What to do if programs on the Internet have increased. Disable automatic updates. Disable QoS speed limiting

1. First, you need to measure your current connection speed.

2. Increase bandwidth by asking Windows to use the entire communication channel:

Go to the Start menu - enter "gpedit.msc" in the search

3. Go to the menu Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - QoS Packet Scheduler - Limit Reserved Pro-Russian Capacity.

4. Set the toggle switch to “Enable” and check that the bandwidth limit is 20%.

5. Go to Start - type “regedit” in the search box - Enter.

6. In the window that opens, go to:


and add the following lines to it (right-click on the empty field - New - DWORD value (32 bits)):

  • CacheHashTableBucketSize
  • CacheHashTableSize
  • MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit
  • MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit

7. Set the following parameters to the newly created files:

  • CacheHashTableBucketSize - set value to 1
  • CacheHashTableSize - set value to 384
  • MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit - set the value to 64000
  • MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit - set value to 301

To do this, hover your mouse over each item and right-click - Edit.

8. Start - in the search bar, enter "cmd" - Enter.

9. In the command line that opens, write:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

press Enter and restart your PC.

To change the value back, run the command line again and enter the value:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal.

All these steps will help you increase your Internet speed.

Nobody likes it when they take a very long time to open a web page when loading, and the downloading of files does not occur at the level at which they would like. Although, when ordering a service from a provider, it clearly stated 20 or even 100 Mb/s, but in reality we do not get such a speed.

Of course, there is an explanation for this. Firstly, the system takes about 20% for its needs, and secondly, the browser receives a response from the DNS servers, although this takes time.

Whatever it is, we will now figure out how to increase Internet speed several times.

Disable QoS speed limiting

Typically the system has a 20% speed limit, although it may be different for everyone. To increase Internet speed, you need to disable this option. To do this, we will use local group policies. Unfortunately, this function Available only on Pro editions of Windows.

Open the “Run” window using the combination Win+R and in the window that appears, write the following command: gpedit.msc .

On the left side of the window that opens, go to the section: Computer configurationAdministrative Templates- Net - QoS Packet SchedulerLimit reserved bandwidth.

We find there the item “Limit backup bandwidth”. Double-click on it and set the parameter to "Enabled", and then enter the number «0» in "Bandwidth Limitation". Click Apply.

To make sure whether a network device works with the QoS packet scheduler, you need to go to the Network Sharing Center and shared access. You can get there by clicking on the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar, or wired connection right mouse button. On the left, go to the “Changing adapter settings” section. Right-click on your connection and select “Properties”. The option should appear there "QoS Packet Scheduler", marked with a tick.

Disabling QoS through the registry

If you have a version of Windows other than PRO, this instruction may be suitable for you. Go to the registry, for this we use the combination Win + R and enter the command regedit.

Let's go to the next section:


Here we find the section Windows, right-click on it and create a new section with the name Psched.

Go to the created section and on the right create a 32-bit DWORD parameter with the name NonBestEffortLimit. We assign this parameter the value «0» .

After the work has been done, reboot the computer.

Disable Internet speed limiting in software

It happens that when using programs that require the Internet, for example, torrent clients, there are speed limiting functions that may be active for you.

Take a torrent client for example. If you right-click on the active download, there is an item "Reception restriction". Point the mouse at it and look. The mode must be active "Unlimited".

It's the same with other torrent clients. In other types of programs, you will have to dig around and find something similar.

How to increase DNS cache to increase speed?

As many of you know, the DNS cache allows you to store the IP addresses of resources you have already visited, and visiting again will use the DNS cache, which will allow you to open pages much faster. Unfortunately, its volume is not infinite, but it can be increased.

Go! Press Win+R and enter the command to enter the registry – regedit. A window opens where we should go to this section on the left:


On the right you need to right click on the empty space and create 4 “DWORD” parameters and give them names like this – CacheHashTableBucketSize, CacheHashTableSize, MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit, MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit.

Each of them should have these values ​​(in order of each) - 1, 384, 64000 and 301.

To complete the job successfully, restart your computer.

TCP auto-tuning - disable

There is a feature in the system that can cause web pages to load slowly, and all because its efficiency with some servers is not very good. So we'll just turn it off.

To perform this task, we need to open an elevated command prompt and run the following command there:

Turbo mode of browsers to speed up loading sites

Many browsers have a “Turbo mode” feature that speeds up the opening of pages. So far it is available on the following popular browsers: Opera and Yandex browser. For others, you can download special extensions.

In Opera, this function is enabled by clicking on the “Opera” button in the upper left corner. Finding the function "Opera Turbo" and activate it.

In Yandex browser, this function is enabled in the settings – Show additional settings. Next to the “Turbo” section we put "Always On".

NameBench utility to improve page loading

Many providers, especially commercial ones, always want to save money on equipment. And when you start visiting websites, DNS servers (provider equipment) are contacted. If it is cheap, then your page loading speed will be very slow. To fix this problem, we need fast DNS servers, and the NameBench program will help us find them.

It is free, you can download it from here. In the program, set your country and select the browser you are using, and then click "Start Benchmark". The program will start testing large quantity DNS servers and select the fastest one.

When NameBench finds the required server, it will show its IP address, which must be entered in your connection settings.

Updating the router firmware

This is the last point, but no less important. If you are using a router whose firmware is very outdated, then do not expect a miracle from it. Look on the Internet for the firmware for your router and find instructions for installing it, as well as saving the old one in order to avoid problems.

These are actually all the methods that can be used on modern Windows versions. Although, maybe there is something else, and if it does appear, we will not ignore it.

If your Internet is too slow, there may be many reasons for this: problems on the side of the provider, network equipment, your computer, operating system, programs, or simply excessive network behavior. We present fifteen tips that will help make the Internet work faster.

1. Organize your browser

Many users don't have much good habit open many tabs in the browser at once, and even pin them for automatic opening. As a result, when you log into the network, your browser is forced to load many sites at once - it is logical that each individual page will load more slowly. Close unnecessary tabs (put the most necessary ones into bookmarks), and the Internet will immediately become faster.

Use bookmarks instead of multiple tabs.

2. Lower video quality

Why watch every video with funny cats in 1080p, especially since it is often shot in lower quality? Video hosting sites like to offer video sharpening algorithms that slow down your connection. Leave HD for watching movies and TV series. Click on the gear in the lower right corner of the player and select a lower image quality. The sound will not suffer from this, but the video will begin to load much easier. We also strongly recommend that you disable autoplay for videos.

480p is as good as HD for most videos.

3. Install an ad blocker

How many times have they told the world: if you are looking for a way to increase Internet speed, first of all get rid of advertising on websites. Advertising banners can take up up to 70% of the “weight” of the page you load. Just imagine how much of your channel's resources are spent on loading ads, even if you yourself don't pay attention to them! Go to the extensions section of your browser and enter “Adblock” in the search. After installing an ad blocker, your channel will be significantly unloaded.

4. Use turbo mode in your browser

Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser support a special Turbo mode, which speeds up the loading of web pages using various algorithms, such as image compression. For Firefox, this mode is implemented by the fasTun Tool add-on, which can be downloaded. Turn on turbo mode for heavy pages, for example, for your news feed in social network, and you will notice how your Internet speed will increase.

Turbo mode also saves traffic.

5. Speed ​​up your browser

Sometimes Internet slowdowns are actually browser slowdowns. If you have a lot of add-ons, disable unnecessary ones, block sites from sending notifications, and also update your browser to latest version. In addition, you can check the internal browser settings: among them there may be some that limit the loading of web pages. Read on for some tips on how to speed up your work and...

6. Disable seeding in the torrent client

The large number of downloads and uploads that your torrent client processes greatly overloads the channel. We are no longer in the 2000s, when leaving a distribution could result in a lower rating or ban on a torrent tracker. Quit sharing or pausing unnecessary files, and you'll be able to complete other online tasks faster. By the way, torrent downloads will also go faster. In order to speed them up even more, set the maximum download speed (in uTorrent: right click on the torrent > “Limit reception” > “Unlimited”) and disable traffic limits (“Settings” > “Traffic limit” > uncheck “Limit bandwidth” ").

In the case of torrents, the rule works: less distribution - faster downloading.

7. Disable automatic software updates

Another aspect that causes channel overload is the automatic updating of programs and the operating system in the background. You work on the Internet, and in the meantime your Windows grabs part of the channel, searching for updates. If possible, install them manually. Go through the settings of installed programs and disable automatic checking for updates. It would also be a good idea to check your OS for the presence of .

8. Disable channel restriction at the OS level

Method for Windows users. By default, the operating system cuts the Internet channel width by about 20%. To remove this limit, press Win+R and enter gpedit.msc. The Group Policy Editor will open. In it, go to the tab Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler > Limit Reserved Bandwidth. Select the “Enabled” radio button and enter the value “0” in the adjacent field.

Windows limits channel bandwidth at the group policy level.

9. Tidy up your computer

Often it is not the Internet that slows down, but your computer, and with it both the connection and the browser. One of the most effective ways to increase Internet speed is to increase the performance of your machine. Check for viruses, clean the system, eliminate overheating, increase the volume random access memory. Read tips on improving computer performance.

10. Update your network adapter

If you can, purchase a new Ethernet or Wi-Fi network adapter. The point here is not that the old one works poorly: it’s just that newer models support new communication quality standards (the same WLAN 802.11ac), receive signals better and process the signal faster. And the network card, like any microcircuit, degrades over time, which can also cause the connection speed to drop.

11. Check the network cable

Regardless of whether you use Wi-Fi or an Ethernet connection, a cable enters your apartment from the entrance. It may be bent somewhere, pinched or damaged, which automatically deteriorates the quality of the connection. Check the cable in areas accessible to you or ask your provider's employees to “ring” it and repair any possible damage to make sure that the Internet speed does not depend on its condition.

12. Update the router firmware and settings

If you use a network router to access the Internet, another way to increase Internet speed is to update its firmware. WITH new version firmware, your router may begin to receive the Wi-Fi signal better (if you use it), and generally work faster. You can even download the firmware from the device management page. It would also be a good idea to clarify your router settings. For example, if your router supports the 802.11ac WLAN standard, switch to it from the older one (802.11.n) and the signal will improve.

New firmware for a router can often be downloaded directly from the provider.

13. Check your home network configuration

There can be many devices, but only one Internet. If you are using multiple computers on the same network, mobile devices, and even a smart TV under load, they can literally “tear apart” your channel among themselves. Configure home network wisely: read how to expand the network range and make it enough for all devices.

14. Upgrade your plan

Internet speed is almost always lower than stated in the tariff.

15. Change provider

Finally, the most radical solution to increase Internet speed: do not be afraid to change your provider. If your home has a provider that offers faster speeds, just switch to it. Or cooperate with your neighbors and write a statement so that he “comes to you” - to achieve good internet more than real. You just need to not be shy to take the initiative.

In an era of active development modern technologies Life without the Internet is no longer possible. Thanks to world wide web we get a lot of information, communicate with friends, read the news, get acquainted with the latest films and music, and find work. Even a child knows how to find the necessary information on the Internet. The main thing is that the Internet works quickly and the search for the necessary information does not force you to languish in long waits. On this modern man there is simply no time.

Why is the Internet slow?

There are many reasons for slow Internet performance. But the first thing that plays a role is the speed that is stipulated in the agreement with the provider. In any case, it will be impossible to speed up data transfer, making it more than the speed stated in the contract!

Other reasons for slowing down:

  1. The operation of the QoS service in Windows, which can sometimes reserve up to 20% of the speed for its own needs.
  2. Waiting while receiving a response from DNS servers.
  3. Hardware rendering acceleration is not installed.
  4. An unscrupulous provider that delivers speeds that are several times lower than advertised!

Simple methods to speed up the Internet

Despite the fact that it is not possible to physically increase the speed of the Internet, it is still possible to improve performance. For this they use different ways, and many of them are quite simple and understandable even for a novice user:

  1. The first signs of a slowdown in the system and the Internet in particular often indicate an accumulation of unnecessary backup files, errors and unused keys that slow down processes. For this you can use special programs. CCleaner is considered the most popular. There is a paid and free version. Of course, advanced users may want the Pro version. But in most cases the functions free program quite enough. CCleaner will allow you to clean the registry, remove unnecessary files and unused programs. For Windows 7 users it is also recommended Windows program 7 manager, which helps clean the OS deeper than CCleaner.
  2. Defragment your disk. Without this, any computer will begin to perform poorly and slowly over time. It is convenient to carry out this process using the Auslogics Disk Defrag program, which is accessible and user-friendly, and does the job quickly.
  3. Update your drivers and don't forget to check them periodically. The Driver Genius program will help in this case.
  4. Make sure you have a good antivirus program. It should really provide protection to the system, and not make it appear, as is often the case. Users who choose free versions of virus protection are especially at risk. They are not able to provide maximum protection, and any viruses seriously slow down the system and create additional load on the processor. Therefore, there is no need to skimp on a program to protect against malicious files; your computer will reward you with excellent speed and well-coordinated operation.

Add 20% speed with QoS

Another simple way to speed up the Internet is to disable QoS and add about 20% to the existing speed. To do this, you do not need to perform complex actions, go into the system registry and endanger the operation of Windows 7. Everything is done extremely simply.

In the start menu, launch “Local Group Policy Editor”. To do this, you can press the combination “windows” + R” or go through start to standard programs and find the “Run” command. In the window that appears, enter the gpedit.msc command.

This command launches the editor we need, in which the user needs to carry out easy-to-understand actions.

The window has a noticeable left column in which you need to find the folders in this order: “Computer Configuration, then Administrative Templates, and in this fold Network and QoS Packet Scheduler.” In this case, on the right you can see different commands and folders, from which you need to select “Limit reserved bandwidth”. Of course, we do not use this option for the purpose of limitation - we have a completely different task. On the contrary, the system already provides restrictions by default that must be manually disabled.

In the “Restrictions” window, you need to check the “Enable” checkbox, and in the window with numbers below, put zero. We confirm this decision with the “OK” button, close all windows and restart the computer. After a reboot, Internet performance should improve.

As you can see, the method is quite simple, does not require specific skills and is completed within a few minutes.

Hardware acceleration

In some cases, the browser shows low speed not always, but when viewing individual pages. This is mainly due to the fact that the browser selects software rendering instead of rendering mode using hardware acceleration. A similar problem may occur when using an old video card or due to old drivers for it.

You can solve the problem by installing new drivers for the video card that can support hardware acceleration. When the problem cannot be solved in this way, you will most likely have to replace the video card with a new one.

But before you decide to replace drivers or cards, you need to clarify what mode is set in the browser; to do this, open the hardware acceleration item in the settings. This is easy to track in the Tools menu Internet Explorer, then Internet Options. There is an Advanced tab, where there is a “Graphics acceleration” item.

The “checkbox” next to “Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering” indicates that the system is choosing software acceleration. The checkbox can be removed to convert to the right job. When there is no option to remove or add a checkmark, it means you will have to tinker with updating your video card, since it simply does not support this feature.

IN Mozilla Firefox You can check the connection in the Tools menu, then Settings, then Advanced - General - Viewing sites. The menu should contain the item “Use hardware acceleration if possible.” Checking the box next to it confirms the choice of software acceleration; it must be removed.

Have you cleaned your computer of unnecessary files, updated drivers, speeded up the Internet by 20% by disabling QoS and checked that hardware acceleration is being used, but the system is still slow? In this case, contact your provider - it's time to buy more speed! Or you may even need to change your provider if he is found to be dishonest in the delivery of services.

Video instruction

Are you satisfied with the speed of your Internet connection? Do you know that by changing just one parameter, you can speed up the Internet, that is, increase the connection bandwidth by 20 percent?

A long time ago, when the Windows XP operating system was installed on most users’ computers, and only a small part of the lucky ones had high-speed Internet, this method allowed the user (for example, me personally) to increase, although not by much.

Today, when in big cities Super speeds won’t surprise anyone, and basically the user is faced with only the question of how much to pay for the Internet (what the more expensive it is faster), this method will not give any noticeable acceleration. But in villages and small towns, where getting high speeds is problematic, even these 20% will come in handy.

By default, in Windows 7, the QoS packet scheduler limits the reservation to twenty percent of the Internet connection's bandwidth. Therefore, if we change this parameter in the QoS settings, we can accordingly increase or decrease the bandwidth reserved by all programs that are running on the computer.

On many sites there is information that changing this parameter does not affect the Internet connection in any way, but in my case, according to tests, changing it still leads to an increase in speed. See for yourself (the difference is approximately 3 Mbit/s in receiving and 0.15 Mbit/s in transmission).

Now let's proceed directly to setting up the packet scheduler in operating system Windows 7. Open the browser, go to the site:


and measure the speed before changing the settings. After this, launch the Local Group Policy Editor. Using the keyboard shortcut Win + R, open the “Run” system utility, where in the “Open” field we write “gpedit.msc” and click the “OK” button, thereby launching the “Local Group Policy Editor”.


Go to “Administrative Templates” - “Network” - “QoS Packet Scheduler” and double-click on “Limit reserved bandwidth”.

We check the “Enable” box, in the “Options” window we replace the value of 20% with 0%, click the “Apply” and “OK” button.

Now you have learned how to speed up the Internet. We measure again and see what happens. How has your Internet connection speed changed? Please share information in the comments.

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