intelligent woman is a devil in a state of intrigue. /Moliere/
Friendship, of course, is the sister of love, but from a second marriage. /Arnu/
Changeability is one of the virtues of a woman. If you have a good wife and you have been married long enough, you can be sure that you have owned a whole harem.
I deeply respect the institution of marriage, I have always believed that every woman should be married, and every man should remain single. /Disraeli/
I love my wife so much that I am sometimes ready to cancel a date with another woman for her sake. /Tsivilev/
My wife and I have the same taste: we both love me! /Tarkinson/
The reason there are so many unhappy marriages is that young people weave laces, not webs. /Swift/
A monogamist marries many times, but a polygamous man marries only once. /Melikhan/
Nothing hinders a romance more than a woman's sense of humor and a man's lack of it. /Wilde/
Love may be blind, but neighbors are not. /Essar/
There are few decent women in the world who are not sick of their virtue.
/La Rochefoucauld/
A lady who agrees to listen to you is, in the long run, a lady who agrees.
/Le Carré/
Why do you need to contradict a woman at all? It’s much easier to wait a little until she changes her mind. /Anui/
Some men are so surprised that their wives are happy that they hire detectives to find out why. /Breffor/
Feminism is a theory, lesbianism is a practice. /Atkinson/
A witch is a woman’s natural state. /Morin/
There are such beautiful women that they can stop a train in its tracks. /Esar/
Women only know well what they were never taught. /Commerson/
Madam, beware of talkative talkers: women are caught like rabbits - by the ears! /Deval/
There are different cures for love, but none are reliable.
/La Rochefoucauld/
There will always be something new to say about women as long as at least one of them remains on the globe. /Buffler/
I readily admit that women are superior to us if it will cure them of the idea that they are our equals. /Guitry/
The charm of a passing woman is usually directly dependent on the speed of her movement. /Proust/
The past of women is like a coal mine: it is dangerous to go down there with a lighted lamp, you can explode. /Dumas-son/
Women who stick the right number of candles into a birthday cake are playing with fire. /Esar/
Those who speak well of women do not know them enough; those who speak poorly do not know them at all. /Pigault-Lebrun/
Women are rarely mistaken in their judgments about each other. /Christie/
Women are created to be loved, not understood. /Wilde/
The most profitable business is to buy women at their face value and sell them for as much as they value themselves. /Renard/
Whoever can rule a woman can rule a state. /Balzac/
A woman's guess is more accurate than a man's confidence. /Kipling/
You express well only the love that you do not feel. /Carr/
Attachment should not have too keen a vision. /Brown/
There is something of physics in love, but something of chemistry in marriage. /Dumas-son/
The secret of my success: I treated the maids like duchesses and the duchesses like maids. /Brummel/
A lady's breasts are a metaphysical accessory. /Jouvet/
Women are still something when men have become nothing. /Chaumette/
I don’t understand why not love your wife, because we love strangers? /Dumas-son/
I never loved for the sole reason that women left me absolutely no time for this. /Capus/
Kissing a woman always reminds me of a boxer's handshake before a fight. /Mencken/
When a woman faints, she knows what she's doing. /Shpolyansky/
Humor adds a wonderful flavor to love. /Deltay/
The day archaeologists discover a fossil kiss, we will know for sure that love existed in the Quaternary period. /de Serna/
Cosmetics manufacturers don't sell cosmetics, they sell hope. /Huxley/
Cosmetics are like a second skin. /Esar/
I would like to follow fashion, but from afar. /Fayar/
Clothes are a person, moreover, they are a woman. /Breffor/
Fashion dies young. /Cocteau/
Although almost all surnames are without a clearly defined gender (except for the very famous ones, and even Dumas the son and Marshal de Montluc, whose gender is beyond doubt), but by the nature of the statements they clearly belong to men. Now let's listen to the women. This is where the carnival of language is! A sharp tongue, the kind that only women have!
I don't want to be the rose on the first man's lapel. /Margaret Trudeau/
Energy is beauty. Even a Ferrari with an empty gas tank is unable to move. /Elsa Peretti/
When two people marry, in the eyes of the law they become one thing, and that one thing is a husband! /Shana Alexander/
I only slept with people I married. How many women can say this about themselves? /Elizabeth Taylor/
What's the point of being a lesbian if a woman imitates a man in the process?
/Rita Mae Brown/
Getting a husband is an art, keeping him is work. /Simone de Beauvoir/
You can never know a person until you divorce him. /For Gabor/
Husbands often marry their "mothers". /Edna Ferrier/
The most difficult task in a girl’s life is to prove to a man that his intentions are serious. /Elsa Triolet/
Why does a woman first work to change her husband's habits and then complain that he is not the man she married? /Barbra Streisand/
Hollywood is a place where they pay a thousand dollars for a kiss and only fifty cents for a soul. /Marilyn Monroe/
A lonely woman is always suspicious. /Elsa Triolet/
All marriages are successful. Difficulties begin when life together begins. /Françoise Sagan/
Every intelligent woman has millions of enemies: every stupid man.
/Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach/
Beautiful women have much more success than smart ones, because there are few blind men, and many stupid ones. /Sophia Loren/
The body speaks without uttering a word. /Martha Graham/
No matter how badly a man thinks about women, every woman thinks even worse about them. /Chamfort/
A man forgives and forgets. A woman forgives - and that’s all. /Gerfo/
The years that a woman subtracts from her age are not wasted: they are added to the age of her friends. /Diane de Poitiers/
Shyness is the second shirt. /Mmm de Stael/
What is a weasel? Just a line under the words. /Gr. Diana/
A good kiss is worth another. /Marilyn Monroe/
A woman would be in despair if nature created her the way fashion makes her. /Zhanna Lempinas/
You are made beautiful, you become rich, you are born elegant! /D. Dark/
What is marriage for if there is a divorce? /TO. Deneuve/
Women are never as strong as in their moments of greatest weakness.
/Mmm Dudeffan/
It's hard to understand why lace is so expensive because there are so many holes! /Mary Little/
Fashion creates beauty that becomes ugly, but art takes the ugly and makes it beautiful. /Coco Chanel/
I don't understand why some women are embarrassed to undress in front of a doctor. After all, he is a man like any other. /Brigitte Bardot/
Fashion is something that goes out of fashion all the time. /Chanel/
If a woman is not inclined to witchcraft, she has no need to engage in cooking. /Colette/
My only consolation in thinking that I am a woman is that I will not have to marry any of them. /Montague/
Adam and Eve could have been the perfect married couple: Adam didn't have to listen to stories about the men she could marry, and Eve didn't have to listen to stories about how good his mother was at cooking. /Wanda Blonska/
It takes twenty minutes to look like a goddess. But it takes three hours to look natural. /Yanina Ipohorskaya/
The best way to get a man to do something is to hint to him that he is too old for such things. /Shirley MacLaine/
I was in great glory, experienced the greatest infamy - and was convinced that in essence they are one and the same. /Anna Akhmatova/
Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when it is not there and when there is nothing but beauty. /Monica Bellucci/
Treason can be forgiven, but resentment cannot. /Anna Akhmatova/
The closer winter gets, the more we look like our passport photo. /Wanda Blonska/
Novels and comedies usually end with a wedding; it is assumed that there is nothing left to talk about afterwards. /Margarita de Blessington/
How time flies! I've been twenty-five for ten years now! /Wanda Blonska/
He loved classical music, painting, masterpieces of literature... Well, everyone has their own shortcomings. /Brigitte Bardot/
Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed. /Brigitte Bardot/
What we call life is usually just a to-do list for today. /Wanda Blonska/
A man's decision to get married is the last thing he makes himself. /Wanda Blonska/
We need to convince a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what he is not allowed to do at home. For example, smoke or travel wherever you want. Well, good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest. /Lilya Brik/
There are two periods in a man’s life when he does not understand a woman at all: before the wedding and after. /Yanina Ipohorskaya/
Careers are more difficult for women because they do not have a wife to push them forward. /Yanina Ipohorskaya/
The best way to keep a man's love is not to marry him. /Catherine Deneuve/
The Italian has only two thoughts in his head; the second is spaghetti. /Catherine Deneuve/
At every party there are two categories of guests: some want to leave early, others want to stay longer. The difficulty is that they are usually married to each other. /Ann Landers/
Hairstyle affects how your day turns out, and ultimately your life. /Sophia Loren/
The way you comb your hair is how they listen to you. /Yanina Ipohorskaya/
Many women's problems that the best psychiatrists give in to are often solved by a hairdresser of the second category. /Mary McCarthy/
There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms. /Faina Ranevskaya/
True love is not the kind that can withstand long years of separation, but the kind that can withstand long years of intimacy. /Helen Rowland/
There is an age at which a woman must be beautiful in order to be loved. And then comes the age when a woman must be loved in order for her to become beautiful. /Françoise Sagan/
An old maid is a woman who has said “no” one more time than necessary.
/Inga Maisel/
My first love is my fourth husband. /Beata Tyszkiewicz/
A man can write a novel without a single female character, except the landlady or the horse; but a woman's romance without men is impossible. /Margaret Atwood/
An ideal husband is always married to another woman. /Faye Dunaway/
My parents had only one quarrel in forty-five years. It lasted forty-three years. /Katie Ludman/
I don’t know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men. /Coco Chanel/
If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, then there is probably a reason. /Molly Magee/
The most difficult years of life are between ten and seventy. /Helen Hayes at the age of 83/
The woman believes that two and two will be five if she has a good cry and makes a scandal. /George Eliot/
And that is all. At least in this essay. It’s impossible to scoop up the ocean!

The relevance of the topic of our work is determined by the fact that aphorisms, deep in content, complete in meaning, figuratively and laconically expressed judgments, have always been actively used in communication, were popular among the people and were highly valued by many outstanding people. “Strong, short expressions have contributed greatly to the improvement of life,” Cicero said many years ago. “Maxims and aphorisms are true worldly wisdom and the salt of literature,” wrote D. Morley. “I learned a lot from proverbs, otherwise, from thinking in aphorisms,” stated M. Gorky. Aphorisms also aroused interest among the founders of scientific communism. K. Marx, F. Engels, V.I. Lenin, a master of words, masterfully used sayings of this type in his works and speeches.

Aphorisms as an independent genre occupy a significant place in literature. They are organically included in works of a dramatic, narrative, poetic and journalistic nature, since their impact potential is great.

In this work, we tried to consider questions about genre boundaries and specific features of aphorisms.

The word “aphorism” comes from the Greek “aphorismos” (short saying, definition). Author Korolkova A.M. notes that at present in literary criticism an aphorism is considered to be a short saying in which a generalized thought is presented in a laconic, artistically sharpened form. This is how this term is interpreted, for example, in the Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary. It is also quite rightly stated there that the aphorism reveals the general and typical in reality. Uspensky L. in his collection “Briefly about Aphorisms” refers to aphorisms as a generalized, complete and deep thought of a certain author, expressed in a laconic, polished form, distinguished by precise expressiveness and obvious unexpectedness of judgment.

Thus, all researchers of this issue agree that an aphorism is a saying that is short in form, capacious and expressive in content. But these same characteristics bring aphorisms closer to other laconic and apt genres, such as a proverb, a catchphrase, etc., which creates a certain difficulty in determining the genre boundaries of an aphorism.

In the work of Yu.N. Karaulov we come across the statement that proverbs, catchphrases and aphorisms are varieties of one generic concept - precedent text. He called precedent texts: 1) significant for the individual in cognitive and emotional terms; 2) having a superpersonal nature, i.e. well known to the wide circle of this person, including her predecessors and contemporaries; texts, reference to which is repeated repeatedly in the discourse of a given linguistic personality.

Let's take a closer look at the above mentioned genres.

Aphorism and proverb. A proverb is a deep, complete, briefly expressed thought in figurative form. It is often used in a figurative sense, for example: “You can’t fool an old sparrow on the chaff”; “You can’t get apples from a rowan tree”; “Everyone has his own taste, but a donkey has a donkey’s taste.” A distinctive feature of many proverbs is also the rhythmic organization of speech: “The sheep made peace with the wolf, but did not return home”; “I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.” Moreover, the proverb has no authorship. Like an aphorism, a proverb does not prove or argue, but influences consciousness with the original formulation of a thought.

Aphorism and catchphrase/expression. Catchwords/expressions are very common, apt, figurative words or expressions that are used very widely, but have a specific author. Many of them, still used today, have evangelical origins: “prodigal son”, “poor in spirit”, “salt of the earth”, “white lie”, etc. Many winged words, popular even in our time, were expressed by the sages of Ancient Rome and Greece: “in seventh heaven” (Aristotle), “swan song” (Aesop), “white crow” (Juvenal), etc. Many winged words flew from pages of fiction of the “new” time: “on par with the century” (A. Pushkin), “finest hour” (S. Zweig). If winged words, when included in a text, create some kind of complete image, then winged expressions, like aphorisms, convey not an image, but a whole conclusion. Just as in the composition of an aphorism in a catchphrase, a statement of a completely stable form, which represents a single indivisible whole, it is impossible to introduce any components, just as it is impossible to arbitrarily extract anything from them without changing the meaning of the phrase. This probably gives many authors the right to equate these concepts.

So, a proverb is a stable, short, ambiguous saying that has a figurative meaning. She has no authorship. A catchphrase is a figurative, apt saying that belongs to a famous person and has come into general use. Aphorisms may not have authorship, or they may be copyrighted. For example, this phrase: “Everyone hears only what he understands.” Goethe, a great thinker, is the author of this aphorism; an aphorism that can inspire thought in every person. It is interesting that many such statements have a continuation that is not so popular and well-known, so each person comes up with it independently.

Do not confuse a catchphrase or aphorism with a quotation. A quotation is a literal thought, but it does not pretend to be as capacious and laconic as a popular expression or aphorism. This could be a phrase taken from a book, poem or any other literary work. Often quotes are taken from films, literally taken from the lips of the main characters. Thus, for the most part, the difference between an aphorism and a quotation lies in volume. A quotation can consist of one sentence or several paragraphs. But aphorisms (most of them - about 70%) consist of only a few words. This is their peculiar highlight. In addition, aphorisms appear more often in the context of certain works. They can be artistic, philosophical, and even scientific. Not every quotation can become an aphorism, however, the author's aphorism can be called a broader term - quotation.

Aphorism and aphoristic statement/saying. In Kvyatkovsky’s “Poetic Dictionary,” an aphorism is “a saying that expresses any original thought with extreme laconicism in a polished form.” But we tend to separate these concepts. The term “aphoristic statement” is not yet widely used, but the need for it, as a number of studies note, is clearly felt. If you look at collections of aphorisms, you will notice that they are more often called “aphorisms and sayings”, or “aphorisms and sayings”. And foreign collections are “aphorisms and fragments”, “aphorisms and quotes”. As you can see, next to the word “aphorism” there is usually another, expansive term. And this is not accidental, for there are wise thoughts that, being compressed to the limit, still do not fit into the boundaries of an aphorism; Such judgments can be classified as aphoristic statements. Although the word “saying” often acts as a synonym for the word “aphorism” and, obviously, therefore is not always mentioned in encyclopedias and dictionaries, this concept has its own characteristics. In essence, it is the ancestor of such terms as “aphorism”, “maximum”, “gnome”, “apophegma” (see below for types of poetic aphorisms). The term “saying” is necessary as a term that combines several of these concepts, and it means a generalized, complete thought of a certain author in a figurative, brief form: “Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for a long time” (Abul Faraj); “Eternal peace is better than hope for victory” (Titus Livius).

Let's look at the types of aphorisms. Fedorenko N.T. highlights several differences, such as: thematic differences, stylistic.

Thematic differences. The subject matter of aphorisms is extremely broad, diverse and difficult to classify. One can distinguish aphorisms from socio-political, ethical, aesthetic, everyday life, philosophical, pedagogical, etc. Moreover, in each of these varieties many more specific topics can be identified. For example, aesthetic aphorisms are dedicated to art in general and its individual types, or creativity, beauty, etc. It is no coincidence that the collections of aphorisms by V. Vorontsov, S. Ignatiev and others each contain up to 80 thematic headings.

The theme of the aphorisms reflects the innumerable facets of human individuality and human society in their dialectical development. In this sense it is universal. At the same time, there is no timeless and classless aphorism. In every era, in every social environment, original ideas, theories, and thoughts arise that continuously enrich the subject of aphorism.

Stylistic differences. When creating aphorisms, numerous artistic, stylistic and emotional means are used, namely definition, paradox, various stylistic figures, and less often, tropes. As part of the research, we found out what the aphorism is based on, what form it has, and what artistic and stylistic means underlie the aphorism. Let's present these results.

An aphorism built on a definition usually has a two-term form. In the first part, a phenomenon or concept is named, in the second its essence is revealed: “In fidelity to truth is fidelity to the fatherland” (S. Zweig); “War is a crime that cannot be atoned for by victory” (A. France); “Peace is the greatest key value of our existence” (L. Leonov).

The study showed that quite often there are aphorisms based on a paradox (true in its meaning). Such aphorisms are characterized by originality and unexpectedness of conclusions: “There are dead people who must be killed” (L. Danuyer); “Ignorance of the laws does not relieve one from responsibility, but knowledge does” (S. Lec); “He who is capable creates, he who is not capable teaches” (B. Shaw).

The most common stylistic figures in aphorisms are antithesis, parallelism and chiasmus. Ellipse, rhetorical question, gradation, anaphora, etc. may also be used. Let us give examples. An aphorism built on the basis of an antithesis: “A person must be the master of his will and the slave of his conscience” (M. Ebner-Eschenbach); “Doubts adorn philosophers, but destroy soldiers” (N. Gribachev). Parallelism: “In this world there is only one thing before which one must kneel, and that is kindness” (V. Hugo); “If youth knew, if old age could” (A. Etienne). The chiasmus is the basis of the aphorism: “It is not the consciousness of people that determines their existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness” (K. Marx); “The living cannot teach the dead anything, but the dead teach the living” (Chateaubriand). The ellipsis is presented in the following aphorism: “War to the pillory” (V. Hugo). Rhetorical question: “Do you really have the right, if you are getting old, to say that the flowers are not so beautiful and spring is not so bright?” (R. Rolland); “Will the world become much better when only knowledge remains in it and no mercy remains?” (B. Shaw). Gradation: “The main thing in a person is his wonderful ability to seek the truth, love it, see it and sacrifice himself in its name” (R. Rolland); “We remember everything. Nothing is forgotten. But we are for peace. Seriously! For all! Forever!” (K. Simonov). Anaphora: “All the diversity, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of shadow and light” (L. Tolstoy); “After all, if I don’t burn, and if you don’t burn, and if we don’t burn, then who will dispel the darkness here?” (Nazim Hikmet).

While exploring the question of the types of aphorisms, we came across the following classification. Aphorisms are introductory and isolated. Isolated aphorisms often reflect the true views of the author, which cannot be said for introductory aphorisms. Introductory aphorisms do not always characterize the position of the author; they often belong to a character in the work and reflect the point of view of this character.

Poetic aphorisms. Poetic aphorisms are found quite often. And this is understandable: poetic form, by its very nature, requires clarity, expressiveness and semantic capacity. Most often, poetic aphorisms take the form of two lines: “not only knowledge and skill / Patience is also needed for business” (I. V. Goethe). There are also poetic aphorisms in the form of a quatrain - a complete stanza of four lines: “The day will come and the hour will come, / When I teach and honor / The turn will come throughout the whole earth / to stand in first place” (R. Burns). A large number of beautiful poetic aphorisms were created by Pushkin, Nekrasov, Griboyedov, Blok, Mayakovsky, poets of our time: A. Tvardovsky, A. Surkov, R. Gamzatov and many others. etc. At the same time, moralizing sayings in verse have also survived to our time, especially popular in Ancient Greece and Eastern cultures, which were called gnomes.

Returning to the question of the authorship of aphorisms, we note that literary sources distinguish aphorisms - maxims (aphorisms without the name of the author), apothegmas (aphorisms attributed to a specific author), hria (aphorisms of a certain person in certain conditions), aphorisms including maxims (aphorisms of moral universal content ).

In the course of working on the study, we found out that the aphorism, despite its laconic form, can be the subject of many more profound scientific researches. Even as a literary genre, it has not yet found its clear interpretation. And the rhetorical potential of aphorisms has generally been little studied.


  • 1. Korolkova A.V., Lomov et al. “Dictionary of aphorisms of Russian writers” (electronic book).
  • 2. Literary encyclopedic dictionary / ed. V.M. Kozhevnikova, P.A. Nikolaev. - M., 1987. - 43 p.
  • 3. Popova E.A. Precedent texts in teaching the Russian language // Russian language at school. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 44-50.
  • 4. Uspensky L., Briefly about aphorisms, in the collection: Aphorisms, comp. E. S. Rize, Leningrad, 1964;
  • 5. Fedorenko N.T. Genre and specific features of aphorisms / N.T. Fedorenko, L.I. Sokolskaya // News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser.lit. and language. 1985.-T.44.-No.3.- P. 245-254.

Genre is a type of literary work. There are epic, lyrical, dramatic genres. There are also lyric epic genres. Genres are also divided by volume into large (including Romani and epic novels), medium (literary works of “medium size” - stories and poems), small (short story, novella, essay). They have genres and thematic divisions: adventure novel, psychological novel, sentimental, philosophical, etc. The main division is related to the types of literature. We present to your attention the genres of literature in the table.

The thematic division of genres is rather arbitrary. There is no strict classification of genres by topic. For example, if they talk about the genre and thematic diversity of lyrics, they usually single out love, philosophical, and landscape lyrics. But, as you understand, the variety of lyrics is not exhausted by this set.

If you set out to study the theory of literature, it is worth mastering the groups of genres:

  • epic, that is, prose genres (epic novel, novel, story, short story, short story, parable, fairy tale);
  • lyrical, that is, poetic genres (lyric poem, elegy, message, ode, epigram, epitaph),
  • dramatic – types of plays (comedy, tragedy, drama, tragicomedy),
  • lyroepic (ballad, poem).

Literary genres in tables

Epic genres

  • Epic novel

    Epic novel- a novel depicting folk life in critical historical eras. “War and Peace” by Tolstoy, “Quiet Don” by Sholokhov.

  • Novel

    Novel– a multi-issue work depicting a person in the process of his formation and development. The action in the novel is full of external or internal conflicts. By topic there are: historical, satirical, fantastic, philosophical, etc. By structure: novel in verse, epistolary novel, etc.

  • Tale

    Tale- an epic work of medium or large form, constructed in the form of a narrative about events in their natural sequence. Unlike the novel, in P. the material is presented chronically, there is no sharp plot, there is no shallow analysis of the feelings of the characters. P. does not pose tasks of a global historical nature.

  • Story

    Story– small epic form, a small work with a limited number of characters. In R. most often one problem is posed or one event is described. The novella differs from R. in its unexpected ending.

  • Parable

    Parable- moral teaching in allegorical form. A parable differs from a fable in that it draws its artistic material from human life. Example: Gospel parables, the parable of the righteous land, told by Luke in the play “At the Bottom.”

Lyrical genres

  • Lyric poem

    Lyric poem- a small form of poetry, written either on behalf of the author or on behalf of a fictional lyrical character. Description of the inner world of the lyrical hero, his feelings, emotions.

  • Elegy

    Elegy- a poem imbued with moods of sadness and sadness. As a rule, the content of elegies consists of philosophical reflections, sad thoughts, and grief.

  • Message

    Message- a poetic letter addressed to a person. According to the content of the message, there are friendly, lyrical, satirical, etc. The message may be addressed to one person or group of people.

  • Epigram

    Epigram- a poem that makes fun of a specific person. Characteristic features are wit and brevity.

  • Oh yeah

    Oh yeah- a poem distinguished by solemnity of style and sublimity of content. Praise in verse.

  • Sonnet

    Sonnet– a solid poetic form, usually consisting of 14 verses (lines): 2 quatrains (2 rhymes) and 2 tercet tercets

Dramatic genres

  • Comedy

    Comedy- a type of drama in which characters, situations and actions are presented in funny forms or imbued with the comic. There are satirical comedies ("The Minor", "The Inspector General"), high comedies ("Woe from Wit") and lyrical ones ("The Cherry Orchard").

  • Tragedy

    Tragedy- a work based on an irreconcilable conflict in life, leading to the suffering and death of the heroes. William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet".

  • Drama

    Drama- a play with an acute conflict, which, unlike the tragic one, is not so sublime, more mundane, ordinary and can be resolved one way or another. The drama is based on modern rather than ancient material and establishes a new hero who rebelled against circumstances.

Lyric epic genres

(intermediate between epic and lyric)

  • Poem

    Poem- an average lyric-epic form, a work with a plot-narrative organization, in which not one, but a whole series of experiences are embodied. Features: the presence of a detailed plot and at the same time close attention to the inner world of the lyrical hero - or an abundance of lyrical digressions. Poem “Dead Souls” by N.V. Gogol

  • Ballad

    Ballad- a medium lyric-epic form, a work with an unusual, intense plot. This is a story in verse. A story, told in poetic form, of a historical, mythical or heroic nature. The plot of a ballad is usually borrowed from folklore. Ballads “Svetlana”, “Lyudmila” V.A. Zhukovsky

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Bobkova K.A.

Zueva A.A.

Novokuznetsk (Russia)

Annotation. The article examines the genre of aphorism as a rhetorical phenomenon, questions about the genre boundaries of aphorism, and its varieties.

Key words: aphorism, aphorism, types of aphorisms, rhetorical genre, precedent text, quotation, aphoristic statement.

aphorism genre phenomenon rhetorical

The relevance of the topic of our work is determined by the fact that aphorisms, deep in content, complete in meaning, figuratively and laconically expressed judgments, have always been actively used in communication, were popular among the people and were highly valued by many outstanding people. “Strong, short expressions have contributed greatly to the improvement of life,” Cicero said many years ago. “Maxims and aphorisms are true worldly wisdom and the salt of literature,” wrote D. Morley. “I learned a lot from proverbs, otherwise, from thinking in aphorisms,” stated M. Gorky. Aphorisms also aroused interest among the founders of scientific communism. K. Marx, F. Engels, V.I. Lenin, a master of words, masterfully used sayings of this type in his works and speeches.

Aphorisms as an independent genre occupy a significant place in literature. They are organically included in works of a dramatic, narrative, poetic and journalistic nature, since their impact potential is great.

In this work, we tried to consider questions about genre boundaries and specific features of aphorisms.

The word “aphorism” comes from the Greek “aphorismos” (short saying, definition). Author Korolkova A.M. notes that at present in literary criticism an aphorism is considered to be a short saying in which a generalized thought is presented in a laconic, artistically sharpened form. This is how this term is interpreted, for example, in the Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary. It is also quite rightly stated there that the aphorism reveals the general and typical in reality. Uspensky L. in his collection “Briefly about Aphorisms” refers to aphorisms as a generalized, complete and deep thought of a certain author, expressed in a laconic, polished form, distinguished by precise expressiveness and obvious unexpectedness of judgment.

Thus, all researchers of this issue agree that an aphorism is a saying that is short in form, capacious and expressive in content. But these same characteristics bring aphorisms closer to other laconic and apt genres, such as a proverb, a catchphrase, etc., which creates a certain difficulty in determining the genre boundaries of an aphorism.

In the work of Yu.N. Karaulov we come across the statement that proverbs, catchphrases and aphorisms are varieties of one generic concept - precedent text. He called precedent texts: 1) significant for the individual in cognitive and emotional terms; 2) having a superpersonal nature, i.e. well known to the wide circle of this person, including her predecessors and contemporaries; texts, reference to which is repeated repeatedly in the discourse of a given linguistic personality.

Let's take a closer look at the above mentioned genres.

Aphorism and proverb. A proverb is a deep, complete, briefly expressed thought in figurative form. It is often used in a figurative sense, for example: “You can’t fool an old sparrow on the chaff”; “You can’t get apples from a rowan tree”; “Everyone has his own taste, but a donkey has a donkey’s taste.” A distinctive feature of many proverbs is also the rhythmic organization of speech: “The sheep made peace with the wolf, but did not return home”; “I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.” Moreover, the proverb has no authorship. Like an aphorism, a proverb does not prove or argue, but influences consciousness with the original formulation of a thought.

Aphorism and catchphrase/expression. Catchwords/expressions are very common, apt, figurative words or expressions that are used very widely, but have a specific author. Many of them, still used today, have evangelical origins: “prodigal son”, “poor in spirit”, “salt of the earth”, “white lie”, etc. Many winged words, popular even in our time, were expressed by the sages of Ancient Rome and Greece: “in seventh heaven” (Aristotle), “swan song” (Aesop), “white crow” (Juvenal), etc. Many winged words flew from pages of fiction of the “new” time: “on par with the century” (A. Pushkin), “finest hour” (S. Zweig). If winged words, when included in a text, create some kind of complete image, then winged expressions, like aphorisms, convey not an image, but a whole conclusion. Just as in the composition of an aphorism in a catchphrase, a statement of a completely stable form, which represents a single indivisible whole, it is impossible to introduce any components, just as it is impossible to arbitrarily extract anything from them without changing the meaning of the phrase. This probably gives many authors the right to equate these concepts.

So, a proverb is a stable, short, ambiguous saying that has a figurative meaning. She has no authorship. A catchphrase is a figurative, apt saying that belongs to a famous person and has come into general use. Aphorisms may not have authorship, or they may be copyrighted. For example, this phrase: “Everyone hears only what he understands.” Goethe, a great thinker, is the author of this aphorism; an aphorism that can inspire thought in every person. It is interesting that many such statements have a continuation that is not so popular and well-known, so each person comes up with it independently.

Do not confuse a catchphrase or aphorism with a quotation. A quotation is a literal thought, but it does not pretend to be as capacious and laconic as a popular expression or aphorism. This could be a phrase taken from a book, poem or any other literary work. Often quotes are taken from films, literally taken from the lips of the main characters. Thus, for the most part, the difference between an aphorism and a quotation lies in volume. A quotation can consist of one sentence or several paragraphs. But aphorisms (most of them - about 70%) consist of only a few words. This is their peculiar highlight. In addition, aphorisms appear more often in the context of certain works. They can be artistic, philosophical, and even scientific. Not every quotation can become an aphorism, however, the author's aphorism can be called a broader term - quotation.

Aphorism and aphoristic statement/saying. In Kvyatkovsky’s “Poetic Dictionary,” an aphorism is “a saying that expresses any original thought with extreme laconicism in a polished form.” But we tend to separate these concepts. The term “aphoristic statement” is not yet widely used, but the need for it, as a number of studies note, is clearly felt. If you look at collections of aphorisms, you will notice that they are more often called “aphorisms and sayings”, or “aphorisms and sayings”. And foreign collections are “aphorisms and fragments”, “aphorisms and quotes”. As you can see, next to the word “aphorism” there is usually another, expansive term. And this is not accidental, for there are wise thoughts that, being compressed to the limit, still do not fit into the boundaries of an aphorism; Such judgments can be classified as aphoristic statements. Although the word “saying” often acts as a synonym for the word “aphorism” and, obviously, therefore is not always mentioned in encyclopedias and dictionaries, this concept has its own characteristics. In essence, it is the ancestor of such terms as “aphorism”, “maximum”, “gnome”, “apophegma” (see below for types of poetic aphorisms). The term “saying” is necessary as a term that combines several of these concepts, and it means a generalized, complete thought of a certain author in a figurative, brief form: “Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for a long time” (Abul Faraj); “Eternal peace is better than hope for victory” (Titus Livius).

Let's look at the types of aphorisms. Fedorenko N.T. highlights several differences, such as: thematic differences, stylistic.

Thematic differences. The subject matter of aphorisms is extremely broad, diverse and difficult to classify. One can distinguish aphorisms from socio-political, ethical, aesthetic, everyday life, philosophical, pedagogical, etc. Moreover, in each of these varieties many more specific topics can be identified. For example, aesthetic aphorisms are dedicated to art in general and its individual types, or creativity, beauty, etc. It is no coincidence that the collections of aphorisms by V. Vorontsov, S. Ignatiev and others each contain up to 80 thematic headings.

The theme of the aphorisms reflects the innumerable facets of human individuality and human society in their dialectical development. In this sense it is universal. At the same time, there is no timeless and classless aphorism. In every era, in every social environment, original ideas, theories, and thoughts arise that continuously enrich the subject of aphorism.

Stylistic differences. When creating aphorisms, numerous artistic, stylistic and emotional means are used, namely definition, paradox, various stylistic figures, and less often, tropes. As part of the research, we found out what the aphorism is based on, what form it has, and what artistic and stylistic means underlie the aphorism. Let's present these results.

An aphorism built on a definition usually has a two-term form. In the first part, a phenomenon or concept is named, in the second its essence is revealed: “In fidelity to truth is fidelity to the fatherland” (S. Zweig); “War is a crime that cannot be atoned for by victory” (A. France); “Peace is the greatest key value of our existence” (L. Leonov).

The study showed that quite often there are aphorisms based on a paradox (true in its meaning). Such aphorisms are characterized by originality and unexpectedness of conclusions: “There are dead people who must be killed” (L. Danuyer); “Ignorance of the laws does not relieve one from responsibility, but knowledge does” (S. Lec); “He who is capable creates, he who is not capable teaches” (B. Shaw).

The most common stylistic figures in aphorisms are antithesis, parallelism and chiasmus. Ellipse, rhetorical question, gradation, anaphora, etc. may also be used. Let us give examples. An aphorism built on the basis of an antithesis: “A person must be the master of his will and the slave of his conscience” (M. Ebner-Eschenbach); “Doubts adorn philosophers, but destroy soldiers” (N. Gribachev). Parallelism: “In this world there is only one thing before which one must kneel, and that is kindness” (V. Hugo); “If youth knew, if old age could” (A. Etienne). The chiasmus is the basis of the aphorism: “It is not the consciousness of people that determines their existence, but, on the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness” (K. Marx); “The living cannot teach the dead anything, but the dead teach the living” (Chateaubriand). The ellipsis is presented in the following aphorism: “War to the pillory” (V. Hugo). Rhetorical question: “Do you really have the right, if you are getting old, to say that the flowers are not so beautiful and spring is not so bright?” (R. Rolland); “Will the world become much better when only knowledge remains in it and no mercy remains?” (B. Shaw). Gradation: “The main thing in a person is his wonderful ability to seek the truth, love it, see it and sacrifice himself in its name” (R. Rolland); “We remember everything. Nothing is forgotten. But we are for peace. Seriously! For all! Forever!” (K. Simonov). Anaphora: “All the diversity, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of shadow and light” (L. Tolstoy); “After all, if I don’t burn, and if you don’t burn, and if we don’t burn, then who will dispel the darkness here?” (Nazim Hikmet).

While exploring the question of the types of aphorisms, we came across the following classification. Aphorisms are introductory and isolated. Isolated aphorisms often reflect the true views of the author, which cannot be said for introductory aphorisms. Introductory aphorisms do not always characterize the position of the author; they often belong to a character in the work and reflect the point of view of this character.

Poetic aphorisms. Poetic aphorisms are found quite often. And this is understandable: poetic form, by its very nature, requires clarity, expressiveness and semantic capacity. Most often, poetic aphorisms take the form of two lines: “not only knowledge and skill / Patience is also needed for business” (I. V. Goethe). There are also poetic aphorisms in the form of a quatrain - a complete stanza of four lines: “The day will come and the hour will come, / When I teach and honor / The turn will come throughout the whole earth / to stand in first place” (R. Burns). A large number of beautiful poetic aphorisms were created by Pushkin, Nekrasov, Griboyedov, Blok, Mayakovsky, poets of our time: A. Tvardovsky, A. Surkov, R. Gamzatov and many others. etc. At the same time, moralizing sayings in verse have also survived to our time, especially popular in Ancient Greece and Eastern cultures, which were called gnomes.

Returning to the question of the authorship of aphorisms, we note that literary sources distinguish aphorisms - maxims (aphorisms without the name of the author), apothegmas (aphorisms attributed to a specific author), hria (aphorisms of a certain person in certain conditions), aphorisms including maxims (aphorisms of moral universal content ).

In the course of working on the study, we found out that the aphorism, despite its laconic form, can be the subject of many more profound scientific researches. Even as a literary genre, it has not yet found its clear interpretation. And the rhetorical potential of aphorisms has generally been little studied.


1. Korolkova A.V., Lomov et al. “Dictionary of aphorisms of Russian writers” (electronic book).

2. Literary encyclopedic dictionary / ed. V.M. Kozhevnikova, P.A. Nikolaev. - M., 1987. - 43 p.

3. Popova E.A. Precedent texts in teaching the Russian language // Russian language at school. - 2007. - No. 3. - P. 44-50.

4. Uspensky L., Briefly about aphorisms, in the collection: Aphorisms, comp. E. S. Rize, Leningrad, 1964;

5. Fedorenko N.T. Genre and specific features of aphorisms / N.T. Fedorenko, L.I. Sokolskaya // News of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser.lit. and language. 1985.-T.44.-No.3.- P. 245-254.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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    A study of the aesthetic, philosophical and moral merits of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign." Characteristics of the construction, genre features and system of images of the work. Descriptions of the defeat of Russian troops on Kayal and its consequences for the Russian land.

    abstract, added 11/06/2015

    The novel is one of the free literary forms, involving a huge number of modifications and embracing several main branches of the narrative genre. A study of the artistic and aesthetic features of Apuleius's novel "Metamorphoses".

Editor's Choice
Light tasty salads with crab sticks and eggs can be prepared in a hurry. I like crab stick salads because...

Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...

There is nothing tastier and simpler than salads with crab sticks. Whichever option you take, each perfectly combines the original, easy...

Let's try to list the main dishes made from minced meat in the oven. There are many of them, suffice it to say that depending on what it is made of...
Half a kilo of minced meat, evenly distributed on a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees; 1 kilogram of minced meat - . How to bake minced meat...
Want to cook a great dinner? But don't have the energy or time to cook? I offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo of portioned potatoes with minced meat...
As my husband said, trying the resulting second dish, it’s a real and very correct army porridge. I even wondered where in...
A healthy dessert sounds boring, but oven-baked apples with cottage cheese are a delight! Good day to you, my dear guests! 5 rules...
Do potatoes make you fat? What makes potatoes high in calories and dangerous for your figure? Cooking method: frying, heating boiled potatoes...