Argentina what large rivers and lakes are located. Argentina - basic information. Supreme legislative body

Argentina is a country in the southeast of South America. Its name comes from the Latin Argentum - silver, and the Greek "argentus" - white. The name arose after the Spanish navigator Juan Diaz de Solis told his fellow Italian travelers the legend of the Silver Mountains, located north of La Plata. The legend about deposits of precious metals was not confirmed, but the name “Argentina” (“Silver Country”) was assigned to these lands. Today it ranks second on the mainland in terms of territory, and third in terms of population. It is known as the birthplace of tango, the location of the most beautiful waterfalls and

Geographical characteristics

Argentina's territory (mainland and island parts) is 2,780,400 square kilometers. It is stretched along the meridian: from north to south its length is 3.8 thousand km, and from east to west it is almost three times less, 1.4 thousand km.

The country's territory is divided into 5 geographical regions:

  1. Northwest (region with a tropical climate in the Parana River valley).
  2. Northeast (flat part, Argentine Mesopotamia).
  3. Patagonia (southern part of the country plus Tierra del Fuego).
  4. Pampas (steppe area with a subtropical climate).
  5. The Andes are the most majestic mountain system in the world.

It borders Chile (in the west), Uruguay and Brazil (in the east and northeast), Paraguay and Bolivia (in the north). The total length of the borders is 9861 km.

In terms of population, it ranks third in South America - 44.5 million people live in Argentina. Almost 64% are of working age population. Average life expectancy is 77 years.


The Andes, the longest and second highest mountain system in the world, stretch along the entire western border of the country. They were formed during the Alpine orogeny period. The formation of new peaks is still taking place in this area. The highest peak - Aconcagua (6961 m above sea level) is located precisely in Argentina, in the province of Mendoza (15 km from the Chilean border). The mountain is of volcanic origin, although it has not been an active volcano for a long time.

The highest active volcano, Llullaillaco (translated as “Deceiver”), is located on the border of Argentina and Chile. It is located on the territory of the national park of the same name.

On the border with Brazil there is a complex of 275 waterfalls - Iguazu, which are considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The sediments through which the water flows were formed about 140 million years ago. The Iguazu Falls complex is located 23 km from the mouth of the river of the same name, and its width is 2.7 km, of which 2.1 km is located in Argentina. Maximum height - 82 m...

The rivers are concentrated mainly in the northeast of the country. These are the Parana (on the continent it is the second longest after the Amazon), Uruguay and Paraguay with its tributaries.

Most of the lakes are in Patagonia (hence why it is called the “lake region”). They are of glacial origin. There are about 400 lakes near the Andes alone. The largest are Mar Chiquita (the 5th largest steppe lake in the world), San Martin, Buenos Aires, Viedma, Argentino. Salt water lakes are concentrated in the northern part of the country...

From the east, the territory is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The part of the ocean that covers its shelf is called Mar Argentino ("Argentine Sea"). Its area is about a million square kilometers. The Argentine Sea is not universally recognized, but local authorities consider it one of the largest on the continent. The Falkland Islands are located in the waters of Mar Argentino...

The vegetation is distinguished by species diversity: given the geographical location, both tropical and plants characteristic of semi-desert areas grow here. In the Argentine Mesopotamia there are subtropical forests. Forests occupy about 12% of the land fund. And in the south of the country, the flora is represented mainly by shrubs, turning into grass prairies.

Animals live in mountainous and foothill areas sparsely populated by people. The species diversity of the fauna is not as diverse as the vegetation. Cougars and chinchillas are endangered species. There are many rodents in the southern regions. There are quite a lot of birds, but they all live mainly near bodies of water (herons, flamingos, hummingbirds)...

The country's territory is located within 3 climatic zones:

  • Subtropical in the north;
  • Tropical - in the center;
  • Moderate - in the south.

Mountainous regions are characterized by heavy rainfall (even flooding) and sudden temperature changes, even within a few hours. A lot of rain also falls over subtropical forests.

January is the hottest month, the average temperature is +33 degrees, and at night the thermometer does not drop below +20. July is the most “severe”: daytime temperatures drop to +12, night temperatures - up to +4...


Farmland occupies almost 70% of the territory. The main attention is paid to grain crops, quite large areas are allocated for pastures for animals (pastures are mostly of natural origin).

The country has quite a lot of ore deposits of various metals. There are oil and gas deposits (in the mountain troughs of the Andes). Quite a lot of sulfur and minerals that are used in construction. But natural resources have been poorly studied and developed. The mining industry is engaged in the development of ore deposits, and oil and uranium are extracted from fuel deposits. Ferrous metallurgy plants provide about 70% of the country's domestic needs. The leaders of light industry are food, tobacco, textile...


The national composition of the country was formed in the 19th and 20th centuries. after the extermination of the indigenous Indian peoples. Now the majority of the inhabitants of Argentina are descendants of immigrants from Europe, almost 85% belong to the white race. Approximately a third of the population is Spanish and Italian. Immigrants are mainly from neighboring countries, as well as from Ukraine and Romania.

92% of the population profess Christianity, the majority of them are Catholics. Main language is Spanish...

A special culture has formed on the territory of the country, which has little in common with the European and the culture of neighboring countries. Politics and football are the main topics of conversation that every Argentine will support. Here it is customary to get up late and go to bed late. The main meal is dinner, which does not start before 21.00.

Argentines are very sociable and temperamental, they love theater and dancing (including the famous Argentine tango). But promises here are rarely kept.

A description of the country of Argentina will help you learn better about the state, as well as quickly read and assimilate the information offered. Let's consider the most important points in the description of the named state.

Exact plan: description of the country (Argentina)

A compiled list of information about the country will help break down information about it into main points with headings and allow you to give a consistent description of the country. Argentina according to the plan (grade 7) is studied by students, as a rule, according to the following scheme:

  1. Brief description of Argentina.
  2. Geographical location of the country.
  3. Nature and climate.
  4. Population.
  5. Language.
  6. The largest regions.
  7. Sights and interesting facts about Argentina.

Country description plan. Argentina (7th grade, geography)

The official name of Argentina is the Argentine Republic. The state, located in South America, is considered the second in terms of territory and the third in terms of population. Argentina includes 24 administrative regions, 23 provinces and 1 federal capital district - Buenos Aires.

Geography and climate

Describing Argentina is not difficult if you know its geography.

The republic is located in the southeastern part of the continent of South America and occupies the eastern part of Tierra del Fuego (archipelago).

The country neighbors Chile in the west, Paraguay and Bolivia in the north, Uruguay and Brazil in the northeast.

Argentina is washed by the waters of the Atlantic in the eastern territories. The coasts of the state are practically unbroken. The La Plata estuary alone penetrates 320 km into the land.

The land of Argentina is stretched in the meridional direction. Its greatest length is 3.7 thousand km and runs from north to south. By the way, the large length of the sea coasts played a crucial role in shaping the foreign economic development of Argentina.


The nature of Argentina can be called diverse. This is due to the territorial characteristics of the country and its topography. According to the last feature, Argentina can be divided into two parts: elevated (west and south) and lowland (north and east).

The flat part of the country is occupied by the wide Argentine northern part, which is a destroyed lava plateau cut by rivers. At its center lies a wetland. Only in the south does the plain have a hilly shape, which is crossed by sandstone ridges - cuchillas.

The lowland region of Argentina has a subtropical humid climate. It is covered with evergreen forests (dry and wet), marsh plants, and herbs. The northeastern region is also called Mesopotamia in Argentina. This is where the country's grain lands are concentrated.

The Cordillera (Andes) includes the highest peaks of the mainland - Aconcagua (6.96 km), Tupungato (6.8 km), Mercedario (6.77 km). Part of the Andes of Argentina is heavily indented by river latitudes and is very flat, unlike the neighboring part of the Andes in Chile.

Floods and earthquakes occur frequently here. In the southwest of the Andes Mountains there is a very picturesque region called the Lake District, consisting of mountain lakes and vast forests. The climate here is quite humid.

The Andean regions are characterized by constant rain and intense heat in the summer. There are hot, dry winds called probes. In the plains of the country, rain constantly falls over savannas and impenetrable dense forests. And from east to west, the amount of precipitation decreases significantly.

The average temperature in January is + 5°C, in July + 22°C. Precipitation ranges from 100 to 300 mm in the western part of the country, and 1400-1600 in the eastern part. Some areas of Argentina are subject to severe drought in winter, but summers can be unbearably hot.


Our plan-description of the country will also help you learn about the population of the state. Argentina unites a variety of peoples.

Almost the entire population of the Argentine Republic (90%) belongs to the European race. They are descendants of Spaniards and Italians. And 4.5% are Indians, who today can be defined as a mixed population. The ancient peoples who inhabited these territories since ancient times (Collas, Mapuches, Matacos, Tobas) today make up less than 1% of the total population of the country.


One more point cannot be omitted when giving a plan-description of the country. Argentina is a multinational state. What language do Argentines speak? Almost the entire population of the republic speaks Spanish. It is official in Argentina. Italian, French and German are also often used here.

List of largest cities in Argentina

What else is Argentina famous for? The description of the country according to the plan (geography, climate, population, etc.) must necessarily contain information about the largest cities. Let's list them:

  • Buenos Aires;
  • Cordoba;
  • Rosario;
  • Santa Fe;
  • Mar del Plata;
  • Rosario;
  • Salta;
  • San Miguel de Tucuman;
  • Corrientes;
  • La Plata;
  • Resistance;
  • Bahia Blanca;
  • Mendoza;
  • Santiago del Estero;
  • San Juan;
  • Neuquén.

The largest of them are the first three cities. Buenos Airos, Cordoba and Rosario are called million-plus cities.


In the cities of Argentina you can see a mixture of different cultures.

The most iconic places for tourists are: the Puente de la Mujer pedestrian bridge, Lake Traful, Casa Rosada and this is not a complete list of interesting places in the sunny country.

The main place of glory and history of the country is its capital - Buenos Aires. This city has religious buildings with beautiful architecture: the Church of El Pilar, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Cabildo Town Hall. And the Plaza del Congreso with the unique Los dos Congresos fountain, kindly gathers tourists from all over the world.

This includes not only interesting buildings, museums, parks, but also beautiful resorts. Some of the best here are: Mar del Plata, Pinamar, Miramar.

Do you know what the locals say? “If God decided to settle on Earth, he would definitely choose Argentina.” They probably think so for good reason.

The famous and largest salt flat of Salinas Grande

For several centuries in a row, the place where Argentines mine salt has been considered a famous tourist destination. The area of ​​Salinas Grandes is 6 thousand square meters. Some 10 million years ago this territory was a wide lake. But due to volcanic activity nearby, the water evaporated over time. A snow-white surface of salt remained on the surface of the old lake. On average, its thickness is 30 cm. Local residents carve funny figures from salt blocks and sell them to local tourists.

Climbing the hills above the salt marsh, you can see endless white expanses, shining like diamonds under the sun's rays.

Let's sum it up

Students in seventh grade usually go through a country description plan. Brazil and Argentina are those countries about which, as educational practice shows, it is most convenient to talk about with a clear plan. And this knowledge will definitely come in handy, because Argentina is a favorite destination for tourists - it contains beautiful natural sites. The country is also rich in attractions. There is always something to see here, which is why thousands of guests from different parts of the world visit Argentina every year.

Studying this country is useful and exciting for both schoolchildren and adults. You only need a clear plan (description of the country). Argentina is a land of contrasts and therefore very interesting to explore!

(Argentina), the Argentine Republic is the second largest country in South America after Brazil in terms of area and one of the most economically developed countries. In terms of the number of square kilometers, Argentina occupies an honorable, 8th place in the world and is the largest Spanish-speaking country on planet Earth.

  • In the west, the territory of Argentina limits (that is, does not allow access to the Pacific Ocean...), in the east its shores are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Argentina borders on the following countries: Paraguay and Bolivia in the north, Brazil and Uruguay in the northeast, Chile in the west and south
  • Geographically, Argentina is divided into 23 provinces and 1 autonomous city (Buenos Aires)


  • Occupied territory: 2,766,890 km2
  • Population: 40,482,000 (2008 est.)
  • Capital: Buenos Aires
  • Official language: Spanish
  • Official currency: peso (ARS)
  • Country dialing code: +54

A popularly elected president has full executive power in Argentina. His term of office is 4 years, and he can hold office for a maximum of only two terms (8 years). It is the President of Argentina who appoints the cabinet of ministers.

  • Legislative functions are assigned to the bicameral National Congress. The term of office of members of the lower Chamber of Deputies (257 members) is 4 years (every 2 years, half of the Chamber is re-elected), the term of office of members of the upper House, the Senate is 6 years (one third is also re-elected every 2 years). The Senate is headed by the vice-president of the country, who is popularly re-elected (together with the president) every 4 years.

Geography of Argentina (just to introduce)

Argentina has a very vast territory: the length of the country (from north to south) between the most distant points is about 3,900 km, and the width is 1,400 km. There are four main regions here:

  • southern subtropical plains, which are part of the large South American plain of Gran Chaco (an area of ​​about 650,000 km2)
  • located in the very center of Argentina, the so-called pampas are fertile steppes that are the main agricultural breadbasket of the country

  • the southern high plateau of Patagonia, together with the Tierra del Fuego (“Terra del Fuego”) archipelago, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Magellan
  • mountainous regions of the Andes, stretching along the entire western border of Argentina

The highest point in Argentina is Mount Aconcagua (6,962 meters), located almost on the border with (15 km) in the province of Mendoza, and is also the highest mountain peak outside Asia.

The lowest is the salt lake Laguna del Carbon in the southern Patagonian province of Santa Cruz. It is located below the level of the World Ocean by as much as 105 meters.

Argentina is rich in rivers and lakes. The country's largest river system is the Parana or Rio Parana, whose name, translated from the language of the Tupi Indians, means “big as the sea”, “sea-like”. This river in size (length 3998 km) is the second river in South America (second only to the Amazon).

  • Within Argentina, the length of the Paraná is limited to approximately 1,070 km.

Not far from the Atlantic coast, the Paraná merges with the Uruguay River, forming the short (290 km) but majestic and wide (48 to 220 km) Rio de la Plata or River Plate, the “Silver River”, flowing into a vast sea bay , La Plata. On the shores of this bay or estuary are located two of the continent's largest cities: the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, and the capital of Uruguay, the city of Montevideo.

The largest lakes in the country are Lake Argentina of the same name (with an area of ​​1,466 km2 and a maximum depth of 500 meters) - the famous lake is also located on its shores. Also located in Patagonia and very elongated in length (80 km), Lake Viedma is located in the Andes and has an approximate area (increases or decreases depending on glaciers) of about 1,090 km2.

(A little about) climate

It is impossible to describe the climate of Argentina in one word. The country has both a subtropical climate in the north and a subpolar climate in the south. Accordingly, the difference in air temperature is also great: the maximum “plus” (+ 49.1 °C) was recorded in the central province of Cordoba in 1920, the maximum “minus” (- 39 °C) in the Andean province of San Juan in 1972.

In general, we can assume that the north of the country is characterized by humid and hot summers, mild and dry winters, the central part is also characterized by hot summers with very strong thunderstorms and significantly cooler winters, the southern regions are also not deprived of summer warmth, but winter already involves severe frosts and snowfalls. It is also natural for average temperatures to decrease as overall altitude increases.

Major cities

Only three cities in Argentina have populations exceeding one million people. In comparison with neighboring Brazil, where the number of such megacities long ago exceeded a dozen, this looks very modest. The capital of the country, Buenos Aires, has a population of just over 3 million. Greater Buenos Aires (the so-called conurbation or urban agglomeration) is home to more than 13 million people and is considered the second largest in South America (after Brazil's Sao Paulo).

The country's second largest city by population is Cordoba (1.3 million inhabitants), located almost in the geographical center of the country, in the province of the same name. In third place is Rosario (1,250,000 inhabitants) in the province of Santa Fe. The city, located on the western bank of the Paranú, approximately 300 kilometers northwest of Buenos Aires, is home to 1.25 million people.


What are the main attractions of Argentina, besides the well-known national football team, two-time world champion, iconic striker Diego Maradona, the sensual local tango dance and the generally popular tonic drink mate in South America?

Mark Twain, in “The Children of Captain Grant,” argued that the Argentine plains, the pampas, are endless and flat as a table, fertile and, in addition, excellent for cattle breeding. In principle, similar (similar) plains exist almost anywhere, but people come to Argentina specifically to look at the pampas...

  • In the Cordillera in the west of the country, there is the highest peak of the country, as well as America, the Western and Southern Hemispheres of the Earth, Aconcagua. You won’t be able to climb it if you are not a climber - just know that it is there... Just as there are harsh peaks of the Andes, which are best admired from afar.

The delta of the great La Plata River shelters two large American cities at once, Buenos Aires on the south and Uruguayan Montevideo on the north bank. Patagonia in the far south of Argentina is a cold but breathtakingly beautiful country, and its southernmost tip, known as Tierra del Fuego, despite its glaciers, does not scare away, but attracts a lot of tourists.

  • They say that a trip to the Perito Moreno glacier will give you a lot of impressions. But this is not for everyone: after all, you can admire glaciers in the European Alps

Penguins in southern Argentina are not afraid and imagine themselves masters of the area, whales lazily dissect local bays, and in general - who needs them when in the world there are such landscapes that excite the very core? You probably shouldn’t ignore the Strait of Magellan, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, but it is entirely located on the territory of the neighboring country of Chile.

The country's name comes from the Spanish argento, meaning "silver".

Capital of Argentina. Buenos Aires.

Argentina area. 2766890 km2.

Population of Argentina. 43.42 million people (

Argentina GDP. $540.2 mlr. (

Location of Argentina. Argentina is a country in. In the west it borders with Chile, in the north - with Paraguay and, in the east - with Uruguay. In the southeast it is washed by waters.

Administrative divisions of Argentina. The state is divided into 22 provinces, a federal (capital) district and a national territory.

Argentina form of government. Republic.

Head of State of Argentina. President, elected for 6 years.

Supreme legislative body of Argentina. Bicameral Parliament - National Congress (Senate and Chamber of Deputies).

Supreme executive body of Argentina. Cabinet of Ministers.

Major cities in Argentina. Cordoba, Rosario, Mar del Plata, Salta, Mendoza.

Official language of Argentina. Spanish.

Religion of Argentina. The vast majority of the population are followers of the Roman Church - 92%.

Ethnic composition of Argentina. 85% - (mainly and their descendants) 15% - mestizos.

Argentina climate. The climate in Argentina is varied, which is due to the length of the state from north to south for 3,700 km. Traditionally, there are 6: Cuyo and in the north-west, Mesopotamia and the north-eastern region, Chaco, Pampas, Patagonia and the lake region, Tierra del Fuego islands. In Mesopotamia (the so-called territory between the rivers and) there is a climate characterized by very hot summers. In Patagonia (the area south of the Rio Colorado) it is also arid. Tierra del Fuego is characterized by a mild marine. In winter, southern ones (Pampiers) cause frosts even in the north of the state. In Patagonia, frosts reach -33 °C. decrease from east to west from 1400-1600 to 100-300 mm per year, on the eastern slopes of the Andes 2000-5000 mm fall.

Flora of Argentina. The territory of Argentina is covered by humid, subtropical forests (palm trees, rosewood, tannin). Eucalyptus, sycamore, and acacia trees were introduced. At the foot of the Andes, spruce, pine, cedar, and cypress are common.

Fauna of Argentina. Representatives of the fauna of Argentina - monkeys, jaguar, puma, ocelot, llama, armadillo, anteater, tapir, fox. Among the birds inhabited are the ostrich rhea, flamingos, parrots, hummingbirds, hawks, falcons, and partridges.

Sights of Argentina. In Buenos Aires - the Congress building, the National Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Modern Art, the Cinema Museum, the National Historical Museum, colonial architecture, and many beautiful parks. The symbols of Argentina are gauchos (cowboys), tango, and the drink mate.

Useful information for tourists

It is customary to give tips, which amount to 5-10% of the bill for service; in expensive establishments they are often already included in the bill.

24-09-2015, 20:43
  • Alumine
    Lake of glacial origin in the province of Neuquén, Argentina. Alumine receives water that flows from Lake Mokeue. The lake is located at the foot of the Bate Mauida volcano in a valley oriented from west to east. It belongs to the Rio Negro river basin, with which it is connected by the Alumine, Collon Cura and Lima rivers.
  • Argentino
    Freshwater lake located in the Patagonian province of Santa Cruz, Argentina. It is the largest lake in Argentina, with a surface area of ​​1,466 km² (maximum width: 20 km). The average depth of the lake is 150 m, the maximum is 500 m. It was discovered in November 1782 by the brothers Antonio and Francisco Viedma.
  • Buenos Aires
    A lake of glacial origin in the Patagonian Andes, on the border of Chile and Argentina. The area of ​​the lake is currently 1850 km². It is located at an altitude of 208 m above sea level, the greatest depth is 590 m. The western part of the lake is fjord-like, framed by steep wooded slopes; the eastern part lies on a plateau and is bordered by moraines. The lake flows through Lake Bertrand into the Baker River, which belongs to the Pacific Ocean basin.
  • Viedma
    Glacial lake located in southern Patagonia near the border of Argentina and Chile. It is fed mainly through the Viedma glacier, the tongue of which is located on the western shore of the lake and is 5 km wide. The predominance of brown colors and the absence of greenery is explained by the process of washing the steep slopes of the valleys with glacial ice. From Lake Viedma flows the La Leona River, which flows into Lake Argentino and flows further to the Atlantic Ocean called Rio Santa Cruz.
  • Lakar
    A lake of glacial origin in the Patagonian Andes in the Argentine province of Neuquén. On the northwestern shore of the lake is the small town of San Martin de Los Andes.
  • Mar Chiquita
    A large endorheic salt lake located in the northwestern part of Pampa in the Argentine province of Cordoba. It is a natural salt lake in Argentina. The lake occupies the southern part of a depression measuring 80 (north-south) by 45 (west-east) km. Since the depth of the lake is small (about 10 m), its area varies greatly from 2 to 4.5 thousand km², which corresponds to an altitude of 66-69 m above sea level.
  • Melinkue
    Lake in Argentina. The lake is located in the department of General Lopez, an administrative division of the province of Santa Fe. Nearby cities: Pergamino, Perez, Rosario. The area of ​​the lake is 120 km², the height above sea level is 86 meters. The lake is drainless. Part of Lake Melinque is protected as a nature reserve.
  • Nahuel Huapi
    A lake in Argentina on the border between the provinces of Neuquén and Rio Negro in northern Patagonia. In the Araucanian language its name means “Island of the Jaguar”. The lake has an area of ​​531 km², its maximum depth is 460 m. The river has an oblong shape with many fjord-like branches.
  • Pueyrredon
    A lake of glacial origin in the Patagonian Andes in Chile and Argentina. The lake is known as Pueyrredón in Argentina and as Cochrane in Chile. The area of ​​the lake is about 270 km², its height above sea level is 153 m, and its length is about 32 km. Flow through the Baker River system into the Pacific Ocean fjord of the same name. The lake is rich in fish.
  • San Martin
    A fjord-shaped lake on the eastern slope of the Patagonian Andes and on the Patagonian plateau, located on the border of the province of Santa Cruz and the Aisen region. The lake is known as San Martin in Argentina and as O'Higgins.
  • Uechulafken
    Lake in the province of Neuquén, Patagonia, Argentina. This glacial lake is located in the Andes in the Lanin National Park, 25 kilometers from the city of Junin de los Andes and 60 kilometers from the city of San Martin de los Andes. It is one of the most important Andean lakes in Argentina, and is fed by lakes Paimun and Epulafquen, as well as by meltwater.
  • Fagnano
    The largest lake on the island of Tierra del Fuego. The lake is known as Fagnano and as Cami. The area of ​​the lake is 593 km².
  • General Winter
    Mountain lake on the border of Chile and Argentina. In Argentina it is called General Winter, in Chile it is called Palena. The lake is located in the east of the Palena province of the Los Lagos region of Chile and in the west of the Chubut province of Argentina. The area of ​​the lake is 135 km².
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