Was there an Indian genocide in America? How the Americans Exterminated the Indians Great Plains Wars

The Indians (the indigenous population of America) were exterminated almost completely by all sorts of prairie conquerors and other criminals, whom the United States and Canada still consider national heroes. And it becomes very sad for the courageous aborigines of North America, whose murder is hushed up on ethnic grounds. Everyone knows about the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, but about the Indians... Somehow the democratic public passed by. This is exactly genocide. People were killed just because they were Indians! For more than half a century after the discovery of America, the local population was not considered people at all. That is, they were naturally mistaken for animals. Based on the fact that Indians are not mentioned in the Bible. So, it’s as if they don’t exist.

Hitler is a puppy compared to the “conquerors of America”: as a result of the American Indian Holocaust, also known as the “Five Hundred Years’ War,” 95 of the 114 million indigenous inhabitants of what is now the United States and Canada were exterminated.

Hitler's concept of concentration camps owes much to his study of the English language and United States history.

He admired the camps for the Boers in South Africa and for the Indians in the Wild West, and often in his inner circle praised the effectiveness of the destruction of the indigenous population of America, the red savages who could not be captured and tamed - from hunger and in unequal battles.

The term Genocide comes from the Latin (genos - race, tribe, cide - murder) and literally means the destruction or extermination of an entire tribe or people. The Oxford English Dictionary defines genocide as "the deliberate and systematic extermination of ethnic or national groups", and cites the first use of the term in Raphael Lemkin in relation to Nazi actions in occupied Europe.
The United States government has refused to ratify the UN genocide convention. And no wonder. Many aspects of genocide were carried out on the indigenous peoples of North America.

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

The list of American genocidal policies includes: mass extermination, biological warfare, forced eviction from their homes, imprisonment, the introduction of values ​​other than indigenous ones, forced surgical sterilization of local women, bans on religious ceremonies, etc.

Final decision

The "Final Solution" of the North American Indian problem became the model for the subsequent Jewish Holocaust and South African apartheid.

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

But why is the biggest Holocaust hidden from the public? Is it because it went on for so long that it became a habit? It is significant that information about this Holocaust is deliberately excluded from the knowledge base and consciousness of residents of North America and around the world.

Schoolchildren are still taught that large areas of North America are uninhabited. But before the arrival of Europeans, American Indian cities flourished here. Mexico City had more people than any city in Europe. People were healthy and well-fed. The first Europeans were amazed. Agricultural products cultivated by indigenous peoples have gained international recognition.

The Holocaust of North American Indians is worse than apartheid in South Africa and the genocide of Jews during World War II. Where are the monuments? Where are memorial ceremonies held?

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

Unlike post-war Germany, North America refuses to recognize the destruction of Indians as genocide. North American authorities do not want to admit that this was and remains a systemic plan to exterminate most of the indigenous population.

The term "Final Solution" was not coined by the Nazis. It was the Indian Affairs Manager, Duncan Campbell Scott, of Adolf Eichmann's Canada, who in April 1910 was so concerned about the "Indian problem":
“We recognize that Indian children lose their natural resistance to disease in these cramped schools, and that they die at much higher rates than in their villages. But this in itself is not a basis for changing the policy of this department aimed at the final solution of our Indian problem."

European colonization of the Americas changed Native American life and culture forever. In the 15th-19th centuries, their settlements were destroyed, the peoples were exterminated or enslaved.


Marlon Brando devotes several pages to the genocide of the American Indians in his autobiography:
“After their lands were taken from them, the survivors were herded onto reservations and the government sent missionaries to try to force the Indians to become Christians. After I became interested in American Indians, I discovered that many people did not even consider them to be human beings. And it was like that from the very beginning.

Cotton Mather, a lecturer at Harvard College, an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow, a Puritan minister, a prolific writer and publicist, famous for his studies of the Salem Witches, compared the Indians to the children of Satan and considered it God's will to kill pagan savages who stood in the way of Christianity.

In 1864, an American army colonel named John Shevinton, shooting at another Indian village with howitzers, said that Indian children should not be pitied, because a louse grows from a nit. He told his officers: “I have come to kill Indians, and I consider it a right and an honorable duty. And every means under God's heaven must be used to kill the Indians."

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

Soldiers cut off the vulvas of Indian women and stretched them over the pommel of their saddles, and made pouches from the skin of the scrotum and breasts of Indian women, and then displayed these trophies along with the severed noses, ears and scalps of murdered Indians at the Denver Opera House. Enlightened, cultured and devout civilizers, what else is there to say?

When the United States once again declares its desire to enlighten another people mired in savagery, lack of spirituality and totalitarianism, we should not forget that the United States itself thoroughly stinks of carrion, the means it uses can hardly be called civilized, and they hardly have goals that do not pursue their own profit.

The Indians (the indigenous population of America) were exterminated almost completely by all sorts of prairie conquerors and other criminals, whom the United States and Canada still consider national heroes. And it becomes very sad for the courageous aborigines of North America, whose murder is hushed up on ethnic grounds.

Everyone knows about the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, but about the Indians... Somehow the democratic public passed by. This is exactly genocide. People were killed just because they were Indians! For more than half a century after the discovery of America, the local population was not considered people at all. That is, they were naturally mistaken for animals. Based on the fact that Indians are not mentioned in the Bible. So, it’s as if they don’t exist.

Hitler is a puppy compared to the “conquerors of America”: as a result of the American Indian Holocaust, also known as the “Five Hundred Years’ War,” 95 of the 114 million indigenous inhabitants of what is now the United States and Canada were exterminated.

Hitler's concept of concentration camps owes much to his study of the English language and United States history. He admired the Boer camps in South Africa and the Indians in the Wild West, and often

in his inner circle he praised the effectiveness of the destruction of the indigenous population of America, the red savages who could not be captured and tamed - from hunger and in unequal battles.

The term Genocide comes from the Latin (genos - race, tribe, cide - murder) and literally means the destruction or extermination of an entire tribe or people. The Oxford English Dictionary defines genocide as "the deliberate and systematic extermination of ethnic or national groups", and cites the first use of the term in Raphael Lemkin in relation to Nazi actions in occupied Europe.

The United States government has refused to ratify the UN genocide convention. And no wonder. Many aspects of genocide were carried out on the indigenous peoples of North America. The list of American genocidal policies includes: mass extermination, biological warfare, forced eviction from their homes, imprisonment, the introduction of values ​​other than indigenous ones, forced surgical sterilization of local women, bans on religious ceremonies, etc.

Why is the biggest Holocaust hidden from the public? Is it because it went on for so long that it became a habit? It is significant that information about this Holocaust is deliberately excluded from the knowledge base and consciousness of residents of North America and around the world.

Schoolchildren are still taught that large areas of North America are uninhabited. But before the arrival of Europeans, American Indian cities flourished here. Mexico City had more people than any city in Europe. People were healthy and well-fed. The first Europeans were amazed. Agricultural products cultivated by indigenous peoples have gained international recognition.

The Holocaust of North American Indians is worse than apartheid in South Africa and the genocide of Jews during World War II. Where are the monuments? Where are memorial ceremonies held?

Unlike post-war Germany, North America refuses to recognize the destruction of Indians as genocide. North American authorities do not want to admit that this was and remains a systemic plan to exterminate most of the indigenous population.

The term "Final Solution" was not coined by the Nazis. It was the Indian Affairs Manager, Duncan Campbell Scott, of Adolf Eichmann's Canada, who in April 1910 was so concerned about the "Indian problem":

“We recognize that Indian children lose their natural resistance to disease in these cramped schools, and that they die at much higher rates than in their villages. But this in itself is not a basis for changing the policy of this department aimed at the final solution of our Indian problem."

European colonization of the Americas changed Native American life and culture forever. In the 15th-19th centuries, their settlements were destroyed, the peoples were exterminated or enslaved.

Marlon Brando devotes several pages to the genocide of the American Indians in his autobiography:
“After their lands were taken from them, the survivors were herded onto reservations and the government sent missionaries to try to force the Indians to become Christians. After I became interested in American Indians, I discovered that many people did not even consider them to be human beings. And it was like that from the very beginning.

Cotton Mather, a lecturer at Harvard College, an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow, a Puritan minister, a prolific writer and publicist, famous for his studies of the Salem Witches, compared the Indians to the children of Satan and considered it God's will to kill pagan savages who stood in the way of Christianity.

In 1864, an American army colonel named John Shevinton, shooting at another Indian village with howitzers, said that Indian children should not be pitied, because a louse grows from a nit. He told his officers: “I have come to kill Indians, and I consider it a right and an honorable duty. And every means under God's heaven must be used to kill the Indians."

Soldiers cut off the vulvas of Indian women and stretched them over the pommel of their saddles, and made pouches from the skin of the scrotum and breasts of Indian women, and then displayed these trophies along with the severed noses, ears and scalps of murdered Indians at the Denver Opera House. Enlightened, cultured and devout civilizers, what else is there to say?

When the United States once again declares its desire to enlighten another people mired in savagery, lack of spirituality and totalitarianism, we should not forget that the United States itself thoroughly stinks of carrion, the means it uses can hardly be called civilized, and they hardly have goals that do not pursue their own profit.

The Indians (the indigenous population of America) were exterminated almost completely by all sorts of prairie conquerors and other criminals, whom the United States and Canada still consider national heroes. And it becomes very sad for the courageous aborigines of North America, whose murder is hushed up on ethnic grounds. Everyone knows about the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, but about the Indians... Somehow the democratic public passed by. This is exactly genocide. People were killed just because they were Indians! For more than half a century after the discovery of America, the local population was not considered people at all. That is, they were naturally mistaken for animals. Based on the fact that Indians are not mentioned in the Bible. So, it’s as if they don’t exist.

Hitler is a puppy compared to the “conquerors of America”: as a result of the American Indian Holocaust, also known as the “Five Hundred Years’ War,” 95 of the 114 million indigenous inhabitants of what is now the United States and Canada were exterminated.

Hitler's concept of concentration camps owes much to his study of the English language and United States history. He admired the camps for the Boers in South Africa and for the Indians in the Wild West, and often in his inner circle praised the effectiveness of the destruction of the indigenous population of America, the red savages who could not be captured and tamed - from hunger and in unequal battles.

The term Genocide comes from the Latin (genos - race, tribe, cide - murder) and literally means the destruction or extermination of an entire tribe or people. The Oxford English Dictionary defines genocide as "the deliberate and systematic extermination of ethnic or national groups", and cites the first use of the term in Raphael Lemkin in relation to Nazi actions in occupied Europe.

The United States government has refused to ratify the UN genocide convention. And no wonder. Many aspects of genocide were carried out on the indigenous peoples of North America.

The list of American genocidal policies includes: mass extermination, biological warfare, forced eviction from their homes, imprisonment, the introduction of values ​​other than indigenous ones, forced surgical sterilization of local women, bans on religious ceremonies, etc.

Final decision

The "Final Solution" of the North American Indian problem became the model for the subsequent Jewish Holocaust and South African apartheid.

But why is the biggest Holocaust hidden from the public? Is it because it went on for so long that it became a habit? It is significant that information about this Holocaust is deliberately excluded from the knowledge base and consciousness of residents of North America and around the world.

Schoolchildren are still taught that large areas of North America are uninhabited. But before the arrival of Europeans, American Indian cities flourished here. Mexico City had more people than any city in Europe. People were healthy and well-fed. The first Europeans were amazed. Agricultural products cultivated by indigenous peoples have gained international recognition.

The Holocaust of North American Indians is worse than apartheid in South Africa and the genocide of Jews during World War II. Where are the monuments? Where are memorial ceremonies held?

Unlike post-war Germany, North America refuses to recognize the destruction of Indians as genocide. North American authorities do not want to admit that this was and remains a systemic plan to exterminate most of the indigenous population.

The term "Final Solution" was not coined by the Nazis. It was the Indian Affairs Manager, Duncan Campbell Scott, of Adolf Eichmann's Canada, who in April 1910 was so concerned about the "Indian problem":

“We recognize that Indian children lose their natural resistance to disease in these cramped schools, and that they die at much higher rates than in their villages. But this in itself is not a basis for changing the policy of this department aimed at the final solution of our Indian problem."

European colonization of the Americas changed Native American life and culture forever. In the 15th-19th centuries, their settlements were destroyed, the peoples were exterminated or enslaved.


Marlon Brando devotes several pages to the genocide of the American Indians in his autobiography:
“After their lands were taken from them, the survivors were herded onto reservations and the government sent missionaries to try to force the Indians to become Christians. After I became interested in American Indians, I discovered that many people did not even consider them to be human beings. And it was like that from the very beginning.

Cotton Mather, a lecturer at Harvard College, an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow, a Puritan minister, a prolific writer and publicist, famous for his studies of the Salem Witches, compared the Indians to the children of Satan and considered it God's will to kill pagan savages who stood in the way of Christianity.

In 1864, an American army colonel named John Shevinton, shooting at another Indian village with howitzers, said that Indian children should not be pitied, because a louse grows from a nit. He told his officers: “I have come to kill Indians, and I consider it a right and an honorable duty. And every means under God's heaven must be used to kill the Indians."

Soldiers cut off the vulvas of Indian women and stretched them over the pommel of their saddles, and made pouches from the skin of the scrotum and breasts of Indian women, and then displayed these trophies along with the severed noses, ears and scalps of murdered Indians at the Denver Opera House. Enlightened, cultured and devout civilizers, what else is there to say?

When the United States once again declares its desire to enlighten another people mired in savagery, lack of spirituality and totalitarianism, we should not forget that the United States itself thoroughly stinks of carrion, the means it uses can hardly be called civilized, and they hardly have goals that do not pursue their own profit.

I want to tell you about one instructive episode in US history. From the very beginning of the colonization of America, there was a serious problem - Indian tribes who were quite warlike and categorically disagreed with the statement “America should be white.” Now we perceive the Indians as semi-wild people who, with their bows, did not pose a serious threat to the Americans armed with rifles. But this was not entirely true, or rather not at all true.

Imagine yourself in the shoes of an American lieutenant in the early 19th century. The country was formed a little over 20 years ago, the country has no money due to its youth, there are no more than 4 million white people on the entire continent, including old people, women and children. The American army is more like a militia than a modern European army. Despite the fact that the white population completely controls most of the East Coast, few people have any idea what is happening in the Midwest.

And so you, a young lieutenant, with a detachment of 1000 people are sent along with other small detachments to conquer a vast territory inhabited by Indians who are far from friendly. Yes, your soldiers have guns, but you don’t have tanks, jeeps haven’t been invented yet, communication with the command is very problematic, and against you are thousands, millions of Indians, who today are in one place, and tomorrow they are in your rear, at night they may attack unexpectedly. They are quite organized, they quickly learned to use horses, they understood what your weapon means. And don't underestimate their bows, what can your rifle do against 50 archers?

Just try to assess the scale and complexity of the task. Take for example the modern war in Afghanistan, if modern Americans with their jet fighters and cruise missiles cannot control small backward Afghanistan, what could their grandfathers do with the Indians and with this vast territory? How were they able to not only defeat the Indians, but also take control of their territory?

The fact is that before, Americans were more courageous and honest, so to speak. If they started a war, then they brought it to the end, using any methods. The Americans realized that with their pitiful army they could not kill all the Indians. They also realized that the Indians could be defeated but could not be controlled. And how can you control the enemy if tomorrow he closes down all his homes and moves to God knows where. In other words, the Americans realized that it was useless to cut down the branches of an Indian tree, since new ones would grow tomorrow and that the only way to win was to cut off the roots.

The Indians had their roots in the bison. They ate their meat, built houses from their skins, and made arrows from their bones. No buffalo - no Indians, simple logic, hearing which Machiavelli would have hugged Sun Tzu with joy. Therefore, the Americans, among whom there were no compassionate people at that time, made a simple decision - to exterminate all the bison.

And so, starting in the 30s of the 19th century, the Americans began a large-scale campaign to exterminate bison, which would now make the American organization Greenpeace immediately burst with indignation.

The results were delightful for the Americans, but sad for the bison - after 50 years of extermination, the bison population dropped from 75 million to several hundred. At the same time, the Indian population also decreased from millions to hundreds of thousands. And those surviving Indians were forced to lead a more sedentary lifestyle, which allowed the Americans to finally subjugate all the Indians. No bison - no Indians. No Indians - no problem.

Why did I write all this? If history teaches us anything, it would be a good idea for the Americans to study their history and finally understand that the only way to subjugate Afghanistan is to destroy all the poppy fields. No poppy - no Afghans, no Afghans - no problems.

The Indians (the indigenous population of America) were exterminated almost completely by all sorts of prairie conquerors and other criminals, whom the United States and Canada still consider national heroes. And it becomes very sad for the courageous aborigines of North America, whose murder is hushed up on ethnic grounds. Everyone knows about the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews, but about the Indians... Somehow the democratic public passed by. This is exactly genocide. People were killed just because they were Indians! For more than half a century after the discovery of America, the local population was not considered people at all. That is, they were naturally mistaken for animals. Based on the fact that Indians are not mentioned in the Bible. So, it’s as if they don’t exist.

Hitler is a puppy compared to the “conquerors of America”: as a result of the American Indian Holocaust, also known as the “Five Hundred Years’ War,” 95 of the 114 million indigenous inhabitants of what is now the United States and Canada were exterminated.

Hitler's concept of concentration camps owes much to his study of the English language and United States history.

He admired the camps for the Boers in South Africa and for the Indians in the Wild West, and often in his inner circle praised the effectiveness of the destruction of the indigenous population of America, the red savages who could not be captured and tamed - from hunger and in unequal battles.

The term Genocide comes from the Latin (genos - race, tribe, cide - murder) and literally means the destruction or extermination of an entire tribe or people. The Oxford English Dictionary defines genocide as "the deliberate and systematic extermination of ethnic or national groups", and cites the first use of the term in Raphael Lemkin in relation to Nazi actions in occupied Europe.
The United States government has refused to ratify the UN genocide convention. And no wonder. Many aspects of genocide were carried out on the indigenous peoples of North America.

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

The list of American genocidal policies includes: mass extermination, biological warfare, forced eviction from their homes, imprisonment, the introduction of values ​​other than indigenous ones, forced surgical sterilization of local women, bans on religious ceremonies, etc.

Final decision

The "Final Solution" of the North American Indian problem became the model for the subsequent Jewish Holocaust and South African apartheid.

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

But why is the biggest Holocaust hidden from the public? Is it because it went on for so long that it became a habit? It is significant that information about this Holocaust is deliberately excluded from the knowledge base and consciousness of residents of North America and around the world.

Schoolchildren are still taught that large areas of North America are uninhabited. But before the arrival of Europeans, American Indian cities flourished here. Mexico City had more people than any city in Europe. People were healthy and well-fed. The first Europeans were amazed. Agricultural products cultivated by indigenous peoples have gained international recognition.

The Holocaust of North American Indians is worse than apartheid in South Africa and the genocide of Jews during World War II. Where are the monuments? Where are memorial ceremonies held?

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

Unlike post-war Germany, North America refuses to recognize the destruction of Indians as genocide. North American authorities do not want to admit that this was and remains a systemic plan to exterminate most of the indigenous population.

The term "Final Solution" was not coined by the Nazis. It was the Indian Affairs Manager, Duncan Campbell Scott, of Adolf Eichmann's Canada, who in April 1910 was so concerned about the "Indian problem":
“We recognize that Indian children lose their natural resistance to disease in these cramped schools, and that they die at much higher rates than in their villages. But this in itself is not a basis for changing the policy of this department aimed at the final solution of our Indian problem."

European colonization of the Americas changed Native American life and culture forever. In the 15th-19th centuries, their settlements were destroyed, the peoples were exterminated or enslaved.


Marlon Brando devotes several pages to the genocide of the American Indians in his autobiography:
“After their lands were taken from them, the survivors were herded onto reservations and the government sent missionaries to try to force the Indians to become Christians. After I became interested in American Indians, I discovered that many people did not even consider them to be human beings. And it was like that from the very beginning.

Cotton Mather, a lecturer at Harvard College, an honorary doctorate from the University of Glasgow, a Puritan minister, a prolific writer and publicist, famous for his studies of the Salem Witches, compared the Indians to the children of Satan and considered it God's will to kill pagan savages who stood in the way of Christianity.

In 1864, an American army colonel named John Shevinton, shooting at another Indian village with howitzers, said that Indian children should not be pitied, because a louse grows from a nit. He told his officers: “I have come to kill Indians, and I consider it a right and an honorable duty. And every means under God's heaven must be used to kill the Indians."

Photos of North American Indians of the 19th century

Soldiers cut off the vulvas of Indian women and stretched them over the pommel of their saddles, and made pouches from the skin of the scrotum and breasts of Indian women, and then displayed these trophies along with the severed noses, ears and scalps of murdered Indians at the Denver Opera House. Enlightened, cultured and devout civilizers, what else is there to say?

When the United States once again declares its desire to enlighten another people mired in savagery, lack of spirituality and totalitarianism, we should not forget that the United States itself thoroughly stinks of carrion, the means it uses can hardly be called civilized, and they hardly have goals that do not pursue their own profit.

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