Alesya Yarmolenko personal. Secrets of Alesya, who is Olya. - So now you want to say beautifully that you left creativity

Alesya(real name Olga Anatolyevna Yarmolenko ; Belor. Volga Anatolyeva Yarmolenka; genus. August 27, Bobruisk) - Belarusian pop singer, soloist of the Syabry ensemble.


She began her career with the song “Zhauranachka” in the Belarusian language.

Personal life

  • Her first husband was composer Sergei Lipen (born March 12, 1969), her producer, and they lived together for 13 years.
  • Son Anatol, winner of the Audience Award at the Children's New Wave competition in 2009.
  • Second husband (since November 13, 2011) - Leonid Minets, born in 1971, owner of the BelMuzTV channel, has a business selling television advertising, etc.


  • "Alesya" ()
  • "Rival" ()
  • "From Alesya to Alesya" ()
  • "Alesya" ()
  • "The main thing" ()
  • "Alesya" ()
  • "ALESYA" DVD ()

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  • // “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus”, 11/30/2005

An excerpt characterizing Alesya (singer)

- And how! - he said. “It happened to me that everything was fine, everyone was cheerful, but it would come to my mind that I was already tired of all this and that everyone needed to die.” Once I didn’t go to the regiment for a walk, but there was music playing there... and so I suddenly became bored...
- Oh, I know that. I know, I know,” Natasha picked up. – I was still little, this happened to me. Do you remember, once I was punished for plums and you all danced, and I sat in the classroom and sobbed, I will never forget: I was sad and I felt sorry for everyone, and myself, and I felt sorry for everyone. And, most importantly, it wasn’t my fault,” Natasha said, “do you remember?
“I remember,” said Nikolai. “I remember that I came to you later and I wanted to console you and, you know, I was ashamed. We were terribly funny. I had a bobblehead toy then and I wanted to give it to you. Do you remember?
“Do you remember,” Natasha said with a thoughtful smile, how long, long ago, we were still very little, an uncle called us into the office, back in the old house, and it was dark - we came and suddenly there was standing there...
“Arap,” Nikolai finished with a joyful smile, “how can I not remember?” Even now I don’t know that it was a blackamoor, or we saw it in a dream, or we were told.
- He was gray, remember, and had white teeth - he stood and looked at us...
– Do you remember, Sonya? - Nikolai asked...
“Yes, yes, I remember something too,” Sonya answered timidly...
“I asked my father and mother about this blackamoor,” said Natasha. - They say that there was no blackamoor. But you remember!
- Oh, how I remember his teeth now.
- How strange it is, it was like a dream. I like it.
- Do you remember how we were rolling eggs in the hall and suddenly two old women began to spin around on the carpet? Was it or not? Do you remember how good it was?
- Yes. Do you remember how dad in a blue fur coat fired a gun on the porch? “They turned over, smiling with pleasure, memories, not sad old ones, but poetic youthful memories, those impressions from the most distant past, where dreams merge with reality, and laughed quietly, rejoicing at something.
Sonya, as always, lagged behind them, although their memories were common.
Sonya did not remember much of what they remembered, and what she did remember did not arouse in her the poetic feeling that they experienced. She only enjoyed their joy, trying to imitate it.

This year the Syabry ensemble celebrates its 45th anniversary, and its leader, soul and voice Anatoly Yarmolenko celebrates its 70th anniversary

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"Syabry" have not given solo concerts in Minsk for many years. And so, on October 31 at the Palace of the Republic we will see the anniversary concert of our most famous ensemble. Many famous artists from near and far abroad expressed a desire to congratulate their colleagues on stage - the composition of the participants is still being discussed. And the day before we met with the singer Alesya. Let us remember that at the age of 39 she gave birth to her son Makar and has been on maternity leave for two years. The singer’s husband is a major businessman, he moved his family to Cyprus, and now they live either by the sea or in Minsk.

“I’m on retirement and maternity leave”

- Alesya, can you remember your first appearance on stage?

When I celebrated my birthday, they started a quiz with questions about my creativity. Every now and then I was asked for hints - but I myself don’t remember the answers! There was just such a question: when did I first go on stage? I had to go online to remember! This was the filming of the program “Take the Song with You”, 1991. I stood at the keyboard in my mother’s shoes one and a half sizes too small, in our drummer’s jacket (he had the same build), I had my eyelashes painted and a manicure done for the first time. And I mostly thought about how to survive these two hours. But nevertheless, letters later began to arrive on television with the question: who is this princess? After all, “Syabra” never had female vocals, and I also sang along. At that time, I was only in the 9th grade... In general, this appearance on the stage changed everything: my plans for medical school were cancelled, and I went to study at the Institute of Culture.

This is what “Syabry” was like at the beginning of the century. Photo: personal archive

- It turns out that Yura Shatunov is already receiving a pension. But you could too!

So I say that I am on retirement and maternity leave (laughs). I don’t hide my age and treat it lightly. Dad, of course, is not very happy that I don’t work much with the ensemble now. But I didn’t say that I was leaving for good.

- Anatoly Ivanovich said that you are now recording something new...

It is rather his desire that he voices. Although I’m actually writing something. But there is a problem - a shortage of good songs. I asked Nina Bogdanova to write me something, but she herself is now expecting a child, and she has no time for me. Although she says that she has something. But no matter where she performs, everyone wants the old hits - “My Birds, Birds”, “On TV Channels”. It’s the same with “Syabry” - they always ask to sing “Alesya”. In principle, these songs can be sung all your life. But we are constantly making new ones.

To be honest, I’m now passionate not so much about creativity as about family. When my son Anatole was little, I didn’t do much with him, mostly my mother helped. And with Makar, who is only two years old, I am trying to fill this gap. I am an excellent housewife, mother, I take full care of the child, I get up to see him at night. But Anatole has already grown up, and we have a relationship with him, like very good friends. He shares all his secrets with me - even those that he won’t tell his grandparents.

“Dad is old school, he will perform until the last moment”

- How is Anatoly Jr. doing? He’s also in Syabry.

He’ll graduate from music college next year, but we’ll see. If he wants to study further, I will be glad. He has a girlfriend, Dana, and they have been dating for almost two years, although they do not live together yet. A good girl, she is versatile, she is studying to become a lawyer, but she draws very well, they even tried to sing a duet.

- How is the younger Makar?

Oh, genes can't be avoided! When I sang lullabies to Anatoly, he always drew out the notes with me. The younger one has an impeccable sense of rhythm and his hearing is fine. What an artist, you can see right away! No matter how much we insist: buy Makar a calculator and abacus as a gift, grandfather still brings him a pipe, then drums, or an accordion. My husband, Leonid, will insist on economic education, I think for now. But if Makar wants to make music for his own pleasure, then everyone will be all for it. The husband sees what a difficult job the artist has. Sometimes he says to dad: Anatoly Ivanovich, take a rest, stay with us in Cyprus. Sea Sun! Dad arrives, but after a couple of days he begins to get ready to go home, explaining: “They called, there is a big solo concert in Moscow, we need to work in full. I'll go! " He doesn’t know how to rest... This is the old school, they will perform until the last minute. Sometimes even I don’t understand dad, but I can’t blame him. This is his life’s work, even his family comes second after the stage.

- Come on, your dad and mom are the strongest couple in Belarusian show business!

Yes, we’ve been married for 48 years, but we’ve known each other for longer, so we’ve been together for half a century. Moreover, during all this time they were not noticed in any side relationships; they still have a very tender relationship. When my mother comes to see me, the first thing she does is ask me to connect Wi-Fi, because she “needs to talk to Tolya.” Recently my mother spent the whole day with me, and at some point we forgot about the phone. We realized it - and there were already 12 missed messages from dad: “Where are you, where did you go”? This is the kind of relationship... This is probably even more than love.

-Are you trying to be as caring as they are?

My husband says: don’t disappear into the child. He will grow up and fly off into an independent life, and you and I will remain together until old age. He knows what he is saying, for him this is already his fourth child - for me Makar is only the second. Anatole is now his child too (laughs). So there are now a lot of Leonidovichs! The relationship between all the children is very good, they congratulate each other on their birthdays, correspond, we go on vacation and travel together.

- Are there days when you get together?

Birthdays and New Year. We try, anyway. True, this year for the first time I celebrated the New Year without my parents and Anatoly, with my personal family - Makar and Leonid. This turned out to be, frankly, morally difficult. But right after the New Year we got together.

“I constantly argue with my girlfriends about natural aging”

- You yourself admitted that you easily talk about age...

I remember how, as a child, I calculated that in 2000 I would be 24 years old. I thought: oh, it’s not so soon, I’ll make more money. And now I understand that at 42 life has just begun! But no amount of money can buy health. Therefore, I am already preoccupied with this in advance. But she couldn’t explain to her parents what gluten was. Well, at least they use fish oil - and that’s good.

You are not only for a healthy lifestyle, but for beauty in all forms, even if it is plastic surgery. I'm hinting at your nose...

They broke it for me on stage in Mogilev! We hired a new dancer, he was doing a gymnastic element and accidentally hit me with his heel in the nose. I somehow finished singing, and even went to perform at Dozhinki. Then I showed up to the surgeon and asked him: even if there is no fracture, still tell dad that he needs to have an operation. The doctor looked and said: you have a displaced fracture, you need to do it anyway. The fact is that I have long wanted to change the shape of my nose, but my dad was categorically against it! And this time, suspecting a trick, I didn’t believe it - we went with the picture to another surgeon, and he confirmed: yes, we need to operate! Later they asked me how I punished that dancer, and I joked in response that, on the contrary, I wrote out gratitude to him. A dream come true. True, when the bandage was removed, I shouted: give my nose back! But now I’m used to it, of course, although I still can’t breathe very well, something was injured there. I haven’t sewed anything else, but cosmetologists say it’s time. No, of course, when I come to Belarus, I do cosmetic injections, hyaluronic therapy, mesotherapy - the whole package. I’m not afraid of this at all and constantly argue with my girlfriends about natural aging. I am categorically against it. If some organ hurts, you treat it, including surgery. And the skin is the same organ that occupies a large area on the body, so why shouldn’t it be dealt with?

“I never changed my name to Alesya”

- In Cyprus, where you live now, do they know that you are a celebrity?

Oh, well, of course not! It’s generally not clear where to wear heels. So I make a bun out of my hair, put on shorts and a T-shirt, and off I go. Only my closest circle of acquaintances know who I am, and even then I didn’t specifically tell you. There was a case with a friend with whom we had communicated two years before. We once saw a poster announcing a concert by “Blue Bird” and “Pesnyary”. And she says: “Eh, I would like more “Syabrov”, if only they would come.” I couldn’t restrain myself and said: “Do you want me to sing for you right now?” You should have seen her face (laughs). “What a fool I am,” she said. “How come I didn’t think of it before!”

And in general, major music and celebrity are not about me. Even at school, I tried not to mention my last name again, so that there would be no questions. For that matter, it’s more likely that son Anatoly has nowhere to go - he also has a first and last name that matches his father’s.

- And according to your passport, you still remained Olga, what was your name at birth?

I didn’t change it. Iskui Abalyan once saw my photograph on a board among colleagues awarded the Francysk Skaryna medal, I was signed there as Olga Anatolyevna Minets (husband’s last name - Ed.). There was also a bob haircut - it was generally difficult to recognize me. Iskui laughed that all that was left of me was my middle name.

The current composition of the Syabry ensemble

July 27, 2012, 12:51

Since Alesya was not in Belarus for some time, Narodnaya Volya first asked People’s Artist of Belarus Anatoly Yarmolenko about her personal life.

-The fact that Alesya got married is for sure - said Alesya's father. - The husband is not American, but Belarusian. But I cannot give any information on this topic - if my daughter wants, she will tell the journalists everything herself. You see, we have been separating our personal lives and creativity for a long time. And when it comes to some family details, we don’t promote ourselves - we simply don’t need it...

By the way, just recently Anatoly Ivanovich and Alesya prepared a “star breakfast” on the ONT TV channel. And the director of the Syabry ensemble said that his new son-in-law is an excellent cook, and often invites the whole family to taste his culinary delights. Anatoly Ivanovich did not tell any other details about his daughter’s husband on air.



“At first you talk about your happiness, and then these high-profile divorces begin...”

The singer herself keeps her personal life under seven locks, and she does not yet intend to tell the general public about her female happiness with her new husband.

-As for personal matters, everything is prohibited, - Alesya said immediately. - I won't tell you anything and don't ask. This topic has been taboo for me for a long time. It just happens that the more you tell, the worse it gets. Don’t get me wrong: this is my personal life, I don’t want to dedicate anyone else to it.

And the fact that I got married a second time is no secret. Many people already know about this. But some details, what and how - sorry! At first you talk about your happiness, and then these high-profile divorces begin... Therefore, you don’t want to talk about anything. I can only say that I am in a state of absolute happiness, awe and care, which is what I wish for everyone...

Caption under the photo: On November 13 last year, a post appeared on Alesya’s page on the social network Facebook: “Married.” And next to it is this photo

“I can only say that I am in a state of absolute happiness!”


"We were very different..."

The singer separated from her first husband Sergei Lipen in 2009.

“We walked and walked towards something, and at some point I realized that it was time to call it a day,” Alesya told me a couple of years ago in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - I can’t say that there was such an obvious reason, understandable to everyone. We didn't fight. There was no betrayal on either side. There was no outside push. But there was no longer a happy life either. We breathed the same air, but looked in different directions. Some families live together for years for no apparent reason. “I don’t understand why” I didn’t want to live. Everything must develop. And when a certain point is reached and you realize that there is nowhere to develop together, you want to preserve what you have acquired. Then it’s better to separate and remain just friends. It is very difficult to decide on something. But once you have made a decision, it becomes easier. For me everything happened in one day. I came and said: “Sergey, let’s think about how to make sure that we remain just friends.” For a man to hear this is probably offensive. In any case, I saw that he was offended. But what was the point of further ruining each other’s lives? Our opinions on some issues began to diverge. We also had different opinions about raising a child. Probably because of the child I decided to take this step. Of course, we had other mutual grievances, but these are purely personal issues, I would not like to discuss them.

Yes, the problem is probably that we are fundamentally very different. We had different upbringings. We come from different social backgrounds. Since childhood, we have had different lifestyles. Sergei could resolve some issues from a position of strength, I was against this. I am a very positive person, an optimist in life. Sergei is a pessimist. He is quite a complex person. There is such a category of people - a lone wolf. When I met him, I immediately understood it. I was 20, he was 29. We taught each other a lot, at least he did me. He helped me grow up, for which I thank him very much...”


“I got divorced four times and always left in my underpants!”

For some, divorce is a real tragedy. Artist Evgeny Kryzhanovsky married for the fifth time.

“Narodnaya Volya” asked which divorce was the most difficult for the comedian.

- The word “divorce” no longer evokes negative emotions in me,- says Evgeniy Anatolyevich. - I am a fatalist and I believe that what is written in fate is what should be. And there’s nothing wrong with divorces either—you just have to get used to them. I'm used to it...

The matter never came to the division of property in all Kryzhanovsky families.

“There was always nothing to share,” the artist admits. - And even if it was, I always left everything to my wives. I had a period when I had to live in a car for a couple of months. But I believe that if a man leaves the family, he should leave everything to the woman. In my opinion, this is correct. Because she gave you a part of her life. And you will find someone else, but she may not.

Not all ex-wives of the famous artist have a personal life. Two of them got married and had children.

-We maintain very good relations with all our ex-wives, and especially with Tamara, my penultimate wife, with whom I have three children,- Evgeniy Anatolyevich shares the secret of family happiness. - We live nearby, we have a common dacha. Ex-wives have accepted my current wife into their circle - they even help her manage me, since they know my weaknesses very well... And most importantly, Tamara, my ex-wife, became the godmother of my last daughter, Ksyushka.

Kryzhanovsky is convinced that he developed such wonderful relationships with his ex-wives because he always acted "like a decent guy."

- I left the apartment, and always helped, and gave my salary,- Evgeniy Anatolyevich shares almost intimate details. - We never started talking about alimony, because I always brought everything to the family. And now, when my daughters have already become adults, I still support them: I pay for their studies, repairs, and trips. You know, it's not even about the money. I just didn’t leave them - they’re all mine! And even my mother-in-law, who, it would seem, should have cursed me for abandoning her daughter, said: “Zhenya, I still love you!”

Therefore, to all the men who read Narodnaya Volya, I want to say: do not humiliate yourself for pennies, do not humiliate yourself and your wife first of all by partitioning, if you leave your family, start all over with a blank slate. Otherwise they start going to court, taking away last names, dividing children - then this is a tragedy for everyone.

Just the other day we all got together at the dacha, ate barbecue, picked berries, laughed, I looked at it all and thought: God, this is the very harmony that one can only dream of!..

Many people criticize modern music because it has become the same type. The now popular club rhythms have already become boring even for young people. Alesya Yarmolenko relied on other compositions. Her songs are sensual and beautiful. That is why it has earned popularity not only in Belarus, but also far beyond its borders. This singer proves that listeners now have a demand for melodic and beautiful songs.


From childhood, Alesya (real name Olga) knew what a stage was. She often toured with her father, who led the Syabry ensemble. Singer Alesya Yarmolenko, whose biography is very interesting, has gravitated toward the stage since childhood, despite the fact that her father warned her against it in every possible way. She performed at children's festivals and competitions. The girl loves to remember her childhood and eagerly talks about it.

She was an independent girl, as she lived with her grandmother most of the time. Parents constantly toured (Alesya was born in 1976, the same time when “Syabry” received the status of VIA). Many children of celebrities talk about resentment towards their parents for their constant absence. Alesya Yarmolenko understood the reasons for the absence of her relatives. Her father remains one of the most important people in her life today.


Alesya's school years passed in a friendly atmosphere. She ended up in a friendly class and still remembers her time studying with warmth. Alesya Yarmolenko was an excellent student, despite the fact that she was bad at exact sciences. Like all children, she had periods of reluctance to study, but with the help of her grandmother she easily overcame them. In high school, Alesya toured a lot, but this was a problem only during her studies in Gomel. Later in Minsk no one was against the frequent absence of the schoolgirl.

After graduating from high school, the future singer was faced with a choice - who to be. Initially, she wanted to enter a medical institute, but one day, on her way to courses for applicants, Alesya Yarmolenko decided to find out what specialties were available at the Institute of Culture. She never showed up at medical school again. In parallel with her studies, Alesya built her career. She was already recognizable in Belarus. The dean’s grandson, who was an ardent admirer of young Alesya’s work, volunteered to present her with a diploma with his own hand.


Singer Alesya Yarmolenko calls the official start of her career the performance of the song “Larks” in the Belarusian language. She recorded her first album in 1995. It was called "Alesya". The singer loves her pseudonym very much and often uses it in the titles of songs and albums. This name connects her with her father and his work. For a long time, any of the singer’s successes were associated with the presence of an influential father, but the girl’s perseverance and determination helped refute all the rumors. Today no one says that Alesya owes everything to her father.

Now she is not only building a solo career, but also often performs with the Syabry ensemble. Almost every Belarusian radio station broadcasts her songs every day. Most of all, the singer loves to perform in holiday projects: filming for New Year’s broadcasts of Belarusian channels or taking part in the Russian “Song of the Year”. One of Alesya’s main achievements was receiving the national Francis Skaryna medal. She was awarded it in 2012.


In Belarus, almost everyone knows who Alesya Yarmolenko is. Her biography has been associated with VIA “Syabry” since an early age. When the girl was 14 years old, a turning point occurred. At that time, Syabry was going through a hard time; many musicians left the band. Anatol Yarmolenko Sr., Alesya’s father, then decided to involve his daughter in one of the filmings. It was impossible to refuse this performance, and the ensemble could not perform in full force. Then the girl became the keyboard player of the famous VIA.

Olga’s nickname was born after listening to one of the ensemble’s most famous songs. It's called "Alesya". Probably everyone living in the post-Soviet space has heard it. Alesya's first stage image fit perfectly with the epithets from this song. The “Wizard of the Forest” was a young girl with discreet makeup and two pigtails.


Anatoly Ivanovich’s main merit is his approach to raising children. Alesya often mentions in interviews that she was never pressured. From early childhood, the girl felt that she and her brother were loved by their parents. Anatol Ivanovich did not want his daughter to seriously pursue a stage career, but later he reconciled himself, because the girl knew how much work she would have to put into her performances.

It is thanks to her father’s upbringing that Alesya has absolutely no star fever. She happily answers all questions from reporters and agrees to take part in television programs even on small channels. Ales Yarmolenko attracts listeners with her simplicity and optimism. Her songs are loved not only in Belarus, but also in Ukraine, Russia and other neighboring countries. The singer regularly tours and attends television programs. She is an excellent cook, so she is invited not only to concert programs, but also to cooking shows, where she often appears with her father.

First husband

Alesya met her first husband, producer Sergei Lipen, thanks to her father. She was then only 20, and he was 29. Despite the fact that they were initially different in their views on life, the couple existed for 13 years. In the marriage, the singer had a son, whom she named Anatole in honor of his father. It was the child who gave impetus to the couple’s divorce. Sergei and Alesya had different methods of education, which the singer did not like very much.

In one of her candid interviews, the singer shared that one day she simply decided to put an end to the relationship, as she felt that family life had become a heavy burden for both partners. Despite the fact that Sergei was offended by Alesya’s frankness at the time of the breakup, now the former spouses communicate calmly. Sergei regularly sees his son.

Second marriage

Little is known about the singer’s second marriage. Fans were the first to know that Alesya had remarried and was happy. Even reporters did not know about the wedding and the identity of the singer’s new husband. On one of the social networks, Alesya posted her photo on her wedding day and set her marital status to “Married.” The singer did not want to answer numerous questions from reporters. She decided that her personal life should remain secret.

You can find several photographs online showing Alesya Yarmolenko and her husband. Each of them shows that the couple is absolutely happy. Anatol Ivanovich approved this time of Alesya’s choice; in one of the culinary shows, he said that he was happy to come to visit the newlyweds, because Leonid (the second husband) cooks very well. Today it has become known that Alesya’s chosen one is Leonid Minets. He is the owner of the BelMuz TV channel and runs his own business - selling advertising opportunities.

Son Anatole

The singer's son followed in the footsteps of his mother and grandfather. From a young age, he has been drawn to music and creativity. In 2013, Alesya and her new husband moved to Vienna, Anatole went with them. There the child studies guitar, arrangements and choreography. He studies at the embassy school and has excellent academic performance in all subjects.

Sergei reacted favorably to Alesya’s decision to move; he often takes his son on vacation and communicates with him daily via video calls. The family is often visited by Alesya's parents - mother Raisa and father Anatol.

In 2009, Anatol Yarmolenko Jr. won the Audience Award at the Children's New Wave festival. About his passion for music, he says that it is very serious. Alesya's son wants to achieve everything himself. His mother and grandfather are true role models for him.

“Alesya is my creative pseudonym, and my passport name is Olga. And what? Many artists choose stage names for themselves. And I always said openly that I work under a pseudonym. The name Alesya at one time predetermined my entire fate. Alesya is the personification of poetry... Remember: at school we learned by heart the poems of Yanka Kupala, Arkady Kuleshov, the prose of Alexander Kuprin, and in these poems and prose the name Alesya was sung. And the ensemble “Syabry” sings: “The forest wizard Alesya lives in Belarusian Polesie...” This is an amazing song about a girl who is the embodiment of Belarusian beauty.”

“Sometimes people allow themselves some familiarity and say, for example: “Olga, let’s go...” I quickly stop this. After all, no one calls Allegrova Valya, and Anzhelika Varum Masha, right?..”

“I’m more stylish in real life”

“On stage you have to live up to the image. I'm more stylish in real life. I can afford to wear something more daring, I’m not afraid to mix styles. At one time I had a disease that clothes should only be from Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana... Even if I didn’t really like them, I still bought them. And now I buy what I like, paying attention to quality. Good clothes should be expensive. I feel uncomfortable in a cheap blouse. And I am of the opinion that you cannot skimp on clothes. And if previously I bought things mainly in Moscow or abroad, now we have good stores, and I am a privileged client in them. But I never buy used things. I’ll be honest, I’m squeamish. And, thank God, I never had the need to buy used clothes. And... in all honesty, although I don’t really like to show off, I’m sure that beautiful women deserve to drive beautiful and expensive cars.”

Alesya Yarmolenko is a Belarusian pop singer, soloist-vocalist of the highest category of the Syabry ensemble. Virgo. Born on August 27, 1976 in Bobruisk. She studied in Gomel and Minsk. She graduated from the Belarusian University of Culture with a degree in director of mass events. Divorced. My son Anatoly is 10 years old. Her life credo: “You have to be simpler - and people will be drawn to you.”

“I don’t want a new relationship yet...”

“A man should be wise, strong, taciturn, serious. Must be able to remain silent when necessary, and speak when necessary!.. My father introduced me to Sergei. We agreed on the basis of creativity. He wrote songs. And the first one to perform them was me. We weren't actually married. We lived together for 13 years, but I was officially married for only two months. My grandmother always dreamed of seeing me as a bride. One morning I wake up and realize that my grandmother never got around to looking at me in my wedding dress. And not yet 40 days had passed, her soul was here. And I realized that I needed to do this urgently... So we got married when our son was 9 months old. And two months later I brought my husband a divorce notice... It’s hard for me to explain. But for me personally, if there is a relationship, it doesn’t matter whether there is a seal or not. It seems to me that its absence gives the relationship trepidation and caution, because you understand that nothing is holding you back, only feelings, mutual love and respect. There is beauty in a civil marriage. And there are no less duties and responsibilities.”

“At some point I realized that it was time to call it a day. We were breathing the same air, but we were already looking in different directions. We had different opinions about raising a child. Probably because of the child I decided to take this step. The problem is probably that we are fundamentally very different. We had different upbringings. We come from different social backgrounds. Since childhood, we have had different lifestyles. Sergei could resolve some issues from a position of strength, I was against this. I am a very positive person, an optimist in life. Sergey is a pessimist. He is quite a complex person. There is such a category of people - a lone wolf. When I met him, I immediately understood this. I was 20, he was 29. We taught each other a lot, at least he did me. He helped me grow up, for which I thank him very much.”

“I’ve been living alone for over a year now, and I like this state of free flight and ease so much that I don’t want a new relationship yet. I guess I got married too early. And now I feel good and free. I’ve even grown a few centimeters this year. Wings have grown. Let me fly, breathe in freedom. And then you can get married and have a daughter. I always wanted two children..."

“The Well-wisher” made me lose weight.”

“During pregnancy I gained 30 kg. There was such a case, one fairly well-known performer on the Belarusian stage said about me publicly: “Alesya has become so fat. She will, of course, never lose weight again.” These words served as the impetus after which I realized: that’s it, I need to pull myself together. Thanks to the “well-wisher,” I forced myself to lose weight, and I no longer have problems with extra pounds. My diet was called “shut your mouth.” At first it was an almost complete restriction in food, now it is reasonable. Naturally, you can’t do without physical activity. You can lose weight, but without exercise, your body will remain flabby. I regularly study with Natasha Novozhilova, and on tour I take a hoop and a sports mat with me.”

“Of course, at first it was hard labor. I felt bad, I fainted, I constantly felt hungry, I could be aggressive... I told myself that I don’t like sweets, that it doesn’t taste good to me, and I still don’t eat sweets, and I don’t even feel like it. I console myself with the fact that I will become an old woman and will eat whatever I want, in any quantity. However, my late grandmother said about this: “And then you won’t be able to.” Well, it’s the lot of artists to sit on an eternal diet. Now I like myself even much more than when I was 18.”

“It’s nice to feel like a vigilante”

“I have been working on the professional stage since 1991. Like most girls, I loved to sing as a child. Although there were periods when I dreamed of becoming a teacher, a doctor, and an actress. But the love for the song turned out to be stronger. By the way, dad, to put it mildly, did not really insist that I follow in his footsteps. Although, as a first-grader, I took part in the TV program “Festival-Festival” with the song “White Elephant”... But in the end, we found a compromise: I started performing, taking my stage name, so that my father’s surname would not in any way affect the audience’s attitude towards me and my songs. So I appeared at the recording of the next program “Take the Song with You” in Mogilev. When one of the first songs I performed, “Zhauranachka,” became super popular, my dad had to believe in me as a singer.”

“When I turned fourteen, many musicians left Syabry. And one day dad said: “We have a shoot tomorrow, you will work.” Since this all started. And when I was already standing at the keyboard, many letters began to arrive with questions: “What kind of girl is this, why doesn’t she sing?” Then the father said at the very first shooting: “The time will come, and you will find out everything.”

“After school I was going to go to medical school. When the preparation process was underway, I went to additional courses by bus to the medical institute and on the way got off at the “Institute of Culture” station. Absolutely by accident. I saw the institute and thought: “I’ll go and see what’s here, what specialties…” So I stayed. Fate itself decided that I never made it to medical school. Today I can say that the Syabry ensemble is my path, my destiny, my credo, my life star...”

“For some reason, there is an opinion that a dynasty of doctors and teachers is good, but a dynasty of singers and artists is cronyism and window dressing. It’s very nice to feel like a Belarusian “watchdog”. People are friendly to me. Although I cannot call myself a popular singer among young people, respect is felt.”

“Yes, at first on stage I was a romantic girl with pigtails. Now I have matured, become more whole, but not a vamp. I am now a wise girl who already knows her worth and does not go to any lengths to please others. A confident modern girl who commands respect and has her own point of view, which she is able to defend.”

“When I sing, I want people who come to the concert to forget about their everyday problems and troubles and immerse themselves in music for a couple of hours, rest their soul and heart, and then return to their business with renewed vigor, I want them to feel a calmer and better life. I can’t live without what I’m doing today.”

“Yes, I am my father’s daughter, but today I know very well what I can do, I know my worth. If I have any questions, I will always come to him for advice. Compete with Anatoly Yarmolenko, prove something to him? Never. He has enough experience, intelligence and wisdom, and he has immeasurable love for me...”

During the preparation, materials were used from the singer’s official website, as well as Alesya’s interviews with newspapers

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