Active processes of valgin read online. Valgina N.S. Active processes in modern Russian language. List of used literature

Before we begin to consider the topic “Active processes in the modern Russian language,” two reservations should be made. The first concerns the understanding of the term “modern Russian language”. Some linguists associate its origins with the work of A. S. Pushkin, others limit it to the chronological framework of recent decades, while others take intermediate positions on this issue, which is reflected in the presentation of educational material by different authors. The second caveat concerns the levels of language that are described in this section. Since the changes that took place in the field of phonetics (spelling) and vocabulary of the modern Russian language, as well as spelling and punctuation, were disclosed in sufficient detail in the relevant sections of the textbook, it seems possible here to describe the active processes that occurred only in word formation, morphology and syntax.

Changes in word formation

Place of word formation in the language system

Word formation is a special subsystem of language, the specifics of which are determined by two factors. Word formation is not a special level of language, but together with morphology constitutes one of its levels - morphemic, which consists of two sublevels - inflectional and word-forming. At the same time, word formation is closely related to vocabulary: derived and non-derivative words form the vocabulary (lexical) composition of the language. The replenishment and development of the vocabulary of a language is determined by the needs of reality. These two features of word formation determine the specifics of its historical development.

The connection with morphology leads to the stability of those aspects of word formation that rely on morphology: the composition of word-forming morphemes, their cohesion with inflectional morphemes (for example, the suffix -tel produces only nouns m.r. 2nd declension, and the suffix -ness- nouns only w.r. 3rd declension), a set of word formation methods are not subject to sudden historical changes.

The connection with vocabulary determines another feature of word formation - responsiveness to the demands of reality. Therefore, historical processes are revealed more clearly in the lexical-semantic aspect of word formation, i.e. in the filling of word-formation types with new derivative words, in the activation of certain semantic categories of derivative words and basic stems.

This is especially clearly revealed when studying short moments of history. Let's consider the historical period 1945-2000, which falls into several sub-periods: the Stalin era, the Khrushchev thaw, the Brezhnev stagnation, the era of perestroika and post-perestroika. There is no correlation between these short historical periods and changes in the word-formation system. Only individual changes in the word formation system can be correlated with phenomena in the history of society. Therefore, this chapter will be structured as a characteristic of certain processes that indicate changes in the word formation system.

During this period, of the five functions performed in language by word formation: nominative, constructive, compressive, expressive and stylistic [Zemskaya, 1992], three functions are especially intensive - nominative, expressive and compressive.

The high activity of word formation is evidenced by calculations of the quantitative ratio of the two main methods of producing one-word nominations - borrowings and derived words. The calculations were carried out based on one of the issues of the dictionary “New in Russian vocabulary. Dictionary materials-81” (1986). The following ratio was revealed: 2900 derived words - 135 borrowings. It can be assumed that this ratio reflects the situation characteristic of the language of the late 20th century.

The most effective is the nominative function of word formation. It can be argued that every new important phenomenon in the political, economic, cultural, etc. life of society, as a rule, receives a name associated with the use of word-formation means of the language, for example: geek, alternative, security officer for the defense industry, statist, sovereign, beneficiary, state employee, carpenter/free worker and etc.




1. Active processes in the modern Russian language in the field of pronunciation, stress, word formation, morphology, vocabulary, syntax.

2. Speech as speech activity. Speech as a text, a product of speech activity.

3. Requirements for the text. Types of speech.

List of basic educational literature

1) Glazunova, O. I. Russian language and culture of speech [Text]: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions / O. I. Glazunova. – 2nd ed., erased. – Moscow: KnoRus, 2015. – 243 p.

2) Redenko, A. M. Speech culture and business communication in diagrams and tables [Text]: textbook / A. M. Rudenko. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015. – 334 p.

3) Chernyak, V. D. Russian language and culture of speech [Text]: textbook for bachelors / [Chernyak V. D. et al.]; edited by V. D. Chernyak; Russian state Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional – Moscow: Yurayt, 2014. – 505 p.

4) Active processes in the modern Russian language: a textbook for students of specialty 030901.65 “Publishing and Editing” / Comp. N.V. Lyubeznova / Saratov State Socio-Economic University. – Saratov, 2010. – 128 p.

1. Active processes in the modern Russian language in the field of pronunciation, stress, word formation, morphology, vocabulary, syntax.

Before starting to consider the topic “Active processes in the modern Russian language”, a clarification should be made regarding the understanding of the term "Modern Russian language". Some linguists associate its origins with the work of A. S. Pushkin, others limit it to the chronological framework of recent decades, while others take intermediate positions on this issue, which is reflected in the presentation of educational material by different authors.

Changes in Russian pronunciation

Modern pronunciation norms developed gradually on the basis of variant pronunciation in different territorial dialects, in different social groups and partly in different styles. In addition, the difference in options can be assessed chronologically as younger and older norms. New pronunciation displaces the old one, but often both coexist for quite a long time: getting rid of the old pronunciation is a more complex process than abandoning obsolete words and even grammatical forms. In any case, over the course of the life of one generation it is difficult to free oneself from the pronunciation features of one’s environment and family.

Pronunciation norms are fixed by orthoepic dictionaries, the task of which is to reflect stress norms.

1. Strengthening “literal” (“graphic”) pronunciation– one of the strongest trends in the modern Russian language, for example:

- was born instead of born[a]; T theirs instead of quiet;

Pronunciation of the combination [chn] instead of [shn] in words like bakery, pepper shaker;[cht] instead of [pcs] in the words that, so that, etc. Now only a certain number of words with these combinations have retained [shn], [pcs] as literary pronunciation: of course, that, something, nothing, eyeglass case, boring, on purpose, laundry, bachelorette party, Nikitichna, Ilyinichna, scrambled eggs and some others.

Correlation of options with [e] – [o]. This phonemic variation is associated with the replacement of the letter [ё] with the letter [e], which has been introduced into the practice of Russian writing. So the spelling subordinated the pronunciation: fade - fade; whitish - whitish.

2. Phonetic adaptation of foreign words. A borrowing language always strives to subordinate borrowings to its rules and laws.

First of all, the pronunciation of unstressed vowels in the position before the stress is subject to Russification; initially, in particular, a clear [o] was preserved in words like poet, glass, boa, team, station, dossier, novel. Today, such [o] is considered obsolete and, according to the law of Russian vocalism, is replaced by a reduced sound close to “a” [ъ]. Although, given the high stylistic connotation of the words poet, poetry, as well as some exoticism of the word boa, it is advisable to preserve the old clear [o].

Dictionaries pay a lot of attention to foreign words with the sound [e] in different positions - stressed (rector) and unstressed (Dean). Russification of such words consists of replacing the hard consonant before [e] with a softened one (spelling this is indicated by [e]). Pronunciation such as rector, pioneer is considered pretentious and illiterate. There are a lot of foreign words with the indicated sound in the modern Russian language; the pronunciation is often preserved in its original form, this is especially true for terminological vocabulary. The predominance of the hard version is also supported by the practice of using other words with re: progress [re], stress [re], congress [re], rating [re], where the norm provides for a soft version. As a non-normative option, you can even find the pronunciation of beret [re], correct [re], correction [re]. Of course, the combination with [e] in proper names remains: Descartes [de], Thatcher [te], Voltaire [te], Thorez [re], etc. Although toponyms may have a soft version as a recommendation: Texas, however, it is more widely used T[e]has. As we see, the process of Russification is proceeding unevenly and contradictorily, with a difficult-to-understand pattern. The recording of options in dictionaries has been changing over the course of several decades, which can hardly reflect the objective state of affairs.

3. Leveling (smoothing out differences) pronunciation in social terms, erasing the peculiarities of territorial pronunciation, etc. This is explained by general reasons - the growth of general education, bringing closer to a single literary norm, as well as the influence of the media, especially radio and television.

Active processes in the area of ​​stress

Due to the fact that professional, business, colloquial speech is increasingly influencing public and official speech, the processes prepared by the language system itself are accelerating and the former strict literary norms are being shaken. In the area of ​​stress, this is especially noticeable, since a stream of new words has poured into the language, not yet sufficiently mastered, understood, and often just heard. In such a situation, you can only rely on spoken speech (and it is not always correct!), since much of what already lives in the language is not reflected in dictionaries and therefore does not have normative assessments.

The reasons for accent changes are mainly intrasystemic.

1. The clash of the laws of analogy and tradition, for example, by analogy with verb forms V And huh, nose And spinning, spinning And there is decomposition occurs. form whirlwind And there is(at lit. V And grunt from the whirlwind). Or by analogy with forms etc O given, pr O dan, pr O are given as a result of unification, decomposition occurs. form etc O given(at lit. sold A ).

2. The influence of some dialects, and borrowing sources– for borrowed vocabulary. For example, southern dialect b O ndar(if option bond A ry) is supported by analogy l e kar, p e kar, t O curry. In a variant pair P e aphid And loop I the second option, also from southern dialects, is supported by a systemic analogy: ski I , daub I, dear I, massacre I, kvashn I .

Among the borrowed words one can also observe fluctuations:

When borrowing twice ( ind at stria and industry And I- from lat. and Greek lang.);

When exposed to an intermediary language (lit. document and space. document- from Polish lang.);

When combining forms of the source language and Russified forms ( Sh e xpir– English And Shakespeare And R- Russified version).

Changes in lexical composition

New in Russian word formation

Changes in the use of grammatical forms S.R. see list of references

Changes in syntactic structure source #4

Some trends in modern punctuation

2. Speech as speech activity. Speech as a text, a product of speech activity.

Speech specific speaking, occurring over time and expressed in audio (including internal pronunciation) or written form.

Speech is usually understood as both the process of speaking itself and the result of this process, i.e. speech activity, speech works recorded in memory or writing.

In humans, along with labor, scientific, government and other types of activity, there is the most common activity - speech activity. Without it, no other is possible; it precedes, accompanies, and sometimes even forms and forms the basis of other activities.

Types of speech activity may be different.

1) Depending on the form of expression, they are divided into:

Oral (speaking - generating speech, listening - perceiving an oral message),

Written (writing - creating a written text and reading - perceiving a written text).

2) Depending on whether a person generates speech or perceives it, types of speech activity are divided into:

Productive types (speaking and writing),

receptive types (listening and reading).

It is these types of speech activity that underlie the process of speech communication. The effectiveness and success of verbal communication depends on how well a person has developed the skills of these types of speech activities.

3) Depending on the number of participants, activities are divided into:

Monologue speech (the speech of one person addressed to listeners or to himself),

Dialogue speech (a form of speech in which statements are exchanged between two or more persons).

Speech activity is one of the most complex types of activity in all its parameters.

Speech activity as one of the types of human activity is characterized by purposefulness and consists of several successive stages:

Orientation, planning (in the form of internal programming);



In accordance with these stages, each individual speech action is carried out.

Speech activity is the activity of communication, the end result of which is text.

Text - a speech work, which is the result of a person’s speech activity, is the main communicative unit that he uses during speech activity.

3. Requirements for the text.

Text - main unit of speech; This is a speech work, a product of speech activity, which is characterized by a general concept, theme, structure, logical and stylistic unity, grammatical and semantic coherence of its components. Text is the result of speech activity carried out by participants in speech communication. The text may consist of one paragraph, but it can also be a note, article, or book.

Related information.

At the moment, the state of the Russian language causes a lot of discussion and controversy, since its state cannot have an unambiguous assessment. Since the relationship between language and society is quite complex, it is not so easy to determine the specific direction in which the Russian language is moving.

Many philologists, linguists, journalists and politicians are in favor of cleaning the Russian language from foreign words and slang expressions, which have already seeped into the speech used in the media.

But there is another opinion - it is believed that such a movement of the language is useful and natural; it is precisely such transformations that will make the Russian language more accessible and expressive. Many also pay attention to the widespread speech errors and illiteracy in printed publications.

It is obvious that language serves as a reflection of everything that happens in society. And Russia has gone through many transformations recently: perestroika, post-perestroika, the formation of a new, separate state and its accelerated development.

These moments had a huge impact on the revolutionary transformation of the Russian language. At the moment, such active processes in the Russian language are distinguished - changes in the conditions of the functioning of the language, in the construction of the text and in the language system.

Problems of language ecology

The most obvious changes are changes in the conditions of language functioning. The widespread use of public speech makes the Russian language for most people a means of expressing their individuality and their personal opinions.

The language becomes relaxed and liberated, and at the same time reveals all its pronounced defects. This is the main problem of the ecology of the Russian language.

Lack of culture and ignorance are manifested through language. This is not to say that the liberation of the language is definitely bad; on the contrary, it has its positive aspects that will help the language improve. But the Russian language should not become loose and personify permissiveness.

The abundance of speech and spelling errors indicates that people disrespect their own language and do not take into account its historical significance. In modern society, they have stopped paying attention to the criteria for correct speech; this is not a mandatory attribute for those who constantly speak in public.

But the grace of speech and its artistry speaks volumes and makes a person more educated, and therefore more successful, and someone who could become a role model. But it is important to note that this situation did not change the language system, and language norms remained the same.

A similar process refers to the lack of speech culture, which modern society does not strive to develop and improve. This leads to constant contamination of the language, and even those who are not prone to speech errors gradually adopt a similar format of communication from others.

UDC 811.161.1 BBK 81.2 Rus-923 Valgina N.S. Active processes in the modern Russian language: Textbook Moscow: Logos, 2001. 304 p. 3000 copies Reviewers: Professor, Doctor of Philological Sciences S.G. Antonov and N.D. Burvikova For the first time, a holistic concept of active processes in the Russian language is given, based on the study of oral and written speech in various spheres of social life. The active processes in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are covered. - in pronunciation and stress, in vocabulary and phraseology, in word formation and morphology, in syntax and punctuation. Language changes are considered taking into account the internal sources of language development against the background of historical transformations in the life of society. Linguistic variation is widely represented in its relation to the literary norm. Particular attention is paid to the vocabulary of the media as the most obvious source of changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas and specialties of “Philology”, “Linguistics”, “Journalism”, “Book Studies”. "Publishing and Editing." Of interest to linguists, philosophers, cultural experts, press workers, literary scholars, teachers and professors, as well as a wide range of readers. ISBN 5-94010-092-9
© Valgina N.S., 2001 © “Logos”, 2001
Preface 1. Principles of the sociological study of language 2. Laws of language development 3. Variation of the linguistic sign 3.1. The concept of variation and its origins 3.2. Classification of options 4. Language norm 4.1. The concept of the norm and its signs 4.2. Norm and occasionalism. General linguistic and situational norm 4.3. Reasoned deviations from the norm 4.4. Basic processes in the normalization of linguistic phenomena 5. Changes in Russian pronunciation 6. Active processes in the area of ​​stress 7. Active processes in vocabulary and phraseology 7.1. Basic lexical processes 7.2. Semantic processes in vocabulary 7.3. Stylistic transformations in vocabulary 7.4. Determinologization 7.5. Foreign language borrowings 7.6. Computer language 7.7. Foreign language lexemes in Russian vernacular 7.8. Extraliterary vocabulary in the language of modern press 8. Active processes in word formation 8.1. The growth of agglutinative features in the process of word formation 8.2. The most productive word-formation types 8.2.1. Production of names of persons 8.2.2. Abstract names and named processes 8.2.3. Prefix formations and compound words 8.3. Specialization of word-forming means 8.4. Stepwise word formation 8.5. Collapse of titles 8.6. Abbreviation 8.7. Expressive names 8.8. Occasional words 9. Active processes in morphology 9.1. The growth of analyticism in morphology 9.2. Shifts in forms of grammatical gender 9.3. Forms of grammatical number 9.4. Changes in case forms 9.5. Changes in verb forms 9.6. Some changes in the forms of adjectives 10. Active processes in syntax 10.1. Dismemberment and segmentation of syntactic structures 10.1.1. Connecting members and parceled structures 10.1.2. Binomial constructions 10.2. Predicative complexity of a sentence 10.3. Activation of inconsistent and uncontrollable word forms 10.4. Growth of prepositional combinations 10.5. Tendency towards semantic accuracy of statements 10.6. Syntactic compression and syntactic reduction 10.7. Weakening the syntactic connection 10.8. The relationship between affective and intellectual in the sphere of syntax 11. Some trends in modern Russian punctuation 11.1. Point 11.2. Semicolon 11.3. Colon 11.4. Dash 11.5. Ellipsis 11.6. Functional and targeted use of punctuation 11.7. Unregulated punctuation. Author's punctuation Conclusion Literature 12. Sample program of the discipline “Active processes in the modern Russian language” 12. 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline, requirements for knowledge and skills 12.1.1. The purpose of teaching the discipline 12.1.2. Requirements for knowledge and skills 12.1.3. List of disciplines, the mastery of which is necessary to study this discipline 12.2. Contents of the discipline 12.2.1. Name of topics, their content 12.3. Approximate list of practical exercises 12.4. Sample list of homework

The state of the modern Russian language at the end of the 20th century, the changes that are actively taking place in it, require careful study and coverage in order to develop assessments and recommendations from the standpoint of objectivity and historical expediency.

The dynamics of language development are so noticeable that they do not leave anyone indifferent either among the linguistic community, or among journalists and publicists, or among ordinary citizens not professionally associated with the language.

The media provide a truly impressive picture of the use of language, which causes conflicting judgments and assessments of what is happening. Some scrupulously collect gross errors in speech, focusing on the traditional literary norm of the past; others welcome and unconditionally accept “verbal freedom”, discarding any restrictions in the use of language - up to the admissibility of printed use of coarse vernacular, jargon and obscene words and expressions in the language.

The public's concern about the fate of language, although it has serious grounds, does not take into account that they lie somewhat apart from the linguistic essence itself. Indeed, the style of modern media causes alarm and concern. However, this often equates real dynamic processes in the language itself, in particular in the stormy growth of variant forms and the avalanche growth of word-formation types and models, and phenomena explained by the insufficient culture of oral and written public speech. The latter has a completely realistic justification: the democratization of society has incredibly expanded the circle of public speakers - in parliament, in the press, at rallies and in other spheres of mass communication. Freedom of speech, understood literally and in relation to the manner of expression, broke all social and ethical prohibitions and canons. But this is another problem - the problem of speech culture, the problem of ethics of public speaking, and finally, the problem of language education. In this sense, we have indeed lost a lot, at least the practice of editing and polishing the printed and spoken word. But, on the other hand, it is obvious that the literary smooth “reading of a written text” in the past could not serve as an exemplary manifestation of the culture of speech in its essence. A lively, spontaneously delivered speech is more attractive, but it, naturally, is fraught with many surprises.

Thus, when discussing the state of the Russian language today, it is necessary to distinguish between linguistic issues proper and issues of speech practice, issues of linguistic taste of the historical moment.

Language and time are an eternal problem for researchers. Language lives in time (this does not mean abstract time, but the society of a certain era), but time is also reflected in language. Language changes. This evolutionary quality is inherent in him. But how does it change? It is hardly legitimate to believe that it is constantly and steadily improving. Assessments of “good” or “bad” are inappropriate here. There is too much subjectivity in them. For example, contemporaries A.S. There were many, many things that Pushkin did not like about his linguistic innovations. However, it was they who subsequently turned out to be the most promising and productive (let us recall, at least, the attacks on the language of “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, up to its complete rejection).

Modern science of language, when characterizing changes in it “for the better,” prefers to use the principle of expediency. In this case, the functional-pragmatic essence of the language is taken into account, and not an abstractly and separately existing code model. Such a clear quality of modern language as the increasing variability of linguistic signs can be perceived as a positive phenomenon, since it provides language users with choices, which, in turn, indicates the expansion of the language’s capabilities in terms of satisfying specific communicative tasks. This means that the language becomes more mobile, subtly responding to the communication situation, i.e. The stylistics of the language are enriched. And this adds something to the resources already available in the language and expands its capabilities.

Despite the fact that the language of modern media often produces a negative impression due to a falsely understood thesis about freedom of speech, it must be admitted that the modern Russian language, due to the prevailing historical circumstances, today draws resources for updating the literary norm here - in the media, in colloquial speech, although for a long time such a source was fiction, it is not without reason that the standardized language is called the literary language (according to M. Gorky - processed by masters of words). The change in the sources of the formation of a literary norm also explains the loss of the norm’s former rigidity and unambiguity. Such a phenomenon in modern language as the variation of a norm is not a sign of its loosening and loss of stability, but an indicator of the flexibility and expedient adaptability of the norm to the life situation of communication.

Life has changed a lot. And not only the idea of ​​​​the inviolability of the literary model in establishing the norm. The speech behavior of representatives of modern society has changed, speech stereotypes of the past have been eliminated, the language of the press has become more natural and lifelike; The style of the mass press has changed - there is more irony and sarcasm, and this awakens and develops subtle nuances in the word. But at the same time and nearby there is linguistic vulgarity and the nakedness of the direct, crude meaning of the taboo word. The picture is contradictory and ambiguous, requiring careful analysis and painstaking, long-term work on cultivating linguistic taste.

An interesting idea was expressed by I. Volgin back in 1993 (Lit. newspaper, August 25), quoting I. Brodsky: “Only if we have decided that it is time for “sapiens” to stop in its development, literature should speak the language of the people. Otherwise, the people should speak the language of literature.” As for the “obscene literature” that has so flooded our modern press, then for its own good it is better for it to remain marginal, fundamentally unbookish, inexpressible in the written word (I. Volgin’s advice). “There is no need to artificially pull this fragile object out of its natural habitat - from the element of oral speech, where only it is able to carry out its cultural mission.” And further: “This outstanding national phenomenon deserves to live an independent life. Cultural integration is killer for him.”

It must be said that the general decline in the style of the mass press, the loss of literary purity and stylistic “sublimity”, to a certain extent, removes neutrality in the assessment of events. Stylistic illegibility, as a protest against the pathos and show-off of past times, gives rise at the same time to stylistic deafness and loss of the sense of language.

However, it is not our task to analyze the language of the mass press as such. These materials are used only as an illustration of one’s own processes in language, since this area of ​​application of language most quickly responds to new phenomena in language and, in a certain sense, actualizes them. The manual does not set the task of a normalization plan. This requires enormous statistical data and end-to-end analysis of modern texts and spoken speech. Even the authors of the collective monograph “The Russian Language of the End of the 20th Century,” prepared at the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, officially declare that they are not normalizers.

The purpose of the manual is to introduce important patterns in modern language, with the sprouts of something new in it; help you see this new thing and correlate it with internal processes in the language; help establish connections between the self-development of language and the changes that stimulate it in the real life of modern society. Particular assessments of linguistic facts and corresponding recommendations can help to understand the complex “language economy” of our time and, possibly, influence the development of a sense of language.

The manual focuses on a conscious, thoughtful attitude to the processes in language, on the perception of language as a dynamic, functionally developed system.

The description of the material requires knowledge of the multi-level system of the Russian language and its modern style and stylistic differentiation.

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Valgina N.S.

Active processes in modern Russian language

Valgina N.S. Active processes in modern Russian language. - M.:Logos, 2003. - 304 s. . - (Textbook of the XXI century)EBook. Slavic languages. Russian studies. Russian language

Abstract (description)

For the first time, a holistic concept of active processes in the Russian language is given, based on the study of oral and written speech in various spheres of social life. The active processes in the Russian language at the end of the 20th century are covered. - in pronunciation and stress, in vocabulary and phraseology, in word formation and morphology, in syntax and punctuation. Language changes are considered taking into account the internal sources of language development against the background of historical transformations in the life of society. Linguistic variation is widely represented in its relation to the literary norm. Particular attention is paid to the vocabulary of the media as the most obvious source of changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language.
For students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas and specialties of “Philology”, “Linguistics”, “Journalism”, “Book Science”, “Publishing and Editing”. Of interest to linguists, philosophers, cultural experts, press workers, literary scholars, teachers and professors, as well as a wide range of readers.

Contents (table of contents)

Principles of sociological study of language
Laws of language development
Variation of a linguistic sign
(The concept of variation and its origins. Classification of options)
Language norm
(The concept of a norm and its characteristics. Norm and occasionalism. General linguistic and situational norm. Motivated deviations from the norm. Basic processes in the normalization of linguistic phenomena)
Changes in Russian pronunciation
Active processes in the area of ​​stress
Active processes in vocabulary and phraseology
(Basic lexical processes. Semantic processes in vocabulary. Stylistic transformations in vocabulary. Determinologization. Foreign borrowings. Computer language. Foreign language lexemes in Russian vernacular. Extraliterary vocabulary in the language of modern press)
Active processes in word formation
(Growth of agglutinative features in the process of word formation. The most productive word-formation types. Production of names of persons. Abstract names and names of processes. Prefix formations and complex words. Specialization of word-formation means. Intergradate word formation. Collapse of names. Abbreviation. Expressive names. Occasional words)
Active processes in morphology
(Growth of analyticism in morphology. Shifts in forms of grammatical gender. Forms of grammatical number. Changes in case forms. Changes in verb forms. Some changes in adjective forms)
Active processes in syntax
(Dismemberment and segmentation of syntactic constructions. Connecting members and parceled constructions. Binomial constructions. Predicative complexity of the sentence. Activation of inconsistent and uncontrollable word forms. Growth of prepositional combinations. Tendency towards semantic accuracy of the statement. Syntactic compression and syntactic reduction. Weakening of syntactic connection. Correlation of affective and intellectual in the field of syntax)
Some trends in modern Russian punctuation
(Period. Semicolon. Colon. Dash. Ellipsis. Functional and intended use of punctuation. Unregulated punctuation. Author's punctuation)
Approximate program of the discipline “Active processes in the modern Russian language”

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