Biography of Bach download powerpoint presentation. Presentation on the topic "the great Johann Sebastian Bach". Late period of creativity

    In Weimar (1708 - 1717) Bach served as city organist. The years of living here became a time of intense creativity, in which the main place belonged to works for the organ: reludes, fugues, chorales, arias.

    The word “polyphony” itself, translated from Greek, means “polyphony”, and such polyphony in which each voice is equally important and leads its own expressive melody.

    Toccata and Fugue in D minor

    Toccata (touch) is a polyphonic piece of a virtuosic nature.

    Fugue (running) is the highest form of polyphonic music in which one musical theme is heard successively in different voices, a “conversation of voices.”

    In Köthen (1717 - 1723) Bach served as bandmaster at the court of the Prince of Köthen, where there was no organ. Therefore, Bach wrote mainly keyboard and orchestral music. The composer's duties included leading a small orchestra, accompanying the prince's singing and entertaining him with playing the clavier. Without difficulty, coping with his duties, Bach devoted all his free time to creativity.

    Instrumental music: Suites, concerts, HTK

  • A suite is several pieces of general content.
  • A concert (competition) is a piece of music for a soloist and orchestra, in which the soloist, as it were, competes with the orchestra
  • HTK - Well-Tempered Clavier - a collection of pieces for the clavier
  • Scherzo is a joke, an easy, virtuoso piece

In Leipzig (1723 - 1750), Bach took the position of cantor (choir director) of the singing school at the Church of St. Thomas. Bach was obliged to serve the main churches of the city with the help of the school and be responsible for the condition and quality of church music. In Leipzig, Bach created his best vocal and instrumental compositions: cantatas and oratorios.

Vocal and dramatic music: masses, oratorios, cantatas,

Passions are works for choir, soloists and organ, sounded during church services and on holidays (Christmas, Easter).

Bach's talent was not limited only to the field of composition. He was the best organ and harpsichord player among his contemporaries.

Even his rivals were forced to admit this. Bach is translated from German as “stream”. They said about Bach that he is not a stream, but a sea-ocean!

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"Lesson-presentation "Johann Sebastian Bach""



N.N. Ushakov “Johann Sebastian Bach”:

Bach is dear to me...

Well, how can I tell you,

It’s not that there’s no music today,

but such a pure crystal

Grace has not yet appeared to us.

What a balance of passions,

what an all-encompassing conscience,

what an amazing story

about abandoned

for centuries

my soul!

Johann Sebastian Bach was born

in Germany, in the city of Eisenach

Wrote more than 1000 works:

Organ music.

Vocal and dramatic music.

Instrumental music.

City of Weimar. Organ period

In Weimar (1708 – 1717) Bach served as city organist .

The years of living here became a time of intense creativity, in which the main place belonged to works for organ


Preludes, fugues, chorales, arias

Toccata and fugue

D minor

Toccata (touch) is a polyphonic piece of virtuoso character

Fugue (run) is the highest form of polyphonic music,

in which one musical theme is heard successively in different voices, " conversation of voices »

City of Köthen. Instrumental period

In Köthen (1717 – 1723)

Bach served bandmaster at court Prince of Köthen, where there was no organ.

Therefore, Bach wrote mainly keyboard And orchestral music .

The composer's duties included leading a small orchestra, accompanying the prince's singing and entertaining him by playing the clavier.

Easily coping with his responsibilities, Bach devoted all his free time to creativity

Instrumental music:

Suites, concerts, HTC

Suite- these are several plays of general content.

Concert(competition) is a piece of music for a soloist and orchestra, in which the soloist seems to compete with the orchestra

HTC– The Well-Tempered Clavier – a collection of pieces for the clavier

Scherzo-joke, light, virtuoso play

Leipzig. Cantata-oratorio period

In Leipzig (1723 – 1750)

Bach took the position office (choir director) singing school at the Church of St. Thomas.

Bach was obliged to serve the main churches of the city with the help of the school and be responsible for the condition and quality of church music.

In Leipzig, Bach created his best vocal and instrumental compositions: cantatas, oratorios

Vocal and dramatic music:

masses, oratorios, cantatas, Passions -

these are works for choir, soloists and organ,

heard during church services and

on holidays

(Christmas, Easter).


Bach's talent was not limited only to the field of composition. He was the best among his contemporaries organ and harpsichord performer .

And if Bach did not receive recognition as a composer during his lifetime, his skill in improvisations at the organ was unsurpassed.

Even his rivals were forced to admit this.

Bach means “stream” in German.

They said about Bach that he is not a stream,

and the sea- ocean !

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Bakh I.S. - great composer

Bach Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) - the greatest German composer and organist. His work is the completion and highest point of the polyphonic era in Western European music.

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Bach J.S comes from a family of musicians

Johann Sebastian Bach was born on March 21, 1685 in Eisenach (Thuringia). He was the eighth child and belonged to the fifth generation of a family of professional musicians. Johann Sebastian received his first music lessons from his father.

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Johann Christoph Bach

At the age of seven, Johann Sebastian began attending Latin school in Eisenach. He left an indelible impression of the art of organ after meeting his father’s cousin Johann Christoph, who was an organist and composer.

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In 1695, Johann Sebastian Bach, orphaned, moved here under the care of his older brother Johann Christoph. His brother was 14 years older and began to teach Johann Sebastian how to play the organ, harpsichord, and composition. Bach worked in the Church of St. Mikhail; 5 years later, on March 15, 1700, he left the city. This church survived a fire in 1753 and was rebuilt, but was completely destroyed by bombing in 1945.

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Bach J.S. - musician in the chapel of Duke Wilhelm Ernst in Weimar

Bach received his first place after graduating from school in 1703. He served as violinist, violist and organist in the private chapel of Duke Wilhelm Ernst in Weimar. In the same year he moved to Arnstadt to become organist of the New Church and director of the school choir.

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Dietrich Buxtehude

One day the church granted leave, and Bach, thirsty for knowledge, went on foot to a town two hundred miles away to listen to the great organist of the time, Dietrich Buxtehude.

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Maria Barbara - wife of I.S. Bach

In 1707, Bach received a position as organist in Mühlhausen and married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach. They had seven children, of whom four survived.

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Life in Weimar

In 1708, Bach returned to Weimar and became court organist and chamber musician, and in 1714 - court accompanist. Due to disputes with the Duke in 1717, Bach decided to resign. The Duke was so angry that he even sent the composer to prison for one month.

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Activities of I.S. Bach at the court of Prince Leopold

Bach found a new job as a bandmaster at the court of Prince Leopold of Köthen. During this period, Bach created instrumental works in which he appeared as a discoverer of a new time: the Brandenburg Concertos, solo concerts for various instruments, works for the clavier, including the Well-Tempered Clavier.

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Anna Magdalena is the second wife of I.S. Bach

In December 1721, a year after the death of his wife, Bach married Anna Magdalena Wilken (a twenty-year-old singer), with whom he had six sons and seven daughters.

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Life of a composer in Leipzig

In 1723, at the age of 38, Bach moved to Leipzig, where he remained for the rest of his life. He won a competition for the position of cantor - teacher of the singing school of St. Thomas. His duties also included creating music for church services and city celebrations. In fact, Bach led the entire musical life of the city. During this period, Bach wrote five annual cycles of cantatas for each Sunday service and all holidays of the church calendar, and such famous spiritual works as the “St. John Passion”, “Matthew Passion”, “Christmas Oratorio”, “Magnificat” and “High Mass” .

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Bach is one of the greatest representatives of world culture

His work, distinguished by its comprehensiveness of genres (except opera), summarized the achievements of musical art of several centuries on the verge of Baroque and Classicism. A distinctly national artist, Bach combined the traditions of the Protestant chorale with the traditions of the Austrian, Italian, and French musical schools. Bach, an unsurpassed master of polyphony, is characterized by the unity of polyphonic and homophonic, vocal and instrumental thinking, which explains the deep interpenetration of various genres and styles in his work.

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Bach wrote more than 1,000 works during his life

His work represents all the significant genres of that time, except opera. He summarized the achievements of musical art of the Baroque period. Bach is the master of polyphony. After Bach's death, his music was practically forgotten, but in the 19th century it was rediscovered for the general public by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. His work had a strong influence on the music of subsequent composers, including in the 20th century. Bach's pedagogical works are still used today.

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Memory of I.S. Bache

  • On July 28, 1750, Bach died, but left many outstanding works as reminders of himself.
  • Bach's entire work covers more than a thousand works of various genres for different compositions of performers. It was not until 1950, 200 years after Bach's death, that a complete catalog of his works was published. Wolfgang Schmieder systematized them in the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (Catalog of Bach's works).
  • From birth, no one in the family doubted that little Johann would be a musician: all the children played various instruments and studied musical notation, solfeggio and music theory.

    Already at the age of five, little Bach learned to play the violin, which his father gave him. Listening to birds singing in the morning, the boy tried to reproduce beautiful sounds with the help of a bow and strings. This is how Bach's first enchanting music appeared.

    At the age of 9, the future composer first learned what grief was: first his mother died, and a year later his father died of illness. Johann settled with his older brother, who cared for and helped him and taught him to play the organ and clavier.

    In a constantly locked closet, forbidden to Bach, lay a thick notebook with works by great composers. The boy managed to open the lock. He spent several months copying works at night, straining his eyesight from the moonlight.

    When the young man was 15 years old, he moved to another city to study at a church school. Johann learned to sing, and at the same time began to write his own small musical compositions for the clavier and organ.

    After graduating from school, the young man is looking for a varied job, traveling around the cities of Germany. At the age of 22, Johann proposed and married his beloved cousin, Maria Bach.

    The next 9 years became a time of intense and intense work for the musician, already well-known in certain circles. Bach serves as a court musician for the Duke of Weimar, writes a lot and brings already written works to perfection.

    Here Bach had two beautiful sons, who would become famous composers in the future. Having gone to work for Duke Leopold, the composer felt happy and calm, and composed a lot. Begins to write concertos for orchestra.

    In 1920, grief again - his wife dies, with whom there are four children in the family. Bach marries again. Receives the position of cantor at the church in Leipzig and becomes responsible for the personnel of musicians and singers throughout the city.

    The years 1723 - 1750 saw a surge in the creativity of the already great composer. He wrote sacred music, plays and canons, which were immediately distributed as scores throughout the world.

    In recent years, J.S. Bach saw very poorly; he underwent several operations on his eyes, but his vision only worsened. His funeral was solemn and crowded. Fans from different cities came to see the composer off on his final journey.

    Having left behind not only 20 children, but also a huge creative legacy, John Sebastian Bach still surprises with his works, making you listen to them again and again.

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    At 15, Bach moved to Luneberg, where in 1700-1703. Studied at the church choir school. During his studies, he visited Hamburg, Celle and Lubeck to get acquainted with the work of famous musicians of his time and new French music. Bach's first compositional experiments - works for organ and clavier - date back to the same years. After graduation, Bach was busy looking for a job that would provide his daily bread and leave time for creativity. From 1703 to 1708 he served in Weimar, Arnstadt, and Mühlhausen. In 1707 he married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach. His creative interests were then focused mainly on music for organ and clavier. The most famous composition of that time is “Capriccio on the Departure of a Beloved Brother.” At 15, Bach moved to Luneberg, where in 1700-1703. Studied at the church choir school. During his studies, he visited Hamburg, Celle and Lubeck to get acquainted with the work of famous musicians of his time and new French music. Bach's first compositional experiments - works for organ and clavier - date back to the same years. After graduation, Bach was busy looking for a job that would provide his daily bread and leave time for creativity. From 1703 to 1708 he served in Weimar, Arnstadt, and Mühlhausen. In 1707 he married his cousin Maria Barbara Bach. His creative interests were then focused mainly on music for organ and clavier. The most famous composition of that time is “Capriccio on the Departure of a Beloved Brother.” Having received the position of court musician from the Duke of Weimar in 1708, Bach settled in Weimar, where he spent 9 years. These years in Bach's biography became a time of intense creativity, in which the main place belonged to works for the organ, including numerous chorale preludes, organ toccata and fugue in D minor, passacaglia in C minor. The composer wrote music for the clavier and spiritual cantatas (more than 20). Using traditional forms, Johann Bach brought them to the highest perfection. In Weimar, Bach had sons, the future famous composers Wilhelm Friedemann and Carl Philipp Emmanuel.

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    In 1717, Bach accepted an invitation to the service of Duke Leopold of Anhalt-Köthen. Life in Köthen was at first the happiest time in the composer’s life: the prince, an enlightened man for his time and a good musician, appreciated Bach and did not interfere with his work, inviting him on his trips. In Köthen, three sonatas and three partitas for solo violin, six suites for solo cello, English and French suites for clavier, and six Brandenburg concertos for orchestra were written. Of particular interest is the collection “The Well-Tempered Clavier” - 24 preludes and fugues, written in all keys and in practice proving the advantages of the tempered musical system, the approval of which was hotly debated. Subsequently, Bach created the second volume of The Well-Tempered Clavier, also consisting of 24 preludes and fugues in all keys. In 1717, Bach accepted an invitation to the service of Duke Leopold of Anhalt-Köthen. Life in Köthen was at first the happiest time in the composer’s life: the prince, an enlightened man for his time and a good musician, appreciated Bach and did not interfere with his work, inviting him on his trips. In Köthen, three sonatas and three partitas for solo violin, six suites for solo cello, English and French suites for clavier, and six Brandenburg concertos for orchestra were written. Of particular interest is the collection “The Well-Tempered Clavier” - 24 preludes and fugues, written in all keys and in practice proving the advantages of the tempered musical system, the approval of which was hotly debated. Subsequently, Bach created the second volume of The Well-Tempered Clavier, also consisting of 24 preludes and fugues in all keys.

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    But the cloudless period of Bach's life was cut short in 1720: his wife dies, leaving four young children. But the cloudless period of Bach's life was cut short in 1720: his wife dies, leaving four young children. In 1721, Bach married Anna Magdalena Wilken for the second time. In 1723, his “Passion according to John” was performed in the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, and Bach soon received the position of cantor of this church while simultaneously performing the duties of a teacher at the church school (Latin and singing). In Leipzig (1723-50), Bach became the “musical director” of all the churches in the city, overseeing the personnel of musicians and singers, overseeing their training, assigning works required for performance, and doing much more. Unable to be cunning and skimpy and not being able to perform everything in good faith, the composer repeatedly found himself in conflict situations that darkened his life and distracted him from his work. By that time, the composer had reached the heights of his mastery and created magnificent examples in various genres. First of all, this is sacred music: cantatas (about two hundred have survived), "Magnificat" (1723), masses (including the immortal "High Mass" in B minor, 1733), "Matthew Passion" (1729), dozens of secular cantatas (among them the comic "Coffee Room" and "Peasant Room"), works for organ, orchestra, harpsichord (among the latter, it is necessary to highlight the cycle "Aria with 30 variations", the so-called "Goldberg Variations", 1742). In 1747, Bach created a cycle of plays, “Musical Offerings,” dedicated to the Prussian king Frederick II. The last work was a work called “The Art of Fugue” (1749-50) - 14 fugues and 4 canons on one theme.

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    The fate of his legacy also turned out to be difficult. During his lifetime, Bach enjoyed fame. However, after the death of the composer, Bach's name and music began to fall into oblivion. Genuine interest in his work arose only in the 1820s, which began with the performance of the St. Matthew Passion in Berlin in 1829 (organized by F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy). In 1850, the Bach Society was created, which sought to identify and publish all the composer’s manuscripts (46 volumes were published over half a century). The fate of his legacy also turned out to be difficult. During his lifetime, Bach enjoyed fame. However, after the death of the composer, Bach's name and music began to fall into oblivion. Genuine interest in his work arose only in the 1820s, which began with the performance of the St. Matthew Passion in Berlin in 1829 (organized by F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy). In 1850, the Bach Society was created, which sought to identify and publish all the composer’s manuscripts (46 volumes were published over half a century).

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    Johann Sebastian Bach one of the greatest composers in the history of music, born on March 21, 1685 in the small German town of Eisenach Johann Sebastian Bach one of the greatest composers in the history of music, born on March 21, 1685 in the small German town of Eisenach The house in which J. Bach was born

    Johann Sebastian Bach was the youngest, eighth child in the family of musician Johann Ambrosius Bach. Many of Johann Sebastian's ancestors were professional musicians. Johann Sebastian Bach was the youngest, eighth child in the family of the musician Johann Ambrosius Bach. Many of Johann Sebastian's ancestors were professional musicians

    When Johann Sebastian was 9 years old, his mother died. The boy was taken in by his older brother, Johann Christoph, who taught him to play the organ and clavier. Johann Sebastian loved music very much and never missed an opportunity to practice it or study new works. Organ Clavier

    At the age of 15, Bach moved to Lüneburg, where he studied at the singing school of St. Michael's Personal Seal of Bach Bach's Manuscript

    In Köthen (1717 - 1723) Bach served as bandmaster at the court of the Prince of Köthen, where there was no organ. Therefore, Bach wrote mainly keyboard and orchestral music. The composer's duties included leading a small orchestra, accompanying the prince's singing and entertaining him by playing the clavier. Easily coping with his responsibilities, Bach devoted all his free time to creativity. In Köthen (1717 - 1723) Bach served as bandmaster at the court of the Prince of Köthen, where there was no organ. Therefore, Bach wrote mainly keyboard and orchestral music. The composer's duties included leading a small orchestra, accompanying the prince's singing and entertaining him by playing the clavier. Easily coping with his responsibilities, Bach devoted all his free time to creativity.

    The Voyager spacecraft was launched in 1977 and carried a gold disc of Bach's music. The first sounds introducing humanity to other extraterrestrial civilizations will be “Brandenburg Concerto 2” by J.S. Bach In 1977, the Voyager spacecraft was launched, and on board there is a golden disc with the music of Bach. The first sounds introducing humanity to other extraterrestrial civilizations will be “Brandenburg Concerto 2” by J.S. Bach

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