Analysis of the fairy tale “Horse. Analysis of the horse's fairy tale according to plan. Analysis of “Horse” Saltykov-Shchedrin Several interesting essays

The fairy tale Konyaga is a satirical allegorical work from the famous collection of Fairy Tales for children of a fair age. In it, the writer expresses his concern about social events in the country and his sympathy for the common people. The title of the collection indicates what category of readers its works are intended for. Be sure to read the fairy tale online and discuss it with your child.

Fairy tale Horse read

Konyaga works from morning until late evening in the field. His lot is not easy: he works to the point of exhaustion all year round, the food is worthless. Exhausting work does not bring any joy, only fatigue, pain and indifference to everything. Konyaga has a brother Pustoplyas, who was luckier. He doesn't have to work hard. They feed him oats and give him enough honey to drink. From an excess of brotherly feelings, Pustoplyas wanted to look at his brother’s life. Seeing Konyaga exhausted from work, the brother, along with other idle dancers, began to talk about the vicissitudes of life. But these were just empty words. You can read the fairy tale online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Konyaga

In Saltykov-Shchedrin’s allegorical tale, familiar images of folk tales acquire symbolic meaning. The hardworking, submissive animal personifies the long-suffering forced Russian people, accustomed to obedience and deprivation. But you can feel the power and ability to endure all the hardships in him. The empty talkers are the intelligentsia, the “polite and sensitive” people. Talking about the lot of a simple worker, they are touched, admired, indignant, criticized, smartened up, and, as a result, do nothing. In his fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin seeks an answer to the question that worried the leading people of Russia: how to save the people from suffering. What does the fairy tale Konyaga teach? She teaches us to fight injustice and evil, not to give up and not to despair.

Moral of the tale Horse

What is the main idea of ​​the satirical fairy tale Konyaga, written in the 19th century on the topic of the day? You should not endure the plight, you need to look for the strength within yourself to fight against oppression, tyranny and any manifestations of injustice.

Proverbs, sayings and fairy tale expressions

  • The master's work is afraid.
  • A rolling stone gathers no moss.

analysis of Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tale "The Horse" and received the best answer

Answer from Elena Rudakovskaya[guru]
In the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, the image of the Russian people, which was embodied in the image of a horse, is very well revealed. Konyaga are ordinary people, peasants who work for the benefit of the entire state, who with their labor are able to feed all the inhabitants of Russia. The image of Konyaga is imbued with the pain and fatigue that a difficult task gives him.
If Saltykov-Shchedrin had described verbatim the life of various social classes, then his works would not have been published due to censorship, but thanks to Aesopian language, he achieved a very touching and natural description of the classes. What is Aesopian language? This is a special type of secret writing, censored allegory, to which fiction, deprived of freedom of expression under conditions of censorship, often turned. In Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “The Horse,” this technique is widely used, which allows one to expose reality and serves as a means of combating the infringement of the rights of the lower strata of society by political figures. This work shows the difficult, even ugly, life of the Russian people. Saltykov-Shchedrin himself sympathizes with the peasants, but he still shows this terrible picture of a beggarly lifestyle.
The field on which a man and a horse work is limitless, just as their work and importance for the state are limitless. And, apparently, the images of the Idle Dancers contain all the upper strata of the population: gentlemen, officials - who only watch the work of the horse, because their life is easy and cloudless. They are beautiful and well-fed, they are given the food that the horse provides with his hard work and he himself lives from hand to mouth.
Saltykov-Shchedrin calls to think about the fact that such hard work of the Russian people for the benefit of the state does not provide them with freedom from serfdom and does not save them from humiliation in front of officials and gentlemen who live easily, who can afford a lot.
The problem of the people and the bureaucracy is still very relevant in our time, because for modern readers it will be interesting and curious. Also, thanks to the use of such an artistic medium as Aesopian language, the problem of the fairy tale “The Horse” is acute to this day.

"Horse" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are discussed in this article.

Fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's “Horse” describes the plight of the peasantry in Tsarist Russia. The image of a tortured horse is a stable symbol in Russian classical literature. F.M. addressed him. Dostoevsky in the novel “Crime and Punishment”. In the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's image of Konyaga symbolizes the stoicism of the people oppressed by the autocracy. Saltykov-Shchedrin spares no effort in expressive means and artistic details to create this pitiful, ugly image. With the help of a series of epithets (“tortured,” “beaten,” “narrow-chested”) and eloquent comparisons (“the upper lip hung down like a pancake”), the reader is presented with an unusually expressive image of a tortured nag with thin ribs and broken legs.

While working, Konyaga cannot even rest. He has a special relationship with nature: “For everyone, nature is a mother, for him alone she is a scourge and torture. Every manifestation of her life reflects torment on him. Every flowering is poison.”

An insoluble contradiction arises: life turns into death. The flowering field turns into a lifeless one, covered with a white shroud. The horse has only one thing left - exhausting work: “Work exhausts the whole meaning of his existence; for him he was conceived and born, and outside of it he is not only needed by no one, but, as prudent owners say, he is a detriment. The entire environment in which he lives is aimed solely at preventing that muscular force in him from freezing, which exudes the possibility of physical labor.” Social inequality is shown in the fairy tale with the help of the parable of the Horse and the Empty Dancer, which tells about the happy brother of the Horse. The empty-nosed animal was placed in a warm stall and covered with soft straw. And they decided to live in a stable for Konyaga and threw him an armful of rotten straw.

Gradually, such empty-headed people began to walk around Konyaga and pester him with valuable advice. One of them sees common sense in his work, another sees the spirit of life, and the third believes that work brings Konyaga peace of mind. The fourth believes that Konyaga is in his place, accustomed to work and eternal. These conversations, however, are empty, like the life of idle dancers who have no habit of work. The horse is driven by a man who spurs him on with the words: “But, convict, move!” Thanks to the parallelism in the ending of the tale, the image of the exhausted Konyaga is even more closely linked with the image of the people. The saying “The master’s work is afraid” further emphasizes its similarity. In the person of four empty dancers who admire Konyaga’s endurance, Saltykov-Shchedrin ridiculed the liberals, Slavophiles, liberal populists and the bourgeoisie, who with all their might and theories are trying to justify the disastrous, oppressed position of the Russian peasantry. In empty disputes, as the writer shows, not only is the truth not born, but the last common sense, a sober view of the problem of social inequality, disappears.

Fairy tale by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's "Horse" describes the plight of the peasantry in Tsarist Russia. The image of a tortured horse is a stable symbol in Russian classical literature. F.M. addressed him. Dostoevsky in the novel “Crime and Punishment”. In the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s image of Konyaga symbolizes the stoicism of the people oppressed by the autocracy. Saltykov-Shchedrin spares no effort in expressive means and artistic details to create this pitiful, ugly image. With the help of a series of epithets (“tortured,” “beaten,” “narrow-chested”) and eloquent comparisons (“the upper lip hung down like a pancake”), the reader is presented with an unusually expressive image of a tortured nag with thin ribs and broken legs.

While working, Konyaga cannot even rest. He has a special relationship with nature: “For everyone, nature is a mother, for him alone she is a scourge and torture. Every manifestation of her life reflects torment on him. Every flowering is poison.”

An insoluble contradiction arises: life turns into death. The flowering field turns into a lifeless one, covered with a white shroud. The horse has only one thing left - exhausting work: “Work exhausts the whole meaning of his existence; for him he was conceived and born, and outside of it he is not only needed by no one, but, as prudent owners say, he is a detriment. The entire environment in which he lives is aimed solely at preventing that muscular force in him from freezing, which exudes the possibility of physical labor.” Social inequality is shown in the fairy tale with the help of the parable of the Horse and the Empty Dancer, which tells about the happy brother of the Horse. The empty-nosed animal was placed in a warm stall and covered with soft straw. And they decided to live in a stable for Konyaga and threw him an armful of rotten straw.

Gradually, such empty-headed people began to walk around Konyaga and pester him with valuable advice. One of them sees common sense in his work, another sees the spirit of life, and the third believes that work brings Konyaga peace of mind. The fourth believes that Konyaga is in his place, accustomed to work and eternal. These conversations, however, are empty, like the life of idle dancers who have no habit of work. The horse is driven by a man who spurs him on with the words: “But, convict, move!” Thanks to the parallelism in the ending of the tale, the image of the exhausted Konyaga is even more closely linked with the image of the people. The saying “The master’s work is afraid” further emphasizes its similarity. In the person of four empty dancers who admire Konyaga’s endurance, Saltykov-Shchedrin ridiculed the liberals, Slavophiles, liberal populists and the bourgeoisie, who with all their might and theories are trying to justify the disastrous, oppressed position of the Russian peasantry. In empty disputes, as the writer shows, not only is the truth not born, but the last common sense, a sober view of the problem of social inequality, disappears.

The fairy tale “The Horse” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin describes the plight of the peasantry in Tsarist Russia. The image of a tortured horse is a stable symbol in Russian classical literature. F. M. Dostoevsky addressed him in the novel “Crime and Punishment.” In the fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, the image of Konyaga symbolizes the stoicism of the people oppressed by the autocracy. Saltykov-Shchedrin spares no effort in expressive means and artistic details to create this pitiful, ugly image. With the help of a series of epithets (“tortured,” “beaten,” “narrow-chested”) and eloquent comparisons (“the upper lip hung like a pancake”), the reader is presented with an unusually expressive image of a tortured nag with thin ribs and broken legs.

While working, Konyaga cannot even rest. He has a special relationship with nature: “For everyone, nature is a mother, for him alone she is a scourge and torture. Every manifestation of her life reflects torment on him. Every flowering is poison.”

An insoluble contradiction arises: life turns into death. The flowering field turns into a lifeless one, covered with a white shroud. The horse has only one thing left - exhausting work: “Work exhausts the whole meaning of his existence; for him he was conceived and born, and outside of it he is not only of no use to anyone, but, as prudent owners say, he is a detriment. The entire environment in which he lives is aimed solely at preventing that muscular force that exudes from itself the possibility of physical labor from freezing in him.” Social inequality is shown in the fairy tale with the help of the parable of the Horse and the Empty Dancer, which tells about the happy brother of the Horse. The empty dancer was placed in a warm stall and covered with soft straw. And they decided to live in a stable for Konyaga and threw him an armful of rotten straw.

Gradually, such idle dancers began to walk around Konyaga and bother him with valuable advice. One of them sees common sense in his work, the other sees the spirit of life, and the third believes that work brings Konyaga peace of mind. The fourth believes that Konyaga is in his place, accustomed to work and eternal. These conversations, however, are empty, like the life of idle dancers who have no habit of work. The horse is driven by a man who spurs him on with the words: “B-but, convict, move!” Thanks to the parallelism in the ending of the tale, the image of the exhausted Konyaga is even more closely linked with the image of the people. The saying “The master’s work is afraid” emphasizes its similarity even more strongly. In the person of four empty dancers who admire Konyaga’s endurance, Saltykov-Shchedrin ridiculed the liberals, Slavophiles, liberal populists and the bourgeoisie, who with all their might and theories are trying to justify the disastrous, oppressed position of the Russian peasantry. In empty disputes, as the writer shows, not only is the truth not born, but the last common sense, a sober view of the problem of social inequality, disappears.

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