The royal decree about the day of trade. Interesting decrees of Peter the Great ← Hodor. Attitude towards superiors

I’m reading the Decrees of Peter I... An incomparable feeling! I advise you - it’s so fun - and the country’s leadership should read it! For this purpose, I only quote the best ones that are on the Internet...


Before appearing, a multinational guest must be:

1. I wash carefully, without skipping any places.
2. Shave thoroughly, so as not to damage the ladies’ tenderness with vile stubble.
3. I’m half hungry and a little drunk, if not completely drunk.
4. Dressed as nobles, but without unnecessary excess, in addition to lovely ladies. The latter are allowed to seductively decorate their image with moderate cosmetics. Be especially distinguished from rude gentlemen by grace, cheerfulness and kindness.
5. Having suddenly appeared in the illuminated hall, do not lose heart, do not stiffen your body, on the contrary, round your arms and, without hesitation, eagerly join in the boiling of the guest.
6. When you come to visit, familiarize yourself with the layout of the house in advance with ease, especially noting the location of the closets, and put this information aside in that part of the mind that is less subject to guilt than others.
7. Consume food in moderation, so that your heavy belly does not interfere with your dancing.
8. Drink the potion as much as you can, so your legs can hold up. If they refuse, drink while sitting. Do not offer it to someone lying down - so that he does not choke, even if he asks for it. Glory to the one who choked! For this death has been honorable in Rus' since ancient times.
9. If you don’t know what to do, rely on a friend, he is the guardian of more state vigils.
10. Place the drunk ones carefully so as not to damage them and not interfere with the dancing. Fold separately, observing the floor, otherwise when you wake up, you won’t end up embarrassed.
11. Having sensed trouble, do not panic, but quickly follow to the place mentioned, without hesitating along the way and using all your strength to maintain the belly that villainously betrayed you in the fortress.
12. Being without a wife, or, God forbid, single, look at the ladies’ charms not with open greed, but quietly - they notice this too. Don’t doubt it - in this manner you will respect them and will not be considered impudent.
13. Use your hands very carefully and only when you have received a clear sign that it is permitted, otherwise you will wear your embarrassment on your face for a long time, for they know no mercy.
14. Without singing there is no fun in Rus', but it begins at the master’s sign. Don’t get into a rage, listen to your neighbor - when you bray alone, you become like the Valaam donkey. On the contrary, your musicality and sweet voice will earn you many praises from guests.
15. Remember, a lady’s heart is pliable to music, use this, and you will certainly be kind.
16. When you see a noble person at an assembly, or even a tsar, don’t lose heart, don’t open your mouth, but don’t stick your head out either - you’ll hardly be able to serve, and you’ll be three times more capable of annoying a drunken person than usual.

For this, with God, forward!!! Apply this commandment constantly, and not remember what point, standing like a block in the middle of the fun.


We have noticed that along the Nevsky Prospekt and in the assemblies, the undergrown fathers of eminence, in violation of the etiquette and regulations of the calm, in Spanish camisoles and trousers with tinsel, flaunt themselves insolently.

I order the Chief of Police of St. Petersburg to henceforth catch these dandies with great zeal, take them to the Foundry and beat them with a whip until their pantaloons make them look extremely obscene. Do not look at the title and eminence, nor at the cries of those being punished.


It has been noticed that wives and girls come to assemblies without knowing the politeness and rules of foreign clothing, like kikimoras are dressed. Having put on robes and hose made of white satin over dirty underwear, they sweat a lot, causing a very vile smell to spread, confusing the foreign guests.

From now on, I instruct you to wash yourself with soap and water in the bathhouse before the assembly, and not only to ensure the cleanliness of your outer robe, but also to take diligent care of your underwear, so as not to disgrace Russian wives with your vile appearance.


We hereby command from now on not to take women on warships, and if they do take them, only according to the number of the crew, so that there is no misery.


Navigators should not be allowed into taverns, because they, boorish bastards, quickly get drunk and cause trouble


Trade is a thieves' business, and therefore they should be given a meager salary, and they should be hanged one per year, so that it would not be a shame for others.


A subordinate in front of his superiors should look dashing and stupid, so as not to embarrass his superiors with his understanding.


From now on, I instruct the gentlemen senators to speak in the presence not according to what is written, but only in their own words, so that everyone’s stupidity will be visible to everyone

And Peter the Great is full of such decrees! Respect comes when you read them! And not only do you read, but you also know that Petka really was tough: he caught him, and flogged him, and forced him to wash... And what a lover of humanity he was! How he gave it away! If you see him at the assembly in spirit, they say, don’t fall down, don’t open your mouth, but don’t stick your head out either - you’ll hardly be able to serve, and if you’re drunk, you might be annoying three times as much as usual... He was incredibly caring, the devil...

By the way, questions appear after reading. What would he write today?! It would probably output something like:

We have noticed that along the Nevsky Prospekt, and in Moscow - everywhere, undergrown fathers of eminent people, in violation of the rules of calm that must be kept in front of ordinary people, show off insolently in overseas "Porsches", "Mercedes", "BMWs" and other expensive carriages.

I order the gentlemen governors of St. Petersburg and Moscow to henceforth zealously catch these dandies, take them to the Liteinaya part in St. Petersburg and to Petrovka in Moscow and beat them with whips, and cars with crowbars, until both of them look very obscene. Do not look at the title and eminence, and also at the cries of those being punished.

It has also been noticed that men, wives and girls come to assemblies and theaters dressed in obscene clothes, or even without it, and in the subway and on public transport, because of the robes and figs, dressed in dirty underwear, they again sweat a lot, which is why it is very unusual the smell spreads in the carriages, causing confusion among foreign guests.

I instruct you, in the future, before going to church to wash yourself thoroughly with soap and diligently take care of your underwear, so as not to disgrace Russian wives with your vile appearance.

We hereby command from now on not to take women into the military department, but to take them according to the number of generals, so that there is no embarrassment like in the Ministry of Defense, where it is not these generals who command the departments, but their 30-year-old girls!

Programmers, of whom there are countless numbers, are not allowed into taverns, because, having finished writing their programs, boorish brood, they immediately get drunk and cause brawls in taverns in the English language.

Local leadership is a serious business, a thieves' business, and therefore don't give local officials their salaries! And for the sake of warning, hang one at a time in cities, so that others would not be in a habit of stealing.

Since they haven’t wised up in 300 years, I instruct the gentlemen senators to prohibit speech in the presence at all! So that their stupidity is not visible to everyone.

Fantasies, of course... I smile... Although Peter was cheerful! I would have learned something strange again! It couldn't be worse...

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I haven't laughed so much in a long time! Peter 1 was smart!!! How he is missed today!!!

Having read it, I give thanks to boyar Anatoly and bow deeply, for he made me laugh a lot, and made many people, especially the younger ones, think a lot... Hello, boyar! And suddenly you amuse us with your fabrications!

Inna Anatolyeva, daughter of Kozhevnikov,
bourgeois from the village of Zelenogradova, Moscow province.

And we also need one Decree of 2012: “Teenagers and especially girls who use obscene language in public places should be brought to the police presence and kept with the homeless, allowing them liberties with them until the foul language disappears from their mouths and they speak in a language of dignity human decency. Upon leaving the presence, give a reminder about the inevitability of homeless therapy in case of relapses of swearing, so that decent society is valued and preferred."

Anatoly, thank you for the excellent, cheerful and funny decrees! Urgently to life! We support! With a smile and respect,

Thank you! These new decrees should be considered in the Duma... and broadcast live to the country)

Thank you, Anatoly made me laugh and amuse myself)))) Order needs to be restored a long time ago... the youngsters have become unruly... They drink beer, smoke and destroy everything around them!

Yes, now he would have come up with something funny, and it wouldn’t have seemed too much! The ruler was noble! With warmth,

Amazed! Kudos for knowledge! Hello!

Viktor Aleksandrovich Pogorelov

Many decrees of Peter I largely repeat today's laws. tells which initiatives of the emperor remain relevant to this day.

Population census

On December 7, 1718, a decree was issued Peter I about the capitation census. According to the document, in 1719, lists of the population should have been collected, and then subjected to verification (“audit”) within three years. For evading the census or “hiding souls,” the decree provided for severe punishments, including the death penalty. Today, a population census involves the collection of data on the size and composition of the population, generalization, assessment, analysis and publication of demographic, economic and social data.

Which decrees of Peter I were canceled?

Peter I was distinguished by his great imagination in terms of inventing unusual taxes and issuing decrees that today make us smile.

Buttons on a uniform

For example, one of the decrees ordered buttons to be sewn onto the front side of the sleeve of a soldier’s uniform. At that time, the decree had the goal of weaning soldiers from wiping their mouths with their sleeves after eating in order to preserve expensive cloth longer.

Attitude towards superiors

On December 9, 1708, Peter I issued a decree on how to treat his superiors: “A subordinate in the face of his superiors should look dashing and stupid, so as not to embarrass his superiors with his understanding.”


Iron heels

On September 12, 1715, Peter I promulgated a decree prohibiting St. Petersburg residents from tamping their boots and shoes with staples and nails. “And if anyone has boots or shoes with such linings, they will be severely fined, and the merchants who hold such staples and nails will be sent to hard labor; and their property will be taken.” The decree was issued with the aim of preserving wooden pavements.

Beard tax

On January 16, 1705, Peter I issued a decree “On shaving the beards and mustaches of all ranks of people.” Merchants who wanted to keep their beards had to pay 100 rubles a year, nobles - 60 rubles, townspeople - 30 rubles. Those who paid this tax were given a special “beard badge.” Only the clergy retained the right to wear a beard. Peasants were allowed to wear facial hair, but at the outpost when entering and leaving the city they were charged 1 kopeck per beard. Mass production of copper beard marks began in Russia in 1705 by the Moscow Mint. On the front side there was the inscription: “Money taken” and an image of a mustache and beard. Since 1715, a single duty was in force - 50 rubles per person per year. Everyone who paid the fee received such a sign.


Tax on baths

The tax on home and public baths, introduced in 1704 by Peter I due to a lack of funds to create an army and navy during the Northern War, was included in the list of the 10 most ridiculous taxes in human history. Thoughtful people and merchants had to pay three rubles a year, ordinary nobles, merchants and commoners - one ruble, peasants - 15 kopecks.

On December 7, 1718, Peter I issued a decree on a capitation census. A population census implies a scientifically organized collection of data on the size and composition of the population, generalization, assessment, analysis and publication of demographic, economic and social data on the entire population living at a certain point in time in a country or a clearly defined part of it. The matter is undoubtedly important. Therefore, we would like to talk about the five most famous decrees of Peter I, which greatly influenced modern society.

Decree on the population census

In the 17th century, in connection with the development of crafts and trade, the unit of taxation became the household - the “yard”. And censuses are turning into door-to-door censuses. The number and scale of censuses expanded so much that an Accounting Order was formed in Moscow. The household censuses of 1646 and 1678 were especially large, covering almost the entire territory of the state. In accordance with tax purposes, they covered only the taxable, mainly male, population. However, in some of these censuses, both women and part of the non-taxable population were taken into account, distribution was given by age groups, marital status, sometimes even occupation, rank and profession were indicated. The last household census was carried out in 1710 under Peter I. For the first time, an attempt was made to take into account not only the taxable population, but the entire population, including the privileged strata. The census dragged on for several years and ended in failure: it could not take into account the entire population. The number of households according to this census turned out to be almost 20% less compared to 1678, while their increase was expected. Peter I did not accept the results of the 1710 census and ordered a new census to be carried out in 1716-1717. However, this new census showed even worse results: the number of households decreased by one third compared to 1678. Such results partly reflected the actual decline in the population of Russia due to wars and ruinous living conditions, but to a greater extent were the result of incorrect information. Many landowners tried to reduce the number of households by combining several tax-paying households into one. Therefore, household taxation was replaced by capitation taxation, and the censuses were transformed accordingly. On December 7, 1718, Peter I issued a decree on a capitation census.

Population lists (“tales”) were to be collected in 1719 and then subjected to verification (“revision”) within three years. For evading the census or “hiding souls,” the decree provided for severe punishments, including the death penalty.

Decree on New Year's celebration

305 years ago, in 1699, Peter I issued a personal decree “On the celebration of the New Year.” The Emperor decreed that from now on the people of all Rus' should count years not from the Creation of the world, but from the Nativity of Christ. In addition, according to the new decree, the New Year had to begin not on September 1, as it was before, but on January 1 - following the example of many European countries. The year 7208 was going on as before, and by January 1 it should have been four months of this year. According to the new chronology, the year 1700 was coming.

Since people in Russia count the New Year differently, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from the first of January. And as a sign of good beginnings and fun, congratulate each other on the New Year, wishing prosperity in business and in the family. In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. Along noble streets and thoroughfares, at gates and houses, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper, fire small cannons and rifles, fire rockets, as many as you can, and light fires. But adults should not commit drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that.

In accordance with government regulations, New Year celebrations were to take place from January 1 to January 7. The catch was that on November 28, the Orthodox forty-day Nativity Fast began, which lasts until Christmas, that is, until January 7. The Orthodox Church did not postpone it due to the new decree of the secular tsar.

Decree on wearing European clothing

The first decree of Peter I on wearing European clothing was issued back in 1699, but the boyars began to implement it only at the royal court. The tsar issued the decree again on January 14, 1700, already wanting its strict observance, and began to strictly strive for its universal implementation by everyone.

With this decree, Peter I ordered to replace the ancient Russian clothing with long sleeves and hemlines with short suits - boyars, nobles and merchants were now required to wear Western European suits. Their wives and daughters, who had previously been sitting in their little rooms, also had to change their sundresses and padded jackets to skirts and dresses corresponding to those accepted in Europe. In public places, by decree of Peter I, mannequins dressed in foreign dresses were hung. This was done to show subjects how they should now dress. Peter I gave the poor a two-year reprieve so that they could buy new clothes and, from 1705, appear in public only in foreign dress.

Decree on shaving beards and mustaches

Upon returning in August 1698 from his first trip abroad, Peter I, at the very first feast, used scissors to cut off the long beards of several boyars who congratulated him, which were considered the dignity of a man in that era. The Russian Orthodox Church considered barber shaving a mortal sin, since man was created in the likeness of God, and pointed out that all saints on icons are depicted with beards and only foreigners, whom she considered heretics for their non-Orthodox faith, shave their beards.

And if those who do not want to shave their mustaches and beards, but want to wander around with beards and mustaches, and from those, from courtiers and courtyard servants, and from policemen, and all kinds of servants, and clerks, 60 rubles per person, from guests and living room hundreds of first articles for a hundred rubles. And give them signs of orders for zemstvo affairs, and carry those signs with them.

Merchants who wanted to keep their beards had to pay 100 rubles a year, nobles - 60 rubles, townspeople - 30 rubles. Those who paid this tax were given a special beard badge. Peasants were allowed to wear a beard, but at the outpost when entering and leaving the city they were charged 1 kopeck per beard. Mass production of copper beard marks began in Russia in 1705 by the Moscow Mint. On the front side there was the inscription “Money taken” and an image of a mustache and beard. Since 1715, a single duty was in force - 50 rubles per person per year. Everyone who paid the beard fee received a beard badge. Beard marks were also used as coins. Only the clergy retained the right to wear a beard, and no new tax was levied on them.

THE ancestor of the RUSSIAN MEDIA

The predecessors of the first Russian newspaper were chimes or messenger letters, which were compiled in the embassy order using extracts from foreign newspapers and submitted to the tsar and some of his entourage. On December 16, 1702, the foundation of the official newspaper was laid, and on January 2, 1703, the first page of the Gazette was published. However, back on December 27, 1702, a “Journal or daily list was published in Moscow, which during the past siege, near the Noteburkh fortress, was carried out on September 26, 1702.” Peter took an active part in the compilation of the Gazette, marked with a pencil places for translation from Dutch newspapers and did the proofreading; The Moscow Synodal Library contains proofs of Vedomosti with its amendments. In the first year of its existence, Vedomosti was published in Moscow in church script; They were published in an undetermined period, a total of 39 issues, 2–7 sheets in 8°, in the amount of 1000 copies. The contents of “Vedomosti” consisted of: 1) information related to Russia and 2) foreign news, probably borrowed from the newspapers “Breslauer Nouvellen” and “Reichs-Post-Reuter”, as well as from others. Reports of military operations were sometimes published in the form of special additions. For the first year of publication, only two complete copies are known in the Imperial Public Library, where there are also complete copies for 1704 (35 issues), 1705 (47 issues), 1706 (28 issues and 6 approx.) ; There are no complete annual copies available since 1707. The font in Vedomosti until 1710 was used exclusively by the church, from 1710 it was either church or civil, and from 1717 - only civil, except for reports that were printed by the church. At first, Vedomosti was published in Moscow, but on May 11, 1711, we have a sheet printed in St. Petersburg, and from that time on, Vedomosti was published either in St. Petersburg or in Moscow. Some numbers from 1711 are decorated with a vignette depicting the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Neva covered with ships, and Mercury hovering above it with a caduceus and a trumpet. The volume of “Vedomosti” especially increased in 1719, when the issue consisted of up to 22 pages. In 1727, publication ceased. The right to publish the newspaper passed to the Academy of Sciences, which published No. 1 of Petersburg Vedomosti on January 2, 1728, and Moskovskie Vedomosti began publishing only on April 26, 1766. In addition to the newspaper itself, they are expected to participate in Vedomosti as an editor. Count Fyodor Alekseevich Golovin. It is also known that around 1719 they were headed by M. Avramov. In 1720, translator Yakov Sinyavich was appointed to compile statements in the foreign collegium. In 1723, “Vedomosti” was “ruled” by Mikhail Volkov, whose signature M. W. was found earlier.

The Great Sovereign indicated: according to the statements about military and all sorts of affairs that are necessary for the announcement of the Moscow and surrounding States to the people, to print chimes, and for the printing of those chimes, statements in which orders, about what now there are and will be in the future, send from those orders to The monastic order without delay (without delay, without delay), and from the Monastic order send those statements to the Printing Yard. And about this in all orders to be sent from the Monastic Order of Memory.

Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire Volume 4 (1700 –712) No. 1921


It is no coincidence that the decree on publishing the newspaper dates back to 1702. The Northern War began unsuccessfully for Russia. Having been defeated near Narva, the Russian army lost all its artillery. And now, when Russia was straining all its strength to repel the troops of Charles XII, it was necessary to convince the people of the need to continue the war with the Swedes, to explain the significance of some government measures, for example, the confiscation of bells from churches to pour them into cannons. Finally, it was necessary to inform the population of the country that the factories were increasing the production of weapons and ammunition, that the tsar, in addition to the Russian troops, had support from the peoples of Russia...

The contents of the issue dated December 17, 1702 are very characteristic in this regard. First of all, it reports on the solemn entry of Peter I into Moscow, after successful military operations, and that the tsar “brought a large number of the conquered Swedish artillery, which he took in Marienburg and Slusenburg.” Further we are talking about the promise of the “great owner Ayuki Pasha” to deliver 20 thousand of his armed soldiers, about the discovery of deposits of iron ore, sulfur, saltpeter, that is, materials necessary for further waging war with the Swedes.

The next issue (dated January 2, 1703) is in the same spirit. He informs readers: “In Moscow, again, 400 copper cannons, howitzers and mortars have now been poured... And now there are 40,000 pounds of copper in the cannon yard, which is prepared for new casting.” Further, the chimes report on the development of natural resources, “from which they expect considerable profit for the Moscow state.”

During the reign of Peter the Great, about 4,000 decrees were issued. Some of them, relating to various areas of the life of the empire, are published below.

The senators' petition to Tsar Peter I for him to accept the title of "Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All Russia, Peter the Great"

Most merciful sir!

For this reason, your Majesty’s works in the production of our fatherland and your subject of the All-Russian people are known to the whole world, although we know that in. c., as an autocrat, everything belongs, however, as an indication and a sign of our true recognition that all your people are subject to nothing other than your unceasing care and labors about it, and with the detriment of your dear health, entitled to such a degree of well-being and glory in the world it was created, we thought, from the example of the ancients, especially the Roman and Greek peoples, to have the courage to accept... to bring our petition to you publicly, so that you would deign to accept from us, as from your faithful subjects, in thanksgiving the title (Father of the Fatherland, Emperor of All Russia, Peter the Great), as usual from the Roman Senate, for the noble deeds of emperors, such titles were publicly presented to them as a gift and signed on statues for memory for eternal generations.

The Holy Synod agrees with us on this.

And this is what we generally expect from V. V. merciful non-forbiddenness to us.


About not submitting requests to the Sovereign past public places, except for important State affairs

All ranks of people should say: up to this decree it is said that in order to avoid great State affairs, and about wrongful cases committed against judges, with no other petition to the Great Sovereign Himself, without hitting the forehead and without filing petitions to the judges, they did not go and did not submit petitions ; and whoever comes, punishment will be inflicted on him. And now they are beating the Great Sovereign Himself with their foreheads about all sorts of matters, without hitting them with their foreheads in orders to the judges, and if any petitioners now appear with petitions to the Great Sovereign Himself, apart from State affairs and about the wrong decisions on judges, without hitting them with their foreheads and without submitting petitions in orders to the judges : and thus be punished without mercy, and of course, according to the previous and this Great Sovereign decree, to give justice to judges in cases, and not to beat the petitioner in vain.

About not allowing anyone to leave St. Petersburg until the arrival of the Tsar's Majesty, and about the establishment for this purpose in cities and along the roads of outposts

Set up strong outposts on all roads, officers and soldiers, so that no one from St. Petersburg will go anywhere before the coming of His Tsar's Majesty... and although they will have road guards on both routes, but not by His Tsar's Majesty's own hand, also not by With senatorial hands: hold those people tightly and write about them to the Senate immediately... and if someone knows about someone who is leaving, does not announce, or on the roads and in cities and at outposts and in villages and in hamlets, they will let those people through in deprivation of life and all property...

On the removal of barriers and on the passage of travelers to and from St. Petersburg, without any arrest

The guards that are posted along the roads near St. Petersburg and in other cities of that Province (so that no one from St. Petersburg will be allowed to go anywhere before the arrival of His Tsar's Majesty) are kept in place, since His Majesty has arrived in St. Petersburg... And those who will show up for the signature will be allowed to go abroad The Tsar's Majesty's own hands, or behind the hands of all the Senators; And besides that... don’t let anyone go abroad.

About insulters of the honor of the Sovereign Emperor and violators of general peace and about punishment from those who, based on denunciations about these villains, do not carry out investigations

"Thieves' money appears among the people, on them the coat of arms and signature are not depicted so clearly and the edges are not cut smoothly"

In the current year of March 1722, on the 19th of March, a certain person came to the city of Penza, and publicly shouted many evil words concerning the high honor of His Imperial Most Illustrious Majesty, and very harmful to the State, on which his cry gathered not a small number of people; however, they did not do this in order to catch this villain as quickly as possible and bring him where he should, only one of them, a Penza townsman Fyodor Kamenshchik, showing his loyalty to His Imperial Majesty, notified about that villain immediately in Penza in the Chancellery, according to which he informed this villain was taken... the said informer, for his rightful denunciation, was given to His Imperial Majesty a salary of 300 rubles, in addition to the goods that he had, to trade him duty-free after his death, also in cities to commanders, whoever is of whatever rank, will protect this Mason from all sorts of insults... From now on, wherever in cities and towns and hamlets the same villains will appear, and at the very speed of bringing them to the cities to the rulers, and in those cities, the rulers will receive them and shackled in hand and foot irons, without asking, send to the Secret Chancellery, or to the Preobrazhenskaya Order for a strong guard... And if anyone, seeing the said villains, clearly disseminating evil among the people, or knowing that they secretly produce such evil, but he does not catch them, or he will not inform about it, and the one from whom he will be exposed: and for this the death penalty will be inflicted on such without any mercy, and all their movable and immovable property will be taken to His Imperial Majesty.


On sending annually to the Governors statements on the points given to them from the Senate on penalties from the Governors, Vice-Governors and Landratov for malfunctions in fees and rewards for accurate correction of position

To all governors, according to the items assigned from the Senate, prepare statements of time sheets and all monetary and other required fees and expenses, and send them with their own hands... to St. Petersburg by the month of September of this present year; and from now on, send the same statements with them every six months with your own hands throughout the years, after each year of 6 months. And if any of them are Governors, whoever fails to send such reports will be severely fined; if something doesn’t arrive in any given year, or a levy that there is someone to take from, but will be sent, and then from the monetary number of this levy, and for horses and for provisions from the price according to the calculation, take a tenth of the price, that is, from a ruble to a hryvnia from his own belongings; and in the provinces this fine should not be imposed; and if anyone puts this fine money in the province, he will be deprived of his rank and all his property... and whoever is good and declares his work clean in everything: and at the end of the year, give a salary to the Governors at 1,200 rubles, to the Vice-Governors at 600 rubles... for a year in St. Petersburg, while, according to the certificate, their case is in good order in everything...

About the position of Fiscals

The Ober-Fiscal to be under the State Government, and with him to be the Fiscal of four people; including two from the merchant class, who could secretly know the merchant's fortune, and in each province there would be four people under the governor's rule, including the Provincial Fiscal from which ranks it is worthy, also from the merchant class. And in all cities, depending on the proportion of the city, there will be one or two people. Their action is the recovery of all silent deeds, that is:

1. All crimes by decree.

2. Any bribes and theft of the treasury, and so on, which may be detrimental to the State interest, whatever the name may be.

3. The same goes for other public affairs, for which there is no petitioner; for example, if a visitor is killed, or the last heir in his family dies in infancy, without the covenant of his spiritual ancestors, and other similar silent cases that do not have a petitioner about themselves.

4. In all those cases, the Fiscals should only investigate and report, and denounce in court, and they themselves should have nothing to do with anyone, also in matters that have a voice about themselves, and not at all secretly or openly touch under a cruel fine, or ruin and link...

5. If the Fiscal does not prove everything against anyone, then he will not be held guilty (for it is impossible to accurately know about everything), and if he does not convict him of anything insignificant, but all his denunciations will be wrong, however, if he did it not for any self-interest or malice: then take a light fine from him, so that in the future he will better look around and inform.

6. If the Fiscal, who for the sake of passion or malice, starts, and before the court, truly and truly from the one who accused someone, will be convicted: then he, like a criminal, will also commit what he happened to do, if according to his denunciation was truly to blame.

7. Also, if the Fiscal knows or investigates someone about some kidnapping and theft of the treasury and other things, but does not inform about it out of a bribe, or for friendship, and for that (if it is truly found), inflict on him the same thing that the guilty person deserves will...

On the structure of the Gubernias and on the determination of their Rulers

The Great Sovereign, being in the Senate, listening to the lists of the Provinces of the Provinces, ordered to be in everything like all the cities of the Provinces, as well as the appointed governors in the St. Petersburg Province in the force as depicted in this list, and to send those governors of the St. Petersburg Province to the cities, giving them instructions from the Senate immediately; and take over their management, according to the former Personal Decree of His Great Sovereign, July 1st of the current year 1719 irrevocably; and to other Gubernias and Provinces, according to the same list, having chosen commanders in the Senate, send them according to the same, after taking the oath, as quickly as possible; and having arrived to those commanders in those cities who will be assigned to where, having accepted the cities and all kinds of statements from the previous governors, manage them according to the instructions given to them, from the time when someone can quickly correct themselves by receiving the statements, and the former commanders, having accepted it from them, from those places to release about that reception with statements...

About the position of the Senate

I.1. The Senate should consist of secret active and secret councilors, whom we have now commanded and will henceforth command, and sit according to rank.

I.2. And besides them, also the general and chief prosecutors and the general secretary and secretaries and the recordist, no uninvited person should enter at the time when the councils are sent.

I.3. And when one of the high-ranking persons is let in, the senators order a chair to be brought, but only to one who would have a rank between the highest ranks, namely, to the brigadier, and they will honor him to sit down...

V.1. For higher ranks, you can choose by balating from an adviser in the collegium and higher, except for courtyard ranks, and below without balating...

IX.1. About all the matters that should be completed in the Senate, it is appropriate for such a register to be on the table every day with an inventory of how long ago any matters have not been completed, and to listen and decide according to this register, and not by choice.

IX.2. And what things will be necessary, those will be done in advance, and especially our decrees, as the main thing.

IX.3. And listen to all cases and decide in the following way: when what matter is to be heard, then do not talk among each other and, after listening, if the matter is not important, then pronounce sentences from the lower voices and decide.

IX.4. And if the case cannot be resolved soon, then stand up and, who will judge with whom for the sake of good, discuss that matter at the appropriate time, according to the importance of the case and according to the reasoning of the prosecutor general, why should he, the prosecutor general, have an hourglass. And when they stand up and interpret, then announce to them an hourglass, turn it around, and place it on the table for the amount of time required for that interpretation. And once that time has passed, then everyone will sit down in their places and, according to the above, give their voices from below, one by one. And, having given votes, decide, and do not fix the continuation for more than the time shown in the decision.

X.1. No one in the Senate is allowed to talk about extraneous matters that do not relate to our service, and fewer have the audacity to engage in idle talk or jokes...

XI.1. Nothing can be done without the consent of the entire Senate, much less what can be done.

XI.2. If sometimes someone was not present due to illness or some extreme need, then there is no need for him to abandon his work.

XI.3. However, it is appropriate for everyone to be aware of important matters and those that are missing before taking action; these absences, of course, except long-distance ones, and get his opinion in a letter...

XII.1. In the Senate, no business must be carried out verbally, but everything must be in writing, since the Senate in such important conduct of the nobles must have every fear and caution, so that our interest is not damaged in any way, and for the sake of this, all members do not come to heavy responsibility, and so do we. nothing could be doubtful...

On the status of the Prosecutor General

About the position of Prosecutor General

I.1. The Prosecutor General is responsible for sitting in the Senate and ensuring that the Senate maintains its position and in all matters that are subject to Senate consideration and decision, truly, zealously and decently, without wasting time, according to regulations and decrees, unless there is some legitimate reason for sending It will hinder him that he is guilty of writing everything down in his own journal...

II.1. He must also firmly see to it that the Senate, in its rank, acts righteously and unhypocritically.

II.2. And if he sees anything contrary to this, then at the same time he is obliged to propose to the Senate openly, with a full explanation, in what they or some of them are not doing as they should, so that they can be corrected.

II.3. And if they don’t listen, then I must protest at that hour and stop this matter.

II.4. And immediately inform us if it is very necessary...

IX.1. The general and the general prosecutors are not subject to anyone's court except ours.

IX.2. And if, during our excommunication, they appear in grave and time-bearing guilt, like treason, then the Senate can arrest and search, and order the case to someone else;

IX.3. however, no torture, execution, or punishment shall be inflicted...


About conscription of temporarily unemployed

On the bringing of released courtyard people and peasants to the Kholopy Prikaz, and about transmitting them to Preobrazhenskaya an order for a note as a soldier

Tell people of all ranks who wants to set their people and peasants free, and give vacation pay to those people and peasants, and with those vacation pay they bring them to the order of the Serfs of the court, and from that to the order of such released and free people and peasants, and to whom the people receive vacation pay happened to give, from the order of the Serfs of the Court, to send to Preobrazhensk, and which of them are suitable for service, and those who are not suitable for soldiers, and those people and peasants were indicated by the Great Sovereign, according to His previous Great Sovereign decree, to give from the order of the Serfs of the court on enslaved people, bondage, and on the peasants, loan records, to whom they want to go.

On the punishment for desertion

On the punishment of soldiers for escaping, of three people, by lot, one by death, and two with a whip and eternal exile to hard labor

Such fugitive soldiers who were caught in Moscow and in the cities and will continue to be caught: for their guilt, for escaping from service and from regiments, from three people, from a lottery, one person will be executed by death, hanged from those regiments from which they fled, and at that execution there would be soldiers of those regiments, with guns and banners and with drums; and having beaten two people with a whip, sent them into exile forever to hard labor, so that in the future it would be discouraging for others to run away from service.

On the admission into the sailor service of volunteers from fifteen to twenty-five years old, and about their appearance at the Admiralty Board

To all ranks of people, if anyone wishes to accept the service of His Tsar's Majesty the Matrosskaya, so that for a note from 15 to 25 years old, appear at the Admiralty College, only under such prohibition, so that without stealing any evil without committing, to appear for this note, so that it does not happen from such ruin and resentment among the people...


About the redistribution of old money, about sending it for this purpose from orders to the money court and about issuing new money to private people for the old ones they presented, with an addition of 10 kopecks per ruble

The Great Sovereign ordered people of all ranks to bring... old money, for redistribution again, to the money yard; and for that money, in addition to the amount they have accepted, additional payments will be given in one hryvnia per ruble, and for that remaining amount will be left in the order of the Big Treasury. And the money yard Guest and his comrades will issue new money with an additional payment to those people on the same day on which the old money will be accepted from them, without any detention or red tape or deduction, and not to take anything from those people for work and from writing to anyone; Tell them about this under the death penalty, so that in that monetary contribution there would be no losses or red tape for anyone...

On the abolition of various small fees from Tobolsk non-believers

In Tobolsk, from non-religious foreigners, servicemen and backbone and yasak Tatars and from Bukharts from their Tatar mosques and weddings and from Abyzov, crown, honey and other such small fees, which, according to decrees from the Offices, were ordered to be collected, in addition to the previous ones again, are now set aside until Our Great Sovereign decree does not order to collect them from anyone in the future; also, which lands from those Offices were given to strangers: leave them for the same reason, and give them ownership to the Tatars, and everything will be theirs as before.

On non-purchase of cloth and other goods to the treasury to save money

Send decrees and letters to all Gubernias and Chancelleries of the Governing Senate, the Great Sovereign, so that from those Gubernias, in Moscow, and near the city of Arkhangelsk, foreigners and Russians do not buy cloth or goods from anyone now, and henceforth before the decree. In the meantime, deal with all the orders for cloth and other goods, as well as clothes and other ready-made regimental supplies, in which there is an order in person, and for how much of what separately at a price, and send a memory about that according to the orders. And those above-mentioned cloths and goods for uniforms in the province should not be purchased until the decree, so that money is saved everywhere for expenses necessary for military campaigns...

On rewarding informers about makers of counterfeit copper coins, and about the punishment for concealing them

Knowing to Him, the Great Sovereign became aware that among the people thieves' copper money was made from green copper, from which copper money is never made at the Money Court, and this means that the coat of arms and signature on them are not clearly depicted on genuine money and are not smoothly cut at the edges. And if with such thieves’ money, someone will appear to buy goods or pay off debts: and having such people, bring them, or who, knowing such thieving masters, will report to the Office of the Governing Senate without fear, for which they will receive His Sovereign’s mercy and award. And if anyone behind them knows such theft, he will not report it, but then he will be found, and the same thing will be done to those people as to those thieving money masters.


On training woodcutters to saw wood

Due to the shortage of firewood in the Moscow district and in the cities and districts from which firewood is driven to Moscow with water and carried on carts, and to which cities exemplary hand saws have been sent from the Razryad for sawing firewood, henceforth... prepare firewood for sale and in a row and to myself... nine fathoms are axed, and the tenth fathom is sawn; and in places where firewood is scarce and firewood is not supplied by the fathom: and for those people to prepare firewood for sale and for themselves, in the same two years, nine blocks chopped with axes, and the tenth block sawn; so that in those two years, working people of all ranks would be trained in such wood saws and learn how to saw wood...

About the procurement of axes, staples and chisels in the provinces, and about sending them to S. Petersburg next year

In the Gubernias, make 20,000 axes, 5,000 scrapers, 5,000 chisels from the ring, make it with the skill itself, and put a sufficient number of steel, or order, and each Gubernia put special marks on these tools, for knowledge, if there is any badness, and for correction the above-mentioned instruments and for hiring a cart, determine the money as an expense from the withheld expenses of the Provincial...


On the suppression of robbery in public gatherings, on payment of all taxes together for four terms and methods of collecting arrears

In collections and vacations of recruits, and in the reception of fugitive soldiers and recruits, in collections of provisions, in collections of money from the State, from the households of merchants and other ranks and peasants, in customs and tavern collections and in all kinds of farm-outs, in collections of horses and fodder in collections and in hiring, a supply for all use and for all supplies, also for His Great Sovereign, for the establishment of armies and for the uniform structure, all purchases, and the Sovereign's sale of all goods, and contracts to be repaired in the Orders and in the Provinces with great diligence by inspection, without any crafty inventions and without any assumptions, seeking State profit without the burden of the people, to call for purchase, and for sale, and for contracts, declaring all ranks of people not secretly; and to the Judges themselves and their clerks and other subordinates, to whom any supplies or reserves are subject to reception and distribution, in their own or in others’ names, and their people and peasants should not at all contract or invent in any way; and salary income from the merchants, and from the districts from the yard and other non-salary incomes, adding everything together, to collect for four terms, and to publicly announce that for those above-mentioned periods, all income from the districts should be brought to the cities to be paid without paying... And bribes and promises in giving deadlines, and other kind of robbery and destruction and feed... on the road they did not dare to take anything arbitrarily... And if anyone is not afraid of this Great Sovereign decree, in whatever it is, the above-mentioned fabrication or from a bribe or concealment , except for simplicity and ignorance, a crime will be committed and such villains will have their movable and immovable property assigned to the Great Sovereign, and they will be executed by death...

About the number of years that younger brothers of the noble rank must lead in the service, and people of the trading class in the trades, in order to obtain the right to purchase real estate

If a cadet goes into military service and receives money from his service, with which he wants to buy villages, courtyards, or shops, then he is free to buy, however, for seven years of his service; if he is in the civil service, then he will serve for ten years; If you were a merchant, you were skilled, then you would receive fifteen years. And whoever does not do any of the above will never be free, even to the point of death.

On the prohibition of bribery in government bodies

On the prohibition of bribes and promises and the punishment for it

Soon, many extortions multiplied, among which contracts were fabricated and other similar matters that have already come to light, about which many, as if justifying themselves, say that this was not ordered, without considering that all this is harm and loss to the State adventure may be the essence of the crime. And so that in future it will be impossible for swindlers... to find any excuse: for this reason, it is forbidden to all ranks who are assigned to affairs great and small... so that they do not dare to take any government promises or collected money from the people, by bargaining, contracting and other inventions, such as b these titles and manner were neither one’s own nor a stranger’s, except for the salary; also from deeds for which it has been determined, or will be determined in the future, or will be specifically permitted by Our hand, or by the subscription of the entire Senate. And whoever dares to do this will be punished very severely in the body, deprived of all his property, defamed, and expelled from among the good people, or will be executed by death. The same will be followed by those who served him in this, and through whom it was done, and who knew, but did not inform...


About the appearance of subjects

About wearing a dress in the Hungarian manner

In Moscow and in the cities, wear dresses, Hungarian caftans, the tops are garter-length, and the underwear is shorter than the tops, in the same likeness...

About wearing a dress of any rank to people of Saxony and Germany, about not making a dress for Russian masters...

Wear Genvar's dresses from the 1st day of 1705, until the Holy Resurrection of Christ, the upper one is Saxon, and the underwear, camisoles and trousers and boots and shoes are German. And if anyone wants to wear Saxon or French in winter, they can wear whichever caftans they want; and in the summer wear one French one. And women of all ranks... wear a German dress, against the previous standards, a hat and jacket, and underwear and skirts and shoes of a German woman...

On non-trading in Russian dress and boots and on non-wearing such dress and beards

So that they don’t sell any clothes and boots to Russians... and if anyone teaches Russians what kind of dress and boots to sell, or how to wear Russian clothes and beards, and for such a crime they will be subjected to cruel punishment and will be exiled to the Cathars, and their property will be movable and the real estate will be taken to the Great Sovereign without any mercy. Because of those decrees of His Great Sovereign, despising them, merchants in St. Petersburg traded in such Russian clothes and boots, for which they... were punished, beaten with a whip and exiled to the Cathars.

About the orphaned and wretched

On the designation of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the households of His Holiness the Patriarch...

In the houses of His Holiness the Patriarch, there should be an almshouse for the poor, the sick and the elderly who cannot go to collect alms, and for ten sick people there should be one healthy person in the almshouse, who would look after those sick and provide all kinds of help for them.

And order the sick in the almshouses to be treated, and for this purpose special doctors should be appointed, and those doctors should be given food money and bought medicines from the Patriarchal house treasury...

About the fight against epidemics

About life at outposts established for precautions against pestilence for retired Nobles, for whom it is impossible to be in the service due to old age and disability

To protect against the plague from those traveling from the Little Russian cities, as well as from people of all ranks passing from Riga to Moscow, outposts in cities... it will continue as before, until the decree. And at those outposts, it is impossible for the nobles, who now due to old age and injury, to be in service on duty, to be retired. And those at those outposts, even though they are retired, can still be in the service: send them to serve... and send in their places from those who are now left behind for such sendings...

On the mass introduction of arithmetic and geometry

About sending two teachers to each province to teach children Arithmetic and Geometry

In the Provinces, clerks and clerks and all ranks of people, children... teach tsyfiri and some part of Geometry, and for that teaching, take... those who have learned Geography and Geometry, and send two people to each Province...

About teaching children abroad

About sending to Venice, France and England Noble children for assignment to naval service

We have recently received information from Italy that they want to accept ours in Venice into the naval service, and now they have responded from France that they will be accepted there too: therefore, order as soon as possible to St. Petersburg to select the best noble children from the schoolchildren and bring them to Revel and put them in prison. on ships with the first ones together, so that there were 60 people in all, namely, 20 people each in all three places: Venice, France and England...

On the implementation of a general census of taxable people, on the submission of audit reports, and about penalties for hiding souls

For the sake of the alignment of army regiments with the peasants of the entire State, take in all the Provinces fairy tales with such a definition about the Palace and other Sovereign, Patriarchal, Bishops, monasteries, churches, landowners and patrimonial villages and villages, as well as single-palaces, Tatars and yasaks... without any concealment , not looking at any old and new about the number of households and general correspondence, but making truthful correspondence ourselves, how many where in which volost, in the village or in the village of peasants, peasants, householders and business people (who have their own arable land) by name there are of the male sex, all of them, not bypassing from the oldest to the very last child, with their years, and present those fairy tales in the Provinces...

About not causing any insults to foreign ambassadors and about sending away their people in case of detention on any matter, in the Ambassadorial order

Since many complaints come from foreign envoys and Residents who are found at Our court and now reside in Moscow, that not only are their people from the court taken into various orders, but also some dishonor is inflicted on them, for this reason, upon receipt of this, declare to everyone orders to the Judges so that they firmly order their subordinates so that they do not dare to inflict any dishonor on the envoys, and especially on their persons... But when they do something bad, then order them to be sent to them and demand satisfaction from them, and punish them themselves does not prevail, since it is contrary to the rights of the people, from which state quarrels can arise...

“Since the construction of a stone structure here is very slow, for this reason any stone structure is prohibited in the entire State for several years (until they are satisfied with the structure here”).

About the Iron Curtain

About the establishment of outposts in different provincial cities and in other places on the roads to the Polish border, and about denial of entry abroad

On the Polish border, on large and small roads, set up strong outposts, at which to appoint good people from officers or nobles, giving them several soldiers and from district officials stationed there, and order them so that couriers and merchants traveling from the Russian State and they did not allow anyone to cross the border, not only those who were without road guards, but even though the road guards would be under His Sovereign’s own hand, they would not be allowed to pass by at all, and by no means would anyone be able to pass or drive past those gates, and who will come to those outposts from the merchants and write them down and send them to their former places; and if they come with any travelers and capture them, and write about them to the Senate.


On not inflicting the death penalty on criminals, except for rebels and murderers, on punishing them with the whip, about cutting out the nostrils of the most important criminals and branding others

Kolodnikov of all ranks of people who are and will continue to be in the Preobrazhensky Order, in His Sovereign affairs and in thefts and in robberies and in all kinds of thefts, except for capital murders and rioters, and as a result of the search they were subject to the death penalty: and such thieves, except for murderers and rebels should not be executed by death, but instead of the death penalty, inflict cruel punishment on them, beat them with a whip and stain them with a new stain, cut out the nostrils from their noses and send them to hard labor, to eternal work... And if there are such executed exiles who will have their nostrils cut out, or who will be stained on the forehead and rubbed with gunpowder, will learn to run from hard labor and come to Moscow, or wherever in cities and districts in villages and villages: and such executed people whose nostrils will be cut out, or even though the whole nose will be cut off or poisoned , or stained on the forehead and rubbed with gunpowder, people of all ranks should be brought to the orders and to the Burmistras in the Zemsky Izba, and from the cities of those people sent to Moscow in the Preobrazhenskaya order. And if someone begins to hide such executed fugitive people, or sees them, does not catch them and does not bring them and does not inform them, and then it is discovered outright, and those people will be subject to the death penalty for harboring those thieves, without any mercy.

About the Little Russian elders and people of every rank who fled with the traitor Mazepa, about forgiveness of them and the return of property and ranks to them, if leaving the Swedes, will resort in repentance to the Russian Sovereign and will punish them with death otherwise

We, the Great Sovereign, having mercy on those of our subjects who, through the treason of the thief Mazepa, have been led into enemy hands, declare this by Our, the Tsar's Majesty, a charter: so that they, hoping for mercy from Our Great Sovereign, from the enemy, the King of Sweden, and from him the thief the traitors left and came back without any fear under the High Power of Our Tsar's Majesty's hand... and served Us, the Great Sovereign, as faithfully as before, in their former ranks under the Zaporozhye army. And at least some of them knew about his evil intentions and betrayal of Mazepin, but fearing his power, they did not report him and were in agreement with him: and thus We declare a merciful remission of their guilt and deign to be in their former ranks, if they return back to Our Zaporozhye army... we give to all of them, who are found under the thief Mazepa, a month's time to return, counting from this below-written date, promising them Ours, the Tsar's Majesty, in a word, that if they return on those dates, the maintenance of the ranks and their toils, without any diminishment, and henceforth Our Tsar's Majesty's mercy. But if they, having despised this mercy of Our Tsar's Majesty, both from Our enemy, the King of Sweden, and from him the traitor Mazepa, were absent at that certain time... do not return: then we declare them, by this letter of Our Tsar's Majesty, for Our traitors, and We command them to be deprived of all ranks and ranks in Our Zaporozhye army, as well as their worth and property, as traitors, we determine to give them for service to other faithful in Our Zaporozhye army, and to take their wives and children as guards and send them to Our Great Sovereign, who are exiled will be exiled; and if one of them is caught, he, as a traitor, will receive a worthy death penalty...

About failure to make denunciations, about anonymous letters and about burning them in front of witnesses on the spot

Nowadays, many anonymous letters appear, in which most of the thieves and schismatic inventions, with which, under the guise of virtue, they pour out their poison; For this reason, it is commanded to everyone: whoever picks up any letter, he would not report it at all, nor would he open it below the people, but after announcing it to outside witnesses, they would burn it in the place where he picked it up, for recently someone planted a letter, as if about a necessary matter; in which he writes, if you wish, he will appear; why not only was he allowed to appear, but 500 rubles were also placed in the lantern; and they stood for more than a week, but no one appeared... For someone who is a true Christian and a faithful servant of his Sovereign and the Fatherland, without any hesitation he can clearly report verbally and in writing about necessary and important matters to the Sovereign Himself, or by coming to His court Tsar's Majesty, announce to the guard sergeant that he has the necessary report, namely about the following: 1. about any evil intent against the person of His Majesty or treason, 2. about indignation or rebellion, 3. about the theft of the treasury; and about other matters, report to whom those cases were handed over, and, as evidenced by the recently published decree, and do not sweep up letters...

About higher courts

On the non-execution of guilty persons in the Lower Courts without the approval of the Court Courts, and on punishments, what should determine thieves and murderers

In the Governorates and Provinces in the Lower Courts, if in any case for guilt someone is worthy of exile to the galley, or the death penalty, and having signed sentences about such, those cases and those people who will be convicted of what will be sent to the Court Courts, and which Court Courts Courts in the Provinces, and to those sentences to call both Governors and Vice-Governors, and with them in common to examine and testify according to those maxims, and to sign the sentences according to the testimony; and after signing those people, they will be sent for execution to the cities from which they will be sent, as before. And if in some cases in the Court Courts it is determined that those Lower Courts sentences were signed contrary to the decrees, and in those cases the decree is to be carried out according to the decrees of His Imperial Majesty; and about those Lower Courts for which those sentences were signed contrary to the decrees, and for the same guilt they will be subject to a fine, they will demand a decree from the College of Justice, and not by sending those cases for approval to the Court Courts, in those Lower Courts execution should not be carried out at all, so that due to lack of knowledge in the reasoning in vain there would not be such a grave condemnation, only on such cases sent from the Lower Courts to the Supreme Courts to carry out a decision without any continuation. And to inflict executions on robbers and thieves; for robbers for one or two robberies, if they did not commit capital murder, upon search, inflicting punishment and cutting out their nostrils, send them to hard labor for eternal labor; and if, even though someone was involved in one robbery, he committed capital murder, such a person should be executed by death, but for three robberies, although he did not commit capital murder, he should be executed by death. Tatyam, for the first and second offenses, inflict punishment and release on bail, as the decrees command, and for three, having cut out the nostrils, send them to the galley for eternal labor...

On the expulsion of Jesuits abroad

Arriving in Moscow, 1. Having secretly announced to the Ober-Kommendant for the evening, and that same night to go to the settlement in the Ezuvitskaya monastery, and there at midnight inspect and take all their letters, and when it dawns, announce a decree to them, and then let them get out, send them from Moscow abroad with a kind escort; however, order them to be detained in Mozhaisk, and in the meantime, review their letters through the teachers of our schools with you, and if any suspicious or other letters appear, then transport them and bring them with you, and not let them go; If nothing suspicious is found, then send them out, as written above.

2. We now hear that they brought many disciples into their law, and especially from the bourgeoisie, then also examine them, and those who are appropriate at seven or otherwise, are arrested.

On the lack of freedom of religion

About those who deviate from the Greek-Russian religion

About those who deviate from piety, make a public announcement from the Synod that if anyone was from the forefathers of Greek-Russian piety, deviates from piety, and accepts another faith, albeit a Christian one, just as if he forces a pious wife, or allows him to accept another, the faith or children born of himself will be baptize into a different faith, and especially if he forces or allows, abandoning piety, to be in a different faith: and about such to those who know, report to the Synod, without further time, and follow those reports from the Synod, and correct such apostates, and exhort about conversion to piety; and who, upon admonition, do not want to correct themselves, inform the Synod of the Senate about such, where (how to deal with such) His Emperor Majesty’s own resolution has been proposed.


About the observation by Moscow inhabitants of cleanliness in the yards and streets, on the removal of all litter from Zemlyanoy Gorod and the maintenance of the pavement in good repair

All sorts of ranks to the people who live in Moscow, in the Kremlin, in China, in the White, Zemlyanoy towns and in the yards outside the Zemlyanoy town, and click privet along the large thoroughfares and along the sacrums for many days, so that they from their yards dung and carrion and all sorts of they did not throw dung in the streets and alleys, and in all the streets and alleys they would clean up manure and carrion and all droppings, and carry them outside Zemlyanoy City, from settlements to distant places, and cover them with earth. Also, which streets are paved: and on those paved bridges, order the bridge logs to be taken care of, so that the logs from the paving of the bridges will not be stolen... And if they clean the bridges, they will not take care of them and will become disobedient: and those disobedient ones will be notified to the elected deity and served with order of the Zemsky Affairs of the letter, and those people, for disobeying them and for not clearing all droppings from their yards and for neglecting to cut bridge logs, will be punished, for the first drive they will beat the batogs, for the next they will beat the batogs, and a fine of 5 rubles, for beat the third driver with a whip, and fine 10 rubles...

About the protection of St. Petersburg moose

On non-shooting of moose in the St. Petersburg Province

In the St. Petersburg Province, in cities and districts of all ranks, people, where they exist, do not shoot or beat moose, contrary to the previous custom. And to catch them, if anyone wants to live... Those people who catch them, according to their replies, will be given 5 rubles from His Sovereign treasury for each moose. And if anyone in the future... shoots and beats moose, rather than catching them alive... such opponents will be subject to a large fine, and a cruel punishment will be inflicted on them.

On the protection of Russian oaks

On the conservation of oak forests for shipbuilding, on the prohibition of cutting them down and drying them, and about the punishment for the crime of this decree

The Vice-Governor of Kazan Kudryavtsov wrote to Us that oak forests suitable for ship construction are not preserved, but are cut down and dried; that he examined in the Nizhny Novgorod Province, and those people who appeared in that crime were found in Nizhny; Therefore, upon receipt of this decree, go to Nizhny, and make a genuine search for this and inflict cruel punishment and ruin on those who disobey the decree by taking away all their property, and then confirm with decrees with a cruel fine, so that oak forests are protected, not cut down and not dried out.

About sanitary standards in St. Petersburg

About beating the butchers of cattle in the shown place

On the Admiralty Island, in the newly built meat row on the Mya River, the butchers do not kill any cattle, but kill the cattle in the place shown to them behind the saw mills on the island behind the Mukhanov yard and, according to the ritual, bring all the cattle to that meat row and sell them without restrictions according to previous decrees, under supervision designated for supervision, for the fact that in that meat row the butchers beat the cattle and do not remove the entrails in the place shown to them and throw them near that row, from which the abominable spirit comes and uncleanness, and along the river from such a spirit to drive in need, about which he of the meat row, it has been confirmed many times to the butchers that they carry the entrails of cattle to the saw mills to the indicated place; but they, despising all such proposals, appeared disobedient in it; and if in the future, after the announcement of this decree, people who are disobedient appear, they will also keep the shelves and benches and other places in that row clean and will not have cleanliness around them, and fines will be imposed on such disobedient people...

"Kommersant-Vlast" (abbreviated)


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