What to bet on Ariel 44. A small guide on ARL44. What crew skills and perks to research

You decided to spend the silver you earned with blood and metal and buy yourself ARL 44. And what did you get in return? But this is exactly what we will talk about in the review of the video guide for ARL 44 World of Tanks. Let's discuss what additional modules are best to install on this miracle of technology, what consumables to use and how to generally play on this tank.

Having bought yourself this miracle of the French genius (may the FBR forgive me), you will see some kind of quiet horror in your hangar. In stock condition, this car looks simply intimidating (or funny). If they said that he was carrying a birdhouse with him, then the Frenchman had literally taken over the entire chicken coop. Apparently, French tank crews love to pamper themselves. But enough about that. You don’t care about the chicken coop; sooner or later you’ll have to sell it and turn your Harlequin into a normal tank with a normal turret and, most importantly, a normal gun. And, in top condition, this is a typical TT and it should be used that way. Now you can safely drive out from behind houses and fire at the enemy. It will be extremely difficult to break through you. Especially the tower. The frontal projection of the tower is quite narrow and it is very difficult to penetrate it. The sides of the tower are located at such an angle that the attacker will often hear the word “Ricochet”. Your upper frontal sheet is also located at a fairly large angle and ricochets will not be uncommon. So, what do we have with you? A pretty good armored tank with high firepower. By the way, about the last one. It is the gun that helps Ariel survive in battle. This is a very accurate weapon with good damage. For your level, having armor penetration of 212 mm is like mother. None of his classmates have one. With such a gun you can safely shoot at all sorts of ISs and Tigers. True, it is better to do this from afar, accuracy allows. But in general, the tactics of playing on this machine are no different from the tactics of playing on other 6 levels.

ARL 44 World of Tanks

Advantages and disadvantages


  • a large amount of HP;
  • thick frontal armor;
  • high firepower;
  • review;
  • there are reservation screens;
  • large vertical tilt angle of the gun;
  • long communication range with a top-end walkie-talkie.


  • slowness;
  • board booking leaves much to be desired;
  • slow reverse;
  • unprotected tracks;
  • large dimensions.

Additional modules and equipment

Among players, the most popular Harlequin build is ventilation, aiming drives and rammer. This set of modules will be the most optimal. For consumables, everything is quite prosaic: a first aid kit, fire extinguishers and a repair kit.

French heavy tank of the sixth level with fairly strong frontal sloping armor, but weak armor on the sides and rear. There is a choice between a powerful 105 mm gun with low armor penetration and a weaker 90 mm gun that can penetrate even level 10 tanks.

Predecessor of the seventh tier heavy tank AMX M4 (1945).


Lv. gun Breakthrough
Rapid fire
(m/100 m)
VI 76 mm Gun M1A1 128/177/38 115/110/185 16 0.43 2.3 1567 50330
VII 90 mm DCA 30 135/175/45 240/240/320 7 0.4 2.3 2050 64000
VII 105 mm canon 13TR 165/223/54 300/300/360 5.61 0.41 3.4 2400 94350
VII 90 mm F3 170/248/45 240/240/320 6.82 0.39 2.9 2200 87000
VIII 90 mm DCA 45 212/259/45 240/240/320 6 0.38 3.4 2750 121250

Compatible Equipment

Compatible Equipment

ARL 44 in game

Research and leveling

Initial state of the ARL 44 tree

Studied at BDR G1B for 33,000.

Combat effectiveness

This tank allows you to slowly push through enemy defenses, support allied attacks, and defend your base thanks to its armor, firepower and mobility. When installing a 105 mm gun on a tank, it becomes a full-fledged support tank - low armor penetration, high damage, good armor and low speed force you to be closer to the enemy. With the DCA45 gun, the ARL-44 becomes an ambush heavy tank sniper due to the gun's accuracy, armor penetration and damage. But even with it, ARL can help allies in close combat, targeting vulnerable points on the enemy. The tank also has screens - sometimes they save you from artillery, but the tracks are almost unprotected, so often any hit from a high-explosive artillery shell near the tank will knock down its tracks. Vertical aiming angles allow you to shoot from behind a hill at the enemy without showing him the body. A top-end walkie-talkie allows you to keep abreast of events on the entire map. It is worth mentioning the dimensions and weight of the tank. The stock turret allows you to shoot from behind high cover, but is also easier to hit. Large mass can help when ramming opponents.


  • High HP reserve
  • Good forehead armor
  • Powerful and accurate weapons
  • Not a bad review
  • Availability of screens
  • Large elevation angles
  • Long range of a top-end walkie-talkie
  • Large mass


  • Poor mobility
  • Weak side armor
  • Low reverse speed.
  • Unprotected tracks
  • High visibility

Crew and skills

Repair. It is better to learn repair as the first skill - after all, a track repaired in time can save a life, especially if the tank did not manage to drive behind cover in time.

Disguise. Since the tank does not burn often, you can learn camouflage as a second skill - it is still better when the tank is noticed at a closer distance, or not noticed from afar at all.

Firefighting. ARL 44 lights up infrequently, so this skill can be learned last or not studied at all, but accumulated experience.

If the tank is passable, then instead of the first or second skill, you can simply gain experience after 100% of the specialty. If you save up about 36,000, then when retraining for silver at the Regimental School, the crew can retrain for a new tank up to 100%, and not 90%.

Equipment, equipment and ammunition


Offensive tactics:

  • Rammer - since reloading of the top gun is quite slow, you can take a rammer - with it the tank will be even more effective.
  • Ventilation - since the tank’s crew consists of 5 people, you can install ventilation - it gives an increase to all crew skills by 5%.
  • Aiming drives - the alignment of a top-end gun is relatively long, and since with a top-end gun it is important to shoot at the right place in time, it is recommended to use reinforced aiming drives.

Instead of drives, you can take a toolbox with you - the faster the damaged module is repaired, the better.

Defensive ambush tactics:

  • Camouflage net - the tank is quite noticeable, but standing still with a camouflage net, it is not so easy to notice it. It is especially effective to use a camouflage net together with a learned skill. Disguise
  • Stereo tube - standing still can significantly increase the visibility of the tank.
  • Coated optics or rammer - you can choose based on the situation. Since the field of view in the game does not exceed 445 meters, when using a stereo tube, the optics will improve the quality of vision - it will be possible to notice a camouflaged enemy at a longer distance. If the tank often moves to shelters, then coated optics will save you from “invisible” guns that fire at the tank from the bushes. If the view with a stereo tube is enough, then to improve the balance of the tank it is better to take a rammer, since the reloading of the guns is quite long.


  • Repair kit - it is recommended to use it to repair a gun, because a damaged gun will not allow the enemy to get to the right place, and a missed mistake can be costly, especially with a top gun.

The situation is similar with ammunition - increased reloading can be fatal. You can also repair the engine, since the tank is not the fastest, and a damaged engine makes the tank very slow and clumsy.

  • Armor-piercer- The top gun allows you to penetrate even TT10
  • Changes in patches

    Update 0.7.2

    — the rotation speed of the first turret was reduced by 1 degree/sec;

    — the viewing range of the first tower has been increased by 5 m;

    — the rotation speed of the second turret was reduced by 0.75 degrees/sec;

    — the viewing range of the second tower is reduced by 2.5 m.

    The ARL 44 is a fairly popular tank at tier 6. This largely relates to its weapons and good armor. The player is given a choice of 2 guns that will suit every tanker’s taste. At its level, this is one of the most dangerous heavy tanks.




    meaning 90 mm gun 105 mm gun
    average one-time damage240 units300 units
    average armor penetration212 mm175 mm
    convergence speed3.4 sec.3.4 sec.
    gun dispersion0.38 m0.41 m
    damage per minute1440 units1682 units


    View radius350 m

    ARL 44 Crew Skills

    Before upgrading the crew's perks, you need to study the strengths and weaknesses of the tank. Recommended skills that need to be upgraded step by step for the crew:

    • commander - “sixth sense”;
    • gunner - “smooth rotation of the turret”;
    • driver mechanic – “smooth ride”;
    • radio operator - “radio interception”;
    • loader - “non-contact ammunition rack”;
    • commander - “combat brotherhood”;
    • gunner - “combat brotherhood”;
    • driver mechanic - “combat brotherhood”;
    • radio operator - “combat brotherhood”;
    • loader - “combat brotherhood”.
    • commander - “eagle eye”;
    • gunner - “sniper”;
    • driver mechanic – “king of off-road”;
    • radio operator - “with all his might”;
    • loader - “repair”.
    • commander - “repair”;
    • gunner - “repair”;
    • driver mechanic - “virtuoso”;
    • radio operator - “repair”;
    • loader - “desperate”.

    The tank has powerful weapons and pays for it with a long reload. This factor should be taken into account when studying the crew's skills. It's also important to improve your weak review score. To do this, you need to learn the “radio interception” and “eagle eye” skills. The remaining perks need to be upgraded by default.

    Reservation ARL 44

    Below is a standard booking.

    Undoubtedly, these characteristics will not allow blocking high-level shells, but with a single-tier vehicle the Frenchman will quite often tank shells with the hull and turret.

    The ARL 44 has good armor in the upper frontal part of the hull, which is of impressive size. The lower armor plate is traditionally weak in the game, but it will be quite difficult to hit it, since it is a narrow plate. The tower is less strong, but it often ricochets. Tanks with armor penetration below 160 mm will have difficulties if a Frenchman rides on them. Single-level vehicles can also be tanked on their sides, but only at optimal angles.

    In general, the booking is quite comfortable for playing at the top. At high levels, these indicators will, of course, be weak, but the tactics will be less aggressive.

    Equipment ARL 44

    The ARL 44 is a classic heavy tank with good armor and a powerful gun, but slow reloading and low accuracy. Given these data, it is recommended to install the following equipment:

    1. Large caliber rammer. This equipment must be installed first, since the reload of the Frenchman is too long.
    2. Improved ventilation. This equipment will improve all tank characteristics by 5%, including reloading and aiming speed.
    3. Reinforced aiming drives. The standard mixing speed is 3.4 seconds, which is too long. You can improve the performance using aiming drives, which will speed up aiming by 10%.

    How to play ARL 44

    The Frenchman would have been no different from his Level 6 classmates if not for his weapons.

    The ARL 44 has 2 guns, each of which has some differences.

    A 90 mm gun has phenomenal armor penetration for its level with a basic 212 mm projectile and a one-time damage of 240 units, while a 105 mm gun can inflict 300 units. one-time damage, but armor penetration 175mm.

    Both guns have similar accuracy and reload time, so the only difference will be in damage and armor penetration.

    Of course, for playing at the top, it is better to install a 105 mm gun, since armor penetration of 175 mm will be quite enough, and it will deal 300 damage.

    But for tanks of a higher level, the weapon will already be weak.

    The 90 mm gun has excellent armor penetration of 212 mm, but the one-time damage is less - 240 units. It is worth highlighting that the 105 mm gun has a slightly faster rate of fire. Both guns are decent, so the choice will depend more on the player's desires.

    When playing at the top, you can safely conduct firefights with heavy tanks and create breakthroughs in enemy defenses. It is worth noting the comfort of playing on terrain, since the Frenchman boasts good vertical gun declination angles of -10 degrees. This means that the tank will also be effective at higher elevations. True, the hull is too high, this will allow you to tank with a turret and cause damage on small hills. Moreover, the tower is not so strong that it can easily contain damage. Many tanks at level 6 have good guns with great armor penetration, so you shouldn't overdo it. When playing against high levels, it is better to stay on the 2nd line and provide fire support to allied tanks, and with the ARL 44 weapons there will be no problems in dealing damage. There is no point in talking about stabilization at the 6th level, since there is none. Before each shot, you need to completely close down.

    The Frenchman's vision is traditional for this class, so the tank will not be able to shine. True, the situation can be improved a little by installing “coated optics” equipment. Up to 400 meters, the ARL 44 will have a chance to illuminate the enemy.

    Dynamics can be considered a disadvantage. If acceleration and maximum speed are more or less, then the tank’s agility is too weak, and this also applies to the turret. At low levels there are a lot of vehicles with good dynamics that can easily spin this heavy tank. To avoid such situations, you should not go to a position without the support of your allies, otherwise you can get hit by any ST or LT.

    In general, the tank stands out for its good armament, and you can change weapons at your discretion. At the top, this is a formidable opponent who will penetrate armor with every shot and deal a large amount of damage. But due to the long reload time, he should retreat to a secluded place, since the armor, although good, will not be enough to block the shells of enemy tank destroyers. In positional firefights against heavy tanks, the Frenchman will have a good advantage, especially with a 90 mm gun, where the armor penetration is 212 mm.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    How often do people try to connect really important and necessary matters with certain mythological events, which are of no use at all. Well, for example, to celebrate the anniversary of some event by launching a spaceship. Moreover, it would be good if it was the anniversary of some cosmic figure, but no: in our past, it most often was “the day of the great October.” On anniversary dates, they launched offensives and took cities by storm, although by waiting a little more success could have been achieved. They were in a hurry to release locomotives by “Day X”; pilots made their flights on the red dates. However, this was not only with us! In France, for example, in the interests of “big politics” they even built a tank! And they not only built it, but set up industrial production, and only then were they convinced that “the shot was blind.” What kind of car are we talking about? Of course, about the ARL-44 tank - a heavy “tank between two times.”

    ARL-44 in Murmelone

    And it so happened that although France was occupied by the Germans, the engineers there continued their work there, including on projects for new tanks. Such work was also carried out by engineers from the Schneider company and, apparently, the Germans were not at all interested in this. This is the kind of underground tank design they carried out, and no one canceled the production capacity of French factories, and they certainly knew the technological capabilities of their production well.

    And as soon as the Germans were driven out of Paris, in November 1944 the French decided to build their own tank! Here they are – ambitions! Another part of the territory is still not liberated, but we will build our own tanks! The tank was to be armed with a 75 mm SA 32 cannon, have a total weight of 35 tons and the same armor protection as the Sherman. The new tank had to be put into production without delays, without experiments, without building a prototype. The total number of vehicles for the army is 500 tanks, and the monthly production is from 50 to 70 copies. And then the question arose: if there is such a rush, then on what basis should this tank be made?

    They decided to play “engineering cubes”: “take Nikanor Ivanovich’s lips and put them on Ivan Kuzmin’s nose, and take some of the swagger that Baltazar Baltazarych has…” - this is the principle on which a new tank was created! B1 bis, for example, is well mastered, but does not meet the requirements of the time because the speed is limited. So, let's take from him what is good and add what is also good and, in addition, modern. However, the tank is still not a cardboard package and you can’t produce it that quickly. In addition, the French military realized that making a tank at the level of the Sherman was simply stupid; it would be easier to buy one!

    Therefore, they decided to make the ARL-44 tank so that it differed from the tanks of its English-speaking allies, and for the better!

    ARL-44 side view

    To do this, they decided to equip it with 120 mm frontal armor, a powerful cannon and a corresponding engine, but take the chassis from the time-tested and technologically proven B1 bis. Well, in order not to overload the industry with orders, they decided to build only 60 new tanks. After all, it was obvious that a new war was not foreseen, and it was unlikely that the USSR would send its troops towards France through Germany. But even if this happened, it is clear that 60 tanks will not be able to protect it, and the Americans will have to bear the responsibility for everything. But... prestige, national pride and other beautiful words turned out to be more important in this case than common sense!

    B1bis from Samyur

    The first prototype was assembled in March 1946. It is equipped with an ACL1 turret (Ateliers de la Loire) and an American 76 mm cannon, which was immediately considered too weak. Then the next vehicle was equipped with a naval 90-mm DCA cannon and a new Schneider turret. But none of the French engines were suitable. Therefore, they installed a German Maybach HL230 with a power of 600 hp. With such a weapon, the French military decided to classify the new vehicle as a “tank destroyer” and were completely satisfied with this.

    Tower structure

    The first tank of the series was released in the spring of 1947, after which a long period of testing the vehicle began, which revealed a lot of shortcomings. Therefore, tests continued until the end of the 1950s, and, nevertheless, not all problems with the new tank could not be solved.

    Wooden model of the ARL-44 tank

    The first 10 cars were shown at the parade on July 14, 1951, and they impressed everyone who saw them. But the first cars were put into operation only in October 1951, because driving in a parade is one thing, but serving in the army is something completely different. There have been numerous cases of broken fan belts and transmission failures. Well, it was generally forbidden to shoot from a tank gun! The saga with the tank ended with it being temporarily removed from service in December of the same year. Then they calculated the cost of all its improvements and... decided that it would be easier to abandon it, which was done the following year, 1952. Although, yes, it was an experience, so to speak, of returning to the “tank club”!

    ARL-44 in a museum in Samyur

    From a constructive point of view, it was an ordinary car - a hybrid car, but its “hybridity” was what made it interesting. Its weight was 48 tons, the crew consisted of 5 people. The designers turned out to be a large tank: length with gun 10.52 m (hull length 7.15 m), width 3.40 m, height 3.20 m, that is, more than our pre-war T-35. The armor of the lower and upper front armor plates was 75-120 mm. On the sides of the hull – 50 mm. On the front of the tower – 110 mm. On the sides of the tower - 60 mm. The armor was quite modern, that is, the frontal armor had a large slope, did not have hatches, and also the armor plate covered the entire chassis, which was typical for French tanks of the 30s. Some of the armor plates were rolled and installed at large angles of inclination, while a smaller part was made of cast armor, in particular the gun mantlet. For some reason, the tank did not receive a commander's cupola, but it did have a traditional door on the side between the tracks. These solutions were outdated. It's amazing how French engineers didn't think of using this technical solution. After all, they had captured German tanks at hand. They had American tanks in front of them, but be that as it may, this tank never received a turret.

    The main armament consisted of a 90 mm cannon with a muzzle brake. The speed of the armor-piercing projectile was 1000 m/sec. Ammunition: 50 shells. Machine gun armament: 2 machine guns 7.5 mm mod 31. Ammunition for machine guns: 5000 rounds. The tank engine is a German Maybach HL 230 Type I, 12-cylinder with a power of 575 hp. (according to other sources - 760 hp) and ran on gasoline. For such a tank its power was insufficient. The speed on the highway was only 25 km/h (on others - 35 km/h) and the range was 350 km (150 km). Thanks to its wide tracks, inherited from the B1 tank, the ARL-44 had good cross-country ability (it is unknown what its cross-country ability was on icy roads and snow), took a vertical obstacle one meter high, a ford 1.30 m deep, and a ditch - 2 ,30 m. The tank had a very high tracked contour that practically covered the hull along the perimeter, again, like the B1 and the English Churchill tank, although this did not provide any particular advantages in increasing cross-country ability. In general, in essence it was a kind of “French Tiger”, with a number of improved characteristics. But when this tank appeared, no one needed it anymore. But everyone was able to see that France can still make tanks no worse than others! Well, using the example of the creation of this machine, everyone else was able to see that it is, of course, possible to construct tanks “from cubes.” But it’s quite difficult to expect a breakthrough, any impressive success. Moreover, particularly serious requirements in this case are placed on the chassis and engine. Armor, although very important, does not work without a perfect chassis, just like a powerful gun!

    And it must be said that the French designers learned this lesson to the fullest, so the work on creating this tank did not pass without a trace for them either. Their famous tanks with “swinging turrets” and automatic loaders and much more appeared, but that will be a completely different story...

    ARL-44 tanks on parade in Paris

    16-01-2017, 14:33

    Hello, dear croissant lovers, the site is here! On the agenda today is a vehicle that is quite different from the rest of the equipment in its development branch, we will talk about the French heavy tank of the sixth level - this ARL 44 guide.

    The fact is that, compared to other French heavyweights, our hero actually has armor for his level. Perhaps it is not as harsh as we would like, but given the characteristics of its nation, it ARL 44 TTX survivability is truly worthy of respect. However, we shouldn’t get too ahead of ourselves, let’s be consistent.

    ARL 44 TTX

    To begin with, every owner of this heavyweight should know that among sixth-level heavyweights we have the most modest margin of safety, but at the same time the basic viewing range is 350 meters, the result is decent, but requires adjustment.

    Now let's finally look at what ARL 44 characteristics bookings so that everything falls into place. So, in the frontal projection, the most protected place is the VLD. The thickness of this huge sheet is nominally 120 millimeters, but thanks to the good slope we get about 180 millimeters of adjustment. Figures like these indicate that heavy tank ARL 44 can tank classmates, and with a slight twist of the hull, some tanks of the seventh level, but there is no chance against eights.

    The front of the turret is protected much worse, there is less armor here and in “bare” figures (110 mm) and there is no tilt, so when shooting here, even tanks of the fifth level can cause damage. An exception is the small square of the gun mantlet near ARL 44 WoT, with a good amount of luck, if you get a slap here, the damage will not go away.

    As for the security of the on-board projection, everything is much worse here. If thanks to the massive harp covering almost the entire body ARL 44 World of Tanks, you will be able to avoid losing strength points (which also happens very rarely), then the treacherously thin tower absorbs all the damage, and the land mines enter it with complete penetration.

    There is another interesting fact. If you look at the collage model of the tank with the suspension display turned off, it becomes clear that there is a hull behind the front roller and by shooting at it directly (from the forehead), guns with sufficient penetration will cause us damage. But the caterpillars ARL 44 tank has unusual ones, they protrude strongly forward and if we shoot at the skating rink from the side, without touching the body, there will be no damage, only the harp will fly off.

    The bright side of the coin can be considered the driving characteristics of this unit. For a heavy tank, ARL 44 WoT It has a good maximum speed and very enviable dynamics, but maneuverability is poor, as is the rotation speed of the turret.


    Be that as it may, the main part of every combat vehicle can be considered a cannon and our weapons are truly amazing, with the exception of a few nuances.

    Top ARL 44 gun with a caliber of 90 millimeters, it is a long-barreled gun that does not have the best alpha strike, and in addition, it has a long reload time and a very modest 1450 units of damage per minute.

    However, the main advantage of this barrel is that it has the best penetration rate for armor-piercing projectiles among its classmates. No matter what battle you find yourself in heavy tank ARL 44, you can confidently punch through any opponent without using gold.

    However, there is one more disadvantage here - accuracy. The gun has a good spread, but it takes a very long time to aim and also has poor stabilization, which is quite unfortunate.

    However, our Frenchman is full of surprises and you have another weapon option to choose from - an alternative 105 mm gun. The difference from the top one is that with this gun ARL 44 tank WoT has an increased alpha strike and a higher DPM, which is approximately 1700 damage per minute.

    But this barrel has poor armor-piercing penetration and here comes another surprise. This weapon should only be played on gold, since in this case you will not have problems with penetration, and gold sub-calibers, attention, deal increased damage - 330 units.

    As for accuracy, it is even worse, because our ARL 44 World of Tanks gets even more scattered, however, the convergence time and stabilization remain the same. By the way, with both the first and second barrels, our vertical aiming angles are -10, which is good news.

    To summarize, I would like to say that a top-end weapon is worth choosing for everyone who is not going to spend a lot of silver or gold. But if you have no problems with finances in the game, and you love the unique gameplay, try rolling out ARL 44 tank with an alternative barrel, the effect will please you.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Well, all the main characteristics have been considered, we also talked about weapons, so it’s time to analyze the information received, highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses ARL 44 WoT. But for obvious reasons, please take into account that further information will be provided taking into account the fact that we installed a top-end 90-mm gun on the tank.
    Decent armor on the front of the hull;
    Not a bad review;
    Good maximum speed and dynamics;
    Excellent penetration by armor-piercing projectiles;
    Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
    Weak armor on the turret forehead and sides;
    Large dimensions of the tank;
    Mediocre maneuverability;
    Low rate of fire and DPM;
    Poor accuracy.

    Equipment for ARL 44

    There is nothing difficult in choosing additional modules for a given strand; in fact, you just need to look at the main pros and cons of the machine. Of course, it is very important for us to improve the shooting comfort, DPM, but we cannot forget about the review, so on tank ARL 44 We will supply the following equipment:
    1. – with such a reload time and low damage per minute, this module is vital.
    2. – the same applies to the speed of mixing, which in our case is very long, we set it without hesitation.
    3. – will allow you to increase your visibility quite well and even get ahead of some of your classmates, which is no less important.

    But as you might have guessed, there is an alternative to the last point - this. It also makes sense to install it, because this way we can speed up the DPM and the mixing speed a little more. But you must understand that you will lose visibility, so it is better to resort to this choice only with a pumped-up crew.

    Crew training

    Another extremely important point, thanks to which playing on this tank can become more comfortable and productive, but only if all the skills are distributed correctly. However, the choice will be standard for heavy and ARL 44 perks It's better to teach it like this:
    Commander - , .
    Gunner - , .
    Driver mechanic - , .
    Radio operator - , .
    Loader – , .

    Equipment for ARL 44

    The next standard awaits you in the purchase of consumables, because here we look at our silver reserves and if we need to save, we take it. However, when there is enough silver or gold, it is better to carry ARL 44 equipment from, . By the way, the latter can be changed to, boosting the characteristics will not be superfluous, but you need to play more carefully.

    Tactics for playing ARL 44

    We have in our hands a fairly strong vehicle with a very penetrating weapon, good mobility for a heavy weapon, and it even has armor. However, first of all I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the case of ARL 44 tactics Depends a lot on what kind of fight you're in.

    If we are talking about a battle at the top of the list, here we can even tank and therefore we can go to the first line. Of course, you still need to behave carefully and take care of your safety margin. remember, that heavy tank ARL 44 has a long reload, play from alpha, do not expose the sides, and while holding back the enemy’s pressure, slightly turn the body.

    But being in the middle and especially at the bottom of the list, the tactics change radically. ARL 44 tank World of Tanks can no longer rely on its reservation, so our position is second line. Here, after waiting for complete information, you can easily hit even level eight opponents, because the gun has excellent penetration.

    At the same time, even if you have good mobility, you should not forget about your barn dimensions. When choosing a position, try to make sure that you are not noticed, and in case of light, it is important to provide cover from enemy artillery. Due to the fact that ARL 44 WoT has a very weak roof, the suitcase can fly over all the HP.

    The rest of the rules are simple: watch the mini-map, take care of your safety margin and, most importantly, try to take advantage of the tank’s advantages. Thanks to good mobility, you can change directions, bypass the enemy or return to defend the base. Besides, ARL 44 World of Tanks I got good vertical aiming angles, using them and playing from the tower you can also send the enemy to the hangar without losing your safety margin.

    An excellent top gun (90 mm DCA 45) – penetration 212mm. and 240 average damage at level 6 can show miracles. With the proper skill and knowledge, you can confidently penetrate heavy tanks even at levels 8-9.
    Strong frontal hull armor – 120mm. at a good angle, it can withstand blows from peers at the same level, as well as shots from some guns from stronger tanks. Ricochets are also not uncommon.
    Not a bad speed in a straight line - 750 hp. at 46-48t. – the tank reaches its 37 km/h speed and maintains it.

    Weak traverse speed (both hull and turret) and maneuverability (this is our price for the gun and armor).
    It is not difficult to penetrate the turret head-on, as well as the front roller, causing damage.
    Weak sides and stern, as well as a huge silhouette make us easy prey at any distance.
    Poor maneuverability, large silhouette, weak armor on the sides and stern - increased love from artillery is felt immediately after leaving the shelter.

    Tactics and specifics of application:
    If we are at the top, everything is simple. We choose the flank along which we will push and slowly push back the opponents. It’s better not to go into open areas - the art will immediately slam down. So we learn to use the terrain or just drive in cities/villages.
    The option of holding a flank or base alone is also possible - accuracy and armor allow us to have fun anyway.
    We remember the main thing: do not let anyone near the sides or stern, as everyone is breaking through; Let’s not get impudent in the artillery shooting zone.
    It’s also better to catch shells with your forehead and not “dance” too much - the damage through the caterpillar goes through with a bang.
    If we are in the middle or end of the list, the main thing to remember is that we can easily cause damage to the enemy. An additional 2-3 shots with penetration will bring the team much more benefit than a lonely smoking pile of metal, spewing a stream of negativity on your difficult fate and unclear balance.
    We have nothing to do on the front line - we try to shoot from cover, cause damage and evade retaliation. Ricochet from level 8 guns will be a pleasant balm for the soul (here you will have to masterfully “dance”). We always remember that 1-2 shots from top guns or a close splash from artillery will send us to the hangar in a matter of seconds.

    Test of weak points and vulnerable points:
    1) ARL44 with “ARL 44 nouvelle” turret;
    2) The enemy only has armor-piercing shells;
    3) We tested only the frontal armor, since there can be no problems with breaking through the sides and stern.

    Enemy weapon:
    76 mm Gun M1A1 (Tank: T1 heavy)
    Average penetration – 128.
    Average damage – 115.
    We have received confirmation of the weak armor of the turret and the excellent sloped armor of the hull.
    Penetrations into the commander's hatch and the passage of a projectile between the hull and the turret (under the turret) are also observed.

    7.5 cm KwK L70 (Tank: VK 3601(H))
    Average penetration: 150.
    Average damage: 135.
    The effect of the spread of armor penetration on the guns is immediately noticeable.
    Penetrating the forehead of the hull over and over again.

    The French tank ARL 44, created at the end of World War II, can hardly be called successful. A good gun and frontal armor were combined with an archaic chassis inherited from the Char B1 heavy tank, which had been developed since the 1920s. Work on its creation lasted much longer than it remained in service with the French army. However, its distinctive appearance will not leave armored vehicle lovers indifferent.

    ARL 44 turned out to be huge. This tank is taller than the German Tiger II, and even in the spacious hall of the tank museum in Saumur it is cramped

    The tank stands in the corner of the hall next to an even larger AMX 50-120. Therefore, taking a general view photo of the ARL 44 is very difficult.

    As you can see, the upper frontal hull plate of the ARL 44 is not empty

    A sign in the lower right corner of the front plate indicates that this is the 29th car assembled at FAMH

    The headlight is made according to the American type, with a marker light on top. The yellow color is not accidental - such headlights were on French military equipment until the end of the 50s

    Sloths placed far forward are a family trait of the old Char B

    ARL 44 became the last production tank on which the caterpillar track goes around the hull

    The tracks were carried over almost unchanged from the Char B.

    For ease of maintenance of numerous road wheels, the side screens are made removable

    However, it was not easy to remove such a large section with the help of the crew.

    Large hatches in the sides are another example of anachronisms from the First World War

    But the drive wheel looks quite in the spirit of the 40s

    From the rear, the ARL 44 also looks more like a tank from the 40s

    The right fender of the tank is not empty

    This strange design is nothing more than a muffler that has been badly eaten away by rust.

    The upper aft plate bears some features of the German tank industry

    This is especially noticeable on the engine plate where the fans are installed.

    From the end the muffler looks no less specific

    The central stern plate is somewhat reminiscent of a similar part of German tanks

    The left side is completely identical in appearance to the right side, including a large hatch

    The left fender, unlike the right one, looks empty

    The driver's and radio operator's hatches are based on similar Panther hatches.

    The bottom of the ARL 44 is very similar to the bottom of the Char B

    A lot of road wheels in the mid-40s were an outright anachronism

    Oil leaks indicate that the engine in the tank has been preserved

    The long barrel is one of the calling cards of the ARL 44

    The designer of the muzzle brake did not look for easy ways

    The tower is welded, but its front part is cast

    Today's review is dedicated to a car that has earned good reviews from players. We're talking about a French Tier 6 heavy tank. ARL 44.

    How to play the ARL 44 tank in World of tanks

    Unfortunately, the ARL 44 is equipped with a rather weak, low-power engine, which, given its large mass, does not allow us to develop a good cruising speed and be at least sufficiently mobile. Therefore, when playing on ARL 44, you should not drive too far into enemy territory, because we simply may not have enough speed to get out of the encirclement at the right time.

    The frontal armor is formed by 120 mm sheets located at an angle of 45 degrees; unfortunately, there is a vulnerable machine gun nest in the hull. The tower has a massive gun mask, which protects our tank. Otherwise, the armor of the ARL 44 tank is mediocre; the thickness of the turret armor in all other projections is only 30 millimeters, which is very small for the fifth level. The side armor of the ARL 44 tank is 60 mm, the rear armor is 40 mm. Try to hide the tank body behind non-destructible objects - houses, stones, etc.

    It turns out that ARL 44 turret is vulnerable not only in front of many armor-piercing shells, but also in front of high-explosive shells, so in no case rely on the turret’s armor and always try to show the hull to the enemy.

    Some inconveniences when playing World of tanks on ARL 44 are caused by the design of the tracks and the location of the turret, because... when you come around the corner, you expose a caterpillar that the opponent can shoot down, you cannot resist him because the tank’s turret is still behind the obstacle.

    Beware of fast opponents who can easily get close to your board. Given the slowness, beware of artillery strikes.

    Characteristics of the ARL 44 gun in WoT

    The ARL 44 gun is significantly different from the guns of its classmates; it allows you to penetrate up to 212 millimeters of armor, which is more than enough at the sixth level. In addition, this gun has excellent declination angles, so the ARL 44 will perform well on hilly terrain.

    However, the weapon also has disadvantages - for example, low aiming speed. Which once again confirms that the ARL 44 is not intended for fast and maneuverable battles in World of tanks. It is best to act more passively, statically on ARL 44, more often remaining on the defensive. The accuracy of the gun, despite the long aiming time, allows it to attack opponents from a long distance.


    The long aiming time on the Arl 44 can be somewhat reduced by installing reinforced aiming drives. This tank is good for long-range attacks, so a stereo tube or coated optics would look great on it. The third module can be used to install a rammer or improved ventilation.

    What crew skills and perks to research

    First of all, the tank crew ARL 44 in WoT It’s worth pumping up the repairs, since the ARL 44 tracks protrude forward, and the opponent can keep our car motionless for a long time and with impunity. For a commander, the first or second perk you need to choose is the sixth. The second perk for the driver is best to choose the off-road king; for the gunner, smooth rotation of the turret.

    You decided to spend the silver you earned with blood and metal and buy yourself ARL 44. And what did you get in return? But this is exactly what we will talk about in the review of the video guide for ARL 44 World of Tanks. Let's discuss what additional modules are best to install on this miracle of technology, what consumables to use and how to generally play on this tank.

    Having bought yourself this miracle of the French genius (may the FBR forgive me), you will see some kind of quiet horror in your hangar. In stock condition, this car looks simply intimidating (or funny). If they said that he was carrying a birdhouse with him, then the Frenchman had literally taken over the entire chicken coop. Apparently, French tank crews love to pamper themselves. But enough about that. You don’t care about the chicken coop; sooner or later you’ll have to sell it and turn your Harlequin into a normal tank with a normal turret and, most importantly, a normal gun. And, in top condition, this is a typical TT and it should be used that way. Now you can safely drive out from behind houses and fire at the enemy. It will be extremely difficult to break through you. Especially the tower. The frontal projection of the tower is quite narrow and it is very difficult to penetrate it. The sides of the tower are located at such an angle that the attacker will often hear the word “Ricochet”. Your upper frontal sheet is also located at a fairly large angle and ricochets will not be uncommon. So, what do we have with you? A pretty good armored tank with high firepower. By the way, about the last one. It is the gun that helps Ariel survive in battle. This is a very accurate weapon with good damage. For your level, having armor penetration of 212 mm is like mother. None of his classmates have one. With such a gun you can safely shoot at all sorts of ISs and Tigers. True, it is better to do this from afar, accuracy allows. But in general, the tactics of playing on this machine are no different from the tactics of playing on other 6 levels.

    ARL 44 World of Tanks

    Advantages and disadvantages


    • a large amount of HP;
    • thick frontal armor;
    • high firepower;
    • review;
    • there are reservation screens;
    • large vertical tilt angle of the gun;
    • long communication range with a top-end walkie-talkie.


    • slowness;
    • board booking leaves much to be desired;
    • slow reverse;
    • unprotected tracks;
    • large dimensions.

    Additional modules and equipment

    Among players, the most popular Harlequin build is ventilation, aiming drives and rammer. This set of modules will be the most optimal. For consumables, everything is quite prosaic: a first aid kit, fire extinguishers and a repair kit.

    16-01-2017, 14:33

    Hello, dear croissant lovers, the site is here! On the agenda today is a vehicle that is quite different from the rest of the equipment in its development branch, we will talk about the French heavy tank of the sixth level - this ARL 44 guide.

    The fact is that, compared to other French heavyweights, our hero actually has armor for his level. Perhaps it is not as harsh as we would like, but given the characteristics of its nation, it ARL 44 TTX survivability is truly worthy of respect. However, we shouldn’t get too ahead of ourselves, let’s be consistent.

    ARL 44 TTX

    To begin with, every owner of this heavyweight should know that among sixth-level heavyweights we have the most modest margin of safety, but at the same time the basic viewing range is 350 meters, the result is decent, but requires adjustment.

    Now let's finally look at what ARL 44 characteristics bookings so that everything falls into place. So, in the frontal projection, the most protected place is the VLD. The thickness of this huge sheet is nominally 120 millimeters, but thanks to the good slope we get about 180 millimeters of adjustment. Figures like these indicate that heavy tank ARL 44 can tank classmates, and with a slight twist of the hull, some tanks of the seventh level, but there is no chance against eights.

    The front of the turret is protected much worse, there is less armor here and in “bare” figures (110 mm) and there is no tilt, so when shooting here, even tanks of the fifth level can cause damage. An exception is the small square of the gun mantlet near ARL 44 WoT, with a good amount of luck, if you get a slap here, the damage will not go away.

    As for the security of the on-board projection, everything is much worse here. If thanks to the massive harp covering almost the entire body ARL 44 World of Tanks, you will be able to avoid losing strength points (which also happens very rarely), then the treacherously thin tower absorbs all the damage, and the land mines enter it with complete penetration.

    There is another interesting fact. If you look at the collage model of the tank with the suspension display turned off, it becomes clear that there is a hull behind the front roller and by shooting at it directly (from the forehead), guns with sufficient penetration will cause us damage. But the caterpillars ARL 44 tank has unusual ones, they protrude strongly forward and if we shoot at the skating rink from the side, without touching the body, there will be no damage, only the harp will fly off.

    The bright side of the coin can be considered the driving characteristics of this unit. For a heavy tank, ARL 44 WoT It has a good maximum speed and very enviable dynamics, but maneuverability is poor, as is the rotation speed of the turret.


    Be that as it may, the main part of every combat vehicle can be considered a cannon and our weapons are truly amazing, with the exception of a few nuances.

    Top ARL 44 gun with a caliber of 90 millimeters, it is a long-barreled gun that does not have the best alpha strike, and in addition, it has a long reload time and a very modest 1450 units of damage per minute.

    However, the main advantage of this barrel is that it has the best penetration rate for armor-piercing projectiles among its classmates. No matter what battle you find yourself in heavy tank ARL 44, you can confidently punch through any opponent without using gold.

    However, there is one more disadvantage here - accuracy. The gun has a good spread, but it takes a very long time to aim and also has poor stabilization, which is quite unfortunate.

    However, our Frenchman is full of surprises and you have another weapon option to choose from - an alternative 105 mm gun. The difference from the top one is that with this gun ARL 44 tank WoT has an increased alpha strike and a higher DPM, which is approximately 1700 damage per minute.

    But this barrel has poor armor-piercing penetration and here comes another surprise. This weapon should only be played on gold, since in this case you will not have problems with penetration, and gold sub-calibers, attention, deal increased damage - 330 units.

    As for accuracy, it is even worse, because our ARL 44 World of Tanks gets even more scattered, however, the convergence time and stabilization remain the same. By the way, with both the first and second barrels, our vertical aiming angles are -10, which is good news.

    To summarize, I would like to say that a top-end weapon is worth choosing for everyone who is not going to spend a lot of silver or gold. But if you have no problems with finances in the game, and you love the unique gameplay, try rolling out ARL 44 tank with an alternative barrel, the effect will please you.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Well, all the main characteristics have been considered, we also talked about weapons, so it’s time to analyze the information received, highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses ARL 44 WoT. But for obvious reasons, please take into account that further information will be provided taking into account the fact that we installed a top-end 90-mm gun on the tank.
    Decent armor on the front of the hull;
    Not a bad review;
    Good maximum speed and dynamics;
    Excellent penetration by armor-piercing projectiles;
    Comfortable vertical aiming angles.
    Weak armor on the turret forehead and sides;
    Large dimensions of the tank;
    Mediocre maneuverability;
    Low rate of fire and DPM;
    Poor accuracy.

    Equipment for ARL 44

    There is nothing difficult in choosing additional modules for a given strand; in fact, you just need to look at the main pros and cons of the machine. Of course, it is very important for us to improve the shooting comfort, DPM, but we cannot forget about the review, so on tank ARL 44 We will supply the following equipment:
    1. – with such a reload time and low damage per minute, this module is vital.
    2. – the same applies to the speed of mixing, which in our case is very long, we set it without hesitation.
    3. – will allow you to increase your visibility quite well and even get ahead of some of your classmates, which is no less important.

    But as you might have guessed, there is an alternative to the last point - this. It also makes sense to install it, because this way we can speed up the DPM and the mixing speed a little more. But you must understand that you will lose visibility, so it is better to resort to this choice only with a pumped-up crew.

    Crew training

    Another extremely important point, thanks to which playing on this tank can become more comfortable and productive, but only if all the skills are distributed correctly. However, the choice will be standard for heavy and ARL 44 perks It's better to teach it like this:
    Commander - , .
    Gunner - , .
    Driver mechanic - , .
    Radio operator - , .
    Loader – , .

    Equipment for ARL 44

    The next standard awaits you in the purchase of consumables, because here we look at our silver reserves and if we need to save, we take it. However, when there is enough silver or gold, it is better to carry ARL 44 equipment from, . By the way, the latter can be changed to, boosting the characteristics will not be superfluous, but you need to play more carefully.

    Tactics for playing ARL 44

    We have in our hands a fairly strong vehicle with a very penetrating weapon, good mobility for a heavy weapon, and it even has armor. However, first of all I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the case of ARL 44 tactics Depends a lot on what kind of fight you're in.

    If we are talking about a battle at the top of the list, here we can even tank and therefore we can go to the first line. Of course, you still need to behave carefully and take care of your safety margin. remember, that heavy tank ARL 44 has a long reload, play from alpha, do not expose the sides, and while holding back the enemy’s pressure, slightly turn the body.

    But being in the middle and especially at the bottom of the list, the tactics change radically. ARL 44 tank World of Tanks can no longer rely on its reservation, so our position is second line. Here, after waiting for complete information, you can easily hit even level eight opponents, because the gun has excellent penetration.

    At the same time, even if you have good mobility, you should not forget about your barn dimensions. When choosing a position, try to make sure that you are not noticed, and in case of light, it is important to provide cover from enemy artillery. Due to the fact that ARL 44 WoT has a very weak roof, the suitcase can fly over all the HP.

    The rest of the rules are simple: watch the mini-map, take care of your safety margin and, most importantly, try to take advantage of the tank’s advantages. Thanks to good mobility, you can change directions, bypass the enemy or return to defend the base. Besides, ARL 44 World of Tanks I got good vertical aiming angles, using them and playing from the tower you can also send the enemy to the hangar without losing your safety margin.

    How often do people try to connect really important and necessary matters with certain mythological events, which are of no use at all. Well, for example, to celebrate the anniversary of some event by launching a spaceship. Moreover, it would be good if it was the anniversary of some cosmic figure, but no: in our past, it most often was “the day of the great October.” On anniversary dates, they launched offensives and took cities by storm, although by waiting a little more success could have been achieved. They were in a hurry to release locomotives by “Day X”; pilots made their flights on the red dates. However, this was not only with us! In France, for example, in the interests of “big politics” they even built a tank! And they not only built it, but set up industrial production, and only then were they convinced that “the shot was blind.” What kind of car are we talking about? Of course, about the ARL-44 tank - a heavy “tank between two times.”

    ARL-44 in Murmelone

    And it so happened that although France was occupied by the Germans, the engineers there continued their work there, including on projects for new tanks. Such work was also carried out by engineers from the Schneider company and, apparently, the Germans were not at all interested in this. This is the kind of underground tank design they carried out, and no one canceled the production capacity of French factories, and they certainly knew the technological capabilities of their production well.

    And as soon as the Germans were driven out of Paris, in November 1944 the French decided to build their own tank! Here they are – ambitions! Another part of the territory is still not liberated, but we will build our own tanks! The tank was to be armed with a 75 mm SA 32 cannon, have a total weight of 35 tons and the same armor protection as the Sherman. The new tank had to be put into production without delays, without experiments, without building a prototype. The total number of vehicles for the army is 500 tanks, and the monthly production is from 50 to 70 copies. And then the question arose: if there is such a rush, then on what basis should this tank be made?

    They decided to play “engineering cubes”: “take Nikanor Ivanovich’s lips and put them on Ivan Kuzmin’s nose, and take some of the swagger that Baltazar Baltazarych has…” - this is the principle on which a new tank was created! B1 bis, for example, is well mastered, but does not meet the requirements of the time because the speed is limited. So, let's take from him what is good and add what is also good and, in addition, modern. However, the tank is still not a cardboard package and you can’t produce it that quickly. In addition, the French military realized that making a tank at the level of the Sherman was simply stupid; it would be easier to buy one!

    Therefore, they decided to make the ARL-44 tank so that it differed from the tanks of its English-speaking allies, and for the better!

    ARL-44 side view

    To do this, they decided to equip it with 120 mm frontal armor, a powerful cannon and a corresponding engine, but take the chassis from the time-tested and technologically proven B1 bis. Well, in order not to overload the industry with orders, they decided to build only 60 new tanks. After all, it was obvious that a new war was not foreseen, and it was unlikely that the USSR would send its troops towards France through Germany. But even if this happened, it is clear that 60 tanks will not be able to protect it, and the Americans will have to bear the responsibility for everything. But... prestige, national pride and other beautiful words turned out to be more important in this case than common sense!

    B1bis from Samyur

    The first prototype was assembled in March 1946. It is equipped with an ACL1 turret (Ateliers de la Loire) and an American 76 mm cannon, which was immediately considered too weak. Then the next vehicle was equipped with a naval 90-mm DCA cannon and a new Schneider turret. But none of the French engines were suitable. Therefore, they installed a German Maybach HL230 with a power of 600 hp. With such a weapon, the French military decided to classify the new vehicle as a “tank destroyer” and were completely satisfied with this.

    Tower structure

    The first tank of the series was released in the spring of 1947, after which a long period of testing the vehicle began, which revealed a lot of shortcomings. Therefore, tests continued until the end of the 1950s, and, nevertheless, not all problems with the new tank could not be solved.

    Wooden model of the ARL-44 tank

    The first 10 cars were shown at the parade on July 14, 1951, and they impressed everyone who saw them. But the first cars were put into operation only in October 1951, because driving in a parade is one thing, but serving in the army is something completely different. There have been numerous cases of broken fan belts and transmission failures. Well, it was generally forbidden to shoot from a tank gun! The saga with the tank ended with it being temporarily removed from service in December of the same year. Then they calculated the cost of all its improvements and... decided that it would be easier to abandon it, which was done the following year, 1952. Although, yes, it was an experience, so to speak, of returning to the “tank club”!

    ARL-44 in a museum in Samyur

    From a constructive point of view, it was an ordinary car - a hybrid car, but its “hybridity” was what made it interesting. Its weight was 48 tons, the crew consisted of 5 people. The designers turned out to be a large tank: length with gun 10.52 m (hull length 7.15 m), width 3.40 m, height 3.20 m, that is, more than our pre-war T-35. The armor of the lower and upper front armor plates was 75-120 mm. On the sides of the hull – 50 mm. On the front of the tower – 110 mm. On the sides of the tower - 60 mm. The armor was quite modern, that is, the frontal armor had a large slope, did not have hatches, and also the armor plate covered the entire chassis, which was typical for French tanks of the 30s. Some of the armor plates were rolled and installed at large angles of inclination, while a smaller part was made of cast armor, in particular the gun mantlet. For some reason, the tank did not receive a commander's cupola, but it did have a traditional door on the side between the tracks. These solutions were outdated. It's amazing how French engineers didn't think of using this technical solution. After all, they had captured German tanks at hand. They had American tanks in front of them, but be that as it may, this tank never received a turret.

    The main armament consisted of a 90 mm cannon with a muzzle brake. The speed of the armor-piercing projectile was 1000 m/sec. Ammunition: 50 shells. Machine gun armament: 2 machine guns 7.5 mm mod 31. Ammunition for machine guns: 5000 rounds. The tank engine is a German Maybach HL 230 Type I, 12-cylinder with a power of 575 hp. (according to other sources - 760 hp) and ran on gasoline. For such a tank its power was insufficient. The speed on the highway was only 25 km/h (on others - 35 km/h) and the range was 350 km (150 km). Thanks to its wide tracks, inherited from the B1 tank, the ARL-44 had good cross-country ability (it is unknown what its cross-country ability was on icy roads and snow), took a vertical obstacle one meter high, a ford 1.30 m deep, and a ditch - 2 ,30 m. The tank had a very high tracked contour that practically covered the hull along the perimeter, again, like the B1 and the English Churchill tank, although this did not provide any particular advantages in increasing cross-country ability. In general, in essence it was a kind of “French Tiger”, with a number of improved characteristics. But when this tank appeared, no one needed it anymore. But everyone was able to see that France can still make tanks no worse than others! Well, using the example of the creation of this machine, everyone else was able to see that it is, of course, possible to construct tanks “from cubes.” But it’s quite difficult to expect a breakthrough, any impressive success. Moreover, particularly serious requirements in this case are placed on the chassis and engine. Armor, although very important, does not work without a perfect chassis, just like a powerful gun!

    And it must be said that the French designers learned this lesson to the fullest, so the work on creating this tank did not pass without a trace for them either. Their famous tanks with “swinging turrets” and automatic loaders and much more appeared, but that will be a completely different story...

    ARL-44 tanks on parade in Paris

    Today's review is dedicated to a car that has earned good reviews from players. We're talking about a French Tier 6 heavy tank. ARL 44.

    How to play the ARL 44 tank in World of tanks

    Unfortunately, the ARL 44 is equipped with a rather weak, low-power engine, which, given its large mass, does not allow us to develop a good cruising speed and be at least sufficiently mobile. Therefore, when playing on ARL 44, you should not drive too far into enemy territory, because we simply may not have enough speed to get out of the encirclement at the right time.

    The frontal armor is formed by 120 mm sheets located at an angle of 45 degrees; unfortunately, there is a vulnerable machine gun nest in the hull. The tower has a massive gun mask, which protects our tank. Otherwise, the armor of the ARL 44 tank is mediocre; the thickness of the turret armor in all other projections is only 30 millimeters, which is very small for the fifth level. The side armor of the ARL 44 tank is 60 mm, the rear armor is 40 mm. Try to hide the tank body behind non-destructible objects - houses, stones, etc.

    It turns out that ARL 44 turret is vulnerable not only in front of many armor-piercing shells, but also in front of high-explosive shells, so in no case rely on the turret’s armor and always try to show the hull to the enemy.

    Some inconveniences when playing World of tanks on ARL 44 are caused by the design of the tracks and the location of the turret, because... when you come around the corner, you expose a caterpillar that the opponent can shoot down, you cannot resist him because the tank’s turret is still behind the obstacle.

    Beware of fast opponents who can easily get close to your board. Given the slowness, beware of artillery strikes.

    Characteristics of the ARL 44 gun in WoT

    The ARL 44 gun is significantly different from the guns of its classmates; it allows you to penetrate up to 212 millimeters of armor, which is more than enough at the sixth level. In addition, this gun has excellent declination angles, so the ARL 44 will perform well on hilly terrain.

    However, the weapon also has disadvantages - for example, low aiming speed. Which once again confirms that the ARL 44 is not intended for fast and maneuverable battles in World of tanks. It is best to act more passively, statically on ARL 44, more often remaining on the defensive. The accuracy of the gun, despite the long aiming time, allows it to attack opponents from a long distance.


    The long aiming time on the Arl 44 can be somewhat reduced by installing reinforced aiming drives. This tank is good for long-range attacks, so a stereo tube or coated optics would look great on it. The third module can be used to install a rammer or improved ventilation.

    What crew skills and perks to research

    First of all, the tank crew ARL 44 in WoT It’s worth pumping up the repairs, since the ARL 44 tracks protrude forward, and the opponent can keep our car motionless for a long time and with impunity. For a commander, the first or second perk you need to choose is the sixth. The second perk for the driver is best to choose the off-road king; for the gunner, smooth rotation of the turret.

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