English dictionary with Russian transcription and translation. English transcription, translation and pronunciation of commonly used words

Today, on the Internet, one can find a large number of online translators (online dictionaries).

We settled on a very necessary and very useful online translator with transcription. This electronic version Oxford pocket dictionary of various languages. The dictionary contains about 210,000 words and phrases.

In order for the text to be logical and make sense, it is necessary to translate every word in a sentence. So use online dictionary with transcription which we offer you.

Oxford Online Dictionary

Rules for using the online dictionary

1. Enter the desired word in the first cell.
2. Choose the translation direction (English-Russian, Russian-English, etc.).
3. Click on the "Go" button.
4. Below you can see the transcription, polysemy of the word, examples of use (phrases).

Let's see what this online translator (dictionary) differs from others. You can use the online translator for free.

Basically, all dictionaries are created according to the same principle - this is the translation of a word, sentence or text. But, when studying vocabulary, correct pronunciation, you need a dictionary that will translate not only the word, but also show transcription, stress, ambiguity. Pay attention when translating text into online translator, then the translation can become very funny and illogical. Thus, the meaning of the statement is lost.

English-Russian online translator (online dictionary) with transcription - 3.8 out of 5 based on 2416 votes

If you need more than just an English translator with transcription and want to know foreign words 100%, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main sections of the site. We create thematic collections words in English, German and Spanish which you can study in any way convenient for you. Most Popular: , . And that's not all...

Perhaps the best professional tool for translate.

You can use it online for free, or you can buy the official desktop version. What is its feature? Only in multitran you can find a narrow-profile translation of words. Transcription to English words is a prerequisite. By the way, professional translators from different countries work on the adequacy of the translation in given dictionary. There is support for other languages, not only English. ABBYY Lingvo- the second version of free online translators with transcription, but may be number one for many teachers, students, schoolchildren.

Here you will find not only the transcription of the right words, but also the correct word forms, sentences, etymology of use, and much more. ABBYY dictionaries are more suitable for English learners, while multitran is a professional translation tool.

You can read about the history of the formation and creation of phonetic transcription of American English in the material:

People familiar with foreign language and versed in pronunciation, an ordinary paper dictionary is enough to translate unfamiliar words and phrases. However, those who have just started learning the language need help in reading and understanding someone else's speech. In such cases, services that not only translate, but also voice words become indispensable. In this article, I will explain which online translators with pronunciation of words should be used.

Google's online translator is the most well-known service, which is used because of its ease of use and rather rich functionality (https://translate.google.com/?hl=en). Unlike most translators with pronunciation, Google translate able to voice not only individual words, but also phrases, and even entire texts.

The service has the following benefits:

It's easy to work with the service- you need to enter the text in the left window and select the language, after which the site will automatically translate. You can voice both the translated fragment and the original - for this you need to click on the horn icon.

The translator here is combined with the linguistic corpus - the base of texts in different languages, in which a translatable fragment is searched, after which the service shows examples of its use. This helps not only to learn the meaning of the word, but also to really understand it.

Almost a complete analogue of Google Translate is a domestic service - Yandex.Translate. You can translate text online with pronunciation in it in the same way.

Cambridge Dictionary - the online version of the highest quality British dictionary

The Cambridge Dictionary is a translator from the well-known University of Cambridge. He specializes in translation from in English and vice versa, but there are other languages. The translator has been supplemented with a dictionary compiled by the most professional British linguists.

  1. To use the service with voice pronunciation, you need to follow the link http://dictionary.cambridge.org/en/translate/ and enter the text in the box on the left.
  2. An immediate disadvantage compared to Google translator- restrictions on the volume of translation (160 characters at a time, 2000 characters per day).

In addition, the translated phrase cannot be voiced immediately. However, the service will issue a word-by-word translation, from which you can go to dictionary entries with pronunciation. They provide not only translation, but also transcription, interpretation and examples of use. Words are voiced with a British or American pronunciation to choose from.

A similar service is oxford dictionary - https://en.oxforddictionaries.com . It does not have a Russian version and only provides word-by-word translation from English with pronunciation, but its accuracy is the best. Its quality is evidenced by the fact that in linguistic universities, future translators are recommended to use the Oxford Dictionary.

ABBYY Lingvo - translator with pronunciation of text with the most detailed dictionary

Lingvo Online by ABBYY is an online version of one of the oldest Russian computer translators, the first version of which was released in 1990. Like other services, in addition to translation, it provides interpretations of words and examples of their use. 20 languages ​​available.

In terms of functionality, this translator is similar to the British ones. It works like this:

  1. Enter a word or phrase in the search bar.
  2. The language of the original and translation is selected.
  3. The "Translate" button is pressed.
  4. The service provides a word-by-word translation.

The pronunciation of individual English words can be reproduced in British and American versions. With other languages, the situation is worse - for example, French words are not voiced, and for some of them there is no translation at all. But the set of examples of use is rich in all cases.

In addition to examples, you can go to the "Phrases" tab. It will help deepen the knowledge of the language - it shows in which well-established phrases the search word is used. Here you can find phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. with translation.


There are other services for translating text online with speech pronunciation, but the ones described above are of the highest quality. They have different goals - if you need to get the maximum amount of information about a particular word, you should use a professional translator. For quick translation of large text, Google Translate is better. The latter is also ideal when translating from languages ​​that are rarely used in other dictionaries.

In contact with

Online pronunciation of words in English with transcription. Audio recording of English words made by a native speaker with a British accent. You can listen and memorize English words. For convenience, all material is divided into categories.

Online pronunciation of letters of the English alphabet. You can also see the English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation in Russian letters. The English alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and consists of 26 letters. 6 letters represent vowel sounds. 21 letters represent consonants. The letter "Y" stands for both consonant and vowel sounds.

Online pronunciation of seasons, names of months, days of the week and parts of the day in English with transcription and translation into Russian. The delicate balance between the warmth of the ocean and the cold of arctic cyclones, rainy and sunny days often disturbed by the unpredictability of the climate in all seasons of the year in Britain, sometimes summers can be disappointing with a complete lack of heat, and winters can be extremely warm, with no snow at all.

Russian letters

English words in Russian letters. The pronunciation of English words and phrases is given in Russian letters without the introduction of special transcription marks. Russian english phrasebook contains the most necessary words and phrases in English with transcription in Russian letters

Daily routine in English

Online pronunciation words and phrases in English on the topic - "Daily routine". In addition, you can see the "Daily Schedule" page with phrases in English and pronunciation in Russian letters or listen to words and phrases on the topic "His daily life" Listen to the audio recording of pronunciation and learn English.

English lessons

English lessons for beginners learning the alphabet, grammar basics, pronunciation rules and much more. Each lesson contains audio materials and a five-point quiz. point scale How well did you remember the lesson material?

English prepositions

Learning English prepositions. What are the meanings of English prepositions? In what cases, what preposition to use and how to correctly translate into Russian. Presented audio recording of the pronunciation of all prepositions and the cases of using each preposition with examples are considered.

To speak English, it is not enough to know how words are spelled, it is important to learn their pronunciation as well. To do this, as you know, it is enough to learn the sounds that you later need to be able to read in transcription. And if at first glance the pronunciation of English words seems to be something unbearable, in fact everything is quite simple, and today you will see for yourself.

First, let's look at what sounds and transcriptions are in English. Sound, in simple words, is what we publish, pronouncing this or that letter. Each such sound has its own symbol, which is used in transcription. A transcription, on the other hand, is one or more sound symbols, delimited by square brackets, which can convey a letter or a whole word. If theoretical explanations you were given absolutely nothing, let's analyze both concepts using an example for clarity:

Letter Transcription sound

Let's say we took the letter "a". Unlike Russian, this letter in English is pronounced as "hey". To express the sound in writing, we picked up suitable characters who can convey this sound, that is, "ei". And since the sounds in writing are used only in transcription, we added square brackets around this sound. That's all, we hope that the difference between these two concepts has become obvious.

As a rule, learning sounds begins with the English alphabet. Perhaps you once went through this topic, singing a melody with the pronunciation of all letters with your teacher, unless, of course, you ran away from the lessons. In any case, repeating this material again definitely does not hurt. So, each letter, and there are 26 of them in the English alphabet, has its own standard sound:

Letter order





1. A a Hey
2. Bb bi
3. c c si
4. D d di
5. e e And
6. F f ef
7. G g ji
8. H h h
9. I i ah
10. Jj jay
11. Kk kay
12. l l email
13. M m Em
14. N n [ɛn] en
15. O o [əʊ] OU
16. Pp pi
17. Q q cue
18. R r [ɑː] A
19. S s es
20. T t ti
21. U u Yu
22. Vv in and
23. Ww [‘dʌbljuː] double u
24. X x the ex
25. Y y wye
26. Zz zed

However, this list is by no means complete. The fact is that in certain combinations, letters or their combinations can sound different. Therefore, often the alphabetic pronunciation of a letter does not coincide with its pronunciation in a word. In total, there are 48 basic sounds, let's consider them in more detail.

Pronunciation of English words: consonants


There are only 24 consonant sounds. You are already familiar with most of them, but you may meet some for the first time. Let's study the entire list of consonants with examples of words in which they are used:


In writing, it is usually expressed by letter(s)

Examples The sound of words and sounds
[b] b ball (ball)
[d] d day (day)
[dʒ] j/g jazz (jazz) /

gym (gym)

[f] f film (film)
[g] g gold (gold)
[h] h house (house)
[j] y yolk (yolk)
[k] k/c/ch karma (karma) /

car (car) /

[l] l/ll lion (lion) /

sell (sell)

[m] m man (person)
[n] n nose (nose)
[p] p picnic (picnic)
[r] r romance (romance)
[s] s smell (smell)
[t] t toaster (toaster)
[v] v vine (wine)
[w] w/ wh wax (wax) /
[z] z / zz / se zoo (zoo) /

buzz (buzz) /

[ ŋ ] ng wrong (wrong)
[tʃ] ch chew (chew)
[ ʃ ] sh shop (shop)
[ ʒ ] sure / sia leisure (free time) / Asia (Asia)
[ ð ] th their (them)
[ θ ] th thought (thought)


All these consonants can be divided into groups. So, for example, consonants are divided:

  • By voiced / deafness:
  • Voiced consonants include:
  • By way of pronunciation:
  • Explosive (stop) consonants or consonants, the pronunciation of which creates some semblance of an "explosion". As a rule, for the pronunciation of such letters, the organs of speech first close, preventing the air from passing through, and then abruptly open, creating such an unusual sound. Since such letters are also present in Russian, let's draw an analogy to make it clearer:
  • Nasal sounds are sounds that are made because air passes through the nose. If you pinch your nose and try to pronounce them, it will be extremely difficult to do this:

Also sounds:

Based on which organs of speech are closed, sounds can be divided into:

  • Lip-labial sounds - sounds for the pronunciation of which both lips touch:
  • Interdental consonants are sounds that require the tongue to be placed between the upper and lower teeth. Since, unlike other sounds that have at least some similar Russian counterparts, interdental sounds do not occur in Russian, they often cause difficulties for students. However, if you take the correct posture mentioned above, you will succeed. These sounds include:
  • Alveolar consonants - consonant sounds that are pronounced by raising the tip of the tongue to the alveoli:

Pronunciation of English words: vowels

[au] ou mouse (mouse) [auə] ou / owe hour / [ ɔ ] o accord (agreement) [ ɔ: ] o/a/au sore (sick) /

talk (talk) /

[ɔi] oy toy (toy) [ ə ] e letter (letter) [e] e hen (chicken) [ ə: ] i/ea girl (girl) /

pearl (pearl)

[ ɛə ] ai / ayo airline (airline) / [ei] a/ay cupcake (cupcake) [i] i kit (kit) [i:] ea/ee beat (beat) / [iə] ea fear (fear) [ju:] u/ui perfume (perfume) / [juə] u/eu purity (purity) / [ou] ou soul (soul) [u] u/oo put (put) / [u:] oo moon (moon) [uə] oo/ou/u poor (poor) /

cure (healing)

[ ʌ ] u cut (cut)


According to their pronunciation, vowels can be divided into:

  • Front and back vowels:

Anterior row sounds are pronounced by raising the back of the tongue to the hard palate and placing its tip near the base of the lower row of teeth:

  • Based on the location of the lips, they also distinguish between rounded and not rounded, where:

Rounded - these are sounds for the pronunciation of which the lips move forward:

  • In addition, vowel sounds can be divided according to tension, that is, how strongly the organs of speech are strained to pronounce the sound. Here everything is known in comparison. For example, to pronounce some sounds:

Therefore, it turns out that the first are unstressed, and the second are stressed.

  • The examples above also show that vowels can be short or long. To make a sound long, a colon is usually added next to it.
  • Depending on the articulation, vowels are also divided into:
  • Monophthongs, during the pronunciation of which the articulation does not change:
  • Diphthongs are two sounds that are used together:

Reading rules: open and closed syllables

Despite the fact that there are only 6 vowels in English, the variety of sounds is simply huge. Understanding when a letter is pronounced this way and not otherwise is often possible with the help of syllables. For example:

If the syllable is open, then the letter "a" is pronounced like, if the syllable is closed, then the sound turns into [æ]. Compare:

Consider the pronunciation of English vowels using the table:

Pronunciation of English words: stress

Particular attention should be paid to stress. In English transcription, it is usually expressed with an apostrophe, helping:

  • Define a compound word from a combination of words:
  • Distinguish one part of speech from another:

Note that the stressed apostrophe comes before the stressed syllable, and not above the stressed letter, as is customary in Russian. The stress can fall on any vowel anywhere:

art [ˈɑːt] - art
potato - potato
reconstruct - reconstruct

Perhaps it is not placed only on a vowel in open syllable at the end of a word.

The main feature of the stress of English words is that there can be two of them at once. This option is found in words that consist of four or more syllables. The two accents in this case look different. The main and already familiar to us is distinguished as before by an apostrophe. But the secondary - an apostrophe below. Let's look at examples:

Sometimes there can be three accents at all. In these cases, two secondary stresses are distinguished equally:

microcinematography [ˌmaɪkrəʊˌsɪnəməˈtɒɡrəfi] - microcinema

Stress is usually not emphasized in writing, so all these nuances will be useful to you only for the correct reading of words.

Pronunciation of English words: pronunciation difference

As you know, English is spoken by a huge number of people from different parts of the world. However, dividing English depending on the location of the speakers, British and American English are most often distinguished. So, for example, we analyzed British English above. No, this does not mean that you will have to memorize a whole range of new sounds if you decide to devote time to American English. It's just that the pronunciation of some English words among Americans is strikingly different, and therefore their version of English sounds more harsh. Let's look at the main differences in the pronunciation of these two accents:

  • The first thing you can immediately pay attention to is the sound [r]. If it is at the beginning or in the middle of a word, it is pronounced the same way:

That is, this sound is clearly and clearly audible. However, if it is at the end, then English pronunciation words change a little. In British English, [r] at the end is usually not readable. This sound is heard only if it is followed by a word that begins with a vowel for ease of pronunciation. In American English, the letter [r] is always pronounced:


British English

American English

sailor - sailor [ˈseɪlə(r)] [ˈseɪlər]
elevator [ˈelɪveɪtə(r)] [ˈelɪveɪtər]
  • can be replaced with [æ]:
  • These are just one of the few features. In fact, there are a lot of such nuances. This does not mean that if you choose, for example, British English, you will not be understood in America. No, the language is the same, it just sounds slightly different in different areas. Which accent is better is a purely personal choice.

    The correct pronunciation is present in both accents, they are just different. It all depends on your future goals. Accordingly, if you are going to the UK or planning to take IELTS, British English will suit you. If you are focused on America, American. Arguing which accent is better is a waste of time. It all depends solely on your own preferences, so choose the option to which the soul lies.

    Of course, you can learn two pronunciations at once, but in order to acquire an accent, you need constant practice, and with such transitions from one accent to another, this will be quite difficult. Sometimes setting an accent can be harder than you thought at first glance. Therefore, there are even specialists who do not teach you the English language itself in the courses, but put exactly the correct pronunciation of English words.

    Of course, it will be a little more difficult to learn it yourself, but such an alternative is quite possible. Indeed, in addition to teachers, there are a huge number of textbooks that deal with the pronunciation of the English word. And, of course, films. This great option for both beginners and advanced. Watch, imitate, repeat and you will succeed. Most importantly, don't be afraid to speak up. You can make at least 50 mistakes in pronunciation, but you will be understood and corrected, which means that next time you will not make these mistakes.

    Pronunciation of English words: how to learn English transcription

    English transcriptions can seem confusing and incomprehensible. However, they contain the rules of reading. Reading rules help you remember how to pronounce English words so you need to be able to read them. But this does not mean at all that you need to sit with a piece of English text trying to make a transcription of each word.

    It is much easier and more efficient to listen to how words are pronounced and match them with the transcription. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of dictionaries that show not only how a phrase is written, but also how English words are read with transcription and pronunciation. Moreover, the transcription of English words is given in two versions: in British and in American. By listening to voice recordings of words spoken by native speakers, it will be easier for you to understand how to pronounce the word correctly.

    You can also find out the pronunciation in the translator, but do not forget that he can make mistakes, since, unlike dictionaries, the word in this case is read not by a native speaker, but by a robot. Accordingly, no one checks the correct pronunciation. In any case, try to constantly practice this skill, and in the future it will not be difficult for you to read any, even the most difficult words.

    Pronunciation of English words: examples of words

    Of course, we will not study a number of sentences, but you can make out some English words that are quite common in speech and whose reading rules you need to know. We have already considered a couple of words, for example, their or see pronunciation above, but repetition never hurts:

    Word Reading Translation
    ask [ɑːsk] ask
    be be
    become become
    begin start off
    call call
    can be able to
    come come
    could could
    do do
    education [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn] education
    find find
    get [ɡet] get
    give [ɡɪv] give
    go [ɡəʊ] go
    have have
    home house
    help to help
    keep hold
    know know
    leave leave
    let let
    like like
    live live
    look look
    make do
    may be able
    mean keep in mind
    might could
    move move
    need need
    play play
    put put
    run run
    say say
    see see
    seem seem
    should [ʃʊd] must
    show [ʃoʊ] show
    start begin
    take accept
    talk speak
    tell tell
    their [ðeə(r)] their
    think [θɪŋk] think
    though [ðəʊ] Although
    use use
    want want
    will will/want
    work work
    would would

    We hope that now you can easily "translate" the transcription and read it. Even if at first it will be difficult for you, the main thing is to practice. We learn everything consistently and efficiently, and most importantly, constantly. Such a thorough approach to learning a language is sure to lead you to success.

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