What did the Chinese sage Confucius teach questions. Lesson topic: “What the Chinese sage Confucius taught

Lesson topic: "What the Chinese sage Confucius taught."

Target: to form an idea of ​​the life of Chinese society, the philosophical teachings of Confucius, using active forms of learning and information technology.


Cognitive tasks:

Mastering the system of theoretical knowledge: main events, historical figures and practical knowledge of maps;

Formation of a historical approach to events;

Creation of conditions for an adequate assessment of learning outcomes and self-esteem among 5th grade students

Developmental tasks:

Development of creative thinking of students;

Development of independence;

Development of the ability to analyze, systematize and generalize historical facts and events;

Development of the ability to use information technology in the learning process.

Educational task: fostering people's respect for each other.

Key learning outcomes:

Personal: Students, getting acquainted with the basics of Confucianism, gain experience, form ideas about ancient civilizations and the forms and rules of human interaction.

Subject: Practicing the skill of working with the map (emphasis on the designation of historical objects on the map); mastering the technology of problem study of educational material. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing historical facts and events, they proved the problem posed at the beginning of the lesson “China is amazing, wise, unique”;

Metasubject: Formation of the skill of working with various sources of information (textbook, reference books Internet resources) Students prepare their own messages on a new topic (anticipatory learning); express survey, in the form of a test task used at the end of the lesson, optimizes the test of mastering the educational material of a new topic and motivates students to work with electronic teaching aids

Methods of management of educational activities and perception of information:

a) by the source of transmission and perception of information - verbal, visual, practical;
b) according to the logic of transmission and perception of information - inductive and deductive;
c) according to the degree of independence of students - reproductive and problem-search;
d) according to the degree of management of educational activities - educational activities organized and controlled by the teacher, independent activities of students, work with a textbook.

Control and evaluation system: a) frontal work, survey; express survey; self-control


Multimedia projector, board-screen; Map "China in antiquity" History textbook for grade 5 (authors Vigasin A.A., Goder G.I., Sventsitskaya I.S., published in 2000)

During the classes

1. Introductory part.

1. Greetings. Organizing time.

My friends, the bell rings and I'm glad to start a lesson

They are waiting for us ahead of opening, So, forward and on a good journey!

2. Checking homework.

In today's lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the states of the Ancient World, but first, let's remember everything that you have learned about India. To do this, I will distribute cards to each group, read them carefully and complete the assignments (2 minutes).

"Correct the error in the text": "The country of India is located in South Africa. In the north of India, there are the Himalayas, the highest mountains in the world. In India, the climate is dry, it never rains. The Euphrates and Tigris rivers flow through India. India has many dense and rugged forests. They are called the jungle. There are a lot of predatory animals and birds in the jungle. They considered the crocodile and the bull as sacred animals. They believed that after death a person will definitely live in the guise of only a rich person. "

In the proposed text, it is necessary to name the words denoting objects that came from Ancient India. “Despite the fact that my father and I sat around midnight yesterday at chess, mom

woke me up early in the morning, because today my class and I are going on a hike.

There was already hot rice porridge on the table, a cup of tea was smoking. I put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in it and drank the sweet, invigorating drink with pleasure. After breakfast I checked

backpack. The compass is in place! I also took a spare cotton T-shirt with numbers on it. You can go! "Speech by 1 person from the group, joint

1. The northern border of India is the highest mountains ………… ..

2. How many castes were there in Indian society? .........

3. Who are we talking about?

“... they were forbidden to live in the village. They ate garbage, lived in pitiful hovels. They went to the village to clean up garbage or do other dirty work ... ”………

4. Could, for example, an Indian have passed from one caste to another? For example, a warrior in the clergy? ........

5. Who are the kshatriyas? …….

Key to cross-check: Himalayas, 4, untouchable, no, rulers and warriors.

3. Motivation.

Teacher. Well done. And now guys, I have a question for you: have you ever played computer games? (Children answer). Wonderful. Today I invite you to conduct our lesson in the form of a computer game. Every computer game is based on one story or another. And we will also base our game on the history of one amazing country.

In order to find out which country we are talking about, I bring to your attention video.

So you've watched the video. What country do you think we are going to talk about today? (Children answer: China).

4. Preparation for the active assimilation of new knowledge.

You are right, the state whose history we will take as the basis of our game is China. Here is what our contemporaries say about China: “This is a truly unique country. Once on its territory, you will immediately plunge into the spirit of the ancient East, its atmosphere. One gets the feeling that one is at the intersection of the past and the future: on the one hand, it is a rich and interesting culture, history lasting millennia, sophisticated art, amazingly musical language. On the other hand, there is a fast pace of development of technologies that have great prospects in the future. "

Guys, I invite you to think about the question: "Why is China still considered a unique country?" To answer this question, I suggest you do the following exercise: in front of each of you is information consisting of various facts about China. Your task will be to carefully read and write down the facts that, in your opinion, can prove the uniqueness of China. You have 3 minutes to get to work.

Option 1.1. China is the most populous country in the world. According to statistics, every fifth person in the world is Chinese. It is home to 1 billion 350 million people. This is almost 4 times the number of residents in the United States of America.

2. The Chinese are the pioneers of printing, compass, gunpowder and paper.

3. Approximately 35% of the country's territory is occupied by mountains, deserts, plains about 19%, high-altitude plateaus occupy 27%, low plains account for 13% and hilly terrain - 8% of the total area.

4. China borders with such states as Russia and Mongolia in the north, in the south - it is Myanmar, Vietnam, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Laos, in the west - Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Option 2. 1. The main attraction of China is the Great Wall of China. The length of the structure reaches 8851.8 km and it runs through the whole of northern China.

2. The most important holidays in China is the Chinese New Year, or as it is also called, the Lunar New Year. On this day, it is believed that each person becomes a year older, thus the New Year in China is also the birthday of all its inhabitants.

3. Compared to European countries, China's mourning color is white, not black.

4. China is often called the "Flower Kingdom" because it was there that many varieties of flowers and fruits were bred, which are now grown all over the world.

5. The most popular hobby among Chinese people is stamp collecting.

We conclude our exercise. I hope that China has now become unique for each of you in your own way. And now guys, as in every game, you and I must define our main character. There have been many prominent personalities in the history of China. But I would like to draw your attention to one of them. He is one of the great sages of antiquity, was a kind of symbol of China, its culture, philosophical thought. Now take a close look at the screen. Here are various facts from the life of our protagonist, and you will try to guess who it is about.

Chinese thinker, whose main views are set out in the book "Lun-yu" ("Conversations and Judgments"). He belonged to an ancient aristocratic family, the genealogy of which dates back to the Shang-Yin dynasty, which ruled China until the 11th century BC. e.

For many tens of generations, billions of Chinese people have sacredly revered him as a teacher of life. In fact, his teachings have been in progress for 2,400 years and they still continue to follow him in his homeland.

It is established that he began his teaching career at the age of 22. The Teacher considered the life of a person to be a value guide, provided that the life and deeds of each person are filled with wisdom, a sense of duty, justice, sincerity, mercy, humanity and observance of rituals and ceremonies.

The followers of the Teacher saw the truth in the development of the idea of ​​tszun-tzu - the idea of ​​a perfect person, or a noble man who, by his behavior, maintains order and balance in the world. Study the past if you want to foresee the future - this was the main thing

instruction of the Teacher.

You got acquainted with the facts from the life of our hero. Now let's try to determine what his name was? That's right guys. Today we will talk about Confucius - the great Teacher of China. Why do you think he was called Master?

Yes you are right. And today you and I, too, will be lucky to acquire a particle of his wisdom. Now that we have determined the history of our game, we have chosen the main character who will accompany us and help us in comprehending wisdom, let's now call our game with you. So what title can you suggest? (Children give an approximate lesson topic)

Great suggestions. The name of our game will be: "What the Chinese sage Confucius taught." Let's write the number and topic of the lesson in a notebook.

As in any game, our game will also have levels to complete. Today we have to go through 5 levels. Let's take a look at the map of the passage

Game path plan:

1.natural - geographic features of China

2.ancient thinker and philosopher of China - Confucius

3.writing of Ancient China

4.the basics of educating Chinese society

II. Presentation of new material.

So we start our game. But in order to meet our main character, we need to determine where he lives. To do this, we will travel back in time and find the location of Ancient China, where Confucius lived.

1. Learning new material:

And here we have the first level. We need to determine - where did Confucius live? To determine the "address" of Ancient China, I propose to use the map, which is in the textbook on page 106. Now you yourself will determine the "address" of Ancient China, and answer the questions in writing. Exercise.

Where is China located? (In East Asia).

What major rivers flow in China? (Yangtze and Yellow River)

What plain did the Chinese settle on? (Great Plain of China).

What is the relief in this state? (In the west lie the mountains and deserts of Central Asia, in the northwest - the steppes, and in the south - the mountains of South Asia, covered with tropical forests).

Indeed, here we are with you and determined where the territory of Ancient China was located.

Bottom line. We have identified the "address" of Ancient China. We found out that China is located in East Asia, two large rivers - the Yangtze and the Yellow River - flow on its territory. The relief in China is different: there are mountains and deserts, steppes and tropical forests. I think we have met all the conditions of the first level and move on to the second!

Physical minute:

Teacher: Let's remember the work of historians and do physical exercises.

Adults and children know, Everyone on the planet knows. How important is history

Everyone needs it. Everyone knows us historians. Our labor is highly respected.

Seeking secrets until sundown - We're great guys!

    One, two, three, four, five - We can all count.

Once! Climb, stretch.

Two! Bend, straighten.

Three! Three claps in your hands,

Head three nods.

Four arms wider.

Five - wave your hands.

Six - we sat down at the desk.

So, enough rest!

Around 1700 BC the first states arose on the territory of China. Suppose, based on the natural and geographical position of China, what occupations did its inhabitants have? (Children answer: agriculture, crafts, trade).

Residents of all states considered themselves one people, because they had similar languages, beliefs and customs. They believed in gods, spirits, winged serpents - dragons. The highest being for them was Heaven, which was considered the ancestor of the ruler, therefore the king in China was called the Son of Heaven, and the country was called the Celestial Empire.

Right. And the Chinese paid great attention to education. In the distant past, 4 thousand years ago, the history of the development of Chinese philosophy begins. Confucius was one such philosopher. One famous German poet Friedrich Schiller composed a wonderful poem about his teaching:


The space in which we live is three-dimensional.
Everything changes in him tirelessly.
LENGTH strives to new distances,
WIDTH is infinitely spreading in breadth,
Goes into the depths without a bottom DEPTH.
An example of them must be repeated by you:
You must strive tirelessly forward.
Stand your ground, be ready all the time
Do you want to see the end of the work -
Then I must be able to turn in breadth,
Look at the world from a different angle,
To reach immense depths in immersion -
Then only the essence you will be able to comprehend.
Only persistence leads to the goal.
Only content leads to understanding
At the bottom of which the truth lives!

Guys, how did you understand the meaning of this poem? (Children make assumptions.)

Well done. At the heart of his teaching, Confucius believed that morality is the main basis of human behavior, and therefore evaluated people, primarily from a moral point of view. In his opinion, all people are inherently close to each other, but they have different habits. Some become good and moral, while others become bad and evil. A man of the highest virtue Confucius called a "noble man" and contrasted him with a "low man" devoid of this quality.

Read the document on p. 107 and tell me what qualities a noble person should have.

What qualities did you condemn?

Now I suggest you do a little exercise. Now I will call you actions, and you will determine whether they refer to a "noble man" or to a low person. For this, if the action relates to a "noble husband" you will raise your hands up, if not - clap your hands. Does everyone understand? Begin!

Exercise. Help the elders, take care of the younger ones, deceive, keep promises, support in difficult times, take what does not belong to you, say bad things behind your back, act according to your conscience.

Outcome: Thanks guys. Now you have met our main character Confucius and identified the main essence of his teachings.

Guys, let's remember what two types Confucius divided people into? (Children answer: to a noble husband and a low man)

Right. And what qualities should a "noble husband" have? (Children answer: be honest, do not cheat, help elders)

Right. So, I think we completed the tasks of the second level with honor and move on to the third!

And the third level greets us with the following question: guys, what subjects help us in assimilating new knowledge? Look at your desks. (Children answer: notebooks, pens, books).

Right. Here is our main character, Confucius, passed on knowledge to his students with the help of books. But these books were very unusual and very different, for example, from our books.

What were books like in China? Read step 3 p. 107 and answer the questions:

What was the name of the Chinese writing system?

What were the books? The children answer: the bamboo trunk was split into thin sticks and hieroglyphs were written on them from top to bottom.)

What is the content of the books?

Message about hieroglyphs Writing based on hieroglyphs More than 3.5 thousand years ago, the Chinese created their own writing system. They wrote in hieroglyphs. With a special brush or stick, the hieroglyphs were applied from top to bottom on silk fabric or strips of bamboo.

There were about 50 thousand hieroglyphs in Chinese writing. It takes more than 20 years just to learn all the hieroglyphs. Writing materials, despite their apparent simplicity, were very expensive. They wrote with brushes, dipping them in ink made from ash. The art of calligraphy was highly appreciated - the beautiful writing of hieroglyphs. Students had to take a very large number of exams. But those students who learned to read, write and count in ancient China could count on a decent and well-provided material life. Because they could take a very prestigious position of an official.

Well, I think you have completed the mission. Everything is correct. Guys, now I suggest you do a little exercise. Since you and I found out that they write down hieroglyphs from top to bottom, that each of them has its own pronunciation. I suggest that you write down your names according to Chinese rules. It takes more than 20 years just to learn all the hieroglyphs. So you and I will write our names in syllables.

Outcome: Here, guys, we are with you and learned what an important role books played in the life of Chinese society and in the teachings of Confucius. I think it's time to move to level 4!

You and I have found out what the Chinese society was doing, how they received knowledge. Let's now figure out how they communicated with each other and what rules of conduct were in force in society. All knowledge, according to Confucius, came down to the study of the historical heritage. "The teacher," says Lunyu, "taught four things to write, the rules of behavior, loyalty and sincerity." "A well-mannered person is easy to recognize by his manners."

Look at the pictures on the slides and draw conclusions about how a courteous Chinese should behave (A courteous Chinese always took off his shoes before entering the house and walked barefoot. Walking in shoes on mats was considered indecent. The Chinese sat either on a mat or on a low seat, but Sitting with legs dangling, let alone stretching them forward, could only be completely ill-mannered. A guest invited to the table must try all the dishes that are served for dinner. Otherwise, his manners may be considered rude.

Do you think our culture has such commandments? Yes, and which ones?


A guest. - Is there anyone at home? Passed by, decided to go. (goes into the house without an invitation and does not take off his shoes)

Master. - Hello. The whole family is at home. Come in, sit down at the table. We'll be serving lunch soon.

A guest. - No, I'll just have tea. And then recently I was so badly poisoned.

Master. - My wife cooks very well. But only for those who respect her efforts. And you, with your manners, have a fear all your life just to drink tea.

Guys, what do you think are the rules of the intruder guest? (Children answer: did not say hello, walked in shoes, was rude, etc.)

Outcome: Thus, you and I have found out what a well-bred Chinese should be like, how he should behave in society. Make a conclusion: In his teaching, Confucius developed the provisions of the ancient teachings, which spoke about the respect of people for each other and the need to observe customs.

IV. Anchoring ... Well, we passed the 4th level and our game is coming to an end, we went with you to the final fifth level and here I will need your help. Then I received a letter in the mail from a friend of mine from China, although some words are written in illegible handwriting. Help me restore this letter, you have 3 minutes for this, please sign your name at the top (task completion 2 minutes)


1.China is located in Eastern ………… ..

2. Two rivers flow on the territory of China: …… and …… ..

3. The Teacher of Life in China was called ……….

4. Books in Ancient China were made from a trunk ……… ..

5. The perfect person who has only good qualities was called ……

6. How many years did it take to learn all the Chinese characters? ..........

Key: Asia, Yellow and Yangtze, Confucius, bamboo, noble man, 20.

Summing up the lesson.

1. Guys, do you remember that at the very beginning of the lesson we talked about the uniqueness of China? Let's remember why it is considered unique?(Children answer).

2. Guys, as you understand the following words of Confucius: “Learn! For life always reminds us that any of our knowledge is not enough. When a person stops learning, he can lose what he learned earlier. "

3. Is it possible today to use the provisions of the teachings of Confucius? Give examples. The Chinese nation has a long history and a brilliant culture. The Chinese people have developed and nurtured such wonderful traditional character traits as hard work, courage, simplicity and kindness.

V. Reflection Guys, our game has come to an end

What new things did you learn in class today?

What's interestnig?

Did you enjoy today's lesson?

Vi. Homework. House. assignment: § 22, What are the similarities and differences between the teachings of Buddha and Confucius? Based on additional literature, Internet resources, prepare messages about one of the Chinese discoveries that are used today (gunpowder, Chinese calendar, Chinese medicine, etc.).

Draw drawing

1. The country where the Chinese lived. China is located in East Asia. In the first millennium BC. e. the Chinese settled throughout the Great Plain of China between the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. On this vast territory, several states arose, the rulers of which were often at odds with each other. But the inhabitants of all these states considered themselves one people, because they had similar languages ​​and writing, beliefs and customs. The sage Confucius, who was greatly revered by the Chinese, often spoke about these customs.

2. The highest virtue is respect for elders. Confucius said that it is necessary to observe the orders that have been established since ancient times.

Confucius. Based on the Chinese image.

In a family, younger brothers should show signs of respect for elders, children - for parents. And the elders should treat the younger with paternal attention and care.

The Chinese revered deceased parents and more distant ancestors as powerful and kind patrons. Sacrifices were performed in their honor. The best compliment was comparing a man to some ancient hero. The Chinese were very fond of stories about antiquity and carefully kept them in memory.

China in antiquity.

Thickets of bamboo.

Bamboo book.

Like other peoples, they believed in supernatural beings: in gods, spirits, monsters, winged serpents - dragons. But the highest being for them was Heaven. They considered Heaven to be the ancestor of the ruler, so the king in China was called the Son of Heaven, and the country subordinate to him was called the Celestial Empire.

3. Wisdom is in the knowledge of old books. Confucius expounded the content of ancient books to his disciples so that they could join the wisdom of the ancients. Among these books were legends, sayings, songs.

And the books themselves looked quite different from ours. In the days of Confucius, they wrote on narrow boards made of split bamboo. A thin brush or stick was dipped in black ink and the hieroglyphs were applied from top to bottom. If they made a mistake, they would scrap it off with a knife. Then holes were made in the planks and twine was threaded. A bunch of bamboo was the ancient Chinese book.

The Chinese scientist had to memorize thousands of hieroglyphs for individual words. Just like in Egyptian writing, in Chinese, hieroglyphs originated from drawings, and sometimes you can still guess the original image in their form.

From the sayings of Confucius

An insignificant person strives for profit, and a noble person strives for justice.

A noble person is devoid of anxiety and fear. After all, if you do not find a flaw within yourself, what to worry about, what to fear.

A noble person blames himself, and an insignificant person blames others.

Wealth is what people crave. But if I got it undeservedly, I will not use it. Poverty is what scares people. But if she comprehended me unfairly, I will not be ashamed of her.

Eating simple food and drinking water, sleeping with an elbow under your head — that is also joy.

Chinese characters.

4. How courteous Chinese should behave. Confucius believed that a well-mannered person is easy to recognize by his behavior. A courteous Chinese man took off his shoes before entering the house and walked barefoot. Walking in shoes on mats spread over the top was considered simply indecent. The Chinese sat either on the same mat or on a low seat, but without fail bending their heels with iodine. Sitting with legs dangling, and even more stretching them forward, could only be completely ill-mannered people. Already in ancient times, the Chinese mastered the art of eating with two chopsticks. They keep this custom to this day.

The ancient Chinese built complex hairstyles on their heads, collecting the hair in a bun. Those who walked with their hair down, they considered savages. Usually the Chinese wore a robe. Ordinary people had robes made of cheap fabric. Noble rich people dressed in silk robes with beautiful embroidery with flowers and figures of dragons.

Confucius taught that not only in the family, but in the entire state, order must be observed in relations between the elders and the younger.

A well-bred Chinese man is polite to everyone, he is not rude to those who are lower in rank, and does not curry favor with those who are higher. But he behaves with those and with others, knowing his place well - with the elders respectfully, and with the younger ones favorably. Confucius taught that the state is like a big family. Citizens must respect the ruler like a father. But Confucius also advised the rulers to treat their subjects as their children. A wise ruler does not torture people with harsh punishments, but patiently educates them - primarily by his example.

The ruler does not at all suit cruelty; fatherly instruction is enough. “To execute someone, instead of instructing him on the true path, is inhuman,” Confucius said.

Explain the meaning of the words: Celestial. Son of Heaven, dragon, bamboo book.

Check yourself. 1. What religious beliefs did the Chinese have? What was their relationship to their ancestors? 2. How is Chinese writing similar to Egyptian? What did the Chinese books look like?

Work with the map (see back of front cover). Find and locate China and its main rivers.

Work with dates. Confucius and Buddha lived in different countries, but at about the same time: five centuries BC. e. Calculate how many years ago these sages lived.

Think about whether Confucius was right in our time when he believed that a well-mannered person can be easily recognized by his behavior. Read the document "From the Sayings of Confucius" and answer who the Chinese sage considered a noble, that is, worthy person. Do you agree with Confucius?

Confucius (in Chinese his name sounds differently: Kun Fu-tzu) was an extraordinary person. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the history of the Celestial Empire, therefore, scientists even call the Chinese civilization (albeit a later period - the Middle Ages) Confucian. And the fate of the philosopher was unusual.

Confucius was born in the middle of the 6th century BC. in a family of impoverished aristocrats. His childhood and youth were spent in hardship and hard work. However, Confucius had enough time and energy to study the ancient clever books. At the age of 20, after many humiliations, he managed to break out into an official, and 10 years later he retired and opened a private school, becoming the first professional teacher in the history of China. They say that Confucius had about 3 thousand students. For 20 years, the sage taught classes and at the same time created his own teaching - a program for improving society and individuals. When he turned 50, he decided that it was time to move from words to deeds, and, like Shang Yang, set off to travel around the country, offering his projects to the rulers of the kingdoms. But, unlike Shang Yang, Confucius was not lucky: no one was interested in his philosophy. Returning home, he spent the rest of his life in peace and quiet: he studied with students and wrote new works. In 479 BC. the sage died.

Confucius, surrounded by his students, is studying one of the most ancient Chinese works - the fortune-telling "Book of Changes".

Recognition and fame came several centuries later. Only in the 1st century AD, in the era of the Han dynasty, the teachings of Confucius became something of an official religion, and the philosopher himself was deified - sacrifices were even made in his honor, and all educated people learned his books by heart.

How to explain such a fabulous success of the teachings of Confucius? Probably, the main reason is that he looked at a person and his role in the world with different eyes, at the state and relations between the authorities and the people.
Confucius dreamed of resurrecting the "golden age" with its ideal society, similar to one big family. Children, but there are people, obey the elders, that is, the authorities, and they lead and take care of their charges. But most importantly, love and mutual trust reign in such a family. Consent is achieved not by coercion or intimidation, but by the fact that everyone, of their own free will, honestly performs their duties. Humanity, justice, loyalty, wisdom and decent behavior - these are the basis for the welfare of the state.

Shang Yang and even more so Shi Huang would not agree with Confucius. How, then, to keep the people in obedience without cruel punishments? They would ask. Confucius had his own point of view on this. “If the personal behavior of those at the top is correct, things go on, although they don't give orders,” he said. "If the personal behavior of those at the top is wrong, then, although they are ordered, the people do not obey." This means that the main reason for all the troubles is that the ruler, his entourage and officials themselves violate the laws, are lazy and get rich at someone else's expense. Why shouldn't the people behave the same way? And how can the people trust such a ruler? And the state, no matter how powerful it may seem, cannot resist without trust. Confucius believed that it is better to survive the war or famine than to lose the trust of the people.

The philosopher made special demands on officials. This is understandable: unlike the emperor and the courtiers, they constantly communicate with ordinary people, collect taxes, conduct business in court. The well-being of the people largely depends on them. Officials should be "noble men" - educated, deeply moral, disinterested.
The model official Confucius was like a handsome prince or knight. This is probably why the favorite heroes of Chinese fairy tales were not characters like Cinderella or Ivan the Fool, but poor people who, thanks to their merits, become good officials.

Goals: to form the concept of a wise person, to form the ability to evaluate the studied facts, to contribute to the formation of tolerance and a positive attitude towards people of the older generation

Tasks: express your opinion, read carefully and find the necessary information in the text, group by the indicated criterion, draw a conclusion.


  • textbook by A.A. Vigasin "History of the Ancient World",
  • map.
  1. Homework check.
  2. Call. Today we have to start our acquaintance with another ancient state - China. This state has survived to this day, and there is a lot of talk and writing about it in the media. What do you know about China? (write answers on the board)
  3. One name can be added to this list - this is Confucius. He lived in the 5th century. BC. The Chinese considered and still consider him a sage. Who do you think can be considered a sage? (write down the answers) Now compare your assumptions with the definition of a sage from the dictionary - Appendix 1. Compare your answers and the dictionary explanation.
  4. And can we consider Confucius a wise man for us, or is he only a wise man for the Chinese, or maybe he is a wise man only for that time? Students' answers are recorded on the board. We got different answers. How can you find out who is right? Acquainted with the teachings, thoughts of Confucius. To do this, you need to read the textbook.
  5. Content. Working with the text of the textbook on pages 100 - 103, points 2 and 4: while reading the text, we divide the information into two parts - "+" these ideas of Confucius suit us, "-" these ideas do not suit us. We put the icons in the margins with a pencil. We divide the class into three groups and divide the text into about three parts.
  6. After completing the text, the groups introduce their work to the entire class. During the group's performance in a notebook, we make notes in two columns
  7. Younger people respect their elders, children respect their parents.

    Seniors are attentive to the younger ones and take care of them.

    Praise in the form of comparison with an ancient hero

    Preserve stories of antiquity with care.

    Take off your shoes when entering the house

    Don't stretch your legs

    Do not walk with your hair loose

    There must be order in the family, in the state, in the relationship between the younger and older.

    Politeness with everyone: who is lower or higher in rank.

    Respect the ruler as a father.

    The ruler treats his subjects like children. Education by example.

    You can't be cruel.

    Sacrifices in honor of deceased parents and more distant ancestors.

    Belief in supernatural beings

  8. Based on the notes, we conclude - the answer to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson: can we consider Confucius a sage for us, or is he only for the Chinese, or a sage only for that time? We can consider Confucius a sage, and not only the Chinese, because most of Confucius's ideas work for us.
  9. In the column with "+" we highlight those thoughts that can be useful to any person. After highlighting the information, we once again turn to the concept of a sage - who can be considered a sage? A wise man is one who can teach that which will always be useful in life for any person.
  10. Reflection: today in lesson 1) I learned…, 2) I understood….
  11. Homework: §22 p.1.3, p.3 (orally)

What did the Chinese teachsageConfucius

Homework check:

1. We get to know Ancient India. Show this country on a map: where is it located? Show and name the highest mountains in the world, the main rivers of India.

2. What castes existed in India? How did the Indians explain the emergence of castes? What did the god Brahma look like according to Indian beliefs?

3. Why did the Indians worship the brahmanas? How did the brahmanas offer sacrifices?

5. Who are the "untouchables"? What hopes did their belief in the transmigration of souls give them?

6. Which of the Indian sages did not attach importance to caste differences between people?

7. What did the Indians tell about Gutam? By what name is Gautama better known? What is his teaching?


1. Geographical location and natural conditions of China

2. Confucius is an ancient Chinese philosopher.

3. Teachings of Confucius.

New concepts: Yellow River, Yangtze, Confucius, bamboo.

Learning new material:

1. Country,wherethe Chinese lived.

Open the card on the flyleaf (back cover) textbook. The mainland Eurasia is divided into Europe and Asia.

In China, as in India, states arose in antiquity and the transition from primitiveness to civilization took place. In East Asia, two large rivers carry their waters to the Pacific Ocean - Yellow he(translated means "yellow river") and Yangtze("Blue" or "long river"). The country of China is located here. Judging by the archaeological finds, the first settlements arose in the Yellow He and Yangtze valleys about 5 thousand years BC. e. At the end of the XI century BC. e. in the Yellow He region, a nomadic people appeared who called themselves zhou. The nomads settled among the farmers who lived in the valley, who grew rice, millet, vegetables, collected nuts and leaves from tea bushes. In the Zhou era, a strong state was created. The Chinese called it the Celestial Empire. The main deity was Heaven, and the ruler was called the Son of Heaven.

In the middle I millennium BC . there were several independent states, or kingdoms , who led among themselves bloody wars . It is known that after one of the massacres under Changping in 260 BC warriors of the kingdom Qin buried alive 400 thousand surrendered warriors of the kingdom Zhao . The most powerful among them became in the III Venedo AD. state Qin. The victories of this state were facilitated by the new organization of the army; in the forefront there were always young people, and in the defenders - experienced elderly warriors. By order of the first emperor Qin, a unified legislation and a common coin were introduced on the territory of China. If earlier turtle shells, shells, pieces of jasper were used as money, now they began to pay only in gold or copper coins. The emperor introduced uniform written signs, ordered measures of weight and length. The hieroglyphic script was changed so that residents in different parts of the country could use it.

Strict adherence to laws Qin Shih Huangdi considered the main condition for order in the country. The rioters were to be executed. Once in Sanyane, the capital of the new state, more than 460 scientists were executed, which was announced throughout the country.

The great Chinese thinker Confucius lived two and a half thousand years ago (approximately at the time when a huge Persian state was formed to the west of China). He was a native of one of the Chinese states. According to legend, Confucius at the age of twenty-two became a teacher. People who were interested in ancient wisdom began to come to him. Confucius himself said that he did not deny knowledge to anyone who brought with him a bundle of jerky - the usual payment for a teacher in those days.

Confucius quickly became famous. It so happened that he was appointed head of the city. In just a year, he turned the city entrusted to him into an exemplary one. However, not everyone liked it: evil people prompted the ruler of the state to insult Confucius. The sage hastened to leave his native place and set off on a journey. Most of the rulers of the Chinese states warmly welcomed the sage, but he never entered the service of any of them. Having grown old, Confucius returned to his homeland and devoted the end of his life to scientific pursuits. The sage is said to have had seventy-two disciples who deeply knew the six main subjects of education at that time: the rules of conduct for a worthy person, music, archery, chariot control, writing and counting.

What Confucius taught.

Confucius believed that ...

It is necessary to respect the past of your country, to study it, to observe the customs and orders that have been established since ancient times, for our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were no more stupid than us;

Reading old books will help you to join the wisdom of the ancients;

In a family, the younger ones should respectfully treat the elders, and the elders should love the younger ones and be indulgent towards them;

A wise ruler should not be cruel, torment people with executions and severe punishments, but patiently educate them, first of all, by his example. The ruler must remember that the people do not exist for him, but he - for the people.

Throughout his life, Confucius taught his students how to become noble (ie, a worthy) person - “What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do for others,” said Confucius.

We will read the moral ideas of the Chinese sage ; much of what Confucius taught has not lost its significance today (p. 103).


An insignificant person strives for profit, and a noble person strives for justice.

We must not think about becoming rich in any way, even dishonest, but living truthfully, living honestly, not offending anyone, helping people.

The noble man blames himself, but the insignificant- others.

How do you understand this statement? If something bad has happened in your life, then think about whether you yourself are to blame for what happened. For example, having received a deuce in history, you do not need to say: "Here the teacher finds fault with me, does not love me ..." Or if one of your classmates does not want to be friends with you, then think about whether you yourself pushed him as by a bad deed or a word.

Wealth- this is what people crave. But if I got it undeservedly, I will not use it. Poverty is what scares people. But if she comprehended me undeservedly, I will not be ashamed of her.

Think about the meaning of these words. If a person has become rich thanks to his work, his merits and abilities, then there is nothing wrong with that ... But if a person for some reason failed to get rich, there is no need to grieve: it is better to be an honest poor man than a rich man who unjustly acquired his wealth ...

Eat simple food and drink water, sleep with your elbow under your head -vthat too is joy.

Rejoice in life itself, as Confucius says, and never envy anyone.

3. What Chinese books looked like in the days of Confucius.

Like the inhabitants of the Southern Mesopotamia and Egypt, the Chinese independently created the letter. This happened more than three thousand years ago (Chinese writing is one of the oldest in the world, although it is "younger" than Egyptian hieroglyphs and cuneiform writing). Chinese writing also originated from drawings . Consider the drawing "Chinese Characters" (p. 103).

Each Chinese character represents a whole word. The number of hieroglyphs in China was initially small, but it was constantly increasing.

The oldest inscriptions found during excavations have been preserved on animal bones. On the shoulder blades of bulls and rams, on turtle shells, the Chinese scratched questions to the spirits, for example, they asked: "Should we set traps for deer?" Ancient farmers worried about the drought that would kill their crops. Therefore, they constantly asked the spirits: "Today we made a sacrifice - will it rain?" Or: "Will we harvest the millet?" Then they touched the bone with the inscription with a piece of red-hot bronze: the bone cracked. By the pattern of the cracks, they tried to find out what the spirits answered - "yes" or "no".

Consider the drawings "Bamboo thickets", "Bamboo plaques with hieroglyphs", "Bamboo book" (pp. 102-103). It is inconvenient to write on bones - the Chinese began to use bamboo for writing. It was split into long planks, which were smoothly cut out, and written on them with a brush made of thin soft hair. The brush was dipped in mascara made from charcoal or soot. A knife was used to erase mistakes in writing. Therefore, educated people asked to put a knife and a brush in their coffin. On narrow and long plates, you can write only in a column. A scientific essay, a poem or a description of a military campaign will not fit on one bamboo plate. They were recorded on several tablets. Holes were drilled at the top of the bamboo slats, a string was threaded through them, and tied together. A bunch of bamboo planks was the oldest Chinese book.

4. The Great Silk Road.

In ancient times, the Chinese learned how to make silk. Unlike cotton and flax, silk threads are not of plant origin, they are made from the secretions of the silkworm. Breeding worms is a laborious job.

Consider the drawing "Collecting mulberry leaves" (p. 104). The leaves of the mulberry tree (mulberry) that are fed to the worms must be clean, fresh and dry. In the room where silkworms are bred, there should be no draft, foreign smells, smoke, even noise and temperature changes are harmful to worms.

With good care, the worms release a thin, spider-like thread from which to twist cocoons . Outwardly, the cocoon resembles a small oblong nut, it is twisted from the finest silk thread, the length of which reaches thousands of meters.

Consider the drawing "Silk production in China" (p. 105). To get silk from cocoons, they must be placed in hot water, which softens the glue that holds the silk thread together. Taking threads from several cocoons (from 4 to 18) and connecting them, the Chinese women passed the threads through a ring and attached them to a small wheel. Then the wheel was slowly rotated, and the threads, passing through the ring, were glued into one strong, smooth thread. From the threads of the weavers, they created matter. The Chinese kept a secret method of silk production, which was sent to the West by The Great Silk Road. Silk was worth its weight in gold.

Students find the Great Silk Road on a map (endpaper of a textbook): it was not one road, but many paths, roads and paths along which various goods were transported from China to the West, especially the highly valued silk.

Consider the drawing "The most ancient compass ..." (p. 105). One of the great inventions made in China was the compass.

Imagine a royal palace somewhere in Syria, not far from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The young nobleman bows down in a low bow before the sovereign. - Oh Lord! You sent me at the head of a detachment of warriors to meet the Chinese merchants. I safely reached the Great Silk Road and at the agreed place I saw loaded camels and people in long robes. The further way the caravan made under my protection. However, soon the weather turned bad: the sky was covered with clouds, the stars were not visible at night, and the sun during the day. We got lost and didn't know what to do. Then the head of the caravan prayed to the gods, then took out a smooth rectangular plate from somewhere and put it on the ground. It had a number of divisions and hieroglyphs, but what they meant, I did not know. In the center, the Chinese set up an iron spoon, the long handle of which did not touch the board and seemed to hang in the air. And then something amazing happened: the spoon, without human help, turned and took on a different, in comparison with the original, position. "Witchcraft! I exclaimed. "But how can it help us?" The leader of the caravan did not answer me, but I swear he took the direction indicated by the magic spoon. It is thanks to her that we did not perish in the desolate and terrible desert.

The Chinese already in ancient times knew that a magnet attracts iron. They knew the property of a magnet - to indicate the direction to the north and south. The Chinese compass was a long-handled spoon made of magnetized iron. The spoon was placed on a smooth wooden or bronze stand with divisions, it was unrolled, and it stopped, pointing with one side to the south and the other to the north. In ancient times, the compass was not known to any people except the Chinese. The compass was used when traveling along the Great Silk Road.

TEA = A Chinese doctor is visiting a patient. He winces, not wanting to drink the unusual medicine.

    Fu, what disgusting! It tastes bitter, knits, and the smell is strange ...

    The medicine is rarely pleasant to the taste, - the doctor convinces, - but it
    will give you back strength and help you to get back on your feet. Its healing properties are great:
    remember my words, this drink has a great future.

The ancient doctor turned out to be right: today, the infusion, which was once considered a medicine in China, is loved by millions of people every day.

In the course of the lesson, they are done in a notebook.

Ancient China

Yellow and Yangtze rivers

The teachings of Confucius

The great silk road

Homework: § 22. Draw the attention of the class to the fact that the textbook material under the heading "How courteous Chinese should behave" (§ 22, item 3) was not considered in the lesson; students should prepare their own retelling. Questions to § 22. Individual task: retelling of the text "The Great Silk Road".

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