Chatsky and Molchalin, a brief comparative description. Chatsky and Molchalin. Comparative characteristics of the heroes of A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” Chatsky and Molchalin comparative characteristics

Essay on the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

Chatsky and Molchalin

(Comparative characteristics).

In the work of A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” two heroes A. A. Chatsky and A. S. Molchalin are contrasted. They are different in their worldview, attitude towards service and higher ranks. Since the comedy was written at the beginning of the 19th century, the author touched on the topic of attitude towards the nobility.

In the comedy, Chatsky and Molchalin are contrasted in their worldview. Molchalin served in the Famusovs’ house in order to achieve the title of nobility. He achieved what Chatsky had since birth. The comedy proves that people of the same age and generation can be completely different, and this depends on their upbringing. Another difference is that both were treated differently by society. Chatsky, who had just arrived from abroad, caused some confusion and suspicion among those around him; no one expected his arrival. Famusov was dumbfounded by Chatsky’s appearance in his house: “Well, you played a joke! I haven’t written two words for three years! And suddenly it came out of the clouds.” Who will treat well a person who, immediately after arriving, begins to impose his point of view on everyone and insult people’s feelings: “I scolded your age mercilessly, I leave it to you in power: throw away some of it, at least in addition to our times; so be it, I won’t cry.” Molchalin was treated differently. He was Famusov’s confidant in all matters; even Molchalin’s last name suggests that he always tried to remain silent or say so that it would not harm his reputation.

Molchalin and Chatsky have different attitudes towards their service and ranks. Molchalin always tries to help. Even while Famusov is talking with Sophia, Molchalin approaches Famusov so that he signs the papers:

Molchalin: “with papers, sir”

Famusov: “Yes! They were not bothered, have mercy, that it was suddenly zealous for writing!

Chatsky, on the contrary, believes that no one should serve: “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening,” that everyone should tell the truth and not be afraid of it.

Since Molchalin and Chatsky are people of two different worldviews, they have different ideals. Chatsky believes that people should respect people, and not their rank and status: “Now let one of us, one of the young people, be found - an enemy of quest, without demanding either places or promotion to rank, he will focus his mind on science, hungry for knowledge ... " About Molchalin he says: “... Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers from the time of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea; always ready for battle, they all sing the same song, not noticing about themselves: the older, the worse. " They both loved Sofya Pavlovna, but they loved differently. Chatsky treated Sophia sincerely, he loved her. And Molchalin, in the end, admitted that he did not see anything good in her.

From the above we can see how different people of the same generation can be. How does upbringing affect a person? In those days, there were few people like Chatsky, because they contradicted society, but they were needed in order for the country to move forward and develop. And there were a lot of people like Molchalin, because everyone wanted to have a high title, and to earn it you don’t need to go against a person higher in rank than you.

Comparison of Chatsky and Molchalin in the work "Woe from Wit"

Comedy A.S. Griboyedov's "Woe from Wit" belongs to the best works of Russian literature. In it, the writer reflected his time, the problems of the era, and also showed his attitude towards them.

In this work, in the person of the main character Alexander Andreevich Chatsky, a “new man” is depicted, who is filled with sublime ideas. Chatsky protests against all the old orders that existed in Moscow at that time. The hero of the comedy fights for “new” laws: freedom, intelligence, culture, patriotism. This is a person with a different mindset and soul, a different view of the world and people.

Arriving at Famusov's house, Chatsky dreams of the daughter of this rich master - Sophia. He is in love with a girl and hopes that Sophia loves him. But in the house of his father’s old friend, the hero faces only disappointments and blows. Firstly, it turns out that Famusov’s daughter loves someone else. Secondly, that the people in this master’s house are strangers to the hero. He cannot agree with their views on life.

Chatsky is sure that everything changed in his time:

No, the world is not like that these days.

Everyone breathes more freely

And he’s in no hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters.

Chatsky believes that education is necessary for every person. The hero himself spent a long time abroad and received a good education. The old society, led by Famusov, believes that learning is the cause of all troubles. Education can even make a person go crazy. That is why Famus society so easily believes the rumor about the hero’s madness at the end of the comedy.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is a patriot of Russia. At a ball in Famusov’s house, he saw how all the guests groveled before the “Frenchman from Bordeaux” simply because he was a foreigner. This caused a wave of indignation in the hero. He fights for everything Russian in the Russian country. Chatsky dreams that people would be proud of their homeland and speak Russian.

The hero cannot understand how some people in his country can own others. He does not accept slavery with all his soul. Chatsky fights for the abolition of serfdom.

In a word, Alexander Andreevich Chatsky wants to change his life, to live better, more honestly, more justly.

In order to more clearly show Chatsky’s character, his antipode, Molchalin, is also depicted in the comedy. This person is very resourceful, able to find an approach to any influential person.

Molchalin’s worldview and his life position in no way fit into the moral code of life. He is one of those who serve the rank, not the cause. Molchalin is confident that this form of social relations is the only correct one. He always turns out to be in the right place at the right time and is indispensable in Famusov’s house:

There he will stroke the pug in time,

It’s time to rub the card...

In addition, this is a person who is ready to endure any humiliation in order to achieve power and wealth. It is precisely such prospects that force the hero to turn his attention to Sophia. Molchalin tries to evoke feelings for the girl, but his sympathy is false. If Sophia’s father had not been Famusov, he would have been indifferent to her. And if instead of Sophia there was a more mediocre girl, but the daughter of an influential man, Molchalin would still pretend to be in love.

Another fact is surprising: Molchalin’s remarks are short and laconic, which indicates his desire to appear meek and compliant:

At my age I shouldn't dare

Have your own judgment.

The only person who sees Molchalin’s true nature is Chatsky. With all his being he denies people like Alexey Stepanych. Chatsky sarcastically tells Sophia about the true state of affairs:

You will make peace with him, after mature reflection.

Destroy yourself, and why!

Think you can always

Protect and swaddle, and send to work.

Husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages -

The high ideal of all Moscow men.

Chatsky gives a precise definition of Molchalin and others like him: “... not in war, but in peace, they took it head on, hit the floor without regret.” The main character sees Molchalin's main problem - his inability to be sincere due to excessive egoism and the desire to benefit from everything.

Thus, Chatsky and Molchalin are completely different people who, it would seem, belong to the same generation. Both of them are young, living at the same time. But how different their natures are! If Chatsky is a progressive person, filled with the ideas of the “new time,” then Molchalin is a product of “Famusov’s Moscow”, a successor of their ideas.

In his work, Griboyedov shows that, although outwardly victory remained with Molchalin’s philosophy of life, the future undoubtedly belongs to Chatsky and his supporters, whose number is increasing every day.

Chatsky and Molchalin are the heroes of Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” They are completely different in character, worldview, and position in society. Molchalin is a typical representative of the Famus era, the personification of veneration for rank, lies, flattery, selfishness, self-abasement for selfish purposes. Chatsky is absolutely the opposite of Molchalin. Many sides of Griboedov's soul were reflected in the image of Chatsky. He is a true and passionate patriot.

“It does not serve, that is, he does not find any benefit in it,

But I would want to, I would be businesslike,

It's a pity, it's a pity, he's a little brainy.

And he writes and translates beautifully.”

Molchalin is quiet and faceless by nature. The main goal in life is to make a career for yourself and get a high rank:

However, he will reach the known degrees,

After all, nowadays they love the dumb...

For Molchalin, the concepts of honor and pride are absent:

At my age one should not dare

Have your own opinion.

The only talent that Griboyedov endowed him with is moderation and accuracy. Molchalin is two-faced.

Chatsky despises and condemns the “past century.” He is confident that the present century will live up to his hopes and will change, rock, stir up the sleeping society. Chatsky can be considered as a man of the Decembrist mold:

“Who serves the cause, and not the people...”, “I would be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served.”

Chatsky is lonely, he has no friends. The person he loves treats him indifferently. Chatsky’s communication with people is based on disputes, conflicts, conversations or monologues addressed not so much to the interlocutor as to the whole society.

In the comedy “Woe from Wit,” the author contrasts Chatsky and Molchalin with each other in order to most clearly reveal their characters. Griboyedov, presents us with two sciences of life for discussion: the present century and the past century, although he himself supports Chatsky’s views.

The play “Woe from Wit” is built on a conflict that is both personal and social. Social conflict is that the main character does not agree on life with society. The hero’s personal problem is unrequited love. He comes from abroad in the hope of seeing his beloved and hopes for reciprocity. But, unfortunately, another person has already taken his place.

Chatsky and Molchalin live in the same city, in the same country, they are the same age and seem to be similar in many ways (after all, place of residence and society influence a person). But that's not true. These two heroes are as different as, for example, fire and water. Chatsky is “smart, truthful, eloquent.” Molchalin is his complete opposite. He is a hypocrite and a sycophant. There are no people in Famus’s society to whom he would not suck up. Molchalin will do everything to earn a good reputation. Chatsky characterizes this hero well and briefly:

Am I, Molchalina, stupider? Where is he, by the way?

Have you not yet broken the silence of the seal?

His last name speaks for Molchalin himself:

However, he will reach the known degrees,

After all, nowadays they love the dumb.

Molchalin loves “moderation and accuracy” in everything. He is very flexible not only with Famusov’s entourage, but also with Sophia herself. Against its background, it looks very colorless. Whatever Sophia asks, he, like a faithful servant, fulfills.

Chatsky very often speaks out about Molchalin, even in his presence. The main character does not agree with everything that Molchalin does. Alexander Andreich says about this:

Molchalin! - Who else will settle everything so peacefully!

There he will stroke the pug in time,

Zagoretsky will not die in it!..

Chatsky advocates openness, not silence. He refuses to echo the opinion of the old generation. Chatsky acts as a representative of the future Russia. Molchalin is just one of the representatives of Famus society. His commandments: “first, to please all people without exception” and “at my age I should not dare to have my own judgments.”

Chatsky is in love with Sophia, but, unfortunately, the past cannot be returned. But Chatsky, unlike Molchalin, loves unselfishly and sincerely.

The two heroes’ attitudes towards business and service are also different. Chatsky demands not to mix “fun or tomfoolery with business.” He will never bow down to people of the old order: “I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.”

Molchalin, following his unchanging traditions, bows to his elders, no matter what they claim. Of course, this cannot be done without sycophancy. He has no thoughts of his own, neither in business, nor in society, nor in love. He is called to submit to others. Chatsky thinks this:

Ranks are given by people;

And people can be deceived.

Chatsky believes that he also occupies an undeserved place in the service.

But no matter how many shortcomings and merits these two people have, the Chatskys and the Silencers will never fade into society. There are people who have their own opinions, but, unfortunately, there are also people who submit to others all their lives.

These heroes are completely different in all respects. According to their worldview, upbringing, character, in the desire to earn their place in the sun. Silent people accept flattery, humiliation, and all the basest qualities of a person.

Chatsky is a nobleman by birth, and all the best features of a noble man are reflected in him. Molchalin does not have noble roots; he achieved his position in society thanks to his boss.

Thanks to his origin, Chatsky is educated and comprehensively developed as a person. Molchalin, on the contrary, is stupid and uneducated in his aspirations, other than obtaining a new rank, he is not interested in anything else.

Chatsky is the opposite in all views. A completely different person in aspirations and character. Chatsky loves his homeland and country, he is a very passionate and bright young man.

Molchalin, on the contrary, is completely invisible and faceless, the main goal of his life is to get a position. And the more prestigious the better, this is a dishonest, two-faced man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Chatsky does not like the past; he strives for a bright future. And hopes that society will change for the better. Chatsky served in the army, rose to the rank of officer, and is now retired.

In society, when discussing various topics of interest to society, Chatsky openly and frankly shares his conclusions.

Molchalin, on the contrary, does not express his thoughts, but agrees with the thoughts of officials who are higher in rank than him in order to win them over and move up the career ladder.

Chatsky will not obey and flatter in order to be loved in society, while Molchalin is ready for all humiliations for the sake of career growth. And his recognition in society.

While reading the work, it turns out that Chatsky is a frank and courageous person. Molchalin is his absolute opposite, a liar, a coward and a careerist.

In Famusov's house, Chatsky is considered an incomprehensible person. Soon because of this he leaves. Molchalin, on the contrary, fit well into this society. As a result, Chatsky leaves Moscow, and Molchalin remains to live here and earn a new rank for himself.

Molchalin plays the role of a liar, flatterer, silent man and careerist. Who is ready to do anything to be recognized in society and given a new title. For this, he does not disdain anything, except for everything, Chatsky and Molchalin became rivals in winning Sophia’s love.

And what’s interesting is that she liked the flatterer and liar Molchalin, and not the honest, frank and ardent Chatsky. But soon, Sophia leaves Molchalin after learning that he is also caring for Liza.

The conclusion from all this is the following: our society is full of Chatskys and Molchalins. Some are honest and frank, proud and self-confident with their own point of view in everything. Others are quiet and calm hypocrites who agree with everything, who think one thing and say another. They are lying and being nice in order to achieve their goals.

Essay comparison between Chatsky and Molchalin for 9th grade

“Woe from Wit” is a work that gives an accurate picture of the life of Moscow nobles of the 19th century. In his immortal creation A.S. Griboedov tried to raise the main problems of this time: the political system, serfdom, education, human relationships. These questions are considered by the writer from two opposite angles: the “present century” represented by Alexander Chatsky and the “past century” represented by Famusov, Molchalin, Skalozub, Zagoretsky. Through the struggle of Molchalin and Chatsky, Griboyedov tried to describe the struggle of these generations.

Alexander Chatsky is the central figure in the play. This is a poor nobleman, educated and intelligent and has his own point of view on everything, which he is not afraid to express.

First of all, Chatsky actively opposes the system of serfdom. He speaks with rage and indignation about how one landowner exchanged servants for purebred dogs. His anger also arouses the bow of the nobility to the West, where even Russian speech is pronounced mixed with French words.

Chatsky actively advocates and promotes the revival of Russia. Strive to selflessly serve the Fatherland and benefit society. However, he does not want to be a hypocrite and be a sycophant, just to receive a high rank and honor.

All the talk about a successful career, wealth, successful and mutually beneficial marriages makes the main character want to fight and try to change such a society.

But Alexei Molchalin lives and exists quite comfortably in Famusov’s society. To please everyone who is above his rank - in this matter Molchalin successfully succeeds. The young man considers his main virtues to be: the ability to remain silent, moderation, accuracy, helpfulness and the ability to remain careful in everything. He understands well that a rootless official cannot make his way into the people without the support of people who have position in society and power. The deceitfulness of this character can be seen in his attitude towards people. Without a twinge of conscience, Molchalin is able to please and flatter Famusov, the 65-year-old Mrs. Khlestova, whispering sweet compliments to her, just to “get a higher rank.”

The difference between Chatsky and Molchalin is clearly manifested in their attitude to the theme of love. If Molchalin lies about his tender feelings for Sophia for the sake of his career, then Chatsky is capable of sincere feelings. For her sake, he tries to remain in a society that openly considers him crazy and a “dangerous person.” Chatsky suffers from the fact that the girl he loves, succumbing to the mood of her environment, chose as her husband a convenient and close-minded man, and not him, a sensible man and “hungry for knowledge.”

Unfortunately, the social and love torment of Alexander Chatsky remains unresolved. His insightful mind cannot in any way influence the frozen and immoral world. But Chatsky’s desire and desire to fight bureaucracy and indifference of society certainly characterize him as an extraordinary and progressive-minded person.

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