The win-win lottery is vulgar. Gifts for everyone! Win-win birthday lottery. Congratulations to the stronger sex

Anyone who has been to an anniversary or a wedding at least once in their life has seen how they hold comic prize drawings and comic fortune-telling and predictions. And all this is done beautifully with beautiful templates. Is that what you want? Then we have come up with and developed templates for lottery tickets for anniversaries and other holidays for you. Our templates are universal and can be used not only for an anniversary, but also for a birthday, New Year and even a wedding. You just need to download it once and print it on thick paper. And then you always have props at hand for many games and competitions.

It has already become a tradition that guests do not leave the anniversary empty-handed. The host of the evening, the hero of the day, presents the guests with his gifts because they came to him for the holiday and honored him with their presence. But giving gifts just like that is not interesting. It’s much more interesting to make a mini-game out of this. A win-win anniversary lottery is a great option for this! A comic lottery with comic poems will delight guests and give them the opportunity to receive their gift in a fun and playful way!

Here it is - your anniversary. What do you expect from him? What do your guests expect from your holiday? Everyone is waiting for a wonderful holiday, but your guests are definitely not expecting gifts in return from you. And you take it and give them such a surprise. It was for this occasion that we came up with a comic anniversary lottery in verse. An interesting comic lottery will help you please your guests, and they will definitely remember this day for the rest of their lives.

A comic lottery for the 50th anniversary. Lottery for man and woman

The half-century anniversary is an important event not only for the hero of the day, but also for the guests. After all, such an anniversary cannot pass without a trace, and every guest tries to give something so that they will be remembered. But what will your guests remember? A comic lottery for your 50th anniversary will help you hold a wonderful prize draw for all guests. Raffle in verse and with prizes for your guests. We have created universal poems that are suitable for a man or a woman’s anniversary. All you need is to buy the necessary prizes and make beautiful cards for poems and numbers.

Have guests come to you to congratulate you on your fifty-five year anniversary? This is good, they will bring you gifts and give you a lot of bright emotions. What will your guests have from your anniversary? A good mood, a lot of memories, and that’s probably all! But you can leave them funny gifts and even more positive emotions as souvenirs! A comic lottery for a woman's 55th birthday will help you with this. A comic raffle in verse and with gifts for your guests is an excellent option for ending your festive evening and presenting gifts to your guests.


Since you got a chocolate bar,

Your life will be very sweet!


You will, my friend, continue to

Study, burn with creativity.


You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane!

Sponges for washing dishes

And you with household worries,

There are a lot of household chores to do.

But in the family and in personal life

Everything will work out great for you!

Red pepper

Many adventures await you

And a lot of thrills

But everything will end well

It's no coincidence that the pepper is red!

Set of felt-tip pens or colored pencils

Love will brighten your days,

And they will become bright!

Watercolor paints

Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?

Life will be joyful and bright!


Your whole life in winter and summer

It will be illuminated with a magical light.

Pack of tea

In the morning you start with tea,

May we meet great love!


You eat bananas

And expect a pleasant surprise!

Money bank jokes

You got the money for a reason:

You will always live in abundance!

Condensed milk

You are used to living in the thick of things,

Activity is your main destiny!

Pack of cookies

You have friends, acquaintances of the sea,

And everyone will come to visit soon.

Prepare tea and food

Here's a cookie for you to start with!


You are a tough nut to crack, which means

Only good luck awaits you in life!


You will be cheerful and energetic,

This means everything will be great in life!


This sharpener will help you

Sharpen your mind, and your humor too.

Career and success await you,

And also jokes, humor, laughter!

Refreshing lollipops

Fresh breath

Prosperity will ensure you!


You will join the cream of society

And you will firmly take your place there!


A great feast awaits you

And on this day, and for the whole year!

Soft toy

Are you tired of studying?

So you want to play?

So it will definitely come in handy

What I want to give you!

Chocolate coins

Fate will gild your pen,

He will send you a handsome salary!


This little magic item

He will say that there is no one more beautiful than you!

Can of beer

You got a can of beer -

This means it will be a happy year!


Receive this tube as a gift,

So that every tooth is healthy!

A very good way to entertain your guests is to hold a lottery. Lottery tickets can be issued in the form of invitation cards, or simply attached to an invitation card, a gift, whatever you want. You can organize a competition, and the winners get lottery tickets, but these competitions should be at the very beginning, because it is better to draw lottery tickets in the first half of the evening. Even better, if you distribute them throughout the program, play no more than 5 - 7 tickets at a time. Below are examples of possible lotteries.

You can also organize an auction using these tickets, but now they will be called not tickets, but lots. Organize a blind auction, for example, LOT No. 1 camera from Paloroid, starting price... whoever is higher! And so on.

A PALAROID camera, it can give you a photo in less than one second (mirror)

If you want to dress well, you need a SINGER sewing machine (needles)

At a business meeting, you always need an ultra-modern compact EPSON machine (sheet and pencil).

To help the housewife, there is a fashionable stove from the ARDO company (Dry fuel).

This is the prize you came here for. Signature Italian invisibility suit. I. Now you will dress in LA MONTI. (Hanger).

Two tickets for a Mediterranean cruise (Tickets).

Stimorol (eraser) will give you a unique and lasting taste.

Automatic wall painting machine. (tassel)

A unique device for shaping. (Scissors)

Will decorate any table, in any country and at any time of the day. (Salt shaker)

A device needed in difficult times. (Pin)

Universal Panama hat. (Handkerchief)

Pure glass vase of original shape. (Bottle)

Human hair wig. (Washcloth)

The Polyana company offers face cream. (Watercolor paints)

A means of cheer, without which a holiday is not a holiday. (Ball)

A remedy that will help any woman turn into Elena the Beautiful, no matter how old she is. (Any cosmetic product)

Good and evil, all the juices of the fruit-bearing earth are hidden within this unsurpassed object! (Apple)

Automatic hair clip for fastening hair. (Pin)

Pleasure for the whole night. (Dummy)

An absolutely necessary item for everyone. He will instantly dispel any darkness. (Candle)

Measuring device of the highest precision. (Ruler)

Knitting machine (Knitting needles)

Autoresponder. (Toy with music)

If you dream of a sweet life? Evening lights, coffee in bed restaurants, Hilton Hotel? This is certainly the subject of the dolce vita. (Adventure novel)

The highlight of our circulation! (Rusty Nail)

A tool for self-massage, also known as a wig. (Washcloth)

If you are tired or tired of life, smile and everything will pass! This product will help restore the whiteness of your sincere smile. (Toothpaste)

Car keys. (Spanners)

A unique imported product for improving memory. Everything long forgotten will appear in front of you, as if it happened just yesterday. (Handkerchief)

White, fizzy foam with a pleasant aroma that gives us a lot of pleasure. (Soap)

It will help you keep your spouse at home, especially if he likes to go for walks. I assure you, this item will help keep him. (Pin)

Air conditioner. (Fan)

Xerox. (Copy paper)

We always expect more from this subject than we receive. What else can I say? (Bottle of Champagne)

Food processor. (A spoon and a fork)

Personal yacht. (Paper boat)

Washable wallpaper. (Stickers)

Music Center. (Whistle)

Intrigue and passion, deceit and love, brilliance and poverty, this subject contains. (Adventure novel)

Islands in the ocean. (A piece of map with an outline of the islands).

Stationery joke. (Clip)

Insect repellent. (Newspaper)

Motor ship. (Insoles for shoes)

A means to strengthen family ties. (Glue Moment)

Storage for family heirlooms. (Family men's briefs)

A means of applying gentle pressure on a loved one. (Rolling pin)

Antidepressant. (Chocolate)

A means of secure communication. (Toy mobile phone)

A remedy for taming the obstinate. (Belt)

A reliable safe for storing family savings. (Socks)

Here's a win-win lottery option. As its name suggests, all tickets are accompanied by the issuance of a prize, and you can compose such rhymes yourself.

On the ticket by chance

Receive your present

It's your turn
A SWEET BAR “MARS” for you!

Enjoy yourself a little, my friend:
You got three candies.

Your winnings are quite rare.
You are happy, there is no doubt.
You didn’t get three candies,
And three pieces of candy paper

So that your face and hands
Were clean
Got on your ticket
A piece of scented soap.

For an overgrown baby
Wonderful pacifier.

Should be happy in abundance
From the lottery you are now:
Three wonderful cards
Lottery for you.

Since they came to us to have fun
We won't let you get bored.
And if you get tired of frolicking,
You can sit down and read. (Baby book)

After a drink, have a snack -
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin.

Get it, hurry up,
A notebook for you: write poetry.

Why do you need a wallet?
Put the money in the bag.

There is no better win
Than a plastic bag!

This thing is necessary
For lovers of intimacy. (Candle)

Extend your hand
Get the onion head.

Fate took a quitrent from you,
For change - a box of matches.

So that a sore throat does not torment you,
We give a pack of Aspirin

Live to be a hundred years old
With “BLEND-A-HONEY” toothpaste!

Somehow it’s even awkward,
But now it’s a carrot for you.

So that you always have a hairstyle,
You are given a comb.

So that the gait is smoother,
We give you a bottle of vodka.

Whether you need it or not,
Here's some lipstick for you.

Cleanliness is a sore point.
Get a vacuum cleaner. (Broom)

There is no better remedy for stress,
Why buying a Mercedes (toy car)

Happiness fell into your hands -
I got three potatoes.

Today you are not the hero of the day,
The laurel wreath does not shine for you,
You better accept from us
Bouquet of bay leaves.

Your winnings are like manna from heaven -
You got a piece of bread.

Your winnings are a little original -
I got the baby's pacifier.

If you have to get a bruise -
Hurry up to get a souvenir nickel.

You, comrade, want to be with big gifts,
But only two envelopes with stamps managed to win.

Your ticket is very smart, which means there is a winning in it
Allow me to present you with 40-proof vodka.

To always be neat,
Hurry up and get your toothpaste.

Do you like sweets, or not?
Here's a handful of sweets for you.

We give you this ticket,
To travel around the whole world.

So that you know the world well,
Newspapers should be read

We will provide you with hooks
Well, catch pike yourself.

Your winnings are a glass of wine,
It's on the table - drink it to the bottom.

I know you like to write letters,
Then get this notebook.

You got the main prize
Get and share - vodka.

Of course you are looking young
So look in the mirror more often.

Here's a pack of cigarettes for you.
Are you satisfied or not?

Forget all the questions
Get some cigarettes.

Even though she's not fashionable
But sometimes it's useful. (Grater)

You and your companion never lose heart
And use a washcloth to wipe any place in a hot bath.

Don't be angry with us, my friend,
You only need a box of matches.

Sew on this button
And walk around the world with joy.

You and your companion will never go missing,
You won't come home hungry from your favorite guests. (Spoon)

The hen that laid the golden eggs died
And since the gold has disappeared, you will get a simple one.

But this is a fork.
Get it honey.

We ask you not to be angry -
The lid will also come in handy.

If senile sclerosis suddenly overcomes you,
Tie all four corners of the scarf.

Excuse us that there is a shortage in this package,
Then go into the corner and quietly turn it around. (Underpants).

Children all over the world know:
The best toy is a rattle.

So that you can avoid a quarrel,
Eat the apple of discord

If you're in the midst of fun,
You forgot congratulations
You will need one thing -
This is the fountain pen.

Of course you are not lazy
Brush your teeth every day. (Toothbrush)

This miracle is so wonderful:
Win a bottle of beer.

Don't think about being angry with us,
A nail will come in handy around the house.

You got a flower - a rose,
It does not wither from frost.

You wanted to win a flashlight,
But I just got a ball.

You got this soap
To wash your hands more often.

To find out your income,
A notepad will be useful for you.

Pour this into a glass
And slowly take a leak.

Don't be sad, don't grieve,
Get up, kiss your neighbor.

Would you like a piano?
And I got a calendar.

In life you have to hope for the best,
Take glue if something doesn’t stick.

Get the main prize
Egg lattice for you.

There is no typewriter
We offer this item. (Pen)

We give you toothpaste,
So that you have teeth.

Hooray! - Shout to the whole world,
Your car is a souvenir.

When you go for a walk,
So that your trousers don't fall off,
You have with you
A pin made of steel.

It can be used at any other holiday.

1. By chance you got this tea on your ticket.
2. To keep your face and sock clean, put a piece of fragrant soap on your ticket.

3. Whether you are a smoker or a non-smoker, you have come across a suitable winnings, and without a doubt we will urgently present you with a pack of Belomor.4. So that you write off with love, you receive envelopes, without stamps, don’t spoil them, you will buy them at the post office.
5. Excuse us that there is a shortage in this package, then go to the corner and quietly unwrap - (condoms).
6. You should be happy in abundance from the lottery right now. Three wonderful postcards have been drawn for you.
7. You shouldn’t be upset, you have new luck: you got mustard, delicious, table-sized.
8. Your win is quite rare, you got a fir branch; it will make you, without a doubt, participate in landscaping.
9. Get a hot air balloon and fly into space to the stars.
10. You shouldn’t be angry about winning; you can ride on a branch from here.
11. You will be surprised with a rather rare 2 paper napkins.
12. Hurry up and get a notebook: write poetry.
13. The lottery is not a loss, the winnings are a spool of thread.
14. We issue without documents: you got this tape.
15. You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and it was not in vain that you won a comb as a reward.
16. To always be beautiful, hurry to get the cream.
17. You need matches in everyday life both in cold weather and in blizzards.
18. Don’t get sick, be strong, we’ll give you pills.
19. To avoid eating in the dining room, get a bay leaf.
20. You read about all the news in the world in the newspaper.
21. Here is a small brooch for you - smile at least a little.
22. Listen to this advice: fruits are the best diet.
23. You will remember, friends, this calendar sheet (the number of a significant event).
24. Eh, you have to be happy to get peas.
25. You got the candy, come visit us.
26. You turned out to be very clever, get a glass of vodka.
27. You will need our gift stocking for use.
28. We pour you wine so that you can drink to the bottom.
29. Don’t be sad, hurry up to receive your gift. If you want to dance, dance, and then the glass is yours.
30. To look younger, to captivate everyone with a smile, you just need to apply this good benefit (cosmetics).
31. If you have already forgotten how to use a washcloth, then we advise you to read “Moidodyr”.
32. To lose ten years, you don’t need to think for a long time, this wonderful lipstick will give you excellent advice.
33. And here is the famous, fragrant, tasty, melted cheese.
34. If suddenly a child cries, you must calm him down. You'll jump in with a rattle and make him shut up.
35. Automatic brush for painting walls.
36. If you have to get a bruise, hurry up and give a souvenir nickel.
37. You, comrade, want to receive large gifts, but you managed to win two envelopes with stamps.
38. Extend your hand to receive the onion head.
39. You were worried a lot, but there was no loss. You got beets for your ticket to make a vinaigrette.
40. To always be neat, hurry up and get toothpaste.
41. Your prize is quite rare - two paper napkins.
42. If you like sweets, or not, here’s a handful of sweets for you.
43. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier.
44. Your winnings are like manna from heaven - you got a piece of bread.
45. Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes.
46. ​​There is no better prize than a plastic bag.
47. We give you this ticket to travel around the world.
48. Newspapers should be read so that you know the world well.
49. A device necessary in case of an accident pin.
50. We have provided you with hooks, but you can catch pikes yourself.
51. Universal Panama hat (handkerchief).
52. Vase made of pure glass (original bottle shape).
53. The Florena company offers face cream (watercolor paints).
54. Automatic hairpin for fastening hair (clothespin).
55. Your winnings are a glass of wine, it’s on your table, drink to the bottom.
56. Pleasure for the whole night is a dummy.
57. I know you like to write letters, then get this notebook.
58. You got the main prize, get it and share it (vodka).
59. You, of course, are getting younger, so you look in the mirror more often.
60. A pack of cigarettes for you. Are you satisfied: or not?
61. Forget all questions, get cigarettes.
62. You and your companion never lose heart, and use a washcloth to wipe any place in a hot bath.
63. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, you only need a box of matches.
64. Sew on this button and walk around the world with joy.
65. To maintain a beautiful hairstyle, we will give you a comb.
66. You and your companion will never be lost anywhere; no one will come home hungry from any guest.
67. The hen that laid the golden eggs died, and since the golden eggs have disappeared, get the simple ones as soon as possible.
68. But this is a fork - get it, my dear.
69. Please don’t be angry with us, the lid will also come in handy.
70. If senile sclerosis suddenly overcomes you, tie all four corners of a handkerchief.
71. Children all over the world know that the best toy is a rattle.
72. It's a miracle - it's such a miracle to win a bottle of beer.

1. Mascara or tanning product - shoe polish, shoe polish.
2. Souvenir “Drink and know when to stop” - a thimble.
3. You got a trifle - get a cutter.
4. French cosmetics - colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
5. Pet – toy mouse.
6. Napkins for... - toilet paper.
7. A device for giving your head a “shiny” shape - a machine.
8. Metal worker's decoration - paper clips.
9. Individually made ceramic plate – disposable plate
10. Dressing table - mirror.
11. Indian carpet - handkerchief.
12. Crystal vase – glass (disposable).
13. Automatic machine for painting walls - brush.
14. The device necessary in case of an accident is a pin.
15. Human hair wig – washcloth.
16. Automatic latch for fastening hair - clothespin.
17. Pleasure for the whole night. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier. (pacifier)
18. The means for finding rubles is a penny.
19. If you have to get a bruise, hurry to get a souvenir nickel.
20. You, comrade, want to be with large gifts, but you managed to win two envelopes with stamps.
21. Pull your hand - get the head of the bow.
22. You were quite worried, but there was no loss. The ticket included beets to make a vinaigrette.
23. Happiness fell into your hands - you got a potato.
24. There is no better prize than a plastic bag.
25. Newspapers should be read in order to know the whole world well.
26. We have provided you with hooks, but you can catch pikes yourself.
27. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, you only need a box of matches.
28. You and your companion will not disappear anywhere; you will not come home hungry from any guests - a spoon.
29. I know you like to write letters, then get this notebook.
30. No one has ever been so lucky! You have won a set of one thousand metal items (staples).
31. Get a key to the apartment, and buy the apartment yourself!
32. We give you this ticket so that you can travel around the whole world.
33. Sexual partner of the sharpener (pencil).
34. Having received this gift, think a little
Maybe you forgot your friends, Write a letter to them, baby (Pen)
35. Stand hanger (Nail).
36. Dear comrade, get some candy
Just don’t eat it yourself - treat your neighbor.
37. You are extremely lucky, kiss the neighbor on the right.

Anyone enjoys receiving gifts, even small ones. Knowing this, you can please your guests by organizing a comic, win-win lottery. First you need to purchase inexpensive trinkets; the number of prizes is selected depending on the number of guests. We put all items in a bag or box. Next, we will paste paper numbers (there are such adhesive stickers - price tags), if they are not there, you can simply number the cut pieces of paper and stick them with tape on tangerines or apples (like lottery balls). Before the lottery, it is necessary to distribute (balls with numbers) to the guests. Yes, I almost forgot... You also need a hat and folded pieces of paper placed in it with the same numbers as those handed out to the guests. The presenter (toastmaster) announces the lottery and invites guests to take turns pulling numbers from the hat. Depending on the number, the presenter pronounces a humorous phrase that creates (the weight of the lottery winnings) and gives the winning prize to the owner of the coveted number.

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