Honor in Kuprin's work is a duel. The world of human feelings in the prose of the early 20th century (A. I. Kuprin. “The Duel”) Works on Russian literature. The deep crisis of the Tsarist army

A. I. Kuprin's story "The Duel" is the pinnacle of creativity, his final work, in which he addresses the problem of the individual and society, their tragic disharmony.

“The Duel” is a politically topical work: the story itself does not say anything about the Russian-Japanese War, but contemporaries perceived it in the context of those events. Kuprin revealed the essence of the state of society that led to the explosion, essentially pointing out the reasons that caused the defeat of the Russian army in the war with Japan.

The documentary style in "The Duel" is obvious (the consonance of names; the officers - the heroes of the story - those with whom Lieutenant Kuprin served in the 46th Dnieper Infantry Regiment, details of the biography of Romashov and the author himself). Kuprin said so: “The main character is me,” “Romashov is my double.”

With all this, the work contained a broad generalizing meaning. The author's attention is drawn to the topic of life in Russia in the first decade of the 20th century. The depiction of the military environment was by no means an end in itself. Starting from a local “army” theme, Kuprin raised problems that worried the entire society; they determined the moral pathos of the story: the fate of the people, the intrinsic value of the human personality, the awakening of its activity.

The title of the story is symbolic; the story became a duel between Kuprin himself and the tsarist army, autocratic orders that were destroying people. This is a duel with lies, immorality, injustice. The decline of morality, the apology for war, robbery, and violence are especially hateful to the humanist writer.

Kuprin shows the path the main character of the story, Romashov, takes in search of the truth. When the hero begins to see clearly, he comes to the conclusion about the intrinsic value of the “I”, the right to respect....

Honor and dishonor

The story “The Duel” is considered one of the best works of A. I. Kuprin. The story centers on the lives of army officers. The author managed to create a whole gallery of portraits worthy of analysis. Among them are representatives of the older generation, and young, inexperienced officers, and timid recruits, and wives of soldiers. Kuprin endowed each character with personal qualities. It is no coincidence that he touched upon the soldier’s theme. The writer spent his childhood in an orphanage and he, inspired by the victory of the Russian army, being already in high school,

decided to enter the military academy, which he easily succeeded.

Later, he retold his army experience in some novels and short stories. The story “The Duel” was published in 1905. In it we see how officers, in the fight for their honor, take different, sometimes rash, steps. The main character of the work is the young second lieutenant Georgy Romashov, who serves under the command of Vladimir Efimovich Nikolaev. Romashov himself is a kind, honest and romantic person by nature. He has been serving in the regiment for two years now, but he cannot come to terms with the rough and cruel morals of army life. It so happened that he was artificially

was drawn into a conflict with Lieutenant Nikolaev, who challenged him to a duel.

The situation was such that Romashova was pestered for some time by the married lady Raisa Aleksandrovna Peterson. When he told her that everything was over between them, she began sending countless anonymous letters to Nikolaev, revealing in them the second lieutenant’s true attitude towards his wife Shurochka. In fact, Romashov was not indifferent to Shurochka, but he did not pretend to reciprocate feelings. Tired of letters addressed to him, Nikolaev nevertheless challenged the second lieutenant to a duel. Nazansky tried to persuade his friend to refuse this challenge, but Shurochka came to Romashov and begged him not to refuse the fight for the sake of her husband’s career. Unable to refuse her, the second lieutenant agreed.

At the end of the work, we learn from a report with the testimony of a junior doctor that Romashov died from a wound in the stomach. Did he do the right thing by accepting Nikolaev’s challenge? Perhaps he should have listened to the philosophical Nazansky, who told him that life is infinitely good and it is not worth risking it so much. In any case, the second lieutenant chose to die with dignity. He had recently been at an ideological and moral crossroads, and this fight became a kind of solution to all problems.

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Honor is one of the most significant human values. To act honestly means to listen to the voice of conscience, to live in harmony with oneself. Such a person will always have an advantage over others, since no circumstances can lead him astray from the true path. He values ​​his beliefs and remains true to them to the end. An unscrupulous person, on the contrary, sooner or later suffers defeat, if only because he betrayed himself. A liar loses his dignity and experiences a moral decline, and therefore he does not have the spiritual strength to defend his position to the end. As the famous quote from the movie Brother says, “There is strength in truth.”

In the story “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin, the theme of truth occupies a central place. As an epigraph, the author takes the well-known proverb “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age” and develops this idea throughout the entire work. In the story we see a “confrontation” between two heroes - Grinev and Shvabrin, one of whom chose to follow the path of honor, and the other turned away from this path. Petrusha Grinev defends not only the honor of the girl slandered by Shvabrin, he defends the honor of his Motherland and his empress, to whom he swore an oath. Grinev, in love with Masha, challenges Shvabrin to a duel, who has insulted the girl’s honor by allowing himself unacceptable hints towards her. During the duel itself, Shvabrin again acts dishonestly and wounds Grinev when he is distracted. But the reader sees who Masha chooses.

Pugachev's arrival at the fortress is another test for the heroes. Shvabrin, pursuing his own interests, goes over to Pugachev’s side and thereby betrays both himself and his homeland. And Grinev, even under pain of death, remains true to his convictions. And Pugachev, the robber and revolutionary, leaves Grinev alive because he is able to appreciate such an act.

War is also a test of honor. In V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” we again observe two opposing characters - partisans Sotnikov and Rybak. Sotnikov, despite his illness, volunteers to go in search of food, “because others refused.” He alone fires back at the policemen, while Rybak runs away and abandons his comrade. Even after being captured, during interrogation, under severe torture, he does not reveal the location of his squad. Sotnikov dies on the gallows, but retains both honor and dignity.

The seemingly noble return of Rybak for his lagging comrade has low motives: he is afraid of the condemnation of others and does not know how to explain his treacherous act to the detachment. Then, in captivity, when they are being led to execution, Rybak agrees to go into service with the Germans in order to save his life. However, having lost his last hope of escaping, he comes to the conclusion that death is his only way out. But he fails to commit suicide, and this cowardly, weak-spirited man is forced to suffer all his life under the blows of his conscience.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we must cultivate and preserve the habit of acting honestly and according to our conscience. This is one of the foundations on which society rests. Even now, when the times of knights and duels are long gone, we must not forget the true meaning of the concept of “honor”.

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Preparation for the final essay on literature, grade 11

towards "Honor and Dishonor"

The concept of honor must be instilled in a child from birth, otherwise in adulthood it will be too late and the child may grow up to be a scoundrel.

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", "Dubrovsky"

Russian literature of the 19th century)

A real person cannot live without honor, so he must protect himself and his family even at the cost of his own life (Pushkin died in a duel defending his own family)

Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"


Yes and no. It all depends on what the duel took place for.

Kuprin "Duel"

Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Of course, a person often hesitates before doing a bad deed. If it is completed, then life is divided into “before” and “after”. And changing something is extremely difficult, if not impossible.

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Pushkin "E. Onegin"


Sometimes a person values ​​too much the opinion of complete strangers and few people he respects. Because of this, he can make stupid things and even tragic mistakes. Sometimes a person himself creates conflict situations, and then, under the guise of defending his honor, kills someone in a duel. The true honor in this situation is not to kill the one you yourself have offended, but to ask for forgiveness and admit your guilt.

Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” (Onegin kills Lensky because he is afraid of gossip)

Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” (Pechorin kills Grushnitsky because he doesn’t want to be a laughing stock. But who is to blame for all this?)

honor (Victor Hugo)

In past centuries, offended people challenged the offender to a duel or committed suicide. Now, to protect their honor and dignity, civilized people go to court.

Bunin "Caucasus"

Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” (about Lensky)



They say that a man of honor is always ready to die and is not afraid of death. You should always be guided by the main moral principles: do not steal, do not kill, do not covet, etc.

V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

B. Pascal


The origins of dishonesty lie deep in childhood. If parents did not instill in their child standards of behavior, if they themselves could afford to act deceitfully, then the child, growing up, will not be an honest person.

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

N.V. Gogol “Dead Souls”


9. What is the meaning of honor?

It happens that a person looks very respectable: good clothes, face, gait, haircut. But if you get to know him better, talk, look at his actions, it turns out that he is not at all who he claims to be. And sometimes it happens the other way around: at first you don’t like the person, but then you realize that he is decent and honest.

Pushkin "Station Warden"

Leskov "Old genius"


All Russian literature of the 19th century touches on this topic in one way or another. But most of all I remember Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”


1. Life of Alexander Nevsky

2. “Shemyakin court”

3. F.I.Fonvizin “Undergrowth” (Messrs. Prostakovs, Mitrofan, Sophia, Milon, Starodum)

4. A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” (Peter Grinev, Alexey Shvabrin, Masha Mironova, Pugachev), “Eugene Onegin” (Onegin, Vladimir Lensky, Tatyana and Olga Larin), “Station Master” (Samson Vyrin, his daughter Dunya and cornet Minsky)

5. N.S. Leskov “Old genius” (old woman, young nobleman, official of the 14th category)

6.I.A.Bunin “Caucasus”, “Mr. from San Francisco”

7. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

8. M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” (Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich, Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, Bela, Maxim Maksimych, Vera)

9. A.K. Tolstoy “Vasily Shibanov” (Prince Kurbsky and his stirrup Vasily Shibanov, Ivan the Terrible, Malyuta)

10. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”

11. A.I. Kuprin “Duel” (Grigory Romashov, Shurochka, her husband Nikolaev), “Garnet Bracelet” (Grandmother Vera Sheina, her husband Vasily, brother Nikolai Nikolaevich, poor official Zheltkov, father’s friend General Anosov)

12. M. Gorky “At the Bottom”

13. N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General”, “Dead Souls”

14. V. Bykov “Sotnikov” (Sotnikov, Fisherman, headman, Demichikha)

Honor and dishonor

About honor (for introduction)

Concepts such as “honor” and “conscience” have somehow lost their relevance in the modern world of indifference and a cynical attitude towards life.
If previously it was a shame to be considered an unscrupulous person, today such a “compliment” is taken lightly and even with bravado. Pangs of conscience - today this is something from the realm of melodrama and is perceived as a movie plot, that is, the audience is indignant, and at the end of the film they go and, for example, steal apples from someone else's orchard.
Nowadays, it has become a shame to show mercy, compassion, empathy. Nowadays it’s “cool”, to the approving hooting of the crowd, to hit a weak person, kick a dog, insult an elderly person, be rude to a passerby, and so on. Any nasty thing created by one scumbag is perceived as almost a feat by the fragile minds of teenagers.
We have stopped feeling, having isolated ourselves from the realities of life with our own indifference. We pretend that we don’t see or hear. Today we pass by a bully, swallow insults, and tomorrow we ourselves quietly turn into unscrupulous and dishonest people.
Let's remember past centuries. Duels with swords and pistols for insulting one's honorable name. Conscience and duty that guided the thoughts of the defenders of the Fatherland. Mass heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic War for the enemy’s trampling of the honor of their beloved Motherland. No one shifted the unbearable burden of responsibility and duty onto the shoulders of another to make himself more comfortable.
Honor and conscience are the most important and valuable qualities of the human soul.
A dishonest person can go through life without feeling pangs of conscience for his actions. There will always be sycophants and hypocrites scurrying around, extolling his imaginary merits. But none of them will lend him a helping hand in difficult times.
An unscrupulous person will not spare anyone on his ambitious path to achieve his goals. Neither devoted friendship, nor love for the Motherland, nor compassion, nor mercy, nor human kindness are inherent in such a person.
Each of us wants respect and attention from others. But only when we ourselves become more tolerant, more restrained, more tolerant and kinder, will we have the moral right to respond to the manifestation of the listed qualities.
If today you betrayed a friend, cheated on a loved one, cheated on a colleague, insulted a subordinate, or betrayed someone’s trust, then don’t be surprised if tomorrow the same thing happens to you. Finding yourself abandoned and unwanted, you will have a great chance to reconsider your attitude towards life, towards people, towards your actions.
A deal with conscience that covers up shady dealings up to a certain point can end very badly in the future. There will always be someone more cunning, arrogant, dishonest and unscrupulous, who, under the guise of false flattery, will push you into the abyss of ruin in order to take the place that you also took from another.
An honest person always feels free and confident. Acting according to his conscience, he does not burden his soul with vices. He is not characterized by greed, envy and irrepressible ambitions. He simply lives and enjoys every day given to him from above.

1. Is the Russian proverb true: “Take care of your honor from a young age”?

Conclusion: An honest man can be persecuted, but not dishonored. (F. Voltaire)

2. Honor, decency, conscience - qualities that should be valued (according to works

Russian literature of the 19th century)

Conclusion:I agree to endure any misfortune,

But I will not agree for honor to suffer. (Pierre Corneille)

Conclusion: Honor is like a precious stone: the slightest speck deprives it of its shine and takes away from it

its entire price. (Pierre Beauchaine, French writer)

4 Do you agree with the statement of F.M. Dostoevsky “In everything there is a line beyond which to cross

dangerous; for once you step over, it is impossible to go back”?

Conclusion:“The opposite of honor is dishonor, or disgrace, which consists in the bad opinion and contempt of others” (Bernard Mandeville)

5. What is true honor and what is imaginary?

When a guilty person admits his guilt, he saves the only thing worth saving - his

honor (Victor Hugo)

6. What lengths can you go to in order to protect human honor?


"I prefer death to dishonor" (unknown author)

7. How to choose in a difficult moment between honor and dishonor?

Conclusion:He who is not ready to die for his own honor will find dishonor.
B. Pascal

8. Where do dishonest people come from?

Conclusion:“My father taught me that in life, duty and honor come first. A man who cannot keep his word is no better than a wild beast...” (Centurion)

9. What is the meaning of honor?

“You are greeted by your clothes, but you are escorted by your mind”

Conclusion:“The strong are not the best, but the honest ones. Honor and self-dignity are the strongest” (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

10. A work about honor and dishonor that excited you...

List of literature in the direction of “Honor and dishonor”

1. Life of Alexander Nevsky

2. “Shemyakin court”

3. F.I.Fonvizin “Undergrowth” (Messrs. Prostakovs, Mitrofan, Sophia, Milon, Starodum)

4. A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” (Peter Grinev, Alexey Shvabrin, Masha Mironova, Pugachev), “Eugene Onegin” (Onegin, Vladimir Lensky, Tatyana and Olga Larin), “Station Master” (Samson Vyrin, his daughter Dunya and cornet Minsky)

5. N.S. Leskov “Old genius” (old woman, young nobleman, official of the 14th category)

6.I.A.Bunin “Caucasus”, “Mr. from San Francisco”

7. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”

8. M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” (Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich, Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, Bela, Maxim Maksimych, Vera)

9. A.K. Tolstoy “Vasily Shibanov” (Prince Kurbsky and his stirrup Vasily Shibanov, Ivan the Terrible, Malyuta)

10. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”

11. A.I. Kuprin “Duel” (Grigory Romashov, Shurochka, her husband Nikolaev), “Garnet Bracelet” (Grandmother Vera Sheina, her husband Vasily, brother Nikolai Nikolaevich, poor official Zheltkov, father’s friend General Anosov)

12. M. Gorky “At the Bottom”

13. N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General”, “Dead Souls”

14. V. Bykov “Sotnikov” (Sotnikov, Fisherman, headman, Demichikha)

Essay on the topic: The theme of honor and dishonor in the works of Pushkin

After reading the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter”, you understand that one of the themes of this work is the theme of honor and dishonor. The story contrasts two heroes: Grinev and Shvabrin - and their ideas about honor. These heroes are young, both of them are nobles. YES, they end up in this outback (Belogorsk Fortress) not of their own free will. Grinev - at the insistence of his father, who decided that his son needed to “pull the strap and smell the gunpowder...” And Shvabrin ended up in the Belogorsk fortress, perhaps because of the high-profile story associated with the duel. We know that for a nobleman a duel is a way to defend honor. And Shvabrin, at the beginning of the story, seems to be a man of honor. Although from the point of view of an ordinary person, Vasilisa Yegorovna, a duel is “murder.” This assessment allows the reader who sympathizes with this heroine to doubt Shvabrin’s nobility.
You can judge a person by his actions in difficult times. For the heroes, the challenge was the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev. Shvabrin saves his life. We see him “with his hair cut in a circle, in a Cossack caftan, among the rebels.” And during the execution, he whispers something in Pugachev’s ear. Grinev is ready to share the fate of Captain Mironov. He refuses to kiss the impostor’s hand because he is ready to “prefer a cruel execution to such humiliation...”.
They also treat Masha differently. Grinev admires and respects Masha, even writes poetry in her honor. Shvabrin, on the contrary, confuses the name of his beloved girl with dirt, saying “if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of tender poems, give her a pair of earrings.” Shvabrin slanderes not only this girl, but also her relatives. For example, when he says “as if Ivan Ignatich was in an inappropriate relationship with Vasilisa Egorovna..” It becomes clear that Shvabrin actually does not love Masha. When Grinev rushed to free Marya Ivanovna, he saw her “pale, thin, with disheveled hair, in a peasant dress.” The girl’s appearance eloquently speaks of what she had to endure due to the fault of Shvabrin, who tortured her, kept her in captivity and constantly threatened to extradite her her rebels.
If we compare the main characters, Grinev will certainly command more respect, because despite his youth he managed to behave with dignity, remained true to himself, did not disgrace his father’s honorable name, and defended his beloved.
Perhaps all this allows us to call him a man of honor. Self-esteem helps our hero at the trial at the end of the story to calmly look into the eyes of Shvabrin, who, having lost everything, continues to fuss, trying to slander his enemy. Long ago, while still in the fortress, he crossed the boundaries determined by honor, wrote a letter - a denunciation - to Grinev's father, trying to destroy the newly born love. Having acted dishonestly once, he cannot stop and becomes a traitor. And therefore Pushkin is right when he says “take care of honor from a young age” and makes them an epigraph to the entire work.

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