Were the Ponomarenko brothers fat? Biography of the Ponomarenko brothers. The beginning of creative activity

Fans still confuse them and, recognizing one on the street, they invariably ask the question: “Is this you or your brother?”

Variety artists, and for some time now the hosts of the Morning Mail program, Valery and Alexander Ponomarenko, have been accustomed to such popularity since childhood. But they still gained fame not only because of their external similarity. MK-Boulevard asked about everything in order and finally understood where Valery was and where Alexander was.

While the brothers are on tour, the family hearth is guarded by their wives. Alexander (left) with his wife Anna (next) and son Herman (center) and Valery (right) with his wife Elena and son Arkady (left).

Variety artists, and for some time now the hosts of the Morning Mail program, Valery and Alexander Ponomarenko, have been accustomed to such popularity since childhood. But they still gained fame not only because of their external similarity. MK-Boulevard asked about everything in order and finally understood where Valery was and where Alexander was.

- Alexander, Valery, can you explain what kind of feeling it is: to have a brother, and even absolutely similar to you?

V .: - The feeling is really difficult to convey. It's just that a person who does not have a twin needs to imagine that 95 percent of the same person lives next to him. Of course, we have long been accustomed to this, but still - sometimes you start to think, and this yourself seems unusual. For example, I can no longer imagine how you can do without a twin brother.

How old were you when you seriously realized that you looked alike?

V .: - We realized this back in kindergarten, even in the nursery, when at the sight of us everyone immediately began to turn around. And we began to understand that this is not quite a common occurrence. Then it even seemed strange to us that all the others were one at a time. I remember how I went to kindergarten and thought: “Here is a girl sleeping - why is she alone?”
A .: - Therefore, we have become accustomed to such increased attention to ourselves since childhood, and, in general, we ourselves were delighted with this phenomenon of nature. Although seen around and other pairs of twins.

- That is, when you became popular and people began to recognize you on the street, it probably didn’t seem so strange to you anymore?

A: By the way, yes. After all, even now we are more often recognized when we go together. That is, apparently, at first a person is attracted to twins, and then he already understands: yes, these are artists!

- Did your mother tell you how big a surprise the birth of two sons was for her?

V .: - Of course, according to some folk signs, she was told that there would be twins, but she says that she did not really believe in it. And my father was generally shocked that two of us were born. He did not believe in this for a long time, until he arrived at the hospital and saw two completely identical sons himself.

Was it easy to raise you? Were you friends with each other or quarreled?

V .: - Half the time we were friends, and half of the time we were occupied with internecine wars and fights, which were mainly provoked by the fact that our parents would not buy us, say, two toy cars? They buy one toy for two and try to agree with us: “Play in turn.” And we did not understand: how to take turns? Everyone wanted to be first. So we can say that we lived a not quite friendly childhood and continue not quite friendly maturity. But now we have disputes arising exclusively on the basis of creativity.

- That is, in matters of a sense of humor, you don’t always agree?

V .: - Not to say that we do not converge. But sometimes, let’s say, some idea comes to Alexander’s head, but I can’t understand: what did he find funny there? On the other hand, I come up with something, and he says: no, this will not work. Someone has to compromise and already check the joke on the viewer. As a rule, he puts the most truthful assessment.

- As far as I understand, initially in your duet the leadership was with Valery: you wanted to become an actor, and then you invited your brother to work with you.

V .: - Yes, but here it must be borne in mind that a brother is not an outsider from the very beginning. If I invited anyone else, he would probably understand my leadership already on the basis that I invited him. This does not concern the brother: he shakes the rights, takes an equal part in the creative process. But I had more experience on the stage, so I suggested some things to Sasha. On the other hand, if we did musical numbers, then Sashin was already a priority, because he has a musical education. So we found the "golden mean", and now we already have no leadership.

How did you decide on education after high school? Alexander, it seems, was a musician, he played country music, and it is said about Valeria that he decided to become an artist after the army, accidentally passing by the Palace of Culture ...

A .: - This is some kind of spoiled phone, because immediately after school, attracted by the word "cinema", we entered the film and television technical school for the specialty "film technician" in our native Rostov-on-Don. Before that, there were two unsuccessful attempts to enter the Karpenko-Kary Institute of Cinema and Theater in Kiev: they wanted to go to the operator, but the competition was crazy. Then we decided: we may not learn how to make a movie, but we will at least show it. Despite all its technological orientation, our film technical school had a very wide creative base: KVN, a film studio, and various musical circles. Famous directors came to us. So we were guaranteed a creative atmosphere. And now I don’t remember anything from my specialty “film installation engineer”, but I remember well our film magazine “Kipatok”, which we filmed, animation and creative satirical evenings.
V .: - I also graduated from a film technical school, but after the army, stubbornly continuing to prepare to enter the camera department, somehow I really walked past the local recreation center and saw an advertisement for recruitment to the people's theater studio. I went in, was rejected, but the director of this theater, Boris Pavlovich Tsypkin, who later became my friend and mentor, told me: “Come anyway. There is something in you." At that time, I had a large arsenal of parodies of various political figures and TV presenters, but this was not necessary in the theater. And then Tsypkin told me: “I understand that your place is on the stage. Aida with me on tour. He wrote me a text, we made the program “Laughter and Sin” and began to travel around the cities. Sasha at this time continued to study at the music school. When Boris Pavlovich's health no longer allowed him to ride, I made a solo program and invited Sasha with me, who at first was my operator: he twisted the knobs, so to speak. At that time, he already had his own country group, and he pulled me to him, because he needed a merging voice, and I pulled him to me, saying that we would not achieve anything in music and our place was on the stage. As it turned out, I was right.

- How did your parents react to the fact that you decided to become artists? How serious was this profession?

V .: - Absolutely frivolous. They understood that if we do not become famous, but become actors of an ordinary provincial theater, then this is a guaranteed beggarly existence.
V .: - But now they are happy.
A .: - And we eventually returned to the theater, because all the time we dreamed of participating in a real serious performance. Two years ago, we did it in a non-repertory version: from a small number called "Clone" we made a performance of the same name, a variety vaudeville. About how one businessman fell for the trick of swindlers and ordered a clone for himself in order to be calmly absent from the resorts with a girl, and bequeathed to the clone for these two weeks to be an exemplary family man at home. I would like the public to know us not only as "sold out" characters, but also as quite serious, albeit comedic, artists.

- Another role of yours is television: you host the Morning Mail program.

A .: - And we do it with pleasure.

— And you yourself can be called early birds?

V .: - We are very early, from childhood we always woke up early. When they came to their grandmother in the village for a month or two, they got up at dawn and did all sorts of things that boys need to do: fishing, horseback riding. And now some unknown force wakes me up at seven in the morning, and at eight I already start calling my colleagues and I just can’t get used to the fact that some people are still sleeping at this time.

— You live in Rostov-on-Don. Do you consider yourself a Don Cossack?

V: Nope. (Laughs.)
A .: - It’s even surprising: our mother is from Voronezh, dad is from the Don, but personally I don’t feel a Cossack in myself. Most likely, our paternal ancestors came from Ukraine, because Ukrainian songs, life and rituals find some amazing response in our souls.
V .: - But also Cossack songs, of course, by itself. And the spirit of the Cossacks is understandable. But what can a Cossack be like now? What wolf?
Although I can cook a real Cossack ear. The ear is a whole rite. You can cook Cossack fish soup only on an open fire, and when I do this, I don’t let anyone close to the boiler.

- If we talk about your families - which of you got married before?

A .: - The first married Valera. Moreover, we are so used to doing everything together that on the second or third day after his marriage, I calmly say to him: “Valer, let's go to the cinema, such a cool movie.” Then his wife gets up: “What movie? Without me?!" And then I realized that I was starting to lose my brother. (Laughs.)
V .: - Now I have three sons: Alexei, Arkady and Yaroslav. And Sasha lagged behind a little. He has a daughter and a son, Lyubov and Herman.

— Can I ask a household question? On stage, you often perform in the same costumes, and in real life you sometimes buy the same clothes. Who makes more choices?

V: This is a complicated matter. Finding two suits of the same size that would suit both of them is extremely difficult. Now it has become easier - we have different sizes. I have the 50th, and Sasha has lost weight to the 48th. But when they were the same, it was a big problem to dress, because in all stores one-time suits, as a rule, are available in only one size. And as for everyday clothes ... Before, we tried to maintain a twin image, walk in everything the same.

A .: - But he got bored in childhood.
V .: - And then we thought that in life we ​​don’t really need it. Let everyone choose what they want.

- Is there any global difference on which you do not agree in any way?

A .: - Maybe Valera is more conservative in family matters. He likes to stay at home, while I arrive from the tour and immediately leave somewhere again.
V .: - But I have more children. Whether you like it or not, you have to take the time. I come from a tour, I look - they are completely running. Here their "freedom" ends: sports, a minimum of TV and no anarchy in food. Once my middle one, Arkasha, did not brush his teeth, so I picked him up in the middle of the night. He was offended by me, sleepy, cleaned them, almost crying, but now he never forgets about it.

by the way

The Morning Mail program first aired on September 1, 1974. For many years, Yuri Nikolaev was its only host. Over the years, the program was hosted by Tatyana Vedeneeva, the cabaret duet "Academy", Marina Golub.

Alexander and Valery Ponomarenko began their career on the stage with a victory at the international competition "Cup of Humor-99". After that, they were invited to the Crooked Mirror program led by Evgeny Petrosyan.

As Valery and Alexander admit, their quarrels in childhood arose mainly due to the fact that their parents bought them one toy for two. At a respectable age, the brothers also sometimes argue, but exclusively on the basis of creativity.

The Morning Mail program, according to the presenters, is very popular with viewers - letters to it still come in bags.

Speaking with humorous skits, the artists do not consider that laughter in the hall and applause are an indicator of success with the public. The viewer may do so out of courtesy. But if the joke from the issue went to the people, it means that they really liked it.

At the beginning of their career, the brothers chose completely different genres: Alexander was a musician and played in the Jolly Roger country group he created, and Valery tried himself in the theater.

Today, in addition to pop performances, Alexander and Valery try themselves on the theater stage. Two years ago, they staged the play "Clone", in which one plays the "double" of the other.

Epiphany frosts are nothing to Alexander Ponomarenko: this year he plunged into an ice font in the Don.

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Biography, life story of the Ponomarenko Brothers

The Ponomarenko brothers are twin brothers, popular Russian comedians. They took part in a large number of television projects, were regular participants in various festivals, and often tour throughout Russia with performances.

early years

Alexander Ponomarenko and Valery Ponomarenko were born on June 13, 1967. Alexander is fifteen minutes older than Valery. For parents, the birth of twins was a surprise - the father was especially surprised. Until the last, he was in shock and did not believe in what was happening until the moment he saw absolutely identical sons in the maternity hospital with his own eyes. Even the height and weight of the boys completely coincided.

Valery was the first to show parodies. He always liked to repeat the characteristic features of friends and acquaintances, he loved to participate in school productions. It was Valery who decided to become an actor and called Alexander after him. The Ponomarenko brothers often rehearsed funny scenes with each other, which they then showed to their parents - they especially pleased their father, who worked as a bus driver, after a hard day's work.

After leaving school, the brothers tried to enter the Kiev Institute of Cinema and Theater named after. Initially, they hoped to get into operator courses, but they could not cope with the competition - the competition was too high. After that, they decided to somehow connect life with the cinema and entered the Rostov film technical school for the film technician profile.

creative path

As befits the twins, the future humorists Ponomarenko brothers had the same interests: they were engaged in the same circles and sports sections. Their parents even assumed that the guys would succeed in one of the professions, but not on stage, because they considered it just pampering. Until one day, the duet of the Ponomarenko brothers appeared on TV screens in 1999, at a contest of pop artists organized by.


At the competition, the nomination "Variety Duet" brought the comedians a joyful first place. After success at the competition, they were invited to the Variety Theater by the master of humor and satire himself, where the Ponomarenko brothers began their professional career. The biography of comedians after that was inextricably linked with the scene.

The comedian brothers toured the country a lot with their program “Look at yourself. In addition to solo tours, parodists often participate in concerts and programs that involve famous musical performers and actors.

After performing at Laughter Panorama, the comedians attracted the attention of the audience and were invited to the Full House, and then to the Crooked Mirror to. This program became significant in the duet's career: the Ponomarenko brothers, whose biography began to be replenished with numerous TV broadcasts, gained long-awaited popularity. They began to be invited to participate in such shows and programs.

Personal life

Both brothers from the Ponomarenko duet are married. Sometimes they joke that they have a huge family - two wives and five children at once.

Valery was the first to create a family. He has been living with his wife Elena for more than fifteen years. They have three children, all of them boys. The difference between the younger and eldest sons of the parodist is sixteen years. The children are going to follow in the footsteps of their father, the Ponomarenko family clearly loves humor, it seems that it is in their blood.

Alexander Ponomarenko is also a family man. His wife Anna bore him a son, Herman, and a daughter, Lyubov. The age of his children is not exactly known, the brothers try not to share personal information. There are also quite a few personal photos on the Internet, but you can find hundreds of pictures of Alexander and Valery in images.

Brothers Ponomarenko(June 13, 1967, Novocherkassk) - twin brothers Valery Sergeevich Ponomarenko, a professional drama theater actor, and Alexander Sergeevich Ponomarenko, musician, guitarist.


Ponomarenko came to the stage one after another, or rather, one brought the other into the genre. Valery Ponomarenko from childhood loved to parody acquaintances, tempered on theatrical skits. They began to invite him to participate in concerts, and then a brilliant idea came to his mind: to involve his brother Alexander in all this. The brothers began their television career under the leadership of Yevgeny Petrosyan in the Crooked Mirror.

From 2000 to 2001, the Ponomarenko brothers ran the All-Russian lottery TV-Bingo-Show on the RTR channel.

Alexander and Valery are laureates of the International Competition "Cup of Humor-99" and the festival of satire and humor "Golden Ostap-2001".

They host the Morning Mail program on the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2013, Valery Ponomarenko took part in the parody show "Repeat!" on Channel One. In the fifth issue, in addition to his number, he and his brother Alexander participated in the number of Anna Bolshova, who made a parody of Margarita Terekhova (depicted Mikhail Boyarsky in two roles - D'Artagnan and Teodoro). In October 2014, Alexander Ponomarenko became a member of another parody show - Variety Theater.

Personal life

According to Alexander Ponomarenko, he is considered the eldest, but they themselves do not know which of them is the eldest. Valery has a wife Elena and three sons: Alexei, Arkady and Yaroslav. Alexander has a wife, Anna, and two children: a daughter, Lyubov, and a son, Herman.

Parody objects

Parodies A. Ponomarenko

  • Leonid Agutin
  • Nikolay Baskov
  • Alexey Buldakov
  • Gennady Vetrov
  • Vitaly Wolf
  • Dmitry Dibrov
  • Regina Dubovitskaya
  • Boris Yeltsin
  • Mikhail Zadornov
  • Viktor Zinchuk
  • Viktor Koklyushkin
  • Alexander Lukashenko
  • Pavel Lyubimtsev
  • Alexander Maslyakov
  • Andrey Mironov
  • Dmitry Nagiev
  • Lev Novozhenov
  • Ilya Oleinikov
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Verka Serdiuchka
  • Willy Tokarev
  • Viktor Chernomyrdin
  • Yuri Shevchuk
  • Savik Shuster

Parodies V. Ponomarenko

  • Yuri Antonov
  • Leonid Brezhnev
  • Mikhail Boyarsky
  • George W. Bush
  • Vladimir Vinokur
  • Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Yuri Galtsev
  • Nikolay Drozdov
  • Boris Yeltsin
  • Mikhail Zhvanetsky
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky
  • Roman Kartsev
  • Vladimir Kuzmin
  • Evgeny Leonov
  • Grigory Leps
  • Lev Leshchenko
  • Andrei Malakhov
  • Georgy Millyar
  • Andrey Mironov
  • Stas Mikhailov
  • Igor Nikolaev
  • Anatoly Papanov
  • Evgeny Petrosyan
  • Anton Privolov
  • Edward Radzinsky
  • Alexander Rosenbaum
  • Yuri Senkevich
  • Yuri Stoyanov
  • Sergey Trofimov
  • Gennady Khazanov
  • Yefim Shifrin
  • Mikhail Shufutinsky
  • Leonid Yakubovich

In the program "Repeat!" (V. Ponomarenko)

  • Efim Shifrin (1 issue, "prank call");
  • Sergei Lavrov (2nd issue);
  • Vladimir Kuzmin (3rd edition; performed the original song by V. Kuzmin "Simon");
  • Andrey Mironov (4th issue; the minister-administrator was parodied - the character of A. Mironov in the movie "An Ordinary Miracle");
  • Mikhail Boyarsky (out of competition, together with his brother Alexander) and Alexander Vasiliev (5th issue);
  • Yuri Stoyanov (6th issue - together with Alexander, who parodied Ilya Oleinikov)
  • Yevgeny Evstigneev (7th issue; the director of the folk theater was parodied - the character of E. Evstigneev in the film "Beware of the Car");
  • Mikhail Zhvanetsky (8th issue; read Zhvanetsky's original monologue "It's OK, Grigory");
  • Efim Shifrin; Lev Durov and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan (category "Cartoons" - the character voiced by L. Durov was parodied - the dog Sharik from the film "Three from Prostokvashino" and the character voiced by A. Dzhigarkhanyan - the wolf from the film "Once upon a time there was a dog"); Gennady Khazanov (final; another member of the jury - Sergei Bezrukov - was parodied by Alexander Ponomarenko).

Russian actor Valery Ponomarenko known to the audience as a talented parodist and presenter. Valery Ponomarenko is one of the two Ponomarenko twin brothers who have repeatedly appeared on Russian television with humorous numbers dedicated to various artists.

Valery Ponomarenko, like his twin brother Alexander Ponomarenko, was born and raised in Rostov-on-Don. There he first felt the talent of a parodist. His first platforms for creative development were theatrical skits. Alexander was more attracted to music, but by and large, both brothers dreamed of cinema and acting.

Immediately after school, they unanimously tried to enter the Institute of Cinema and Theater, but they could not, and in the end, in Rostov-on-Don, they entered the cinema technical school to get a specialty film technician. During his studies, Valery understood the main thing - he needs a creative environment like air. He again made an attempt to connect his life with the theater and tried to get into a theater studio, but failed. But he made friends with her director, who told Valery that his path should lie in the pop world. Together they went on tour more than once with a parody program. And over time, when the mentor left this business, Valery decided that it was time to invite his brother to his duet. Soon, in his creative life, the name of Valery became almost inseparable from the name of his twin brother Alexander.

Creative career of Valery Ponomarenko

The big debut on television for Valery and his brother was the work in the program "False mirror". The Zetas had a job at the TV lottery "TV-Bingo-Show" on the RTR channel. And then Valery and his brother were busy in the program "Morning Post" on the channel "Russia".

Valery Ponomarenko: “In fact, every actor or artist is happy when they make a parody of him. They know that parody is a sign of popularity. If you're being parodied, it means you're still popular."

During his creative activity, Valery created parodies of dozens of famous people - from politicians to musicians. Among them are Leonid Brezhnev, George W. Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Andrei Mironov, Evgeny Leonov, Lev Leshchenko, Sergei Trofimov and others.

Valery Ponomarenko: “Our Russian colloquial stage is losing intelligence and respect for the viewer. She also loses her task - to educate. This can be seen in the example of this transmission. Their jokes are served like fast food, and people quickly eat it without hesitation. However, the taste and color ... ".

Dreams of the theater never left Valery, and one day, together with Alexander, he created a performance "Clone"(variety vaudeville). The performance was born from an ordinary small number, which the brothers had previously shown as part of their parody program. In this vaudeville, one of the brothers plays the double of the other.

Valery Ponomarenko: “Those who are most visible on the screen should be driven away. They filled the whole space, the whole ether. We know several wonderful musicians who, unfortunately, are only listened to in a narrow circle of friends. Instead of their melodic songs, something like “I, I ate apples ...” sounds, which does not bring either culture or development to the masses.

In 2013, Valery became a member of the show "Repeat!".

Valery Ponomarenko and his personal life

For many years, Valery has been married to his beloved wife. Elena. Together they raise three children. All three of their heirs are boys ( Alexey, Arkady and Yaroslav). The youngest was born when the eldest was already 16 years old. By that time, the almost adult first-born Valery told his father that he wanted to follow in his footsteps and also become an actor.

In the matter of choosing a wife, Valery was ahead of his brother Alexander and was the first to start a family.

Valery Ponomarenko about women: “Inner beauty comes first, outer beauty comes second. I like to watch old films “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”, where the heroines are naturally beautiful and modest. For a woman, these qualities are important, and not the last place is occupied by wisdom. I don’t understand the modern style: protrusion of the navels, profanity among young people, in particular, among girls. It's useless."

Valery attaches great importance to maintaining good physical shape. He is very fond of sports, especially tennis and running. Even during the holidays, he prefers active pastime with walks and the opportunity to see or do something new.

Few of the lovers of humor and satire do not know the twin brothers Valery and Beloved artists have taken and continue to take part in many TV projects, humorous festivals and all kinds of shows on the most popular channels, they tour a lot with their own numbers and programs.

Ponomarenko brothers: biography, family

Parodists brothers Ponomarenko were born on June 13, 1967 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. From a very young age, the guys were "not spilling water" - they stood up for each other in children's brawls and, using their striking resemblance, passed exams at school one after another.

With the passing of exams, it happened like this: one of the brothers taught, say, chemistry and algebra, and the other - English and literature. Then each took the exam for himself and for his brother. At school, the "scheme" worked flawlessly, but later, at the Rostov Film College, where Alexander and Valery studied cinematic art, their scam was revealed. This happened at the exam in electromechanics, where Valery mistakenly put his record book in front of the teacher, in which the grade was already affixed.

The Ponomarenko brothers, whose biography is of interest to fans, also do not lag behind each other in their personal lives - each family consists of four people. Both are married and have two children each: Valery has two sons, and Alexander has a son and a daughter.

The beginning of creative activity

Children's creative abilities were manifested from early childhood. Even while in the army, where they served in one military unit, the Ponomarenko brothers whiled away their free time playing the guitar. Their biography in 1991 was replenished with a new event, when they first performed as a duet on the stage of some state farm club. But the debut was unsuccessful, which, however, did not break the parodists - they continued to hone their acting skills with teacher Valery Tsypkin.

As befits the twins, the future comedians, the Ponomarenko brothers, whose biography is discussed in the article, had the same interests: they were engaged in the same circles and sports sections. Their parents even assumed that the guys would succeed in one of the professions, but not on stage, because they considered it just pampering. Until one day, the duet of the Ponomarenko brothers appeared on TV screens in 1999, at a contest of pop artists organized by E. Petrosyan. At the competition, the nomination "Variety Duet" brought the comedians a joyful first place. After success at the competition, they were invited to the Variety Theater by the master of humor and satire G. Khazanov himself, where the Ponomarenko brothers began their professional career. The biography of comedians after that was inextricably linked with the scene.

Tours and programs of the comic duo

The comedian brothers toured the country a lot with their program “Look at yourself!”, Which includes the numbers “In the train” and “Eagles”, already beloved by the audience, as well as parodies - the duet's strong point - on popular TV presenters: N. Drozdova, A. Maslyakova , and others. In addition to solo tours, parodists participate in concerts and programs involving famous musical performers and actors. So, in the early 2000s. they were participants in a whole series of concerts that took place on European and intercontinental cruise ships, where Alexander and Valery were able to meet M. Boyarsky, L. Durov, E. Vitorgan and other famous artists.

Participation in TV shows and programs

After performing in "Laughing Panorama", the comedians attracted the attention of the audience and were invited to the "Full House", and then to the "Crooked Mirror" to E. Petrosyan. This program became significant in the duet's career: the Ponomarenko brothers, whose biography began to be replenished with numerous TV broadcasts, gained long-awaited popularity. They began to be invited to participate in such shows and programs:

  • Izmailovsky Park.
  • "Parade of Stars"
  • Hello, Russia.
  • New Year's "Blue Light".
  • Boris Notkin invites.
  • "Repeat" and many others.

In addition, they are frequent guests and participants in benefit performances and anniversaries of other artists (duet V. Danilets and V. Moiseenko, etc.), with whom the artists Ponomarenko brothers became friends. Their biography is connected not only with participation in humorous programs and concerts on TV: they are TV presenters of the Morning Post. Also, Alexander and Valery are frequent participants in the regular humorous festival in Jurmala.

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