Alternating carbohydrates and fats for drying effect. Protein-carbohydrate alternation for fat burning. How does it work and what are its advantages? How many carbohydrates do you need per day when cutting?

Carbohydrate rotation diet
Based on materials from B. Phillips et al.

Low-carb diets are dangerous for the loss of “lean” muscle mass, mental concentration and good mood. Low-carb diets also impose serious restrictions on food choices. You have to exclude from your diet not only sweets and flour products, but also starchy carbohydrates (cereals, bread, potatoes, bananas).

With low-calorie diets, a lack of fat in the diet can result in excessively dry skin, brittle hair and nails. In addition, such a diet slows down your metabolism, resulting in an excessive reduction in the number of calories consumed, which ultimately also leads to the loss of “lean” muscle mass.

That is why athletes, professional actors and simply physically active people, when it is necessary to reduce body weight, increasingly began to turn to the so-called carbohydrate alternation diet. The main role in this diet is given to constant manipulation of the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Let's say you give yourself two months to lose weight. You divide this period into four-day cycles. Certain days of this cycle are low-carb, with protein intake at 3-4 grams per kilogram of weight, while carbohydrate intake is 0.5-1 gram. On high-carb days, carbohydrate intake is 4-6 grams per kilogram of weight, while protein intake is reduced to 1-2 grams. On moderate days, protein consumption is 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight, carbohydrates - 2-3 grams.

On low-carb days, the body almost completely depletes its glycogen stores. In parallel with this, fats are consumed to cover energy costs. And after almost complete depletion of glycogen reserves, by the end of the second low-carb day, the process of using fat as an energy source reaches its maximum. It is not advisable to continue such a diet, since the body, which has received severe stress due to carbohydrate depletion, will use muscle cells to cover energy costs, i.e. the same muscle mass that gives elasticity to the body and good appearance to the skin.

To prevent this from happening, a high-carbohydrate day is provided. On this day, you sharply increase your carbohydrate intake while maintaining the same calorie intake. You cut back on your protein intake and keep your fat intake to a minimum. After receiving this carbohydrate therapy, the body continues to use fats as energy, while at the same time restoring glycogen stores in the muscles and liver. Since it is almost impossible to replenish glycogen reserves in one day, carbohydrates are consumed one more day of the cycle, but more moderately. The four-day cycle is then repeated.

In practice, body weight changes as follows: in two days of carbohydrate depletion you can lose up to 0.5-1 kg of weight, and even on the day when you consume a lot of carbohydrates, this process continues. Then a significant part of the lost weight comes back, but do not be upset. The fact is that the resulting carbohydrates led to water retention in the body (1 gram of carbohydrates binds 4 grams of water) and the newly gained grams are not fat at all. By the morning of the sixth day (the second day of the second microcycle), you will weigh the same as you weighed before the start of carbohydrate loading.

The advantages of this system are obvious. First of all, such a diet allows you to “boost” your metabolism as quickly as possible, and adaptation to this diet does not occur for a long time. In addition, you constantly maintain a fairly high physical tone and can carry out very intense physical training.

Periodically increasing the number of carbohydrates in the diet prevents the body from using muscle as fuel. This is extremely important because excessive muscle loss results in a slower metabolism.

Another advantage of the carbohydrate cycling diet is that it allows you to maintain high mental tone, since you are not constantly experiencing severe dietary restrictions.

In conclusion, the four-day carbohydrate cycling diet cycle is not a dogma. Many people successfully modify this scheme. It is only important to correctly adhere to the principle of carbohydrate alternation diets.

Below is an example of a carbohydrate rotation diet. One cycle follows another. The number of successive cycles varies from 5 to 12.

Nutrition experts have calculated the content of essential nutrients for almost any food product. Therefore, today everyone can easily determine how much protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc. included in the products he chose for today's diet.

First day:
Moderate carbohydrate intake: 3 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Second day:

Low fat intake: 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

The third day:
Low carbohydrate intake: 1 g per 1 kg of body weight.
High protein intake: 3 g per 1 kg of body weight.
Low fat intake: 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Fourth day:
High carbohydrate intake: 4 g per 1 kg of body weight.
Moderate protein intake: 2 g per 1 kg of body weight.
Low fat intake: 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Another version of this diet

Days 1-3 (“no carbohydrates”):
20-22 kcal per kg of body weight per day; 80% protein, 20% fat.

Days 5-7 (nutrition to increase muscle mass):
45 kcal per kg of body weight per day; 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, 20% fat.

The main goal of drying is to reduce subcutaneous fat deposits and increase muscle definition. Achieving a similar result becomes possible through dietary restrictions and following a certain diet. Competitive bodybuilders have two main tools to get into better shape for competitions - bulking and fat burning. The first period involves an increase in the amount of calories consumed, since it is necessary to increase muscle mass, the second - a decrease in carbohydrates and fats in the diet, which allows you to get rid of excess fat.

The success of drying is determined by two fundamental criteria:

  • caloric restriction, when the energy expended exceeds the energy received from food;
  • maintaining a high rate of metabolic processes - metabolism.

And if calorie content is reduced as a result of a reduction in carbohydrates, which determine the energy and nutritional value of foods, then with the metabolic rate, if nutrients are reduced, everything is much more complicated. The nuance of how the metabolic process can be maintained at a high level is not always clear. In practice, there is a time-tested method for maintaining metabolic rate, which consists of fractional meals, when bodybuilders participating in competitions eat from 7 to 12 times a day. Regular training, carried out with optimal frequency every other day, also contributes to this.

Carrying out a safe drying period

The order of calorie reduction implies that animal fats and fast (simple) carbohydrates are the first to be removed from the diet. Fats and carbohydrates continue to be cut only in cases where the previous reduction in the diet is not sufficient. You should observe the measure and reduce the energy value of the diet gradually, and not abruptly, which can provoke a deterioration in well-being.

You should start by reducing your usual caloric intake by 10% without any changes in your training schedule. This will allow you to lose a small amount of weight. If after a week of this regime not even one kilogram has been lost, then the energy value of the diet is reduced by an additional 10%. And if 3000 calories were usually consumed, this number is reduced to 2700, and after a week the effectiveness of this restriction is checked. It is carbohydrates and a small amount of fat that should be reduced, and proteins should be left, since their deficiency can lead to rapid loss of muscle mass.

Cutting is similar to a diet, but is not aimed at “extreme” weight loss, but at reducing subcutaneous fat while preserving muscle. This determines the type of physical activity that the athlete should adhere to during this period. Losing weight by cutting does not mean that you need to run and do cardio. Jogging promotes weight loss, but along with the kilos, muscle tissue also goes away. The reason for this is that during high-intensity cardio there is a sharp surge in the synthesis of stress hormones, which have a catabolic (destructive) effect on the muscles.

To minimize the loss of muscle tissue, you should train for 60 to 90 minutes, giving preference to anaerobic activity. If the training lasts more than an hour and a half, then catabolic hormones begin to be synthesized. Instead of running, you can do brisk walking. An hour of such a load is enough to start fat burning processes without affecting muscle fibers.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day when cutting?

For drying to bring maximum effect, the diet must be balanced. The menu should consist of 40-45% carbohydrates and at least 10% fats of vegetable origin. Carbohydrates are consumed exclusively slow, which take a long time to digest, satisfy the feeling of hunger well, and constantly nourish the body. You can eat unsweetened fruits, nuts, cereals, and vegetables. You should completely avoid sweets, that is, fast carbohydrates, as they are stored in fat. We must not forget about protein, the amount of which is 1.5-2 grams per 1 kilogram of an athlete’s body weight.

Drying bananas

The first and second days of this cycle are low-carb, with protein intake at 3-4 grams per kilogram of weight, while carbohydrate intake is 0.5 grams.
The third day is high-carbohydrate, carbohydrate consumption can be 5-6 grams per kilogram of weight, while the amount of protein can be reduced to 1-1.5 grams.
The fourth day is moderate: protein consumption - 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight, carbohydrates - 2-3 grams.

During the first two days, especially towards the end of the second, the supply of glycogen (glycogen is an energy reserve material in the body) is reduced to a minimum. As a result, the body begins to use fat as fuel, i.e. burn it. However, you cannot use such a diet for a long time, otherwise the body, due to stress, will begin to store fats and use muscles as fuel, which is not acceptable for us.

To prevent this from happening, a high-carbohydrate day is introduced. On this day, you dramatically increase your carbohydrate intake while maintaining the same calorie intake. After such a “trick,” the body continues to burn fat and at the same time stores glycogen. But it is almost impossible to replenish glycogen reserves in one day, so carbohydrates are consumed on the 4th day of the cycle, but more moderately. After these four days the cycle repeats.

The benefits of this diet are as follows:

  1. You maximize your metabolism, which is very important when burning fat.
  2. Constantly “throwing up” carbohydrates does not allow the body to burn your precious muscles.
  3. Anyone who has ever been on a diet knows how it affects the psyche. With such a diet, you will always be in psychological tone, which plays a huge role in losing weight.

In conclusion, it must be said that the 4-day cycle is not a dogma. You can modify it. For example, 5 low-carb days, and load up on the weekend. Or eat the same amount of protein all the time, varying only carbohydrates. Use this information to build the best diet for you.

Menu No. 1
It should be noted that this is only a sample diet. The products presented in it can be replaced with others. The main thing is to vary the amount of carbohydrates in your diet.
Days 1-2 of the cycle – low carbohydrate.

Meal 1: vegetable salad with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 5 whites, 3 yolks
Meal 2: protein shake with skim milk
Meal 3: 1 grapefruit, chicken breast
Meal 4: cup of beans, beef
Meal 5: vegetable salad with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, 2 pieces of fish
Meal 6: protein shake with skim milk

High carb day

Meal 2: a plate of brown or regular rice, 1/2 chicken breast, a piece of wholemeal bread
Meal 3: serving of pasta made from durum flour
Meal 4: a serving of rice and 1/2 chicken breast
Meal 5: 3 pieces of coarse bread, 1 piece of lean fish

Moderate carb day.
1 meal: a cup of rolled oats with raisins, 3 egg whites
Meal 2: 3 slices wholemeal bread, protein shake with skim milk
Meal 3: a serving of rice, chicken breast, vegetable salad.
Meal 4: 3 pieces of wholemeal bread, vegetable salad with fish
Meal 5: protein shake with skim milk.

Menu No. 2
Breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese 0% with cinnamon/vanillin without sugar.
Snack: 1 whole egg and 1 egg white. You can make an omelette to which you can add shrimp/chicken.
Lunch: 200 g tuna with 1-2 cucumbers.
Snack: 150 g cottage cheese 0%
Dinner: 200 g chicken fillet.

Breakfast: oatmeal with ryazhenka fruit (dried fruits).
Snack: fruit.
Lunch: 4 tbsp. (dry) brown rice or buckwheat, or pasta (possible with protein).
Snack: a glass of kefir/ryazhenka with honey.
Dinner: Protein. You can add natural cocoa to cottage cheese.

Do not salt the food; stew-cook-bake. Onions, garlic, herbs, spices, you can drink coffee and tea. Sweeteners can be used.

Contents [Show]

Friends, hello everyone. Today on the agenda is a very relevant topic, namely: diet: protein-carbohydrate alternation (PCA). Why is it relevant? Yes, because the holidays are approaching, New Year 2014 and others, which means that all of humanity will fill their bellies with everything possible :). Therefore, today I will tell you about an effective diet for weight loss.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation (PCA)a diet that is used for WEIGHT LOSS (DRYING, BURNING EXCESS FAT). The main goal of the diet is burn fat without losing muscle mass or maintaining it as much as possible.

It all started with the American nutritionist Jason Hunter, who described protein-carbohydrate alternation in his book. The purpose of BUCH was a smooth, gentle weight loss for people who cannot stand without goodies for a long time. After other scientists paid attention to it, the diet gained popularity all over the world (including in bodybuilding). At the moment, there are many different modifications of this diet, but if we are talking about bodybuilding, then the main differences are in the mode of protein consumption. In the original diet, protein does not change on all days, but in bodybuilding everything is different:

  1. When a lot of carbohydrates are consumed = take a moderate amount of protein.
  2. When average amount of carbohydrates consumed = take large amounts of protein.
  3. When consuming few carbohydrates (or no carbohydrates at all) = the maximum amount of protein is taken.

* This is all necessary for maximum preservation of muscle mass (muscles). *

Protein-carbohydrate alternation (PCA)

From the name BUCH, you can guess that we will ALTERNATE PROTEINS and CARBOHYDRATES.

The classic fat burning scheme BUTCH consists of 4 DAY CYCLES:

  1. DAYS 1 and 2 = LOW CARBOHYDRATES = 0.5 grams, but GREAT PROTEIN intake = 3-4 grams per kg of body weight.
  2. Third day = LOTS OF CARBOHYDRATES = 5-6 grams, and little PROTEIN = 1-1.5 grams per kg of body weight.
  3. Day four = AVERAGE QUANTITY + B = 2-3 grams of CARBOHYDRATES + 2-2.5 grams of PROTEIN per kg of body weight.

P.s. after these four days, the same cycle is repeated until you achieve the desired result.

Explanations for the diet:

1. Eating at least 5-6 times a day on all four days, as usual. It is very important!

2. CARBOHYDRATES only COMPLEX (SLOW)= this is rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta. Simple carbohydrates (sweets, cakes, cookies, chocolates, sugar, etc. = not allowed). Especially on a carbohydrate day (when there are a LOT OF CARBOHYDRATES), people think that they can eat everything. This is wrong! You only need to eat complex carbohydrates!


3. Proteins you need to eat: eggs, chicken (white meat, chicken breasts), turkey, beef (only lean pieces), cottage cheese.

PROTEINS: eggs, varieties of meat, cottage cheese

What happens in the body during a 4-day cycle?

On the first and second days, When we limit CARBOHYDRATES, the body will begin to lose GLYCOGEN reserves. This happens because we practically do not receive carbohydrates, so the body uses GLYCOGEN as energy, depleting its supply. In parallel with this process, fat is burned!

Somewhere towards the end of DAY 2, the body uses very little glycogen (because it is no longer there and is not replenished with carbohydrates) and more FAT is used!!! Those. fat burns!!! This is good! In parallel with this, we take PROTEINS (and a large amount), this allows us to save muscles from destruction, as if it allows us to minimize destruction, but it still happens.

On the THIRD and SUBSEQUENT days, subject to limiting CARBOHYDRATES, the body will switch on emergency mode (anti-stress adaptation to hunger), the essence of which is to maintain body weight. This quality is simply necessary for the body to survive, because our ancestors often had to starve, they did not have the opportunity, like now, to go to the store and buy food, they had to hunt and get food for themselves, and sometimes the hunt was unsuccessful, and they had to spend some time without food.

In general, as a result of this emergency mode:

The body begins to use the cheapest, least valuable muscles for IT as a source of energy. And at every opportunity it replenishes the fat depot.

The body, as I already said, has turned on an economical mode of operation, it uses the least valuable source of ENERGY for it in order to ENSURE ITSELF SURVIVAL!!! The body doesn’t give a damn that YOU DON’T NEED FAT (that you’re doing this on purpose, you’re on some kind of diet).

Stress mechanisms (economy mode of operation) occur as follows:

  1. At first the conversion of thyroid hormones worsens, resulting in slower fat breakdown.
  2. After The secretion of catabolic hormones increases, resulting in muscle destruction.
  3. Then the production of glucagon decreases, and after 2-3 DAYS the conversion of FAT into GLUCOSE slows down, followed by its destruction to WATER and ENERGY.
  4. After the production of the anabolic hormone INSULIN decreases = and this will lead to increased catabolism.
  5. Begin mental oppression
  6. In women and girls, the balance of sex hormones and energy balance is disturbed, often leading to AMENORRHOEA. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for several menstrual cycles.

And to prevent this from happening, OUR DIET (BUCH) includes a THIRD DAY– we eat a LOT OF CARBOHYDRATES!!! This third day turns off ALL THESE ANTI-STRESS MECHANISMS. Thus, we can mislead the body (organism)! First, we have no carbohydrates (there are very few of them), therefore FAT IS BURNED, and then the BODY must TURN ON ECONOMIC MODE but does not turn it on FOR WE DO LOADING CARBOHYDRATES (on the THIRD DAY). And thus, on the third day, our body stops burning muscle mass and begins to use carbohydrates, storing most of it in the form of glycogen, i.e. it replenishes the wasted resource.

Fourth day- We We eat a moderate amount of CARBOHYDRATES and PROTEINS.

Actually, on the 3-4th day, along with glycogen, the body stores FAT TOO!!! It’s just that few people talk about it (either they don’t know or don’t want to talk, I don’t know). The fact is that weight loss occurs due to the difference between spent fat and stored fat, and we get something like a “pendulum effect”: fat burning - fat synthesis. Therefore, many people are worried about this, saying that this is a diet for weight loss or what? However, I assure you, do not be nervous! This is only a PLUS, because WEIGHT is slowly decreasing, but it is decreasing only due to FAT (adipose tissue), and muscle burning and water loss do not occur. This is what you need! Take my word for it. You will continue to eat more quietly. (and more beautiful, sexier and more prominent:).

I won't tell you to train on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. We adjust these parameters individually. They should be combined with your BUTCH diet which consists of 4 DAY CYCLES. Therefore, you have 4 days of training in a row.

How to train during these 4 days?

First day Fat burning is average, so do regular strength training or cardio. Everything is as before.

On the second dayit is also the best day for burning excess fat. If possible, you can even conduct 2 training sessions. The first in the morning on an empty stomach in the form of CARDIO TRAINING! And the second in the evening is strength training. If this is not possible, do not be upset. It's not a problem. Just do strength training for 40-45 minutes first in the evening, and then immediately after strength training do CARDIO (40+ minutes).

On the third day– you consume a lot of carbohydrates, there will be no fat burning. There is not a lot of glycogen even though you are full from the belly, the fact is that glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver are replenished quite slowly. You should not expect a surge of strength (as you usually do during training).

Fourth day- here we can expect a surge of strength. Glycogen is completely restored. Do rigorous strength training. Cardio is not gentle (not even possible).

CONCLUSION: The best days for training are DAY 2 (we do STRENGTH + CARDIO TRAINING) and DAY 4 (PURE STRENGTH, NO CARDIO). Link these days not to DAYS OF THE WEEK, but to YOUR BUTCH DIET (from your start of a 4-day cycle).

This concludes this issue, I hope you found it interesting. I also hope that I touched on everything, didn’t make a mistake anywhere, and wrote down everything I remembered. If this is so (smart guys), let me know, I will definitely correct it. After all, all this is for people. And if this is false information, then why am I even doing this?

Best regards, administrator.

A diet with protein-carbohydrate alternation is gaining more and more popularity among athletes and just people who want to lose weight without harm to their health and always stay in shape. The BEACH diet takes into account the characteristics of a person’s metabolism and allows you to get rid of excess fat, while maintaining muscle tone. Alternating between meals rich in proteins or carbohydrates allows the body not to experience stress during the diet, so the risk of breaking down and not completing the cycle is reduced to zero.

A diet based on protein-carbohydrate alternation is one of the most effective, since it takes into account the metabolic processes occurring in the body. The basis of the diet is alternating days during which you can eat only protein foods or only foods high in carbohydrates. The result will be noticeable within a few days.

During protein days, the level of carbohydrate consumption decreases significantly, and the body begins to consume glycogen contained in the muscles and liver. This leads to the breakdown of adipose tissue and weight loss.

To prevent the body from experiencing stress, the level of carbohydrates does not drop to a critically low level, the destruction of muscle tissue does not begin, carbohydrate days are created. They help obtain additional energy, including from the breakdown of adipose tissue.

An approximate schedule of protein-carbohydrate alternation is as follows:

  • 2 protein days, during which the body begins to actively consume glycogen from the liver and break down fats to maintain energy;
  • a carbohydrate day, during which the glycogen supply is partially replenished, this prevents the body from falling into a state of stress and starting to destroy muscles;
  • protein-carbohydrate day, during which all processes in the body return to normal;
  • repetition of the course.

Nutritionists advise following a protein-carbohydrate diet for 4 weeks. If necessary, the course can be extended or repeated.

In addition to the classic one, there are other popular protein-carbohydrate alternation schemes:

  • 2 protein + 2 carbohydrate;
  • 2 protein + 1 carbohydrate;
  • 3 protein + 1 carbohydrate + 1 protein-carbohydrate;
  • 2 protein + 2 carbohydrate + 2 protein-carbohydrate.

Significant caloric restriction of foods consumed during the day is not required on this diet. Women are advised not to exceed 1200 calories, men - 1400. It is important not to reduce physical activity and constantly perform sports exercises.

During a protein-carbohydrate diet, you must follow the rules of fractional nutrition - at least 5 small meals a day. This helps speed up metabolic processes in the body.

If you follow the classic scheme of protein-carbohydrate alternation, the menu for 4 days will look like this:

  • day 1: consumption of a certain amount of protein at the rate of 3–4 g of protein per 1 kg of desired weight; consumption of no more than 25 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of fat per day;
  • day 2: repeat day 1;
  • day 3: consumption of 1 g of protein and 6 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of desired weight; fat consumption is also limited to 30 g;
  • day 4: consumption of 3 g of protein and 3 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of desired weight; fat consumption remains at the same level.

From the fifth day the cycle repeats. During two protein days, it is recommended to carry out the most active training: strength exercises, cardio exercises. Individual deviations from the regimen, if the main one is ineffective, are discussed with a nutritionist.

When following a protein-carbohydrate diet, you should give preference to boiled, baked and stewed dishes, as well as steamed food. It is not recommended to eat fried food. You should limit the amount of salt and hot spices you consume, although you should not completely exclude them from your diet.

The following foods are allowed for consumption on protein days:

  • beef;
  • chicken fillet;
  • turkey;
  • lean fish;
  • low-fat milk - kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt;
  • boiled eggs (but no more than 2 yolks per day);
  • cucumbers (no more than 2 pieces) and greens;
  • a handful of nuts.

On carbohydrate days, the following foods are allowed:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • apples;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • dark chocolate and honey in small quantities.

Products that are prohibited on the BUTCH diet:

  • sugar and sweeteners;
  • sweet fruits;
  • Wheat flour;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • alcohol;
  • fast food.

Sample menu for four days BUCH

Since the four-day protein-carbohydrate alternation scheme is considered classic and the most effective, the diet menu is calculated specifically for 4 days.

The cycle should be repeated for a month. If you prefer other BUTCH diet plans, simply adapt the menu to them. For example, you can follow a diet for 21 days. In this case, the cycle “2 protein days + 1 carbohydrate day” must be repeated 7 times.

The menu for the first two days will look like this:

  • breakfast: steamed omelette of 4 whites and 2 yolks, cucumber and herb salad dressed with lemon juice, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • second breakfast: protein shake with low-fat milk or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch: baked chicken fillet with grapefruit slices;
  • afternoon snack: 100 g beef stewed with green beans;
  • dinner: lean fish and steamed broccoli, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • at night: protein shake.

Greens provide the body with a daily dose of beneficial microelements.

Day No. 3 (carbohydrate)

On a carbohydrate day, the diet includes the following list of products:

  • breakfast: 200 g oatmeal with milk and dried fruits;
  • second breakfast: an apple or a handful of nuts;
  • lunch: brown rice with chicken fillet;
  • afternoon snack: buckwheat with vegetable sauce;
  • dinner: a piece of steamed fish with whole grain bread.

Oatmeal with dried fruits helps you lose weight quickly

Day No. 4 (mixed)

On the fourth day, it is allowed to consume both protein and carbohydrate foods:

  • breakfast: oatmeal on water with honey, steamed omelette, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • second breakfast: toasted bread with honey, a glass of kefir;
  • lunch: chicken fillet with steamed green beans, fresh vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad with a slice of whole grain bread, cottage cheese or cheese;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with chopped herbs or a protein shake.

Beans block excess calories entering the body

Detailed recipes for the BUC diet

The menu for the BUTCH diet is simple, so any woman can handle cooking.

Pour 3-4 tbsp into a jar with a lid. l. oatmeal and fill them with twice as much low-fat kefir. Add frozen berries or dried fruit if desired. Close the jar tightly and shake. Leave in the refrigerator overnight.

The dish is suitable for breakfast on a carbohydrate day.

Place a handful of frozen beans in a heated frying pan without oil. Fry until half cooked. Then pour in a mixture of eggs and low-fat milk. Fry over low heat with a lid. Sprinkle with herbs if desired.

Omelette with beans helps replenish nutrients in the body

The dish is suitable for consumption on protein and mixed days.

People who adhered to protein-carbohydrate alternation leave mostly positive reviews.

The BEACH diet is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, etc.), as well as those who have problems with the liver and kidneys. In addition, it is not recommended for use in cases of significant excess body weight; in this case, preference should be given to stricter diets with strict control of the amount of calories consumed.

If you need to lose a small amount of extra pounds, but want to eat a balanced diet without harming your health, the BUTCH diet is a great way. It takes into account the individual characteristics of the body and helps to lose weight gradually and without harm to the body. After a diet, you must follow the rules of a healthy diet, and then the excess weight will not return.



Variety of products

Total: The diet allows you to gradually lose from 3 to 6 kg. Duration no more than 1 month. Pros: the diet is varied in foods, does not last very long, and is quite easy to tolerate. Cons: not suitable for people who want to lose more than 10 kg, you cannot sit on it for a long time. There are contraindications.

3.7 Good effective diet

The BOOCH diet (or protein-carbohydrate alternation) is especially popular among athletes and bodybuilders. The fact is that when eating a diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation, only excess weight is lost, while muscle mass does not suffer. In other words, the fat goes away - the muscles remain.

Since proteins are the main building material for cells, and carbohydrates are the body’s energy, professional athletes use these properties of organic substances in their diet. However, protein also has another function besides construction. It acts as an additional source of nutrition, along with carbohydrates. The liver is responsible for accumulating energy reserves from protein, which converts its excess into fat deposits.

It is these characteristics of the body that are taken into account when creating protein nutrition for bodybuilders and bodybuilders.

The essence of alternation is to create a stressful situation when the lack of glucose in the body is replenished from fat reserves. But the release of glucose does not occur due to physical activity, although this is the main source of energy expenditure. A special diet based on alternating consumption of proteins and carbohydrates guarantees a loss of 10 - 15 kilograms of weight per month. Protein-carbohydrate alternation is a kind of striped diet, since it also involves a cyclical diet.

The standard diet regimen consists of several cycles, each of which includes 4 dietary days of varying nutritional value:

1st day – protein,

Day 2 – protein,

3rd day – carbohydrate,

The 4th day - mixed, or fasting - is close to the usual daily menu, but with limitations in the range of products.

The number of such cycles depends on the weight that you consider to be excess.

Compliance with certain rules of any diet guarantees the greatest effectiveness, so it is not recommended to deviate from them. The protein-carbohydrate alternating diet is no exception.

  1. It is necessary to avoid spices that provoke appetite and water retention in the body: pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, sugar and salt.
  2. Reduce the amount of carbonated drinks as much as possible, or better yet, give them up altogether, especially those that are sweet and contain dyes.
  3. It is recommended to replace packaged juices with natural ones.
  4. The lack of smoked and fried foods will only have a positive effect on the result, so try to limit their consumption, or abstain during the diet.
  5. The daily amount of food must be divided into 5 parts and “reinforced” every 2.5 – 3 hours. Important: if you are not hungry at the time of your next meal, skip it, but do not add it to the next portion.
  6. The amount of fluid per day is 1.5 - 2 liters. With an active lifestyle, the volume can be increased to 2.5 liters.

A woman’s desire to have an ideal weight and be beautiful is understandable, but it should not be at the expense of her health. Do not use this diet if you have chronic diseases:

  • stomach,
  • pancreas,
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart and cardiovascular system;
  • liver.

Also, this diet is not recommended for people with severe obesity. This is explained by the fact that even two months of dieting is not enough to lose a large amount of excess weight, and an increased duration of the course can affect health, exacerbating hidden chronic diseases. For people with such problems, it is better to choose a longer and more effective way to lose excess weight.

Remember that any diet is stressful for the body, even a healthy one, so it would be wise to consult a doctor before starting self-improvement.

Knowing the peculiarities of the formation of fat cells, you can control this process. Moreover, get rid of reserves by alternating protein and carbohydrate foods, and using the body's fat reserves.

Protein days

Days 1 and 2 are designed to utilize carbohydrate reserves to their full potential. These days, the daily carbohydrate intake must be reduced by 80 - 90%, while increasing the proportion of proteins. The daily protein requirement for an adult is calculated based on body weight multiplied by 0.8 g.

Amount of proteins and carbohydrates for the BUC diet

To simplify the calculations, we provide a table showing the content of proteins and carbohydrates per 100 g of product. This will help you choose the right products and their optimal quantity.

Table of proteins and carbohydrates

Product Calorie content, Kcal Proteins, g Fats, gr Carbohydrates, g
Green peas 73 5 0,2 12,8
Zucchini 23 0,6 0,3 4,9
White cabbage 27 1,8 0,1 4,7
Brussels sprouts 43 4,8 0 5,9
Kohlrabi cabbage 42 2,8 0 7,9
Red cabbage 24 0,8 0 5,2
Cabbage 16 1,2 0,2 2,2
Potato 80 2 0,4 16,3
Bulb onions 41 1,4 0 9,1
Carrot 34 1,3 0,1 7,2
cucumbers 14 0,8 0,1 2,6
Patissons 19 0,6 0,1 4,1
Green pepper 26 1,3 0 5,3
Sweet red pepper 27 1,3 0 5,3
Beet 42 1,5 0,1 9,1
Tomatoes 23 1,1 0,2 3,8
Beans 31 3 0,3 3
Fish and seafood
Pink salmon 168 22,9 7,8 -
Catfish 114 15,5 5,8 -
Carp 125 19,4 5,3 -
Bream 126 20,9 4,7 -
Pollock 79 17,6 1 -
Burbot 92 21,4 0,7 -
Zander 97 21,3 1,3 -
Cod 78 17,8 0,7 -
Pike 97 21,3 1,3 -
Mackerel 211 19,6 14,7 -
Meat, Meat products
Beef 254 25,8 16,8 -
Goulash 175 12,3 12,2 3,9
Rabbit 204 24,6 11,7 -
Mutton 243 22 17,2 -
Pork 375 22,6 51,6 -
Beef tongue 146 12,2 10,9 -
Ham 279 22,6 20,9 -
Raw smoked brisket 605 8,9 63,3 -
Bacon 520 15,3 50,2 -
Duck 248 19,7 18,8 -
Turkey 195 25,3 10,4 -
Chicken 170 25,2 7,4 -
Chicken cutlets 206 18 8 15,2
Milk, Dairy products, Eggs
Skim milk 31 3 0,05 4,7
Milk 1.5% fat 44 2,85 1,5 4,78
Milk 2.5% fat 52 2,82 2,5 4,73
Milk 3.2% fat 58 2,8 3,2 4,7
Milk 3.5% fat 61 2,79 3,5 4,69
Milk 6% fat 84 3 6 4,7
Low-fat kefir 30 3 0,05 3,8
Kefir 2.5% fat. 53 2,9 2,5 3,9
Full fat kefir 56 2,8 3,2 4,1
Yogurt 1.5% fat 51 5 1,5 3,5
Yogurt 3.2% fat 85 5 3,2 8,5
Cottage cheese is low-fat. 88 18 0,6 1,8
Cottage cheese 2% fat 115 17 2 1,5
Cottage cheese 18% fat 232 14 18 2,8
Raw chicken eggs 157 12,7 11,5 0,7
Soft-boiled chicken eggs 159 12,8 11,6 0,8
Hard-boiled chicken eggs 160 12,9 11,6 0,8
Fruits and berries
Apricot 44 0,9 0,1 9
Orange 40 0,9 0,2 8,1
Watermelon 38 0,7 0,2 8,8
Banana 89 1,5 0,1 21,2
Grape 65 0,6 0,2 15,5
Mandarin 40 0,8 0,3 8,1
Peach 44 0,9 0,1 10,5
Grapefruit 35 0,9 0,2 6,5
Pomegranate 52 0,9 0 11,2
Lemon 33 0,9 0,1 3
Figs 238 3,1 1,2 53,2
Dried peaches 227 3 0 54,2
Dried plum 242 2,3 0 58,4
Dried dates 306 2 0,5 72,3
Dried rose hips 110 3,4 0 21,5
Dried apples 259 2,28 0 60,3

The full product table can be downloaded below:

Sample menu for protein days

Carbohydrate days

Day 3 replenishes carbohydrate losses, so the amount of protein is limited, and, on the contrary, more carbohydrates are consumed.

Sample menu for carbohydrate days:

Mixed day

The 4th day balances the balance of proteins and carbohydrates, and brings their amount closer to the normal norm.

On the last day of the cycle, you can return to the regular menu, but you should exclude the usual excesses - sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, smoked meats.

Duration of protein-carbohydrate alternation

Since nutritionists and those who have lost weight on this diet differ in their opinions, when determining duration, use your mind, not just the number on the scale. A diet lasting 1 month is relatively safe for the body.

If you feel great, but the desired weight has not been achieved, the diet can be extended for another month. Afterwards, take a break anyway. Remember that your diet is a constant stress for the body, so give it a break, even if you don’t get the desired result.

In general, the number of cycles is purely individual, so “feel yourself” and lose weight!

Reviews about the results of using protein-carbohydrate alternation differ in the number of kilograms lost and the duration of the course. But one thing remains the same - the weight really goes away.

To check, you need to try, the main thing is to stop in time, otherwise health will become the price to pay for beauty. Lose weight for your health!

News of the day! Free consultation with a nutritionist via Skype for visitors to the website

General rules

Diets based on alternating protein and carbohydrate diets (BEACH diet) are designed for intensive weight loss due to fat deposits. A protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss in various versions is widely used by athletes involved in bodybuilding for the so-called “cutting”, aimed at reducing the subcutaneous fat layer, which allows not only to lose weight, but also to improve muscle definition and body expressiveness.

Along with such specific goals, the BEACH diet is also used for weight loss (weight loss). At the same time, with such a nutritional system, the body uses primarily fats for energy, avoiding loss of body weight due to the breakdown of proteins, that is, muscle mass is not used as metabolic fuel.

The BUC diet consists of microcycles, the minimum duration of which is four days. The first two days - with a predominantly protein diet. During this period, an insufficient amount of carbohydrates enters the body and a reorientation of metabolic processes to gluconeogenesis occurs, in which energy production occurs due to non-carbohydrate components - mainly glycerin, pyruvic And lactic acid, fatty acids, that is, active consumption begins glycogen and the process of mobilization/oxidation of free fatty acids (burning fat deposits) is accelerated.

After a two-day protein diet, glycogen reserves in the body are depleted and cannot be used as “metabolic fuel.” amino acids(protein), it is necessary to replenish glycogen reserves in the body, which is achieved by switching to a high-carbohydrate diet on the third day. But since it is impossible to completely replenish the required amount of glycogen in the body in one day, on the fourth day a mixed diet is prescribed, which provides a more moderate carbohydrate content in combination with a physiologically normal protein content. Next, the protein-carbohydrate cycle repeats.

Scheme of one cycle of the BEACH diet - two days diet with predominantly protein consumption + one day high carbohydrate diet + one day mixed diet:

  • The first two days - the amount of protein in the diet at the rate of 3-3.5 grams/kg of your optimal (given) weight. That is, if your weight is 65 kg, and you want to lose weight to 60 kg, then you need to consume 3 * 60 g of protein (180 g). The total consumption of carbohydrates in these 2 days is at the level of 25-30 g / day and fat - up to 25-30 g.
  • The third day - the protein content in the diet is reduced to 1-1.5 g/kg, and the carbohydrate content - to 6 g/kg of the desired weight. At the same time, the calorie content of the daily diet of the previous two days should be maintained.
  • Fourth day - the diet should contain approximately equal proportions of proteins (up to 2.5 grams) and carbohydrates (up to 3 grams). Fat content at thirty grams/day.

Fundamentally important for the BEACH diet is the total calorie content of the daily diet, which, depending on the level of physical activity, should be at the level of 1200-1500 kcal.

The duration of such a diet should not exceed one month (7-8 cycles). This is due, on the one hand, to an unbalanced diet, and on the other hand, to the appearance of a “plateau” effect after this period of being on a BEACH diet (cessation/slowdown of weight loss), due to the body’s adaptation to this type of nutrition.

To speed up metabolism and improve metabolism, meals should be fractional (5-6 times/day). The amount of free fluid is 1.5 - 2.0 l/day. The amount of salt should be reduced and the consumption of salty foods limited.

It is recommended to prepare dishes using dietary methods of processing food - steaming, boiling, baking, stewing. Frying food is not allowed. An important condition for the effectiveness of this diet is mandatory adequate physical activity, especially on protein days, when the content glycogen in the body is low and metabolic processes of intensive fat burning are launched. Particularly useful are strength loads and dynamic exercises (jumping rope, cycling), which stimulate metabolic processes.

Other BEACH diet schemes have been developed:

  • 2 protein days + 2 carbohydrate days + 2 mixed days;
  • 3 protein + 1 carbohydrate day + one mixed day;
  • 5 protein days + 2 carbohydrate days.

Microcycles with a large number of protein days are also suitable for gaining weight, muscle mass, which will grow, but the fat layer will decrease. The most important condition for such a result is high power loads. However, the optimal option is a cycle with 2 protein days, since an increase in the number of days with a protein diet is more difficult for the body to tolerate. Getting out of the BUTCH diet is not difficult. To do this, after finishing the diet after the last mixed day, eat for another 5-7 days according to the mixed day diet and switch to your usual diet.

The basis of the diet of the BEACH diet is:

  • On protein days - lean varieties of red meat (veal/beef), rabbit/poultry (chicken, turkey), without skin, river/sea fish (pike, cod, hake, trout, flounder, salmon), seafood, low-fat cottage cheese , low-fat cheese, chicken eggs, soy products, low-fat kefir, walnuts, flax seeds).
  • From fats - virgin vegetable oils, red fish, fish oil, nuts. In small quantities, cucumbers, garden herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers.
  • On high-carbohydrate/mixed days - vegetables (zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, eggplants, celery stalks, green salad leaves, green beans, olives), unsweetened fruits (bananas/grapes in the morning), pasta from durum wheat, whole grain/partially preserved cereals (barley/oat and wheat porridge, buckwheat, unpolished rice), whole grain bread. Fats are the same foods as in the diet of protein days. As proteins, for dinner - meat or fish in small quantities.

Vegetables and greens

eggplants1,20,14,524peas6,00,09,060green peas5,00,213,873zucchini0,60,34,624cabbage1,80,14,727broccoli3,00,45,228carrots1,30,16,932cucumbers0,80,12,815olives0,8 10.76.3115 iceberg salad0.90 ,11,814 tomatoes0,60,24,220beans7,80,521,5123asparagus beans2,80,48,447lentils24,01,542,7284

Nuts and dried fruits

nuts15,040,020,0500flax seeds18,342,228,9534

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat porridge 4.52.325.0132 oat porridge millet porridge brown rice 7.41.872.9337

Flour and pasta


Bakery products

whole grain bread 10,12,357,1295



Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

boiled beef 25,816,80,0254 veal 19,71,20,090 rabbit 21,08,00,0156 bacon 23,045,00,0500




boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137turkey19,20,70,084


soft boiled chicken eggs 12.811.60.8159

Fish and seafood

seafood herring 16.310.7-161

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0.099.00.0899linseed oil0.099.80.0898

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0-green tea0,00,00,0-

Fully or partially limited products

The following foods are excluded from the BEACH diet:

  • fatty varieties of red meat (pork) and meat products (sausages, ham, lard, bacon, smoked meats), fast food;
  • sugar and products containing it - candies, halva, jam, cookies, chocolate, dried fruits, condensed milk, ice cream, sweet desserts;
  • It is not allowed to consume potatoes in any form, baked goods, whole/diluted milk, wheat bread, crackers, cakes, gingerbreads, waffles, or non-whole grain porridge;
  • sweet fermented milk and fatty dairy products;
  • sweet fruits (pineapple, watermelon, grapes, persimmon) and juices from them, caffeine-containing products;
  • alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Vegetables and greens

fried potatoes 2,89,523,4192 radishes 1,20,13,419 turnips 1,50,16,230 beets 1,50,18,840







Nuts and dried fruits


Cereals and porridges

corn grits8.31.275.0337

Flour and pasta


Bakery products

buns7,26,251,0317wheat bread8,11,048,8242







Raw materials and seasonings


condensed milk7,28,556,0320cream2,820,03,7205fruit yogurt 3.2%5,03,28,585

Meat products

fatty pork 11,449.30.0489 lard 2,489.00.0797 bacon 23,045.00.0500


smoked sausage28,227,50,0360cured sausage24,138,31,0455



Fish and seafood

fried fish19,511,76,2206smoked fish26,89,90,0196canned fish17,52,00,088

Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16%

Non-alcoholic drinks

bread kvass0.20.05.227cola0.00.010.442coffee with milk and sugar0.71.011.258pepsi0.00.08.738energy drink0.00.011.345

Juices and compotes

compote 0.50 019.581 grape juice 0.30 014 054

* data is per 100 g of product

Menu protein-carbohydrate diet (diet mode)

The BEACH diet menu for each day is built taking into account the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days and the prevailing diet on a given day of the microcycle. The basis of the protein-carbohydrate alternating diet menu is:

  • On protein days - products containing complete, easily digestible animal proteins: dietary types of red meat (boiled beef/veal) and poultry (chicken breast, rabbit meat, white turkey meat without skin), low-fat fish (pike, cod, hake, trout, flounder perch), chicken/quail eggs (yolk - 2 per day, protein unlimited), low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, seafood, kefir; vegetable proteins - soy products, legumes, nuts (in limited quantities due to the high fat content).
  • On a carbohydrate day, it is preferable to eat foods containing complex carbohydrates: vegetables (except potatoes), unsweetened fruits (bananas/grapes in the first half of the day), durum wheat pasta, cereals (except corn), preferably whole grains/partially preserved hulls (buckwheat, kernels) , unpolished rice, barley/oatmeal), whole grain bread. This is due to their higher nutritional value compared to products containing simple carbohydrates, since they create conditions for the functioning of normal intestinal microflora, normalize intestinal motor function, and adsorb cholesterol/toxic compounds and provide relatively stable and long-lasting saturation. At the same time, it is prohibited to consume sugar, sweets, dried fruits, halva, cookies, chocolate, honey, jam, and condensed milk.
  • As fats, it is allowed to include in the diet only foods containing unsaturated fats - red fish, fish oil, cold-pressed vegetable oils, flax seeds, nuts.

On the protein days of the microcycle, you cannot completely give up plant foods, since there is a high risk of gastrointestinal disorders. These days, it is recommended, along with protein foods, to consume small quantities of fresh cucumbers, garden herbs, lettuce, and tomatoes. As a last resort, you can replace eating plant foods by eating a tablespoon of fiber before meals. In addition, the lack of plant foods and dietary fiber during protein periods is the reason for the lack of intake of a number of vitamins/minerals into the body, which can be compensated for by taking tablets of various vitamin-mineral complexes - Unicap, Vitrum, Multitabs, Complivit, Vitamax.

It is important not to forget that dinner on all 4 days of the cycle should be protein, that is, on carbohydrate/mixed days, it is better to distribute carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and you should end the day with protein foods. Also, it is necessary to strictly control the intake of fats and carbohydrates into the body on protein days. Various kinds of snacks containing seeds/nuts are not allowed, otherwise the weight loss process will slow down. The menu for a week of the BUTCH diet is not given here, since it is optimal to prepare it for one microcycle, and then create meals for the week based on it.

Second day (protein)

Day three (high carb)

Fourth day (mixed)

A menu for a month or a longer period is compiled by setting 7-8 food rations according to microcycles. Recipes for the BUTCH diet consist of the above products, are as simple as possible to prepare and do not require special knowledge and cooking skills.


Diseases of the stomach and intestines ( gastritis, ulcer, enteritis/colitis), renal failure, chronic constipation, obesity 3-4 degrees, diseases of the cardiovascular system, age under 18 years, old age, gout, period pregnancy/lactation, endocrine/infectious diseases.

BUTCH diet, reviews and results

The most popular diet for is the Layla MacDonald Diet. It is used by fitness, bodybuilding and strength sports professionals to burn as much fat as possible before competition. The basis of the diet is nutrition according to BUTCH (protein-carbohydrate alternation). And the main feature is that the diet for drying the body comes in combination with training program.

The body-drying diet is suitable both for those who are preparing for bodybuilding and fitness competitions, and for those who want to bring their body to the most “dry” state for other purposes. An important caveat for beginners (it doesn’t matter if you want to lose 5kg or 15kg) - you don’t need this diet. If you just started doing fitness with the goal of losing weight, leave drying “for later.” It’s easier (and simpler!) for you to achieve your goals using traditional methods: counting calories, removing fast carbohydrates and unhealthy fats from your diet as much as possible, and adding cardio.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: weekly/daily menu, how to lose 10-15-20 kg, tips for beginners?

It is best to start a diet for cutting your body when your body fat is less than 15% (for men) and less than 25% (for women). Anyone who does not know their fat percentage can familiarize themselves with the criteria for normal body fat and navigate based on the knowledge gained.

To create a nutrition plan for drying your body, you need:

  • Learn to count calories and nutritional supplements;
  • Distinguish between “fast” and “slow” carbohydrates;
  • Each stage of nutrition should have its own training program.

Those who have successfully gained muscle mass usually already understand the intricacies of proper nutrition. However, to effectively dry the body, you need not only to reduce calories, but also to alternate the proportion of proteins and carbohydrates on different days of the week (BUCH).
Before the Diet Lyla MacDonald:
If you have been “dieting” (eating fewer calories than you burn), then take a 7-14 day break (eating to maintain weight, not to lose weight). The used/f/U ratio should be approximately 30% / 30% / 40%. This will help restore your metabolism (it slows down during a diet).
Calculate the number of calories you need to maintain your weight.
Approximate training plan: Training program for drying the body.

Stages of body drying

Drying consists of three stages:

  1. Fat burning;
  2. Transition period.

Fat burning (drying)

Day 1-2-3 (Mon, Tue, Wed) - Low-carbohydrate phase.

Goal: increase the rate of fat burning, minimize the use of proteins as energy sources.
Fat burning occurs due to:

  • Nutrition - reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. They should make up 20% of the daily caloric intake - 50-75g.
  • Sports - cardio, interval training, volumetric and intense circuit training in the gym.
  • Carbohydrates (slow) - 50-100g
  • Protein - 0.5-0.7g per 1 kg of “lean” muscle mass
  • Fat: all remaining calories

For example:

  • Daily calorie content - 1200 kcal
  • carbohydrates 50-75g + proteins 150-200g = 800-1000kcal
  • fats = 200-400kcal

It is important not to forget to consume Omega-3 fats (fish, flaxseed oil) - 6g per day.

For maximum fat loss:

The number of calories per day should be equal to 50% of the basic daily calorie content, but not less than 1200 kcal (for girls who get less, you need to add cardio to burn up the calories that are missing up to 1200).

To maintain muscle mass:

The number of calories per day is 75-90% of the basic daily caloric intake.

Vitamins and supplements:

  • Caffeine
  • Multivitamins
  • Fish fat
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium (600 mg in the morning + 1200 mg in the evening)
  • Glutamine (2g before bed)

It is best to eat 4 times a day. The menu may include low-fat sources of protein - chicken breast, egg whites, fish. Side dish - boiled brown rice, buckwheat, lentils, etc. If you eat cottage cheese, do not forget to count the carbohydrates it contains. Eat non-starchy vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. As a reward for these first three protein and fast days, you will be rewarded with carbohydrate loading.

Day 4 (Thursday) - first half of the day, before evening training

Calories - 75% of the calorie content of low-carb days (BJU in the same ratio).

  • 25-30g carbohydrates

You can eat fast carbohydrates (fruits, etc.), protein bars. You can also add caffeine and 1-3g amino acids.

Carbohydrate loading

Day 4 (Thursday) - afternoon, after evening training. Day 5 (Fri)

The 30-hour carbohydrate loading begins.

Meals for one and a half days:

  • 12-16g carbohydrates/1kg lean muscle mass
  • 0.45-0.7g protein/1kg lean muscle mass
  • about 50g fat (15% of total calories)

In total, you will get about 2-3 meals on Thursday and 6-7 on Friday, 100-150g of carbohydrates in each.
The menu can include both slow and fast carbohydrates - white rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, fruit. You can even afford sweets and baked goods - but only within the calorie content calculated in the Table. It is also important to consume the right amount of protein - you can eat fattier pieces of meat, limiting yourself to the total caloric intake for the day.

Transition period

Day 6 (Sat)

  • 60% carbohydrates (4-5g carbohydrates/1kg lean muscle mass)
  • 25% proteins
  • 15% fat

2-3 hours before training, you need to eat at least 1 meal, with a moderate amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

30-60 minutes before training:

  • 25-30g carbohydrates
  • 15g fast digestible protein (Whey)

Sweets and flour products are gradually leaving the menu in order to keep calories in check.

Day 7 (Sun)

Eating within calorie limits to maintain weight:

  • carbohydrates 2-3g/1kg lean muscle mass
  • proteins 0.45-0.7g/1kg lean muscle mass

For maximum fat burning, the number of calories can be cut by 10-20%.
All sweets are removed from the menu, and carbohydrate intake is achieved mainly through cereals.
Every 6-8 weeks on the Body Drying Diet, you need to take a break for 7-14 days (maintenance nutrition) to restore hormone levels and metabolism. But, if you initially needed to get rid of a small amount of fat, the last 5 kg, then 6 weeks should be enough.

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