Net assets. Other current assets on the balance sheet are... Accounts and other assets

Other current assets on the balance sheet areeconomic resources of the company that are not subject to reflection in the main lines of the report of the 2nd section. What items of income and investments are usually classified as other current assets, as well as data on which accounting accounts form this indicator, will be discussed further.

The concept of other current assets

Current assets represent the organization's economic assets consumed during the year or production cycle. During the commercial activities of the enterprise, their value is completely transferred to the manufactured products or funds received.

Information about current assets is recorded in the 2nd section of the balance sheet, divided into main groups. Amounts that do not fit this group are recorded separately in line 1260 as other current assets.

IMPORTANT! According to para. 3 clause 11 PBU 4/99 information on individual types of assets can be reflected in a total amount with explanations to the balance sheet if the amount of each indicator is not significant for assessing the results of financial activities.

To detail the indicators of other current assets, a separate line 12605 “Deferred expenses” is provided in the balance sheet.

You can learn more about balance sheet items, their meaning and content in the article.

What do other current assets include?

Balance sheet line 1260 may include assets such as:

  • Proceeds from the sale of property for which title has not yet been registered to the buyer. In this case, you can enter a decoding line in the balance sheet or issue an explanatory note.
  • Accrued VAT on revenue that temporarily cannot be taken into account (the conditions for recognizing revenue are described in PBU 9/99).
  • The cost of damaged material assets and shortages, the source of compensation for which is temporarily not determined.
  • VAT on advances and excise taxes, the reimbursement of which is planned in the near future.
  • The amount accrued but not billed for payment under a construction contract (for more details, see PBU 2/2008).
  • The cost of shares (shares) purchased for their further resale.

What does the increase in the indicator in line 1260 indicate?

Analysis of asset turnover allows us to determine the financial dynamics of the enterprise's development. An increase indicates job stability and rational use of funds. In this case, it is necessary to take into account complete information about the composition of assets. It is inappropriate to use only one value of other current assets for analysis due to its insignificance.


Other current assets are accounted for in line code 1260 of the balance sheet and include transactions that do not fall under the distribution in the basic information of the 2nd section. Analysis of asset turnover allows us to determine the financial dynamics of the enterprise's development.

What are net assets? A business's net assets are the difference between the adjusted amount of a business's assets and its liabilities—in short, the value of the business itself minus its debts.

The value of the net assets of an enterprise is calculated on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 10-dated January 29, 2003 “On approval of the procedure for assessing the value of net assets of joint-stock companies.” For limited liability companies, when calculating net assets, the same calculation procedure is used (except for trustees of investment funds, gambling organizers) (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia N 03-03-06/1/39 dated January 26, 2007).

The calculation of the value of net assets of organizations (with the exception of credit organizations) is made on the basis of accounting, the procedure for which is established by the federal executive body.

When calculating the value of net assets in a credit institution, the amount of equity (capital) determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner is taken into account.

When is net asset value assessed? Net assets are assessed by the company quarterly, as well as at the end of the year at the reporting date. This assessment is reflected in the financial statements, quarterly and annually, respectively.

If at the end of the second and each subsequent reporting year the value of net assets turns out to be less than the authorized capital of the company, it must announce a reduction in its authorized capital to the resulting value of net assets, and register such a decrease in the prescribed manner (clause 4 of article 35 of the federal law dated 12/26/1995 No. 208-FZ, paragraph 3 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ).

If the new amount of the authorized capital is less than the minimum established by law, such an enterprise is subject to liquidation (clause 5, article 35 of the federal law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ, clause 3 of article 20 of the federal law of 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ, Article 90 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 99 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

To calculate the assets accepted for calculation, we take:

1. Non-current assets. They are reflected in the first section of the balance sheet and include: intangible assets (intangible assets), fixed assets (fixed assets), construction in progress (CW), profitable investments in tangible assets, long-term financial investments, other non-current assets;

2.Current assets. They are reflected in the second section of the balance sheet and include: inventories, value added tax on acquired assets, accounts receivable, short-term financial investments, cash, and other current assets. The value of current assets does not take into account the cost of the actual costs of repurchasing its own shares, which are purchased by the joint-stock company from shareholders for their subsequent resale or cancellation, and the debt of the participants (founders) for contributions to the authorized capital.

To calculate liabilities taken into account when calculating the value of net assets, the following are included:

1. long-term liabilities for loans and credits and other long-term liabilities;

2. short-term liabilities for loans and credits;

3. accounts payable;

4. debt to participants (founders) for payment of income;

5. reserves for future expenses;

6. other short-term liabilities.

That is, the following balance sheet indicators are involved in calculating the net assets of an enterprise.

An example of calculating the net assets of enterprises (for any form of ownership)

Balance sheet of Stroymaterialy LLC as of 10/01/2012:

Balance indicators Balance data
Balance sheet asset
1. Non-current assets (section I):
- residual value of fixed assets RUB 2,300,000
- capital investments in unfinished construction RUB 1,600,000
- long-term financial investments 700,000 rub.
2. Current assets (section II):
- stocks 200,000 rub.
- accounts receivable, 800,000 rub.
including the debt of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital 50,000 rub.
- cash- RUB 1,200,000
Liability balance
3. Capital and reserves (section III):
- authorized capital- 200,000 rub.
- retained earnings RUB 1,500,000
4. Long-term liabilities (section IV):
- long-term loans 1,000,000 rub.
5. Short-term liabilities (Section V):
- short-term loans 400,000 rub.
- debt to the budget 200,000 rub.
- other short-term liabilities RUB 1,900,000

When calculating the amount of assets, the calculation does not include such an indicator as the debt of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital (50,000 rubles). The amount of assets in our example will be 6,750,000 rubles. (2,300,000 + 1,600,000 + 700,000 + 200,000 + 800,000 – 50,000 + 1,200,000).

When calculating liabilities, the calculation does not include data from Section III of the balance sheet (RUB 1,500,000). Then the amount of liabilities in our example will be equal to 3,500,000 rubles. (1,000,000 + 400,000 + 200,000 + 1,900,000).

Total net asset value as of October 1, 2012 will be 3,250,000 rubles. (6,750,000 – 3,500,000).

The “net assets” indicator is necessary for analyzing activities, as well as for... It must be positive and exceed the size of the authorized capital. If there is an increase in net assets, then the profit of the enterprise is increasing. Those. the enterprise not only increased the funds that were initially invested in it, but also multiplied them. Of course, it is possible that this indicator will decrease, and it may be less than the authorized capital in the first, most difficult year of starting operations. But during normal operation of the enterprise, the situation evens out. If, nevertheless, the situation has not improved, then the company must either reduce its authorized capital or liquidate it in accordance with the law.

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In conditions of independence of business entities, assessment of the financial condition and investment attractiveness of the enterprise plays a great role. For this purpose, within the framework of economic analysis, many criteria have been developed, but a special place among them is given to the net asset indicator. You will learn how to implement it correctly from this article.


In world practice, net assets have been used for many years, but in Russian practice they appeared relatively recently. In 1995, this indicator was introduced into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as a normative one, which reflects the procedure for forming and changing the authorized capital. Although 20 years have passed, today there is no clear approach to calculating its value in the economic literature. But this indicator appears in the financial statements in Form No. 3 “On changes in capital.”

An enterprise's net assets (NA) are the difference between the adjusted amount of an organization's resources and its liabilities. In other words, it is the value of the company without debt. The procedure for calculating net assets is approved in Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 10-n. It applies to enterprises of all forms of ownership. Credit institutions calculate net assets in accordance with the relevant instructions of the Central Bank. Valuation is carried out once a quarter, as well as at the end of the year. This figure appears in the financial statements.

If at the end of the second and any subsequent year the value of the private capital is less than the authorized capital (AC), then the organization needs to announce a decrease in the charter capital and register this operation in the prescribed manner. If, after the changes, the amount of capital is less than the norm established by law, then such an enterprise is subject to liquidation.

Calculation of net assets: formula

To determine the value of the NAV, the following balance sheet items are used:

  1. Non-current assets are the first section of the balance sheet, which includes intangible assets, fixed assets, work in progress, investments in valuables, long-term financial investments and other resources.
  2. Current assets are the second section of the balance sheet, which includes inventories, VAT on purchased materials, debt, financial investments for the short-term period, cash and other resources. The cost of the joint stock company does not include the actual costs of repurchasing shares of the organization of the joint stock company for the purpose of their subsequent resale or cancellation, as well as the debt of the founders for contributions to the authorized capital.
  3. Long-term liabilities for loans and credits received.
  4. Short-term debt.
  5. Liabilities on bank loans.
  6. Debt to shareholders for payment of dividends.
  7. Reserve for future expenses.
  8. Other short-term liabilities.
  9. NA = Assets - Liabilities

This is how net assets are calculated. The formula presented above is used to calculate this indicator in enterprises of all forms of ownership, except for organizations that carry out insurance and banking activities.

Other methods

Other regulations describe other schemes for calculating NA. For example, the “Methodological Recommendations” indicate that the amount of assets should not include a balance line such as “VAT on purchased materials.” The point is that in ch. 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, this amount can be reduced by the taxpayer only if a large number of conditions are met. The same document states that the liabilities involved in the calculation of the NAV should not include the line “Reserves for future costs.” But according to the conclusion of most economists, this article relates more to the company’s own funds than to the organization’s obligations.


Having dealt with the theory, let's move on to practice. In the example, we will look at calculating the net assets of an LLC. This formula and procedure are used for enterprises of all forms of ownership.

Balance sheet lines of Prodzapasy LLC as of 10/01/2015, which are taken into account in the calculations:

Assets Amount, t. rub. Passive Amount, t. rub.
VNA Capital and reserves
Residual value of fixed assets 2300 UK 200
Capex in WIP 1600 Long-term loans 1000
Long-term financial investments 700 Short-term liabilities
OA Loans 400
Reserves 200 Debt to the budget 1000
DZ 750 Other current liabilities 900
Cash 1200
Total 6750 Total 3500

Total NAV as of 10/01/2015: 6750 – 3500 = 3250 thousand rubles.

The value of net assets, the calculation of which is carried out to analyze the financial activities of the organization and before calculating dividends, should ideally be positive and exceed the size of the authorized capital. An increase in the indicator indicates an increase in profits. But the opposite situation is also possible. Most often, in the first year of operation of an enterprise, the value of the NAV may be less than the CM. But if the organization operates normally, the situation should improve in the future.


Information on the value of net assets has been provided to the Unified Federal Register (USFRS) since 2013. It is necessary to include the following information:

  • creation of a legal entity (even through reorganization);
  • decision of a federal body to exclude an organization from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • calculation of the enterprise's net assets;
  • liquidation, bankruptcy of a legal entity;
  • change in the value of the authorized capital;
  • change of registration address.

Thus, information on the cost of NA is publicly available.

Change in the amount of authorized capital

Although the law stipulates that if, based on the results of the second and subsequent periods, the value of the private equity is higher than the capital, then these indicators must be equalized, and it is not necessary to reduce the authorized capital. You can increase your NAV due to contributions from participants. But such an obligation must certainly be provided for in the charter. If it is missing, then you must first make changes to the document, and only then change the Criminal Code.

Increase in NA

Since 2011, when taxing profits, all property that was transferred to an organization for the purpose of increasing the net asset value and forming additional capital is not taken into account.

Previously there was no such possibility. Now you can increase the NA without consequences in NU. In accounting, the value of property received as a contribution is not income.

The contribution to the OS LLC is reflected in the DT account of the corresponding intangible asset and KR account 83 “Additional capital”. In other words, if the organization received raw materials or goods as a contribution, then this operation will be reflected in the following entry: DT 10 (41) KR 83. And if cash was received as a contribution, then: DT 51, KR 83.

Decrease in capital

If it is not possible to increase the NA, then the MC will have to be reduced. In this case, you must comply with the following government requirements:

  • notify the state registration authority of the decision to reduce the capital capital within three working days;
  • publish information about changes in the amount of capital in the media for the next two months.

The text must include the following information:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization, data on the location of the object;
  • the size of the charter capital and the amount by which it will be adjusted;
  • conditions for reducing capital;
  • a description of the procedure for submitting applications by creditors with claims, additional addresses of the organization, methods of communication with management (fax numbers, telephone numbers, email and other data).

Data processing

The calculation of the organization's net assets shows only the absolute value. Next, it needs to be analyzed in the following directions:

  • dynamics of change: it is necessary to compare the value of the average at the beginning and end of the year, and then identify the reasons for the change;
  • assessment of the reality of the adjustment: very often the change in the volume of this indicator at the end of the year turns out to be insignificant compared to the overall growth of assets;
  • ratio of net assets to capital: this allows you to determine the proximity of an enterprise to bankruptcy (this situation may arise if net assets are less than or equal to the size of the organization’s capital).
  • efficiency of use: it is necessary to calculate and analyze the dynamics of changes in profitability and turnover indicators of private equity.

Let's consider some of these indicators in practice. First you need to calculate your net assets. Example:

Index Thousand rub.
01.01.2015 01.10.2015 Deviation, +/-
1. NMA 57 53 -4
2. OS 58300 41600 -16700
3. WIP 6470 5800 -670
4. Investments in material assets
5. Financial investments 50300 14400 -35900
6. Other intangible assets, incl. amount of deferred tax assets
7. Inventories 12400 4500 -7900
8. VAT on purchased assets 400 -400
9. DZ (minus the debt of the founders for contributions to the management company 8800 6300 -2500
10. Cash 60 10 -50
11. Other current assets
12. Total assets 136787 72663 -64124
13. Long-term liabilities 18000 -18000
14. Other long-term liabilities, 2000 2000
15. Short-term loans and credits 22000 3200 -18800
16. Short circuit 17400 11600 -5800
17. Debt to the founders for payment of dividends
18. Reserves for future expenses
19. Other short-term liabilities
20. Total liabilities 59400 16800 -42600
21. CHA 77387 55863 -21524

The value of net assets, the calculation of which is presented in the table above, during the period decreased by 21524 thousand rubles or by 27.8%.

Based on the calculation results, the following conclusions can be drawn: the cost of private capital exceeds both the size of the enterprise’s capital and that established by law. The organization's activities are recognized as successful. Management may decide to distribute the PE among the participants.

Calculation of bank net assets

It is more expedient to assess the value of the banking business using an integrated approach, which will take into account the amount of current NA and their growth in the future due to the existing economic potential at the moment. At the same time, it is important to pay special attention to the assessment of fixed assets, since they are formed from equity capital.

The amount of net assets is calculated based on the market value of the property. But this approach is not always justified. In the structure of the bank's operating system, the main role is played by buildings and technical equipment for data analysis (computers and software). PCs and software age much faster morally than physically, that is, when evaluating them, you need to focus primarily on their book value. But it is better to evaluate buildings at market price. It is not affected by the operating conditions, only by the economic growth of the region.


The calculation of net assets must be carried out not only to display the figure in reporting documents, but also for the purpose of internal control. Monitoring of this indicator allows timely management decisions to be made regarding changes in the value of the capital or net asset value. If the situation is left to chance, then management will, at best, be faced with the problem of reducing capital, and at worst, they will have to liquidate the organization.

1. The structure and content of balance sheet asset items.

2. Purpose and characteristics of distribution accounts.

3. Task.

1. Structure and content of balance sheet asset items

The material composition of funds at different enterprises is varied. To manage an enterprise, you need to know: what funds the enterprise has, where they are used, from what sources they were obtained, for what purpose they are intended - all this is provided by the balance sheet.

In our country it takes the form of a two-way table:

Assets Passive
Facilities Sum Sources Sum

An asset contains all means of economic accounting, a liability - the sources from which they are formed. A feature of the balance sheet is the equality of assets and liabilities.

An asset shows all the resources at the disposal of an enterprise as a result of past events, from which [resources] the enterprise expects to receive economic benefits in the future.

On the balance sheet, any funds are presented in such a way that you can determine where these funds are located and what they are spent on. The asset lists all funds where they are located.

The peculiarity of the balance sheet structure is that any funds in the asset and the sources of their formation in the liability are grouped.

Funds based on economic classification and homogeneity are grouped in the balance sheet assets into certain groups (sections):

1st section of the balance sheet asset – fixed assets and other non-current assets;

2nd section of the balance sheet asset – inventories and costs;

3rd section of the balance sheet assets – cash, settlements and other assets.

Each asset section includes economically homogeneous funds, which are called balance sheet asset items.

Any balance sheet asset item gives 3 characteristics of household assets:

1. What are the means?

2. Where are the funds located?

3. How much do we have these funds?

The asset reflects the funds (property) of the farm for their placement and use and has the following content:

1. Working capital and other non-current assets. They are presented in separate articles; these are several groups of funds:

Intangible assets. These are fixed assets that do not have material content, namely: customer relationships, highly qualified labor, a well-known brand, concessions, patents, trademarks, etc. Some intangible assets cannot be sold separately from the company (good-will - “firm price”, good name of the company). The asset reflects:

Initial cost – reflected at the purchase price;

Depreciation of intangible assets is the cost of tangible assets transferred to products;

Residual value of intangible assets;

The amount of intangible assets not transferred to products.

Fixed assets - repeatedly involved in the production process, transfer their value in parts to the cost of the product (the wear and tear process is in progress). Fixed assets are shown in 3 estimates:

1. Initial (replacement) cost.

All fixed assets are included in the balance sheet at replacement cost (before January 1), after which - at the cost of their purchase, including delivery and storage costs.

2. Depreciation of fixed assets. Shows what cost of fixed assets has already been transferred to products.

3. Residual value of fixed assets. This is the difference between original cost and depreciation.

The main assets include:


Transfer devices;

- Cars and equipment;

- Vehicles;

Tools and equipment;

Working productive livestock;

Perennial plantings.

A separate article presents long-term financial investments. They represent diverted funds for a period of more than a year.

Non-current assets are funds and investments not included in previous articles. (debt for fixed assets sold in installments, intangible assets). These are enterprise assets that are repeatedly involved in the production process and operation of the enterprise and which the enterprise does not acquire for sale.

Current assets are funds of an enterprise that are in constant circulation; During the production cycle, they are completely replaced with new ones, i.e. they participate in the production process once. They include:

2. Inventories and costs. This:

1. Working capital of the production sector:

Productive reserves. Reflect the actual cost of prepared and purchased raw materials, fuel, semi-finished products, and spare parts.

IBP. These are means of labor that are accounted for as working capital, but are valued on the balance sheet in 3 characteristics (as capital assets and intangible assets).

The section also shows work in progress - objects of labor in circulation.

2. Working capital of the sphere of circulation:

Finished products;

Future expenses. These are production costs in the reporting period that are subject to inclusion in the cost of the next reporting period;

Distribution costs.

All funds in this section are standardized. According to its articles, the ownership of the enterprise is determined.

3. Cash, settlements, other assets. The remaining working capital of the enterprise is reflected here, but not standardized:

1. Settlements with debtors (accounts 62,68,73,76,78). They represent buyer debts for products shipped but not paid for. There are:

Buyers and customers;

For bills received;


Suppliers for claims brought against them;

Financially responsible persons for shortages;

Accountable persons;


Personnel for loans received.

2. Short-term financial investments (account 58). These are securities of other companies

3. Funds in settlements:

Advances issued to suppliers and contractors;

Settlements with founders.

4. Cash of the enterprise (accounts 55-57): cash desk (50), cash account (51), foreign currency account (52).

5. Losses: previous years (account 87) and the reporting year. Shows the company's funds that have been retired forever, according to the time of disposal.

Explanations for classification:

IBP is a means of production with value< 50min окладов и сроком действия <1 года.

Long-term financial investments - investments for a period of more than 1 year, mainly income-generating assets (shares, other securities).

Unfinished capital investments are the actual costs of the enterprise for the unfinished construction of fixed assets.

Equipment for installation - equipment that requires installation and attachment to supports.

Work in progress is the cost of products that have not completed all stages of the technological process.

Distribution costs - costs for importing goods, storage, sorting, etc.

Deferred expenses are expenses incurred in the reporting period, but related to subsequent periods.

Accounts receivable from buyers and customers is the cost of goods shipped to the buyer, but not paid for by him.

Debt of buyers and customers on bills received - debt of buyers secured by provided bills.

Debt of subsidiaries - debt for inventory items purchased for subsidiaries and debt for intradepartmental settlements in accordance with the constituent agreements.

Debt of financially responsible persons for shortages: losses within the norms are written off as costs or expenses; above the norm - are reimbursed by financially responsible persons.

Debt of accountable persons - arises from amounts issued on account for the purchase of inventory items or travel expenses.

Budget debt - can arise if an enterprise has overpaid taxes and fees to the budget.

Staff debt on loans received - loans are issued to staff for the construction of housing, acquisition of property, etc. If the debt arose at the expense of the bank, then the employee pays %, if at the expense of the net profit of the enterprise, without %.

Short-term financial investments - for a period of up to 1 year.

Cash - cash desk, foreign currency, current account and other accounts (for opening a letter of credit and accounts with various purposes).

Transfers in transit - funds transferred from the cash desk to the bank for crediting to the current account.

Monetary documents - state duty stamps, lottery tickets, travel tickets, vouchers, railway and air tickets.

Other assets - from lessors: debt of tenants for fixed assets transferred to them for long-term lease.

Diverted funds are funds withdrawn from the turnover of an enterprise, mainly the withdrawal of profit.

Loss is the excess of an enterprise's expenses over income. Covered by the reserve fund, accumulation fund, consumption fund or profit that will be received in the next year.

The asset covers not only the equivalent of its own capital, but also the equivalent of what in the future must be paid, compensated for by others, since ultimately the values ​​​​owned by others are included in the asset, and the risk of loss of value, the possibility of not receiving benefits from their possession, lies to the enterprise that has accepted these values ​​on its balance sheet.

2. Purpose and characteristics

distribution accounts

Budgetary distribution accounts (31,82,83,89) - are used to differentiate income and expenses between reporting periods and identify the real cost and the real final result.

Account 31(active). By Debit - expenses in the reporting period related to future periods. For the Loan - as the period to which the incurred expenses relate occurs, they are written off as production costs. (Example - D31K51 600 - production subscription for 6 months of the next year; D26K31 100 - write-off of part of the costs in January of the next year).

4.14. Settlements, other assets and liabilities

Accounts receivable from buyers are taken into account in the amount of primary documents presented for payment at reasonable prices and tariffs.

Settlements with other debtors and claims are reflected in accounting and reporting based on the prices stipulated in the contracts.

Payment for subscription publications (periodical literature) in cases where the subscription is carried out through Russian Post offices in cash without providing shipping documents, is taken into account in the account for advances issued and is evenly written off to cost accounts in proportion to the number of months of subscription.

Calculated from advance payments received, it is reflected in the balance sheet as accounts receivable. Value added tax accepted for deduction on advance payments paid is reflected in accounts payable or other long-term liabilities, depending on the expected period of offset of advances.

Advances paid in connection with the construction of new facilities are reflected in the balance sheet as part of non-current assets.

Accounts payable for advances received are taken into account in the amount of actual prepayment received for products, goods, works, services.

For the purposes of preparing financial statements, receivables and payables are classified as long-term or short-term.

Short-term debt is recognized as a debt whose repayment period, according to the terms of the agreement or other obligation, occurs no later than 12 months from the reporting date. Long-term debt is considered to be a debt whose repayment period, in accordance with the terms of the agreement or other obligation, must occur after 12 months after the reporting date.

The transfer of receivables and payables from long-term to short-term accounts is not documented by accounting entries.

The Company creates a reserve for doubtful debts.

Other assets of the Company, its branches and separate divisions are assessed at actual costs at the time of their acceptance for accounting.

Accounting for settlements of taxes and fees is carried out on accounting accounts with a continuously accruing total separately for each tax and fee, by budget levels (federal, budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local budget), as well as by type of debt (arrears on the principal amount of tax or fees, penalties, fines, arrears on the restructured amount of tax or fee, penalties, fines).

For taxes and fees paid centrally to budgets at the location of separate divisions, calculations are kept by the Managing Organization in the context of the relevant separate divisions, budget levels and types of debt.

The use of the organization's net profit is approved by the general meeting of shareholders. The composition and purpose of funds created from net profit are determined by the constituent documents of the Company.

4.15. Income tax calculations

The executive office and branches of the Company keep records of deferred tax assets and liabilities, permanent tax assets and liabilities for each transaction in accordance with PBU 18/02 “Accounting for corporate income tax calculations.”

The management organization maintains centralized accounting of income tax settlements with the budget.

The amount of overpayment of income tax resulting from clarification of calculations with the budget is taken into account in account 68 “Calculations for income tax” separately.

When preparing financial statements, the amounts of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are reflected in the Company's balance sheet in detail.

4.16. Other methodological aspects

Accounting for events after the reporting date in the financial statements is carried out on the basis of PBU 7/98 “Events after the reporting date”. The Company reflects in its financial statements significant events after the reporting date that have had or may have an impact on the financial condition, cash flows or results of the organization’s activities and that took place between the reporting date and the date of signing the financial statements for the reporting period.

Events after the reporting date are reflected in the financial statements by clarifying data on the relevant assets, liabilities, capital, income and expenses of the Company with the disclosure of relevant information in the explanatory note.

To assess in monetary terms the consequences of an event after the reporting date, an appropriate calculation is drawn up and confirmation of such calculation is provided. The calculation is compiled by the specialized department to which, in accordance with the functions performed, the event belongs.

When reflecting estimated liabilities, contingent liabilities and contingent assets in the financial statements, the Company is guided by PBU 8/2010 “Estimated liabilities, contingent liabilities and contingent assets” and the Instructions on the procedure for reflecting estimated liabilities, approved by the Company.

The procedure for disclosing information on discontinued activities, including due to the reorganization of the organization (in case of division, spin-off) is carried out in the financial statements in accordance with PBU 16/02 “Information on discontinued activities.”

Information about related parties is reflected in the financial statements on the basis of PBU 11/2008 “Information about related parties.” The Company includes information about related parties in the explanatory note included in the financial statements as a separate section. However, the specified data is not used when generating reports for internal purposes, as well as reports compiled for state statistical observation and for a credit institution, or other special purposes.

The list of related parties, information about which is disclosed in the financial statements, is established by the Company independently.

Lists of segments, allocation of reporting segments, selection of segments, as well as reporting indicators are determined on the basis of certificates from the relevant services of the Company and the Management Organization. Information on segments is subject to disclosure in the explanatory note to the annual financial statements of the Company in accordance with PBU 12/2010 “Information on Segments”.

Correction of errors in accounting and reporting is carried out in accordance with PBU 22/2010 “Correcting errors in accounting and reporting.”


to the Regulations on Accounting Policies

for accounting purposes for 2012

Working chart of accounts


Fixed assets

Fixed assets in operation

Real estate objects for which ownership rights are not registered

Disposal of fixed assets

Depreciation of fixed assets

Depreciation of fixed assets accounted for on account 01

Depreciation of property recorded on account 03

Profitable investments in material assets

Material assets in the organization

Material assets provided for temporary possession and use

Material assets provided for temporary use

Other profitable investments

Disposal of material assets

Intangible assets

Intangible assets

Expenses for research, development and technological work

Amortization of intangible assets

Equipment for installation

Investments in non-current assets

Acquisition of land plots

Acquisition of natural resources

Construction of fixed assets

Acquisition of individual fixed assets

Acquisition of intangible assets

Transfer of young animals to the main herd

Purchasing adult animals

Carrying out research, development and technological work

Deferred tax assets


Raw materials

Process fuel

Containers and packaging materials

Spare parts

Other materials

Materials outsourced for processing

Construction Materials

Inventory and household supplies

Special equipment and special clothing in stock

Special equipment and special clothing in use

Other inventories in operation (remains only in quantity)

Animals being raised and fattened

Reserves for reduction in the value of material assets

Reserves for spare parts

Reserves for other materials

Reserves for construction materials

Reserves for inventory and household supplies

Reserves for raw materials and materials

Reserves for customer-supplied materials

Value added tax on purchased assets

Value added tax on the acquisition of fixed assets

Value added tax on acquired intangible assets

Value added tax on purchased inventories

Value added tax on purchased services

Value added tax on purchased services (except repair services)

Value added tax on repair services

Value added tax paid to customs authorities on imported goods

Excise taxes on paid material assets

VAT on goods sold at a rate of 0% (export)

VAT on the construction of fixed assets

VAT on the construction of fixed assets under investment agreements

VAT tax agents

Primary production

Primary production

Main production (for activities not subject to UTII)

Auxiliary production

Auxiliary production (for activities not subject to UTII)

General production expenses

General production expenses (for activities not subject to UTII)

General running costs

General business expenses (for activities not subject to UTII)

Service industries and farms

Goods in warehouses

Products in retail trade

Container under goods and empty

Purchased products

Finished products

Selling expenses

Distribution costs in organizations engaged in trading activities

Distribution costs in organizations engaged in trading activities (for activities not subject to UTII)

Commercial expenses in organizations engaged in production and other industrial activities

Commercial expenses in organizations engaged in production activities (for activities not subject to UTII)

Goods shipped

Purchased goods shipped

Finished products shipped

Other goods shipped

Cash desk of the organization (in rubles)

Operating cash

Cash documents (in rubles)

Cash desk of the organization (in currency)

Cash documents (in foreign currency)

Current accounts

Currency accounts

Special bank accounts

Letters of credit (in rubles)

Check books

Deposit accounts (in rubles)

Other special accounts (in rubles)

Letters of credit (in currency)

Deposit accounts (in foreign currency)

Other special accounts (in foreign currency)

Transfers on the way

Transfers on the way (in rubles)

Transfers on the way (in foreign currency)

Purchasing foreign currency

Selling foreign currency

Financial investments

Units and shares

Debt securities

Loans provided

Deposits under a simple partnership agreement

Bank deposits

Debt securities (in foreign currency)

Loans provided (in foreign currency)

Deposits in banks (in foreign currency)

Other financial investments

Other financial investments (in foreign currency)

Provisions for impairment of financial investments

Settlements with suppliers and contractors

Settlements with suppliers and contractors (in rubles)

Calculations for advances issued (in rubles)

Bills issued

Settlements with suppliers and contractors (in foreign currency)

Calculations for advances issued (in foreign currency)

Settlements with suppliers and contractors (in conventional units)

Calculations for advances issued (in conventional units)

Settlements with buyers and customers

Settlements with buyers and customers (in rubles)

Calculations for advances received (in rubles)

Bills received

Settlements with buyers and customers (in foreign currency)

Calculations for advances received (in foreign currency)

Settlements with buyers and customers (in conventional units)

Calculations for advances received (in conventional units)

Provisions for doubtful debts

Buyers' debt

Debt on advances

Debt of other debtors

Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings

Short-term loans

Interest on short-term loans

Short-term loans

Interest on short-term loans (in rubles)

Short-term loans (in foreign currency)

Interest on short-term loans (in foreign currency)

Short-term loans (in foreign currency)

Interest on short-term loans (in foreign currency)

Calculations for long-term loans and borrowings

Long-term loans (in rubles)

Interest on long-term loans (in rubles)

Long-term loans (in rubles)

Interest on long-term loans (in rubles)

Long-term loans (in foreign currency)

Interest on long-term loans (in foreign currency)

Long-term loans (in foreign currency)

Interest on long-term loans (in foreign currency)

Calculations for taxes and fees

Personal income tax

Value added tax

Income tax

Calculations with the budget

Income tax calculation

Transport tax

Property tax

Land tax

Other taxes and fees

VAT on exports

VAT accrued upon non-confirmation 0%

VAT refundable due to application of 0% rate

VAT when performing the duties of a tax agent

VAT on imports of goods from member states of the customs union

Calculations with the budget for VAT

Calculations for social insurance and security

Social insurance calculations

Pension calculations

Insurance part of labor pension

Cumulative part of labor pension

Contributions to supplement pensions for flight crew members

Contributions to supplement pensions for employees of coal industry organizations

Calculations for compulsory health insurance

Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

Territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

UST in the part transferred to the Federal budget

Voluntary contributions to the funded part of the labor pension

Contributions at the expense of the employer

Contributions withheld from employee income

Calculations for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases

Calculations for voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for employee insurance in case of temporary disability

Payments to personnel regarding wages

Calculations with accountable persons

Settlements with accountable persons (in rubles)

Settlements with accountable persons (in foreign currency)

Settlements with personnel for other operations

Calculations for loans provided

Calculations for compensation for material damage

Settlements for other transactions

Settlements with founders

Calculations for contributions to the authorized (share) capital

Calculations for payment of income

Settlements with various debtors and creditors

Calculations for property and personal insurance

Calculations for property and personal insurance

Claims settlements

Calculations of dividends and other income due

Calculations on deposited amounts

Settlements with other suppliers and contractors

Settlements with other buyers and customers

Interest-free bills

Other settlements with various debtors and creditors

Calculations for property and personal insurance (in foreign currency)

Claim settlements (in foreign currency)

Settlements with other suppliers and contractors (in foreign currency)

Settlements with other buyers and customers (in foreign currency)

Other settlements with various debtors and creditors (in foreign currency)

Calculations for claims (in cu)

Settlements with other suppliers and contractors (in monetary units)

Settlements with other buyers and customers (in cu)

Other settlements with various debtors and creditors (in cu)

Calculations based on executive documents of employees

VAT on advances

VAT on advances issued

VAT on unconfirmed exports and other deferred VAT

VAT calculations when performing the duties of a tax agent

Deferred tax liabilities

On-farm settlements

Calculations for allocated property

Calculations for current transactions

Settlements under a property trust management agreement

Authorized capital

Ordinary shares

Preference shares

Other capital

Own shares (shares)

Ordinary shares

Preference shares

Other capital

Reserve capital

Reserves formed in accordance with legislation

Reserves formed in accordance with the constituent documents

Extra capital

Increase in property value due to revaluation

Share premium from the issue of ordinary shares

Share premium from the issue of preferred shares

Other sources

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Profit to be distributed

Loss to be covered

Retained earnings in circulation

Retained earnings used

Special-purpose financing

Targeted funding from the budget

Other targeted funding and proceeds

Revenue (from activities not subject to UTII)

Cost of sales

Cost of sales (for activities not subject to UTII)

Value added tax

Export duties

Selling expenses

Sales expenses (for activities not subject to UTII)

Administrative expenses

Profit loss from sales

Other income and expenses

Other income

other expenses

VAT on other sales

Balance of other income and expenses

Shortages and losses from damage to valuables

Reserves for future expenses

Future expenses

Deferred labor costs

Other deferred expenses

revenue of the future periods

Income received for deferred periods

Free receipts

Upcoming receipts for shortfalls identified in previous years

The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty parties and the book value for shortages of valuables

Profit and loss

Profits and losses (excluding income tax)

Profits and losses (for activities not subject to UTII)

Current income tax

Conditional income tax expense

Conditional income for income tax

Permanent tax liability (asset)

Other payments from profits

Leased fixed assets

Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping

Materials accepted for recycling

Materials in stock

Materials transferred to production

Goods accepted for commission

Products in stock

Goods transferred for commission

Strict reporting forms

Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss

Security for obligations and payments received

Security for obligations and payments issued

Depreciation of fixed assets

Leased fixed assets

For 3 quarter 2009 Location issuer2012 Name of the body...

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