The joint stock company creates reserve capital. What is reserve capital? Accounting for reserve capital

From others components own capital, reserve capital is different in that not all the stated purposes of its use can be realized based on the rules of management accounting. The formation of reserve capital and the contradictions associated with its use will be discussed in this article.

Legal basis for the formation and use of reserve capital

In accordance with clause 1 art. 35 of the Law on JSC joint stock companies are required to create a reserve fund in the amount provided for by the company's charter, but not less than 5% of it authorized capital. The reserve fund of a joint-stock company is formed through mandatory annual contributions until it reaches the size determined by the charter of the joint-stock company. The amount of annual contributions is provided for by the charter of the joint-stock company, but cannot be less than 5% of net profit until reaching the size determined by the charter of the joint-stock company.

The reserve fund of the joint-stock company is intended to cover the losses of the company, as well as to repay the bonds of the joint-stock company and repurchase the shares of the joint-stock company in the absence of other funds. The reserve fund cannot be used for other purposes.

When redeeming shares in the event that the redemption price exceeds the nominal value of the shares, and the current profit of the enterprise is not enough to carry out the operation, the use of reserve capital for these purposes is reflected as follows:

1) repurchase by an enterprise from a shareholder of shares owned by him in the amount of actual costs - Debit 81 “Own shares (shares)” Credit to accounting accounts Money ;

2) cancellation of own shares repurchased by the enterprise in the amount of the par value of the redeemed shares - Debit 80 “Authorized capital” Credit 81 “Own shares (shares)”;

3) attributing to reserve capital the excess of the actual costs of repurchasing shares over their nominal value - Debit 82 “Reserve capital” Credit 81 “Own shares (shares)”.


The general meeting of shareholders of the OJSC adopted a decision to reduce the authorized capital by 3 million rubles. by purchasing 3,000 shares from shareholders with a par value of RUB 1,000. for the purpose of their subsequent repayment. The shares were purchased from shareholders at a price of RUB 2,500. in the period from 02/05/2014 to 02/10/2014. Registration of changes in the charter was made on March 28, 2014. Due to the lack of profit from current activities, the board of directors of the OJSC decided to repurchase shares at the expense of reserve capital, the value of which is 8.7 million rubles.

The following entries were made in accounting:

Decrease in reserve capital

An enterprise has the right to reduce its authorized capital, which will lead to an excessively accrued amount of reserve capital, or to reduce, within the limit established by law, the size of the reserve capital itself. In these cases, the operation of reducing reserve capital is legal, which is reflected in accounting after state registration of changes in the constituent documents with the following entry: Debit 82 Credit 84- reserve capital is reduced to the amount provided for by the charter.


The authorized capital of the CJSC is 36 million rubles, reserve capital is 5.4 million rubles. The general meeting of shareholders of the CJSC adopted a decision to reduce the authorized capital by 3 million rubles. The amount of reserve capital established by the constituent documents is 15% of the authorized capital. Registration of changes in the charter was made on March 28, 2014.


Reserve capital has a narrow zone of use; by and large, its only purpose is to cover the losses of the enterprise. As such, the operation of spending reserve capital to pay off losses does not affect the amount net assets enterprise, but only leads to a change in the structure of equity capital. Assessing the importance of reserve capital in the life of an enterprise, we can say that this fund, although not directly or indirectly, saves money. It does not allow profit to be spent at the moment when it is earned, but forces part of the profit to be reserved, softening it in the future. Negative consequences from possible losses.

In legislative and regulations both the designation “reserve capital” and the designation “reserve fund” are in circulation, while we're talking about about the same object. Since the Chart of Accounts provides for the term “reserve capital,” this article predominantly uses this spelling, except in cases where the author refers to the text of a document.

Reserve capital is an insurance financial source most often used to cover incurred losses. It should be borne in mind that when referring to different legislative acts, there are different names: reserve fund and reserve capital, which, within the framework of the topic under study, mean the same thing. You will learn about the sources of formation of this fund from our article.

Reserve capital on the balance sheet is...

Magnitude reserve capital is displayed in line 1360 of the balance sheet, which indicates that Reserve capital is a component of the organization’s total capital, reflected in the final line 1300.

That Reserve capital is included in the company’s equity capital and is also indicated in clause 66 of the Regulations on Accounting and Accounting, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n (hereinafter referred to as PVBU).

Reserve capital - an asset or a liability?

The company's capital and reserves are classified as its liabilities, so it is logical that Reserve capital as a component of equity capital is, of course, a liability.

In addition, accounting information about the condition and movement of reserve capital is generalized to count 82, which is also passive.

Reserve capital intended to accumulate part of net retained earnings, which will subsequently be used primarily to cover losses.

You will receive more information about liabilities and assets when studying the article.

Reserve capital for JSC and LLC - what are the differences?

Unlike LLCs, joint stock companies are required to accumulate Reserve capital. For LLC creation reserve fund is the right of the company in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 30 of the law of 02/08/1998 No. 228-FZ, and not an obligation. At the same time, the size and targeted nature of such a fund for an LLC are not regulated by law, but are prescribed in the charter.

Size reserve capital joint stock companies cannot have less than 5% of the authorized capital, while the founders can establish larger size of this fund (clause 1 of article 35 of the law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ). The same legislative act specifies the intended use of the fund and the procedure for its formation.

How is reserve capital formed?

  1. In accordance with current legislation, the main source of formation reserve capital are deductions from net profit.

In joint stock companies reserve capital is formed from deductions from net profit, while the amount of annual replenishment reserve capital should not be less than 5% of the net undistributed profit for the reporting period (paragraph 2, paragraph 1, article 35 of Law No. 208-FZ). Deductions from net profit in favor of the reserve fund are made until the limit established in the charter is reached.


The charter of Kolos-info JSC provides for the creation of a reserve fund in the amount of 6% of the authorized capital. The authorized capital at the time of the meeting of the board of directors (02/20/2015) amounted to 90,000,000 rubles, Reserve capital was formed at the level of 5,200,000 rubles. The net profit of Kolos-info JSC for 2014 amounted to 6,000,000 rubles.

In accordance with the charter, Kolos-info JSC must form Reserve capital in the amount of 5,400,000 rubles (90,000,000× 6%). To complete the formation of reserve capital, it remains to contribute another 200,000 rubles (5,400,000 - 5,200,000). At the meeting held on February 20, 2015, it was decided to allocate 200,000 rubles from the net profit of 2014 to replenish the reserve fund.

If the company happened to contact the source reserve capital to cover losses incurred at the end of the reporting period, then in the next period deductions will have to be made again from net profit until the statutory value is reached.

  1. In addition to the above replenishment method reserve capital At the expense of part of retained earnings, it is also possible in special cases to form Reserve capital at the expense of property contributions of the founders.

Contributions made by shareholders that are transferred to the company in the form of property, according to clause 2 of PBU 9/99, are not recognized as income of the company. And in sub. 3.4 clause 1 art. 251 of the Tax Code states that income recognized for tax purposes does not include contributions of shareholders with property made in order to increase net assets and funds. This means that they can be aimed, among other things, at the formation reserve capital.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that shareholders, in order to increase net assets, can make contributions with property (moral and property rights) also through the formation reserve capital.

You will get more information about net assets by studying our articles:

For example, many non-profit organizations create reserve funds at the expense of share contributions of participants (subclause 16, clause 3, article 1, subclause 1, clause 4, article 6 of the law of July 18, 2009 No. 190-FZ, clause 7 of article 34 of the law of December 8, 1995 No. 193-FZ). And the chart of accounts for agricultural enterprises, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture dated June 13, 2001 No. 654, directly provides for the possibility of forming a reserve fund from contributions from participants.

Example 1:

In order to increase the size of net assets, the shareholders of the agricultural company decided to make a contribution to Reserve capital(hereinafter referred to as RK) in the form of materials in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

  • Dt 10 Kt 75 in the amount of 100,000 rubles - upon receipt of materials from shareholders for the purposes stated above;
  • Dt 75 Kt 82 in the amount of 100,000 rubles - formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Example 2:

At the board of shareholders, they decided to increase net assets by making a contribution of 2,000,000 rubles to the RK JSC. Shareholders made contributions in the total amount of 2,000,000 rubles.

In this regard, 2 entries will be made in accounting:

  • Dt 51 Kt 75.3 in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles - receipt of funds from shareholders to replenish the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Dt 75.3 Kt 82 in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles - formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan from contributions made by shareholders.

How does the reserve capital increase/decrease?

In a situation where the board of directors has decided to increase the authorized capital, which is within its competence in accordance with Art. 65 of Law No. 208-FZ, and as a result it turned out that the size of the reserve fund became less than the mandatory 5% of the capital capital, there is a need to increase reserve capital.

The decision to increase the authorized capital by increasing the par value of shares is made by the general meeting of shareholders (clause 2 of Article 28 of Law No. 208-FZ).


At the meeting of shareholders, it was decided to increase the authorized capital from 200,000,000 rubles to 300,000,000 rubles. At the same time, the JSC at the time of acceptance this decision has already been formed Reserve capital in the amount of 10,000,000 rubles. Accordingly, after increasing the size of the charter capital to 300,000,000 rubles, the JSC will have to increase reserve capital by 5,000,000 rubles (300,000,000 rubles× 5% - 10,000,000 rubles).

If a decision was made to reduce the size of the capital, then there is a basis for reducing the capital. This change can be legally carried out only after state registration of changes in the charter relating to the reduction in the size of the charter capital. The decrease in the RK in accounting is documented by posting Dt 82 Kt 84.


For joint stock companies Reserve capital for a specific intended use is mandatory integral part own capital. Its size is strictly defined at the legislative level and cannot be less than 5% of the authorized capital. The composition of the Criminal Code of the joint-stock company is established by the norms of Art. 99 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 25 of Law No. 208-FZ.

When changing the company's capital, it is also necessary to review the size reserve capital. If an increase in the authorized capital has been made, and the size of the formed capital has become less than the limit, then it should begin to be filled at the expense of net profit or established by law cases - at the expense of property contributions from shareholders aimed at increasing net assets (or share contributions).

Reserve capital is accounted for account 82 “Reserve capital”.

This type of capital is mandatory only for joint stock companies; all other organizations can create a reserve at their discretion.

What is included in reserve capital?

As mentioned above, the reserve is formed on account 82; reserve and other funds can be reflected in this account in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization. Joint-stock companies, in addition to the above, may also include a special fund for the corporatization of employees, a special fund for paying dividends on preferred shares and other special funds. Also, these special funds may not be accounted for in account 82, but rather be formed separately on. It should be noted that in balance sheet enterprises, these special funds are in any case reflected in the reserve capital line.

The formation of reserve capital occurs after the approval date financial statements, that is, after the end of the reporting year when distributing retained earnings received for the reporting year. The distribution of profits occurs once after the end of the reporting year, it is then that the formation and replenishment of reserve capital should occur and the corresponding entries should be reflected in the accounting records.

Video lesson “Accounting for reserve capital in account 82”

The lesson explains in detail the accounting of the organization's reserve capital on account 82, examines key entries, examples and how transactions are accounted for. The lesson is taught by a teacher-expert of the site “Accounting and Tax Accounting for Dummies” Gandeva N.V. ⇓

How is reserve capital formed?

After the calendar year is completed, all final entries are reflected, reporting for the year is drawn up - a meeting of the participants (founders) of the company is held, at which it is decided how the net profit will be distributed: for the payment of dividends, for the formation of a reserve, etc.

As mentioned above, for joint-stock companies the formation of reserve capital is a mandatory procedure, and it is established that the amount of reserve capital must be at least 5% of the authorized capital. The specific amount of the reserve for each individual organization is determined by its constituent documents (charter).

Therefore, contributions to the reserve each year must be at least 5% of the net profit received for the year. The specific amount of annual contributions must be such that the resulting reserve capital is not less than the amount established by the charter of the company.

Accounting for reserve capital

Reserve capital funds are necessary to cover possible unexpected losses of the organization. For joint stock companies, reserve capital is necessary to repurchase their own shares and repay bonds.

The reserve capital (some call it the fund) is property of the enterprise, the source of which is deductions from retained earnings. For organizations established in the form of joint stock companies, the obligation to create such funds is established by law.

Its functions

Many modern economists and accountants consider reserve capital in a simplified form. They believe that the only function it performs is protective. At the same time, there is an opinion that it is needed only to cover financial losses incurred in the process of activity. This is fundamentally wrong. We can highlight several more important functions that are performed by the funds created in the form of a reserve.

Legislative requirements for the formation of such funds allow the state to influence the activities of different types organizations.

Today in Russia this is the way to influence enterprises created in the form of joint stock companies and companies with foreign participation.

In the process of creating capital, management personnel are encouraged to adequately assess its size. Due to the fact that this money is diverted from circulation, there should not be too much of it. The adequate size of the fund should be calculated based on the riskiness of the activity, as well as the growth of the scale of the business.

For what purposes is it created?

Directions for spending these funds are determined primarily legal form organizations.

For joint stock companies, the purposes of creating reserves, as well as their other parameters, are strictly regulated by law. In this case, funds can be spent on:

  • covering losses incurred in the course of business;
  • in the absence of other sources for repaying bonds and organizing the repurchase of shares.

Regardless of their size, the funds created by the joint-stock company cannot be used to solve any other problems.

For other forms of business organization, there are no legislative restrictions on the areas of spending such funds. These goals are usually set out in the company's founding documents.


The main source of formation of this capital is the company's retained earnings. It is understood as that part of the profit that was not spent in previous periods. Most often it is used for business development.

Joint stock companies

In relation to JSCs, Russian legislation establishes not only the obligation to transfer funds to funds. Their minimum size is also clearly regulated.

Today, the amount of formed reserves should not be less than 5% of the authorized capital.

The specific value is fixed in the constituent documents. If a new organization is created in accordance with the law, it can form a fund not at once, but gradually. Then, until the established amount of reserves is reached, the company’s responsibility is to annually set aside at least 5% of the net profit received.

Limited Liability Companies

LLCs have no obligations to create reserve funds in Russia. Nevertheless, companies created in this form have the right to do so.

The organization's charter may have a clause on reserve capital. The procedure for its creation and the amount of required contributions are fixed here. Every year, after the formation and consideration of financial statements, the owners of the LLC at a meeting decide on how to distribute profits. They can use it for these purposes as well.

Companies with foreign participation

According to Russian legislation, companies created with the involvement of foreign investment, are obliged to form such a fund. Its minimum size is determined at the level 1/4 of the authorized capital.

Accounting Features

The current regulation regulates the accounting of this capital on the passive account of the same name 82. Sub-accounts called reserve fund available and used can be opened on it. In accordance with the features of maintaining passive accounts an increase is taken into account for its credit, and a decrease in the amount of the reserve is taken into account for its debit.

Joint-stock companies can account for the following funds in this account:

  • spare;
  • created to corporatize employees;
  • intended for payment of dividends on preferred shares;
  • others created on the basis of the charter.

Other organizations account for reserve funds in this account, as well as others formed in accordance with the charter.

Accounting entries

All transactions made using account 82 can be divided into groups depending on in which direction and in connection with what the size of the fund changes:

  • formation;
  • spending;
  • decrease.


As noted earlier, the reserve is formed from retained earnings. Therefore, such a situation is reflected in accounting as follows:

  • Debit of account 84 “Retained profit/uncovered loss” - Credit of account 82 “Reserve capital”.

If the founders decide to create reserves to increase the company’s capital by contributing property or non-property rights belonging to them, the following entry is made in the accounting:

  • Debit of account 75, used to account for settlements with owners - Credit 82.


If a decision is made to use reserve funds to cover losses incurred, an entry is made with account 84, which is the reverse of what was done when they were formed:

  • Debit 82 - Credit 84 in terms of reflecting uncovered losses.

It is important to understand that in accounting, covering losses by spending created reserves is considered an event that occurred after the reporting date. This means that in the period for which reporting is provided, the relevant information is reflected in the explanatory note and the report reflecting profits and losses.

The corresponding entries will be generated in the next reporting year.

If such a situation arose in joint stock company, it must subsequently make contributions to reserves until the required amount is restored.

In cases where bonds are repaid using reserve funds, in correspondence with account 82, accounts 66 or 67 are used, depending on the period for which they were issued:

  • Debit 82 - Credit to account 66, intended for accounting for settlements on short-term obligations.
  • Debit 82 - Credit to account 67, intended for accounting for settlements of long-term liabilities.

When the reserve is allocated for the repurchase of shares, the following block of records is formed:

  • Ransom situation valuable papers is reflected in the Debit of account 81 “Own shares (shares)” and the Credit of cash accounts depending on the funds used.
  • Cancellation of the corresponding shares – Debit 80 “Authorized capital”, Credit 81 for the amount of their par value.
  • Attribution of the difference between the nominal value and the actual amount paid at the expense of reserves – Debit 82, Credit 81.


In the event of a decrease in the authorized capital of an organization, it has the right to reduce the size of the reserve fund in order to bring it into compliance with the constituent documents.

In this case, after the state registration corresponding changes, the following is posted in accounting:

  • Debit account 82 – Credit account 84.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the creation of reserves is important for any organization. At the same time, the operation of their expenditure is not capable of changing the size of net assets. In fact, it only reflects the change in shares various sources, forming equity companies.

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