What is the difference between fruit drink and juice or compote? What is the difference between fruit drink and compote and juice? How to prepare fruit juice at home? What is compote

Juices, fruit drinks, drinks for dessert... How to choose a drink so that it is healthy?

Cold drinks

The stores always have a wide selection of drinks that attract with their bright, rich taste. But they are not always able to quench your thirst, much less bring benefits and nourish you with natural vitamins.

And more and more often I want to replace all this “chemistry” with a drink prepared at home according to a simple recipe. This drink reeks of childhood: homemade lemonade in a transparent jug, jelly made from natural products (black, green, red), vegetable and milkshakes and, of course, fruit juice and compote.

How these drinks differ from store-bought ones is clear. But how do they differ from each other? In this article we’ll talk about how fruit juice differs from compote.

Morse and compote: differences

To quench your thirst, you can use compote and fruit drink. What is the difference between these drinks? Let's see how they are prepared and what is included in their composition.

Morse is a soft drink that is prepared from natural juice diluted with water and added sugar. Fruit drinks are prepared from various berries and fruits, both from one type and from a mixture. Only boiled water is used for preparing fruit drinks. Sugar is diluted in it and heated to completely dissolve. The juice should be added only to the cooled syrup in order to preserve as many vitamins as possible. To enhance the taste, the pulp is often boiled in water first. It is better to drink fruit drink chilled; you can add lemon or orange to the jug.

Let's see how fruit juice differs from compote.

Compote is a dessert made from berries and fruits. It is valuable because it is not canned, but sterilized (if stored for future use). Can be prepared without sugar. Compote is low-calorie and is considered a diet drink. Compote, unlike fruit drink and especially juice, does not irritate the gastric mucosa, so it can be drunk even during exacerbations of diseases of the digestive system. Dried fruit compote is especially good. It improves digestion and normalizes metabolism.

The presence of natural juice in the drink is how fruit juice differs from compote.

Both fruit juice and compote are very rich in vitamins. The value of fruit juice lies in the presence of natural juice in it, and the compote is subjected to short heat treatment, which preserves the vitamins in the berries and fruits. also rich in vitamins because it is very concentrated. Additionally, it can be enriched with vitamin C if you add rose hips to the dried fruits.


Now let’s look at compote, fruit drink, and juice, what is the difference between these drinks.

Juice prepared at home comes in two types: freshly squeezed and prepared. Freshly squeezed juice is prepared from berries or fruits by passing them through a juicer. This natural juice can be prepared for future use. We dilute the remaining cake with water, filter, then add sugar, heat until dissolved and add juice. Pour into jars and sterilize.

In order for the juice to be tasty, only high-quality raw materials must be used for its production.

In addition, juices are prepared not only from fruits and berries. Vegetables are also used to prepare this drink.

A natural, undiluted liquid product is what distinguishes juice from fruit drinks and compote. Let's move from theory to practice.


To understand the difference between compote and fruit drink, let’s prepare and try these drinks.

  • Dried fruits compote. Boil four liters of water, add a glass of sugar, washed dried fruits, bring to a boil and leave to brew. You can put a little of any jam for taste. It is better to drink compote chilled.
  • It turns out delicious and First, boil the lemon peels in four liters of water, add a glass of sugar, then chopped rhubarb petioles and cook over medium heat until soft, cool.
  • Redcurrant juice. Pass 250 grams of washed berries through a juicer. Dilute the remaining pulp with one liter of water, add half a glass of sugar, bring to a boil, strain, cool and add the squeezed juice. Cool the resulting fruit drink.

As you can see, the last drink contains natural juice. And this is exactly how fruit juice differs from compote.

In any case, if you have one of these drinks on your table, your body will receive the necessary dose of vitamins. In addition, these drinks are great to quench your thirst or use as a dessert.

On a hot summer day, every person is thirsty. At such moments you want some kind of cold drink. There is a huge selection of drinks on supermarket shelves - lemonade, juice, soda, fruit juice, compote. They differ not only in taste. Let's conduct an educational lesson and find out how fruit juice differs from compote.

Fruit drink, compote and juice: let's find the difference

Solve a small culinary problem. In the store there are fruit drinks, juice and compote on the shelf. What is the difference between these drinks? At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated, but not every one of us can give an immediate answer. Let's find out the difference between fruit juice and compote. To understand this, you need to know the manufacturing technology of each drink.

To prepare fruit drinks, you can use any berries and fruits, as well as for compote. The differences are as follows:

  • Only boiled water is suitable for preparing fruit juice;
  • To begin with, granulated sugar is added to the water and the syrup is boiled;
  • Freshly squeezed juice is prepared from berries or fruits;
  • juice is added to the cooled syrup to form a fruit drink.

Fruit juice can also be prepared from vegetables. If you follow the technology for preparing fruit juice, you can preserve the maximum beneficial properties of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice.

As for compotes, almost every housewife cans them. To do this, bring berries or fruits to a boil in water, and then add granulated sugar. Compote can also be made from dried fruits.

What is the difference between fruit drink and juice? The answer is simple. Juice is prepared from fresh vegetables or fruits. To do this, just pass the fruits through a juicer. The difference is obvious.

Preparing a vitamin bomb

Now you know in general terms what fruit juice is. We will now find out in detail how to prepare this healing drink at home. To prepare it, you can take any berries and fruits.

Advice! In winter, fruit juice can be prepared from frozen fruits. Cranberries, blueberries and viburnum will be a storehouse of vitamins.


  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon powder;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 2-3 pcs. apples;
  • ½ tbsp. viburnum berries;
  • 1 tsp. citrus zest.


  1. Wash the apples thoroughly and grate them on a fine grater.
  2. Squeeze apple juice. If you have a juicer, then the task becomes easier.

  3. Add granulated sugar and mix everything well.
  4. Pour the juice into a heatproof saucepan and place on low heat.
  5. As soon as the syrup boils, we remove it from the heat and cool slightly.
  6. Add viburnum berries and boiled water.
  7. Add vanilla and cinnamon powder and mix again.
  8. Place the pan on the stove and bring the fruit drink to a boil.
  9. Meanwhile, chop the citrus zest into strips or grate it.
  10. Cool the fruit drink, add the zest.
  11. If you like your drinks too sweet, add a little honey.

On a note! Granulated sugar can be omitted and only honey added. This fruit drink is useful for colds.

Her Majesty is a cranberry!

Cranberries make a very tasty and, most importantly, healthy fruit drink. This berry does not grow in every region, so not everyone will be able to personally collect the fruits. But everyone can buy frozen berries in the supermarket. You can even prepare vitamin juice every day. Then you won’t be afraid of any vitamin deficiency.


  • 0.5-0.6 kg cranberry berries;
  • granulated sugar to taste;
  • 1-1.5 liters of water.


  1. Take the cranberries out of the freezer in advance and defrost them naturally.
  2. Pour boiled water into the pan and add granulated sugar.
  3. Stir everything thoroughly until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Place the syrup on the stove and bring to a boil over moderate heat.
  5. Boil the syrup for 2-3 minutes, remove from the stove and cool to room temperature.
  6. Take a saucepan and place a colander on top.
  7. Line the colander with a two-layer piece of gauze.
  8. Place the thawed cranberries inside.
  9. Using a mortar, crush the cranberries. In this way we process the berries into juice.
  10. Wrap the remaining berries, or rather the cake, in gauze and squeeze thoroughly.
  11. Add freshly squeezed cranberry juice to the prepared syrup.
  12. Mix and serve. Delicious fruit juice is ready to eat.

Berry mix

You can prepare fruit juice from various berries and fruits. In the summer, many people use strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and currants. Fresh berries are carefully sorted, removing the stems.


  • ½ tbsp. raspberries;
  • ½ tbsp. blueberries;
  • ½ tbsp. black currant;
  • honey to taste;
  • 1500 ml water.


  1. Pour water into a thick-walled container and boil.
  2. While the water is cooling, prepare the berries. We will carefully sort all the fruits, wash them and dry them.
  3. Place the berries in a blender bowl and grind to a puree consistency.
  4. Now take a piece of gauze, fold it in half and squeeze out the juice.
  5. Add berry juice and honey to taste to the cooled water.
  6. Mix everything well and we can drink.

Advice! Honey should only be added to water at room temperature, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties.
Quench your thirst

In the summer, chilled fruit juice will help quench your thirst. Take a walk through the garden and pick cherries. In just an hour, you will have an amazing fruit drink ready, which will not only quench your thirst, but also benefit the body.


  • 0.5 kg of cherry fruits;
  • 2 liters of boiled water;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.


  1. Place the washed and dried cherry fruits in a bowl and crush them thoroughly with a mortar.
  2. We drain the released juice and put it in the refrigerator for now.
  3. Pour boiled water over the cake and bring to a boil.
  4. Add granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  5. As soon as the boiled syrup has cooled, we will strain it and combine it with cherry juice.

Or a glass of cherry compote: an aromatic liquid with a fruity taste and a rich reddish tint. Have you ever wondered how compote differs from fruit drink? Are there any basic determinants: where is the fruit drink and where is the compote? Let's try to figure it out.

What is fruit drink?

A cool drink, ideal in hot weather and made from berries, is called fruit drink. The main condition: fresh berries should not undergo heat treatment, but the water, on the contrary, must be boiled, possibly with pulp for a brighter taste. The juice is squeezed out of the berries, and the remaining cakes (this is the pulp) are added to boiling water with sweeteners and immediately turned off. Then pour in the previously squeezed berry juice: the fruit drink is ready!

The best cranberry juice is the one with the sourness inherent in this healing berry. It is also good from lingonberries and raspberries, from currants or blackberries; some people make cherry juice. Narrow-minded people consider fruit drink to be jam diluted in water. This is not true, because jam is fruit or berries that have been boiled with sugar for a long time, that is, the main rule for preparing fruit drinks is violated: berry juice must be raw.

What is compote?

Fruits boiled in sweetened water, sometimes with the addition of berries, are compote. From fresh or frozen berries, from fruits or a mixture of the first and second. In compote, a prerequisite is the presence of heat treatment to which the fruits are subjected. Sliced ​​fruits are boiled until tender in a large amount of water with sugar and most often thrown away - only the liquid remains, which is called compote.

It is noteworthy that the word “compot” is French and means “fruit puree.” Over the centuries, the French version was diluted with water, then the fruits were no longer ground at all - they were simply chopped. In this form, the compote has survived to this day.

What is uzvar and how is it different from compote?

Morse is raw natural juice with boiled water, compote is water with fruits boiled in it, and what is uzvar? After all, everyone has heard this word more than once, and more often on Christmas Eve. Uzvar is a compote made from dried fruits, in which pear predominates, but other dried fruits are also acceptable: apples, apricots and cherries.

It is prepared in the same way as a regular compote, with the difference that the uzvar is cooked a little longer so that the dried fruits boil and give off their aroma and taste to the boiling water.

What is healthier: fruit drink or compote?

What contains more nutrients and vitamins: raw or boiled carrots? Of course, raw, everyone will answer. It’s exactly the same with compote and fruit juice: something that contains a fresh component is healthier. Under the influence of temperatures in the compote, some vitamins are lost, and along with them the benefits of the drink. This does not mean that it is useless - on the contrary, it is much better than juices from packages in the supermarket, but if you compare in percentage terms which is healthier, compote or fruit drink, then, of course, fruit juice is in a more advantageous position due to the presence of natural and freshly prepared berry juice.

Simple recipes for fruit juice and compote

In order to see from your own experience the benefits of these drinks, it is recommended to prepare both at home and make sure.

Rinse 200 grams of berries under running water and chop with a blender, squeeze out the juice, and pour the remaining cakes into 1-1.5 liters of water, add sugar to taste and boil. Strain the cooled liquid and add previously squeezed juice from fresh cranberries to it, cool in the refrigerator. A wonderful soft drink is ready!

Fruit drinks from other fresh berries are prepared in the same way: raspberries, currants, lingonberries, etc.

  • Fresh berry compote recipe.

To prepare compote, take any fruit or berries to suit your taste; you can also use mixtures of various fruits. They are cut into pieces of any size and placed in boiling water: on average, 400-500 grams of fruit slices are taken per 2 liters of water. The mass is boiled for an average of 15-20 minutes until the fruit is completely cooked, at the end sugar is added to taste, some add spices: cloves, cinnamon or vanilla. Next, the compote is filtered and can be served: it can be drunk both hot and cold. Sometimes some of the fruit is placed in a glass for beauty; children really like to finish off a piece of boiled apple or cherry after drinking compote.

This drink is prepared from almost all types of fruits; you can make assorted compotes by mixing several types of fruits and berries at a time. They are also rolled into three-liter jars for the winter. When in the cold season it is not possible to buy fresh fruit, then such preparations come to the rescue (or an uzvar from dried fruits is cooked).

Is it possible for a child to drink fruit drink?

Some young mothers are concerned: can a child over one year old be given fruit juice to drink? If you know the difference between fruit juice and compote, then you understand that the first drink contains several times more nutrients and vitamins that a child needs, so it would be more correct to give fruit juice. To boost immunity and prevent colds, 100 grams of cranberry juice for a child is just right.

But there is one important condition: the baby should not be allergic to the berry from which the drink is made - skin rash, loose stools and other indicators will show you the right path.

There is another indicator of how fruit juice differs from compote - this is color. Fruit juice has a more natural, bright color of the berries from which it is made, while compote has a more muted, blurred color due to the heat treatment to which the fruit has been subjected. Therefore, one glance at the drink is enough to determine what is in front of you.

Homemade drinks are not only tasty, but also healthy - they do not contain preservatives, dyes or any other additives. Among the long list of mousses and fresh juices that came from Europe not so long ago, traditional drinks such as fruit drinks and compote have not lost their relevance. Therefore, for those who intend to introduce these tasty and undoubtedly healthy drinks into their diet, we suggest considering what the difference is between fruit drink and compote.


Morse refers to natural-based soft drinks. Fruit drinks do not carbonate. This soft drink is often used as a component of an alcoholic cocktail. The fruit drink itself contains at least 1% alcohol.

The word "compote" is of French origin. In Europe, it refers to a fruit puree rather than a drink. In Rus' compote smoothly turned into a drink that can be served both as a cold and warm drink. Compote is considered a dessert; it is not used in alcoholic cocktails.

Method for preparing fruit juice and compote

Fruit drinks are usually prepared from fresh berries, sometimes from fruits, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Juicy, sour berries such as cranberries, stone fruits, cherries, currants and raspberries are most suitable for use. A common and budget option is fruit drink made from ready-made jam. There are two options for preparing fruit juice - with and without cooking. The first option is to squeeze the prepared berries to extract the juice. A decoction is prepared from the pomace with or without added sugar. After the decoction is ready, the juice obtained by squeezing is poured into it. The fruit drink is then cooled. The second option excludes cooking. Its essence is to add boiled water and, to taste, sugar in a certain proportion to the juice squeezed from the berries.

Compote can be prepared from berries, fruits, dried fruits and frozen berries. There are a great many recipes for preparing this dessert drink, but there is also a classic version: add sugar to the water, boil it, and then add the required amount of prepared berries, fruits or dried fruits.

Useful properties of fruit juice and compote

Fruit juice that has not been cooked is a storehouse of vitamins, because they are fully preserved. Fruit drinks are rich in vitamins such as C, B, PP. These soft drinks also contain minerals such as iron and phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Nutritionists recommend making fruit drinks even healthier by eliminating sugar.

During the cooking process, compote loses valuable ascorbic acid. But, despite this, a certain amount of beneficial substances is still retained, for example, pectins, antioxidants and carotenoids.

Conclusions website

  1. Fruit juice is served only chilled; compote is acceptable both chilled and warm.
  2. Fruit juice is used as an ingredient in alcoholic cocktails; cocktails based on compote are not popular.
  3. Fruit juice contains 1% alcohol, compote does not.
  4. Fruit juice is most often prepared from fresh juicy berries, and compote is made from berries, fruits, dried fruits, and frozen berries.
  5. There are two options for preparing fruit juice - with and without cooking. Recipes for compotes require cooking.
  6. Fruit juice almost completely remains a vitamin drink, while compote loses some of its vitamins during the cooking process.

To find out how fruit juice differs from compote, it is worth turning to the history of the creation of drinks. Most teachings about drinks claim that fruit drink was originally called “honey drink”, “wine with honey”. It was impossible to prepare such a drink without adding berries, which caused natural fermentation in the honey water. Some time later, such drinks lost their relevance as an intoxicating product and became the well-known non-alcoholic fruit drinks - sweet water with the addition of fresh berry juice.

The word “compot” is of French origin; in Rus' until the 18th century it was called uzvar (brew). As a result of cooking, the drink was obtained in the form of a decoction with fruits, berries, and herbs.


Both drinks perfectly quench your thirst and, at first glance, look the same, but the difference between them still exists in the following:

  • fruit drinks are prepared with the addition of natural freshly squeezed juice of berries, fruits, vegetables, and compote is made from whole fruits;
  • fruit drink is considered refreshing and is often served chilled;
  • The external difference between the drinks is that the compote has a cloudy consistency due to boiled fruits and berries;
  • compote is also prepared by canning;
  • the compote is liquid, and the fruit drink is thick due to the ground berries.


If we consider in detail the methods of preparing “life-giving” juices, we can note clear differences between them.


In the first recipe for making fruit juice you need to do the following:

  • sort through clean berries, remove spoiled ones;
  • remove seeds and peel;
  • Grind through a sieve into a puree;
  • pour boiling water over the pulp, bring to a boil;
  • remove from heat, strain.

The fruit drink is ready - serve cold, garnished with a slice of lemon or a mint leaf.

In the second method you need:

  • sort the berries, squeeze out the juice;
  • Boil the pulp in boiling water with added sugar;
  • Cool the broth and add the previously prepared juice.

Berries containing a large amount of juice are better suited for cooking. You can use frozen ones, which give a lot of liquid after thawing.

The next method involves mixing boiled water, previously cooled, with jam. The finished drink is cooled, you can add pieces of ice.

You will learn how to make delicious cranberry juice in the following video.


Compotes are made from dried fruits, fresh and frozen berries and fruits. The technology for preparing dried fruit compote is simple:

  • dried preparations are poured with boiling water in advance and infused a little;
  • drain the water;
  • the fruits are sent into boiling water;
  • After a while, the broth is removed from the heat and wrapped up warmer;
  • After half an hour, the boiled dried fruits are removed and the compote is sweetened.

Medicinal properties

Berries such as sea buckthorn, lingonberries, and cranberries contain natural antibiotics. Fruit drinks made from them, and even with the addition of bee honey, are a real storehouse of vitamin C and fruit acids, which help reduce fever during colds and strengthen the immune system. Blackberry juice normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and improves appetite. For the visual organs, it is recommended to consume blueberry juice daily. But by including currant juice in your daily diet, you can lower blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, and also reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Vegetable fruit drinks made from beets and carrots enrich the body with essential vitamins and improve metabolism.

The value of fruit juice for the body is high, which is why it is so popular in some diets. There is even “sea therapy” during the seasons of vitamin deficiency, when the drink is enjoyed before and after meals.

Dried fruits remove cholesterol from blood vessels, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

For example, to maintain good health, professionals recommend eating up to 2 kg of dried fruits per year, including compotes.

However, fruit drinks are introduced into the diet of infants with caution. Containing a high concentration of natural juice in them can cause stomach irritation or an allergic reaction. Adults should also not overdo it with the drink, as it may cause skin rashes or swelling.

Contraindications for compotes: Patients with urolithiasis and pregnant women should drink a decoction of dried fruits with extreme caution.

How to drink drinks?

Traditionally, fruit drinks are eaten chilled. Now it is also served warmed up for those who want to warm up with a vitamin drink in the winter. It is recommended to drink a glass of fruit juice before meals. To be precise, it is consumed according to the following schedule:

  • 2 hours before meals, it is recommended to drink your favorite berry and fruit juice for those who suffer from high acidity and gastritis;
  • 30 minutes before a meal - with low acidity.

The compote should be chilled so that it is pleasantly refreshing after a bountiful meal.

By the way, this drink is considered a dessert. It is served in a bowl with a dessert spoon. They eat fruits and berries, scooping them with a spoon along with a refreshing liquid.

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