Read the story about the adventure of a pencil and a homemade product. Pencil and DIY in the land of chocolate trees. Chapter four, in it they ride on soft pillows

In one big city, on a very beautiful street called the Street of Merry Bells, there was a large, large toy store.

One day someone sneezed in the store!

This is not surprising if the salesman who was showing the kids toys sneezed. If some little customer sneezed, there is nothing surprising in that either. Only the seller and the small buyer have nothing to do with it. I know who sneezed in the toy store! At first no one believed me, but I’ll tell you anyway.

The box sneezed! Yes Yes! Box for colored pencils. She was lying in a toy warehouse among large and small boxes and boxes. It had bright letters printed on it:

Colored pencils “Little Wizard”

But that is not all. There was another box nearby. This box was called:

Mechanical designer “Master Samodelkin”

And so, when the first box sneezed, the other said:

- Be healthy!

Then the elegant lid on the first box lifted a little, fell to the side, and under it was a single small pencil. But what a pencil! Not a simple pencil, not a colored pencil, but the most extraordinary, amazing pencil!

Look at him, please. Really funny?

The pencil approached the mechanical “constructor”, knocked on the wooden lid and asked:

- Who's there?

- It's me! Master Samodelkin! - came the answer. - Help me, please, get out. I just can’t!.. – And in the box something seemed to rattle and ring.

Then Pencil pulled the lid towards him, pushed it aside and looked over the edge of the box. Among various shiny screws and nuts, metal plates, gears, springs and wheels sat a strange iron man. He jumped out of the box like a spring, swayed on thin funny legs that were made of springs, and began to look at Pencil.

- Who are you? – he asked in surprise.

– Me?... I’m a magical artist! My name is Pencil. I can draw live pictures.

– What does this mean – living pictures?

– Well, if you want, I’ll draw a bird. She will immediately come to life and fly away. I can also draw a candy. You can eat it...

- Not true! - exclaimed Samodelkin. - It doesn’t happen like that! - And he laughed. - Can not be!

“Wizards never lie,” Pencil was offended.

- Come on, draw a plane! Let's see what kind of wizard you are, if you're telling the truth.

- Airplane! “I don’t know what an airplane is,” Pencil admitted. - I’d rather draw a carrot. Want?

- I don’t need carrots! Have you never seen an airplane? That's just funny!

The pencil was a little offended again.

- Please don't laugh. If you saw everything, tell me about the plane. What is it like, what does the plane look like? And I'll draw it. In my box there is an album with pictures for coloring. There are printed houses, birds, carrots, cucumbers, candies, horses, chickens, hens, cats, dogs. There's nothing else there! No planes!

Samodelkin jumped and rang with his springs:

- Oh, what uninteresting pictures in your book! OK! I'll show you the plane. It looks like a big, big long cucumber with wings. I will make a model of an airplane from a “constructor”.

Samodelkin immediately jumped into the box.

He rattled metal plates, he looked for the necessary screws, gears, he twisted them in the right place, deftly worked with a screwdriver, knocked with a hammer - knock-knock-knock! - and all the time he hummed this song:

I can do everything myself

And I don't believe in miracles!

Myself! Myself! Myself!

And Pencil took colored pencils out of his pocket, thought and thought, and drew a cucumber. Fresh, green, with pimples. Then I painted wings on it.

- Hey, Samodelkin! - called Pencil. - Come here! I drew an airplane.

“Just a minute,” the master responded. “I just need to attach the propeller and the plane will be ready.” We take the screw, put on the propeller... Let's knock once, twice... Well, that's all! Look what airplanes there are!

Samodelkin jumped out of the box, and in his hands was a plane. Just like the real thing! I won’t say anything about this plane. Because all the guys saw planes. One Pencil has never been seen. He said:

- Oh, how well you drew!

“Well,” the master smiled. - I can not draw. I made a plane from a “constructor” set.

And then Samodelkin saw a cucumber, a fresh green cucumber.

-Where did you get the cucumber? – he was surprised.

- This... this is my plane...

Master Samodelkin trembled with all his springs and laughed loudly and loudly.

What a mocker Samodelkin is! He laughs and laughs, as if someone is tickling him, and cannot stop.

Pencil was very offended. He immediately drew a cloud on the wall. A real rain came from the cloud. He soaked Samodelkin from head to toe, and he stopped laughing.

“Brrr...” he said. -Where did this nasty rain come from? I m-might zarr-rust!

- Why are you laughing? - Pencil shouted. – You yourself spoke about the cucumber!

- Oh, I can’t! Oh, don’t make me laugh, otherwise I’ll come loose... What a plane! Why did you stick chicken feathers into the cucumber? Ha ha ha! Such a plane will not fly anywhere!

- And here it will fly! The wings will fly and the plane will fly.

- Well, where is the engine on your plane? Where's the steering wheel? Airplanes cannot fly without a rudder and an engine!

- Get on my plane! “I’ll show you whether they fly or don’t fly,” said Pencil and sat astride the cucumber.

Samodelkin actually fell on a cucumber laughing. At that moment, the wind blew through the open window, suddenly the wings flapped, the cucumber shuddered and took off like a real plane.

- Ay! - Pencil and Samodelkin cried out together.

“Fuck! Boom!.."

This fresh cucumber, a real green cucumber, flew out the window and plopped on the ground.

Indeed. The plane had no rudder. Is it possible to fly without a rudder? Of course not. So the plane crashed. The wings flew off to the side. They were picked up by the wind and carried to the roof of the house.

Chapter two,

about two horses

The samodelkin rattled like an empty iron can. But he wasn't in pain. After all, he is made of iron! He was only a little scared. He never had to fly.

-You are a real wizard! - exclaimed Samodelkin. – Even I can’t take live pictures!

- How do we get back to our boxes now? – Pencil sighed, rubbing the bump on his forehead.

- And it is not necessary! – Samodelkin waved his hands. - It's cramped there! Dark! I want to run, jump, ride, fly! Draw a new plane! We will travel! You and I will see real airplanes! We'll see everything in the world!

But for some reason Pencil no longer wanted to fly.

- I’d rather draw horses.

And Pencil drew two very good horses on a white wall. They wore soft saddles and beautiful bridles with bright gold stars.

The painted horses first waved their tails, then neighed cheerfully and, as if nothing had happened, moved away from the wall.

Samodelkin opened his mouth and sat down on the ground. This is what they do when they are very, very surprised by something.

-You are a great wizard! - exclaimed Samodelkin. “There’s no way I can do this!”

“It’s time for us to go,” said Pencil modestly, pleased with the praise. “Choose your own horse and sit down,” he suggested.

Samodelkin liked the white horse better. The artist got the red one.

They got on their horses and went traveling.

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100% +

Valentin Postnikov

The adventures of Karandash and Samodelkin on the Dryndolet

INTRODUCTION, which, however, might not exist

In one big and beautiful city there lived two little friends. One was called Pencil. I think there is no person in the world who has not at least heard about the magical artist Pencil. But if there is still such an ignoramus, then please, I will tell him about the extraordinary artist. The fact is that Pencil is a real magician. He knows how to draw pictures that come to life. Instead of a nose, he has a magic pencil. If you need a real racing bike, just ask a good artist, and he will immediately draw you the fastest bike in the world. And if you want a big sweet cake, then the wizard will not refuse you this either: one or two and you’re done, there’s a huge, fragrant and delicious cake on the table next to you.

Pencil has a friend - the iron master Samodelkin. He does not know how to draw live pictures, but he knows how to do what a magic artist cannot do at all - tinkering, sawing, planing and repairing. And he does all this himself, with his own hands. Pencil and Samodelkin live in a Magic School, where they teach three little children magic and kindness. The guys' names are Prutik, Chizhik and Nastenka. The guys really love Pencil and Samodelkin and they enjoy studying at the Magic School. And all because the lessons in this amazing school are also amazing. Well, where else have you seen a lesson in knocking and clanking or a lesson in laughter and joy?! And at the Magic School there are such lessons. But the most beloved and incredible of them is the Lesson of Extraordinary Travels. Do you know why guys love him more than others? Because it takes place not in the classroom, but in the most unimaginable places - in Africa, in the Sahara Desert, at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and even at the North Pole.

Karandash and Samodelkin have a learned friend, Professor Pykhtelkin, a famous geographer. Every time travelers get ready to travel, they invite a scientist along with them. The professor knows so much that it’s amazing how it all fits into his head.

He constantly tells the children about unusual people and animals, plants and insects, fish and birds. But, besides friends, Karandash and Samodelkin also have enemies. These are insidious robbers - the pirate Bul-Bul and his assistant spy Hole.

They are very nasty and greedy robbers who do not want to work and constantly dream of wealth. Once upon a time, a long time ago, they wanted to kidnap a magical artist and force him to draw whatever they wanted, but the pirates did not succeed, and since then they have been scouring the world in search of treasures. And now, if you want to know the most incredible story that recently happened to Karandash and Samodelkin, quickly open the next page and you will find yourself in the thick of things along with the little wizards.

CHAPTER 1 Samodelkin-astronomer. Amazing news. Drindolet.

A golden moon floated out of the black sky and hung directly above the house in which Karandash and Samodelkin lived. All the inhabitants of the Magic School were already asleep - everyone except Samodelkin. The iron master took a huge telescope out of the closet and, sitting down in a chair, began to look at the Moon. The iron man admired the night star for three hours, and then, hiding the telescope, ran to the workshop. All night some strange sounds were heard from the workshop of the famous master: something was buzzing, creaking and rumbling. In the morning, when Karandash and his students woke up and sat down to breakfast, a happy, but a little tired Samodelkin came out of the workshop and winked cheerfully at everyone.

- Good morning! How did you sleep? – Samodelkin asked, sitting down in a chair. “I stayed up all night and made something.”

- I wonder what you did? - asked Pencil. “In my sleep I heard some kind of roar and noise and decided that it was thunder and rain drumming on the steel roof of our house.

“I made a flying all-terrain aircraft,” Samodelkin proudly announced.

- Wow, what is this? – Twig asked, stretching his neck.

“This is a machine that drives on the ground, on snow, on ice, swims under water, crawls underground and even flies through the air,” Samodelkin explained.

– Why do you need such a machine? – Nastenka asked.

– I decided to go on a space trip to the Moon! – Samodelkin declared, his eyes sparkling. – If you want, I’ll take you with me.

- Just as we want! – the guys shouted in unison.

– I’ll fly too! - Pencil jumped out of his chair. “I will never let you go alone, you know that.”

– What will we name our spaceship? – asked Samodelkin.

“I propose to call it “Dryndolet,” said Pencil cheerfully. – Since we are setting off on such an amazing journey, then our rocket should be called something unusual.

“Okay,” Samodelkin laughed, “let it be Dryndolet.”

– When will we fly to the moon? – Chizhik asked Samodelkin.

“Tomorrow morning,” answered the iron man. – Today we need to prepare everything necessary for the flight, refuel our Dryndolet with fuel and get ready for the road.

“Let’s call our friend, Professor Pykhtelkin,” suggested Prutik. “It will be more interesting for us to travel with him, because he is so smart and knows about everything in the world.”

“There’s enough room for everyone in the Dryndolet,” Samodelkin jumped on the springs. - Come on, call the professor quickly and run to pack your things.

The whole day was spent in trouble and running around. Everyone minded their own business and prepared for the trip in their own way. Samodelkin refueled his miracle machine and checked the operation of all mechanisms. He was twisting something, tightening it, and banging it with a hammer.

Pencil called Professor Pykhtelkin and persuaded the scientist to fly with everyone to the Moon.

The guys rushed around the house like crazy and collected everything they needed for the space flight. Twig was the most worried. He was afraid of forgetting something and so he put everything that came to hand into his suitcase: a kettle, a fishing rod, a shovel, a rake, a copper basin, a saucepan, a pillow, a trough and much, much more. Seeing all this disgrace, Samodelkin ordered the boy to immediately shake it all out of the Dryndolet and take with him only the essentials.

- What, we won’t take off if we have so much stuff! – Samodelkin grabbed his head. - Well, tell me, why do you need a fishing rod on the Moon? Where are you going to fish there?

– I looked at the lunar map, and it says that the Moon is full of different seas and oceans. So I decided to take a fishing rod.

“There are indeed many seas on the Moon, but there is no water in them at all,” Samodelkin smiled.

– How is it – seas and no water? - asked Chizhik who approached them. - Have they dried out, or what?

- No, there was simply never any water there. There are bays, oceans, seas and even swamps on the Moon, but there was and is no water in them. Scientists just decided to call different parts of the Moon that way. It's clear?

“Nothing is clear at all,” Nastenka shook her head.

“Okay, now I don’t have time to explain to you, I’ll tell you later,” said Samodelkin.

By evening everything was ready for the flight. Things were collected and placed in the cargo compartment of the Dryndolet. Having rolled out the spacecraft into the courtyard of the Magic School, Samodelkin went to bed, and the guys with Pencil walked around the miracle machine for a long time and looked at it from all sides.

– If only we could find some lunar treasures on the Moon! – Chizhik daydreamed. – If people once lived on the Moon, we will probably find the treasures of the ancient lunatics in the caves there.

- That's great! – Prutik’s eyes lit up. “I will definitely find the treasures and bring them to Earth.” Do you know how famous I will become then?! All the newspapers will write about me: “The famous traveler Prutik returned from space travel with a lunar treasure.” I'll walk around town all day signing autographs.

“You’re a little braggart,” Nastenka laughed. - Find these treasures first, and then brag about them.

– Do you think I won’t find it? As soon as I find it!

“You’ll never find it,” Chizhik told Prutik.

- And why is that?

- Because I will find them before you, and it will be me who will be shown on TV, not you!

The boys argued so long and loudly about which of them would find the lunar treasures first that they did not see or hear someone carefully watching them from behind the thick thorny bushes and eavesdropping on their conversation.

CHAPTER 2 Night shadows. Secret conversation. Space bunnies.

Night fell on the city. Pencil and Samodelkin slept sweetly in their wooden beds and dreamed magical dreams. The golden moon shone brightly over the city. Cats meowed on the roofs of houses, somewhere far away the last trams rang, and in the dense thickets of rose hips, just a few meters from the spaceship, two scary pirates sat and whispered about something. These were the old enemies of Pencil and Samodelkin - the fat, red-bearded pirate Bul-Bul and the long-nosed spy Hole.

“I heard everything,” Hole hissed in Bul-Bul’s ear. “These scoundrels are planning to fly on a space journey on that thing,” the spy pointed with a crooked finger at Samodelkin’s flying machine. “They said that they would fly to the moon with that nasty old man, Professor Pykhtelkin.

– What are they going to do there, on this Moon? – the pirate Bul-Bul asked in surprise. -What did they forget there?

-Where did they come from? – the fat pirate Bul-Bul shrugged. – I heard somewhere that no one lives on the Moon.

“No one lives there now, but before, a thousand years ago, sleepwalkers lived there.”

-Where did they go then?

- The jester knows them, maybe they flew away somewhere or simply died out, like mammoths. The main thing is that the treasures are intact and we get them.

“Well, if this is the case, we should also fly for the lunar treasures,” said the red-bearded pirate Bul-Bul. “I won’t let some cockroach pencils get them.” They must be ours, period!

- That's right, dear captain! – Spy Hole rubbed his hands joyfully. “That’s why I brought you here.” While these scoundrels are sleeping, we will slowly climb into the spaceship and hide there. And in the morning it turns out that they are flying to the moon with us. The main thing is that we are not found ahead of time.

Poking their heads out of the bushes and making sure that no one could see them, the robbers tiptoed up to the Dryndolet and, climbing up an iron ladder, began to unscrew the hatch.

- Wow, how heavy it is! - the spy Hole puffed. “Samodelkin probably specially made such a heavy hatch to make it harder for me to open it.”

“Blams-ding,” said the lid and opened, pinching the unfortunate Hole’s leg.

- A-a-a-a-a! - Hole started to shout, but BulBul covered his mouth with his hand.

-Are you crazy, yelling like that? – the fat pirate growled angrily. - Do you want Pencil and Samodelkin to wake up and catch us here?

“No, I don’t want to, the lid just fell on my foot,” moaned Hole. - It's too painful for me.

- Try again, just shout to me! Then I’ll leave you here and fly to the Moon alone, and all the lunar treasures will go to me alone,” Bul-Bul intimidated Hole.

“I’ll be quiet, just don’t leave me here, dear captain!”

The robbers slipped through the open hatch and found themselves inside the Dryndolet. They looked around in confusion, but saw nothing.

“Wow, how dark it is here,” breathed the spy Hole. - Where can we hide so that they don’t find us in the morning?

The pirates turned on a small secret flashlight and moved to look for a safe shelter. They walked for a long time and finally found what they were looking for.

- Look, some small door! – Bul-Bul pointed his finger. - Let's dive in there and see what's there.

The bandits opened the small iron door and slipped into the room. On the floor they saw scattered things, backpacks, bags. This was a compartment where travelers put everything they needed that could be useful to them on the road.

“Let’s bury ourselves in things and hide there until tomorrow,” suggested Bul-Bul. “And in the morning, if we are not discovered, we will fly to the moon for treasure.”

The city clock struck exactly twelve. The little wizards were fast asleep and did not even suspect the insidious plans of the two terrible robbers. Now two space hares have settled on their Dryndolet.

CHAPTER 3 Iron rooster. Famous geographer. Flight to the moon

“Ku-ka-re-ku! Ku-ka-re-ku! – the alarm clock sang loudly twice. Yes, yes, exactly the alarm clock that Master Samodelkin made.

- Maybe we can sleep a little more? – rubbing his sleepy eyes, suggested Pencil.

– Have you forgotten, we were going to fly to the moon today! – Samodelkin clinked the springs. “We need to get up and get ready for the flight,” the iron man said importantly.

Pencil, like a frog, jumped out of bed and ran to wake up the guys, and meanwhile Samodelkin, jumping on his springs around the house, did a thousand things at the same time: preparing breakfast, calling Professor Pykhtelkin, collecting forgotten things and making the beds. Two hours later everything was ready for flight.

“D-z-yin!” – there was a piercing bell at the door.

- Yeah, the professor has arrived! – Pencil was delighted. The magical artist opened the door and let the guest in.

- Hello, Semyon Semyonovich! - Twig was happy. - We missed you a lot. You haven't come to visit us for so long!

“I was leaving on an expedition to the Banana Islands,” the geographer said, smiling. – They found footprints of Bigfoot there. My friends and I wanted to catch this amazing creature and take it to the zoo.

- Well, did you catch it? - asked Pencil.

“No, we couldn’t,” Semyon Semyonovich sighed sadly. “At the very last moment, when we had almost caught up with him, he bit my friend on the leg and ran away into the forest thicket.

“Take me next time,” Chizhik asked. “No one has ever run away from me.”

“Okay,” the geographer laughed, “next time you will go with me.”

“Well, okay,” Samodelkin rubbed his hands. – Since the whole team is assembled, we can fly. Our spaceship is waiting, everything is ready to take off.

The brave travelers went out into the yard and took turns climbing into the aircraft that Samodelkin had made.

Everything was fine, however, the iron man was a little surprised when he saw that the hatch, tightly closed yesterday, was open today. Samodelkin screwed the hatch tightly on the inside of the rocket. This was very important, since cosmic dust could get into the Dryndolet, and this would be harmful to the health of the astronauts.

- Attention! In a few minutes our spaceship will take off! – Samodelkin said loudly. – I ask everyone to take their seats and fasten their seat belts.

Pencil, Professor Pykhtelkin and the guys followed Samodelkin’s orders and sat down in large leather chairs. The iron man turned on the controls, the powerful engine roared and the Dryndolet soared into the blue sky, leaving behind only a fiery tail of flame.

CHAPTER 4 Lunar swamps. Where did the air go? Cosmic rain.

The ship, cutting through the starry sky, quickly flew towards the Moon. The brave astronauts sat in comfortable chairs and looked through the thick glass of the porthole at the fabulously beautiful starry sky. Samodelkin controlled the flight using special instruments. And Karandash and Professor Pykhtelkin told the children about space.

“The moon revolves around the Earth because it is our satellite,” Professor Pykhtelkin began.

“And the Earth revolves around the Sun, because the Earth is a satellite of the Sun,” added Pencil.

– Who do the other planets revolve around? - asked Chizhik. – Around the Earth or around the Sun?

“Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Mercury revolve around our sun,” Pencil answered.

“Wow,” Nastenka was surprised. – I didn’t know that there were so many different planets in space.

- What you! – Professor Pykhtelkin laughed. – There are millions of planets in space, they are just very far from us, and we are unlikely to be able to reach them.

Meanwhile, in the room where things were stored, robbers woke up.

“It seems we’re already flying,” Hole said hesitantly.

- Great! – Captain Bul-Bul rubbed his hands. “So our plan worked.” Samodelkin and his team flew into space with us. Now the most important thing is that they don’t catch us ahead of time.

- That's right, we better wait a little, otherwise Samodelkin will deploy his rocket and land us on Earth. Then we won’t see the lunar treasures like our own ears!

“Go and find out what they’re doing there,” the red-bearded pirate ordered. – Find out how long it will take us to fly to the Moon. And most importantly, steal us something to eat, otherwise I’m hungry.

Spy Hole carefully opened the door and ran on tiptoe along the narrow long corridor towards the captain's cabin. Creeping up to the door. Hole quietly opened it and began to listen carefully to what the little astronauts were talking about.

- Semyon Semyonovich, do people live on the Moon? - asked Twig.

“No, unfortunately, there are no people on the Moon,” answered Professor Pykhtelkin. - And all because there is no air at all.

– Is the Moon as hot as the Sun? - asked Chizhik.

“No, the Moon is cold,” answered Pencil. – Don’t you know that the Moon itself does not shine, but only reflects sunlight.

- The moon is so beautiful! – Nastenka said in a whisper.

“Ancient people thought that the Moon was golden, so they worshiped it as a deity,” Samodelkin continued.

– What interesting things can you see there? – Twig was curious.

“Oh, a lot of interesting things,” answered the professor. – On the Moon there are seas, oceans, mountains, there are also craters, extinct volcanoes, caves and crevices, fallen meteorites, asteroids and even comet dust. But the most incredible thing is that you can jump there to a height of several meters, and all because there is very weak gravity on the Moon.

- And what does it mean? - asked Chizhik.

– This means that on the Moon you will weigh six times less than on Earth. If you want, you can jump fifteen meters up and not crash,” Samodelkin explained.

– Are there really seas and oceans on the Moon? - asked Twig.

“Yes,” answered Pencil, “I myself saw on the lunar map the Sea of ​​Clouds and the Sea of ​​Tranquility, the Sea of ​​Rains and the Ocean of Storms.”

“That’s right,” the professor agreed, “only there is no water in them at all, only cosmic dust.”

– Why then are they called “seas”? – Chizhik was surprised. – Are there seas and oceans without water?

“There are places on the Moon,” answered Samodelkin. - And all because a long time ago, ancient scientists who looked at the Moon through their telescopes thought that there were seas there. And one scientist even called two areas of the Moon “swamps” - the Rotten Swamp and the Foggy Swamp.

“And there are also lakes on the Moon,” continued Professor Pykhtelkin, “the Lake of Dreams and the Lake of Death.”

- Maybe we can have lunch? - suggested the magical artist Pencil. - I’m kind of hungry.

“Come on, come on,” the guys supported him.

The pencil went to the steel wall and began to draw. Before everyone had time to come to their senses, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, bread, fried cutlets, ripe bananas and much more were already on the table. The pencil drew and sang a funny song:

My name is Pencil!
I am friendly with every kid.
One two three four five,
I can draw anything!

And all the guys, and all the guys
I'm happy to teach drawing!
But just remember: good
Only sharp pencils!

My name is Pencil!
I am friendly with inspiration,
The kids really need me
Adults need it too!

Half an hour later, lunch was ready. Having put the Dryndolet on autopilot, Samodelkin sat down at the table with the rest of the astronauts. Over lunch, Professor Pykhtelkin continued his learned lecture.

– Have you heard that it is very cold on the moon at night?

“It’s cold everywhere at night, because the sun doesn’t warm you,” responded Twig. – It’s also cold at night here on Earth.

“Yes, but it’s especially cold on the Moon - one hundred and fifty degrees,” said Semyon Semyonovich. “If we don’t put on spacesuits, we’ll turn into snowmen.”

– What if we fly to the moon not at night, but during the day? - asked Twig. “Then we won’t freeze?”

“But it’s very hot on the moon during the day,” Samodelkin answered. – More than a hundred degrees, there is no such heat even in Africa.

- How will we walk on the Moon if it is so hot there during the day and terrible cold at night? – Nastenka asked.

– To do this, I installed a special device in our spaceship, with the help of which we can calmly walk on the Moon and we will not be either hot or cold.

- How will we talk there? – asked Professor Pykhtelkin.

– What do you mean “how”? – Pencil didn’t understand. “As we used to say, so we will talk on the Moon – with our tongue and lips.”

- But there is absolutely no air there! - exclaimed the learned professor.

- So what if there is no air? – Pencil shrugged.

– Like “so what”? Have you forgotten that sounds are transmitted only through air, and if there is no air on the Moon, then we will not hear each other.

“Are you saying that if I say something to Samodelkin, he won’t hear me?” – the magical artist was surprised.

- That's it, my dear Pencil! – Semyon Semyonovich smiled. – Even if you stand very close to Samodelkin and shout in his very ear, even then your iron friend will not hear anything.

“It’s okay,” Samodelkin reassured everyone. “I’ll make tiny headphones so we can hear each other even if we get lost.”

- That's great! – Chizhik was delighted. - So, on the Moon you can not only jump several meters like a frog, but also scream at the top of your lungs, and no one will scold you for it, because my scream will not be heard anyway!

“I didn’t know before that so many different miracles happen on the moon,” said Nastenka.

– It would be nice to live on the Moon! - Twig said dreamily. “It’s just a pity that there’s no air there at all.”

– Professor, tell me, why is there no air on the Moon? – Nastenka asked. -Where did he go? Or was he never there?

– Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was both air and water on the Moon, but then the air gradually disappeared and the water evaporated.

- Why did the lunar air fly away? – Twig was surprised.

“Because the Moon is very small,” the professor explained. – And the smaller the planet, the more difficult it is for it to keep air and water near it. And all because on small planets there is very weak gravity.

– So, there is so much air and water on our Earth because it attracts them? - asked Chizhik.

- Yes, my boy. If our Earth does not attract them, then the air will evaporate, and the water will evaporate and they will not return again,” answered Semyon Semyonovich.

“It would be nice if our Earth was a little closer to the Sun,” said Nastenka. “Then we wouldn’t have winter.”

“If the sun gets a little closer to our planet, then something terrible will happen,” Professor Pykhtelkin grabbed his head.

- What will happen? – Samodelkin became interested.

“Then the water in the seas and oceans will boil as if in a saucepan, and the trees will burst into flames like torches.”

“Well, then it will become so cold that the water in the seas will freeze to the very bottom, along with all the fish and whales,” answered Professor Pykhtelkin. – Yes, the whole Earth will be covered with a thick layer of ice that will not melt even in summer. And in general, on all planets the weather is different, on some it’s hot, on others it’s cold, but somewhere it’s just right, like on our Earth, for example.

– Is it true that a day on the moon lasts two weeks? - asked Twig.

“True,” the professor nodded his head.

- And the night? - asked Chizhik.

– The night also lasts exactly two weeks.

Suddenly something hit the wall of the spaceship: “Boom!” Bang! Bang! One after another, blows fell on the Dryndolet from all sides.

The spaceship shuddered, dishes fell from the table with a terrible crash. The frightened astronauts jumped out of their chairs and rushed around the room.

- Oh, mommies, what happened? - Nastenka shouted. - Samodelochkin, what is this?

“Calm down,” said the iron master.

He jumped to the spaceship control panel and pressed some lever. The blows immediately stopped.

- What is this? What's happened? – the travelers bombarded the captain with questions.

“Don’t worry,” Samodelkin answered, “it’s a meteor shower.”

- Rain? What kind of rain is this? – Chizhik was surprised.

“Meteor shower is when a rocket encounters small and large stones in space that fly like flocks of birds between planets and stars,” Samodelkin explained.

- Why did it stop so quickly? – Nastenka asked Samodelkina.

– I turned on one special device, and now we are not afraid of meteorites. Space rocks now fly near our ship without touching it.

- Come here quickly, everyone! – the professor called everyone to the large porthole. – Look how beautiful this meteor shower is.

Pencil and the guys went up to the large glass window and began to watch with delight the amazing cosmic phenomenon.

Spy Hole, who had been listening carefully under the door all this time, saw that all the travelers had moved away from the table and were looking at the flight of space stones, quietly opened the door, crept up to the dining table and began stuffing everything that came to hand into his bosom. Hole didn’t forget about the bottle of sparkling water that stood in the center of the table. Then, just as quietly, the robber returned to the door and slipped out into the corridor. None of the travelers noticed him, because everyone peered with interest into the starry cosmic abyss, full of mysteries and secrets.

The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin (with illustrations)
Valentin Yurievich Postnikov

Pencil and Samodelkin #1
In this fairy-tale story, the children will meet cheerful and resourceful people - Karandash and Samodelkin, and their extraordinary adventures will be told...

Yuri Postnikov

The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin

CHAPTER ONE, in which you can eat a drawn candy and fly on a fresh cucumber

In one big city, on a very beautiful street called the Street of Merry Bells, there was a large, large toy store.

One day someone sneezed in the store!

This is not surprising if the salesman who was showing the kids toys sneezed. If some little customer sneezed, there is nothing surprising in that either. Only the seller and the small buyer have nothing to do with it. I know who sneezed in the toy store! No one will believe me at first, but I’ll tell you anyway.

The box sneezed! Yes Yes! Box for colored pencils. She was lying in a toy warehouse among large and small boxes and boxes. It had bright letters printed on it:


But that is not all. There was another box nearby. This box was called:


And so, when the first box sneezed, the other said:

- Be healthy!

Then the elegant lid on the first box lifted a little, fell to the side, and under it was a single small pencil. But what a pencil! Not a simple pencil, not a colored pencil, but the most extraordinary, amazing pencil!

Look at him, please. Really funny?

The pencil approached the mechanical “constructor”, knocked on the wooden lid and asked:

- Who's there?

- It's me! Master Samodelkin! - came the answer. - Help me, please, get out. I just can’t!.. – And in the box something seemed to rattle and ring.

Then Pencil pulled the lid towards him, pushed it aside and looked over the edge of the box. Among various shiny screws and nuts, metal plates, gears, springs and wheels sat a strange iron man. He jumped out of the box like a spring, swayed on thin funny legs that were made of springs, and began to look at Pencil.

- Who are you? – he asked in surprise.

– Me?.. I’m a magical artist! My name is Pencil. I can draw live pictures.

– What does this mean – living pictures?

– Well, if you want, I’ll draw a bird. She will immediately come to life and fly away. I can also draw a candy. You can eat it...

- Not true! - exclaimed Samodelkin. - It doesn’t happen like that! - And he laughed. - Can not be!

“Wizards never lie,” Pencil was offended.

- Come on, draw a plane! Let's see what kind of wizard you are, if you're telling the truth.

- Airplane! “I don’t know what an airplane is,” Pencil admitted. - I’d rather draw a carrot. Want?

- I don’t need carrots! Have you never seen an airplane? That's just funny!

The pencil was a little offended again.

- Please don't laugh. If you saw everything, tell me about the plane. What is it like, what does the plane look like? And I'll draw it. In my box there is an album with pictures for coloring. There are printed houses, birds, carrots, cucumbers, candies, horses, chickens, hens, cats, dogs. There's nothing else there! No planes!

Samodelkin jumped and rang with his springs:

- Oh, what uninteresting pictures in your book! OK! I'll show you the plane. It looks like a big, big long cucumber with wings. I will make a model of an airplane from a “constructor”.

Samodelkin immediately jumped into the box.

He rattled metal plates, he looked for the necessary screws, gears, he twisted them in the right place, deftly worked with a screwdriver, knocked with a hammer - knock-knock-knock! - and all the time he hummed this song:

I can do everything myself
And I don't believe in miracles!
Myself! Myself! Myself!

And Pencil took colored pencils out of his pocket, thought and thought, and drew a cucumber. Fresh, green, with pimples. Then I painted wings on it.

- Hey, Samodelkin! - called Pencil. - Come here! I drew an airplane.

“Just a minute,” the master responded. “I just need to attach the propeller and the plane will be ready.” We take the screw, put on the propeller... Knock, once, twice... Well, that's all! Look what airplanes there are!

Samodelkin jumped out of the box, and in his hands was a plane. Just like the real thing! I won’t say anything about this plane. Because all the guys saw planes. One Pencil has never been seen. He said:

- Oh, how well you drew!

“Well,” the master smiled. - I can not draw. I made a plane from a “constructor” set.

And then Samodelkin saw a cucumber, a fresh green cucumber.

-Where did you get the cucumber? – he was surprised.

- This... this is my plane...

Master Samodelkin trembled with all his springs, rang, and laughed loudly and loudly.

What a mocker Samodelkin is! He laughs and laughs, as if someone is tickling him, and cannot stop.

Pencil was very offended. He immediately drew a cloud on the wall. A real rain came from the cloud. He soaked Samodelkin from head to toe, and he stopped laughing.

“Brrr...” he said. -Where did this nasty rain come from? I m-might rust!

- Why are you laughing? - Pencil shouted. – You yourself spoke about the cucumber!

- Oh, I can’t! Oh, don’t make me laugh, otherwise I’ll come loose... What a plane! Why did you stick chicken feathers into the cucumber? Ha ha ha! Such a plane will not fly anywhere!

- And here it will fly! The wings will fly and the plane will fly.

- Well, where is the engine on your plane? Where's the steering wheel? Airplanes cannot fly without a rudder and an engine!

- Get on my plane! “I’ll show you whether they fly or don’t fly,” said Pencil and sat astride the cucumber.

Samodelkin actually fell on a cucumber laughing.

At that moment, the wind blew through the open window, suddenly the wings flapped, the cucumber shuddered and took off like a real plane.

- Ay! - Pencil and Samodelkin cried out together.

“Fuck! Boom!.."

This fresh cucumber, a real green cucumber, flew out the window and plopped on the ground.

Indeed. The plane had no rudder. Is it possible to fly without a rudder? Of course not. So the plane crashed. The wings flew off to the side. They were picked up by the wind and carried to the roof of the house.

CHAPTER TWO, about two horses

The samodelkin rattled like an empty iron can. But he wasn't in pain. After all, he is made of iron! He was only a little scared. He never had to fly.

-You are a real wizard! - exclaimed Samodelkin. – Even I can’t take live pictures!

- How do we get back to our boxes now? – Pencil sighed, rubbing the bump on his forehead.

- And it is not necessary! – Samodelkin waved his hands. - It's cramped there! Dark! I want to run, jump, ride, fly! Draw a new plane! We will travel! You and I will see real airplanes! We'll see everything in the world!

But for some reason Pencil no longer wanted to fly.

- I’d rather draw horses.

And Pencil drew two very good horses on the white wall of the house. They wore soft saddles and beautiful bridles with bright gold stars.

The painted horses first waved their tails, then neighed cheerfully and, as if nothing had happened, moved away from the wall.

Samodelkin opened his mouth and sat down on the ground. This is what they do when they are very, very surprised by something.

-You are a great wizard! - exclaimed Samodelkin. “There’s no way I can do this!”

“It’s time for us to go,” said Pencil modestly, pleased with the praise. “Choose your own horse and sit down,” he suggested.

Samodelkin liked the white horse better.

The artist got the red one.

They got on their horses and went traveling.

CHAPTER THREE, in which the horses gallop around the city

In the most beautiful square of the city, on Yasnaya Square, stood a Policeman. Cars hurried and drove past him. Large buses, long trolleybuses, small cars. The nimble motorcycles rattled impatiently, trying to overtake everyone and run ahead.

And suddenly the policeman said:

- Can't be!

Along the street, along a wide city street full of large and small cars, two cute horses were galloping. One was red with white spots, the other was white with red spots. Unknown little citizens sat on horses, looked around and loudly sang a cheerful song:

Oh, how can I sit on a horse?
I'll give the horse a chocolate.
Take me, little horse,
I don't like walking!

Well, of course, it was Pencil and Samodelkin.

They looked now to the right, now to the left, and the horses turned now to the right, now to the left, now ran, then suddenly stopped in front of the very nose of the car.

There were so many interesting and unusual things on the street! Houses, traffic lights, cars, fountains, trees, pigeons, flowers, elegant passers-by, signs, lanterns - you need to take a good look at everything!

Driving to the left is an amazing car with large round brushes. She sweeps the street, swallows pieces of paper, dust on the pavement. Broom machine!

To the right is a car, from which a tall mast is growing right before our eyes. At the very top of the mast there are people in overalls. People rise to the sky, pulling thin wires over the street.

- Fitters! - Samodelkin said to Pencil.

The policeman raised a whistle to his lips and whistled loudly. All the car drivers, all the drivers, shuddered in surprise and looked at the Policeman. Only Samodelkin and Karandash didn’t even look back. They simply did not know why the police were whistling.

Take me, little horse,
I don't like walking!

- Samodelkin bawled, rocking on the saddle. The pencil sang along in a thin voice:

Walking is not easy for us!

"Ugliness! – thought the Policeman. - Violation of the rules! They're interfering! They're crawling under the wheels!..”

Next to the Policeman stood a large red motorcycle. The policeman turned on the engine and drove into the middle of Orekhovoya Street. A red traffic light came on above the street.

The flow of cars froze. Buses, trolleybuses, trucks, cars, motorcycles, bicycles froze in place.

Everything stopped. Only Samodelkin and Karandash calmly drove on. Nobody ever told them about the traffic light.

- Please stop! - The policeman said sternly.

“Oh!..” whispered Pencil. - It looks like we're about to get...

A small crowd immediately gathered around the policeman and the two violators.

– These are probably circus performers! - some boy noticed.

- What's the matter, guys! Why are you breaking it? Where do you live?

“We?.. We lived in a box...” Samodelkin answered in fear.

– Is this what the village is called – Korobka?

- No, we are from a real box...

- I don’t understand anything! “The policeman took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. - That's it, guys, I have no time to joke with you. Please follow the traffic rules.

"What are the rules?" - the curious Pencil wanted to ask, but Samodelkin pulled his sleeve in time. Is it possible to ask a policeman such questions?

A green traffic light flashed above the street. Cars, buses, trolleybuses, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles started running. Let's go, let's go!

“It’s all the horses’ fault,” Master Samodelkin said then. – You have to travel around the city in a car.

CHAPTER FOUR, in it they ride on soft pillows

“Let’s draw a car,” suggested Pencil.

– Do you think it’s so easy to draw cars? You won't succeed. Even I can only make a car from a very good “constructor”. You can make an ordinary scooter, but where can we find the wheels?..

- Why won’t it work? - interrupted Pencil. - I saw the cars!

“Okay, draw a car,” Master Samodelkin agreed. – Just don’t forget to draw tires on the wheels. Without them, the car always shakes a lot on the road. I can't stand shaking. I immediately unscrew then. And the tires are like pillows; the ride on them is soft.

- Nothing! - said Pencil, busy with work. - Don't worry! It will be soft!

While the little artist was drawing a car right on the white wall of the house, Samodelkin took the painted horses to a nearby park, to a green lawn, and tied them to a low cast-iron fence.

Samodelkin returned and looked at the drawing. He wanted to give Pencil some advice. But then Pencil finished drawing.

Nearby stood a ready-made real car.

- What have you done?! - Samodelkin shouted. – Why did you draw pillows on wheels?

In fact, the wheels of the new car had cushions attached to them! The most real pillows! In pink pillowcases with white ribbons. The pencil drew them very well.

“You yourself said about the pillows,” Pencil noted.

– I didn’t say anything about pillows!

- No, I did! Said!

- You're confusing everything! Now your car won't be able to drive!

- Will be able! - Pencil was offended.

- He can’t and won’t go! I know better!

- But he’ll go!

- He won’t go for anything!

- Try to sit down!

- I’ll take it and sit down! And he won't go anywhere!

Samodelkin got into the car next to Pencil. The car honked and drove off.

- He's coming! It's coming! - Pencil shouted.

Surprised, Samodelkin held the steering wheel tightly with both hands. He was very afraid to jump out of the car. He had no time to look around. And yet he noticed how passers-by looked around and pointed at them.

“What a funny car,” passers-by said. - On the pillows!

CHAPTER FIVE In which the journey continues

Our little travelers were not able to ride around the city for long.

On the street, Pencil saw a strange car that looked like a huge drum. He rolled slowly along the pavement. But for some reason the pavement beneath him was black, black, smooth, smooth, not like everywhere else. Hot, fragrant smoke came from the pavement. All the other cars tried to avoid the strange car and the black pavement behind it.

And Samodelkin, noticing the extraordinary car, was delighted:

– We’ll overtake her now! Otherwise everyone overtakes us, but you and I can’t overtake anyone...

And he deftly directed his car onto the black pavement.

Soft pink pillowcases stuck to the hot asphalt and tore.

The fluff flew out from under the wheels. The wind picked it up, scattered it and carried it around the city over cars, houses, trees.

“Well,” said one old man passing by, “the poplar fluff is flying.” It's going to be a good summer.

And Karandash and Samodelkin’s car took off and drove on, leaving soft pink rags on the pavement.

The street ends. A wide area lay before them. It was not covered with asphalt, but with stone paving stones.

Yuri Postnikov

The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin

CHAPTER ONE, in which you can eat a drawn candy and fly on a fresh cucumber

In one big city, on a very beautiful street called the Street of Merry Bells, there was a large, large toy store.

One day someone sneezed in the store!

This is not surprising if the salesman who was showing the kids toys sneezed. If some little customer sneezed, there is nothing surprising in that either. Only the seller and the small buyer have nothing to do with it. I know who sneezed in the toy store! No one will believe me at first, but I’ll tell you anyway.

The box sneezed! Yes Yes! Box for colored pencils. She was lying in a toy warehouse among large and small boxes and boxes. It had bright letters printed on it:


But that is not all. There was another box nearby. This box was called:


And so, when the first box sneezed, the other said:

- Be healthy!

Then the elegant lid on the first box lifted a little, fell to the side, and under it was a single small pencil. But what a pencil! Not a simple pencil, not a colored pencil, but the most extraordinary, amazing pencil!

Look at him, please. Really funny?

The pencil approached the mechanical “constructor”, knocked on the wooden lid and asked:

- Who's there?

- It's me! Master Samodelkin! - came the answer. - Help me, please, get out. I just can’t!.. – And in the box something seemed to rattle and ring.

Then Pencil pulled the lid towards him, pushed it aside and looked over the edge of the box. Among various shiny screws and nuts, metal plates, gears, springs and wheels sat a strange iron man. He jumped out of the box like a spring, swayed on thin funny legs that were made of springs, and began to look at Pencil.

- Who are you? – he asked in surprise.

– Me?.. I’m a magical artist! My name is Pencil. I can draw live pictures.

– What does this mean – living pictures?

– Well, if you want, I’ll draw a bird. She will immediately come to life and fly away. I can also draw a candy. You can eat it...

- Not true! - exclaimed Samodelkin. - It doesn’t happen like that! - And he laughed. - Can not be!

“Wizards never lie,” Pencil was offended.

- Come on, draw a plane! Let's see what kind of wizard you are, if you're telling the truth.

- Airplane! “I don’t know what an airplane is,” Pencil admitted. - I’d rather draw a carrot. Want?

- I don’t need carrots! Have you never seen an airplane? That's just funny!

The pencil was a little offended again.

- Please don't laugh. If you saw everything, tell me about the plane. What is it like, what does the plane look like? And I'll draw it. In my box there is an album with pictures for coloring. There are printed houses, birds, carrots, cucumbers, candies, horses, chickens, hens, cats, dogs. There's nothing else there! No planes!

Samodelkin jumped and rang with his springs:

- Oh, what uninteresting pictures in your book! OK! I'll show you the plane. It looks like a big, big long cucumber with wings. I will make a model of an airplane from a “constructor”.

Samodelkin immediately jumped into the box.

Yuri Druzhkov

The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin

True tale

Chapter first,

in which you can eat a drawn candy and fly on a fresh cucumber

In one big city, on a very beautiful street called the Street of Merry Bells, there was a large, large toy store.

One day someone sneezed in the store!

This is not surprising if the salesman who was showing the kids toys sneezed. If some little customer sneezed, there is nothing surprising in that either. Only the seller and the small buyer have nothing to do with it. I know who sneezed in the toy store! At first no one believed me, but I’ll tell you anyway.

The box sneezed! Yes Yes! Box for colored pencils. She was lying in a toy warehouse among large and small boxes and boxes. It had bright letters printed on it:

Colored pencils “Little Wizard”

But that is not all. There was another box nearby. This box was called:

Mechanical designer “Master Samodelkin”

And so, when the first box sneezed, the other said:

- Be healthy!

Then the elegant lid on the first box lifted a little, fell to the side, and under it was a single small pencil. But what a pencil! Not a simple pencil, not a colored pencil, but the most extraordinary, amazing pencil!

Look at him, please. Really funny?

The pencil approached the mechanical “constructor”, knocked on the wooden lid and asked:

- Who's there?

- It's me! Master Samodelkin! - came the answer. - Help me, please, get out. I just can’t!.. – And in the box something seemed to rattle and ring.

Then Pencil pulled the lid towards him, pushed it aside and looked over the edge of the box. Among various shiny screws and nuts, metal plates, gears, springs and wheels sat a strange iron man. He jumped out of the box like a spring, swayed on thin funny legs that were made of springs, and began to look at Pencil.

- Who are you? – he asked in surprise.

– Me?... I’m a magical artist! My name is Pencil. I can draw live pictures.

– What does this mean – living pictures?

– Well, if you want, I’ll draw a bird. She will immediately come to life and fly away. I can also draw a candy. You can eat it...

- Not true! - exclaimed Samodelkin. - It doesn’t happen like that! - And he laughed. - Can not be!

“Wizards never lie,” Pencil was offended.

- Come on, draw a plane! Let's see what kind of wizard you are, if you're telling the truth.

- Airplane! “I don’t know what an airplane is,” Pencil admitted. - I’d rather draw a carrot. Want?

- I don’t need carrots! Have you never seen an airplane? That's just funny!

The pencil was a little offended again.

- Please don't laugh. If you saw everything, tell me about the plane. What is it like, what does the plane look like? And I'll draw it. In my box there is an album with pictures for coloring. There are printed houses, birds, carrots, cucumbers, candies, horses, chickens, hens, cats, dogs. There's nothing else there! No planes!

Samodelkin jumped and rang with his springs:

- Oh, what uninteresting pictures in your book! OK! I'll show you the plane. It looks like a big, big long cucumber with wings. I will make a model of an airplane from a “constructor”.

Samodelkin immediately jumped into the box.

He rattled metal plates, he looked for the necessary screws, gears, he twisted them in the right place, deftly worked with a screwdriver, knocked with a hammer - knock-knock-knock! - and all the time he hummed this song:

I can do everything myself
And I don't believe in miracles!
Myself! Myself! Myself!

And Pencil took colored pencils out of his pocket, thought and thought, and drew a cucumber. Fresh, green, with pimples. Then I painted wings on it.

- Hey, Samodelkin! - called Pencil. - Come here! I drew an airplane.

“Just a minute,” the master responded. “I just need to attach the propeller and the plane will be ready.” We take the screw, put on the propeller... Let's knock once, twice... Well, that's all! Look what airplanes there are!

Samodelkin jumped out of the box, and in his hands was a plane. Just like the real thing! I won’t say anything about this plane. Because all the guys saw planes. One Pencil has never been seen. He said:

- Oh, how well you drew!

“Well,” the master smiled. - I can not draw. I made a plane from a “constructor” set.

And then Samodelkin saw a cucumber, a fresh green cucumber.

-Where did you get the cucumber? – he was surprised.

- This... this is my plane...

Master Samodelkin trembled with all his springs and laughed loudly and loudly.

What a mocker Samodelkin is! He laughs and laughs, as if someone is tickling him, and cannot stop.

Pencil was very offended. He immediately drew a cloud on the wall. A real rain came from the cloud. He soaked Samodelkin from head to toe, and he stopped laughing.

“Brrr...” he said. -Where did this nasty rain come from? I m-might zarr-rust!

- Why are you laughing? - Pencil shouted. – You yourself spoke about the cucumber!

- Oh, I can’t! Oh, don’t make me laugh, otherwise I’ll come loose... What a plane! Why did you stick chicken feathers into the cucumber? Ha ha ha! Such a plane will not fly anywhere!

- And here it will fly! The wings will fly and the plane will fly.

- Well, where is the engine on your plane? Where's the steering wheel? Airplanes cannot fly without a rudder and an engine!

- Get on my plane! “I’ll show you whether they fly or don’t fly,” said Pencil and sat astride the cucumber.

Samodelkin actually fell on a cucumber laughing. At that moment, the wind blew through the open window, suddenly the wings flapped, the cucumber shuddered and took off like a real plane.

- Ay! - Pencil and Samodelkin cried out together.

“Fuck! Boom!.."

This fresh cucumber, a real green cucumber, flew out the window and plopped on the ground.

Indeed. The plane had no rudder. Is it possible to fly without a rudder? Of course not. So the plane crashed. The wings flew off to the side. They were picked up by the wind and carried to the roof of the house.

Chapter two,

about two horses

The samodelkin rattled like an empty iron can. But he wasn't in pain. After all, he is made of iron! He was only a little scared. He never had to fly.

-You are a real wizard! - exclaimed Samodelkin. – Even I can’t take live pictures!

- How do we get back to our boxes now? – Pencil sighed, rubbing the bump on his forehead.

- And it is not necessary! – Samodelkin waved his hands. - It's cramped there! Dark! I want to run, jump, ride, fly! Draw a new plane! We will travel! You and I will see real airplanes! We'll see everything in the world!

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