I’m reading N. Gogol’s favorite work (based on N. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”). My favorite work by N. Gogol (Gogol N.V.) Write my favorite story by Gogol

Essays on literature: I read N.V. Gogol’s favorite work

Great works of art become eternal companions of humanity.

S. Mashinsky

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the great writers of the 19th century. My favorite work is the poem "Dead Souls". This work is the most

A significant work by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the pinnacle of his creativity. Reading it

You see how terrible life was on Russian soil. "Cry of horror and shame" - so

Herzen named this poem.

In the poem "Dead Souls" the writer showed that the old patriarchal noble Russia was beginning to collapse. The plot consists of three externally closed, but internally very interconnected links: landowners, city officials and the biography of Chichikov. , in particular Plyushkin: “His face was nothing special; it was almost the same as that of many thin old men, one chin only protruded very far forward, so he had to cover it with a handkerchief every time so as not to spit; small eyes had not yet gone out and were running from under their high eyebrows, like mice, when, sticking their sharp muzzles out of their dark holes, ears pricked and whiskers blinking, they look out to see if a cat or a naughty boy is hiding somewhere, and sniff the very air suspiciously. was

His attire: no amount of effort or effort could have been used to find out what his robe was made of: the sleeves and upper flaps were so greasy and shiny that they looked like

Yuft, the kind that goes into boots; back and instead of two there were four floors dangling, of which

Cotton paper came out in flakes. He also had something tied around his neck,

Which it was impossible to make out: whether it was a stocking, a garter, or a belly, but there was no way

Tie" is clear evidence of this.

The appearance of people of a different life orientation is caused by the inexorable course of history. This is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young,” - a man of a new formation, a businessman-acquirer.

Chichikov's character is not simple; it is not easy for the reader to understand him. At the beginning of the story the author

Draws the appearance of the hero: “a middle-aged man,” “not handsome, but not bad either.”

Appearance," emphasizing the uncertainty and unpredictability of this image.

Revealing to the reader the main character as a socio-psychological type, Gogol narrates the origin, upbringing and life conditions of the formation of Chichikov’s personality.

Pavel Ivanovich is the only character whose life story is revealed in all details and has been comprehensively artistically researched. He belongs to the type of “cross-cutting” heroes, although we become acquainted with his biography only at the end of the first volume.

What kind of person is Chichikov? Does he fit into the overall picture of Russian life or does he fall out of it? Although Pavel Ivanovich is partly an official and partly a landowner, Gogol separates him from this world, joining him to Rus' “on one side.” The uniqueness of the hero lies in the fact that he is a new being, unclear in his novelty, who has not exhausted his capabilities, like the landowners and.

In the eleventh chapter of the poem, the writer reveals to us the story of life

Primary education and training took place in a “small room with small windows,”

Which were never opened. Father left half a copper as an inheritance to Pavlusha

Yes, the commandment is to study diligently, please teachers and bosses, avoid friends,

And the most important thing is to save and save a penny. In his will, the father did not say anything to his son about moral responsibility to people, about honor and dignity. Walking along the road of life and developing his everyday principles, Chichikov realized that these concepts are only

They interfere with the achievement of selfish goals.

Pavel Ivanovich built his well-being at the expense of others: insulting a teacher, deceiving a police officer and his daughter, bribery, embezzlement of government money, fraud at customs.

Moreover, each time he suffered defeat, he carried out the next one with even greater energy.

Fraud. It’s interesting to remember what thoughts occupied Gogol’s hero after

A failed deal with smugglers. Chichikov complained that everyone was using

By his position, “everyone gains”; if he had not taken it, others would have taken it. This is Pavel

Ivanovich calls "remorse" when thinking about his children, whom he does not

Will be able to leave it in decent condition.

Gogol, closely observing not only the hero’s actions, but also his thoughts,

He notes that in Chichikov’s reasoning “there was a certain side of justice.”

Gogol’s irony about the behavior of officials in Russia sounds familiar

It was natural.

We cannot deny that Chichikov is a man of action who does not give up in the face of difficulties, that his fate is in many ways dramatic. It is gratifying to notice the manifestation of sincere feelings in such people. When meeting a mysterious stranger, the governor’s daughter, at a ball, “something so terrible” happened to the main character. However, it is sad to realize the underdevelopment of the hero’s soul, its inability to perceive the high and sublime.

Gogol managed to show a complex character, which is written out with such psychological precision and generality that it is still recognizable today. By calling Chichikov a “scoundrel,” the writer not only expresses his attitude towards the type of such people, but also clearly realizes that acquisitiveness is becoming a terrible scourge of society.

When embarking on the most ambitious project - the purchase of “dead souls”, Pavel Ivanovich tries to take into account the experience of previous failures, so his actions are leisurely and at the same time purposeful and large-scale. He comprehended the “great secret of being liked,” making an irresistible impression on the provincial nobility. You can’t deny him his knowledge of people, like a subtle psychologist he talks with landowners. Finally, Gogol did not deny Chichikov such qualities as energy and will, which the completely “dead souls” of officials and landowners lack. However, the “living soul” of the hero of “Dead Souls” brings no less evil to the world. Inertia and vulgarity are replaced by militant meanness.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is seriously worried about the deep penetration of the Chichikovs into

A society that leads to a loss of humanity. Study of the character of the acquirer

Chichikov lives in every person. And therefore the task of the writer is to help people get rid of their vices.

"Dead Souls" belongs to such works, the depth of thought, unfading

Artistic beauty and poetry are extremely dear to people.

Each era reads these works in a new way and each time discovers in them

Something new and very important for people, helping them to better understand the past and

The present of the world in which they live, that is, to acquire an understanding of life in its

Incessant historical movement.

My favorite work by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is “Dead Souls”. Almost every writer has a work that is the work of his whole life, a creation in which he embodied his quests and innermost thoughts. For Gogol, this is, without a doubt, “Dead Souls”. Reading the book for the first time, I paid little attention to the author’s lyrical reflections on Russia and the Russian people. These beautiful places even seemed out of place in a satirical poem. Having recently reread “Dead Souls,” I suddenly discovered Gogol as a great patriot, and became convinced of how important the portrayed image of Rus' is for the writer’s entire plan.

In his poem, Gogol sought to create a comprehensive picture of national life.

Russia of the 19th century is a country of nobility. It was the noble class that determined its fate, the course of its development. The core of the plot of Dead Souls was Chichikov's adventure. It only seemed incredible, anecdotal; in fact, it was reliable in all the smallest details. Feudal reality created very favorable conditions for such adventures. Dead souls became a burden to

Landowners who naturally dreamed of getting rid of them. And this created a psychological precondition for all kinds of fraud. One dead souls were in

heaviness; others, on the contrary, felt the need for them, hoping to benefit from fraudulent transactions. This is exactly what Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov hoped for.

Chichikov is the only character whose life story is revealed in all details.

The historical novelty of the character forced the writer to take up his comprehensive

Artistic research. To understand Chichikov as a socio-psychological type, it was necessary to comprehend the mystery of his origin and comprehend the living conditions under the influence of which his character was formed. and Sobakevich, Korobochka and Nozdryov are shown by Gogol more or less statically, that is, without development, as characters personifying their way of life. The static nature of the character is quite

Corresponded to the stagnation of life and the entire way of life of such people.

Of all the works of N.V. Gogol that I read, I liked only one story, “Notes of a Madman,” and my essay will be about it.

I liked reading “Notes of a Madman” more than “Nevsky Prospekt.” When I started reading the story, I liked it more and more with each new line, I read with expression, changed my tone, but then I lost interest in the work. In general, I don’t really like Gogol’s work; he wrote too long works that you can hardly read in one evening. I don’t like to read, but it happens when I get interested, I read with emotions, and then the impression of the work remains for a long time, and this state visited me today.

In general, “Notes of a Madman” are the diary entries of a real person. At first we see an ordinary person who has a job, an apartment, but no most important family, no one he loves, and they love him, because love is the most wonderful feeling. Our hero fell in love and after that he began to show signs of madness; for me, this fact remains incomprehensible, how one can go crazy from falling in love.

Updated: 2017-08-07

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My favorite work by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

The works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol open to a wide range of readers the fantastic and interesting world of heroes from the collections “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Mirgorod”, “Petersburg Tales”. Of these, my favorite collection is “Mirgorod”. Its subtitle is “Tales that serve as a continuation of “Evening on a Farm near Dikanka.” The book was published in two parts. The first part included “Old World Landowners” and “Taras Bulba”. In the second - “Viy” and “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich.” I love two stories “Viy” and “Taras Bulba”.

“Taras Bulba” and “Viy” were written in a romantic, upbeat tone. They are tales from a legendary past. N.V. Gogol was a rather mysterious and one might even say mystical person, therefore his works are imbued with the mystery and mysticism that the writer himself possessed.

Gogol’s “Viy” is a colossal creation of the common people’s imagination. This name is used by the Little Russians to call the chief of the gnomes, whose eyelids go all the way to the ground. I like this work for its fantasy. It is saturated with old customs, the speech of those times. In it, Gogol conveys the legends that circulated about various ghouls, witches, and evil spirits in Kyiv. For myself, I can safely say that it is the first Russian horror film. It is not for nothing that in our modern Russia “Viy”, based on Gogol’s story, is still considered the most terrible film. Gogol said that this story is a folk legend, and he told it in the same simplicity as he heard it.

In Vie we delve into ancient Kyiv at a time when there were various philosophers, rhetoricians and theologians. In the story, Gogol well described the entire learned people of Kyiv. When the learned crowd arrived earlier than expected, a fight broke out between them. Usually theology conquered everyone, and philosophers only scratched their sides. The main character of the story is the philosopher Khoma Brut. He had a cheerful disposition and loved to smoke his cradle. Khoma became a victim of the witch lady. When he killed the old witch, she instantly turned into a beautiful girl. Before her death, the witch asked her father to have Khoma say prayers for three days over her deceased body. I really liked how Gogol conveyed the appearance of the deceased lady and the image of the church. Thanks to this description, you can delve even deeper into this event, and you can even feel for yourself that awkwardness and fear of Khoma.

The church is wooden, blackened, covered with moss. Inside the church, candles were lit in front of each image. The light from them illuminated only the iconostasis and half of the church. The tall ancient iconostasis showed deep disrepair. The faces of the saints looked somehow gloomy. In the middle stood a black coffin. From this moment on, it becomes a little scary for the hero; just one view of the church makes one think about the terrible events that are about to happen. The dead witch seemed alive to Khoma. The forehead was tender and beautiful; eyebrows are even, thin, and lips are rubies. She was as beautiful as there had ever been on earth, but meanwhile he was very scared and embarrassed by her enchanting beauty. Khoma could not resist the power of the witch’s beauty and died of fear. I really like Viya’s catchphrase “Lift my eyelids.” In my opinion, this is one of the best works of N.V. Gogol.

“Taras Bulba” is a story that relates to events in Ukrainian history. But the writer did not follow the chronology of events at all. I like this work because Gogol showed the relationship between father and children very well. The story begins with Taras Bulba going with his sons to the Zaporozhye Sich. It has its own moral values, its own concepts of good and evil. Taras Bulba himself is an old Cossack who is very devoted to his comradeship, and for his sake he does not feel sorry for his life and the lives of his children. He had two sons Andriy and Ostap. For him, they are first of all comrades, brothers, and only then sons. I really liked the scene where Taras finds out that Andriy betrayed his own. Bulba cannot stand the betrayal of her son. He has nothing left to do but kill his son for betraying the brotherhood, the partnership to which Bulba is devoted with all his heart. Before killing Andriy, Taras Bulba says, in my opinion, magnificent words: “What, son, did your Poles help you?.. So sell? sell faith? sell yours? Stop; get off your horse!.. Stop, don’t move! I gave birth to you, I will kill you!..” Andriy was struck by his father’s sword. Afterwards Ostap was caught and sentenced to death. Ostap was strong and brave, a true hero. Taras loved and was very proud of his son. In front of Bulba's eyes he was quartered. For me, this moment in the story is one of the most terrible events. My heart just skips a beat and feels very sorry for Old Taras, who almost immediately lost his sons. In the last moments of his life, Taras does everything to save his comrades, not noticing that a painful death from fire will soon come. This story teaches a huge lesson. She teaches him to love and defend his homeland no matter the cost. This story is very relevant today.

Gogol is a great writer of our Russia. His stories teach courage, kindness, courage. Every person should read at least one story by Gogol, as they contain great meaning.

My favorite work by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is “Dead Souls”. Almost every writer has a work that is the work of his whole life, a creation in which he embodied his quests and innermost thoughts. For Gogol, this is, without a doubt, “Dead Souls.” Reading the book for the first time, I paid little attention to the author’s lyrical reflections on Russia and the Russian people. These beautiful places even seemed out of place in a satirical poem. Having recently re-read “Dead Souls,” I suddenly discovered Gogol as a great patriot, and became convinced of how important the portrayal of Rus' is for the writer’s entire plan.
In his poem, Gogol sought to create a comprehensive picture of national life. Russia of the 19th century is a country of nobility. It was the noble class that determined its fate, the course of its development. The core of the plot of “Dead Souls” was Chichikov’s adventure. It only seemed incredible, anecdotal; in fact, it was reliable in all the smallest details. Feudal reality created very favorable conditions for such adventures. Dead souls became a burden for landowners, who naturally dreamed of getting rid of them. And this created a psychological precondition for all kinds of fraud. For some, dead souls were a burden; others, on the contrary, felt the need for them, hoping to benefit from fraudulent transactions. This is exactly what Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov hoped for.
Chichikov is the only character whose life story is revealed in all details. The historical novelty of the character forced the writer to engage in a comprehensive artistic study of it. To understand Chichikov as a socio-psychological type, it was necessary to comprehend the mystery of his origin and comprehend the living conditions under the influence of which his character was formed. Manilov and Sobakevich, Korobochka and Nozdryov are shown by Gogol more or less statically, that is, without development, as characters personifying their way of life. The static character was fully consistent with the stagnation of life and the entire way of life of such people.
Among the serf peasants we do not see characters of such brilliant artistic strength as among the landowners. The writer separates landowners and officials from the people. Personally, it seems to me that it is wrong to interpret that all landowners and officials, and Chichikov himself, are genuine “dead souls.” Of all the types, this can be called only Plyushkin, whose soul was deadened by greed. But Gogol himself explains that such a phenomenon rarely occurs in Rus'.
Society itself does not see the strangeness, unusualness, and ultimately the abnormality of its usual way of life. Gogol gives two angles of view, two possible perceptions of the sustainable course of life. One is from the inside - the perception of those who are accustomed to this life and forms its layers, the other is from the author, who sees everything in a much more diverse way, trying to find a way to awaken people.
And now, it seems, awakening is ready to happen. The city learns that Chichikov was buying up dead souls.
“Dead Souls” is an encyclopedic work in the breadth of its coverage of vital material. This is an artistic exploration of the fundamental problems of contemporary social life for the writer. Here its most acute social contradictions are revealed. Compositionally, the main place in the poem is occupied by the image of the landowner and bureaucratic world. But its ideological core is the idea of ​​the tragic fate of the people. True, “low-class people” are not depicted in close-up and occupy a modest place in the overall panorama of events.
Great works of art become companions of humanity. They do not know old age and decay. Each era reads these works in a new way and each time discovers in them something new and very important for people, helping to better understand the past and present of the world in which they live, that is, to understand life in its constant historical movement. “Dead Souls” belongs to the number of such works, the depth of thought, unfading artistic beauty, the poetry of which is extremely precious.

Great works of art become eternal companions of humanity.S. Mashinsky Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the great writers of the 19th century. My favorite work is the poem “Dead Souls”. This work is the most significant work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, the pinnacle of his creativity. Reading it, you see how terrible life was on Russian soil. “A cry of horror and shame,” Herzen called this poem.

In the poem “Dead Souls,” the writer showed that the old patriarchal noble Russia was beginning to collapse. The plot consists of three externally closed, but internally very interconnected links: landowners, city officials and the biography of Chichikov. Images of landowners, in particular Plyushkin: “His face did not represent anything special; it was almost the same as that of many thin old men, one chin only protruded very far forward, so that he had to cover it with a handkerchief every time so as not to spit; the small eyes had not yet gone out and ran from under their high eyebrows, like mice, when, sticking their sharp muzzles out of the dark holes, pricking their ears and blinking their whiskers, they look out to see if a cat or a naughty boy is hiding somewhere, and sniff the very air suspiciously. His attire was much more remarkable: no amount of effort or effort could have been used to find out what his robe was made of: the sleeves and upper flaps were so greasy and shiny that they looked like the kind of leather that goes into boots; in the back, instead of two, there were four floors dangling, from which cotton paper came out in flakes. He also had something tied around his neck that couldn’t be made out: a stocking, a garter, or a belly, just not a tie” - clear evidence of this.

The appearance of people of a different life orientation is caused by the inexorable course of history. This is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, “not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; one cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young,” - a man of a new formation, a businessman-acquirer. Chichikov’s character is not simple, it is not easy for the reader to understand him. At the beginning of the story, the author draws the appearance of the hero: “a middle-aged man,” “not handsome, but not bad-looking either,” emphasizing the uncertainty and unpredictability of this image. Revealing to the reader the main character as a socio-psychological type, Gogol tells about the origin, upbringing and life conditions for the formation of Chichikov's personality. Pavel Ivanovich is the only character whose life story is revealed in all details and has been comprehensively artistically researched. He belongs to the type of “cross-cutting” heroes, although we become acquainted with his biography only at the end of the first volume.

What kind of person is Chichikov? Does he fit into the overall picture of Russian life or does he fall out of it? Although Pavel Ivanovich is partly an official and partly a landowner, Gogol separates him from this world, joining him to Rus' “on one side.” The uniqueness of the hero lies in the fact that he is a new being, unclear in his novelty, who has not exhausted his capabilities, like landowners and officials. In the eleventh chapter of the poem, the writer reveals to us the life story of Chichikov. The author notes the “dark and humble” origin of the hero. His initial upbringing and training took place in a “small room with small windows” that never opened.

His father left Pavlusha a legacy of fifty dollars, a covenant to study diligently, please teachers and bosses, avoid friends, and most importantly, take care and save a penny. In his will, the father did not say anything to his son about moral responsibility to people, about honor and dignity. Walking along the road of life and developing his everyday principles, Chichikov realized that these concepts only interfere with the achievement of selfish goals. Pavel Ivanovich built his well-being at the expense of others: insulting a teacher, deceiving a police officer and his daughter, bribery, embezzlement of government property, fraud at customs.

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