Ben the drowned man - history. Creepypasta: stories Photos of Ben the Drowned from creepypasta

Preface: If anything, sorry for the mistakes.

In 2009, I was 10 years old. I was the shortest in the class. It's not fair, everyone called me a "gnome". My mother told me that I would still grow up. I had few friends, although one guy was still friends with me named Denny. He was the "nerd" in the class. He had vision problems and wore glasses. I asked him many times to play games, such as Minecraft, but he replied that he did not have a computer.
I'm sitting in the classroom and counting pigeons outside the window, simply because counting crows is too primitive. And then the door that serves as the only entrance to the classroom opened with a noisy creak. A 10-year-old boy entered the classroom. The teacher introduced the whole class to the new kid, Jim. We I got along well with him, and Denny liked him. I was glad when I found out that Jim was just as much of a “nerd” as I was. He recommended “Majora’s Mask” to me and I started playing it. I liked it a lot, and that’s all I I did what I did to play it. But, unfortunately, I never finished playing it, since the disc that Jim gave me was only the “Alpha” version. I pretended to be “Link” and made myself his costume, played a role-playing game with my cat, that supposedly she was "Zelda". It was a fascinating activity. At least that's what I thought. My little brother Jacques liked it, although he was only a "Mask Salesman", although you can imagine how good a "Mask Salesman" a 3 year old can be a child, right? So, as the years went by, I started reading fan fiction about Majora's Mask, became a fan of this game, and when on my 16th birthday I received a disk as a gift from my grandfather Henry, I immediately began to play. I I thought that I would finally find happiness, because there was a lot of stress in our family. My parents divorced when I was 12, Denny took off his glasses, became a bully and stopped being friends with me. Jim completely disappeared somewhere the next year after joining. I felt like my life is gradually being destroyed, and the game has become my life. One day I spent the whole day at the computer and did not go to school. In the evening, my mother returned. I was supposed to pick up Jacques from school, but I didn’t, and I shouldn’t have missed it myself. Well , what else could I do?! I was still the shortest. There were no friends. They made fun of me. My mother took the game away from me and said that I would get it back when I deserved it, or rather IF I deserved it. I went outside with Jacques when he did his homework. In the park I saw Denny and his new friends. I lowered my head down and walked in the other direction, grabbing Jacques by the hand. I looked at my red sneakers as I walked away from Denny and the others. Then I felt my head buried in someone’s stomach. I raised my head and saw “him.” This asshole was standing above me head and smiled maliciously. I bared my teeth. “Jacques, go home, I’ll join you soon,” I said. The house was only 5 steps from the park, and an 8-year-old boy could easily cross the tiny road. Finally, Jacques left. I stood stupidly in front of the three bullies and my pupils ran over them. Finally, Denny moved and swung his fist in my direction. I got hit in the face by him and felt a bloody tooth on my tongue. I spat it and turned around. I was about to leave when Denny grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me towards him. All the people in the park were looking at us. “He” and his friends took me somewhere. It was dark and deserted there. They began fight with me there. I came home covered in dirt and bruises. My mother scolded me. She said that I fought with Denn again. “He started it first, and you should have finished it, you’re already an adult, Ben.”
I told everything to my grandfather, because only he protected me, only he understood me. Sometimes he played with me and pretended to be “Zelda”, and I saved him. It was quite funny. A couple of weeks later, when I was returning from school, I decided to take a walk first in the park. I walked around it for several hours. And then, when the sun went behind the houses, I smelled a strong smell of alcohol. It was Denny. Drunk, with his friends. I went in the other direction, and then I noticed that they were following me. I started to run away. And they were getting closer, closer. Soon they caught up with me and two of “them” grabbed me by the shoulders. “Oh, look, it’s Princess Zelda!” “Zelda is the princess, and I am Link, the hero, “and you’re a pissing idiot,” I grumbled. Perhaps if I hadn’t angered him, I would have been alive, but I couldn’t help but say this. Then they threw me to the ground and started beating me in the face. Then I felt terrible pain in my eyes. I realized that They are digging them out with something sharp, most likely a knife. I started yelling and apologizing, calling for help, but there was no one. “You have beautiful eyes,” Denny snorted sarcastically. I felt like I was bleeding, then they put me in the car.” Where are we going? To the lake. Why? We'll drown." My heart started beating faster. "Don't, please, I won't tell anyone, I promise, don't drown me, I'll come up with an excuse about my eyes, just don't kill me!!" But they They didn’t listen to me. Then, when I was pushed out of the car, one of Denny’s friends grabbed me by the legs, and the other grabbed me by the head. “Last words?” Dan asked. “Yes,” I said. And a wide smile stretched across my face to my ears. The most terrible laughter echoed throughout the street. “YOU ALL WILL DIE, I WILL REVENGE, I WILL BE BACK HAHAHAHA” “Dan, he scares me. Nonsense, drown him.” A moment later, I felt water. It began to fill my lungs. I tried to break the rope whom these bastards tied my hands and feet. I tried to surface, but nothing worked. Soon, I drowned. Nobody knew that Denny did it. I remember how my mother cried, I remember the bitterness in the eyes of my grandfather. I think that he knew for sure that it was Den. But no one believed him. Then I came up with a plan. It was a little dishonest but... revenge must be done, right. I had to force my grandfather through suggestion to give "Majora's Mask" to Dan. "He" was very I’m glad about this. “You shouldn’t have done that,” the mask seller told him. My statue followed him everywhere. I watched him through the eyes he tore out. Then I called him into the cloverboat. After a couple of days of madness, I called him “the culprit,” and he apologized. But I knew that he was not upset and, moreover, he was not sorry for my death. He just wanted to live BY HIMSELF. After a while, he went to the kitchen and started cutting his wrists. His parents were not at home. I appeared in front of him, only I was in Link's clothes, but otherwise it was still me. I looked at him with my blue eyes. Then they turned black and black blood flowed, but my smile did not disappear. He apologized to me, now sincerely, begged for forgiveness, while cutting his wrists. After which he died from loss of blood. “The game” came by mail to his friends, and, Thus, I soon avenged my death. They themselves destroyed themselves from the inside for a long time and painfully. Then I realized. This is dishonest. Why me? WHY ME? The whole world was against ME. Now I will take revenge. It will be a long, long, revenge ha ha ha.
Policeman: Kevin Merrick, right?
Policeman: what did you see when you went into John's house?
Kevin: I just went out to the store to buy cola and stuff. And when I came... God... He cut out his eyes, ripped open his stomach, cut off his tongue and... cut off one arm and two legs. .And also.....on the wall in blood he wrote “I’m really, really, really sorry.” Of course, I noticed that he had been missing school for the last two weeks and generally looked scared and lethargic, but I didn’t expect THIS.
Policeman: Anything else?
Kevin: This may sound strange but.....he was playing a fairly popular game "The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask" and after I saw his...corpse, I looked at his computer screen and....well. ...there was an inscription there. It was hesitant, but you could read “You shouldn’t have done that.”

Every day the Internet and the computer are becoming increasingly important in a person’s life. Even scary stories spread on the Internet have received their own unique name - creepypasta. For many, this word may be unfamiliar, but among young people it is quite common. On certain forums or websites, people share scary stories that are meant to create a sense of panic in the reader.

Does Ben Drowned exist?

One of the popular stories tells about the guy Ben the Drowned or, as he is also called, the ghost of Majora's mask. According to some sources, this character is a certain computer virus, appearing in the form of an elf from the game “The legend of Zelda majora’s mask”. There is still no exact information about how Ben the Drowned appeared and how he got into the computer. At one time, people playing began to receive threatening messages from some Ben, and as a result, over time, the virus destroyed the entire computer system.

As for the appearance of Ben the Drowned, history does not give a specific image, so there are several differing opinions. Some people describe him as an old man, while others are sure that he is a young guy. The only thing they agree on is that Ben is wearing a T-shirt and a green baseball cap. Another distinctive feature is black eyes from which blood flows.

The history of Ben the Drowned

In general, there are stories on the Internet from the perspective of the Drowned Man himself, telling about his life. Ben writes about being stuck in the Zelda series in 2000. The only thing missing from the collection was “Majora’s Mask”. Often the guy saw events in which he was Link and participated in all the adventures. In general, Ben dreamed that all this would be real. In real life, he was a loser, and often received from his neighbor Jack. In the backstory of Ben the Drowned, I also want to say that his family was, to put it mildly, dysfunctional. One unlucky day he received the long-awaited game “Majora’s Mask”. Even though it was a beta version, in Japanese and with numerous bugs, Ben was happy. The day ended badly, as he had to clean the whole house, go for a walk with his brother and sister in the evening, and once again get beaten up by the neighbor and his friends. The beatings were severe, and the guy lost consciousness, but he managed to hear that they wanted to kill him. It was decided to throw Ben off the bridge.

Before his death, he cursed his offenders and said that he would certainly take revenge on everyone. At the end, he swore by his favorite game, “Majora’s Mask.” The guys just laughed at the beaten Ben, tied him up and threw him over the side of the bridge. As his eyes sank, they became dark and bloodshot. The story describes how Ben the Drowned died in this manner. The guy went to another world unhappy, angry, cursing and dreaming of his favorite game. It was possible to put an end to this, but he managed to carry out his plans and avenge his death. When the boy's body was found, his mother decided to give all the games to the neighbor, since she sincerely believed that he was a friend to Ben. Arriving home, Jack turned on the game “Majora’s Mask” and there he saw a statue of Link that did not leave the screen. He saw a strange picture: Link was plunging into the water and drowning, and then a terrible inscription appeared: “You shouldn’t have done this!” The next day, Jack was found hanged, with a smiling statue of Link on the screen.

Many people, after reading the story of Ben the Drowned, will experience real horror. Some daredevils even decide to cause a computer virus and see if it's true. The rituals are in the public domain, and anyone can take a risk and summon a computer virus to themselves.

The story will focus on the well-known Ben the Drowned or, as he is also called, the ghost of Majora's mask. Actually, like most of those who are interested in creepy things, and after reading a story about a creepy ghost who poisons its victims on psychological grounds and having talked about it to friends, they immediately wanted to check the veracity of this paste. As it turns out, Ben's challenge wasn't particularly difficult. All that was needed was a pirated copy of the game "The legend of Zelda majora's mask" (which can be downloaded, already emulated on a computer), a saucer of water and a few sheets.

We got all this quite easily, all that remains is to start preparing. It was necessary to write on four sheets of paper, with a green pen, the words “How did you die?” (translation: what was the cause of your death?), each word on a separate sheet, start the game and place a saucer of water in front of the screen. There were four of us, which is why we completed this task quite quickly. Next, you will need to attach these sheets to the monitor screen (with tape, glue, whatever) Now, the most important thing. It was necessary for someone to stand in front of the monitor and clearly say the words “Answer my question” (translation: answer my question). And my friends chose me as this person, because it was I who started this whole mess. I stood in front of the monitor and loudly and clearly said the words needed to end the call. Now, it will be impossible to interrupt the call, there is no turning back. Everyone in the room froze, looking at the monitor in horror. All those sheets that were carefully glued to the monitor with tape began to gradually separate from its surface. On the screen we saw exactly what was described in the call. The sheets of paper on which we wrote with a green pen changed their color to bright red. The entire screen was covered with an inscription that shook from time to time, flickering with pixels: “I drowned.”

All four of them had a pretty big fight when they saw this. One of my friends abruptly turned off the computer, hoping that the inscription would disappear, but to no avail. Then the decision was made to pull it out of the socket. The action again did not produce any results. The speakers were turned off, the router was also turned off, only the processor and monitor continued to work. After a couple of seconds everything stopped. The computer turned off.

After this, we all learned a pretty good lesson - do not get involved with otherworldly forces, for your own safety, and under no circumstances repeat this. Moreover, after this incident the computer began to lag quite a bit. I think I'm not the only one using my computer anymore.

This chapter is dedicated to the popular computer virus - BEN the Drowned (according to the canon, the name is spelled BEN). There are only two stories. After reading the popular story of Ben, I wondered - How did Ben become a ghost virus in the first place? And I managed to find the background.

1) The story is told on behalf of Ben himself. He is a loner; He is bullied by his neighbor Jack and Ben endures it. Ben has no friends at all, but in 2000 he is stuck in the Zelda series of games. For a complete collection, he only needed the “Majora’s Mask” series. Ben had dreams about being Link. His family was dysfunctional, but one day he finally acquired Majora. Only it was a demo version in Japanese, but Ben was happy, and then the day ended horribly...

Let's look at the beginning. It's not all bad... Well, yes, a poor family, but Ben's dream came true. He is addicted to this game and finally he received the long-awaited Majora. Only the story ended badly.

That evening Ben was walking with his sister and brother. The hooligans beat him again and this time they decided to kill him. They threw Ben off the bridge into the river, but Ben did not know how to swim... Before his death, he swore revenge, but the offenders only laughed in response. Later, Ben's body was found and his mother gave all his games to his neighbor... Jack! She thought she and Ben were friends! Jack sat down to play and Link popped up on the screen. He saw a strange picture: Link was plunging into the water and drowning, and then a terrible inscription appeared: “You shouldn’t have done this!” The next day, Jack was found hanged, with a smiling statue of Link on the screen.

Here's a little backstory. I don't understand teenagers at all. Why did they kill Ben?! Why weren't they caught and punished?! And another shock - the mother thought that Jack was Ben's friend! She gave him all of Ben's games and here it is - the irony of fate - Ben drove Jack to suicide with the help of these games. What does it mean? Ben is dead, but his spirit is embittered and he cannot leave this world without taking revenge. His soul sits in this game and kills everyone who plays it.

Well, the story itself already shows how Ben drives people crazy. The story is told on behalf of some student named Jadusable. A friend gave him a Nintendo 64 console and the guy played some old and boring games. The guy himself lived in a college dormitory and was already in his second year. The boy went out into the street and came across a suspicious old man. He himself couldn’t really explain why he didn’t like this old man, but there was really something creepy about this grandfather. And yet the guy began to communicate with this suspicious old man. And the old man gave him a Majora cartridge! The boy was very happy to get the game of his dreams for free.

An ordinary student. Likes to play computer games. But what price will he ultimately pay for these games? There are downsides. First, he sees a suspicious person. In the story, he described in detail how this old man aroused his suspicions, disgust, and so on. Well, if this guy seems suspicious to you, why are you talking to him?! Secondly, don't take from strangers. This saying is taught to all children. The guy just checked into the hostel; he still doesn’t really know who his neighbors are. Why immediately take something from a stranger’s hands? And thirdly, there is another saying - only cheese in a mousetrap is free. This is just about this story and about what will happen to this boy in the future. Get a cool game for free... This is more than suspicious.

Excerpt: “I thanked the old man, he smiled at me and wished me well, saying “Goodbye to that!” At least that's what I heard. All the way home I was haunted by the thought that the old man had said something else.”

This is what needed to be proven: even when he goes home, he is still not sure whether he needs this cartridge or not. He is concerned about the old man's words, but he still inserts the cartridge into the computer.

The student started playing and saw the saved name - “Ben”, then he saw the words “Goodbye Ben”. He understood what the old man had told him and was scared again. Ben is the grandson of that old man, and by giving the cartridge to the boy, he seemed to say goodbye to his grandson. Then he was surprised: this Ben has gone a long way in this game. The guy created a name for himself - Link and began to play.

The mysterious game scares him from the very beginning, but he doesn't stop. He sees that this Ben has practically completed this game and decides to go through it himself, calling himself Link.

The beta game was going surprisingly well, but sometimes characters would call him either Link or Ben. The guy decided to remove the name Ben, but now because of this, in the dialogues with the characters, instead of his name (instead of Link), there was a space!

What's happening? Ben is a ghost trapped in his favorite game. During his lifetime, he became a record holder - he completed ¾ of the entire game. Now he is an evil spirit who has decided that Majora's Mask is just his game and therefore he will drive all future players crazy. His name was erased in this game, and he made sure that the name "Link" will no longer be visible in the game.

The disappointed guy abandoned the game, but not for long. Already in the evening he completes the construction of the Snow Temple in the game. It was the “fourth day” and when the time showed 00:00:00, he was given one more day to complete the temple. He was supposed to talk to the astronomer, but instead he ended up in a boss fight room. He looked at Skull Kid, and in the real world his palms were sweating.

So. I haven’t played this game myself, and in general, when I read this story for the first time, I didn’t understand anything. Now I read each passage and understand that this story is mainly a description of the game. But, as you can see, the game does not go as it should: the name disappears, suddenly he finds himself in a battle room, although he just wanted to talk to some character - an astronomer. The guy knows the plot of the game and his palms sweat when he sees that everything is going wrong. Well then why play? No, I understand that it's interesting. I myself love many games, but if something scares me, I don’t like it, or generally arouses suspicion, it’s better to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Skull Kid followed him everywhere. He was about to exit the game, but a message popped up to him: “You don’t know how, but apparently you’ve already saved…”. The guy already thought that this game was somehow communicating with him, but this is so stupid. Was someone able to reprogram the game?

It is already clear to everyone that the game is hacked and Ben is completely in control, but that student does not know about it. He just wanted to play, but in the end he couldn’t even exit, although any player in any game decides for himself when to exit or save in the game. Ben himself made sure that the guy survived.

“Where I was sent filled me with a feeling of creeping horror and threatening fear. This is the creepiest thing I've ever experienced. The feeling that came over me can only be described as a feeling of deep depression. I'm not a depressed person at all, but now I felt like I didn't know how to exist. This feeling was intertwined with the feeling that someone was watching me.”

Ben breaks people's psyche through this game. A completely healthy person began to experience depression. This game was creepy and scared him. It was creepy not in the sense that some creepy character is chasing you, and you have to collect something and get away from him. No. The game was really creepy and most importantly, the guy became addicted to it. It seemed to him that someone was watching him... Well, it’s clear that it’s Ben, but if you don’t know any Creepypasta and just look at this guy at the computer, you can conclude that he’s already mentally ill, because computer addiction is also a a disorder in some sense.

“I showed up in some weird, dark version of Clock Town, walked out of the tower (as you usually do when you start from day one) and found that the city had no inhabitants. Usually, with the glitch of the fourth day, you can still find guards and a dog running around the tower - this time they were not there either. Instead, there was an ominous feeling that something was there, in the same area as me, and it was something watching me.”

This game gradually changes colors and becomes gloomy: a strange and dark version of Clock Town, the city has no residents at all, and instead of a dog and guards, it is watched by a creepy creature. Here's a free toy for you! I told you that only cheese in a mousetrap is free!

This game also had a healing song, but in reverse. This music greatly influenced the guy’s psyche. The mask seller smiled creepily. Western Clocktown froze and everything around seemed... Broken.

The legendary healing music was playing, but... In the opposite direction! This is no longer normal, because look at the name of this music - “Song of Healing”. It should heal and give joy to the listener, but... It plays in the opposite direction, which means that the opposite effect occurs - pain, sadness and hopelessness. All you can do is sit and continue playing this nightmare, and in addition, Clocktown is frozen. Everything seems broken to the guy, but he still doesn’t know that the game is actually hacked.

The Song of Healing played backwards for the fiftieth time. Link stood in southern Clock Town and felt lonely. He had never felt alone in computer games before. He wanted to leave Clock Town, but every time he left Clock Town, the screen would turn black. The game didn't want to let him out of there, but why was she keeping him there?

Let's look at a rather mysterious piece. The same music is playing for the fiftieth time! I found a “Healing Song Played in Reverse” on the Internet... What can I say? It’s interesting to listen to it five times... It’s impossible to listen to it the fiftieth time in a row! It is obvious that the student has already gone crazy over this game. Next, he feels loneliness. This is a rather unusual feeling for computer games, because there, in virtual reality, there is always a friend. This is why people become addicted: they cannot tear themselves away from their favorite virtual activity, but what happens here? He's lonely. He is lonely, but still continues to play and falls into a trap - he can no longer leave Clock Town. Ben locked him there.

And then he decided that if he drowned in the pool, he would wake up in another place. The Elegy of Emptiness statue continued to follow him and he was simply terrified of it. No matter how he tried to get rid of the statue, it appeared behind him. His hero - Link - began to perform actions that he had not seen before. Skull Kid continued to pursue him and he was ready to die. Link shot his arrow at Skull Kid, but... He was burned. Skull Kid laughed and Link found himself in a different place.

What can we say? Nothing new - throughout the entire story the game just drives the guy crazy. People who have willpower can stop, but this student has already broken his psyche. He doesn't need anything else other than this game.

“I couldn't move, I couldn't press any buttons, I couldn't move, I could only sit and stare at Link's dead body. After about thirty seconds, the screen goes blank with the message: “You have met a terrible fate, haven’t you?”, and the game sends me to the start menu.”

There is a virus in this game. His name is Ben. And he deliberately made Link die. And now he laughs at the player: “You met a terrible fate, didn’t you?” What's going on with the guy? He's gone crazy. He can't move or press buttons because of such nonsense! After all, if you think about it, it's just a computer game. It cannot be perceived as reality, but he did. It feels like it was not Link who died, but the student who controlled this Link. It would seem that we could end the story here, but our hero turned out to be persistent and decided to start all over again! Read on.

He went to the menu, but instead of the “Link” file there was a “Your Turn” file. There is no choice - you have to play on behalf of “Your turn”. The guy started to restart the game and again came across the “Ben” file. After that, he did not touch the game, but decided to go to that old man and ask him a couple of questions. He went to see him, but there was no one at home. The poor student didn't play anymore. He was so scared by this game that he couldn't even sleep. And in the end, he came to the conclusion that Ben is a brilliant hacker, and if Ben is something else, then it’s scary to guess who he is.

How did it all end? The fact that the game remained the same: there is not even a hint that “Link” played it - he was simply erased, but the “Ben” file remained even when they tried to delete it! And the guy’s psyche is broken. Here's a free game from a suspicious stranger, who even now is not at home. Where is he? Who is he? What kind of game is this - guess, student, yourself!

Well, then he finally found a man whom he asked about Ben. And this is what turned out: “The man’s face darkened, and he told me that about eight years ago, on the twenty-third of April - according to the man, he remembered this date because it was also his birthday - an accident happened in the area with a boy... named Ben. Soon after this, his parents left. No matter how I tried to question this man, I was unable to find out anything more.

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