What to say to the groom's parents at a wedding. Sample words from mothers at a meeting with a loaf of bread. An alternative option for meeting young people with the participation of a toastmaster

The words of the marriage vow were pronounced, signatures were placed - and behold, the bride and groom became a young husband and wife. And according to the ancient and beautiful, after the registry office, the newlyweds should be met by their parents. They are the ones who will say parting words for a happy life. Today there are many different ways to carry out this ritual, which is based on an ancient Christian custom.

How to meet newlyweds after the registry office: the scenario of a Christian ritual

If the newlyweds and their parents adhere to Christian traditions and want the ceremony to take place exactly according to the rules, it is best to first consult with the priest of the church that the newlyweds attended. He will tell you how to greet the groom's young parents after the registry office, what icons should be in their hands and what words are best for them to say.

The blessing itself is carried out immediately before the room in which the wedding feast will take place. Guests and parents of the newlyweds arrive in advance. A young husband and wife, as a rule, go for a walk or a walk after the registry office. And if they immediately head to the banquet place, they should not rush so that all the invitees have time to get ready.

The scenario on how to properly greet newlyweds after the registry office looks like this:

The cortege with the newlyweds arrives at the place where the wedding banquet will be held. Guests who arrived a little earlier stand on both sides of the porch, thereby forming a living corridor. They may have hops, rice, nuts, candies, small coins and rose petals in their hands, with which they will sprinkle the young ones as they walk through this corridor. Moreover, each of these items is taken for a reason, but has its own meaning:

  • Hops are used as a symbol of a cheerful and easy life.
  • Rice or millet is a symbol of numerous children.
  • Nuts - for a strong marriage.
  • Candy is a symbol of the sweet life.
  • Small coins are used to attract money.
  • Petals of roses or other flowers are a wish for the children of the newlyweds to have beauty and health.

The groom's parents stand in the very center of this corridor and meet the young husband and wife. At the same time, the parents are holding a towel with “bread and salt” embroidery, on which is a loaf of bread. There are many options for greeting newlyweds after the registry office with a loaf of bread. They all depend on the method of making this bread.

In any case, a loaf is a beautiful and tasty bread, handmade by a happily married woman who, when kneading the dough, must recite the prayers “Our Father” and “Theotokos”. It happens that the loaf is made with three layers, where the top layer is given to the newlyweds, the middle layer is divided between the guests, and the bottom layer (in which coins are also baked) is shared with the wedding musicians. But most often this part of the ritual is greatly simplified.

Next, the newlyweds pass through a corridor of guests and stop in front of the groom's parents. They bless them either with words coming from the heart, or with a special prayer, or with poetic congratulations, which reflect all the necessary wishes. For example, words on how to greet the newlyweds after the registry office and bless them could be like this:

Our dear children!

Accept a loaf from us,

It is rosy, fresh, lush,

Like your love, beautiful.

They baked it for you with all their hearts,

Happiness, joy invested,

So that, having tasted it,

We lived our lives in love.

After which the newlyweds must bow to their parents, kiss the wedding loaf and eat a piece of this bread. There are several different customs here:

  • The newlyweds can only bite the loaf. Then it is believed that whoever bites off the largest piece will be the head of the family.
  • According to another tradition, young people can break a loaf. But at the same time, having broken off a piece of bread, they must heavily salt the pieces of their spouse. It is believed that in this way they “salt” each other for the last time.

In any case, the newlyweds must eat at least a small piece of the loaf. Next, the bread is either given to be cut (and then the child must cut it) and then distributed to the guests, or immediately placed on the table, where the guests themselves help themselves to the loaf. In some traditions, the groom's parents end their blessing by breaking bread over the heads of the newlyweds before serving the loaf to the guests so that crumbs from the loaf fall on them.

Now the groom's parents must cross the young family with icons. At the same time, the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God are kept on the “Save and Preserve” towel. It is best to find out in advance from your spiritual mentor how to greet the groom’s young parents after the registry office, blessing them with icons. Sometimes the husband’s parents divide their rights like this: the mother blesses with a loaf of bread, and the father with icons. But they can do it together.

There are no clear instructions on how to greet the bride's parents after the registry office. Traditionally, it is believed that after marriage, a young wife becomes part of her husband’s family, so usually the bride’s parents are simply among the guests. But today, most often, the bride’s parents also take part in the ceremony.

After receiving a blessing from the groom's mother and father, the young family accepts glasses of champagne from the hands of the bride's mother and father. Now the newlyweds must drink champagne and break the glasses themselves. At the same time, the drink symbolizes prosperity and sweet life, and the glasses symbolize grief, which is broken by happiness.

In addition, sometimes in the ceremony, the parents of the bride take the same part as the parents of the groom. Then, at the very beginning, mothers bless with a loaf of bread, and then fathers with icons. However, such a departure from tradition is not very common.

After which all the invitees and newlyweds go together to the tables and begin the wedding banquet. In this case, the newlyweds must follow at the very beginning of the procession.

How to meet newlyweds after the registry office: some deviations from traditions

It is not always possible to fully perform these rituals. In such cases, a young family can receive blessings in another way.

Immediately upon leaving the registry office building, the newlyweds may be greeted with a loaf of bread or simply with champagne and sprinkled with various symbolic objects. Also at this moment, many couples like to release doves.

Also, due to life circumstances, a husband’s parents cannot always bless him with a young wife. Then the oldest relative in the family takes on this function. In addition, the groom’s godparents can also give a blessing to the young family.

In addition, not everyone knows how to welcome newlyweds after the registry office at home, if this is not the case. And this is not surprising, because there can be a variety of rituals here. One of the traditions, for example, is seeing a young couple home, where, before entering the apartment or the house itself, the groom must carry his bride in his arms through a lock lying on the floor. After which, the eldest in the family closes this lock and throws away the key. This symbolizes the end of a man’s single life.

Following these customs, unfortunately, does not protect against problems in family life. However, creating a festive atmosphere at a wedding is impossible without them. And sincere wishes of love and happiness make this day even more special for the newlyweds.

Since ancient times, the parents of the groom greeted newly-made spouses with bread and salt. After all, it was to their house that he brought his betrothed. Nowadays, this tradition has been somewhat simplified, and the loaf awaits the newlyweds in the banquet hall or other room where the wedding is celebrated.

What is needed to meet the newlyweds with a loaf?

Let's start with the fact that the loaf should be large. Its size and all kinds of decorations predict a rich and happy life for the newlyweds. Of course, you don’t have to create unnecessary trouble for yourself and just buy ready-made round bread from a bakery. However, by doing this you will deprive yourself of quite an interesting pastime. And what the wedding loaf symbolizes will lose its relevance. After all, you don’t even know who baked it and in what mood.

According to tradition, only women were allowed to do wedding ritual baking. For this purpose, one of the happiest married ladies was invited to the groom's house. She kneaded the dough, constantly singing positive love songs. And while shaping the bread, round like the sun, she read prayers. “Our Father” and “To the Virgin Mary” were considered obligatory. A man sent the loaf to bake. Also married and accomplished. Thus, the bread absorbed the positive energy of family well-being. And it was passed down from generation to generation.

Decorated wedding loaf and towel

At first, the baked goods were decorated only with viburnum branches, but a little later each decorative element became iconic:

  • ears of wheat - wealth,
  • viburnum - love,
  • braids are an inextricable bond between spouses.
  • figurines of swans - loyalty and devotion. Interestingly, it is swans that are found in many. Along with grapes, which symbolizes fertility. Both in business and in the desire for offspring.

In fact, the decoration of the loaf for the newlyweds echoed the pictures embroidered on the towel. The painted towel also contained a lot of meaning. Firstly, it had to be very beautiful, so the embroidery was entrusted to experienced craftswomen. Secondly, the towel was made double-sided: a female side and a male side. The decorations came in three rows. The first personified the continuity of generations and used plant motifs. The second is best wishes to the bride and groom. For example, red cockerels, symbolizing happiness and health, or roses for eternal love in the house. The third row served as a talisman for the newlyweds. Most often, the crown acted in this capacity. She was perceived as asking for God's blessing on the marriage.

Today the towel is given less importance. But you should still choose it very carefully. After all, you will keep this towel for many years, remembering your important day with joy. And the photo of the wedding loaf will take its rightful place in your album.

The same goes for salt shakers. You shouldn’t spoil the beautiful wedding bread with any salt shaker. It is better to buy it together with a towel set - a traditional white one with painting or a more laconic wooden one.

How to meet newlyweds with a loaf

If you follow Russian tradition, then the answer to the question of who holds the loaf at a wedding will be unambiguous. This is the mother of the groom, or an older relative who replaces her. The father or godfather should stand nearby. The guests form a semicircle, encouraging the newlyweds. Sometimes before the meeting they say special words for the wedding loaf.

The round bread is placed on a towel without a plate, and a salt shaker is placed in the middle. The towel itself should hang freely on the sides almost to the floor, but not touch it.

The one who should greet the newlyweds with a loaf of bread blesses the newly made spouses. Parents' welcoming words to the wedding may sound like this:

But it is not necessary to put your parting words in poetic form. A few sincere kind words with the conclusion “advice and love” will be enough. The main thing is that they walk with a pure heart.

Tip: You can take an icon of the Mother of God or the Savior to the newlyweds’ meeting. Or a folder in which both icons are immediately presented.

The young bow to their parents and thank them. Then, to the applause of the guests, a treat with bread and salt follows. The bride and groom are invited to bite off a piece of wedding pastry and eat it, after salting it. Traditional wedding entertainment involves the spouses holding their hands back and trying to bite off as large a piece as possible. The one who wins will be the master of the house.

If the groom's relatives greet the newlyweds with a loaf of bread, glasses of champagne are served by the bride's parents. And they can also congratulate the children and wish them happiness. The champagne must be drained to the bottom in order to “drink all the love,” and the glasses must be broken without regret, imagining that with this clink all troubles, both past and future, will go away.

Note: You should definitely salt a piece of loaf. Especially the bride. According to a long-standing tradition, it is believed that this is how she eats all her tears.

Treating with wedding bread

After meeting with the loaf of bread, the newlyweds and guests go to the banquet hall. Wedding bread is cut or broken into many pieces and distributed to the guests. Carrying a piece of loaf away from a wedding is considered a good omen. Unmarried girls take bread decorations from a loaf and place them under the pillow, hoping to see their betrothed in a dream.

In ancient times, there was an unspoken set of rules on how to divide a loaf. According to Russian wedding traditions, the process was led by the groom's groomsman or best man, as he is now called. After the newlyweds, the parents received the bread, then the older relatives. And only then the loaf reached the guests. Moreover, each piece was exchanged for a gift or money. The remains of the wedding loaf were distributed to the poor who were waiting on the street. So you can only imagine how big and delicious it was.

Note: You can also take the loaf to church. This will be a sacrifice asking for peace and well-being in the family.

Traditions associated with wedding bread go back hundreds of years. Therefore, if you want to preserve the continuity of generations, then try to find out everything about the wedding loaf and carry out this ceremony as colorfully as possible. You can make your own adjustments to the meeting scenario, remember other wedding signs and create an excellent program based on them. Then your family life will begin with a beautiful and symbolic holiday.

Special words for a wedding loaf

Just as people love bread and salt, so a husband would love his wife. Just as salt cannot be replaced with sugar, so a husband cannot cheat on his wife, neither with dark, nor light, nor with fat, nor with thin, nor with smart, nor with stupid, nor with any another slave. Just as people love bread and salt, so a wife would love her husband. Just as salt cannot be replaced with sugar, so a wife cannot cheat on her husband, neither with a dark, nor with a light, nor with a full, nor with a thin, nor with a smart, nor with a stupid, nor with any other slave. Amen.

Parents' words

  1. Our dear children!
  2. Take this loaf,

    He is ruddy, fresh and lush,

    As hot as your hearts.

    We put happiness in the middle for you,

    Keep it until the end.

    Our dear children! We give you bread and salt,

    So that you divide everything in this world in half.

    There will be joy or sorrow - avoid unnecessary dramas,

    You need to learn to give in to each other in a dispute.

    Live by faith and law, don’t look for an easy life,

    Greet relatives and friends, respect father and mother.

    There will be children, there will be grandchildren - everything will go as usual.

    Husband, take your wife by the hand! And advice and love to you!

    We have such a custom,

    It has been familiar to us since childhood

    Greet all guests with bread and salt

    Bow low to the waist,

    At the table in Russian,

    Treat generously.

    Bread and salt for you,

    Happiness and love

    This is what people have been saying since time immemorial.

Blessing from the groom's mother

A son's wedding day is one of the most important events in a mother's life. In addition to all the pre-wedding troubles, worries and tears of joy, the groom’s mother will have to say her wishes and parting words to the young couple. Perhaps the most difficult thing on such an exciting day is managing your emotions. And although women are always more sentimental, it is still worth keeping yourself in control. A loving mother sincerely wishes happiness to her adult son and strives to protect him from possible hardships in life. To prevent excessive emotions from casting a shadow on the holiday, you need to properly prepare for this joyful event.

Blessing from the groom's mother

Usually, after the official registration of marriage, the groom's parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and words of blessing. The warm wishes from the groom’s mother, who blesses the newlyweds for a happy family life, are especially touching.

Our beloved children! Please accept my sincere congratulations! Your journey together begins, along which you will walk hand in hand. We sincerely wish you prosperity, prosperity, and happiness! Treat each other with love and respect, take care and appreciate your feelings! On the threshold of a new life, let me treat you to a loaf of bread. This is not just bread, but a symbol of prosperity and wealth in the family. Break off a piece, children, dip it in salt and treat each other. Remember that life can be not only sweet, but also salty. And you will overcome all trials together. Let warmth and love remain in your hearts, and may your home be a full cup! Advice and love!

Dear children! Today means a lot to all of us. I thought I was losing my son, but in fact I had found a wonderful daughter. Now my family has grown, this is also happiness. I bless you, live in harmony and appreciate each other. Let ringing laughter always be heard in your home, and let the smiles of two loving people give light. I wish you healthy children, to the delight of grandparents, to help mom and dad. Cherish the love!

Dear children! Your family life is just beginning. However, remember that family is joint work. Walk this path hand in hand, support each other, keep warmth and love in your heart! We present you this beautiful loaf with the hope that your path in life will be just as sweet. Help yourself to bread and salt, children, treat each other as a sign that you will take care of your other half in the future. We bless you! May you live happily ever after!

Beloved, dear, respected son and daughter, please accept my congratulations on your wedding day, which marked the beginning of a new family. This loaf is not just a tasty dish, but a symbol that you will live prosperously and have abundance in everything. Break off a piece of the delicious pie and present it to each other. May the warm bread served at your wedding keep your hearts warm for each other forever! I wish you always have something to treat your guests. On the day of such a wonderful wedding, I want to wish you, your future children, health, an unquenchable fire of love, peaceful happiness under the roof of your home. My son has always brought joy to my heart, I am honored that our family now has a daughter! I am sure that we will all live loving each other, because kindness and understanding warm our hearts. Happy wedding, young people!

Dear children, on your wedding day,

Receive blessings from your parents,

Be happy always

May life give you only inspiration!

Live as a friendly family,

Definitely give us grandchildren,

I wish you good health, prosperity,

May your life be long and sweet!

Today you have become the towel of fate,

We congratulate you with all our hearts,

May all your dreams come true,

Let the good news pleasantly surprise you!

We bless you for a long life,

We sincerely wish you all the best,

Appreciate and love each other always,

May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil!

Like two white doves

In peace and harmony

You, our good ones,

Live joyfully!

This day is beautiful

A new one is born,

Designated by love

Your family!

Blessings, children!

Keep your love

Give birth to strong children

And appreciate each other!

Words of congratulations from the groom's mother in prose

In order not to get confused at the most important moment, it is worth making a plan in advance for your address to the bride and groom. During the wedding, the hearts of the guests will surely melt the mother’s words of excitement and concern for the fate of the child. However, it is worth adding to them friendly words addressed to the son’s chosen one. It is generally accepted that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law initially have a difficult relationship, often forcing the young husband to take sides. The best way to break this stereotype is to beautifully congratulate the newlyweds, without neglecting the dignity of the bride.

Dear children! With all my heart I congratulate you on the beginning of your family life! Now you can go hand in hand and build your happiness! Take care of each other, let your union be based on love, mutual understanding and respect! Carry the fire of your love through many years, so that both children and grandchildren know how deep your feelings are! Happiness and prosperity to you, children! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds, beloved son and beautiful daughter-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event, your wedding day, the beginning of a long journey together. Now I remember myself: how exciting it was to sit at the head of the table, among hundreds of guests on the day when my family life began. Then I knew that love would cope with any troubles, everything would be fine. You will have difficult moments, there will be happy ones, the main thing is do not abandon each other, do not let despondency and bile appear. You, son, show respect to your wife, and you, daughter, protect your husband.

Dear son! Just recently you were running around the house and waiting for dad and me to get home from work. The memory of our evenings together is very dear to me, but the time has come for you to start your own family! I am calm for you, because next to you is a wonderful girl whom you called your wife. Dear children! Please accept our most sincere wishes! Let your home be cozy and happy. Plant trees, raise children that you will be proud of later. Your union is the key to success in life. As long as you have each other, you will not be afraid of any troubles. I wish you happiness, prosperity and goodness! Bitterly!

Dear children! May your happiness and love last for many years! I am proud of the man you have become, son, and what a wonderful companion you have chosen. Family life is a cozy and calm haven, but it cannot avoid storms. Always remember and take care of each other. Then harmony will always reign in your union! Be happy every second, because these moments are unique, and time flies so quickly. I want to raise this glass to you, newlyweds! We wish that love will continue to illuminate your path and warm your family with its rays. Walk through life confidently, holding hands tightly! Bitterly!

My beloved son, there is no greater joy for a mother than to see her own child whose eyes are shining. You are all glowing with happiness. I thought that I would be jealous when the time came to let you go into adulthood, to give you to a girl who would take care of you... But on your wedding day, I feel something different: fun, joy, pleasure and gratitude to the beautiful bride who made my son smile so widely! I congratulate you, young people, on your wedding, I wish that this radiance emitted now never leaves your eyes!

Dear son, first I turn to you. You were a strong boy for me, you made your mother happy. I remember how he helped me around the house, greeted me after a hard day at work with a cup of tea, and diligently studied even those subjects that I didn’t like, in order to avoid my frustration. Sometimes, son, you and I had a hard time, but we got through these difficult moments. Now look at yourself: you are so strong, beautiful, successful, next to you sits your beautiful wife, whose radiant smile illuminates this wedding all day long. Dear bride, daughter, I am happy that you have become my son’s chosen one. Like any mother, I am proud of my child, I love him, I trust his choice. If he fell in love with you, then there is probably no more beautiful soul in the world than yours. I wish you to live peacefully from today until your wedding day, helping each other, always lending a shoulder of support, together reaching those heights that cannot be achieved individually. And I will try to help as much as I can if needed. Happy wedding to you!

Our dear son and daughter! Time flies so quickly, and the baby, whom we remember as a very small child, has now become a real man - strong, strong, ready to take responsibility for the family on his shoulders. And we are very proud of you, son! Looking at you, we ourselves become younger, and your joy fills our hearts with warmth and light. We are glad that you have found each other, because a person can live alone, but he will never be more important and significant than in a family. To be a beloved son, father, husband - isn’t this the best purpose for a man? And now, son, you have the opportunity to realize yourself in every role. Take care of your spouse, appreciate her love and support, protect her from adversity! May your family become stronger every year, and let bitterness be felt only in noble drinks and on a worthy occasion! Bitter for the young!

My beloved children! I have never liked the word “marriage” because it is ambiguous. You enter into a union of loving hearts and begin your journey together. It won't always be easy, but as long as you have each other, even bitter things will seem sweet. May your family life be long and happy, and every day be like a honeymoon. Good luck to you, warmth and prosperity! Keep your hearth, plant trees, raise children, whom you will later be proud of just as we are proud of you! Together you will conquer peaks that are beyond the reach of a single traveler! May you live happily ever after!

Congratulations from the groom's mother in verse

On this solemn holiday

You need to wish for a lot:

Happiness, love, understanding in everything,

Live a good, interesting and friendly life!

The most important thing is that trouble

I always avoided your house,

So that you always have the main guest

There was family happiness!

Your advisor and your companion

May wisdom and fidelity always be there.

Trust, tenderness - all feelings are wonderful

May you never run out of them!

Let children grow up obedient, sensitive,

Let them not cause you troubles and troubles.

Let your year pass in minutes,

Your life goes on without worries!

Let never friends or acquaintances

Your home is not bypassed.

And most importantly - be in love,

Love each other with all your soul!

You will live together for a very long time until old age,

May everyone come to you again every year

Happiness, luck, family joys,

As they say: Advice and Love!

I want to wish you happiness

And congratulations on your responsible step.

So that you don’t see bad weather in your life,

May you be close to each other!

My heartfelt congratulations

I can’t put it into words.

I will hug you, my hearts,

I'll wrap my arms around you!

Yes, and what to express in words.

You are so beautiful today.

You are warmed by the rays of love.

I would like to briefly congratulate you

Wish you many years without separation.

And direct you to the true path,

And fasten your hands between you.

Let happiness be endless!

I wish you without any doubts,

So that your love and cordiality

Preserved until the last days.

You are our golden children!

Please accept congratulations from us,

We don't need gratitude!

Just always live in peace!

Congratulations to the young couple!

You gave each other your life,

And hearts were united forever,

Before Heaven, God and People!

O love! Take your children!

So that they always love each other,

Drink the cup of happiness to the end!

I'll pour myself some wine for a toast,

And I will say from both of us:

We are very happy for you - sincerely, completely!

I will multiply this happiness by six:

Matchmaker, matchmaker, my husband and I, young -

This is a whole family...

How can I not be happy today?

If the family has multiplied.

Let us drink to the health of the young people,

May our family multiply

Let them give birth to golden children,

Let's shout “Bitter!”, dear people!

The hearts of the young are knocking in unison,

Flowers and gifts, like a fairy tale, like a dream,

The bride is a princess, shining in flowers,

The groom is soaring in the skies with emotions!

And there are no more beautiful people on the whole earth,

You opened your souls to a dream today,

What did you strive for so much for not a day or two -

From now on there is only one road through life!

Live together - love and advice,

May the light of joy shine on you along the way,

Your star is also burning in the sky of happiness,

And the pain and sorrow will go away forever!

We will tell you a simple truth,

Let us tell you the beginning of all beginnings:

Luck for two is twice as joyful,

And the sadness will be divided in two.

So become dearer to each other.

The hot light will warm you with love.

You just need to be able to divide and multiply,

Divide and multiply - that's the whole secret.

(name of the bride) we wish you patience,

(name of the groom) just love her alone!

For the young! For husband and wife!

It's a great day for you today!

You connected two destinies

And at the registry office they signed it.

This is the first step in life!

In the family - to further years of happiness!

The fire of love lit the hearth,

So that there is light in the house, not darkness,

So that we can take part together.

In the construction of a nest of love,

So that children grow up in joy

And wherever you are along the way,

I felt drawn to come to my dear home.

Let your home be a full cup!

Keep love until your gray hairs,

May your union be unbreakable

And it has become stronger and more beautiful over the years!

Parting words from the groom's mother

An important day has come for me, which I had been waiting for and fearing so much - the marriage of my child. Here is my behest to you, son, on your wedding day: be a strong husband, let your wife feel like she is behind a stone wall. Be patient, son, because everyone has disagreements, do not hurt your beloved with a sharp word when the moment of anger comes. Be loving, don’t forget to address your wife kindly, then you will become the happiest husband. Try to be understanding, even if you see no reason for her fatigue or irritation - after all, the differences between a woman and a man are great.

Have fun while the wedding is buzzing, while congratulations from the guests interrupt one another. But when the celebration is over, start working hard, because you have become the head of the family. You will have to not only work hard to get money, son, but also constantly work on your relationships. If love is not cultivated like a flower, it will wither. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, boldly go towards life’s adversities, don’t be shy to ask for support from your beloved wife. From the day of your wedding, this girl will be your mother, sister and best friend, but don’t forget about your roots - about me and dad.

I wish you to become a worthy husband, just as you have always been a worthy son to your mother. Take care of your family, children, wife, and then you will be happy. Let your life become a real adventure that you and your wife will experience together until the very end. Happy wedding! Happiness!

My beloved son and my new daughter! Don’t look that I’m crying - it’s out of joy for you, my dear children. Your family was born today. Let this day be just the first of an endless number of happy days warmed by your love. Live together, enjoy every minute, try never to leave each other for more than a few hours. Face all adversities together, then they will turn into nothing. And happiness divided into two will increase tenfold. And most importantly - love and honor each other!

You know, dear children, the greatest happiness in our lives happened when our child was born. Since that time, we have not felt more vivid and reverent emotions: it was a unique moment that you will definitely experience. But today we felt something similar again, because our child is leaving us for a new life. We want you to take care of each other as we have taken care of you all this time. Good luck to you!

Dear son! Today there is great joy in our family - my dad and I have a daughter. Your meeting is a gift from heaven, but now the main thing is to preserve feelings and fire in your hearts. Family is work, but it is rewarded. Love in the eyes of your soul mate, children's laughter, tears of pride from parents. Be happy, our dear children. Plant trees, raise wonderful children, strengthen your relationships! Your happiness is more valuable to us than all gifts! May there always be prosperity and harmony in your home, and may your love illuminate your path and be your best advisor! May you live happily ever after!

Dear son! I once read you a fairy tale about how a soldier shared a goose and managed not to offend anyone. He gave his head to the master, because it is the man who is the head of the family, and his neck to the lady, because the woman can always turn the situation in her favor. This is how responsibilities are distributed in the family. You, son, take care of your wife from sorrows and adversity, so that her eyes shine and her heart does not know pain and disappointment. You, daughter, lend your fragile shoulder to your spouse in difficult times, and he will move mountains for you! Live in peace and harmony, let your sincere love be your guide in family life. If you need help or advice, dad and I will always be there. May you live happily ever after!

Dear children! It is said that Adam and Eve were the first gardeners in Eden. Heaven was their garden, and it had to be tended to thrive. Likewise, your married life should become your paradise. Love each other, protect, cherish - then the garden will turn green and prosper. But let jealousy and resentment in, and the Garden of Eden will wither. May your union only become stronger over the years. You, like trees, will intertwine your roots and become one! May happiness, harmony and prosperity settle in your home, may there be good luck and prosperity in all matters. And over time, cheerful children's voices will ring. We will be happy to remember our youth and retrain as nannies! Happiness and goodness to you! Live in peace and harmony. Bitterly!

Son, today is your holiday,

In your family you have become the head.

Be patient and learn wisdom,

Work hard, don't be lazy.

With all our hearts we wish,

You live in harmony and love.

Love your wife, pamper your children,

Don't be offended, don't be jealous.

Let there be only happiness in the house,

Let's say together "Bitter!"

Children grow up quickly and now they are ready to find their own personal happiness. A son's wedding day means, first of all, a new stage in the life of his parents. Perhaps the parents of the newlyweds are on the threshold of a happy period when grandchildren appear, when they can finally pay more attention to family and relaxation. And there will still be many happy events ahead!

The meeting of the bride and groom is an important and solemn event, because it is held by the parents of the newlyweds. They offer warm wishes to their children, bless the new family and offer parting words. Most often, the parents’ speech is touching and serious, but the meeting can also take place in a comic form with ditties and songs. According to the wedding day plan, the blessing ceremony takes place before the start of the celebration in the restaurant. Almost no meeting of newlyweds is complete without a wedding loaf, which symbolizes the wealth and benefits that the spouses will need to create a lasting and strong union. The newlyweds eat a piece of bread, drink a sip of wine and break glasses - now they can go to the celebration hall to celebrate!

On the wedding portal site you will learn how the meeting of the newlyweds takes place after registration at the registry office, as well as what traditions and customs parents adhere to when meeting their beloved children.

Meeting the bride and groom: important attributes

Parents prepare in advance for the ceremonial meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf of bread. It is necessary to think through every little detail to make the event look decent. To do this, you need to acquire all the necessary attributes and symbols that are traditionally used when meeting newlyweds.

Important attributes for meeting newlyweds:

What icon do young people meet with?

The scenario of even the most modern wedding involves blessing the newlyweds in Christian customs. The tradition of welcoming newlyweds with an icon dates back to ancient times, when in Christian families parents gave icons to spouses to create a “red corner” in the house, where they could always pray and ask for God’s protection. To this day, the meeting of the bride and groom is not complete without church traditions. However, what icon do the parents of the bride and groom greet the young couple with? It has long been customary to bless a son with an icon of the Savior, while the mother and father of the bride bless their daughter with an icon of the Mother of God. In need and in joy, young people can always pray and ask for protection.

How to meet young people after the registry office

Many parents do not know how to greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and what to say as parting words, so they invite an experienced toastmaster to do this. However, the words of the parents carry important weight for the newly-made family, so even if your holiday is being hosted by the host, be sure to say a few sincere words to your son and daughter. A meeting of young people can take place in different formats, but most often it is a fun or touching event.

Two ways to meet young people:

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