Angela name meaning character. Origin and character of the name Angela. Famous people named Angela

The meaning of a name is a kind of “code” of a person that influences his destiny. It helps to better understand your child, determine his natural inclinations, main strengths and weaknesses of character.

By naming your daughter the name Angela, you give her a chance for a bright life full of romantic passions. The euphonious name Angela will caress the ear, evoking positive emotions even at the first pronunciation. The Latin origin of the name Angela determines its semantic component. It is derived from the ancient Greek word “angelos”, i.e. “messenger belonging to the angels”.

Today, the name Angela, common throughout the world, is used in such variants as Angela,. With its identical meaning in some countries, it is pronounced as Angelica (Great Britain), Angelica (Spain), Angelique (France). Diminutive forms of the name Angela are Anzhik, Anzhl, Anzhelochka, Anzhelichka, Zheli, Zhelya.

About character traits

Having given your child the beautiful name Angela, can you expect that together with him she will become the owner of an angelic character? Here, a lot depends on both heredity, environment, and astrological factors (time of year of birth; zodiac sign, etc.). In addition, at certain periods of life, the correspondence to the meaning of the name Angela may be different.

The defining character traits of charming Angels are emotionality, pride, susceptibility to the influence of others, and readiness for self-sacrifice.

Angela - child

In childhood, the meaning of the name Angela has a rather weak effect on the formation of an impulsive character. She does not demonstrate any special talents or leadership qualities, but is distinguished by perseverance and exceptional attention to others. Therefore, a quiet, calm girl named Angela quickly finds a common language with her peers and adults.

Angela - teenager

The young years are distinguished by the sharp transformation of a “good girl” named Angela into an emotional girl, the soul of the company with serious claims to the role of leader. Teenage “rebellion” manifests itself in defiant behavior, a kind of defensive reaction when her freedom is encroached upon. Due to the lack of understanding by others of the origin of the reasons for such actions and the peculiarities of the name Angela, conflicts often arise. However, as they grow older, their character undergoes a positive transformation.


During this period, everything that the name Angela means is maximally manifested: unselfishness, tolerance, responsiveness, combined with cheerfulness and goodwill. It is like a magnet that attracts people to itself; they sincerely patronize those who are weaker than them. She manages not only to make new friends, but also to keep them for many years. A friend named Angela will always listen to the opinions of people close to her, but will draw conclusions personally.

Adult owners of this name are distinguished by a strong, strong-willed character, which helps them overcome various everyday difficulties.

“Reflection” of the seasons on character traits

Angela, born in winter, is characterized by isolation, mistrust, and caution. And the “autumn” one is overly serious, taciturn, and thoughtful.

The sultry summer endows Angela with mystery and romanticism. The spring Angela displays more clearly her captivating and seductive personality.

Business sphere

In professional activities, a colleague named Angela is an unquestioned authority in the team. Employees appreciate her perseverance and determination, which does not infringe on their rights and self-esteem. However, Angela’s bright personality often causes slight envy among those who look like little gray mice against her background.

It is possible to realize the “angelic” potential most fully in the humanitarian sphere, where contact with people is required. There are many successful people among them: journalists, actors, writers, doctors, lawyers, psychologists. But technical specialties are not their element.

Sexy portrait

Women named Angela are very sexy. These are inventive, sensitive, liberated, passionate lovers. They do not distinguish between the concepts of “love” and “sex”. For them, sex is a manifestation of deep feelings of love.

Angela is able to play a dominant role with an inexperienced partner and be meek in the hands of an experienced lover. These “angels in the flesh” are distinguished by their jealousy, sometimes reaching the point of aggression. At the same time, they are characterized by nobility, selflessness, and a willingness to waste their money for the sake of their chosen one.


Impulsive Angela is prone to depression and fatigue. This can be avoided with the right lifestyle, playing sports such as swimming, tennis, walking, etc. Thanks to strong extrasensory qualities, they can mobilize their internal energy and control the functioning of all organs.

Family relationships

A woman named Angela approaches the choice of a life partner very carefully. She, as an excellent psychologist, knows how to sense insincerity, hypocrisy, and lies. Due to the characteristics of her “angelic” character, it is quite difficult to win her heart, but parting with her is even more difficult.

In marriage, Angela can even give up a successful career, devoting herself entirely to her husband, children, and household chores. She is a kind, devoted wife, but she is ready to become a good angel for all her loved ones. Often her increased emotionality finds a way out in the family, and not in public. However, this whirlwind of passions quickly passes, only refreshing the marital relationship. She will never tolerate her husband’s callousness, rudeness, and indifference, which is why, even after a long family life, she is capable of breaking the marriage bond.

The most successful marriages are with men who are married

You should definitely pay attention to the rare and beautiful name - Angela. The meaning of the name is “angel”. It was first used in Ancient Greece, where it was derived from the word “angelos”. But before you finally settle on it, it is, of course, worth getting acquainted with the impact this name will have on its bearer.


In childhood, Angela, the meaning of her name greatly influences the formation of character, grows up as a quiet, calm, balanced child. She does not seek company; she is comfortable alone. Angela does not like noisy games and does not try to take leadership positions. At school, this pattern of behavior continues, and the child does not demonstrate any special qualities or talents. At the same time, the name Angela promotes the development of such qualities as patience, perseverance, and attention to others. This makes it quite easy to learn and connect with others.


In youth, character changes greatly. As a rule, not a trace remains of a quiet and calm child. The meaning of the name Angela will contribute to the manifestation of emotionality and passion. The bearers of this name easily become the life of the party and display leadership traits that were previously unusual for them. Angela can behave extremely defiantly, thus showing her bright personality. During this period, impulsiveness plays a very bad role in relationships with other people, which will often cause conflicts with others, which can have a very adverse effect on one’s reputation.


Over time, the character will again succumb to a strong transformation. This can radically change the perception of the owner of this interesting name by friends and relatives. What will adult Angela be like? The meaning of the name suggests that, above all, she is very patient, selfless and responsive. These qualities, combined with great cheerfulness, will make it easy to get along with people and make friends. Angela will be respected in any team, and this, in turn, will allow her to quickly move up the career ladder. The character of adult bearers of this “angelic” name becomes very strong and strong-willed, and this is extremely important, as it helps to easily cope with various everyday difficulties.

Family life

Thanks to her special magnetism, Angela easily finds a life partner. But he should treat the peculiarities of her character with special understanding. The fact is that the ability to control oneself, which the owners of this name demonstrate in public, suppresses the whirlwind of passions raging inside. And, as a rule, Angela gives vent to her emotionality at home, throwing out the accumulated negativity. It is worth noting that these outbreaks pass quite quickly, so they do not pose a serious problem. It is enough to know about them and simply not interfere with them.


What profession would be optimal for those named Angela? The meaning of the name suggests that its owner will prove herself in legal and social work, psychology, as well as in any areas of activity where it is important to be able to contact people. Technical specialties are completely unsuitable.


Meaning: According to the main version, the name Angela comes from the male name “Angelus”, which arose in late Latin culture. The original root could be the word “angelos”, which means “messenger” or “angel”. By the way, in modern times this same version of origin also belongs to some derived synonymous names.

The female name Angela is not Orthodox, but it is popular in all Russian-speaking countries and is rarely found in European countries. And also, according to experts, this name has very strong energy...

Popularity: The name Angela and its synonymous names in the ranking of Russian popular female names occupy a high 24th position and occur in approximately 13-15 girls out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Anzhelka, Zhelya, Lika

Modern English analogues: Angelina, Angelika, Angelika

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Angela can bestow the bearer girl with a whole bunch of good qualities. Angela is delicate, tactful, never rude or lies, she pleases everyone and knows how to present herself to society in any situation. In most cases, these are the owners of good characters, easy to get along with everyone around, sociable and sociable, eloquent and optimistic, cheerful and positive. It’s easy to communicate and be friends with such people, it’s easy to conduct common business, and in general, these are mostly women who you can really rely on.

At the same time, the owner of this name can be very proud and scandalous. Often Angelas become owners of too much self-esteem, which in turn leads to problems with communication. People often begin to avoid her company after prolonged communication with her. And in general, not every person can stay close to such a bright, self-sufficient, morally and psychologically strong person for a long time.

Advantages and positive features: purposefulness, sociability and sociability, eloquence, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, courage and impetuosity, perseverance, the ability to overcome obstacles, whatever they may be, and the desire to be the best in everything without exception.

Angela treats her badly overly self-confident, cunning, selfish, greedy and unkind people. And the bearer of the female name Angela can avoid powerful people, which is not surprising, because she herself is also powerful and does not tolerate competition.

In the modern world, the name Angela is quite popular, but it sounds differently in different cultures.

Personality of the name Angela

The nature of the name Angela is such that it promises mostly good things for the bearer of this name. Kindness, generosity, honesty, devotion, loyalty, responsibility, determination, impetuosity, persistence, integrity and lack of conflict - all this is not a complete list of qualities that this name can endow with the character of Angela. And the most important thing is that bearers of this name are easy to educate in childhood, which in itself is also quite a big plus.

In childhood, Angela can be a calm girl, not spoiled, not too active, then she will become more serious and at the same time more active, and adult Angela is the owner of a character that combines all the best that parents usually want to see in their children . In general, the character of the name Angela is such that with it it should be easy for Angela herself to go through life. But at the same time, one cannot help but note the fact that character is influenced not only by upbringing and the name itself, but also by astrological factors, such as the Zodiac Sign, the sign according to the Eastern calendar and not only...

Early childhood

In early childhood, a girl named Angela can be calm and balanced, kind, generous, attentive, caring and judicious beyond her years. Parents won't have to worry a lot while raising her. In addition, she is obedient, tries to be useful and is always ready to help her parents around the house and more. She will not play around, be rowdy, or demand a lot of attention. On the contrary, in childhood these are usually single girls who try to devote as much time as possible to themselves and to no one else. Such a girl does not need attention, the presence of an adult nearby, or anything else - she is on her own, and does not suffer from it.

The only problem may be that most Angels are too sensitive and receptive girls. Hence the resentment, I don’t understand why, hysterics, tears, and isolation that manifests itself from time to time. But all these are temporary problems - the older Angela gets, the more restrained she will be.


With age, Angela's character can change greatly. Already in adolescence, she may become more dependent on communication with peers, and less adapted to loneliness. Angela is a teenager, a kind, generous, sociable and very sociable child. He requires more attention than in childhood, tries not to be a “gray mouse”, participates in all events that take place at school and on the street, does not miss holidays and is always in sight. This girl always gets little attention, and she tries to appeal to people around him in every possible way.

Teenager Angela may also begin to show leadership inclinations. In addition, she really has a predisposition to leadership. Self-confident, purposeful, persistent, respected in society - she has everything to become a leader in society, gain the title of “class leader” and simply enjoy authority in society.

The only negative is selfishness, which can also appear in adolescence. Moreover, Angela can be such a selfish person that it will literally push people away from her - she needs to learn to keep her emotions and her selfishness under control.

Adult woman

Adult Angela is a more restrained and less emotional person. She can become a boss or leader, have an excellent career and simply achieve a lot in her professional field. But she needs to be stimulated, pushed - if she is stimulated, then she will make more and more progress. Otherwise, Angela can stop developing at any moment and remain in one place.

When it comes to communication, things couldn’t be better here. Usually adult Angels have many friends and comrades, many like-minded people. Angela will definitely not be left without attention, communication and fun. True, even here she needs to be controlled, because the more she has fun and relaxes, the more she will want this. In addition, Angels have such a big drawback as congenital laziness, which must be kept under control at all times.

Interaction of Angela's character with the seasons

Spring - the meaning of the spring season gives a girl named Angela an easygoing disposition, optimism in life, sociability, eloquence, sincerity and a thirst for justice. She is not a careerist or a leader, but an excellent friend, loyal and reliable, a caring wife and mother, and generally a great person. Everyone around her likes to communicate with her, and this is the most important advantage of this lady.

Summer - and a summer person by nature is serious, responsible, a real careerist, able to prove herself well, and always adapts with ease to any situation. She doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice, she tries to be independent, independent, and respected at the same time. Doesn't trust those around her, only her mother, doesn't show off her emotions.

Autumn - this capricious season endows the character of the lady named in this way with a cheerful disposition, cheerfulness, erudition, sentimentality and gentleness. Outwardly she seems like a vamp, but in her soul she is soft and gentle, vulnerable and touchy. She can show arrogance (depending on her upbringing), considers herself a queen, before whom everyone must curry favor.

Winter - and the harsh winter colds present the world with a responsible and reliable, but too independent and independent personality. Her goal in life is self-realization, respect from the people around her, recognition of her merits by society, material values ​​and career development. She is not vindictive, but will never forgive deception or lies, even to those closest to her.

The fate of the name Angela

It is difficult to say what the fate of the bearer of this or that name will be. Especially when it comes to a name like Angela. And yet, something can still be said. So, taking into account the character and traits promised by this name, we can say with one hundred percent confidence that Angela’s fate in terms of love, relationships and personal life should be bright and very not boring. Angela is a bright personality in herself, a mystery person who sows positivity and good mood everywhere. Can such a girl have a boring fate in terms of her personal life? Of course not!

For that matter, the bearer of this name should have very, very many gentlemen. And she won’t go through them too much. Most likely, her personal life will be very eventful. Another thing is that she will not see happiness in love until adulthood - but there are reasons for this. And it doesn’t matter when happiness comes - what matters is that it comes!

As for the rest, Angela’s fate depends on a whole bunch of factors. It is simply impossible to say exactly what it will be like. But you can read horoscopes for the name Angela and find out what is in store for the bearer of this name in alliance with different signs of the Zodiac.

Love and marriage

Angela always looks impressive and attractive, but for her her own appearance, as well as the appearance of her chosen one, is far from the most important. Even an incredibly handsome man, who is also a lover of ambiguous statements, will not deserve even a drop of her attention. And in general, it is extremely difficult to earn Angela’s love, because she is a woman of mystery. That is why Angelas get married only in adulthood.

Only a frank and honest man with pure intentions is able to win the heart of the bearer of this name. And then, only then will she agree to sacrifice her freedom, independence and personal space in the name of marriage, when she is convinced that her man will be ready to do the same.

In marriage, Angela can turn into an excellent wife, a good housewife and simply a woman with a capital “W”. She will never leave her husband hungry, she always washes his things and makes sure that he has a normal appearance. And in general, my wife Angela is the wife most men dream of.

Angela as Mother

Angela will approach the issue of motherhood very responsibly. She will probably plan it in advance, trying to provide herself, as an expectant mother, with everything she needs. But then, when the “child” is born, she will devote all of herself to him, every minute, every day, every breath.

From an early age, Angela will instill in her children such qualities as hard work, respect for loved ones, honesty, determination and the ability to choose the right friends and loved ones. She will persistently instill in children a craving for everything beautiful. She will begin to attend art exhibitions, theater performances and music concerts with them, will arrange regular excursions and even take them to her work.

Angela will never leave her child without a good education, no matter how hard it is for her. For her, this is the key to the success of her children in their future adult life. And moreover, for Angel’s mothers, children are, first of all, an opportunity to correct their own mistakes - therefore, she will raise them in such a way that they grow up completely different from what she herself is.

Horoscope named Angela


Aries - here we are talking about an open, responsive, sincere, sociable girl named Angela. She hates liars and pretense, avoids closed and secretive people, but loves communication and tries to surround herself with as many friends as possible. An ideal friend and ally.


Taurus - this zodiac and the name Angela produce an eloquent and sociable girl, her character is so simple that it sometimes scares people away. She is ready to call everyone a friend, she is not afraid to make mistakes in a person, she trusts everyone around her and often suffers from this. Doesn't like being told things to her, doesn't accept teachings and criticism.


Gemini - the meaning of this zodiac sign promises a newborn named Angela attractiveness, charm, charm and a great talent for humor. He gets along with people easily, knows how to attract, charm and manipulate. Friendly and kind. In demand among the opposite sex.


Cancer is not independent, dependent on the environment and mood in society, avoids responsibility and never makes its own decisions. Not sociable, neglects friends and prefers communication with her mother. She is attached to her parents and is in no hurry to get married.

a lion

Leo is an energetic lady, an active and active worker in any field. Surrounds himself only with those in whom he finds respect and honor. Arrogant and childish, she often makes mistakes in her attitude towards her interlocutors, but does not worry about this. Doesn't forgive anyone's mistakes.


Virgo - excellent compatibility with men, prudence, seriousness, reliability, responsibility and developed intuition reign here. With new acquaintances he behaves cautiously and reservedly, trusts few people and adheres to a solitary lifestyle. Tactful and polite.


Libra - the origin of this zodiac brings a lot to the destiny named after Angela. She is cheerful and cheerful, but superficial and idealistic. He often makes mistakes in assessing his surroundings, suffers from distrust and the inability to accept everyone as they are.


Scorpio is a lady with an excellent character, combining intelligence, erudition, seriousness, intelligence, charm, and the ability to discern evil. The only negative is that he neglects attention and respect. She needs a strong and strong spouse who can become her true protector.


Sagittarius is a soft, sentimental, naive, suspicious, shy, touchy representative of the weak half of humanity. Outwardly she tries to appear strong and independent, but it won’t be difficult to see through her - she doesn’t know how to pretend, she’s too sincere and honest.


Capricorn is an independent and self-sufficient, self-confident lady who does not accept help from others. Always ready to help, will help and help out free of charge. This is a friend and devoted comrade rolled into one. She will become an excellent wife and mother to children.


Aquarius is responsible and dedicated, always achieves her goal, does not strive for wealth and power, but considers self-realization the main thing in life. She needs a smart, persistent, but flexible gentleman as a companion, capable of giving in and at the same time guiding her in the right direction.


Pisces - and here, who received the name Angela, is granted such qualities as gullibility, emotionality, hot temper, the ability to forgive and non-acceptance of lies and hypocrisy. He selects his friends carefully, and then only verified ones. She will be extremely demanding when it comes to marriage - she will select her husband carefully.

Compatibility with male names

The compatibility of the name Angela with other Russian names is a rather complex topic, but has several factors known to modern experts. So, it was found out that...

The best connection in terms of love and strength of feelings is expressed in pairs with guys called by such name forms as Akim, Gordey, Gleb, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankrat, Lazar, Kirill, Varlaam, Valery.

In terms of the strength of the marriage, the ideal combination would be a couple in which Andrei, Gabriel, Ermolai, Igor, Laurus, Nikita, Taras are present.

This calm, kind and shy woman needs a reliable man, a companion on whom she can rely in everything without exception.

Worst options: Arkady, Vsevolod, Innocent, Panteley, Eric, Vladislav, Izyaslav, Rodion.

The name Angela is quite rare for our country, but, nevertheless, it is found in modern families. It is borrowed from ancient Latin. Comes from the male name Angelus, which in turn originates from the Greek word “angelos”. The meaning of the name is “messenger”, “angel”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, turquoise
  • Color: blue, purple
  • Wood: aspen
  • Plant: alpine rose
  • Animal: electric stingray, electric eel
  • Favorable day: Wednesday, Saturday

Character traits

Already as a child, Angela conquers the hearts of those around her. She is a beautiful, charming and shy girl. He does not show his whims to his parents, he has a balanced character and quiet behavior. She studies well, but exact sciences are difficult for her. May come under pressure from her peer-friend. In his free time he reads a lot, draws and plays various games. The secret of the name lies in the embodiment of a strong and selfish character. Its adult owner surprises everyone with her mystery, which often intrigues male society.

Positive qualities are: sensuality, willpower and specificity. Angela always analyzes her actions, but often finds it difficult to make any decision. She is a wise woman, she learns everything from her own mistakes and from communicating with other people. He considers intelligence, professional skills and versatile knowledge to be the main qualities in life. She is an excellent conversationalist and is ready to listen to a monologue for a long time. Capable of giving wise and practical advice. You can trust her with secrets and secrets. The opinions of others are important to her.

Negative character traits of Angela: pride, a tendency to intrigue and gossip, nervousness, inconstancy and imbalance. A girl often falls under the influence of others and agrees with other people's opinions. Possesses indecisiveness, which causes excessive emotionality and impulsiveness. Nervous breakdowns are possible; they are caused by her helplessness and impotence in unusual life situations. But under certain circumstances there are no rules and prohibitions for it.

The winter representative named Angela is a closed and distrustful person. Vesennaya is a real seductress of men's hearts, but she often tries to avoid attention from the stronger sex, questioning their sincerity and feelings. Summer is a romantic and mysterious person. And those born in autumn captivate everyone with their seriousness and thoughtfulness.

Interests and hobbies

Angela prefers to spend her free time at home or chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee. He enjoys going for a walk in the park or forest. She loves expensive and luxurious things, clothes and extravagant jewelry.

Profession and business

Angela does not have ambition, so she does not worry about slow advancement in her career. She does not set out to occupy leadership positions; she is content with working as a subordinate. Capable of becoming successful in journalism and acting. In business he can get good income thanks to original new ideas. The profession of a fashion designer, writer and entrepreneur suits her.


Angela cannot boast about her health. Excessive sweating leads to numerous skin problems. Acne and eczema appear. Rest, good and healthy sleep, and fresh air are recommended. Playing sports won't hurt.

Sex and love

Angela is a sexy, attractive and very temperamental person. With these qualities she attracts the attention of the stronger sex. Men consider her a mysterious lady. The representative of this name is a wonderful lover, loves compliments and praise from her suitors. In intimate relationships, he shows sensitivity, sentimentality, imagination and ingenuity. He considers love and sex to be inseparable concepts, and views intimacy itself as an expression of sincere feelings and passion. During sex, she is completely relaxed, behaves freely and is always ready for various experiments. Whatever the partner, she always shows a feeling of jealousy towards him.

Family and marriage

Angela is looking for not only a husband, but also a good friend for a serious relationship. A patient man who is able to satisfy various requests becomes a spouse. He must also be distinguished by seriousness, hard work, responsibility and maturity. A man should live for the sake of his family and strive to improve its well-being and material wealth. A woman builds a sincere, open relationship with her other half, devoting him to her experiences. Often makes impossible demands on his spouse. The owner of this name spends a lot of time with children and strives to give them an excellent upbringing.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Angela, its origin, history, and learn about the options for interpreting the name.

Full name - Angela

Synonyms for the name - Angela, Angel, Angela, Angela, Ael

Origin - Greek, "messenger, angel"

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Uranus

Color - Purple

Animal - Eel

Plant - Barberry

Stone - Lapis lazuli

The name comes from the Latin language and is a variation of the male name Angelus, which in turn was derived from the Greek word "angelos", meaning messenger or angel. The name can be pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable or the second. There is no name day in the Orthodox calendar for this name, but there is one for a man - Angelius or Angelis, although in Russian-speaking countries such a name is practically not used. The name Angela, although it sounds almost identical to such names as Angelica or Angelina, is independent, and they should not be confused.

Love named Angela

Usually the bearer of this name has an attractive appearance. And she is often associated with the heroine of a famous romance novel. Outwardly it looks mysterious and intriguing. She dresses beautifully and stylishly, takes care of her posture and figure, and this cannot but attract the gaze of men. For many, it seems an unattainable and at the same time desirable goal. But the girl is not inclined to believe the first person she meets. Despite her goodwill, she perfectly sees the intentions of her interlocutor and has a keen sense of flattering and dishonest people. She is capable of great and sublime love, which may require sacrifice from her.

Sexuality of the name Angela

The woman is quite sexy and temperamental, which attracts many members of the opposite sex. She does not separate love from sex, and considers intimate relationships a normal and inseparable component of the continuation of love. In sex, she can show imagination and ingenuity for the sake of new sensations, but sometimes she falls into a romantic mood and sentimentality, and then she needs gentle words and affection. At the moment of intimacy, she completely sheds all conventions and becomes liberated and free, ready for various experiments. But as the owner of each of her lovers, she secretly suspects of infidelity, experiencing pangs of jealousy.

Marriage and family named Angela

This woman is marrying an accomplished and mature man who can become not only an exemplary family man, but also her friend. He needs to have such character traits as hard work and responsibility. Its financial stability will also be important to ensure the well-being of the family. In this case, Angela becomes a devoted and faithful wife, a caring and loving mother. She can share her feminine secrets with her husband, trust him with her problems, in the hope of finding understanding and help. Angela raises her children well and tries to give them an excellent education. However, a woman’s emotional and hot-tempered nature can sometimes manifest itself fully in the family, since she does not allow her emotions to come out in public. Therefore, the spouse also needs to be patient.

Business and career

A woman does not have much ambition, and even if she climbs the career ladder, it is very slowly. She realizes that her character does not allow her to qualify for the role of a leader, with her frequent nervous breakdowns, impulsiveness and inability to make quick decisions in difficult situations. When choosing a profession, it is better for her to pay attention to those areas of activity where she can receive satisfaction from her work. Relying only on her own strength, she can succeed as a journalist or fashion designer, musician or designer. It is quite possible that a woman can become a successful businesswoman.

The meaning of the name Angela in character

Despite her attractive appearance and charm, she does not use this to achieve her goals. It is more important for her to realize that she is smart and intellectually developed and can achieve everything only with her work and intelligence. However, she is quite proud and touchy. Is jealous of the achievements and successes of other people. In her youth, she does not know how to cope with these negative sides of her character, which often causes conflicts among those around her. As she grows up, she becomes stronger and can, if necessary, pull herself together when she has a specific goal in front of her, towards which she will move confidently and persistently. A woman is naturally endowed with friendliness and does not tolerate two-faced and dishonest people. He knows how to listen to his interlocutor and give good, useful advice. She does not like gossip and intrigue, so colleagues and friends often trust her with secrets.

Teen Angela

From an early age, the girl attracts the attention of others due to her attractive appearance and charm. She is calm, balanced and assiduous. At school he doesn’t get excellent grades, but he’s not among the laggards either. He likes to do his own business alone, staying away from noisy companies of his peers. She has few friends, and mostly among boys. Parents and their daughter do not have any special problems.

Successful people and stars:

Angela Davis - African American civil rights activist, social activist and writer

Angela Vieira - Brazilian film actress

Angela Merkel - German politician, Federal Chancellor of Germany

Andjelka Petrovic - Serbian swimmer

Angela Poka - Hungarian opera singer

Ideal compatibility: Alexander, Alexey, Boris, Valentin

Unsuccessful compatibility: Anatoly, Vladislav, Igor

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