Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Main indicators of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise

Currently, the importance of analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is growing sharply. The results of the analysis are of interest to various categories of analysts: management personnel, representatives of financial authorities, tax inspectors, creditors, etc.

Financial condition refers to the ability of an enterprise to finance its activities. It is characterized by the availability of financial resources necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise, the feasibility of their placement and efficiency of use, as well as financial relationships with other legal entities and individuals.

First, let's conduct a horizontal and vertical analysis of the company's balance sheet for 3 years.

Horizontal analysis. In the process of analysis, first of all, one should study the dynamics of the organization’s assets, changes in their composition and structure and evaluate them. To do this, we will conduct a horizontal analysis of the assets of Gizarttex LLC.

Horizontal analysis allows you to compare each balance sheet item at the moment with the previous period. Analysis of the balance sheet asset contains information about the allocation of capital available to the enterprise, i.e. about its investment in specific property and material assets, the enterprise’s expenses for the production and sale of products and about the balance of free cash.

The absolute change is calculated by calculating the difference between the corresponding indicators at the end and beginning of the year, and the relative deviation is calculated by dividing the result of the absolute deviation by the value of the indicator at the beginning of the year. To carry out the analysis, we will use the company’s financial statements and profit and loss statements. We present all the data in Table 3.

A horizontal analysis of the assets of Gizarttex LLC shows that their absolute amount for 2012 decreased by 33 million rubles, or 13.4%. We can conclude that the organization is reducing its economic potential. The increase in current assets occurred due to an increase in the organization's cash resources by 212 million rubles and inventories.

Table 3. Analytical balance of assets (million rubles)






I. Current assets


Accounts receivable

Advances to suppliers

Total current assets

II. Fixed assets

Fixed assets

Including unfinished capital construction

Intangible assets

Other noncurrent assets

Non-current assets total

Total assets

Growth of such indicator as cash +212 mil. rubles indicates that the organization is not experiencing financial difficulties because it has large financial resources that are not invested in excess reserves.

The increase in the numerical indicator of accounts receivable is associated with an increase in sales, since at the same time there is an increase in the company's revenue. This indicator indicates an increase in the risk of non-payment or late payment for sold products.

Analyzing the composition of non-current assets, it can be noted that the decrease in the indicator in 2012 compared to 2011 by - 33 million rubles was due to changes in the composition of fixed assets.

The second component of analyzing the financial condition of an organization is assessing the sources of the organization’s funds.

To evaluate sources, data from horizontal analysis of balance sheet liabilities are used. Analysis of liabilities allows us to determine what changes have occurred in the structure of equity and borrowed capital, how much long-term and short-term borrowed funds have been attracted into the enterprise’s turnover, i.e. the liability shows where the funds came from and to whom the enterprise owes them. Calculations of absolute and relative changes for the indicators under consideration are similar to the calculations of an asset.

Table 4. Analytical balance sheet liabilities (million rubles)






I. Short-term loans, loans

Accounts payable

Advances from buyers

II. long term duties

Long-term loans, loans

III. Equity

Authorized capital

Extra capital

Accumulated profit

Equity, total

Liabilities of everything

The increase in liabilities in 2012 of Gizarttex LLC occurred by 1,798 million rubles. The increase was mainly due to an increase in short-term liabilities by 52%. At the end of the analyzed period (2012), liabilities consist entirely of accounts payable.

The increase in equity capital occurred by 1,506 million rubles. The increase in equity capital at the end of the analyzed period (2012) was due to accumulated profit in the amount of 1,395 million rubles. Despite the significant increase in equity capital, the additional and authorized capital of the organization remained unchanged.

Thus, based on the horizontal analysis carried out, we can say that the financial and economic activities of the enterprise contributed to the increase in its equity capital.

Vertical analysis is carried out using an analytical table and involves studying changes in the shares of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet in order to predict changes in their structure.

Table 5. Vertical analysis of assets

Change in specific gravity

Cost, million rubles.

Cost, million rubles

Share of the asset in the total value of the asset, %

Cost, million rubles.

Share of the asset in the total value of the asset, %

Current assets


Short-term financial investments

Accounts receivable

Advances to suppliers

Other current assets

Total current assets

II. Fixed assets

Long-term financial investments

Fixed assets

Incl. unfinished capital construction

Intangible assets

Other noncurrent assets

Non-current assets total

Total assets

In the structure of the assets of the balance sheet of Gizarttex LLC, a significant share belongs to current assets. At the beginning of 2011, the value of current assets amounted to 78.2% of their total value, and at the end of the year - 92.7%. There is a tendency for the share of this type of assets to increase.

As of 01/01/2011, commodity inventories had a significant share in current assets - 73%. During the period under review, there is a tendency to increase them in the current assets of GizarTex LLC.

The next type of current assets with a significant share was accounts receivable. As of January 1, 2011, the share of this type of assets was 1.5%; by the end of 2012, the share increased by 5.2%.

The share of non-current assets at the beginning of 2011 was 21.8%, increasing by 0.9% compared to 2010. However, at the beginning of 2012 the share is 7.3%. There is a trend towards a decrease in this type of asset. The decrease is caused by a reduction in fixed assets - the elimination of obsolete equipment.

Liabilities include equity and short-term liabilities. Therefore, based on the share of liabilities, we can conclude that the sources of financial and economic activity of the enterprise have changed.

Table 6. Vertical analysis of liabilities

Change in specific gravity

Cost, million rubles

Share of the asset in the total value of the asset, %

Cost, million rubles

Share of the asset in the total value of the asset, %

Cost, million rubles

Share of the asset in the total value of the asset, %

Short-term loans, loans

Accounts payable

Advances from buyers

Other current liabilities

Current liabilities, total

II.Long-term liabilities

Long-term loans, loans

Other long-term liabilities

Long-term liabilities total

III. Equity

Authorized capital

Extra capital

Accumulated profit

Other sources of equity capital

Equity, total

Liabilities of everything

During the analyzed period in 2011, the share of equity capital decreased by 0.66% compared to 2010 and amounted to 50.66%. It should be noted that keeping the share of equity capital below 50% is undesirable, since the enterprise will depend on loans. However, in 2012, the share of equity capital increased significantly to 70.98% due to accumulated profits and other sources of equity capital.

The company had no long-term obligations during the analyzed period. If we take into account the possibility of replacing short-term liabilities with long-term ones, then the predominance of short-term sources in the structure of borrowed funds is a negative factor that characterizes the deterioration of the balance sheet structure and an increased risk of loss of financial stability.

The share of short-term liabilities in 2012 decreased compared to 2010-2011 by 22.83%.

For an organization, it is important not only to carry out analysis and competently present the results, but also to formulate, based on them, recommendations for improving indicators and quality characteristics in the organization’s activities. The main purpose of financial analysis is not the calculation of indicators, but the ability to interpret the results obtained.

Based on horizontal and vertical analysis of the balance sheet, positive and negative trends in changes in sections and items of the balance sheet are determined.

In the structure of the assets of the organization Gizarttex LLC, a large share belongs to cash. During the period under review, the share of current assets was more than 50%. This indicates the formation of a mobile asset structure, which helps accelerate the turnover of the organization’s working capital.

A complete picture of the state of solvency of an enterprise can be presented by analyzing liquidity ratios.

In the practice of analytical work, a system of liquidity indicators is used, calculated using the following formulas.

The absolute liquidity ratio is determined by the following formula:

Cal=Ds/Kfo (5)

where: Kal - absolute liquidity ratio; Ds - cash; KFO - short-term financial liabilities.

The quick liquidity ratio is determined by the following formula:

Kbl=Ds+Kfv+Kdz/Kfo (6)

where: Kbl - quick liquidity ratio; Ds - cash; Kdz - short-term receivables; Kfv - short-term financial investments; KFO - short-term financial liabilities.

A value of 0.7-1 for this indicator is usually considered satisfactory.

The current ratio (total coverage ratio) shows the degree to which current assets cover short-term liabilities. A coefficient with a value greater than 2.0 is considered satisfactory.

Ktl=Ta/Co (7)

where: Ktl - current liquidity ratio; Ta - current assets; Co - short-term liabilities.

These indicators allow us to determine the company's ability to pay its short-term obligations during the reporting period.

Let's calculate liquidity indicators. K al 2010 -55/498=0.11

K tl 2010 -903/498=1.81.

By 2010 -55+0+25/498=0.16.

Cal 2011 -43/558=0.08.

K tl 2011 -885/558=1.58.

By 2011 -43+0+17/558=0.11.

Cal 2012 -255/750=0.34.

K tl 2012 -2716/750=3.62.

By 2012 -255+0+197/750=0.6.

We present the data in Table 7.

Table 7. Dynamics of liquidity indicators (million rubles)

The current liquidity ratio characterizes the overall provision of an enterprise with working capital for conducting business activities and timely repayment of the enterprise's urgent obligations. The current liquidity ratio shows that in 2011, 1 ruble of current liabilities accounted for 1.58 rubles of current assets, while in 2010 this figure was 1.81, and already in 2012 this ratio was 3.62 rubles . current assets per 1 ruble of current liabilities. This indicates an increase in the payment capabilities of the enterprise.

The quick liquidity ratio is similar in meaning to the previous indicator, however, it is calculated for a narrower range of current assets, when the most liquid part of them - inventories and material costs - is excluded from the calculation. The quick (quick) liquidity ratio characterizes the company's ability to repay current (short-term) obligations using current assets. Increase in the coefficient in 2011-2012. from 0.11 to 0.6 is mainly due to a decrease in the enterprise’s accounts payable.

If the current ratio is within an acceptable range, while the quick ratio is unacceptably low, this means that the enterprise can restore its technical solvency by selling its inventory and receivables, but as a result it may be unable to operate normally. function.

The absolute liquidity ratio of 2011 - 0.08 increased to 0.34 in 2012. Thus, the company can pay off its obligations urgently.

The company "Gizarttex" LLC is liquid, that is, it has the ability to convert its assets into cash and pay off its payment obligations within the established time frame. However, he should pay attention to the quick ratio, which is unacceptably low.

Table 8. Main technical and economic indicators of the activities of Gizartteks LLC

In 2012, there was a positive trend in the development of the enterprise: the revenue growth rate was 274.5%, which indicates an increase in product sales; the growth rate of balance sheet profit is 427.9%; net profit 461.5%, profit from product sales 361%. And this despite the fact that in 2011, profit from product sales decreased significantly compared to 2010 by 221 million rubles. An increase in net profit is a positive trend and indicates the business activity of the enterprise.

We study the system of indicators of the enterprise's performance. The most interesting indicators are return on assets, return on equity, return on sales.

Return on assets is an indicator of the profitability and efficiency of the company, cleared of the influence of the volume of borrowed funds. It is used to compare enterprises in the same industry and is calculated using the formula:

Profitability = Net profit / Average assets (8)

Return on assets shows how much profit there is for each ruble invested in the organization's property.

  • 1. Awareness of taking risks. Since financial risk is an objective phenomenon, it is impossible to completely eliminate risk from the financial activities of an enterprise. After assessing the level of risk for individual transactions, a “risk-averse” tactic can be adopted. Awareness of risk acceptance is an indispensable condition for neutralizing the consequences of risk.
  • 2. Manageability of accepted risks. The portfolio of financial risks should include primarily those that can be neutralized.
  • 3. Independence of individual risk management. Financial losses for various types of risks are independent of each other and must be neutralized individually in the process of managing them.
  • 4. Comparability of the level of accepted risks with the level of profitability of financial transactions. An enterprise must accept in the process of carrying out financial activities only those types of financial risks whose level does not exceed the corresponding level of profitability on the profitability-risk scale.

Any type of risk for which the level of risk is higher than the level of expected return (with a risk premium included in it) should be rejected by the enterprise (or the size of the premium for and risk should be revised accordingly).

  • 5. Comparability of the level of accepted risks with the financial capabilities of the enterprise. The expected amount of financial losses of an enterprise, corresponding to a particular level of financial risk, must correspond to the share of capital that provides internal risk insurance.
  • 6. Effectiveness of risk management. The costs of an enterprise to neutralize financial risk should not exceed the amount of possible financial losses on it, even with the highest degree of probability of a risk event occurring. The criterion for the effectiveness of risk management must be observed when implementing both self-insurance and external insurance of financial risks
  • 7. Taking into account the period of the operation in risk management. The longer the period of a financial transaction, the wider the range of risks associated with it. If it is necessary to carry out such financial transactions, the enterprise must ensure that it receives the necessary additional level of profitability on it not only due to the risk premium, but also the liquidity premium, since the period of the financial transaction represents a period of “frozen liquidity” of the capital invested in it. Only in this case will the enterprise have the necessary financial potential to neutralize the negative financial consequences of such an operation in the event of the possible occurrence of a risk event.
  • 8. Taking into account the financial strategy of the enterprise in the process of risk management. The financial risk management system should be based on the general criteria of the financial strategy chosen by the enterprise (reflecting its financial ideology in relation to the level of acceptable risks), as well as financial policy in certain areas of financial activity.
  • 9. Taking into account the possibility of risk transfer. Risk avoidance involves avoiding risk, refusing to implement an event (project) associated with risk. Such a decision is made in case of non-compliance with the above principles. However, it should be borne in mind that avoiding one type of risk may lead to the emergence of others.

Analysis of financial and economic activity (AFAC) of an enterprise is the link between accounting and management decision-making. During the process, accounting information undergoes analytical processing: the achieved performance results are compared with data for past periods of time, with indicators of other enterprises and industry averages; the influence of various factors on the results of economic activity is determined; shortcomings, errors, unused opportunities, prospects, etc. are identified. With the help of AFCD, comprehension and understanding of information is achieved. Based on the results of the analysis, management decisions are developed and justified. Economic analysis precedes decisions and actions, justifies them and is the basis of scientific production management, increases its efficiency.

As a management function, AFHD is closely related to production planning and forecasting, since without in-depth analysis it is impossible to implement these functions. An important role belongs to the AFHD in preparing information for planning, assessing the quality and validity of planned indicators, and checking and objectively assessing the implementation of plans. Approval of plans for an enterprise, in essence, also represents making decisions that ensure the development of production in the future planned period of time. At the same time, the results of the implementation of previous plans are taken into account, the development trends of the enterprise are studied, and additional production reserves are sought and implemented. AFHD is a means of not only justifying plans, but also monitoring their implementation.

A large role is given to analysis in identifying and using reserves for increasing production efficiency. It promotes rationalization, economical use of resources, identification and implementation of best practices, scientific organization of labor, new equipment and production technology, prevention of unnecessary costs, shortcomings in work, etc. As a result, the economy of the enterprise is strengthened and the efficiency of its activities increases.

In the literature, there are different approaches to determining what is the subject of AFCD. The simplest (and most developed back in the era of socialist economics) approach implies that the subject of analysis is the enterprise’s use of its material and labor resources from the point of view of fulfilling production plans “issued from above.” A broader approach includes all economic processes within the scope of analysis of financial and economic activities, including production planning at the enterprise itself and assessing the effectiveness of the use of all resources, including financial ones. financial economic profitability activity

In fact, in the most general sense, the structure and content of information flows in an enterprise can be considered the subject of analysis of financial and economic activities. Speaking about the financial and economic activities of a business entity, the following features should be taken into account:

Firstly, the functioning of an enterprise, its business activity, is cyclical. The analysis is recommended to be carried out at all phases of the business cycle;

Secondly, the course of economic processes is influenced by many factors of an objective and subjective nature. All these factors must be carefully studied in the process of APHD;

Thirdly, to reflect a complete picture of the state of an enterprise, not only quantitative, but also qualitative characteristics of its business activity are important. Their analysis is an important part of the APHD;

Fourthly, not only the production and financial spheres, but also the legal, social and environmental aspects of its functioning are subject to analysis at the enterprise;

Fifthly, the subjects and areas of activity of accounting and analysis of financial and economic activities should not be identified. Although both sciences study the economic activities of economic entities, the main task of the first of them is a continuous and continuous accounting of economic resources and their sources, and in monetary terms.

The analysis should be a comprehensive study of the effect of external and internal, market and production factors on the quantity and quality of products produced by the enterprise, the financial performance of the enterprise and indicate possible prospects for the development of further production activities of the enterprise in the chosen area of ​​business.

The success of the analysis is determined by various factors. With a certain degree of convention, we can identify several basic principles that it is advisable to keep in mind when starting to analyze them.

Firstly, before starting any analytical procedures, it is necessary to draw up a fairly clear analysis program, including the development of layouts of analytical tables, algorithms for calculating the main indicators and the sources of information and regulatory support required for their calculation and comparative assessment. The analysis is carried out on the basis of accounting information, so it should begin with the selection of the necessary data and examination of the materials provided for analysis.

Secondly, when carrying out analytical procedures, the performance indicators of an enterprise are always compared with something. Comparisons can be made with the previous period, with the plan and with industry averages. Any deviations from standard or planned values ​​of indicators, even if they are positive, must be carefully analyzed. The point of such an analysis is, on the one hand, to identify the main factors that caused the recorded deviations from the given guidelines, and on the other hand, to once again check the validity of the adopted planning system and, if necessary, make changes to it. It should be emphasized that the last aspect is of particular importance - only through constant analysis and adjustment can a sufficiently coherent planning system be established and kept up to date.

Thirdly, the completeness and integrity of any analysis with an economic focus is largely determined by the validity of the set of criteria used. As a rule, this set includes qualitative and quantitative assessments, and is usually based on quantifiable indicators that have a clear interpretation and, if possible, some guidelines (limits, standards, trends). When selecting indicators, it is necessary to formulate the logic of their combination into a given set, so that the role of each of them is visible and does not create the impression that some aspect remains uncovered or, on the contrary, does not fit into the scheme under consideration. In other words, a set of indicators, which in this case can be interpreted as a system, must have some internal core, some basis that explains the logic of its construction.

Fourthly, when performing analysis, there is no need to unnecessarily pursue the accuracy of estimates. Typically, the greatest value comes from identifying trends and patterns.

The main goal of the analysis is to increase the efficiency of the functioning of business entities and search for reserves for such an increase. To achieve this goal, the following is carried out: assessment of work results over past periods; development of procedures for operational control of production activities; development of measures to prevent negative phenomena in the activities of the enterprise and its financial results; uncovering reserves for improving performance; development of reasonable plans and standards.

In the process of achieving the main goal of the analysis, the following tasks are solved:

Determination of basic indicators for the development of production plans and programs for the coming period;

An objective and comprehensive study of the implementation of established plans and compliance with standards for the quantity, structure and quality of products, works and services;

Analysis of indicators of economic activity of the enterprise;

Forecasting business results;

Preparation of analytical materials for selecting optimal management decisions related to adjusting current activities and developing strategic plans.

Statement and clarification of specific analysis tasks;

Establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

Determination of indicators and methods for their evaluation;

Identification and assessment of factors influencing the results, selection of the most significant ones;

Developing ways to eliminate the influence of negative factors and stimulate positive ones.

The main goal of business entities is to make economic choices. Individual enterprises make four fundamental economic choices in market conditions:

What and in what quantity should be produced;

How should it be produced;

Who should do a certain job, taking advantage of social labor;

For whom should the production results be intended?

Without economic analysis at the micro level, it is impossible to make a choice.

Analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is carried out mainly according to the annual and quarterly financial statements and, first of all, according to the balance sheet and profit and loss statement.

Financial and economic activity covers the processes of formation, movement and ensuring the safety of the enterprise’s property, control over its use, being the result of the interaction of all elements of the enterprise’s system of financial relations, and therefore is determined by a set of production and economic factors.

The main objectives of the analysis of financial and economic activities are:

Assessment of the dynamics of the composition and structure of profit;

Assessment of the dynamics of the composition and structure of the financial results of the enterprise;

Analysis of absolute and relative indicators of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

The main task of the AFHD is to assess the results of economic activity, identify the factors that determined successes and failures in the analyzed period, as well as planning and forecasting the enterprise’s activities for the future. It is solved using not only cost accounting data, but also operational and statistical accounting data in various units of measurement.

An assessment of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise can be carried out with varying degrees of detail depending on the purpose of the analysis, available information, software, technical and personnel support. The most appropriate is to highlight the procedures for express analysis and in-depth analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise.

Assessment of the effectiveness of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise includes:

Analysis of the company's profit results;

Analysis of profitability ratios;

Break-even analysis;

Analysis of business activity.

An important role in strengthening and developing the economy of enterprises belongs to the profit they receive from their financial and economic activities. Profit as the main result of entrepreneurial activity meets the needs of the enterprise itself, its employees and the state as a whole. Profit accounting allows you to determine how efficiently business activities are conducted.

Analysis of profitability and business activity consists of studying the level and dynamics of various financial ratios.

Break-even analysis, or cost-profit-output analysis as it is sometimes called, is an analytical approach to studying the relationship between costs and income at different levels of production. Break-even analysis is also useful for routine management, as it provides information for decision making by analyzing the impact of changes in product prices, production and sales volumes and costs, as well as forecasting profits, losses and cash flows.

Thus, in a market economy, assessing the effectiveness of financial and economic activities plays an important role in the business life of economic entities, since after this assessment, enterprise managers will be able to make all the necessary decisions related to the management, coordination and optimization of the enterprise’s activities. The enterprise will function normally if it is provided with financial resources, their appropriate placement and effective use. Assessing the effectiveness of financial and economic activities is necessary for the timely identification and elimination of shortcomings in the development of the organization, as well as the identification of reserves for improving the financial condition of the organization and ensuring the financial sustainability of its activities.



1.1 Concept, content, role and objectives of business analysis

1.2 Ways to measure the influence of factors in analysis

1.2.1 Chain substitution method

1.2.2 Method of absolute differences

1.2.3 Method of relative differences


2.1 Financial statements as a source of information about the activities of a legal entity

2.2 Elements of financial statements and their monetary value

2.3 Analysis of the composition, structure, dynamics of the organization’s balance sheet indicators; analysis of funding sources

3 Analysis of assets, capital and liabilities according to the balance sheet

3.1 Analysis of liquidity and solvency of the organization

3.2 Analysis of the composition, structure and dynamics of receivables and payables

3.3 Insolvency criteria and assessment of the probability of bankruptcy of an organization


4.1 Meaning, functions and role of the income statement

4.2 Analysis of the composition and structure of income and expenses of the organization. Assessment of dynamics and factors of their formation

4.3 Analysis of the organization’s profit, assessment of the dynamics and factors of its formation

4.4 Analysis and assessment of the profitability and profitability of the organization


5.1 System of comprehensive assessment and condition of fixed assets and analysis of the effectiveness of their use

5.2 Analysis of the organization’s provision of fixed production assets (FPF)

5.3 Analysis of the technical condition and movement of fixed assets

5.4 Analysis of the intensity and efficiency of use of funds

5.5 Analysis of the use of production capacity and technological equipment

5.6 System of comprehensive economic analysis and assessment of the condition and efficiency of use of working capital

5.7 Analysis of the enterprise’s provision with material resources


6.1 Methodology for comprehensive assessment and analysis of the results of production and sales of products

6.2 Analysis of the influence of labor factors on sales revenue growth

6.3 Analysis of the use of fixed assets (equipment of labor) for the increase in sales revenue

6.4 Analysis of the use of material resources (objects of labor) for the increase in sales revenue


7.1 Comprehensive analysis of production costs1



Ensuring the effective functioning of organizations requires economically competent management of their activities, which is largely determined by the ability to analyze it. Using the analysis of financial and economic activities, trends in the development of an economic entity are studied, factors of change in performance results are deeply and systematically studied, business plans and management decisions are substantiated, their implementation is monitored, reserves for increasing production efficiency are identified, the results of the enterprise’s activities and their sensitivity to management influences, an economic strategy for its development is developed.

Analysis of financial and economic activities is the scientific basis for making management decisions in business. To justify them, it is necessary to identify and predict existing and potential problems, production and financial risks, and determine the impact of decisions made on the level of risks and income of a business entity. Therefore, mastering the methodology of comprehensive economic analysis by managers at all levels is an integral part of their professional training.

A qualified economist, financier, accountant, auditor and other economic specialists must have a good command of modern methods of economic research and mastery of systematic, comprehensive microeconomic analysis. Knowing the technique and technology of analysis, they will be able to easily adapt to changes in the market situation and find the right solutions and answers. Because of this, mastering the basics of economic analysis is useful for anyone who has to participate in decision-making, either make recommendations for their adoption, or experience their consequences.

The main goal of studying this academic discipline is to develop analytical, creative thinking in students by mastering the methodological foundations and acquiring practical skills in analyzing economic activities necessary in practical work.

During the learning process, students must learn to understand the essence of economic phenomena and processes, their interrelation and interdependence, be able to detail, systematize and model them, determine the influence of factors, comprehensively evaluate the achieved results, and identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise.


1.1 Concept, content, role and tasks of economic analysis


The study of natural phenomena and social life is impossible without their analysis. Analysis is the dissection of a phenomenon or object into its component parts (elements) in order to study their internal essence. For example, in order to drive a car, you need to know its internal contents: parts, components, their purpose, principle of operation, etc. The same situation equally applies to economic phenomena and processes. Thus, to understand the essence of profit, it is necessary to know the main sources of its receipt, as well as the factors that determine its value. The more detailed they are studied, the more effectively you can manage the process of generating financial results. There are many similar examples that can be given.

However, analysis cannot give a complete picture of the subject or phenomenon being studied without synthesis, i.e. without establishing connections and dependencies between its components. When studying, for example, the structure of a car, you need to know not only its parts and components, but also their interaction. When studying profit, you also need to take into account the relationship and interaction of factors that shape its level. Only analysis and synthesis in their unity ensure the scientific study of objects and phenomena.

Economic analysis is a scientific way of understanding the essence of economic phenomena and processes, based on dividing them into their component parts and studying them in all their diversity of connections and dependencies.

There is a distinction between macroeconomic analysis, which studies economic phenomena and processes at the level of the world and national economy and its individual sectors, and microeconomic analysis, which studies these processes and phenomena at the level of individual business entities. The latter is called “business activity analysis” (ABA).

The emergence of economic analysis as a means of understanding the essence of economic phenomena and processes is associated with the emergence and development of accounting and balance sheets. However, it received its theoretical and practical development in the era of the development of market relations, namely in the second half of the 19th century. The separation of economic activity analysis into a special branch of knowledge occurred somewhat later - in the first half of the 20th century.

The formation of ACD is determined by objective requirements and conditions that are characteristic of the emergence of any new branch of knowledge.

Firstly, the practical need for a comprehensive and systemic analysis in connection with the development of productive forces, improvement of production relations, and expansion of the scale of production. Intuitive analysis, approximate calculations and estimates, which were used in artisanal and semi-artisanal enterprises, have become insufficient in the conditions of large production units. Without an integrated, comprehensive ADM, it is impossible to manage complex economic processes and make optimal decisions.

Secondly, this is connected with the development of economic science in general. As is known, with the development of any science, differentiation of its branches occurs. Economic analysis of economic activity was formed as a result of the differentiation of social sciences. Previously, the functions of economic analysis (when they were relatively less significant) were performed by balance sheets, accounting, finance, statistics, etc. Within the framework of these sciences, the first simple methods of analytical research appeared. However, the above-mentioned sciences at a certain stage of development could not provide all the needs of practice, and therefore, there was a need to separate ACD into an independent branch of knowledge.

Analysis of financial and economic activities is an opportunity to assess the financial condition of the company and the consequences of management decisions. Let's look at how analysis is carried out at an enterprise.

You will learn:

  • In what cases is an analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise carried out?
  • Who conducts the analysis?
  • What conclusions can be drawn based on the analysis.

The essence of analyzing the financial and economic activities of an organization

What criteria are used to evaluate the financial and economic activities of a company?

Different countries use different indicators of the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise. In Russia, it is customary to include the following indicators as the main criteria for assessing the financial performance of an enterprise:

  • Revenue from product sales, work performed or services provided. This indicator is also called sales volume.
  • Net profit, which remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying all taxes. It can be aimed at paying dividends to shareholders or for the development of the company - replenishing working capital, creating reserve capital, etc.
  • Profitability. Reflects the degree of efficiency in the use of various resources. Calculated separately return on investment, return on assets, costs, etc.
  • Financial stability of the enterprise. This is a state that ensures the smooth operation of the company and all its departments. This state is achieved through the provision of its own current and non-current assets. The company must ensure both the entire production process and the repayment of short-term and medium-term obligations.
  • Financial result of the company owners. The income that business owners withdraw from the business.

Express analysis of the financial and economic activities of the company

Express analysis of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise is carried out under conditions of limited access to primary information and in a short time. The data most often found in the public domain is contained in the balance sheet and income statement.

Economic analysis of the economic and financial activities of an enterprise is carried out in several successive stages:

  • Goals are determined with which express analysis is carried out. The depth of the calculations performed depends on the goals set.
  • Visual analysis. A quick look at the balance sheet, income statement, and other reporting if available, identifying problem areas. In the future, special attention will be paid to problematic items in the financial statements.
  • Calculation of financial and economic performance indicators, which includes the following parts:
    1. Horizontal analysis. Each item selected for review is compared with the previous reporting period. It is used if it is necessary to track changes in specific indicators compared to the previous year.
    2. Vertical analysis. The structure of financial indicators is determined and the impact of each item on the final result of the enterprise is calculated. Special attention is paid to problem points selected at the second stage.
    3. Calculation of financial ratios.

Performing an analysis of financial and economic activities at the enterprise

Analysis of indicators of the financial and economic activities of an organization consists of several stages:

  • Analysis of property and the sources through which it is formed.
  • Analysis of solvency and financial stability.
  • Analysis of financial results.
  • Analysis of financial condition.

Property analysis

This stage takes place in 3 steps:

  • Analysis of the company's asset structure.
  • Analysis of the structure of sources.
  • Analysis of changes in assets and sources of their formation.

Positive and negative trends are possible here. Positive – rapid growth retained earnings in comparison with other sources. The lower the share of retained earnings, the worse the situation with the business activity of the enterprise.

When analyzing the structure of assets and the sources of their formation, other negative trends are revealed:

  • Rapid growth of borrowed assets in comparison with own ones. In the medium term, this means the risk of losing control over assets.
  • Rapid growth of short-term liabilities compared to long-term ones. This leads to the need for large payments in the short term and, as a result, to a decrease in the financial stability of the company.
  • Growth of short-term loans and borrowings. This leads to an increase in the cost of the product produced, work performed or services provided.

When analyzing the allocation of assets, the share of current and non-current assets and production property in the balance sheet of the enterprise is studied. If your organization is in the manufacturing sector, the share of production assets should be in the range of 50 to 60%.

Analysis of solvency and financial stability

To assess solvency and financial stability, you need to use several important indicators:

  • Debt to equity ratio. The indicator is calculated using the formula: K = (Borrowed assets / Own funds) * 100. This indicator determines how much borrowed funds are secured by its own and provides a guarantee that the company will pay its debts.
  • Financial Independence Ratio. K = Own funds / Balance sheet currency * 100. Shows how independent the company is from external sources. The optimal value is more than 50%, otherwise the financial and economic condition of the enterprise is calculated as unsatisfactory.
  • Maneuverability coefficient. K = own current assets / own funds * 100. Shows what share of own funds is invested in current (maneuverable) assets. The optimal value is from 50 to 60%.
  • Financial stability coefficient. K = Own funds + long-term liabilities / Balance sheet * 100. This indicator shows the percentage of funding sources that have been used by the organization for a long time. The optimal value of the coefficient is 50-60%.
  • Net assets is the sum of all assets minus all liabilities. This indicator characterizes the liquidity of the enterprise. Net assets must be positive. If they are negative, this indicates the insolvency of the company and its direct dependence on creditors.
  • Liquidity ratio. K = (Cash finance + Short-term investments + Short-term receivables) / Short-term liabilities * 100. This indicator shows what percentage of the company’s short-term liabilities can be repaid on its own, at the expense of the company’s own cash finances and revenues that are expected in the near future.

Analysis of financial results

If, as a result of the audit, it turns out that the company has overdue obligations or a shortage of liquid assets, its condition is assessed as unsatisfactory.


Remember that when analyzing the activities of an enterprise, the principle of business efficiency is used, which implies achieving the greatest results at the lowest costs. The most general indicator of efficiency is profitability. Its particular indicators include:
- efficiency of use of labor resources (personnel profitability, labor productivity), fixed production assets (capital intensity, capital productivity), material resources (material intensity, material productivity);
- efficiency of the enterprise’s investment activities (recoupment);
- efficiency of asset use (turnover indicators);
- efficiency of capital use.

After calculating the system of coefficients for the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, compare them with planned, regulatory and industry indicators. This will allow us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the organization and its place in the market.

To draw a general conclusion about the efficiency of an enterprise, calculate the level of profitability, which is the ratio of the enterprise’s profit to the amount of fixed and working capital. This indicator combines a number of ratios (return on capital, sales, goods, etc.). Profitability is an integral indicator. It shows the extent of its attractiveness to investors.

When analyzing the activities of an enterprise, keep in mind that in order to study its condition in more detail, it is necessary to conduct a factor analysis of the results obtained. After all, each indicator reflecting the use of production resources is influenced by other indicators.


The activities of the organization as a whole are influenced by many factors:
- general economic situation in the country and on the market;
- natural-geographical location of the enterprise;
- industry affiliation;
- factors determined by the functioning of the enterprise (pricing and sales policies, the degree of use of production resources, identification and use of on-farm reserves, etc.).

Entrepreneurial activity requires constant planning and analysis of the financial performance of the company. This is the basis for effective management of all stages of production and the development of methods for obtaining the greatest profit.


To determine the stability of the financial condition of an enterprise, changes in the structure of capital, sources of its formation and direction of placement, efficiency and intensity of use of capital, solvency and creditworthiness of the organization, its margin of financial strength.

When conducting financial analysis, absolute and changes in indicators are determined. The latter make it possible to use generally accepted standards to assess the risk of bankruptcy, with indicators of other enterprises to identify its strengths and weaknesses, place in the market, as well as with similar periods of previous years to identify trends in the development of the company.

Then a selection of indicators is carried out that the financial enterprise: financial stability (financial stability ratio, autonomy, share of receivables), solvency and liquidity, business activity (inventory turnover ratio, equity, etc.), profitability.

After this, a general diagram of the system is drawn up, its main components, functions, relationships are identified, and subordinate elements are determined that provide qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Then they obtain specific data on the operation of the enterprise in numerical terms, evaluate the results of its activities, and identify reserves for increasing production efficiency.

One of the company's goals is to survive in a competitive environment. From this point of view, under analysis market This refers to the collection and analysis of information that helps develop a survival strategy. Michael Porter's five forces theory can be used to account for competitive threats.


Analyze the threat of new competitors. We need to assess how easy or difficult it is for them to acquire the necessary equipment, skills, etc., so that they can. If barriers to entry into an industry are low, competition may become more intense. In this case, the company's management must decide in advance whether there is a chance of winning the price wars.

Understand the threat of substitute products. If a company produces tin packaging, customers can switch to cheaper plastic packaging. It is possible that the demand for tin will decrease, then competition between manufacturers will increase in proportion to demand. By analogy, make an analysis of the conditions in which the company.

Analyze the rivalry between existing firms. The severity of the rivalry depends on the forces analyzed in the 4 previous steps.

Choose a suitable development strategy. If the 5 forces in the industry indicate high competition, the company should be prepared to make low-cost production options and provide additional solutions that solve customer problems.

Consider introducing strict rules. A company may lobby for laws that would be difficult for competitors to comply with. Then the 5 forces operating in the market will change the degree of influence on each other.

Helpful advice

The theory of five forces is described in detail in the book “MBA in 10 days” by Stephen Silbiger, 2002, in the “Strategy” section. Pay attention to the determinants of the five forces. They allow you to think in the right direction to identify opportunities to gain a competitive advantage.

The main activity of the enterprise is the main source of profit. The nature of the activity is determined by the industry specifics of the enterprise, which is based on production and commercial activities, and is supplemented by investment and financial activities. Profit received from the sale of manufactured products, services and work is determined by the difference between revenue and cost, minus taxes and other mandatory payments.


Neutral - without benefit to any one group;

Understandable – easily understood without special training;

Comparable, for example, with information from other organizations;

Rational, the selection of which would be carried out at minimal cost;

Confidential - i.e. does not contain data that could harm the company and its strong position.

Carry out analytical processing of data by drawing up analytical tables and a balance sheet, where items are combined into large groups with the same economic content. This balance is convenient for reading and conducting qualitative economic analysis.

Based on the groups obtained, calculate the main indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise - liquidity, financial stability, turnover, etc. Please note that with this transformation of the balance sheet, the balance is maintained - equality of assets and liabilities.

Conduct a vertical and horizontal balance sheet analysis. In a vertical analysis, take the total assets and revenue as 100% and divide the percentages by item according to the figures presented. In a horizontal analysis, compare the main balance sheet items with previous years, placing them in adjacent columns.

Compare all metrics to industry benchmarks.

Summarize the results of the economic analysis. Based on the information received, give an objective assessment of the enterprise’s activities, make proposals for identifying reserves to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.

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Product sales analysis will help you identify the most promising products from the point of view of their sale. It also allows you to track trends in sales decline and growth. With this information, you will be able to more effectively manage sales and plan your professional activities.

You will need

  • Sales information, calculator, computer


Analyze the dynamics and structure of product sales. To do this, keep track of how many units of products were purchased during the reporting period. Compare the data obtained with the previous or base period. The result may be a conclusion about growth, decline or stability of sales. Determine the revenue growth rate by dividing the data for the current period by the data for the past. Find out how many products were sold on credit.

Determine the critical sales volume. This indicator demonstrates at what quantity of products sold the enterprise will cease to be unprofitable, but will not yet begin to make a profit. To do this, fixed costs should be divided by the level of marginal income.

Analyze your competitors' sales growth rates. This will allow you to identify your position in the market and strengthen the company’s position in the future.

Identify the reasons for the decline in sales, if any. Most often, they are the approach of the product’s life cycle to the end, high competition in this market sector, and market oversaturation. Depending on the reason, the company must either launch a new product, strengthen its strengths, or enter new market segments. A timely decision can protect you from a further decline in sales.


The term “sales analysis” refers to a very wide range of tasks, including those that require the use of non-trivial techniques to solve. However, in most cases, it is enough for an analyst or sales manager to use spreadsheets filled with... information.

Helpful advice

At the initial stage, an analysis of sales dynamics, sales structure and sales profitability is carried out. At this stage, the trends that are developing in relation to sales (growth, stability, decline), as well as the influence of individual groups and categories of products/services on these trends and the level of this influence are determined.


  • Sales analysis and management decisions

To determine the trend of growth or decline sales products of the enterprise must be carried out analysis. It allows you to determine the situation on the market and identify those products whose promotion requires some effort. As a result, a plan for future sales and the necessary measures to increase them.


Report on dynamics and structure sales for the enterprise as a whole and for individual areas and product groups. Calculate the revenue growth rate, which is equal to the ratio of profit from sales in the current and past periods. Also determine the share of revenue from sales products sold on credit in the reporting period. The obtained indicators, calculated over time, will allow us to assess the need for consumer lending and development trends sales.

Calculate the coefficient of variation sales. It is equal to the sum of the squares of the difference between products sold in a specific period and the average number sales, in relation to the average percentage sales behind analysis period under study. Based on the obtained values, draw conclusions about the reasons that cause unevenness sales. Develop activities to eliminate identified causes and increase rhythm.

Calculate the level of marginal income, which is equal to the ratio of the difference between revenue and variable costs to revenue from sales. Determine the critical volume indicator sales, which is equal to the ratio of fixed costs for production and sales of products to the level of marginal income. The resulting value allows you to determine the break-even point of volume sales. Based on the data obtained, determine the safety margin of the enterprise.

Determine profitability over time sales, which is defined as the ratio of profit sales to revenue. The resulting indicator allows you to determine the profitability of the enterprise and evaluate the effectiveness of the operation and current product policy.

About analysis summarize your results sales and identify measures that need to be taken to increase profits. This could be production optimization, working with clients, developing new ones, and much more.

Profitability is an indicator of the profitability of an enterprise. Also, profitability implies the use of certain means by which an organization can cover its own costs with income and make a profit.


Swipe analysis profitability company based on its activity for the year and then quarterly. Compare actual performance profitability(products, property, own funds) for the required period with calculated (planned) indicators and with values ​​for previous periods. In this case, bring the values ​​for previous periods into a comparable form using a price index.

Study the influence of internal and external production factors on performance profitability. Then determine the reserves for growth of indicators profitability. In turn, to ensure an increase profitability, the rate must be greater than the growth rate of materials used or operating results, that is, income from sales of goods.

About analysis Ensure the stability of the enterprise, which is characterized by many different indicators that reflect the stability of its finances and the optimal level. Purpose analysis and finance serves to assess the state of the company in the previous period, assess its current state and assess the future position of the company.


Analyze quantitative indicators, this work is usually not difficult, because all the data can be presented visually. The main thing is to highlight the main indicators for analysis and, reflecting the effectiveness of your business with its specifics. In some types of business this may be the number of phone calls, in others it may be the number of purchasing partners found. Working with numerical indicators allows you to estimate the amount of resources required to implement the plan sales. If you increase the number of calls, partners and employees, the indicators sales will definitely grow. However analysis and quantitative indicators alone are not enough to adequately evaluate work.

Analyze quality indicators such as the professional and personal effectiveness of your employees. Like analysis It is more difficult to compare quantitative indicators, but it allows us to assess the situation at a different level. Why can't it be ignored? Firstly, the sales market has boundaries; you need to work with it constantly, looking for opportunities to make the best use of the market situation. Secondly, external conditions beyond your control may change. For example, a competitor has a new product in the same price range as yours, but of better quality. Now for sales and units of goods will have to invest much more resources, for example, instead of 10 calls you need to make 15. In a situation of intense competition, an advantage goes to a company whose specialists clearly formulate quality indicators and develop methods for monitoring them and working to improve these indicators.

Analyze the work of employees at different stages. This will allow us to identify at what stage a particular seller is having difficulties. Some find it more difficult for themselves and the company, while others find it more difficult to deal with objections. This way, you will have an individual profile of each employee before your eyes. You will be able to work with the difficulties of each of them, improving the employee’s qualifications, developing skills that he does not possess at the time of assessment.

How to conduct a personnel analysis in a company is a question that almost no one knows how to solve. Meanwhile, conducting personnel analysis allows you to correctly delegate authority to your employees.

Many methods are cumbersome and not universal, and also require a lot of labor to implement. But personnel analysis is carried out daily, including during interviews with candidates for employment in the company. Let's look at a simple method today that you can apply tomorrow.

Motivation/Competence Matrix

I learned this method in the training of Michael Beng, who is a recognized master in training and motivating sales staff. So, let's go.

We constantly assign employees to perform certain tasks, but in the end we often do not get satisfactory results. Most likely, the reason is that we gave this task to an incompetent or unwilling employee to do a good job, and at the same time we did not supervise him. But there is a second option: we entrusted the work to a well-trained and independent responsible employee and at the same time constantly monitored him, as a result of which his motivation decreased.

It is very important that your management style matches the motivation and competence of the person. We can apply the competence/motivation matrix to determine the employee's position and determine the right actions towards him.

What do these two qualities depend on?

Competence depends on the person’s experience, education, training, and intelligence.

Motivation depends on a person’s goals, confidence, management’s attitude towards him, whether he is satisfied with the working conditions and the amount of pay.

STEP 1. We need to perform a job analysis, taking into account the motivation and competence of the person without prejudice and place the person in one of the squares in the figure below.

STEP 2. You need to decide on the management style of each type of employee, tips are in the corresponding squares of the lower figure.

Let's take a closer look at the types:

1 are experienced, competent employees who are motivated to do their job well. As a rule, these are the TOPs and stars of the divisions. Such an employee needs confirmation of his qualities in the form of receiving greater powers within the project.

2 are employees who are eager to fight, but do not have the appropriate skills and experience and therefore constantly screw up. Or these are new employees who have not yet learned to work according to company standards; they need help with this. In my opinion, these are the most promising employees from whom you can develop Type 1 simply by teaching them how to work.

Type 3 is very dangerous. These are employees who have experience and competence, but are undervalued in the literal sense of the word or in their own opinion. Perhaps this employee was not promoted somewhere along the way, or you do not pay him enough, perhaps you controlled him too much when he was in square 1. These are often presumptuous stars of sales departments who were brought down from heaven to earth during rotation in the department or transformation of the sales department.

How to work with such employees?

Well, first of all, there is no need to bring it to this. Type 3 employees are the fault of their immediate supervisor. Here, either the employee was promised “mountains of gold” when applying for a job, which this company does not have. Or they didn’t catch the moment when the employee changed his motivation, and continued to motivate him incorrectly.

What can be done? Often, to motivate such employees, a shake-up is needed with the opportunity to earn a reward and return to square one again.

If an employee became this way as a result of deception during the hiring process and, as a result, inflated expectations, then it is best to say goodbye to him. If you cannot give him the powers or money that he needs, he will still leave or work at half capacity.

Advice on this paragraph: never hire an employee for a position if it does not provide for payment of the money that interests him!

4 – this could be a new employee who was brought to the wrong place by fate, or an old employee who never developed his competencies, plus he lost his motivation. This is the most difficult type of employee, and it is necessary to transfer to other sectors as quickly as possible, but it is easier to replace them with type 2.

Next, you take a snapshot of the staff monthly and every time you accept a serious assignment, analyze a specific employee. You must be sure that as the employee changes as a result of motivation and training, your management style also changes.


We have discussed with you how to analyze personnel in an organization and delegate. Constantly understanding the motivation and competence of employees will allow you to find the right approach to each of them and manage them correctly.

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