What is the difference between a Campbell hamster and a Djungarian hamster? Detailed description of the Campbell hamster breed Distinctive features of the species

There are many breeds of decorative hamsters. One of the most popular breeds is the Campbell hamster. Decorativeness, simplicity, undemanding maintenance and care are the main qualities for which these rodents have become the favorites of many adults and children. Let's tell you more about this breed, what it needs for full growth and development at home.

Origin and habitat

It is impossible to confuse this breed of hamster with another. The Campbell's hamster has a golden coat color and a dark stripe on the back, due to which it always stands out among other breeds. Is that only Dzhungariks have such similarities in size and color. The small and plump Campbell's hamster, also called the Campbell's Russian hamster, was first bred in 1904. The rodent was named in honor of its discoverer, Charles William Campbell.

In the wild, Campbell's hamster lives in Russia (Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Tuva). It can also be found in the desert or steppe areas in Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. This animal does not hibernate, leads an active lifestyle and lives in pairs or in groups.


You can distinguish a Campbell's hamster by the following characteristics:

  • on average, the body length of a rodent varies from 8 to 10 cm, depending on age and gender;
  • an adult of this breed reaches a weight of no more than 50 g;
  • the fur sticking out to the top is ragged;
  • various colors: from snow-white to black with a dark stripe on the back;
  • the rodent's head has a round shape with small ears and a sharp short muzzle;
  • the eyes are round, often red, sometimes black;
  • the rodent has only 4 fingers on its front legs, and 5 on its hind legs;
  • pets do not shed or change color in winter;
  • At night they lead an active lifestyle.


The main advantages of the breed for the home include:

  • unique and decorative appearance;
  • miniature size, which does not require the owner to spend a lot on food and home improvement;
  • cleanliness (you won’t have to suffer from an unpleasant odor);
  • low cost (price is about 300-350 rubles);
  • ease of maintenance, since hamsters are silent creatures and do not require much attention to themselves.


There are some difficulties in keeping this breed. Campbell's hamster does not get along with other rodents of the same subspecies. This is fraught with injury and the rodent eating its neighbors.

Like the Dzhungariki, this breed is nocturnal, which causes a lot of inconvenience to its owners during sleep.

The pet is not adapted to a change of environment - it does not get used to a new habitat. Of all the dwarf breeds, this is the most aggressive subspecies, so you can choose it for your home only for the purpose of observing the life of these pets.

How long do Campbell's hamsters live? Just like the Djungarian hamster, this breed can live at home for no more than 3 years. If this rodent is given competent care and provided with all the necessary conditions for maintenance, it lives a little longer - 4 years.

Despite some difficulties in maintenance, the breed still gained the greatest popularity as a pet in European countries and America. The care and maintenance of happy animals of this breed are simple and inexpensive, although the Djungarian rodent is not inferior in demand among lovers of domestic rodents.

For full growth, development and fruiting, this pet needs to create certain conditions:

  • cell;
  • feeder with drinker;
  • implementation of competent care: nutrition, hygiene procedures and preventive measures against diseases.

Cell selection

Considering that the Campbell hamster is a dwarf breed, it is kept in small structures. For one individual, a cage with dimensions of 40 x 60 cm is sufficient. It is better if the cage is constructed of horizontal rods. Rodents love to climb up them, thus exercising.

The bottom of the housing is filled with any filler sold in pet stores specifically for hamsters. The best environmentally friendly material is sawdust. When cleaning the cage, after 7-10 days there will be no unpleasant odor from the insect.

It is recommended to keep pets in a room where there are no drafts. The cage is installed in a bright place, but not in direct sun. As for the night time, this active rodent, like the Djungarian, is very noisy, so when twilight comes, it should be placed away from the bedroom.

Another important point is that hamsters of this breed manage to crawl through the bars of the structure, so a cage with thick bars is used to prevent their escape.

If there is a cat or dog in the house, you need to provide the dwarf pet with maximum protection from them. The cage must be in a place inaccessible to animals.

Cleaning the cage

Home cleaning is carried out no more than once a week. This is enough to keep the rodent's house clean and prevent the development of harmful microflora. After each cleaning, the bottom of the cage is filled with new filler. Thoroughly wash the drinker, feeder and wheel, which can be easily removed.

When cleaning the cage, you should not use chemicals, as they are toxic and very dangerous to the health of the rodent. Sometimes you can wash the cage with baking soda no more than once a month.

Additional attributes

Feeder and drinker

It is best to use a feeder made of a heavy material, such as ceramic. This way, an active hamster will not be able to turn it over. You can use a regular metal lid.

The same applies to the drinking bowl. The animal needs to change the water daily. The rodent must have constant access to clean and fresh water, so the best option is an automatic drinking bowl. It does not clog, and the water in it always remains clean and fresh.

Decorative house

Another important attribute is a miniature house in a cage. It can be used as a nesting site for the female. The best option would be a plastic or plastic construction. Under no circumstances should a wooden house be used. In a very short time the rodent will simply gnaw it out. To create your own nest, you can offer the animal pieces of white paper or napkins, dry hay and small wood chips.

In fact, a house is not a prerequisite for keeping these pets. But if you install it, the animal will be grateful. In this design, babies not only give birth to offspring, but also hide food for future use.

Wheel for mileage

This is one of the most important attributes of any rodent’s home. It is necessary to use an object with a smooth surface to avoid injuring the rodent’s paws. The larger the diameter of this object, the better. This increases the activity of the hamster, which means that the risk of obesity and a shortening of its life is eliminated.

Toilet installation

You can also install a toilet in the cage, although this is not necessary. A tray with purchased sand is necessary for bathing a rodent. It is better to use sand from a pet store: it does not contain any harmful bacteria. It is strictly forbidden to bathe a rodent in water, since such procedures will simply kill it.

Another very important prop that should be present in the cage is a mineral stone. It is designed to grind down your pet's ever-growing teeth.


Campbell's hamsters, just like Djungarians, love walks. They need to have this kind of fun at least once a month.

For a walk, you can use a self-made enclosure or buy a walking ball specially designed for this purpose. Letting your dwarf pet wander around the house and apartment would be a very big mistake: it will be impossible to catch him. Plus, the rodent can cause major damage by gnawing furniture and things that get in its way. Also, you should not walk your pet outside, otherwise he will catch a cold, get sick and die.


The proper maintenance of a domestic rodent largely depends on its nutrition. The type of food a hamster eats will determine its appearance, health, ability to bear young, and life expectancy.

The diet should not only be balanced, but also varied. The pet should be brought grain mixtures, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Campbell's hamsters, just like other breeds of hamsters (Djungarian, Angora), love sunflower seeds, melons, pumpkins, and various nuts.

Authorized Products

Your daily diet should include:

  • A grain mixture that you can buy at a pet store or prepare yourself. To do this, mix wheat, oats, corn and seeds in equal proportions - and you get a grain mixture. The only difference between the finished mixture is that it already includes vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • Fresh foods: greens, fruits, vegetables, berries, legumes (peas, beans), as well as any greens except sorrel.
  • Dried products: hay, apple tree branches, cherries.
  • Animal proteins: cottage cheese, boiled chicken, beef bones. As a treat, it is permissible to buy your animal special insects for hamsters.
  • Baked goods: cookies, crackers.
  • Clean and fresh drink.

The animal must be fed at least 5 times a day, regardless of the availability of food in the cage. The hamka stores the remaining products for future use. It is very important when cleaning the cage not to completely dispose of the food prepared by the rodent, since this will be extremely stressful for him.

Everyone wants a little bundle of happiness to live at home. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to get a dog or cat. However, there are very cute furry pets that will significantly brighten up your everyday life. Campbell's hamster is a great friend and a fun member of the family. What is special about this breed and how to care for it?


Breed overview

The Campbell's hamster is an excellent rodent that will give any person a huge amount of positive energy and emotions. Do you want to have a pet that is easy to care for, is famous for its pleasant appearance and is distinguished by its ability to quickly get used to being handled? This furry animal is exactly what you are looking for. This pet is one of the representatives and got its name thanks to Charles William Campbell. What is the habitat of this furry miracle?

Natural habitat

Campbell's hamsters are members of the genus Hairy-footed hamsters. Charles Campbell is, one might say, the “inventor” of this breed. This happened because this person collected samples of the pet on the Russian-Chinese border.

This furry animal lives on the territory of Mongolia, and to be precise, on almost the entire territory of this country. This rodent can also be found in China, namely in the north and, of course, in Russia and Kazakhstan. If we talk about the territory of Russia in more detail, then rodents can be found in Buryatia, Tuva, Transbaikalia and so on.


This pet is often confused with the Djungarian hamster, however, there are a number of differences that are easy to notice with the naked eye, the main thing is to know them. These are the owners of small ears and golden brown fur. By the way, here is one of the differences. After all, Dzungarian fluffies are lighter.

A special feature of this breed is the dark stripe that runs along the back from the head to the tail throughout the body. The abdomen is light in color with small dark stripes that, like arches, separate the abdomen from the back.

The second important feature is the absence of hair on the paws, however, white hairs can be seen on the soles. In addition, they do not change their fur in the winter season.

There are two coat color options:

  • self – constant color on all sides without a stripe on the back, only light spots on the tummy and chest are possible;
  • agouti - dark color becomes lighter towards the tips, has a dark stripe on the back and a light belly with lateral lines.

Another feature can be called the growth of fur, because it grows at a small angle and sticks out slightly. From a distance you might think that the fur is a little ragged. By the way, the size of a hamster is not the smallest: up to 10 cm, and its weight is about 50 grams. The muzzle has a slightly pointed structure and reddish eyes. By the way, females are slightly smaller than males.

How to distinguish a Campbell's hamster from a Djungarian?

As already mentioned, these rodent breeds are quite similar and you can tell them apart by knowing their characteristics.

  1. The first distinguishing feature is the color of the coat: Campbell's hamsters are distinguished by more brown, sandy colors, with slight reddish tints.
  2. The second feature is the stripe on the back, which is narrower in the rodents under discussion.
  3. If we are already talking about wool, then these representatives have bristly fur, while the Dzungarian breed has a smooth and thick fur coat.
  4. The stripes on the stomach of Djungarian hamsters are more clearly visible.
  5. Don't forget about eye color. As already mentioned, the representatives of the breed discussed have red eyes.
  6. By the way, if you look at the body of rodents from above, you can also distinguish these breeds. The body shape of the Dzungariks is more ovoid, reminiscent of a small beveled oval, while the Campbell's on top resembles a figure eight.

Features of care

The Campbell's hamster is so small that it does not even require a particularly large aquarium to keep. Its minimum size should be 40 x 60 cm. If you want to have a whole family of these fluffies, then you need a cage that is spacious enough to avoid fights.

To prevent your pet from becoming obese, it must be allowed to run around. To do this, you can buy a special ball for walking. As for the location of the cage, it must be placed away from the sun, heat sources and away from drafts. However, hamsters need light, which can be a table lamp.

It is worth considering an important aspect that these rodents are nocturnal and at night they can not only eat, but also run around the cage. You need to feed your pet with special food, which consists of grains, and also give it daily vitamins in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Only citrus fruits, potatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and eggplants should not be given.

Don't forget about the drinking bowl and mineral stone. If you follow all the rules, your hamster will delight you with its health and beauty every day.

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Video "Campbell's Hamster in a Cage"

In this video you can see the character and behavior of an energetic little rodent.

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A cute, cheerful, small and very playful fatty is the Campbell's hamster, a bright representative of the family of dwarf hairy-footed hamsters. Campbell's hamsters are similar in appearance to dwarf hamsters; they were previously considered a subspecies. The species name was received in 1904; the breed was named in honor of Charles Campbell, who brought the animals from the Russian-Chinese border.

Campbell's hamster will give its owner a lot of positivity and positive emotions, because the life of a nimble animal is interesting to observe and take direct part in it. Campbell dwarf hamsters are easy to keep, which is why many breeders choose them.

In the wild, Campbell hamsters live in Mongolia, China, and some regions of Russia (Transbaikalia, Buratia, Tuva). In relation to other species they are territorial animals. Representatives of the breed live in groups with a leader or in pairs.

Animals do not change their coats in winter and do not hibernate, because they have learned to control and regulate their body temperature. They are nocturnal. At night they are very active, which allows the body temperature to rise to +40 degrees. Before sunrise, the animals go to bed - sleep reduces their body temperature to +20 degrees. This lifestyle allows you to use your energy correctly and save energy. Campbell's hamster digs holes no deeper than 1 meter, which are lined with dry grass and wool.

Description of the breed

What color is a Campbell's hamster?

The most popular color is agouti: sandy-gray, white or milky belly, dark stripe on the back. But you can also find plain sand-colored Campbell's hamsters without a stripe on the back and a light belly, but with white spots on the coat and a light chin. This color is called self. Many colors have been artificially bred - tortoiseshell, satin, silver. There are black and white (albino) representatives of the breed on sale.

Distinctive features

Unique features of the breed:

  • body length up to 10 cm;
  • the weight of an adult Campbell hamster is up to 50 grams;
  • the color can be of any color, but it is characterized by reddishness;
  • rounded muzzle, tapering at the end;
  • the eyes are round, often black, but can also be red;
  • tail length up to 14 mm;
  • There are four toes on the front paws and five on the hind paws.

Character and life expectancy

If you decide to keep several representatives of the breed in one cage, do not leave them unattended for a long time, otherwise fights cannot be avoided. “Campbells” are stubborn and can fight until there is blood and death. Prone to obesity and diseases such as tumors, polycystic disease, diabetes.

Campbell's hamster is difficult to tame: for a long time he does not want to go into the hands of his owner, even if he sincerely loves him and takes care of him according to all the rules.

Before you buy a buddy with a restive disposition, find out how long Campbell's hamsters live, because the loss of a little pet can cause a lot of stress, especially for children. If the child is of such an age that he is able to care for a pet, buy him a Campbell hamster, just warn him that he cannot be called a long-liver - the animal lives on average 1-2 years. With good care it can live 2-3 years, but this is rare. Pets do not live up to 4 years, either in the wild or at home.

How to stop your pet from biting?

Most breeders agree - the Campbell's hamster loves to bite. This is a feature of the breed. But biting is not only a way of protecting and showing aggression, but also a reaction to the following factors that should be avoided:

  1. you scared the baby with a sudden movement or scream;
  2. you didn’t wash your hands before handling the rodent, and they smell like something edible;
  3. they did not install a mineral stone in the cage for grinding down teeth;
  4. They did not pick up the animal correctly - under no circumstances should you pick it up by the top, only from below or from the side. It's even better to place your hand next to your pet so that he can climb into it himself.

If the hamster does bite, treat the bite site with peroxide, do not shout at the animal and remember that the bites of these animals are not dangerous. You won't be able to make friends by yelling at a hamster, much less hitting him.

Try to win over Campbell hamsters with affection: treat the baby to something tasty, speak in a calm voice, and also follow the recommendations given above, this will help wean the bully from the habit of biting.

Features of maintenance and care

The Campbell's hamster is small in size, on average 7 cm, so it can live in an aquarium or small cage. To keep the Campbell family, you need to purchase a large cage; this will, to some extent, help prevent fights between family members.

Rules of care

Sawdust or special fillers are used as bedding, which can be purchased at pet stores. This will avoid unpleasant odors caused by rodents. It needs to be changed every 3-6 days, this indicator depends on the number of pets, their activity and the personal views of the owner. Some people change the shavings every 3 days and complain that hamsters “stink,” while others do not notice an unpleasant odor even after a week. The care does not end there; it is important that the cage is comfortable and stands in a well-lit place, away from drafts and direct sunlight.

Your pet should be allowed to run around on the floor at least occasionally - he will enjoy this pastime. For traveling around the apartment, pet stores sell special balls, but they must be used with caution, since a Campbell's hamster can suffocate inside, although the “accessory” is equipped with special holes for air. As practice shows, you can leave the animal in the ball for no more than 10 minutes. The animal may overheat because the temperature inside the ball rises when the hamster runs. The “accessory” is convenient if you do not use it for a long time, because the pet will not climb anywhere and will be able to roll around the room while being in front of the owner.

Home is sacred

For a hamster, a home is his fortress; he treats it with reverence. The baby loves to restore order in it, which in no case should be disturbed. Even changing sawdust is a stressful situation for a hamster, so this cannot be done every day. It is enough to ensure that there is no spoiled food in the cage and change the water regularly. There is no need to frequently rearrange the “furniture” in the cage - rehang the wheel, remove and swap “interior” items.

Since small rodents love to spin wheels and climb in pipes, it makes sense to help the baby set up a cage by purchasing special devices for these cute animals at pet stores: stairs, houses, labyrinths.

You already know how to care for a Campbell hamster, it’s not difficult, the main thing is to love your pet and feed it properly.

What to feed Campbell?

The main diet of a rodent should be cereals. Pet stores sell special foods - mixtures of grain products. You can make your own food by mixing equal parts oats, peas, corn, wheat, nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. The advantage of purchased feed is that it is additionally enriched with vitamins. In order for Campbell's hamster to grow healthy, he needs to be given fruits, except citrus fruits, and vegetables, except garlic, onions, potatoes, and zucchini. The diet should be enriched with herbs - parsley, dill, clover, lettuce. Dried fruits and biscuits are given as treats. To ensure that the diet is as varied and healthy as possible, you can sometimes feed it with bread, cottage cheese, unsalted wheat, semolina or oatmeal, and boiled meat. The liver significantly improves the condition of the coat.

Campbell's and Dzungarika hamsters are prominent representatives of the most popular domestic breeds. They are the ones who are given preference in most cases when wanting to have a pet. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that these hamsters do not need to devote a lot of time in the process of caring for them and maintaining them.

In appearance, the Campbell's and Djungarian hamsters are very similar to each other. They differ from all others in their rather small size and do not grow more than ten centimeters in length. They have a rounded head and a short, pointed muzzle.

The Djungarian hamster has a white belly

As for colors, these hamsters can have completely different colors. They never change their color, and this indicator is not affected by seasonality.

The main external differences between the Djungarian hamster and the Campbell's are:

  • Campbell's ears are very small;
  • on the belly of the Djungarian hamster the coat color is white, but the Campbell's belly is gray;
  • dzhungarik can change its color in the autumn-winter period;
  • Campbell does not have a dark spot on the top of his head;
  • Djungarik's wool is predominantly colored in black, gray or dark brown shades, but Campbell's is almost always sandy or amber;
  • The Campbell's hamster has a dark stripe on its back.

Among other things, I would also like to note that Campbell's hamsters have richer and more varied colors, so it will be quite easy to distinguish these hamsters knowing such nuances. As for the coat, each hamster also has its own characteristics, which consist in its density. In this case, denser wool is observed in the dzhungarika, so it gathers into shreds much more often.

Eye color is an insignificant indicator of similarities and differences, because almost all Djungarian hamsters do not have red eyes, with the exception of albinos. That is why if, when purchasing a Djungarian hamster, they try to sell you a rodent with red eyes, this can only mean that it is a cross between different breeds, or, in a less likely scenario, a purebred Campbell hamster.

In order for your pet to feel comfortable in the house, he needs to purchase a cage and this condition is mandatory regardless of the breed of the rodent. The cage sizes for both the dwarf and the Campbell's can be exactly the same, since these rodents grow to the same size.

Both of these rodents prefer to be kept alone, and if several individuals are housed at once, this can lead to serious consequences. Both animals are distinguished by strict cleanliness and are able to take care of themselves; the only thing the owner should do is keep his cage clean.

The difference between a Campbell's hamster and a Djungarian hamster is that the former is very suspicious of changes in surroundings and is best not allowed out for walks, but Djungarian hamsters are happy to run around the house.

Campbell's hamster may show signs of aggression and even bite its owner

Both hamsters are intolerant of chemical cleaners, so toothpaste or baking soda should be your preferred choice for cleaning the rodent's cage.

It is much easier to tame a dwarf hamster compared to a Campbell, since the latter, when in direct contact with a person, can show signs of aggression and even bite their owner, so it is not recommended to handle them. With all this, giving preference to these pets, one should not forget that everyone is distinguished by their character, which can be both docile and aggressive, completely regardless of what breed it is.

Once your Campbell's hamster gets used to its new home, it will be ready to breed, but it is still recommended to mate between March and September. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that in winter these rodents do not show the necessary activity. After mating and fertilization, pregnancy in Campbell Hamsters lasts about twenty days, after which about eight babies can be born, but there are exceptions.

After birth, the babies are blind and naked; hair on these rodents begins to appear only on the fifth day after birth, and after two weeks the hamsters are completely ready for independent life.

Note! In both breeds, signs of estrus are noticeable quite weakly, and this can only be determined by the reaction to the partner.

Djungarians must be mated when they are at least five months old.

As for Djungarian hamsters, it is recommended to mate the female at the age of at least five months, almost exactly the same as Campbell's and is about twenty days. After birth, Djungarian hamsters are ready for independent living within one month. The only difference between these two breeds is that a female dzhungarika can generally bring from three to six cubs in one litter.

Among other things, pregnancy has a negative impact on the female’s body, regardless of her breed. During this period, she is very depleted and as a result, her life expectancy is reduced.

If we compare the lifestyle of the Djungarian and Campbell's hamster, then both of these species lead a predominantly crepuscular or nocturnal lifestyle. Moreover, these hamsters differ from others in that they do not hibernate.

These breeds are nocturnal

In nature, both of these breeds live in burrows that are at least one meter in length and are equipped with mainly five entrances. In some cases, these hamsters can settle in gerbil burrows. Since representatives of these species are clean rodents, their burrows are always in order, otherwise the animal leaves it and builds a new home for itself.

Adults prefer to live alone, but despite this, if hamsters are placed in the same cage from birth, then throughout their lives they can get along well and get along with each other.

It is strictly forbidden to share adult hamsters with each other, as this almost always leads to hostility between them. The only way out in this situation is to equip the cage with a removable partition. This way, the hamsters will first be able to get used to each other without harm to their health.


In this article, we looked at the main similarities and differences between the currently most common breeds of hamsters, the Dzhungarika and the Campbell. Thanks to this, you have the opportunity to decide on the most suitable rodent for you. But it is also worth considering that very often pet stores offer to purchase a hamster that does not meet the standards of a particular breed. This is explained by elementary crossing. If you like just such a rodent, you should not immediately refuse to buy it, since very often it is thanks to such crossing that pets that are very interesting in their coloring and character are obtained. Moreover, these representatives will inherit their character from their parents.

But still, if you are planning to purchase a hamster for crossing, then in this case you should give preference to purebred rodents, otherwise problems may arise with the health of the offspring and even with their viability.

The genus Hairyfoot includes several species of hamsters, one of which is the Campbell's hamster. It got its name from the name of the discoverer C.I. Campbell in 1904. But the work on the study of the animal belongs to Russian scientists, so the rodent has another name - the Russian dwarf hamster. In nature, the rodent lives in Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Prefers arid landscapes - deserts, steppes. Digs shallow but ornate burrows with many passages. In winter, it does not hibernate and does not change coat color.


An adult hamster does not exceed a size of 7 cm, a weight of 50 g. It has a round head and a sharp muzzle, small ears, furry paws, round eyes of black or red, a tail that is almost invisible, and the fur stands up straight. It has a wide variety of colors, which always give off a reddish tint. The most common colors are agouti and self. Agouti is a sandy-colored animal with a yellow belly and always a dark line on its back. Self has a uniform sandy coat color throughout the body, and there are white spots on the rodent’s chest and tummy. Animals of black, silver, tortoiseshell, and white colors were bred in captivity.

For a long time, due to its great similarity, the Campbell's hamster was considered a subspecies of the Djungarian hamster. In fact, among relatives there is a difference in appearance. There are many ways to distinguish them from each other:

  1. Djungarian hamsters are not found with red eyes.
  2. Campbell's coat colors are sand, gold, milky, cream, unlike the Djungarik, whose color is dominated by dark shades - black, brown and never has spots.
  3. The stripe along the back of the Campbell hamster is thinner and does not turn into a diamond on the face.
  4. Dzungarik differs from Campbell in body shape. When viewed from above, his body looks like a chicken egg, while Campbell's torso resembles the number eight.

Despite its cute appearance, there is a big difficulty in keeping a Campbell hamster at home, which lies in its aggressive nature. Even with prolonged contact, it can bite the owner's hands. Because of this, it is not recommended to purchase it for children of primary school and preschool age.

Hamsters are aggressive not only towards humans, but also towards each other. Despite the fact that in nature they live in families, it is advisable to keep them separately, because among adult individuals there will be a constant struggle for territory. Practice shows that even animals accustomed to being kept together since childhood regularly start fights.

An aquarium or a cage measuring 40*60, with only very sparse bars, is suitable for living for a dwarf rodent. Being small in size, the Campbell's hamster can easily escape. Accessories include a labyrinth, a running wheel, a house for living and privacy, and a ball for walking.

Approach the choice of bedding for your pet with special attention. Give preference to fillers made from wood shavings and sawdust, avoid newspapers, paper, and cotton wool. The frequency of cleaning the cage depends on the type of bedding. On average, this is once or twice a week, or as needed.

The cage with the hamster should not be in a draft, near heating devices, or in the sun. For your convenience, do not leave a rodent in your bedroom, because it is a gloomy animal. At night, the animals are active and noisy.

Buy a feeder and water bowl, but only a heavy one so that your pet cannot knock it over. You can also buy a very convenient drinking bowl at the pet store, which is attached to the bars of the cage and consists of a measuring cup and a tube.

At your discretion, you can purchase a bathtub and toilet tray for your rodent.


How long hamsters live depends entirely on what they eat. In captivity, with proper nutrition, their life expectancy is three to four years. The rodent's diet should be balanced and varied. A high-quality feed mixture is the main source of nutrition. Fresh food should be a complement. Vegetables are very beneficial for rodent health: pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, corn. The following fruits and berries are allowed: apples, pears, strawberries, bananas, grapes, peaches. Be sure to give your pet protein food once a week: chicken breast, boiled fish, cottage cheese. Hamsters love greens: parsley, dill, lettuce, just indulge them in moderation, since overeating greens can lead to diarrhea. Prohibited foods are considered to be: all citrus fruits, exotic fruits, sausages, smoked meats, salty foods, bread, sweets.

Clean drinking water should always be present in your hamster's cage. Otherwise, he may die from dehydration.

Be sure to buy your pet a chalk stone so that he can grind his ever-growing teeth on it. For this, it is also useful to give your hamster regular bread crumbs.


A female is considered fertile to be no younger than three months and no older than one year. In an older individual, the bones begin to harden and they simply will not be able to give birth to cubs. The breeding process begins at the end of March and lasts until September. During this time, the female can bear about four offspring. You cannot breed closely related rodents, because the cubs may be born sick. It is also not recommended to cross Campbells with Djungarians, due to the high mortality of females and cubs during childbirth and contamination of the gene pool.

Future parents need to be informed in advance. Remember that rodents of this breed are very aggressive. The pet store sells special cage partitions. This allows the hamsters to get closer and not cause any damage to each other. After mating, the animals are seated again. The cage is washed just before birth. You need to pour more sawdust than usual and put napkins so that the female can arrange a nest for her offspring. Additionally, purchase a spacious house so that the whole family can enter.

Pregnancy lasts up to 20 days. During this time, the expectant mother's diet should contain twice as much protein food as usual. Be sure to give her greens - parsley, dill, dandelions, lettuce.

Hamsters are born bald, blind, and deaf. They cannot be handled, otherwise the mother will eat the baby with a foreign odor. Animals that have fallen out of the nest can only be put back with a spoon.

Types of diseases

The most common diseases among rodents are considered to be:

  • Respiratory diseases. Quite a common illness. Occurs due to hypothermia of the body or drafts. This is why it is so important to find the right place for your pet's cage.
  • Damage to the cheek pouches. Chocolate, sweets, and cereals can cause clogging of the cheek pouches, and sharp chicken bones can injure them.
  • Rectal prolapse. The disease occurs due to diarrhea or constipation.
  • Disease of the digestive system. The main reason is poor nutrition.
  • Cystitis. Development is promoted by a cold or infection

The Campbell's hamster is a small, furry animal, unpretentious and independent. This is the advantage of keeping him at home.

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