Can love be unhappy according to Eugene Onegin. Tatyana's love for Onegin. Tatyana's love for Onegin


Onegin could not stand the test of friendship. And in love? From Chapter I of the novel it is clear that in his youth Onegin did not yet love - he only amused himself with a skillful game. But maybe they loved him? Hard to say. Almost certainly, Tatiana’s love, for all its romanticism, is the first true love that Onegin met in his life. Did Onegin understand this? This question cannot be answered either “yes” or “no”.

But, having received Tanya’s message,

Onegin was deeply touched:

The language of girlish dreams

He was disturbed by a swarm of thoughts;

From these lines it is clear that Onegin understood a lot. After all, he noticed at first glance that Tatyana was a remarkable person, and felt interest and undoubted sympathy for her. But Eugene was too devastated, too lazy spiritually, too blind, with all his insight, to understand that such a treasure as Tatyana’s love would not come across on the road every day. And, what is especially important, having lost the freshness of his first feeling in his youth, he has not yet suffered the right to true love. It is not for nothing that the author in Chapter I does not use the word “love”, but replaces it with the phrase “ancient ardor of feelings.” Onegin's appearance is revealed unusually clearly in the scene of explanation with Tatiana (IV chapter). Onegin himself calls this monologue a “confession”, the author calls it a “sermon” (as Eugene preached). Tatyana took this “confession” as a “lesson”: moreover, in her last monologue she recalls Onegin’s “caustic… abuse.” Obviously, all these assessments are equally valid. Onegin’s monologue is a confession because the hero of the novel honestly, sincerely reveals his soul in it - chilled, devastated, hardened “in the deadening rapture of light.” But at the same time, this is a sermon, for Onegin takes the position of a mentor and reads morals to the girl in love with him. And Tatyana’s expression “the causticity of your abuse” is most likely associated with the memory of Evgeniy’s last edifying words:

You will love again: but...

Learn to control yourself;

Not everyone will understand you like I do;

Inexperience leads to disaster."

Onegin himself felt how offensive these words were for poor Tanya,
therefore, before pronouncing them, he addressed her:
Listen to me without anger...
Saying to Tatyana: “You will love again,” Onegin is based on his personal experience. He had never met a woman who could fall in love with one person for the rest of her life.
Onegin’s assumption that Tatyana is capable of turning to someone else with the same ardent, trusting confession is, without a doubt, offensive and insulting to her.
Onegin himself did not know how to love deeply and never experienced the suffering associated with the feeling of love (if they say it - he was instantly consoled, if they change it - he was glad to rest), so he could not imagine how much one could suffer from unrequited love. That is why Onegin’s monologue was distinguished by its brilliance, grace, and eloquence. These features of refined, free-flowing speech show high intelligence and nobility, but reinforce the impression of coldness and indifference.
It is curious that immediately after the image of Tatyana’s meeting with Onegin, Pushkin begins to talk about friendship, kinship, fidelity and unexpectedly concludes:

Whom to love? Who to believe?

Who won't cheat on us alone?

Who measures all deeds and all speeches?

Helpfully to our arshin?

Who doesn’t sow slander about us?

Who cares for us?

Who cares about our vice?

Who never gets bored?

Of course, this is not the poet’s conviction, but a subtle mockery of the egoism that has taken such deep roots in people like Onegin. Onegin could not get out of the egoistic world of his disappointment, his boredom and respond to Tatyana's living, sincere call. True love, the first and, obviously, the only one, appeared later, when Onegin went through difficult trials: the tragic death of Lensky, the sorrowful wanderings across Rus' taught him a lot. The complex evolution of the hero is revealed in Chapter VIII. After the tragic death of Lensky, we part with Onegin for a long time.

The new appearance of Onegin on the pages of the novel is accompanied by a dispute in which the author's point of view is revealed in relation to Onegin by his secular enemies. It is important for the author to express his opinion about the hero, who has changed, become closer and dearer to him.

But who is this in the chosen crowd?

Stands silent and foggy?

He seems alien to everyone.

Faces flash in front of him...

This chain of questions is evidence of how Eugene has changed and how tragically lonely he is. In the very tone one cannot help but feel sympathy for Evgeniy tinged with bitterness and sadness. “Yes, that’s exactly him,” the poet says with excitement. But then a completely different voice is heard - someone from the secular crowd:

How long has it been brought to us?
Is he still the same or has he pacified himself?
Or is he acting like an eccentric?
Tell me, what did he return with?
What will he present to us so far?
What will it appear now? Melmoth.
The words “carried up”, “pacified”, “writhes”, “smart” express malicious ridicule and ill will. And Pushkin gives a merciless, destroying rebuke to the vulgarity - the “good fellow”, ardently defends Onegin from the attacks of the “proud insignificance”. And then the poet makes it clear that this is the lot of an entire generation:

But it's sad to think that it's in vain

We were given youth

That they cheated on her all the time,

That she deceived us...

Thus, it would be fair in Chapter VIII to see in Onegin a person, if not ripe, then ripening for higher activity than fussing with himself and his melancholy. He was accelerated by a new meeting with Tatyana. Pushkin conveys Onegin’s deep emotion as he gazes at the unfamiliar lady, so unlike everyone else:

“Really,” thinks Evgeniy,
Is she really? But exactly... No..."
Showing how Onegin's passion for this new Tatiana gradually arises, Pushkin emphasizes: Evgenia is amazed and delighted by precisely the new thing that has appeared in her.

A spasm seized Onegin’s throat. Where has his secularism gone, his constant eloquence! And the author asks: What’s wrong with him? what a strange dream he is in! Annoyance? vanity?. Undoubtedly, the feeling that possessed Onegin was sincere and strong. Pushkin first used the word “love” in relation to Onegin. In this suddenly flared up love there is no game, no calculation, no pretense. And yet, Onegin’s new feeling for Tatyana, with all its strength and intensity, is not yet that great, genuine love that purifies and ennobles a person. While sympathizing with his hero with all his heart, showing his sincere heartache, Pushkin, however, shows us both Onegin’s egoism and vanity. How Tatyana has changed! It is not Tatiana’s simplicity, artlessness, mind and heart that amaze him, but her ability to play a role. He is tormented by the thought that he once did not see in a simple girl the possibility of turning her into a brilliant aristocrat. And he does not understand how blind he is even now, not seeing in the “indifferent princess” the still “in love, poor and simple” Tatyana.

Onegin’s new feeling is complex, contradictory, multifaceted: in this feeling, as in the personality of the hero, both bad and good, and truly human and superficial, familiar, unworthy of a person are intertwined.

This duality is reflected in Onegin’s letter. Onegin's letter reveals with amazing clarity the dialectic of his sick, suffering soul. Where does he start? With insulting suspicions and false excuses. After all, you still have to remain blind to write to Tatyana:

What evil fun
Perhaps I’m giving a reason...

Once I met you by chance,
Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn’t dare believe her...
The beginning of the letter is reminiscent of Onegin’s “cold” sermon, where feelings are hidden under beautiful phrases. So, instead of “love” Onegin says “spark of tenderness”, instead of “was killed” - “Lensky fell an unfortunate victim.” However, further in the letter the living truth of unbearable heartache grows, without any falsehood:

I know: my life has already been measured;

But so that my life may last,

I have to be sure in the morning

That I will see you this afternoon...

Evgeny stopped choosing words to express his feelings; he speaks simply, powerfully. From Onegin’s lips comes the vernacular, which is rough, but accurately conveys what he wanted to express:
… for you
I wander everywhere at random...
Bitterness, fatigue, humiliation are expressed in this one word “trudge.” The ending of the letter is also significant. She echoes Tatyana’s letter, as if Onegin wants to remind her of the past, awaken old feelings and at the same time show that he now feels the same as she used to feel:

But so be it: I’m on my own

I can no longer resist;

Everything is decided: I am in your will,

And I surrender to my fate.

Onegin's insincere, pathetic excuses deeply hurt Tatyana. She now understands Onegin much more clearly; the romantic touch faded from her dreams. Eugene is no longer surrounded by an aura of brilliant mystery for her; but she loves him, loves the best that she sees in him, and her spring, and young dreams of happiness... How bitter it is for her to see
Onegin's secular courtship! And even his sincere passion, expressed in the letter, is offensive. What does he want from her? What does he offer her? The filth of social relations, lies, vulgar subterfuges in front of a deceived husband? ..

Only now Onegin begins to understand that he did not know Tatyana and is unworthy of her. The experience of previous years did not help him: he met such a woman for the first time. Now comes a new stage of his spiritual development. “He again renounced the light,” began to read again, reflect on life, on his fate. A difficult winter spent alone, in melancholy, in thought - the completion of Onegin’s spiritual turning point. Before Evgeniy’s mind’s eye is the most difficult, painful of all his memories—the terrible collapse of his friendship. Zaretsky’s voice is forever etched in Onegin’s memory. Feelings of guilt and deep remorse, the image of a deceased friend evokes memories of the indirect culprits of his death:

Then he sees forgotten enemies,
Slanderers and evil cowards...
This is a memory of the secular mob, of the Aretskys, for whose sake Lensky was killed. His memory flashes both secular false friends - “a circle of despised comrades”, and the “objects” of his deceitful, empty youthful game of love - “a swarm of young traitors.” The circle of memories is completed by the only dear thing left in life - Tatyana:

That's a country house - and at the window
She sits... and that's it! ..
But this is no longer a “princess”, not a “legislator of the hall”. This is the old Tanya. Thus came the epiphany. Pushkin concludes the story about Onegin’s renunciation of the world with playful, friendly ironic stanzas:

He's so used to getting lost in this

That almost drove me crazy

Or he didn’t become a poet.

Frankly, I could borrow something!

Speaking about Onegin in simple, rough words, often using vernacular language, the poet restrainedly conveys his joy in connection with his revival and deep sympathy for his grief. Purified by suffering, Onegin became more humane, more soulful, simpler and was finally able to understand and love Tatyana with all the purity, strength and tenderness of which a person is capable. A feeling of renewal, awakening to a new life is created with the help of a spring landscape:

Spring lives him: for the first time

Your chambers are locked,

Where he spent the winter like a groundhog,

Double windows, fireplace...

But traces of the suffering he experienced were imprinted on his face: “He walks, looking like a dead man.” And here, finally, is the new understanding of Tatyana that was born in Onegin’s soul during this long winter. Pushkin’s tone contains tenderness and deep compassion for Onegin and Tatyana. They are not happy. The tragedy of this scene is further enhanced by the fact that Onegin has now risen to true love, has become on an equal footing with Tatyana, but must silently listen to her bitter, insulting words, realizing that they are torn out by mental pain and unbearable grief. Shocked, Evgeniy was “as if struck by thunder.” Depicting the emergence of Onegin’s love, Pushkin spoke of the “cold autumn storm.” But now the “storm of sensations” in which Onegin is “immersed with his heart” is still a fertile storm, a storm of renewal.

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Love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana

The novel “Eugene Onegin” was written by A. S. Pushkin in the first half of the 19th century. It tells the story of the love story of a young nobleman, tired of social attention, and a simple provincial girl, who also does not like to be in the center of social life, but prefers to spend time in nature, reading books, studying folk tales. The theme of love is key in the work.

All the characters, one way or another, express their attitude towards this high feeling.

One of the main questions that the writer is trying to answer is whether Onegin knows how to love? The main character from a young age was accustomed to living in secular lies and a hypocritical society. He himself understands that love is something else, and not the falsehood that he encounters at balls and social functions. However, not wanting to bind himself with serious obligations and promises, he tries to stay away from this feeling.

He just closes his heart and doesn't want love because it's easier to live that way. Onegin has a decent upbringing and education, a rich inheritance and every chance for a prosperous life, but love

He never finds it, and when he does, it’s too late.

Tatyana Larina, whom he meets during his “vacation” in the village, acts as his antipode. In matters of love, she is infinitely sincere and believes that the very concept of happiness is associated with this feeling. The heroes have a lot in common, but their views on love are strikingly different. They both avoid social noise, do not like to communicate much in society, lead a solitary, secluded lifestyle and spend more time reading books.

Books, by the way, play a big role in the lives of these heroes. Having discovered a huge library on Onegin's estate, Tatiana is even more convinced that her choice was the right one. But the marks in the margins, by which she begins to understand what is going on in the soul of the person she adores, bring disappointment.

Eugene really does not know how to love, at least until certain events he is convinced that there is no meaning in love. On this occasion, he more than once starts an argument with Lensky, the only friend he had in the village. Lensky is a romantic, sensitive and subtle person. He is a dreamer and poet who strives for pure and sincere love.

It is on this basis that they quarrel. The conflict that caused the death of a friend suddenly clearly clarifies the whole situation for Onegin. He finally realizes that it is a great loss in life to lose such a friend. He begins to understand the meaning of the words Lensky once said about the inevitability and necessity of love.

It is after the events in the village that the protagonist’s worldview changes. Over time, he even realizes that he could love Tatyana.

By the end of the work, he becomes a truly loving person. The main goal of the writer, in my opinion, was to show these changes, to demonstrate the rebirth of Onegin. Alas, he couldn’t bring Tatyana back, but he understood one thing: how important it is to love and be loved in this world.

At all times, the ability to love has been the main criterion for evaluating literary heroes, and this novel by Pushkin is no exception.

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Essay on the topic: Love in the life of Onegin and Tatyana in the novel Eugene Onegin, Pushkin

Tatyana's love for Onegin occupies a central place in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatyana's ardent, sensual nature cannot do without this feeling.

Tatiana's image

Tatyana Larina is the heroine of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.” Since childhood, little Tanya was different from her cheerful, laughing sister and other peers. She did not like noisy holidays, but preferred to wander through the meadows and contemplate nature.

A girl who avoids people and reads romance novels of French classics falls in love with the young “dandy” Eugene Onegin. He didn’t look like the people from the girl’s usual social circle; he seemed special and original to her. For her, all the brave heroes of the books she had read merged in his image. Tatiana's sensitive, sincere soul was filled with feelings and strove for Evgeniy in search of mutual love. Unable to contain her emotions, the girl writes a letter to her lover, which for that time was a brave and rare act, since usually the man was the first to show interest.

Having gotten married a few years later, she never stops loving the main character. Having met him again, memories flare up in her soul again, but she is not able to betray her husband for the sake of her own happiness.

Tatyana's love for Onegin

As is known from the plot of the novel, Tatyana preferred reading to active crowded games and going out. This passion formed in her a desire to idealize the image of an ideal chosen one. In the novels of Rousseau and Richardson, she fell in love with selfless and highly moral heroes, whose image she transferred to real life. Evgeniy was ideal for the role of her lover. He was not like others, he, like her, was burdened by going out and the tinsel of a happy social life, so Tatyana immediately saw in him her chosen one and a kindred spirit. The girl’s letter reveals her ardent, passionate personality, capable of surrendering to her love without reserve and without regard to the opinions of others.

Some time after Onegin rejected her, Tatyana ends up on his estate. She enters his house, as if into his soul, studies the books he read. Here the hero reveals himself to her from the other side; she is surprised by the choice of books, among which are mainly modern reading about modern man - cynical and selfish. She understands that perhaps all her youthful ideas about him were wrong; disappointment in this man settles in her soul. However, the girl continues to love Onegin.

A few years later, when she meets him, she realizes that love is alive, but she has been a married lady for a long time, and she is not capable of betraying her husband. This act characterizes her as a person capable of selfless acts, even if they bring suffering to her.

Love in the works of A. S. Pushkin

A.S. Pushkin believed that love is the main quality that a person is endowed with. Love is not suffering, but a natural need of the soul. In his lyrics, he gives this feeling a central place. The poem “I remember a wonderful moment...” is dedicated to the beautiful Anna Kern. Pushkin, inspired by her purity and angelic appearance, wrote this beautiful poem.

What is love? Love is a feeling of selfless, heartfelt affection. This very feeling manifests itself between our heroes: Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina, only for each at different times, which is why they did not have reciprocity.

The theme of love in the work "Eugene Onegin" is one of the leading themes. And it was immediately clear that the main character would have love, which, it seems to me, he did not understand.

But let's get back to the piece. From the first lines we are introduced to the main character - Evgeny Onegin. Our hero is a person who, already in his youth, became acquainted with the secular world and managed to lose interest in it. The fact that Onegin has lost interest in him is good; it would seem that now he would think about marriage and family, but that was not the case, because at the same time he stopped believing in sincere friendship and love. What kind of family is this?! After a while, we get to know other characters - Vladimir Lensky, Olga Larina and, most importantly, Tatyana Larina. The main character was the embodiment of the female ideal for the author, her appearance and soul were close to the poet’s muse, so her character is revealed to us both as a unique individuality and as a type of Russian girl living in a provincial noble family. Tatyana is a romantic person. She loves to read books and experiences various feelings and adventures with their characters. She is attracted to everything mysterious, enigmatic (which is in Eugene Onegin, don’t you think?). Since childhood, Tatyana has been close and familiar with the life of nature, which has become the world of her soul, an infinitely close world. From childhood, when communicating with nature, the girl was instilled with integrity and naturalness of nature, which she keeps within herself throughout her life.

In the plot of the work, such events begin to develop that Evgeny Onegin is forced to move to the village, where he meets Lensky, and then the Larin family. At the moment of meeting the Larin family, Evgeny Onegin recognizes Tatyana, who immediately falls in love with the main character and then the author remarks: “the time has come, she fell in love.” At this very moment, the girl’s feelings manifest themselves and the ideal images of book heroes begin to come to life in her mind: “They clothed themselves in a single image, merged into one Onegin.” Tatyana begins to suffer greatly and cannot sleep at night. She kept thinking about Eugene Onegin, so she decided to tell him about her feelings and wrote a letter, in response to which she expected reciprocity, but this did not happen. Tatyana's confession, imbued with such love and sincerity, was not heard by Onegin. Evgeny, “alien to sublime feelings,” was not able to answer the girl. This letter alienated him from Tatyana. Well, after the explanation in the garden, Tatyana’s name day and the duel with Lensky, Onegin simply leaves for St. Petersburg and then travels. It seems to me that here Onegin is simply running away from his problems, running away from Tatiana, from love. Perhaps he was afraid of something or was simply afraid of his feelings, because they could be real. But he didn’t act like a real man who would have stayed in the village, figured everything out, first of all, himself, talked to Tatyana, no, he didn’t do that, he just ran away.

Well, at this time Tatyana goes to Moscow with her mother. An endless number of balls were held there, at which the heroine was very bored and wanted to return to the village, but at one of these, an important general drew the attention of the girl, whom she eventually marries. Yes, now they can condemn Tatyana for conveying her feelings by marrying someone else. What was she left with? She didn’t know when Eugene would return or whether he would return at all? She also did not know Onegin’s feelings towards herself. Before her was the unknown, Tatyana did not know what to expect from this man, so she married the general.

Well, the day has come when, at one of the balls, the general introduces his wife - that is, our Tatyana - to Evgeny Onegin. And then our main character irrevocably falls in love with Tatyana, who herself no longer reciprocates the feelings, not because she no longer loves him, but because she has a marital duty to her. And now Evgeny finds himself in Tatiana’s place and burns with unrequited love. So, in conclusion, I want to say that “Eugene Onegin” is a philosophical novel, a novel about the meaning of life. Not only is it easy to read, you need to be able to understand the meaning between the lines.

Updated: 2017-03-12

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The main character of the work is young. an attractive, very intelligent man, a nobleman. Pushkin treats his hero with sympathy and a significant amount of irony. In chapter 1, the poet talks about the life of the young rake Eugene Onegin in St. Petersburg. About how and by whom he was raised:

At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur replaced her,
The child was harsh, but sweet.

In his youth, he behaved exactly like the young people of his circle, that is, “he could speak and write perfectly in French, and danced the mazurka easily.” But his main science, Pushkin admits, “was the science of tender passion.” As we later learn, Evgeniy fell a victim of love. Pushkin emphasizes that “he was sick of persistent work.” He talks about Onegin’s life, spent in restaurants, theaters, balls, and courting women. Thousands of young nobles lived the same life. This way of life was familiar to the noble class. But one should not rush to conclusions, defining Onegin as “superfluous”. For his circle, he was not superfluous. Onegin occupied a certain place in secular society, where he had a “happy talent” and aroused “the smile of ladies with the fire of unexpected epigrams.” This is how his life would have proceeded smoothly, if not for his meeting with Tatyana Larina. Onegin lets Tatyana fall in love with him and torments and torments her for a long time. Tatyana writes a letter to Evgeny with a declaration of love. The girl asks him a question: “Who are you...A guardian angel or an insidious tempter?” Seemingly incapable of serious feelings, Onegin rejects her love, which for Tatyana becomes the meaning of life. A dreamy, romantic girl “believes that Eugene was sent by God.”

Onegin is touched by Tatyana's confession, but nothing more. The next thoughtless step is the relationship with Olga Lbina. Onegin just out of boredom begins to court Olga Larina, the fiancée of Vladimir Lensky. The girl becomes interested in Evgeniy, which naturally makes Lensky jealous. The turning point in the relationship with the girls was Evgeniy’s duel with Lensky. The fight ends tragically for Vladimir. And here our hero seems to see the light: “Onegin with a shudder” sees the work of his hands, how the “icy corpse” of the young men is being carried in a sleigh. Lensky was killed by a “friend’s hand.” The meaninglessness of this act becomes obvious. And what about Tatyana? She silently supports her sister in grief. However, Olga “didn’t cry for long,” but became carried away by a certain uhlan, with whom she soon went down the aisle.

Tatyana's love for Evgeniy and her dislike for him as Lensky's killer are fighting. The girl suddenly begins to understand that Evgeniy is not the person she imagined him to be in her dreams. A flighty egoist, a heartthrob, a person who brings pain and tears to others, but is himself incapable of compassion. Returning to St. Petersburg, Evgeny meets a different Tatiana - a secular woman, a “trendsetter.” He will know; that she is now married to an important general, a hero of the Patriotic War. An amazing transformation takes place. Now Evgeniy is looking for a date with Tatyana Larina, who has become “an indifferent princess, an unapproachable goddess,” and is languishing and suffering. Yes, Tatyana stopped looking like a provincial noblewoman. How much royalty in the gaze! How much majesty and negligence! Evgeny is in love, he pursues her, looking for a reciprocal feeling.

But, alas! A letter was written, but Evgeniy did not receive an answer to it. And then, finally, they met. What a blow, what a disappointment! Onegin is rejected: “I ask you to leave me.” “As if struck by thunder,” Evgeniy stands and suddenly feels inner devastation, his uselessness. This is a fitting ending to the novel. A.S. Pushkin tested his hero with a true feeling - love. But, alas, the main character of the novel could not stand this test: he got scared and retreated. When the epiphany came, it turned out that it was too late, nothing could be returned or corrected. Thus, the novel “Eugene Onegin” is not just a story about an era in which “the century and modern man are reflected,” but also a touching story of failed, missed love.

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