What does Egor do? Egor Creed - biography, photos, personal life, latest news. Creative career and recognition

Childhood, biography of Yegor Creed

Yegor Bulatkin, who is known to the general public as "Creed", was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. Despite his very young age, Yegor has already managed to find his own audience, who appreciated his work. The young man is distinguished by his hard work and great desire; this is the only way to break into the ranks of Russian stars. In addition, the musician is also lucky. He managed to convince a famous production company that he was worthy of the audience's attention.

Already in childhood, Creed was interested in art, especially music. Interest in music developed every year. Like most of his peers, Bulatkin was interested in a new and previously unknown musical direction for Russia. hip-hop. At one time his favorite band was “50 cent”. This group not only developed their musical taste, but also helped Yegor form his own style. Creed tried to express his teenage experiences in poetry, which over time began to be set to music.

All the works of the young talent were distinguished by the special meaning and emotions that Yegor put into his compositions. Despite the fact that poetry was initially difficult for the teenager, over time it became his favorite pastime. Reading your compositions in musical rhythm is not an easy task. However, the young man’s long efforts yielded their first fruits. Over time, he became a “star” among his friends, who admired their friend’s musical skills.

In 2011, Yegor’s friends persuaded him to make a video and post it on the Internet. By that time, there was already an example of several famous performers who, thanks to YouTube, were able to break into the world and gain popularity. Egor approached the task almost professionally. I shot the video with my friends. In order to edit the text and video, I had to turn to professionals.

To the surprise of many, the video, at that time from an unknown artist, received several million views. The work of the young musician received resonance on social networks. He gained his first fans who could not resist the text about betrayal and separation. The main theme of his songs is unhappy love and female betrayal. The teenager put all his experiences into the texts.

Soon, the video was noticed in the production center "Black Star", which belongs to Timati. Egor and Timati turned out to have a lot in common. They love the same music and work in the same style. The production center decided to work on the future career of Creed, who is the youngest member of the team. At the moment, Creed still cannot boast of a bright hit, but he already has a number of fairly well-known songs that are loved by many. The production team released several videos for the young man. Famous TV presenter Victoria Bonya starred in his video.

Yegor Creed is accompanied everywhere by crowds of fans; already at such a young age he tasted his first popularity. However, the main song and the main work of the musician is still ahead.

Personal life, Yegor Creed's girlfriend

As the musician admitted at the premiere of his video clip, he has a girlfriend with whom they have a fairly strong relationship. Bulatkin’s colleagues say that Creed is very jealous, as is his companion. Young people often make scenes of jealousy for each other, but despite this, they sincerely love each other.

At the same time, hundreds of his fans do not lose hope of winning the heart of Creed. Egor began his career on the Internet, and there are still a large number of connoisseurs of his music who find the artist on pages on social networks.

Egor Creed with his parents:

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The talented Yegor Creed: how did he become a famous singer, and does the ladies' man have a wife?

E mountain Creed is loved for his stylish creativity and good looks; The charismatic singer performs a lot throughout Russia, and many fans are eagerly awaiting him everywhere. We will tell you how the singer’s bright talent awakened and touch on his personal life: does Yegor have a wife?

The making of a Russian star

Egor's real name is Bulatkin, he was born into a wealthy family in the city of Penza on June 25, 1994. His father at that time was a successful businessman, and previously a member of the local VIA. His older sister, like his mother, became a singer.

The boy developed a love for music from early childhood, which is natural - the whole family was somehow connected with art; one might say that Yegor’s reverent attitude towards musical creativity was innate.

Fashionable Egor Creed

He grew up as a very active boy: Creed studied vocals and mastered the art of guitar; In parallel with his studies at the elite lyceum, he attended sports and chess sections, played sports games and took part in various tournaments.

At this time, he was already interested in “rap” and “r’n’b”, he showed himself as a composer - Yegor wrote his first song text at the age of 11. At the age of 14, he came up with the pseudonym “Creed,” under which he now performs.

The young man began conquering the Russian stage in 2011 through the social network VKontakte. On his page, he first posted his song, and then a video for it. The track “Love on the Net” became very popular: in less than a month, the number of views of the video exceeded a million.

Some time later, after moving to Moscow and entering the Gnessin Music School, producers contacted him and offered cooperation. This happened after the young man posted on the Internet a cover version of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy,” which became very popular.

Egor began collaborating with the label founded by Timati himself - “Black Star inc.”, having signed a contract. And here he was able to fully devote himself to his favorite business, taking up creativity, creating and recording songs, as well as concert activities. Creed was even forced to take a leave of absence from school because of his activity in creativity.

In 2015, Egor released his first album, and one of the tracks in the collection became the best song of the year, and Egor himself received the MuzTV award.

The young man began to actively tour, release videos, and be broadcast on the country’s television screens and radio. In addition to his beautiful voice, Yegor had an attractive appearance, and this made him even more popular: fans of the young star wanted to see a beautiful star in their city. The singer began working on a very active schedule.

Yegor Creed has become a favorite of Russian show business; he often appears at various social events, parties and festivals. In addition, he is invited to participate in various television projects.

Why doesn't Yegor Creed have a wife yet?

Yegord Creed - an eligible bachelor

The popular performer is only 22 years old, but despite his young age, he is already thinking about a family, loves and wants children, and wants to become a father. However, this does not prevent him from being a famous ladies' man.

The paparazzi are looking for various information about the singer’s personal life and find it without difficulty - he always had a lot of girls.

Speaking of serious romances, we should highlight the relationship with fashion model Diana Melisson, which lasted 1 year, starting in 2012.

After some time, it became known about Yegor’s affair with the famous singer Nyusha, who was older than her chosen one. The couple did not advertise their relationship, although there was talk about a possible wedding and the appearance of children together, but they were not confirmed - at the end of 2015 the couple broke up.

At the moment, Yegor does not have a serious relationship, there is only a lot of gossip about the loving singer’s contacts with many stars; It is believed that he is in a relationship with model Ksenia Deli, but he himself does not confirm this.

As the young man says, he is ready and wants to find his beloved girl who can bear him children, but so far Yegor has not chosen anyone.

Now he continues to be creative, perform in different cities and enjoy the life of a popular singer beloved by women. We wish Yegor further success, new achievements, as well as the fulfillment of his dream - to find a wife who can give birth to talented heirs.

Egor Creed (the real name of the singer is Bulatkin Egor Nikolaevich) (born in 1994) - Russian artist and popular singer.

Let's start the biography of the singer with his childhood and youth. He was born on June 25, 1994 in the Russian city of Penza. His real name is Bulatkin. Even as a child, he wanted to become a famous musician. Egor Creed studied at the Lyceum STU (modern management technologies) No. 2 in the city of Penza. In his youth, Egor became a fan of hip-hop. The young man was noticed because he kept his own video blog. Despite such a young age, the singer is very popular and continues his rapid rise up the career ladder.

Also in the biography of Yegor Creed, it should be noted his love for creativity and music since school. As a teenager, he began writing songs that talked about love experiences and relationships between two people. In addition, Yegor Creed recorded performances of songs that he himself wrote.

Yegor Nikolaevich's family consists of four people: himself, his parents and his sister. Egor's father is a businessman, owner of the Unitron company. Yegor Creed's (Bulatkina) mother is a deputy director in the same company. The sister is a producer, actress and screenwriter all rolled into one. She currently lives in America.


Music performed by Yegor Creed is very popular. In 2015, his “Bachelor” was released - the initial album of songs by Yegor Creed. The following songs performed by him:

1. “Love on the Internet.”

2. “Distances” is Yegor’s second officially recorded song.

3. “More than love.”

4. "Starlet".

5. “Get my pulse going.”

6. “I’m hooking you.”

7. “Only you, only me.”

8. “Is it necessary?”

9. “Being modest is not in fashion.”

10. Hit, released in 2014 - “The Most-Most.” For a long time she took leading places in a variety of hit parades.

11. "Bride."

12. "Daddy's girl."

The following video clips were shot to the music of Yegor Creed:

1. “Love on the Net” (directed by Bulatkin himself) is Egor’s first video, filmed by the singer himself in 2011.

2. “Start My Pulse” (directed by S. Gray).

3. “Starlet” (directed by A. Figurov).

4. “More than love” (directed by A. Figurov).

5. “Distances” (directed by A. Solomakhin).

6. “Being modest is not in fashion” (directed by A. Kupriyanov).

7. “The most - the most” (directed by A. Kupriyanov). Today, more than 30 million people have already watched it on YouTube, which indicates the incredible popularity of this single.

8. “Is it necessary” (directed by A. Kupriyanov).

9. “The Bride” (directed by A. Kupriyanov).

10. “I will stay” (directed by M. Adelshin).

11. "Daddy's Girl"

Personal life

The personal life of Yegor Creed is not a rare topic for discussion. There are rumors that he had affairs with famous Russian actresses, as well as models and singers. So who is Yegor Creed dating? Who did he choose and who is his girlfriend?

As Bulatkin himself reports, his heart is absolutely free today. Now he spends too much time on creativity, touring and concerts, writing new songs and shooting videos. However, he clarifies the fact that he intends to start a family later. To do this, he only needs to meet the one and only one he wants to marry.

Egor Creed and Ksenia Delhi

They say that Ksenia Delhi and Yegor Creed are dating. This became known thanks to the photos they post on Instagram. There are several photographs of Yegor and Ksenia together. Yegor Creed hides his girlfriend, all the photos with her do not show her face. However, they were declassified due to Deli’s suit; in the photo of Yegor and the girl, the same suit is worn on the model’s Instagram, from which we can conclude about the relationship between Yegor Creed and Ksenia Deli. We hope that soon they will officially declare themselves a couple. In the meantime, it is known that their relationship has been going on for more than one month.


Two loving glances directed at each other by Nyusha and Yegor Creed were noticed by many at the end of spring, starting from the day when Nyusha arrived at the grand presentation of Yegor’s video “Is it necessary” at a club in Moscow.

Looking at Yegor and Nyusha, the party participants suddenly noticed the fact that Nyusha’s car was standing near the site where Yegor Creed’s video was being filmed. Some noted that in one of the episodes of the “Ask for It” program, Yegor Creed showed his bachelor apartment, clarifying that he is currently living with his girlfriend in her apartment.

In the summer the situation became even clearer. At the beginning of summer, Nyusha and Creed gave a joint concert in Zheleknogorsk, while they stayed in one of the hotels. A photograph of a girl’s eye and a caption appeared on Yegor Creed’s Instagram saying that only with this girl did he understand why one can drown in one’s beloved eyes. Fans easily recognized singer Nyusha’s eyes in this photo. Also, one of the food delivery workers said that he brought the order to Nyusha’s apartment, but it was not she who opened the door. He was met by a half-naked rapper named Yegor, while Nyusha was singing her song “Higher” on the sofa. Nyusha’s neighbor Vika noted that Yegor Creed does not spend the night with Nyusha, but sometimes comes to visit her, and on his Instagram there is a photo in which Yegor stands with flowers in the elevator of their building.

There are various rumors, but most still believe that Diana Melison and Yegor Creed met at the club, since both love to relax there. The relationship between Creed and Melison became known after the couple began posting photos together on Instagram.

Yegor Creed dedicated two of his songs to Diana, “I Don’t Stop,” as well as “Flew Away,” which talks about the separation of a young couple. The young people separated, it is believed, due to Yegor Creed’s numerous trips and tours. He was so carried away by work that there was practically no time left for his favorite fashion model Diana.

At 24 years old Egor Creed- a successful and recognizable performer. His songs are sung along by both his peers and representatives of the older generation: the artist appears quite often on television, his songs appear on the radio charts, and details of his personal life and work increasingly appear on the pages of popular publications. AiF.ru provides a biography of this performer.

Egor Creed. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Egor Creed (real name Bulatkin) was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. His father was the owner of a processing factory, his mother also worked in this business and, in addition, was fond of singing. The Bulatkin family encouraged and supported the creative pursuits of their children: Yegor’s older sister Polina is an actress.

Since childhood, Egor dreamed of connecting his life with music. At the same time, the boy was actively involved in sports sections: football, basketball, tennis, chess. In his youth, the future artist became interested in hip-hop, began to compose his own compositions, record them and shoot videos on them.


Creed graduated from the Penza Lyceum of Modern Management Technologies No. 2, but his career still developed in the field of music. It all started with the original song “Love on the Net,” which Egor posted on his social network in 2011. The composition unexpectedly became very popular among the singer’s peers, and the subsequently published video for it received two million views within a couple of weeks.

In 2012, the aspiring performer took part in the “VKontakte Star - Channel Five” competition and became its winner in the “Best Hip-Hop Project” category. After this, the guy began to be invited to large local concerts, Penza performers began to offer him cooperation. Large production centers also became interested in the singer, among which was the forge of rap artists Black Star Inc. In April 2012, Creed signed a contract with this label.

Having moved to the capital, Yegor entered the production department of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. True, in 2015, a tough touring schedule and many projects forced the singer to go on sabbatical.

A year earlier, the aspiring artist burst into the top of the charts with his song “The Samaya.” The video for this song on YouTube has collected more than 120 million views. 2015 was a fruitful year for the artist: first, he received the prestigious “Soundtrack” award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category, and then recorded his first solo album, “Bachelor.” Subsequently, Creed was repeatedly nominated for prestigious music awards, including the Muz-TV, Ru-TV, MusicBox, and Golden Gramophone awards. Now Creed has more than forty singles in his creative treasury, he actively participates in national concerts and holds his own.

Personal life

Yegor Creed is not married, but quite often stories appear in the press about his joint appearances with famous singers, actresses and models. At various times, Creed was credited with having affairs with the actress Miroslava Karpovich, singers Nyusha And Victoria Daineko, daughter of an actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Anna.

In 2018, Yegor Creed took part in the sixth season of the television project “The Bachelor,” in which 25 beauties came to compete for his heart. For several months, the performer selected a possible life partner for himself: in the end, in the finale, he handed the ring to the 23-year-old model Daria Klyukina. But the wedding did not happen: almost immediately after the end of the show’s broadcast, Creed admitted that he had broken up with his girlfriend.

Yegor Creed is a popular Russian singer whose songs are known and sung by both children and adults. He is successful, handsome and recognizable

Date of Birth: June 25, 1994
Place of Birth: Penza, Russia
Zodiac sign: Cancer

“My musicians and I travel around cities and not just sing, but put on a show. We give people happiness, emotions, mood. We are artists!

“It’s nice to see grown girls and grown boys at my concerts. I have grown and my audience has grown with me. I didn't expect that adults would listen to my song. My mother always tells me that all her friends at work listen to my songs.”

“I love sitting on the roofs of houses. I often come here to be alone with the clouds. As they say, stay a little closer to God and ask him a few questions, wait for answers. Here I am alone with my thoughts, I come here for inspiration, I try to think about what to do next and where to go.”

Biography of Yegor Creed

Yegor's parents are successful people in his native Penza. Dad Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin and mother Marina Petrovna run their own business: they supply raw materials for confectionery industry enterprises in their city. The older sister's name is Polina - she is an actress and producer.

Since childhood, Egor dreamed of becoming a famous singer. True, the future star was a rowdy teenager. When he was 11-13 years old, he had a team of graffiti artists, and it was called Creed Worms, where Egor was the main one. The guys painted the walls of houses, one might say, engaged in vandalism, and also ran tirelessly across the roofs. By the way, when Yegor Bulatkin began to study music seriously, he took the pseudonym KReeD, after the name of the team.

For all his cocky nature, the boy was actively involved in football, basketball, tennis and chess. He became interested in hip-hop and began composing songs. The first critic of his work was, of course, his mother. He always asked her for advice.

The beginning of a singer's career

Egor Bulatkin graduated from the Lyceum of Modern Management Technologies No. 2 in Penza in 2012, and by this time he had already signed a contract with Timati’s production label “Black Star inc.” And it all started with the fact that KReeD composed and posted on his VKontakte page in 2011 a video for his own song “Love on the Network.”

Having moved to Moscow, Yegor lived in the apartment where his sister Polina had previously lived before moving to the USA. Egor entered the RAM named after. Gnessins to the production department. True, in 2015 he was forced to go on academic leave, since his busy touring schedule did not allow him to study further.
The breakthrough came in 2014, when the young singer’s song “The Samaya” broke into the top of the charts. This song was dedicated to the singer Nyusha. And then there was the song “Bride,” also dedicated to this girl.

Now Yegor Creed has more than forty songs to his credit, he actively participates in national concerts and collects his own.

  1. Egor starred in two TV series - “Deffchonki” (played Zvonarev’s friend) and “Hotel Eleon” (played himself). And he dreams of starring in a horror film.
  2. Creed is a fan of the King of Pop Michael Jackson. In his bachelor's apartment, Yegor has a collection of books, films, posters and posters with the star.

Personal life

Reports about Creed's new novels periodically appear in the media. Either with actress Miroslava Karpovich, then with models Diana Melison, Victoria Odintsova and Ksenia Deli, then with the daughter of actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Anya Stryukova, then with singers Nyusha and Victoria Daineko. By the way, Yegor said this about his affair with Nyusha:

“Anya is the best girl I’ve ever had in my life. This is the person who was a super motivator for me. In my life, she will be the person thanks to whom all the ice melted and the train started moving, and now it travels far, without stopping.”

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