Big nose nationality. What Jews look like, photos of the appearance of women and men, distinctive characteristics of Jewish nationality. Nationality and perfect nose

TN Our different clothes. Does the shape of the nose depend on nationality? Which doctor should I contact? Within every ethnic group there is a wide variety of facial features, and the nose is not. Also, the structure of the nose depends on nationality and can be passed on. Of course, people have different nose shapes, and first of all, a specific nose shape can characterize a certain nationality, because often a person is from. So, what is the ideal nose shape? Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to determine nationality by the shape of the nose. The main external signs that distinguish people of different nationalities are skin color. Yes, and different nationalities also have their own structural features. Nationality Some nationalities have a hump nose in both men and women. The size and shape of your nose determine not only the amount of vital energy available to you, but also your attitude to work, as well as your ability to handle it. One of the landmarks in the science of physiognomy is the human nose. Factors such as heredity and nationality influence the shape of the nose. Nationality is a determining factor. But I still think that linking the shape of the nose to character should not be taken very seriously. The size and shape of the nose determine not only the amount of vital energy available to you, but... It is more difficult to explain the desperate desire to radically change the shape of the nose and acquire an appearance that obviously does not correspond to the aesthetic ideal. How to determine nationality by appearance? Then what does the shape of a person’s nose and nationality have to do with it? Snub noses are generally not typical for the Eastern Slavs. We can recognize him by the shape of his nose - it curves. Our world is inhabited by a huge number of peoples who have their own. In addition, the shape of the nose can tell a lot. Website about reinforced concrete structures. The size and shape of the nasal turbinates. But there are also leading ones living in. The only effective way to change the shape of the nose and remove it. This question therefore has no answer at all! In Ancient Greece and Rome, not only a beautiful body was valued, but also a nose of the correct shape, obviously, this is where the concept of a Roman or Greek nose came from. Nationality and perfect nose. The nose is the most prominent and most visible part of the face and the most important. The shape of the nose refers to genetic biological characteristics related to the human races Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid, Australoid, and nationality. Scientists have taught a computer to diagnose

The shape of the nose allows it too. The shape of the nose and the character of people are interconnected. We recognize representatives of many nationalities by their characteristic facial features. Most often it occurs in kind people, with a soft and easy-going character. The shape of a person’s nose depends on his nationality, and therefore it is not the same for different representatives of races. The shape and appearance of the nose depend on all the elements that make up its bridge, back, wings and nostrils, as well. The eyes are often of mixed shades, the size and shape of the nose vary greatly, but more often the nose is strongly protruding, with a straight or curved back, and the lips are thin. Long-term observations of people with a certain set of wrinkles that characterize facial expressions and therefore the habits and disposition of a person, the shape of the nose itself. Numerous studies have shown that the shape of the nose can tell a lot about the character of its owner. Mongolian peoples have wide, flat noses, while European peoples. What's there to do with him, other than to hang out on the test?

Jews are a nation whose roots go back to the ancient kingdoms of Judah and Israel. The people, who existed without their own state for more than two thousand years, are today scattered across many countries of the world.

Thus, according to official data, 43% of Jews live in Israel, 39% in the USA, and the rest in various parts of the world. Many of them live very close to us. Do you know how to recognize a Jew among Russians, Germans, Caucasians and other peoples of the world? What features of appearance and character distinguish this ancient and mysterious nation?


So, how to recognize a Jew? Ask him about it directly. Most Jews are proud of who they are and do not hide their origins. Many half-breeds do not even ask themselves which half to prefer: Jewish or Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian... And even a drop of blood is priceless for them. This, by the way, is a normal human reaction. After all, Jews are an ancient people with a rich history and cultural characteristics. So why not be proud of it? Ask them yourself.

But there are cases when people try to hide their Jewish origin. And that's not normal. For example, during the distant years of perestroika, TV presenter Lyubimov was directly asked about this. And the showman swore live in front of the whole country that neither he nor his parents were Jews. Characteristic features, however, were present both in his appearance and behavior. And the surname spoke for itself: Lyubimov is derived from Liberman.

Look in your passport

What surnames do Jews have? Characteristic features of Jewish surnames are the German suffixes “-man” and “-er”. However, you need to be careful here. After all, both Germans and Latvians themselves have such surnames. For example, Blucher was pure and got his German surname from an ancestor who participated in the war with Napoleon. It was a reward for courage and service to the fatherland - to bear the name of a famous German commander.

There is one more feature of Jewish surnames. So, this may be a kind of “geographical stamp”. Many Jews, moving to Russia from Poland, changed their surnames in such a way that they could understand where they came from. For example, Vysotsky (Vysotsk village in Belarus), Slutsky, Zhitomirsky, Dneprovsky, Nevsky, Berezovsky (Berezovka village), Donskoy, etc.

They can also be formed from diminutive female names. After all, unlike Russians, they trace their ancestry through the maternal line. Example: Mashkin (Mashka), Chernushkin (Chernushka), Zoykin (Zoyka), Galkin (Galka), etc.

But remember that a surname is not a distinctive feature of Jews. Mashkin and Galkin may turn out to be real Russian men, and the seemingly standard Ivanov and Petrov may turn out to be Jews. So it’s too early to draw conclusions based on the last name alone.

Choosing names

With names, everything is much more complicated - they can be anything. Of course, there are purely Jewish ones. For example, Leo (derived from Levi), Anton (from Nathan), Boris (from Boruch), Jacob, Adam, Samson, Mark, Abram (from Abraham), Moses, Nahum, Ada (Adelaide), Dinah, Sarah, Esther ( from Esther), Faina and others.

But there is also a separate category of names that are of Israeli origin, but Russian people wear them even more often than the Jews themselves. The characteristic features of such names are the ending -il (Daniel, Michael, Samuel, Gabriel), as well as the biblical meaning (Mary, Joseph, Ilya (Elijah), Sophia).


So, what are the characteristic facial features of Jews? The first thing people always pay attention to is the nose. Moreover, many believe that this sign alone is enough to consider a person a Jew. The famous “Jewish shnobel” begins to bend from the very base. Thus, the Israeli anthropologist Jacobs described this phenomenon in detail: “the tip bends down, resembling a hook, and the wings are raised.” If you look from the side, the nose resembles the number 6 extended upward. People call this nose the “Jewish six.”

However, based on this feature alone, it is impossible to say with certainty that a person is a Jew. If you look at it, it turns out that almost all of them had big noses: Nekrasov, Gogol, Karamzin, and even Turgenev. But it is known for certain that they were not Jews.

In fact, Israelis can have a wide variety of noses: fleshy “potato” noses, narrow ones with a hump, straight ones, long ones with high nostrils, and even snub noses. So, the nose alone is far from an indicator of “Jewishness.”

Common Mistakes

There is an opinion that there are certain signs that only Jews possess (characteristic facial features) - a huge nose, black eyes, thick lips. We've already dealt with the nose. As for dark eyes, these are the most common negroid characteristics. And the Negroid admixture is characteristic not only of Jews, but also of people of other nationalities. For example, as a result of the union of a Mongoloid and a Negro, the same traits can be obtained. This admixture is often observed among Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Arabs, Armenians, and Georgians.

Another popular misconception is that Jews have dark, curly hair. Everything is the same here. The Negroid trait is obvious. On the other hand, the biblical Jew David was blond. This is already a Nordic admixture. And look at the Russian singer Agutin - a typical Jew, but by no means dark-haired.

Sign number one

And yet, how can one distinguish a Jew from a Slavic-Russian by his face? Are there reinforced concrete signs? Answer: yes.

If you doubt who is in front of you: a Jew or not, first of all pay attention to the racial trait - the Mediterranean admixture. Even Caucasians do not have it, who are often confused with Jews because of their fleshy noses, thick lips and curly hair. The Mediterranean admixture is very characteristic and clearly expressed even with great inbreeding. What is it?

Both straight and in profile it is a very narrow long face. It does not expand upward, unlike typical Slavic-Russian faces. Only Jews have this head shape with a narrow and elongated nape. Characteristic features can be seen in photographs by Louis de Funes or Sofia Rotaru. Russian Jews are a mixture of Mediterraneans and Western Asians (Caucasians, Armenians). Ideal examples are Boris Pasternak and Vladimir Vysotsky.

So, the main distinguishing feature of Jews is a very narrow, long face that does not widen towards the top. If, due to some impurities, such a face has expanded, then anywhere, but not in the forehead area. A Jew's forehead is always narrow, as if it were squeezed in a vice. In other places, in principle, the head can expand. And after you have seen this sign, you can pay attention to the nose, lips, eyes, last name and everything else that distinguishes Jews.

Character Traits

The main character traits of any Jew are self-confidence, absolute self-esteem and any lack of shyness and timidity. There is even a special term in Yiddish that combines these qualities - “khutzpa”. There are no translations of this word into other languages. Chutzpah is a kind of pride that causes a desire to act, without fear of being underprepared or incapable.

What is “chutzpah” for Jews? Courage, the ability to change your destiny, to fight its unpredictability. Many Jews believe that the very existence of their state of Israel is sacred, and this is an act of chutzpah.

As mentioned above, there are no analogues or translations of this concept in other languages. But in non-Jewish society, chutzpah has a negative connotation and is identified with the concepts of “arrogance,” “intolerance towards other people,” “shamelessness,” etc.

Indirect signs

It is worth considering some more Slavs and Jews. So, for example, facial cleanliness. Jews, unlike most Russians, often have a cluster of birthmarks in the area of ​​the nose, mouth and chin. Moles are a sign of aging and degradation of the body. The later they form on the human body, the stronger the body. Jews, as a rule, are formed in childhood.

We continue to name the characteristic features of the Israelis - very naked. This is very rarely observed among Slavic-Russians. Jews often have a fairly sparse and asymmetrical dentition, unlike the Slavs, who are characterized by dense lower and upper teeth.

Burr as a speech defect is often considered an indirect sign. In principle, it is characteristic of some Jews. But only to a minority. Most Israelis pronounce the letter "r" very clearly. And they even teach this to Russians. But still, burring is a rare sign, because many of the Jews who had such a defect worked hard with a speech therapist. And any Russian child can have this pronunciation from birth.


All peoples of the world do not have mandatory and strict laws that regulate nationality. There is freedom of choice: either the nationality of the mother or the father. The only exceptions are Jews. They have a strict and inviolable law: only those born of a Jewish mother can be considered a Jew.

And this law is strictly observed throughout the entire existence of the nation.

Each nationality has distinctive features of appearance, character, and lifestyle. They tell them who a person is: Russian, Negro, Chinese, Jew. Representatives of the latter nation have a rich history and cultural heritage and live in many countries around the world. To identify a Jew, a description of what he looks like, knowledge of the peculiarities of his mentality and way of life will be useful.

How to distinguish a Jew: characteristic features

There are known ways to determine and recognize a person’s belonging to the nation in question. Easy - ask about it. Jews are often proud of their nationality and do not hide their origin. A person’s last name and even his character can tell about this. Another method for determining Jewish affiliation is recognizing a nation based on its appearance.

Head shape

To establish a person’s nationality, it is advisable to pay attention to the skull and face type.

The main sign of a Jew is the asymmetry of the head, in contrast to the Slavic-Russian, who has a clearly defined oval shape. For the latter, this creates a feeling of a secure, strong fit.

Jews often have an elongated head, the oval of the face is elongated, as in the photo of actor Nicolas Cage.

Asymmetry determines the types of skulls that Jews have, in addition to elongated: pear-shaped, round, compressed. The sloping back of the head is characteristic, which can be seen in the photo of the cellist, pianist and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich.

In this case, the person's profile clearly shows a flat area slightly sloping backwards.

It is not uncommon for a Jew to have a round head, but it is pressed into the shoulders due to the short neck. The photo shows comedian Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

This feature is often combined with short stature and excess weight of a person.

Another characteristic of the shape of a Jew’s head is the sloping forehead, visually tilted back. Yuri Nikulin's photograph shows this anthropological feature.


The way to determine nationality by appearance is to pay attention to a person’s nose. There are varieties of typical Jewish noses: wide, drop-shaped, elongated.

The famous “shnobel” is curved at the base, reminiscent of a hook, while the wings are raised. This shape forms the number 6, which is why in anthropology the nose is called the “Jewish six.”

The sign can be seen in the photo of actor Adrien Brody.

Among the Nazis in Germany, this characteristic of the nose was considered the main way to recognize Semitic appearance. In German schools, special classes were held where children were told the signs of the Jewish nation.

However, this type of nose is also found among Russians (in Gogol, Nekrasov), so one should not judge nationality by only one external feature.

Jews are characterized by an elongated thin nose, the tip of which extends far down beyond the line of the wings, which differs from the classical shape of the Slavs. The sign is clearly visible in the photo of musician Leonid Agutin.

The Jew Zinovy ​​Gerdt has a drop nose. This shape is characterized by a wide tip and elongation downwards.

The Jewish nose, turned up above the edge of the nostrils, is shown in the photo of actor Alexei Batalov.


You can tell that a person belongs to Jewish nationality by looking at his eyes. A characteristic feature is their convexity, as in the photo of businessman Roman Abramovich.

When closing the eyes, the heavy eyelids are represented as part of a ball - this is the way the Germans identified Jews. They were also distinguished by the piercing gaze of a “lying man.” The signs were briefly and clearly listed in the German-sounding manual for children “Der Giftpilz”, created by Julius Streicher.

It is believed that Jews have poor eyesight: they are more likely than other peoples to suffer from color blindness and wear glasses.

Characterized by close proximity of the eyes, congenital strabismus is possible.

The color is predominantly dark, but there are also other shades, such as blue. There are blue-eyed brunettes among Jews.


A clear sign of Jewish nationality is a weakly defined, fused earlobe.

The shape of the shell is different, the contours of the lower half are often asymmetrical to the upper.

The Slavic ear is pressed to the side of the head with the middle. The Jewish one is fused with the lower and upper regions, as can be seen in the photograph of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Sometimes it seems that the shells on the bottom extend almost from the neck; they are called “saiga ears.”

Hair and beard

Among the representatives of the nation there is a variety of hair shades: from light to black. Characterized by curly, wavy strands. Jewish nationality is characterized by dark hair color: from chestnut to black.

However, blondes are not uncommon. There are more fair-haired people among Ashkenazim (German-speaking European Jews) than among other types.

Redheads are also possible, mainly Polish Jews and representatives of the nation in Russia.

An element of the hairstyle is sidelocks - grown strands at the temples. They are optional, but along with a beard and sideburns, they are considered a custom and tradition of Jewish culture.

If a person is bald, false strands attached to the headdress are used as sidelocks.


A peculiarity of the structure of the mouth of Jews is the excessive exposure of the gums when smiling, like Andrei Makarevich.

Mobility of the lips and their asymmetry during conversation are noted.

Representatives of the nation are characterized by uneven dentition. In comparison with the Slavs, who have dense teeth, Jews have asymmetry of teeth, they are somewhat rare, as in the photo of Evgeny Evstigneev.

Last name and first name

The way to find out if there are Jewish roots is to analyze the person's last name and first name. However, you should not use the method as a fundamental one.

Characteristic endings of Jewish surnames:

  • on “-man” (Liberman, Guzman);
  • on “-er” (Stiller, Posner);
  • on “-ts” (Katz, Schatz);
  • with “-on” (Gordon, Kobzon);
  • on “-ik” (Yarmolnik, Oleinik);
  • with “-iy” (Vishnevsky, Razumovsky).

But their carriers are people of different origins. Endings similar to Slavic ones are possible (Soloviev). The origin of the Jewish surname is known from male and female names (Abramovich, Yakubovich, Rubinchik).

Leaving Poland, many Jews changed their surname, depending on where they were from - Vysotsky (Vysotsk village), Dneprovsky, Nevsky and so on.

There is great diversity in names. True Jewish ones (Daniil, Lev, Ilya, Yakov, Dina, Sofia) are often worn by representatives of Russian nationality.

What does a Jewish woman look like?

Jewish girls are confused with representatives of other nations, Caucasian or Mediterranean.

The distinctive features are similar to those of men, but are milder.

A purebred Jewish woman of middle and old age is usually presented as a woman with outstanding forms, a loud voice and the name Rozochka, Sarochka, and so on.

The representative of the nation is considered a caring wife and a reverent mother, overly protective of her children. However, women note negligence in everyday life, clothing and appearance, and a specific body odor. The rude manners of young and old Jewish women, who are characterized by loudness, are distinguished. Due to carelessness, they often smell of tobacco and sweat.


The portrait of a Jewish woman, like a man, has characteristic national features. The hair is mostly dark. The nose is large, elongated or with a hump, plump lips.

Beautiful eyes deserve attention: slightly convex, bright and expressive.

They display eternal sadness, anxiety and worry.

Cheeks are sometimes chubby, which has been noted since childhood and persists in young girls and boys. Some sources cite excessive overfeeding of children and overprotection as the cause.

Jewish traditions include covering one's hair in public or in the presence of a male stranger.

However, today the custom is rarely observed, only in strictly orthodox circles.


A genetic feature of the body structure is considered to be wide hips, narrow shoulders, and full legs.

Jewish women predominantly have curvaceous and sensual figures, but there are also opposite types of figures.

Such women are characterized by narrow bones, dark complexion, and subtle oriental beauty.

With age, the figure often deteriorates; overly fat Jewish women are a common phenomenon. Among the reasons are childbirth, since it is considered normal for a family to have 4-5 children, which is reflected in the appearance of the body.


A specific way to check Jewishness is to establish the integrity of the foreskin of the male genital organ.

In fact, circumcision is not only a Jewish rite, but also a Muslim one. The difference is that in the latter case the foreskin is absent. Among the Jews, it was recommended to do the procedure partially, the area was cut off only from above.

It is believed that the manipulations among the Jews caused the gradual formation of an upward bend in the genital organ and its acquisition of a hook-shaped appearance.

Features and rules of life

The complex history of the Jews explains why they did not have their own state for so long, which left an imprint on their development and way of life. In ancient times, they were under the yoke of the Egyptians, located on land under their control. After the capture of Judea by Rome, the Jews were finally expelled by the Latin pagans and forced to spread throughout the world, beginning a two-thousand-year wandering.

The nation, which existed for more than 2 thousand years without its own state, is now spread almost everywhere. The place where most of its representatives live is Israel (43%), 39% is in the United States of America, the remaining share is in other states. Currently, the number of Jews living on earth is 16.5 million.

The question of what race the Jews belong to is complex, since they combined the features of various nations that came into contact with them, which was also reflected in the external signs of the nation. According to their anthropological type, they are classified as Caucasians of the Indo-Mediterranean race.

The nation includes half-breeds (mixing with Russians, Poles and Poles, and so on), while the true representative is considered to be a person with Jewish roots on his mother’s side. To find out if they exist, you can contact a special service that will search the archives and determine the relationship. To receive an inheritance, move to Israel, join the community, and so on, they must prove the presence of Jews in the family up to the third generation (maximum grandparents).

The peculiar behavior of representatives of a nation is a sign of belonging to it. They highlight such qualities of Jews as self-confidence, self-esteem, and pride. Psychology unites them into the concept of “chutzpah.” Jews are bad and dangerous according to the public, who consider them greedy, stingy, selfish, and rude.

An interesting fact is how Jews recognize each other. They call the sign “sorrow in the eyes.” A happy look is not typical for them.

Jews are the only people who managed to maintain their isolation, culture, and religion, despite their terrible history. Perhaps they achieved this by considering themselves better than others, living by established rules, which is why they do not attract others into their community.

However, by going through the rite of conversion, you can become a Jew even if you are not a Jew. This requires the consent of 3 rabbis, memorizing 613 commandments, learning the religious canon, taking an oath, circumcision is indicated for men.

The rules that real Jews observe are described in the book of the Torah: what they eat and drink (kosher food and drinks), use separate utensils when they are not working (on Shabbat), and so on.

Jewish blood is revealed by the characteristics of the voice timbre: high in men and low in middle-aged and older women. At the end of sentences there is a characteristic increase in tone. Signs include a senile, rattling voice that persists from childhood to the end of life. However, this feature does not prevent Jews from singing and amaze others with their talent. An example of this is Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

An important feature is the fact that Jews live long. The average life expectancy is 82 years. The reasons are developed medicine and favorable social conditions. However, the representatives of the nation themselves condition longevity on warm friendly relations, love and harmony in the family.

Jews are considered a cunning and quick-witted people. Stories and anecdotes about their intelligence and ingenuity are written and told everywhere. This also explains why the 3rd floor is called Jewish. It is convenient in terms of life: it does not rise high, it is located away from the roof. The term appeared in the USSR and is relevant for five-story buildings. To some extent, it reveals the essence of Jewishness.

Representatives of the nation are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence and creative abilities; among them there are politicians, musicians, actors, and so on.

This determines the public opinion that a terry Jew cannot be deceived and cannot be defeated. The photo shows a young but already famous journalist and political scientist Fridrikhson Nadana Aleksandrovna.

Relations between Russians and Jews were characterized by mutual dislike; the former contemptuously called the latter Jews. However, now there is no tension between representatives of the nation, and there is a trend for the better.

Common Misconceptions

There are rumors, conjectures, and assumptions about the Jewish nation. However, not all of them are true.

  • Only someone born Jewish can become a Jew.. The statement is erroneous, since a non-Jew, having undergone the rite of conversion, is recognized as a member of the community.
  • Representatives of the nation have a huge nose, plump lips and black eyes. In fact, there are fair-haired or red-haired Jews with thin noses.
  • An indirect sign of Jews is that they burr. This is due to the guttural pronunciation of the letter “r”, which is why it is perceived as a speech defect. However, most of them speak correctly and clearly, and burring is characteristic of people of other nationalities.
  • The Jews crucified Jesus Christ. The Romans did this. The Jews denounced the son of God, and also did not prevent the execution.
  • Jewish women have the largest breasts. The statement is due to the characteristics of women’s figures, but according to research, the primacy belongs to residents of Great Britain.
  • Jews have the longest nose. However, more outstanding dimensions of the olfactory organ were recorded among the Turks.
  • Jewish language Yiddish. Their languages ​​are Hebrew and Aramaic. Yiddish is a form of dialect language characteristic of Ashkenazim.

What is the “Russian type of appearance”? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. For example, what shape of nose does a Russian person have? There is more than one option here.

The myth about the snub nose of Russians

It is traditionally believed that a typical Russian nose is upturned (snub-nosed) or “potato-shaped”. This, in theory, is how Russians should differ from other Europeans.

Since the 17th century, anthropologists have tried to classify the world's population by race, based on the similarity of external features.

Let us remember the Nordic theory, which was so attractive to the ideologists of Nazism. Its ancestor is considered to be the Russian-French anthropologist Joseph Deniker, who argued that representatives of the “Nordic race” are characterized by blond hair, blue and green eyes, a straight nose, an oblong skull and pink skin.

According to him, this “race” is distributed throughout Northern Europe, northwestern Russia and the western part of the Baltic states. In turn, the Swedish anatomist Christian Schreiner wrote that this Caucasoid type is most common in the central part of Scandinavia.

The sub-Nordic race, according to Deniker, is distinguished by a square face shape and an upturned nose. This includes the peoples of the eastern Baltic and northern Germany. Finally, representatives of the Oriental race are characterized by light golden or straw-yellow hair, a square face, blue or gray eyes and an upturned nose. It includes mainly Eastern Slavs and Finns.

So, in the descriptions of the “Nordic subrace” a straight nose shape appears. Whereas for Eastern European peoples, including Russians, it seems that “snub nose” is characteristic.

Meanwhile, Soviet anthropologist V.V. Bunak, in his book “The Origin and Ethnic History of the Russian People,” summing up the results of many years of scientific research, writes that in 75% of cases Russians have straight noses, while throughout Europe this number is no more than 70%. Only 16% of Russians have a convex nose, and only 10% have a concave nose.

Snub noses are generally not typical for the Eastern Slavs. Only 7% of Russians have an upturned nose. There are much more snub-nosed individuals among the Germans - more than 25%.

Moreover: Russians are one of the most “purely European” peoples. This was proven by joint research by Russian, British and Estonian geneticists, the results of which were published in The American Journal of Human Genetics.

Experts came to the conclusion that the Russian ethnic group, from a genetic point of view, consists of two parts. The first is the indigenous population of Southern and Central Russia, which reveals genetic kinship with other Slavic peoples.

The second is the population of the North, which reveals kinship with the Finno-Ugric peoples. But the connection with the Mongoloids is practically not visible. That is, we are pure Europeans.

Anthropological types of Russian appearance

In addition, there is no single concept of “Russian anthropological type”. Natives of different areas, even those with Russian roots, have slightly different appearances.

Thus, anthropologists identify several types of Russian appearance. For example, representatives of the Western Upper Volga or Klyazma type have straight noses, while representatives of the Arkhangelsk type have wide noses. Representatives of the so-called Ryazan type have straight or small snub noses. Representatives of the eastern Upper Volga type are less likely than others to have a concave nasal bridge.


According to RAE data for 1955-1959, in 63.1% of cases Russians have a medium-wide nose, in 8.7% - a concave nasal bridge, in 16.3% - a convex one, and in 75% - a straight one. A raised base and raised nasal tip occur in 27.9% and 27.1% of cases, respectively.

Measurements of the shape of the nose, as reported by Professor I.P. Pantyukhov, summarizing the results of anthropological research, showed that Russians living in the Volga basin have generally larger noses than in the west and south of Russia. Among residents of the Vladimir region, 92% have straight noses, 5% have humped noses, and 3% have upturned noses. In the central regions of Russia, a straight nose shape is less common. There you often come across large, pear-shaped noses, as well as long noses - up to 55-56 mm.

In the south-eastern regions of Russia, flattened “Mongoloid” noses are more common, in the north-west - narrow and long. And finally, in various regions of Russia, from 5 to 20% of humpbacked and convex noses are found.

So scientific research disproves some common myths about the “typically Russian” nose shape.

The division into races is based on several morphological features. According to the current classification, the division into races is carried out according to the so-called anthropogeographic principle and skin color. There are three main races: Caucasian, which includes people with fair skin; Negroid, its representatives have black skin, and Mongoloid - yellow race. Each group is divided into subgroups that differ in certain characteristics, but they are based on anthropological and geographical influences (Fig. 6).

Among representatives of the same race, the shape of the head and face has common features, but there are also pronounced exceptions. As a result of mixed marriages between representatives of different races, a kind of hybridization occurs, during which mixed forms arise, that is, individual somatic characteristics are modified.
This fully applies to skin color, texture and hair color, eye color, head shape, nose shape.

Rice. 6 Main races of people
a - Caucasian
b - negroid
c - Mongoloid


Among them there are many groups, and the morphological features vary quite widely. They live in Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, India, Siberia, and northern Japan. As a result of immigration and mixed marriages, they are found on almost all continents (North and South America, Australia, etc.).
Main features of the head and face:
- The skull and head belong to the dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types, in some nationalities - to the brachycephalic type,
- skin color from white-pink to light brown,
- the face is high, wide in the middle, without signs of prognathia,
- hair is thin, smooth or wavy, color from black and chestnut to light brown, significant facial hair,
- forehead is vertical or sloping, the brow-nose area is weakly expressed,
- the nose is slightly raised, the root and bridge of the nose stand out, the nostrils are narrow or slightly widened;
- cheekbones are small, not protruding,
- medium-sized auricle,
- eyes are shallow-set, the eye shape is large, the color of the eyes is different - from dark brown to light gray-blue,
- lips of medium fullness or narrow, mouth gap of medium size (about 50 mm),
- protruding chin.

a) Northern peoples (live in the northwestern part of Europe - in the Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Great Britain, Denmark, northern Germany and other regions):
- the head belongs to the moderately expressed dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types, the back of the head stands out,
- skin color is white-pinkish, freckled faces are common,
- the face is narrow, tall; features of prognathia are not visible in profile, the brow ridges stand out a little,
- light hair - from light ash to light chestnut color,
- forehead high, slightly sloping,
- the nose is thin, the nostrils are narrow, the back of the nose is protruding and straight, there are also aquiline noses,
- eyeballs are not protruding, the eye shape is small, the color is gray-blue or green,
- lips are thin, the mouth opening is narrow,
- the chin is well defined, the lower jaw is high.

b) Baltic peoples (north-eastern part of Europe - Poland, Lithuania, Russia and other regions):
- head of brachycephalic type, high,
- skin color white or ivory,
- the face is wide and short, the corners are visible,
- hair is smooth and thin, light brown or brown in color,
- the nose is short, small, the back of the nose is concave, the tip of the nose is turned up,
- cheekbones are visible,
- wide chin.

c) Peoples of the Mediterranean (regions of Europe, Africa and Asia located near the Mediterranean Sea):
- the skull and head are of the dolichocephalic type, narrow; The mesocephalic type is also found, the occipital part is prominent,
- skin color is dark or bronze,
- oval, narrow face, clear contours,
- hair is wavy, predominantly dark in color - from chestnut or dark chestnut to black; abundant facial hair,
- a medium-sized nose, narrow, the tip of the nose is thin, the back of the nose is straight, the base is located on a horizontal plane or has a slight slope forward and downward,
- cheekbones do not stand out,
- the eyeballs are large, the eye shape is large. Eye color is dark (brown or black),
- full, prominent lips, medium-width mouth,
- protruding chin, high lower jaw.

d) The peoples of the Iranian group (Persians, Armenians) live on the territory of the Iranian plateau and Mesopotamia:
- the head is short (and high), of medium width, the occipital region does not stand out,
- skin color is light brown,
- the face is narrow and high, the contour is triangular,
- hair is thick, wavy, black; abundant facial hair, thick eyebrows,
- the nose is large, the bridge of the nose is straight or strongly convex, the nasofrontal fold is weakly expressed,
- large eyes, dark brown or black color,
- the lower lip is slightly pushed forward,
- lower jaw is low.

e) Alpine peoples (Central, Northern Europe, Alpine massif):
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, wide and low, the occipital region is not prominent,
- skin color is white-pink or yellow-brown,
- the face is short, wide, oval or round,
- hair is smooth, slightly curly, chestnut, dark brown or black,
- eye sockets of medium width, eye color brown, gray,
- the nose is short, wide in the nostril area, the back is narrow, straight or concave,
- the chin does not stand out, the lower jaw is low and wide.

f) Peoples of the Adriatic region (Danube Plain, Anatolia, eastern coast of the Adriatic):
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, short and very high, the back of the head is flat; among Anatolian peoples, on the contrary, the dolichocephalic type of head with a noticeably pronounced occipital region predominates,
- skin color is dark or brown,
- the face is elongated, wide in the middle part, narrow in the lower jaw area,
- hair is smooth, brown or black; abundant facial hair,
- the nose is elongated and raised, the back is straight or convex (aquiline noses are also found), there may be a small depression at the root of the nose,
- the eye sockets are high, the eye shape is narrow and horizontal, the eye color is brown, there are blue and green eyes,
- lips are narrow, the chin is upturned and high, the lower jaw is small, low and narrow.

g) Lapland peoples (northern Scandinavia):
- skull and head of brachycephalic type, wide, short, protrusion of the occipital region is insignificant,
- skin is light brown or brown,
- the face is wide, large, quadrangular contour,
- hair is smooth, straight or wavy, dark brown or black, little facial hair,
- the nose is short, raised, narrow, the bridge of the nose is straight or concave,
- prominent cheekbones,
- the eye sockets are small and low, the eye shape is narrow, the eye color is dark brown or black,
- lips are narrow, the chin is small and pointed, the lower jaw is wide and low.

h) Peoples of India (northern India, Ganges basin, Hindustan Peninsula):
- the skull and head are narrow, elongated, belonging to the dolichocephalic type, the occipital region is prominent,
- skin color is dark brown,
- the face is elongated, wide in the middle, oval contour,
- hair is long, thick, smooth or wavy, black or chestnut in color, abundant facial hair,
- forehead high, slightly narrow, slightly convex,
- the nose is turned up, narrow at the root, widened at the base, the bridge of the nose is straight with a noticeable subnasal fossa,
- the eye sockets are large, the eyeballs are not convex, the eye shape is large and oval, the eye color is dark brown or black,
- the chin is short, not prominent.
Polynesians. Those living on the islands of Oceania are very similar to representatives of the Caucasian race:
- the skull and head are of the brachycephalic type, they are round (short and wide), the back of the head is flat,
- skin color is light brown or reddish brown,
- the face is oval-shaped, wide, high, there are no prognathic features,
- hair is wavy, smooth. Black in color, little facial hair,
- the eyes are large, the color is light brown, the eye shape is large, elliptical in shape, Mongoloid fold,
- cheekbones prominent, widely spaced,
- the nose is wide, high, the root of the nose is narrow, the back is straight,
- lips are fleshy, the mouth opening is wide,
- the lower jaw is massive, the chin is upturned.

Representatives of the Negroid race
There are different groups, each of which has its own morphological characteristics (Sudanese, peoples living in the Nile region; Congolese, Bantu, Bushmen, Hottentots and others). They live in Central and Southern Africa, in some regions of Asia. Currently, as a result of migration, they live in North, South America and Europe.
. Main features of the head:
- the skull and head are of the dolichocephalic type, elongated, the back of the head is protruding,
- superciliary and orbital arches are not prominent,
- the lower jaw is strong,
- skin color from brown to dark brown and deep black,
- forehead high, straight, convex, protruding in the middle part, but not in the lateral areas, the frontal tubercles stand out,
- the face is wide, high in the middle, has features of alveolar prognathia,
- cheekbones stand out,
- the nose is very wide at the base (platirrino), the dorsum of the nose is flat, wide and concave, the tip of the nose is rounded or flat in the transverse direction, the nostrils are widened (in the transverse direction),
- the auricle is small,
- the eyes are small, shallow-set, black in color, the sclera has a yellowish tint,
- lips are fleshy, protruding, pigmented, the mouth gap is wide (on average it is 60 mm), the teeth are of medium size (mesodonti), the upper incisors are inclined forward,
- the chin protrudes slightly,
- the pear-shaped opening is located low and very wide in the lower region,
- the outline of the eye sockets is almost square or round,
- the frontal protrusion of the zygomatic bone is extended and directed backward, as a result, attention is focused on the depth of the canine fossa.
The profile of the face is very peculiar, concave, angular in the frontal plane (due to the deep transverse depression in the area of ​​the root of the nose).

Representatives of the Mongoloid race
There are different groups, each of which has its own morphological characteristics. They live in Central and Southeast Asia, the Philippines and North America (Eskimos in Alaska and Canada). The indigenous population of the American continent only partially has characteristic Mongoloid features (see below).
Main features of the head:
- the skull (and head) is large, wide and short (brachycephalic type),
- the eye sockets are high, shallow, their upper and lower edges are located horizontally,
- the lower jaw is strong, the intermandibular diameter is large,
- skin color is white-yellowish of varying intensity, from very light to dark,
- the face is large, high, flattened. The nasal fold does not stand out,
- hair is smooth, thick, thick with a round cross-section, color - black, facial hair is negligible,
- the forehead is wide, straight and slightly sloping, the brow ridges and bridge of the nose are not prominent,
- the nose is small, the tip of the nose is thin, the dorsum is straight and slightly raised (especially in the root area), the base of the nose is thin (something between “leptorrino” and “camerrino”),
- face with high cheekbones, large cheekbones, protruding forward,
- medium-sized or large auricle, medium-sized earlobe,
- the eyeball is not convex, the eye shape is narrow, slightly oblique, there is a fold in the middle (inner) corner of the eye (a Mongoloid fold, expressed to varying degrees, characteristic of some nationalities), eye color is brown or black, the distance between the palpebral fissure and the eyebrow is significant,
- lips of medium thickness or narrow, do not stand out particularly,
- the chin practically does not protrude.
In terms of their characteristic morphological features, the indigenous population of the American continent is close to the Mongoloid race (Eskimos, Indians living in the Andes, Amazon regions, etc.)
Their distinctive features of the head and face:
- the skull and head are large, wide, belonging to the dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types,
- skin color varies from light brown to brownish-yellowish or brownish-reddish,
- wide face, with slight manifestations of alveolar prognathia,
- hair is straight or wavy, the color is black, there is little or no facial hair,
- forehead high, wide, sloping,
- the nose is strong, upturned, wide in the nostril area, the bridge of the nose is convex, there are aquiline noses,
- the cheekbones stand out in the lateral part - the eyes are deep-set, the eye shape is narrow, slightly oblique, the Mongoloid fold is expressed to a greater or lesser extent, the eye color is dark brown, the lips are of medium fullness (sometimes the upper lip protrudes above the lower), the mouth gap is quite wide, the chin is well defined.

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