What if you forgot the voice of a deceased loved one. People can hear the voices of the dead. Communication with the dead, voices after the funeral of a loved one

Who among us has not encountered the so-called inner voice, telling us what to do in a given situation?

What if such voices are heard in reality? Maybe it's time to see a psychiatrist? But don’t rush to consider this a sign of madness! For example, there are many cases where invisible voices warned a person of danger.

Once upon a time, the English poet Byron traveled through Greece with a local guide. Suddenly the Greek began to convulse and announced that he heard his father's voice warning that something terrible was happening not far from here. “Two years ago I also heard my father’s voice, and it saved my life,” he said. “The Turks cut out the village where I was going.”

Byron shrugged his shoulders skeptically, but still decided to stop. When they set off again, they soon saw eight dead bodies on the road - a battle had recently taken place here, and if the travelers had not slowed down, they might have found themselves in the thick of the battle...

Another episode, from our time. A 13-year-old boy's mother died. Returning home after the funeral, he decided to go buy some groceries that were stored on the back stairs. But suddenly he heard the voice of his late mother calling him from the room. The teenager looked there, but found no one. As soon as he took a few steps towards the door, his mother’s voice called him again...

Then a neighbor came and said that the back staircase had recently been removed because it was very loose. If the boy had gone there, he could have fallen from a great height and been injured or even killed.

Sometimes mysterious voices warn us about upcoming events. A schoolgirl from Moscow, Lena Grineva, once heard the voice of her older brother calling her by name. My brother was serving in the navy at that time and there were no letters from him for a long time. For some reason, the girl immediately decided that her brother would soon return home. And so it happened.

But much more often, “auditory hallucinations” foreshadow a tragedy. So, Irina K. from Moscow in January 1990, leaving home, kissed her father goodbye and suddenly heard a voice from somewhere above: “Next time you will kiss the dead man.” Two days later, she was talking to her father on the phone, and suddenly she heard from above again: “You won’t hear his voice again.” And five days later my father fell seriously ill and soon died...

Sometimes people think they hear the news on the radio or TV. For example, on October 2, 1968, parapsychologist William Cox heard a radio report about a car accident in which a Baptist minister had died. His car collided with a postal vehicle. During the day, this news was repeated twice more, but for some reason they did not mention what time the accident occurred.

The next day, Cox was returning from work by taxi. On the way, the driver said that yesterday he observed a collision between a postal van and a clergyman’s car. But he assured that it happened around eleven o’clock in the evening! Cox was perplexed, because he heard the news this afternoon! They began to argue, each insisting on his own.

At home, the parapsychologist decided to call the radio station and find out when the message about the disaster with the postal van was first broadcast. To his surprise, he learned that for the first time information about this was broadcast at midnight, and it was repeated only in the morning news broadcast the next day...

Here's another case. A young English woman was watching the news on TV on June 1, 1974. The announcer talked about the huge explosion that happened that day at a chemical plant in Flixborough, which killed dozens of people. When the girl was visited by her friends, she told them about the terrible message.

In the evening, television showed a report from the scene of the tragedy, but for some reason they reported that the explosion occurred at 16:53. And the girl found out about him at noon! It turned out that at that time there were no news broadcasts on the program at all...

If you heard “otherworldly” voices or even saw a “picture” that turned out to be a hallucination, then it is not at all a fact that we are talking about contact with representatives of another reality (although such a possibility is also not excluded), parapsychologists say. Most likely, in this way our own subconscious is trying to reach us and convey to us some important information...

Clairaudience is when a psychic has ultra-fine auditory perception, he has the ability to perceive sounds using extrasensory hearing.

In the movie "Ghost", Whoopi Goldberg plays the role of a medium who can hear and see the presence of spirits from another world. She tries to help the ghost deliver messages from his lover, played by Demi Moore.

You may have heard about the French girl Jeanne who could hear the voices of angels. They told her what Zhanna needed to do. She listened to the advice of the angels and did many wonderful works. She used clairaudience to enrich her life and the lives of those around her.

Clairaudience is also the ability to discern your own voice, the voice of your intuition. As a rule, messages come in the form of a thought, and sometimes it is difficult to determine whether it is a thought or a message.

Also, people with ultra-fine hearing can hear other people’s thoughts, as if telepathically tuning in and receiving certain information.

Clairaudience also helps in ordinary situations. When a person has fine hearing, he can hear at a distance.

How to develop clairvoyance

Many believe that everyone can develop this ability by opening their minds and developing hyper-sensitive perception.

To do this, you need to practice meditation and try to tune in to the sounds that you hear. You need to learn to distinguish between the sounds around you and the sounds of spirits and angels who are trying to communicate with you.

Exercises to develop ultra-fine hearing

1. In a state of relaxation, begin to listen to external sounds, such as the noise of neighbors, conversations of relatives and people outside your apartment, the sounds of cars... Listen to them. Over time, try to hear more and more subtle sounds. More and more distant.

You can do this practice outside. For example, come to a park or bar, sit comfortably and begin to pick up external sounds.

In the alpha state, we concentrate on the throat chakra. Imagine that it glows with a blue glow. Then ask the question you want answered and continue to focus intently on the throat. After some time the answer should come.

Translation and selection of exercises -

Are you familiar with the concept of Electronic Voice Phenomenon - FEG or EVP (from the English Electronic Voice Phenomenon) or as it is popularly called - White Noise?

It turns out that physical devices are capable of detecting signals sent from the other world.

Most often these are tape recordings or images appearing on a TV screen operating in a range not tuned to television channels, sounds on the radio, or telephone calls.

Someone considers this nonsense and does not believe in such “miracles,” finding “rational” explanations for what is happening. But if you take into account the scale of the research, the number of real records and confirmations, it will be difficult to dismiss it.

Since there is a lot of material on this topic, in order not to bore readers, I will post it step by step, in several parts. And we will start with those who devoted a lot of time and effort to the phenomenon of electronic voice.

I think this article will be of interest to skeptics, “techies” and those who are looking for instrumental confirmation of otherworldly phenomena.

First contacts with the world of the dead

Back in 1895 Thomas Alva Edison invented the necrograph - a device capable of capturing the waves that are studied by the substance that continues to exist after the death of a person.

He believed that people are not able to communicate with the subtle worlds because their senses are not sensitive enough for this.

Edison also entered into an agreement with William Dinwiddie that the one who dies first will definitely send the other a voice message from the other world.

Dinwiddie died in 1920, and Edison wrote in Scientific American that he communicated with him using his apparatus. But neither the device itself nor its drawings have been preserved.

There is a version that Nikola Tesla also recorded “messages from the other world,” but allegedly became frightened by the results of his discoveries and destroyed them. Therefore, we cannot verify this information.

Interest in FEG increased in the 1930s. At the London concert hundreds of spectators in the Wigmore Hall observed an unusual phenomenon.

There was a microphone on an empty stage, and loud voices speaking in different languages ​​were heard from the speakers. The sound technicians were unable to explain what happened.

Around the same time several Swedish and Norwegian pilots in their reports they noted that during the flight they heard a speech on the radio from nowhere; some pilots claimed that deceased relatives addressed them this way. European newspapers reported about the mysterious phenomenon.

In September 1952 in Milan Catholic priests Gemelli and Ernetti listened to recordings of their chants. Suddenly the phrase was heard on the tape: “I am always with you and will help you!”

David Wilson, an amateur telegraph operator, received strange voices using Morse code.

In 1956, an experiment was conducted in the United States with the participation of powerful mediums from Los Angeles Raymond Bayless And Atilla von Shallai. They recorded many voices of deceased people and published their results three years later.

Therefore, since 1959, the phenomenon of radio of the dead, which until that moment had been ignored and kept silent, had to be taken for granted.

Friedrich Jurgenson and his followers

In 1959, a Swedish documentary filmmaker recorded the voices of songbirds for a new film. But along with birdsong, voices appeared on the film, one of which belonged to his deceased mother.

She addressed her son and, as in childhood, calling him by a diminutive name, talked about details and facts concerning their immediate family.

In addition, Jurgenson heard on the tape a hoarse male voice giving a lecture in Norwegian about the characteristics and habits of birds living in Sweden.

It is Friedrich Jurgenson who is considered the founder of FEG research. He devoted several years to studying such recordings and wrote the books “Radio Communication with the World of the Dead” and “Voices from the Universe.”

One of the readers was a Latvian professor Konstantin Raudive, who skeptically called this “the delirium of a madman” and decided to test everything in practice.

In the mid-1960s in Germany, he continued Jurgenson's experiments, involving electronics engineers in the work.

They created a special receiver and, with its help, recorded several thousand mystical voices - including those belonging to famous personalities, for example, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Based on his research, Raudive wrote several books, translated into many European languages:

  • “The inaudible becomes audible” (“Breakthrough”),
  • “Do we experience death?” And
  • "The Case of the Budgerigar."

After the publication of books by Friedrich Jurgenson and Konstantin Raudive, the phenomenon of electronic voice attracted a large number of new researchers.

There is a famous case with a British doctor of sciences Peter Bender Lecturer in Religious Education at Cambridge University College.

In 1972, publisher Colin Smith invited him to take part in the study of FEG. Bender categorically refused, saying that the dead cannot communicate with the living.

But Smith persuaded him to simply put the tape recorder on record and wait a few minutes - after which he rewound the tape and turned on play. Shocked, Bender heard the voice of his mother, who had died three years earlier.

In February 2001, the American magazine “Fate” published an article Konstantinos About, How to independently hear a voice from another world.

  • To do this, you need to have a radio receiver with recording capability and tune it to an unoccupied frequency - where radio stations do not broadcast.
  • Then you need to turn on the recording, relax and mentally ask someone who has gone to another world to talk to you.
  • After a few minutes, stop the recording and listen to it.

If a voice from another world has been recorded, then upon first listening it will sound very indistinct. But as you play the recording over and over again, you will feel the voice appearing more clearly each time.

In 2005, a film dedicated to FEG was released in the USA - mystical thriller "White Noise"(this term refers to the natural sounds of television or radio broadcasts).

In the story, the hero’s wife dies, and he communicates with her by listening to recordings of her voice. The film became so successful at the box office that two years later a sequel was released called White Noise 2: The Shining.

Since 1971, after the publication of the second book by Konstantin Raudive, the scientific world around the world began to widely explore the radio of the dead.

In 1973, inventors from the United States George Meek and William O'Neill began work on a special device that would allow us to establish contact with the ghostly world.

The device, called "Spirik", consisted of several generators simulating 13 voices, as well as a receiving system.

The inventors claim that with the help of Spirik they were able to establish contact with a recently deceased NASA scientist and record as many as 20 hours of conversation.

Two years later, the first separate community was founded in Germany, whose activities were entirely aimed at studying voices from the other world.

German electronics specialist Hans-Otto Koenig designed his own device to record the voices of the dead.

In 1983, the engineer was invited to appear live on Radio Luxembourg to demonstrate the operation of the device to an audience of millions of listeners. Koenig, commenting on his actions, began to install the equipment.

To whet the interest of the listeners, the presenter asked if he could talk with the deceased person he had chosen.

In response, Koenig’s device sounded:
- We hear your voice. Speak.

This phrase was heard on air. The shocked presenter said that he swears on the lives of his children: any tricks are excluded, he, like everyone else, clearly heard the mystical voice.

He is also credited with obtaining the first “otherworldly” images.

In 2003 in St. Petersburg there was a scientific organization was created, called RAIT - Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication (that is, research into contacts with deceased people through technical devices).

Scientists included in the organization have identified several patterns of such communication using computers.

  • At first there were contacts one-sided: sudden messages from the dead came to living people. Typically, such messages were found in previously deleted and newly recovered text files.

    This suggests an analogy with recordings of electronic voices, which are formed from background noise. That is, deleted documents represent a kind of textual white noise and, as it were, provide material for their transformation into messages from people from another world.

  • On July 29, 2008, RAIT researchers and Vadim Svitnev announced the implementation bilateral contacts using a computer and a technical device connected to it, which, using the constant change of Internet radio frequencies, generates a sound wave.

    Scientists broadcast their questions through a microphone and, against the background of a mixture of fragments of transmissions and air noise, received answers to them from the other world.

According to RAIT researchers, such registered contacts already number in the thousands.

And these facts once again confirm the opinion that with the death of our physical bodies, life does not end, but exists in some other reality.

From this you can see that the phenomenon of electronic voices is not just the invention of enthusiastic hobbyists. And in the next article we will look in more detail at what this phenomenon is and how it can manifest itself.

voice as described - Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, rooster-like - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to an obvious enemy, loud - to troubles, calm - to reconciliation and agreement. A crying voice heard in a dream should warn you against offending a loved one. Hearing voices casting spells is a sign of your friends’ insincerity. Hearing your name spoken by unfamiliar voices in a dream means that your affairs will be at risk, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. The voice of your mother calling you in a dream suggests that you are on the wrong path. Lovers who hear the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they risk separation due to a disagreement. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, this foretells that he may get into trouble or get sick. Hearing the voices of the dead means receiving a warning about your own illness or some other troubles. A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means the approach of a series of failures, which you must be prepared to meet at any moment. If you recognize this voice, failures can give way to success. Hearing the voice of God in a dream means trying to cleanse yourself spiritually in reality, striving for self-improvement., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

call by description - Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. Lovers who hear the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they risk separation due to a disagreement. Hearing the voice of the deceased is a warning about your own illness or some kind of trouble. This voice is an echo returning from the future to your mind, which perceives the voice of its ancestor through the part of itself where the memory of him remains. In every person, some part of the mind remains unchanged, passed down in the family from generation to generation., Miller's Dream Book

call as described - Hearing someone’s distant call in a dream foretells that in real life something out of the ordinary and at the same time unpleasant will happen to you. If the voice or voices calling you are unfamiliar to you, in reality you will find yourself faced with the fact that a business that cost a lot of risk and money has not justified itself. If the voice calling you belongs to someone close to you, it means that in reality this person faces a serious illness. Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you have chosen the wrong path in business and your companions will soon leave you alone with the trough you have broken. If your mother calls you from the other world, it means that you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested. In general, hearing the voices of the dead in a dream is a warning to be more careful with your health, because you may be at risk of illness or injury as a result of an accident; it is especially advisable to listen to such a call during icy conditions. If the voice calling you in a dream is loud, shouting, in reality this portends trouble for you. A calm, insinuating call is an omen of reconciliation and agreement. For people in love, such a dream promises the joy of mutual communication and a happy marriage., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

Right now they are looking at dream interpretations on the website:

Why do you dream about the voice of the deceased - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, you need to listen carefully to what the deceased person is telling you. After all, this is a warning that you should project onto your real life. You should also pay attention to who exactly is talking to you; if it is your father, be careful, intrigues and intrigues are being built against you. Hearing the voice of a deceased mother means health problems. A dialogue with a deceased brother suggests that there are people who need you, your support and sympathy.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you see a dead acquaintance in a dream, your life will soon change. Listen to him. All words will be advice and warnings on the path to change.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

The Islamic dream book only tells us that following the voice of the dead, hearing his call is a bad omen. Such a dream leads to illness and imminent death.

Freud's Dream Book

With sleep, people also dreamed of the voice of the deceased

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Dream Interpretation

Voice of a dead person

Dream Interpretation Voice of a Dead Person dreamed of why you dream about the Voice of a dead person? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Voice of a deceased person in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Voice interpretation of the dream book

Quite a lot about emotions, character and habits can be found out from the voice, but what does it mean to hear it in a dream? The dream book explains why you dream of a familiar or unfamiliar voice, relying on fundamental data.

For a correct interpretation, we should take into account the timbre of the voice, as well as its tone and emotionality. The main role is played by the meaning of the spoken words heard in a dream, and the most valuable thing is from whom you heard them: from yourself, from a stranger, from a loved one or a friend.

Dead Man's Call

According to the interpretation of the esoteric dream book, distinguishing the voice of a dead person calling you to him is a signal of an approaching threat to life. In reality, you will have to face trials, and your success will be determined through self-control.

Why do you dream about the voice of a deceased old woman? The dream book promises that you have abilities that have been inherited from her, and therefore you have a huge obligation. If you manage to understand the instructions from a loved one, then you must adhere to them, and in the end you will successfully continue the common cause.

You heard the voice of a dead parent in a dream; the dream book foretells the approach of good in the family. If you heard a negative intonation of the voice and you felt anxious, then you should be wary of ill-wishers or clarify whether you are doing the right thing.

Hearing the voice of a deceased person who recently died in a dream is a sign of approaching disagreements. Probably, there have been misunderstandings for a long time, but at the moment the peak of aggression has come, which will definitely transfer to you, thereby causing injury.

The voice is gone

Losing your voice in a dream is an unclear sign, characterized as an omen of a threat or bad news. In a dream, this association will manifest itself as a “lump in the throat”; in reality, you will not find the strength to adequately perceive the news of the death of a loved one.

Why do you dream about a voice that is inaudible to others? The dream book gives the interpretation that in the coming life an event will happen, the outcome of which you will not influence in any way. You can resign yourself to fate and remember the saying: “Everything that is not done is for the better.” When in your current life you need to speak in front of a large number of people and you do not have the opportunity to speak out, then the interpreter’s prediction is positive. Why do you dream of a lost voice before a performance? Ultimately, you will give a great performance, during which anxiety will not interfere.

The dream book also provides physical explanations when your voice disappears in a dream. In reality, your body is exhausted from systematic stress, work and emotional overload. You should stop your fast-paced activities for a while and make time for sleep, otherwise you will soon have a breakdown.

If you talk loudly in a dream and your voice cannot be heard, then soon there will not be a single person left in your environment on whom you can rely. Because of your closeness and secret aggressiveness, you will lose your own friends, and at the moment when you need help, no one will help.

Male or female

When the dreamer heard a woman’s voice, the dream book compares this with the person’s inner consciousness. As a rule, the dreamer’s own subconscious appears in the person of a woman, and in such a dream vision one must look for signs to resolve existing troubles.

Why do you dream about the voice of an unfamiliar woman? If you heard delight or strong surprise in the speech of a stranger, this means that in the near future you will commit an unusual act, which will become fateful in the future.

For the dreamer, hearing a man's voice in a dream is a positive signal. Her masculinity is in contact with her, having the ability to answer questions that defy any explanation. If you managed to find a way out of the current situation in life, then you should translate this into action.

Hearing the voice of a young guy in a dream warning about something is a reliable sign that you need to do the opposite. The main thing is to listen to the timbre; if you discern a lie, then this recommendation from the dream book will be the most truthful.

Voices of relatives

Why do you dream about your father's voice? This plot expresses the current state of affairs. If you heard grief and hopelessness, then in real life circumstances will not turn out as you would like. On the contrary, a happy and affirming cry is a dream book’s foreshadowing of successfully developing affairs.

Why do you dream about your spouse’s voice? If you are lying close, then there is a possibility that in reality you heard your husband, perhaps he said something in a dream. But the dream book interprets the dream differently: you are on the verge of betrayal, and without this you will never be able to have good family relationships. Hearing your mother's voice in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dream book says that you do not perform the functions assigned to you personally by the people around you and your family. If nothing changes, then probably your contact with your environment will be much weaker, and no one will support you.

Why do you dream about your son’s voice? For the parent, the dream interpreter promises sad predictions: the child is in danger of trouble, and only you can prevent it. For a father who sees a similar dream, the dream book foretells that the child needs his support.

Voice of lovers

Why do you dream about your lover’s voice? Analytically, your subconscious is fully filled with thoughts about your loved one, and in reality the love is mutual. You should not be afraid of what has not yet happened, and then you will give yourself to love. If you heard your lover’s voice and it was alarming, then you should beware of a possible rival. You should give your loved one kindness and affection in order to protect him from the gaze of others.

Hearing the voice of a former lover is a sign that he misses you. The insensitivity and indifference that robbed you after separation can easily be destroyed if you surrender to your feelings. Why do you dream about a voice on the phone? If you know a person talking on the phone, then there is no doubt that you will have an unexpected meeting. This prediction is especially reliable if you have not met him for a long time.

Timbre and intonation

Why do you dream of a hoarse voice? A slight hoarseness, like that of a smoker, means that you will be a victim of intrigue, as a result of which you will lose your authority. However, if the wheezing was near death, then the dream book foretells the departure of enemies from your path in life.

A screaming voice in a dream, guaranteeing prosperity and fame, is a positive sign for the interpreter, but only when it is heard from a person existing in real life. Following him in a dream - in reality you will be given what was offered.

Why do you dream of a child's voice? The dream book explains that you have been given a signal, and by adhering to it you need to protect your children. Take care of them; at the moment, a most difficult and unsafe stage in the lives of children is foreseen. The dream book interprets somewhat differently what the dream of a child’s voice means, heard in complete silence. If, after hearing this, you felt a cold run through your entire body, then you should beware of a threat from above.

Otherworldly call

If you had to distinguish the voices of strangers and they are quiet and positive, then you are not afraid for the future state of affairs. One way or another, life will give you much more than you yourself achieved. You will master something valuable than financial well-being. If you had to hear a rude and loud voice in your head in a dream, then the interpreter promises a trial with you in reality. Because of the unpleasant action you committed towards another person, you will experience deep regret about what happened.

Feeling the voice of a demon in a dream calling you to commit bad actions is a signal of receiving a psychological shock that can only be cured thanks to doctors. Listen to the interpreter’s recommendations and visit a doctor, in this situation it is simply necessary.

A voice woke me up in a dream

It happens that we awaken from sleep due to an extraneous sound or scream made in the dream itself. Why do you dream about your own voice? If, due to your screaming in a dream, you instantly woke up, then your nerves are very shaken, you are very worried about something, and until this is resolved, do not expect peace in your dreams. If you distinguish a laughing voice in a dream, according to the dream book this is interpreted as emotional experiences, but positive ones. At the moment, your emotional state is elevated, and there is an opportunity to carry out the main action.

Hearing a voice through a dream is an omen in the dream book that the dreamer needs to preserve his own financial condition from deceitful people. Some ill-wishers are plotting. Hearing a familiar voice in a dream is a positive signal. An angel protects you, so not a single difficulty on the way to your plans is scary.

When a voice calls you by name in a dream, the dream book warns that a serious trouble may occur on your way, leading to further unforeseen consequences. Moreover, it should be expected from a person with whom you have a long-term relationship. Therefore, initially listen to the advice of a close friend or relative, and take into account your own intuition - in any case, it will not let you down.

voice as described - Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, rooster-like - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to an obvious enemy, loud - to troubles, calm - to reconciliation and agreement. A crying voice heard in a dream should warn you against offending a loved one. Hearing voices casting spells is a sign of your friends’ insincerity. Hearing your name spoken by unfamiliar voices in a dream means that your affairs will be at risk, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. The voice of your mother calling you in a dream suggests that you are on the wrong path. Lovers who hear the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they risk separation due to a disagreement. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, this foretells that he may get into trouble or get sick. Hearing the voices of the dead means receiving a warning about your own illness or some other troubles. A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means the approach of a series of failures, which you must be prepared to meet at any moment. If you recognize this voice, failures can give way to success. Hearing the voice of God in a dream means trying to cleanse yourself spiritually in reality, striving for self-improvement. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

call by description - Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means illness of one of them. Lovers who hear the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they risk separation due to a disagreement. Hearing the voice of the deceased is a warning about your own illness or some kind of trouble. This voice is an echo returning from the future to your mind, which perceives the voice of its ancestor through that part of itself where the memory of him remains. In every person, some part of the mind remains unchanged, passed down in the family from generation to generation., Miller's Dream Book

call as described - Hearing someone’s distant call in a dream foretells that in real life something out of the ordinary and at the same time unpleasant will happen to you. If the voice or voices calling you are unfamiliar to you, in reality you will find yourself faced with the fact that a business that cost a lot of risk and money has not justified itself. If the voice calling you belongs to someone close to you, it means that in reality this person faces a serious illness. Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you have chosen the wrong path in business and your companions will soon leave you alone with the trough you have broken. If your mother calls you from the other world, it means that you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested. In general, hearing the voices of the dead in a dream is a warning to be more careful with your health, because you may be at risk of illness or injury as a result of an accident; it is especially advisable to listen to such a call during icy conditions. If the voice calling you in a dream is loud, shouting, in reality this portends trouble for you. A calm, insinuating call is an omen of reconciliation and agreement. For people in love, such a dream promises the joy of mutual communication and a happy marriage. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

Right now they are looking at dream interpretations on the website:


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dead man building a house



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Husband married someone else


find lost money

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Another woman kisses her husband

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wife kisses husband

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corpses of people in the water

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house by the sea"//////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////"

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