What Tom Sawyer's story taught me. Characteristics of Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer is an ordinary child from a prosperous family. The world of adults and the world of children in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer is the owner of a rebellious character, a fidget, a prankster and a great adventurer, who settled in four books by the writer. The former journalist went through a path of creative torment before he found the right form for the work and, in fact, the hero who was destined to become a favorite of young readers. Funny adventures created the author's reputation as a great humorist and master of intrigue. Unbridled imagination, enthusiasm and mischievous actions - the life of a boy from the town of St. Petersburg will be the envy of any child.

History of creation

Mark Twain gave children four novels in which exciting events unfold: “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “Tom Sawyer Abroad” and the detective story “Tom Sawyer - Detective”. The author never finished another work called “The Tom Sawyer Conspiracy.”

The first book was born with difficulty: Twain began it in 1872, and finished it only by the summer of 1875. An interesting fact is that the author wrote this work for the first time in his creative biography on a typewriter. The autobiographical novel is based on the writer’s childhood, when the worries of adulthood had not yet burst into a serene world filled with dreams of exploits and accomplishments. Mark Twain admitted that, like the heroes of his novels, as a boy he wanted to find a treasure, build a raft, and settle on a desert island.

The author borrowed the name of the character from an acquaintance, Thomas Sawyer, with whom fate brought him together in California. However, the prototypes were three boy friends from distant childhood, as Twain talks about in the preface. That's why the main character turned out to be such a contradictory character.

The prose writer wrote not so much for children, but for their parents, trying to convey to moms and dads that children do not have enough roof over their heads and clothes. You need to try to understand the magical world of a child, and not evaluate his actions only negatively - behind every action there is a “great” idea. Indeed, simple language, a huge number of curiosities and sparkling humor made the novels excellent reading for adults.

The dates of writing of subsequent books are 1884, 1894 and 1896. At least a dozen writers tried to translate novels into Russian, but the translation was recognized as the best work. The writer presented the work to Soviet children in 1929.

Biography and plot

Tom Sawyer lives in the small town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, on the banks of the Mississippi River in the family of his aunt - after the death of his mother, she took the boy in to raise him. Days fly by studying at school, fighting and playing on the street, and Tom also makes friends with a street child and falls in love with a beautiful peer, Becky. In general, everything is like an ordinary teenager.

An incredible optimist, Tom can turn every problem into a profitable event. Thus, whitewashing the fence, which the boy was assigned by his aunt as punishment, becomes a profitable business. Tom works with a brush with such gusto and pleasure that his young acquaintances also want to try it. In this case, Sawyer made a whole “fortune”, adding glass marbles, a one-eyed kitten and a dead rat to the piggy bank of his boyish treasures.

One day, the main character of the novel met Finn on the street, and a controversy broke out between the boys about the effectiveness of treating warts. Huckleberry revealed a new method that requires a dead cat and a trip to the cemetery at night. From that moment on, the exciting adventures of friends began.

The boys witness a murder in a cemetery, decide to become pirates, and together with their school friend Joe, build a fleet and set off on a journey to a nearby island. The friends even managed to find a chest of gold and become the richest boys in the city.

The adventures of the friends continue in the next book, where Huckleberry Finn comes to the fore. Tom helps his friend save Jim's slave by pulling off a whole scam. And in the third novel, the friends find themselves in a hot air balloon - a series of trials awaits them on a journey across America, over the Sahara and the Atlantic Ocean.

Later, Tom Sawyer was to visit Arkansas, where, again with Finn, the boy became involved in a murder investigation and the theft of diamonds.

Film adaptations

Mark Twain's works were used several times by famous directors. William Taylor first brought the adventures of the young prankster to film in 1917. However, the film was not a success. But the next film, directed by John Cromwell in 1930, became a box office leader. 40 years later, the Americans repeated the success - the musical film directed by Don Taylor was nominated three times for an Oscar and twice for a Golden Globe. The main role went to Johnny Whitaker.

The French decided to approach the adventures of an American boy on a grand scale, releasing the series “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (1968), albeit in a mini-format. Roland Demongeau transformed into the restless Tom.

In the country of the Soviets, the producers also did not ignore Mark Twain's novel. Based on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the black-and-white film was created by Lazar Frenkel and Gleb Zatvornitsky in 1936. However, the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn”, which appeared on Soviet movie screens in 1981, gained great fame. He tried on the image of Tom, and his friend Huckleberry was a future celebrity, for whom the role became his debut.

Govorukhin gathered famous actors on the set. The characters from the American book were played by (Aunt Polly Sawyer), (Muff Potter). The role of Tom's beloved Becky was played by his daughter. The film crew traveled around the world: the geography of the film included Ukraine, the Caucasus, Abkhazia, and the Dnieper convincingly appeared in the image of the Mississippi River.

The director's new interpretation of Twain's books was presented to the audience by Hermine Huntgeburt. In Tom Sawyer (2011), the roles are given to Louis Hoffman (Tom) and Leon Sidel (Huckleberry).

Producer Boris Shenfelder said in an interview:

“The idea to make a film about Sawyer came to me after watching “Hands Off the Mississippi” and “Brilliant Con artists.” Thinking about these two films, I decided to make a film for children and young adults that would not blindly pander to children's tastes and would be out of our time."

The plan turned out to be realized quite successfully.

The last film adaptation of Mark Twain's literary creation happened in 2014. The film "Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" was co-produced in Germany and the USA and directed by Joe Kastner. The restless boy-inventor was played by Joel Courtney.

  • Hidden under the name St. Petersburg is the hometown of Hannibal, where Mark Twain was born and raised. Tom Sawyer's entourage has real-life prototypes. For example, Aunt Polly is “based” on the writer’s mother, and Becky is based on the neighbor girl Laura Hawkins.
  • In 2005, the Children's Musical Theater for Young Spectators staged the sparkling musical Tom Sawyer. The music and lyrics for the performance were written by composer Viktor Semenov; the audience especially likes the composition “Star River.”
  • The two-story house of the Hawkins family still adorns the street of the writer’s hometown. Hannibal officials are planning to renovate the building and open a Becky Thatcher Museum. Nearby, according to fans of Twain’s work, stands “the same” fence that Twain had to whitewash, and a block from the street rises Cardiff Hill, where the children’s games described in the novel took place. The caves in which Tom once got lost with Becky are also located in the vicinity of the village.
  • Various artists undertook to illustrate Mark Twain's books, but the best work is considered to be the pictures of Robert Ingpen.


“It often happens that the fewer justifications there are for some ingrained custom, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.”
“There is no worse fool than an old fool. No wonder they say: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
“What will you do with your share, Tom?
- I’ll buy a drum, a real saber, a red tie, a bulldog puppy and get married.
- Are you getting married?
- Well, yes.
- Tom, you... you're out of your mind!
“The only thing that’s nice is that it’s hard to get.”
“The main thing is to believe. If you believe, then everything will definitely be fine - even better than you can arrange for yourself.”
“Fame, of course, is an important and valuable thing, but for real pleasure, a secret is still better.
“In the Middle Ages, the difference between humans and locusts was that locusts were not stupid.”
“You can tell everything about girls by their faces - they have no self-control.”

The main character of the story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is an enterprising and smart boy named Tom. He lives in the house of his Aunt Polly, who took him in after the death of his sister. Aunt tries to raise Tom strictly, not to spoil the boy. One day Tom misbehaved more than usual, and Aunt Polly, for educational purposes, forced him to paint the fence on his day off.

Tom didn’t want to spend the whole Saturday next to a long and high fence. And he came up with a wonderful solution to the problem - he began to paint the fence with such an air as if there was nothing more interesting in the world than this task. Neighborhood boys passing by became infected with Tom's enthusiasm and begged him to let them paint the fence. And Tom, being stubborn for the sake of appearance, gave such permission, but at the same time also charged a fee from the boys for painting, in the form of glass balls, old keys, firecrackers and other things. Soon the fence was covered with three layers of lime, and Tom Sawyer became the owner of many boyish “treasures.” At the same time, he understood one important thing - in order for a person to want something, it is necessary to make it difficult to obtain.

The restless character of the main character simply attracted various adventures to him. One day, Tom and his friend, the street child Huckleberry Finn, went to the cemetery at night and witnessed a murder there. Moreover, a person not involved in the murder later became accused. Tom and his friend supported him in every possible way and fed him in prison, but they were afraid to reveal the secret for fear of reprisals from the real killer, Injun Joe.

Another time, Tom, Huck and another boy decided to become pirates. They ran away from home and settled on a large river island, where they swam, fished and played pirates and Indians. Everything was wonderful, but then the guys found out that they were considered drowned. Tom Sawyer then came up with the mischievous idea of ​​appearing at his own funeral service. Which is what the guys did, causing shock and surprise among relatives and all local residents.

And although Tom loved to play pranks and mischief, he was also characterized by such feelings as generosity and the ability to empathize. One day at school, a nice girl, Becky Thatcher, was threatened with punishment because she accidentally tore the teacher's book. Tom, without hesitation, took all the blame upon himself and silently endured harsh punishment.

The summer holidays arrived, which passed very monotonously, with the exception of those days when Tom was sick with measles. A revival arose in the city when the trial of Mathematical Potter, whom the whole city considered to be the culprit of the murder in the cemetery, began. Tom and Huck knew the truth, but they were afraid of Injun Joe. However, on the day of the trial, Tom told everyone the truth and the charges against Muff Potter were dropped, but Injun Joe managed to escape from the courtroom.

Over time, the events surrounding the murder and Injun Joe began to be forgotten. But one day Tom and his inseparable friend decided to look for a treasure. They dug in different places until they reached one abandoned house. And here they almost ran into Injun Joe, who, it turns out, did not run away, but lived in the city, pretending to be a mute Spaniard. Tom and Huckleberry accidentally witnessed how an Indian and his accomplice actually discovered a real treasure of gold in an abandoned house. But they took him away from this house to hide him in a hiding place. Now the guys have an ineradicable desire to find out where the treasure is hidden. They managed to discover in which hotel Injun Joe lived under the guise of a Spaniard and agreed to follow him to find out where he was hiding the treasure.

But only Huckleberry Finn had to watch, because Tom was invited to the picnic by Becky Thatcher. They decided to arrange this picnic three miles from the city at the entrance to a local attraction - the caves. While Tom was having fun at the picnic, his friend, while spying on Indian Joe, managed to save Judge Douglas's widow, whom the Indian wanted to take revenge on, from death. The Indian managed to escape again, and the trace of the chest of gold was again lost.

Meanwhile, Tom and Becky, walking through the cave, managed to get lost in its winding passages. The whole city went in search of them, which lasted three days. Tom and Becky themselves also tried to find a way out. While searching, Tom came across Injun Joe, who was now hiding in a cave. But the Indian, frightened, ran away from him. The guys managed to find a way out themselves five miles from the main entrance to the cave. The whole city greeted them with joy. Becky's father ordered a secure door to be placed at the entrance to the cave so that no one else could get lost. As a result, Injun Joe was trapped and starved to death.

Tom and Huckleberry did not give up trying to find the treasure. Tom was able to remember that when he met Injun Joe in the caves, he saw one of the signs that the Indian called when choosing a place for a cache. The two boys went into the caves together, using an entrance that no one knew about. After a long and difficult search, they found the place where the gold was hidden.

As a result, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn became richer than any of the residents of the city. Widow Douglas took Huck into her care. And Becky Thatcher’s father was very grateful to Tom for leading his daughter out of the caves.

This is the summary of the story.

The main point of the story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is that success is achieved by people with an active lifestyle, capable of showing initiative and ingenuity. It doesn’t matter that in childhood such people often play pranks and play pranks. It is important that at heart they are generous and decent people. The story teaches you to be persistent and never give up in difficult life situations.

I liked Aunt Polly in the story. Although she raised Tom Sawyer strictly, she did it solely for his own good, so as not to spoil the boy. And in her heart, Aunt Polly loved her restless nephew very much, whose energy brought unexpected wealth and recognition from all residents of the city.

What proverbs are suitable for the story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?

A rolling stone gathers no moss.
No matter what anyone undertakes, everything succeeds.
Good friendship is sweeter than wealth.

Tom Sawyer! This name is known to many. Not a single generation of people was brought up on M. Twain’s book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Why does it attract readers today? Why does the image of a “mischievous and lazy” boy leave no one indifferent and be remembered for a long time? Tom Sawyer captivates us with his cheerful character, mischievous actions, and ability to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Of the heroes of all the books I have read, Tom Sawyer is my favorite hero. What do I like about it? Smart and resourceful, he can find a way out of any situation. Remember how Tom Sawyer managed to benefit even from punishment: the boys not only painted the fence for him, but also “paid” for the work. “A new paper kite, a dead rat on a long string, twelve alabaster balls, a key, a piece of chalk, a tin soldier...” - this is what Tom Sawyer received as a reward for his ingenuity. “Without knowing it, he discovered a great law that governs people’s actions, namely: in order for a person to passionately want to possess something else, let it be as difficult for him to get it as possible.” I am captivated by the courage and nobility of Tom Sawyer. You need to be a very brave person to take on someone else's guilt and be punished for it. Not every adult can do this. And Tom Sawyer, saving Becky, steadfastly, “without a single cry, endured the most brutal blows that Mr. Dobbins ever dealt.” This act characterizes him not only as a brave, noble boy, but also as a person who knows how to feel someone else’s pain, come to the rescue, and sacrifice himself.

There are no hopeless situations for Tom Sawyer. While in the cave with Becky, he believed until the last minute that they could get out. And when, it would seem, there was no longer any strength to fight for life, Tom, with a huge effort of will, forced himself to take “the string from the kite in his hand and gropingly crawled on all fours along one of the corridors, tormented by painful hunger and a premonition of imminent death.” Willpower, courage, a great desire to survive, to save Becky from death, and this time helped Tom Sawyer overcome circumstances.

The greatest courage, courage that could be envied by the adult residents of St. Petersburg, was shown by Tom when faced with injustice: when the innocent Potter, sitting in prison, was waiting for the gallows, and the murderer Joe was walking free. Together with his friend Huck, knowing the secret of the murder, Tom Sawyer, overcoming his own fear, testifies in court and saves the life of an innocent man.

This incident made me take a fresh look at Tom Sawyer: the boy, it turns out, is capable not only of mischievous childhood pranks, but also of actions that evoke a feeling of admiration and respect among the residents of the town.

You can learn the ability to be friends from Tom. His best friend is Huck Finn. Although both at home and at school the boy is forbidden to be friends with Huck, because he is an ill-mannered “street urchin” - all adults despise this ragamuffin; for Tom, Huck is “a friend to the grave.” Tom is looking for adventure with him. He comes up with games in which the boys were brave bandits or warlike Indian leaders. To lead a free, dangerous life, Tom and his friends escape to a “deserted island.” The unwritten laws of a boy's freedom require from him courage, loyalty, justice - everything that will help the boy in the future become a real man. Tom's favorite hero is the legendary Robin Hood, the hero of English songs and ballads, chieftain of robbers, defender of the people. Tom Sawyer also wants to make life as bright as in the books, wants to become as brave and fair as the heroes he read about.

Intelligence, resourcefulness, courage, nobility, the ability to make friends and be faithful in friendship - all this attracts me to Tom Sawyer and makes him my favorite literary hero.

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” is one of the most popular works of the American writer Mark Twain. The story was first published in 1876. Already in 1877 it was published in the Russian Empire. At least nine translations into Russian are known; the version by Korney Chukovsky is often called the most successful.

Initially, Twain believed that he was creating The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for adults. The writer’s friends, who heard the first chapters, immediately began to convince him that the book was for children. Now such conversations generally seem pointless, because Twain’s story is equally liked by both adult and young readers. It does not become outdated, because there is nothing false, deceitful, or unnatural in it, but there is great humor and charming main characters. In the preface to the story, Twain noted that most of the adventures described in the book were taken from life, and he experienced one or two himself. Huckleberry Finn is "based on life." The same goes for Tom Sawyer. True, in this image the features of not one boy, but three at once, with whom Mark Twain was familiar, were embodied.

Main characters of the story

The main character of the story is a boy named Thomas Sawyer. He lives in a small American town called St. Petersburg, located in Missouri. After Tom's mother died, he was taken in by her sister Polly. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous, but at the same time brave and intelligent child. His best traits are his willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends and his sense of justice. Yes, he steals sugar from Aunt Polly, tricks the boys into painting the fence for him, skips school and, not entirely honestly, receives a beautiful Bible as a gift. But Tom fearlessly endures the flogging instead of Becky, with whom he is in love, and defends the innocent Muff Potter in court.

At first glance, it seems that Tom is an ordinary boy. In fact, he is very different from other boys in St. Petersburg. Tom is a leader by nature. At the beginning of the story it is said that when the children were playing a war game, divided into two armies, Tom acted as the commander of one of them. He did not fight himself, giving orders through his adjutants. Moreover, the army led by Sawyer won the battle. But the main thing is that no one except Tom is capable of turning the most boring moments into true holidays. Just remember the scene in the church when all the parishioners were bored by the priest’s sermon. Tom Sawyer managed to cheer them up by releasing a biting beetle from a box. The fight between the insect and the poodle that ran into the church brought, as Tom himself put it, “a little variety” into the church service.

Huckleberry Finn is the son of a drunkard and friend of Tom Sawyer. Huck dresses “in cast-offs from the shoulders of adults,” does not recognize “any mandatory rules,” spends the night on the steps of someone else’s porch or in empty barrels, smokes a pipe and knows how to swear inventively. All mothers in St. Petersburg hate him and forbid their children to communicate with him. At the same time, the kids dote on him and want to imitate him. Despite the fact that Huck actually grew up on the street, he was able not to fall to the very bottom, not to become bitter, and to remain a good person. The boy lacks education. But Huckleberry has practical savvy. In addition, the child is naturally smart.

Becky Thatcher is the judge's daughter, with whom Tom Sawyer is in love. At the beginning of the book she is described as “a lovely blue-eyed creature with golden hair braided in two long braids, wearing a white summer dress and embroidered pantaloons.” Becky's character is not as well written as the characters of Tom and Huck, but something can be said about her: she is not distinguished by courage, foresight, or the ability to behave correctly in extreme situations. Becky's behavior in the cave is indicative. While Tom tries to find a way out of this situation, Becky mostly cries and talks about her impending death. She eats her share of the pie right away. It doesn’t even occur to her that she should leave at least a little for the future, because it is unknown when the next time she will be able to eat. It turns out that Becky was completely unprepared for the extreme situation. Probably, if she had gotten lost in the caves alone, she would not have been able to get out of there. However, it is not Becky herself who is to blame for this, but rather the upbringing given to her.

Aunt Polly is the sister of Tom Sawyer's deceased mother, who took the boy in to raise her. Even though he plays a lot of mischief and often doesn’t listen to her, his aunt still loves him very much. Tom, feeling this, reciprocates her feelings. Aunt Polly is naive in some matters - she sincerely believes Tom when he tells a supposedly prophetic dream. In addition, the aunt is passionate about “all sorts of patent drugs and newly invented healing methods,” collecting “all the quack magazines and all the quack drugs.” Moreover, she tests it on other people, since she herself is not sick. Aunt Polly is a kind and kind-hearted woman. She often lets Tom evade beatings because she feels sorry for the mischievous boy. At the same time, the aunt admits: when she still manages to flog Tom, then her “old heart is literally torn to pieces.” Sometimes she shows extraordinary firmness. In particular, Aunt Polly finds the strength to force Tom Sawyer to paint the fence on the weekend.

Injun Joe is Tom Sawyer's main enemy, a dangerous criminal who killed the young Doctor Robinson and blamed it on Muff Potter. He is vindictive, cruel, ready to frame an innocent person in order to get away with it himself, and knows how to lie convincingly.

The world of adults and the world of children in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

In the book, the world of children is contrasted with the world of adults. The world of children is freedom, fun, adventure. As for the world of adults, it is shown in the work as boring, dreary, with many rules of behavior. This is where the seemingly endless school lessons come in, in which the teacher, Mr. Dobbins, doesn’t really try to interest the students; monotonous sermons of the priest.

A retelling of a story can be used for a reader's diary and in order to remember some details in preparation for a retelling or essay.

Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" - history of creation

The book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (“Tom Soer”) is one of a series of works about the restless prankster Tom and his friends. It was started by the author in 1872 and progressed with difficulty. Twain managed to finish his autobiographical work in 1875, and the next year the book was published.

Mark Twain English Mark Twain (1835-1910)

The name of the main character belongs to a real person, an acquaintance of Twain, and the character is borrowed from the writer’s childhood friends.

The book received a lively response not only from adult readers, but also from children. To this day, the novel remains a popular read among people of different ages.

Some people ask, is Tom Soer a short story or a novella? The book contains about 240 pages of printed text, which helps classify the work as a novel.

With the help of analysis, a remarkable fact can be revealed that the work is a symbiosis of several artistic movements, such as adventure, comedy, tragedy and autobiography.

Main characters

There are few main characters in the novel; these are children, whose exciting adventures are told

  • Tom Sawyer is an orphan, a cheerful, mischievous and enterprising boy, whose aunt is raising him;
  • Huck Fin is Tom's best friend, the son of a wild local drunkard who doesn't care about the child at all.

Minor characters

The novel is replete with adult and child characters with various dissimilar personalities:

  • Becky Thatcher is Thomas' lover. Her father is a famous judge of the town. Her character is the opposite of the characters of the main boys. She is completely unprepared for extreme situations and does not know how to behave if she finds herself in a difficult situation. The author does not give her such a complete description as the main characters, describing her as a typical girl, in an elegant dress, beautiful pantaloons and with a typical sweet face;
  • Aunt Polly is the sister of Tom's late mother. She is distinguished by her kind and gentle character, trustfulness and sincere affection for her nephew;
  • Injun Joe is the main villain of the novel, showing miracles of resourcefulness and unprecedented cruelty towards others;
  • Sid is the son of Aunt Polly, Tom's younger brother, a sneak, trying to make a good impression on adults with his exemplary behavior and excellent grades.

A very brief summary describes the main events unfolding on the pages of the story.

The setting of the novel is a town with the sonorous name of St. Petersburg, located on the Mississippi River.

From the first pages, the reader is immersed in the world of Tom Sawyer, full of sparkling adventures and absurd situations.

Aunt Polly finds her nephew enjoying jam in the closet and tries to grab him and punish him. But the nimble boy disappears instantly, and the woman is forced to change her anger to mercy.

The naughty guy gets his punishment on his day off in the form of painting the fence. The resourceful guy praises his work to the boys and literally sells them the opportunity to paint at least a small part of the fence. The work is quickly completed, and the satisfied aunt rewards her nephew with an apple.

Tom goes for a walk and meets a charming girl who captivates his heart.

Tom Sawyer attends Sunday school, where he is required to wear a decent suit, a straw hat, and generally have a decent appearance. But even here the boy does not betray himself, exchanging tickets for reading psalms by heart for all sorts of trinkets from diligent students. As a result, he ends up with the largest number of tickets, for which he is entitled to an incentive in the form of a Bible.

On the way to school in the morning, Tom meets Huckleberry Finn and is late for school. Lateness is punishable by caning.

In class, the boy again sees a wonderful girl with blond hair, whose name is Becky. He tries to make friends with her and confesses his love to her in a note.

One day, Tom and Huck agree to go to the cemetery at night. In the darkness, a terrible picture appears before them: some people are carrying a body on a stretcher into the cemetery and lowering it into someone else’s grave.

The boys flee in fear, agreeing to keep what happened a secret.

Shocked by what he saw in the cemetery, Tom cannot come to his senses and talks about what happened in his sleep at night. Fearing excessive talkativeness, he binds his jaw at night, explaining that he has bad teeth. Sid, trying to understand what’s going on, slowly loosens the knot of the bandage and listens.

The children decide to build a raft and sail away from the adults. They stock up on provisions and set sail. They stop for the night on the island, and wake up in the morning to find that the raft has been carried away. Boys enjoy their freedom and spend time in games and entertainment. Tom sneaks home and hears that the town residents consider the missing guys dead. Aunt Polly speaks with tears about her nephew.

Tom comes up with the idea of ​​returning to his hometown on the day of his funeral. The rest of the boys approve of his plan and appear proud in front of their happy relatives.

At school, Tom tries to improve his relationship with Becky, but she ignores him. By chance, the girl tore her school textbook, and the boy in love took the blame upon himself. The teacher punishes Tom with rods, and Becky looks at her savior with gratitude.

The drunkard Meff Potter is blamed for what happened at the cemetery, but he doesn’t remember anything and takes the blame upon himself. But Tom Sawyer tells how everything really happened and incriminates Injun Joe. The court acquits Meff.

Tom becomes famous, but he is tormented by the fact that the Indian is free and thirsty for revenge. The boy decides to search for the killer on his own. Huck is called in to help. Together they search for the villain and the treasure he has hidden.

One day, luck smiles on them, and they pick up the trail of an Indian hiding in a hut.

Adventure beckons Tom, one day he runs away with Becky and ends up in a cave. The children realize that they are lost. The girl falls into despair, but the brave boy continues to look for a way out and finds a way to salvation.

After some time, Tom remembers that he saw Injun Joe in the cave, and Judge Thatcher reports that after rescuing the children, the door to the cave was tightly closed.

Almost all the residents of the town go to the cave in search of the villain. He is found at the very door of the dead man. Despite his relief, Tom feels sorry for the criminal. Together with Huck, he goes in search of the Indian's gold. The treasure is found using secret marks. Now the boys are getting rich. They deposit the money in the bank at interest and receive a dollar every day.

This ends the story about the adventures of brave tomboys, conveyed in abbreviation.

What does the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” teach?

The plot of the book is based on stories from a carefree and exciting childhood. The work teaches true friendship and mutual assistance, the ability to look at even the most hopeless situations with optimism and irony, to appreciate life and small joys.


Mark Twain tried to convey to the adult reader the main idea of ​​the work, that it is important to always remain a child at heart, try not to forget your childhood and strive for lightness and kindness in everyday life. And the author inspires young readers to perform deeds in the name of friendship, kindness and philanthropy.

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