What does the name David mean in Arab countries? David - Pisces. Sex and love

Most male names hold a secret, such as the Hebrew name David. The meaning and origin of this name is no less mysterious and will certainly interest many. Translated, it means “beloved.” According to historians, the meaning of the name David is directly related to its origin. But is it?

Name David: meaning, origin

The first mentions of him appeared in Muslim countries, where during this period a king named Daud ruled, which is consonant with David. An attempt to find out the meaning of the name David leads us to the reign of the second king of Israel. As you know, he became an ordinary boy, a shepherd. The meaning of the name David for the child played a significant role. After all, this courageous boy, named with a tough-sounding name, left a big mark on biblical history and managed to simultaneously conquer three different religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It was he, as a ruler, who united Israel into a single kingdom and proclaimed Jerusalem as the capital. In addition, King David was close to the world of creativity. It was he, being a musician, who became the author of psalms. What has become of today's David, the meaning of the name, the character of which has certainly changed under the influence of time?


Little David is a sympathetic, friendly boy, ready to give a smile to anyone, even a stranger. The meaning of the name David for a boy justifies itself. Parents who give their son this name will raise a truly “golden” child. The baby does not cause any special problems. Teachers cannot get enough of such a student. Insolence and rudeness are not for him; both in childhood and in his youth, this boy treats adults and peers equally with respect.

In principle, the meaning of the name David for a boy foretells a happy childhood and adolescence for the baby. The minor troubles that he can cause to his parents are due to his reluctance to learn. The child gives preference to sports activities and active games. The baby is growing hyperactive, so parents will need to make every effort to instill in David at least a little perseverance.

The meaning of the name David also affects the health of the baby. He grows up as a weak child, often catches colds and catches any infections. Due to increased emotionality, little David quickly gets tired and requires attention. Therefore, the baby is more often with his mother than with his father.

Characteristics of people named David

The meaning of the name David also influences the character of the grown-up boy. Balance, confidence in one’s abilities and actions is something that is necessarily present in people with a similar name. In some cases, David’s self-confidence borders on selfishness, so this person’s character is quite unique, having both advantages and disadvantages.

Despite his good nature and sociability, David cannot be called a soft and manageable person. He is completely independent and if he has already made any serious decision, then no amount of persuasion and arguments will force him to deviate from his chosen path.

A little narcissism and selfishness only add zest to David’s character traits. He is selfless and honest. In relationships, he values ​​loyalty, but can forgive any meanness. True, after this he will try to limit contacts with the traitor.


From birth, David showed the makings of a businessman. As an adult, he strives to earn good money, which, in principle, is easy for him. A high level of intelligence, self-confidence and an analytical mindset allow you to achieve maximum results in your chosen field of activity. If David decides to connect his life with business, then the business can only fail if he himself gets tired of doing it. If David does not want to open his own business, he will realize himself perfectly in sports or exact sciences, in other areas. The character of this man does not allow him to do what he doesn’t like for a long time. If he doesn’t like a job, he will change it until he finds something that completely suits him. David can be interested in dancing, music, jewelry making, and architecture. He can also work as a politician, economist or teacher. The main thing for him is to self-actualize and show his intelligence.


David will never be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. The young man attaches great importance to his behavior and appearance. He is ready to spend hours in front of the mirror, practicing his facial expressions and behavior. Thanks to this, girls see him as an extravagant, courageous person. He is not at all afraid of women’s tears, is capable of empathy and compassion, and will always support in difficult times. In addition, women are attracted to his inner strength and generosity. However, if he gets tired of a woman’s attention, he speaks about it directly, since honesty in a relationship is not just words for him. Having met the girl of his dreams, David immediately ends other relationships and without hesitation agrees to create a new unit of society.


Having tied the knot of his first marriage, David most often quickly becomes disillusioned with family life. His marriage falls apart as quickly as the relationship began. David can create a strong and happy family only with a strong, self-sufficient, highly intelligent companion. For the sake of such a woman, he is ready to do anything, even stand at the stove all day long, preparing breakfasts, lunches and dinners, which, as a rule, he does very well. He is not ashamed of housework and does not believe that it is a purely female matter. David devotes a lot of time to raising his children, trying to raise them into worthy people whom he could be proud of. Despite his strictness, the children love him very much and respect him endlessly.

Folk signs

On January 8, believers turn to the prophet David with a request to protect travelers from the misfortunes of fierce animals, robbers and other evil spirits.

In addition, there is a popular belief: if anyone wants to borrow money from David the strawberry grower, he must put this plant in his pocket and go with a request - there will be no refusal.

When a new person is born, parents experience natural concern about his future fate. They are ready to do everything possible to keep him healthy and happy. There is an opinion that the name that will be given to your beloved child can have a significant impact on his subsequent life.

It was expressed by some Greek minds, astrologers and even recent philosophers, for example: Someone is skeptical about such judgments, while others perceive them with a certain degree of interest. For the last category of parents, this review will consider the origin, meaning and nationality of the name David.

Origin of the name

Perhaps the most famous character with this name is the biblical King David. The meaning and origin of the name David is often associated with him. The time of his reign is presumably the 9th-10th century BC. He ruled for about 50 years, first in Judah (with its capital at Hebron), and then in the united Kingdom of Israel and Judah (with its capital at Jerusalem). He was famous as a powerful, wise and enlightened ruler.

What does the name David mean? The meaning of the name has Jewish roots; translated from Hebrew it means “beloved”, “beloved”. Although the existence of a Jewish king with this name is not an indisputable fact today, some parents, when giving it to a boy, believe that he will have the qualities mentioned above. In the Russian tradition, the name is pronounced as Davyd, and in the Muslim tradition it is pronounced Daud, or Davud.

David's name day

Birthday days for David are:

  • in January - 5, 10, 27;
  • in July - 8, 9, 15;
  • in September - 18 and 19;
  • in October - 15 and 31;
  • in December - 16.

According to astrologers, people with the name David, born on these days, are characterized by such qualities as love of freedom, independence, strength of character, perseverance, and risk-taking.

Name talismans

Astrologers say the following about David’s talismans:

  • Its planets are Mercury and Mars.
  • The birthstone of people with this name is amethyst.
  • Their element is Fire.
  • The symbolic metal is iron.
  • The lucky number is the number 6.
  • It is best to give the name David to those boys born under the signs of Libra and Capricorn.
  • The animal that protects David is aurochs.
  • The plant that is favorable to it is the laurel tree.

Life success and disadvantages

The meaning of the name David for a boy suggests that with the above character traits he will be able to achieve great success in life, including sports, find his calling and meet his parents’ hopes for his bright future. Of course, for this they will need to make a number of efforts in the process of upbringing in order to overcome negative aspects.

The meaning of the name David for a child suggests that on his way he will encounter difficulties associated with a strong and domineering character. Not everyone will like his self-confidence and straightforwardness. And excessive sincerity can sometimes border on indelicacy. This is what father and mother need to pay attention to in order to correct such nuances in time.

early years

The relationship between the meaning of name and fate for the boy David begins to manifest itself in his early years. On the one hand, the child is distinguished by kindness and cheerfulness, sociability, friendliness and cheerfulness. On the other hand, he is characterized by calmness, prudence, patience, and restraint.

Another feature that distinguishes David and has been evident since childhood is his integrity, sense of justice and responsibility. You can give him various small tasks, which he will carry out with dignity. David is also distinguished by his quick wit and ability to solve problems with an intellectual bias.

It should be noted that the meaning of the name David for a boy is associated with another difficulty that he will encounter due to the lack of the ability to quickly establish new contacts. That is, those friendliness and sociability mentioned above do not come to him immediately. He shows these qualities to people he already knows, close people and relatives. As for other people, you need to help the child find a common language with them, which will make his life much easier in the future.

Teenage years

The meaning of the name David for this time is as follows. If his parents took into account certain difficulties at the beginning of the period of communication with unfamiliar people and helped the child overcome this disadvantage, then he will turn into a sociable teenager. He will attract others with his charm, cheerful disposition, eloquence and decency. This will allow David to better demonstrate the leadership qualities that are inherent in this name, as well as find true friends.

For David, family and immediate circle are still of great importance. He is ready to give his time and warm feelings to those close to him, to sacrifice something significant, to give practical advice, to help in trouble and in a difficult situation.

At the same time, he himself shares his problems and concerns and can ask for help. Here the boy’s parents can be advised to pay attention to his excessive gullibility, and perhaps naivety, promiscuity in people, since he prefers to notice mainly positive qualities in those around him.

Adult David

Let's talk about the meaning of the name David for an adult man. With age, David's soft features will soften somewhat, he will become more strict, reasonable, firm and calm. He will gain self-confidence, it will be difficult to lead him astray, piss him off, or touch a nerve. David will also become secretive, less trusting and sociable.

His integrity will only strengthen over the years, he will be more courageous, persistent, one might even say, stubborn. These traits will manifest themselves in all areas of David's life and activities - at work, at home, with friends. At the same time, he will remain as responsible as in his childhood. He will not waste words, will not let his comrade down, and will do his job conscientiously.

Among other things, his leadership qualities will be strengthened, he will be able to make a good career, lead an important area of ​​work, lead people and achieve significant success in accomplishing his tasks.

Davids in adulthood are characterized by high moral qualities in personal relationships. They are devoted friends, attentive sons and caring husbands. They are also no strangers to romance in relationships with the opposite sex. Sometimes a married man named David may succumb to passion and look the other way, but, as a rule, he is able to come to his senses and pull himself together, successfully resolving the situation. Let's take a closer look at his relationships with women.

David and women

The meaning of the name David in relationships with women is manifested as follows. In adolescence, a guy with this name will not be deprived of female attention, as, indeed, in his older years. But at the same time, he will always be hampered by childhood complexes associated with the dating process, even if in relation to men they will be overcome with age.

David will always need some kind of push to develop feelings and relationships with girls. He will prefer a situation in which a potential partner makes the first step.

The meaning of the name David has a significant impact on his personal life. Astrologers predict a rather stormy course for men with this name, full of surprises and serious passions. It is believed that David’s first marriage was often unsuccessful, and this despite his warmth and sincerity. Astrologers explain this by the fact that he often succumbs to the first impulse, without understanding the true state of affairs, having united, as they say, with the wrong person.

As for the second attempt to start a family, it is, as a rule, doomed to success. Moreover, David turns into an ideal husband - a breadwinner and protector, a father who is an example for his children. As mentioned above, if he has any connections on the side, they are usually fleeting and very rare.

Character and time of year

According to astrologers, the character of David has certain characteristics depending on the time of year in which he was born. Here are some examples:

  • Summer Davids are somewhat more emotional than the reserved boys born in other seasons. They are more sociable, active, inquisitive and courageous.
  • Boys born in the autumn are more thorough, pragmatic, calm and reasonable. They are less sociable and open to relationships.
  • Men named David, born in winter, are characterized by stubbornness, self-confidence and determination. They are very purposeful, successful, easily overcome obstacles, and are always ready to fight unfavorable circumstances, which only strengthen them and do not stop them.
  • A feature of the spring Davids is a penchant for romance, creative impulses, flights of fancy and a developed imagination. They are not as persistent and calm as those born in winter and autumn, but they are just as reliable and ready to help people who need them.

Having familiarized yourself with the origin and meaning of the name David, you can come to the conclusion that such people are inherent in contradictions. They are not solid natures, but nevertheless their predominant qualities make them extraordinary and attractive to others. These people combine pragmatism and romance, determination and kindness, loyalty and the ability to get carried away. If you seriously believe the influence of a name on a person’s destiny, then we can say that the influence of the name David will not be negative.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name David, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

What does the name David mean?: “favorite”, “beloved” (Slovenian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Tatar name David of Armenian origin).

In Russia it is pronounced as Davyd, and it is believed that the surname Davydov was derived from him.

Muslims also know King Daud, whose name is translated as David. Many historians, analyzing the meaning of the name David, are sure that it was borrowed by the Tatars from European countries, after which it gained popularity in these lands.

Short meaning of the name David: Davy, Dai, Davey, Dinetto, Dino, Doda, etc.

Angel of David Day: The name David celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 5, 10 and 27
  • February 8 and 14
  • March 1, 5, 18
  • 25th of April
  • May 15, 20, 31
  • June 4, 5, 14, 26
  • July 8 and 9

Zodiac name David: Aries, Scorpio

Characteristics of the name David

Character of the name David: David is distinguished by his poise and self-confidence. He has a good nature, but his character cannot be called soft, because many will envy David’s willpower. He has the gift of persuasion and always keeps his promises. David strives for leadership, and it must be said that he is truly capable of leading people. So, the name David should take a closer look at the political or business sphere when choosing a future profession - the role of a subordinate is not for him.

It must be said that the meaning of the name David sometimes has hints of selfishness in his character, and it is important for him to receive approval of his own actions from others. At the same time, such shortcomings as greed, rancor, and resentment are completely alien to David. He himself does not like such people. If he meets them, he may flare up, but calm down quickly enough.

David and his personal life

Love and marriage: David has a good understanding of women, but in his youth his first marriage may be unsuccessful. In the family, David often takes on the responsibility of preparing meals, as he is very successful at it. Family and its well-being are very important to him. The name David devotes all his free time to children, raises them moderately strictly and is very proud of them in the future. A strong, strong-willed, intelligent and beautiful woman is able to find happiness in a marriage with David. Especially if she remembers to constantly praise him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Throughout his life, the name David is constantly engaged in self-improvement, and it must be said that he manages to do this. He is constantly looking for new experiences and knowledge, be it work or travel. David will make an excellent diplomat, speleologist, and geologist. He is physically and mentally strong, and therefore can try himself in serious areas that require concentration, endurance, and efficiency.

The fate of David in history

What does the name David mean for a man's destiny?

  1. David of Bethlehem is the second king of Israel.
  2. David, Prince of Murom - before baptism, bore the name of Gleb Vladimirovich. He was the son of the Kyiv prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich. He was killed by mercenaries, presumably on the orders of Prince Svyatopolk, his half-brother. Canonized in the Russian Orthodox Church.
  3. David Svyatoslavich is the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise and the son of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.
  4. David Rostislavich is the great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, Prince of Smolensk.
  5. David I the Saint is a Scottish saint.
  6. David Ben-Gurion is one of the founders of the Israeli state.
  7. David of Thessalonica is a reverend Greek saint.
  8. David IV the Builder is one of the most famous statesmen of Medieval Georgia, belonging to the Bagration dynasty.
  9. David Bagrationi - Georgian writer, prince, educator.
  10. David Friedrich Strauss is a theologian of German origin.
  11. David Oistrakh is a Soviet conductor and violinist who received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

This solid masculine name in its sound is often associated with strength mixed with friendliness, and this is quite justified, because the meaning of the name David contains precisely such qualities.

Little David is very friendly and responsive, and as soon as he learns to smile, expect that any kind word, even from a stranger, will be generously endowed with positive emotions. Parents who have chosen the meaning of the name David for a boy will have to raise a truly “golden” baby.

He almost never causes problems with his behavior, both in kindergarten and at school. He always treats elders with respect, and is very, very rarely rude and impudent. The openness and sociability of this little star evokes a lot of affection among those around him; no one can touch the soul of even the most callous person like this sweet child.

In general, the meaning of the name David for a child predicts a happy and carefree childhood for the baby, where he will only cause trouble to his parents from time to time, and even then, they will be associated with a reluctance to spend time on textbooks - the boy prefers sports and active entertainment.

Mom and dad should instill in the baby at least a modicum of perseverance and attach great importance to raising this overactive child. Davidka often grows up very hyperactive and cannot sit and do one thing for a long time. But if you cultivate commitment in him, then the interpretation of the name will only change for the better.


The grown-up David will never be deprived of female attention. He always attaches great importance to his appearance and behavior. This means that women often see him as an extravagant and confident man. In addition, he, like no one else, is capable of empathy and compassion, can support in difficult times, and is not at all afraid of women’s tears.

Women are also impressed by strength and generosity, and these qualities, seasoned with a bit of selfishness, will break the heart of more than one lady. No, a man doesn’t like to play with feelings at all, it’s just that this man’s charisma attracts the fairer sex, but if he doesn’t like such attention, he immediately makes it clear - honesty in life is of paramount importance to him.

One day there comes a moment when a dream woman comes across his way, with whom he falls deeply and recklessly in love. And most often, the girl reciprocates. Stormy and passionate relationships in many cases develop into something more than just affection, and then the man without hesitation goes to start a family.


This guy’s first marriage most often occurs at a fairly young age for a man, and just as often, family life does not allow strong feelings to remain so. Statistics say that David's first marriage breaks up as quickly as it began.

His ideal woman should be strong and self-sufficient, which means the special importance of intelligence in the chosen one. Only with such a family will the family be strong and happy. For the sake of such a family, this man will even stand at the stove and cook lunch, breakfast and dinner - by the way, he does it well, and he does not attach importance to the fact that this is a woman’s business.

And when the kids appear, he will try with all his might to raise them into worthy people, so that he can be proud of them. We can say that he is too strict in his upbringing, but, nevertheless, children respect and love their dad.

Business and career

From birth he is endowed with all the makings of a businessman, which means he is able to earn a lot. An analytical mind, a strong grip, high intelligence - a combustible mixture for a brilliant and rapid career, and rest assured - the business will fail only if he stops liking what he does.

Even if you don’t manage to open your own business, in any job that this person likes, he will always be the first. He could make an excellent sports coach, engineer, architect or designer. The main thing is to show your intelligence. He attaches great importance to public recognition.

Origin of the name David

Historians attribute Hebrew origins to the name David, and the word means "Beloved" in Hebrew. Also, the area where this name came from can be considered Muslim countries, where in ancient times there was a king named similarly - Daoud.

The etymology of this word leads us to the second king of Israel. This is one of the most prominent personalities in biblical history, whose name is respected and revered by three religions at once - Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Until now, the mystery of the name of this king remains unsolved; archaeological and historical research is constantly being carried out, which opens up more and more new horizons for the activities of the king and Bethlehem. Just look at the story of an unequal battle with the hero Goliath, where he, practically unarmed, won an unconditional victory.

Characteristics of the name David

Complete balance and the absence of any shadow of doubt in one’s actions is the main characteristic of the name David. His self-confidence often borders on selfishness, so this proud man’s character is unique, and it has its pros and cons.

Despite his sociability, openness and good nature, no one would dare call David soft and manageable. He independently builds his own destiny, and if he has already made a fateful decision, no amount of persuasion and argument will convince this stubborn man.

A drop of selfishness only adds zest to this man’s personality. It cannot be said about him that he is evil, vindictive, and even more so greedy. He is extremely generous, and is able to forgive even the most disgusting meanness, although after this he will end communication with the traitor.

For him, the world is an incentive to learn new things, he is always in search of new sensations, feelings, colors, he looks at the world like an artist, attaches importance to every little thing, but does not waste time on trifles, and goes through life with his head held high.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Amethyst, Tourmaline.
  • Name days - January 5, 12, 27, February 8, 14, March 5, 18, April 25, May 15, 20, 31, June 5, 14, July 8, 9, August 6, September 18, 19, 2, 7 , October 15, 31, November 14.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra.

Famous people

  • David Villa is a professional football player, striker for the Spanish club Atlético Madrid.
  • David Kalandadze – participant of the reality show “Dom-2”, singer
  • David Trezeguet is a French footballer originally from Argentina, a striker for Newell's Old Boys.

Different languages

The translation of the name David can be found in many languages. This name is very widely used both in the near and far abroad, as it is translated into a large number of languages. Most often it sounds the same as in Russian, but in English the word sounds like David, and in Finnish it sounds like Taaveti.

In Chinese it is written using the pinyin alphabet -大卫, which sounds like "Dawei", and in Japanese using the katakana alphabet - ダヴィド, which is read as Davido.

Name forms

  • Full name: David.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Davidka, Davidushka, Davey, David, Dave.
  • Declension of the name – David, David.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is David.

David is a name that attracts general attention. Perhaps in no work group there is more than one man named David. Therefore, the owner of this rare name can count on the fact that it will be immediately noticed and not immediately forgotten. What's the secret here?

Origin of the name

The name David entered Russian usage along with Christianity. From Hebrew (חָבִיב‏‎) it is translated as beloved, beloved, favorite. The “Russified” version of the name is known - Davyd, from which the common Russian surname Davydov came.

The name David was first mentioned in the Old Testament (Bible). Many books of the Holy Scriptures tell about the shepherd boy who became the king. All the events of his life are worthy of mention and will be of interest to future generations. But the most famous and striking story remains the victory of David over the Philistine Goliath.

David was the youngest son in a large family. He tended his father's cattle in the vicinity of the city of Bethlehem. King Saul called him to him to entertain him by playing the harp. At this time, the Philistines went to war against the Israelites. The outcome of the battle depended on the duel between the two best warriors. The enemy fielded a battle-hardened giant. There was no one from the Israeli army who could resist him. Then David volunteered to fight. He went up against a three-meter giant with one sling and struck him down with a well-aimed blow from a stone. When Goliath fell, David cut off his head. The battle was won. This legend became the basis for many works of painting, sculpture, music and literature.

Young David was able to defeat the giant Goliath with the help of ingenuity and intelligence.

The image of the biblical character has many faces: a modest shepherd, a singer, a harpist. After the victory over Goliath - a warrior, commander, politician and king who united the nation.

Forms of the name David

The name David is complete, independent, and easily transformable. Has synonyms.

Short forms:

  • Doda,
  • Dodya,
  • Davy,
  • Dino,
  • Seeing
  • Videk,
  • Dodik,
  • Dinetto.

Diminutive forms:

  • Davidik,
  • Davydik,
  • Davidchik,
  • Davydok,
  • Davidushka,
  • Dodechka,
  • Dudushka.

Name synonyms:

  • Davyd,
  • David,
  • Daivi,
  • Dave,
  • Davy,
  • Daoud,
  • Dawood,
  • Taavite,
  • Davide,
  • Taave,

The patronymic of the name David for boys is Davidovich, for girls is Davidovna.

American actor David Duchovny played the role of FBI agent Fox Mulder in the series “The X-Files”

In the West, women are named after David, and there are also bearers of the surname David. There is a city called David in Panama, and one of the minor planets in the asteroid belt of the planets of the solar system is named David.

Children on all continents are called David. In Russia and other countries of the commonwealth, this name is found in Jewish, Russian, Armenian, Georgian and Tatar families.

Table: the name David in other languages

Transliteration of the name for international passports: DAVID.


How to choose a first name and patronymic so that the combination is pleasant to pronounce and listen to? The name David sounds soft, ends with a consonant, it is neither short nor long. A middle name of medium length, which may contain hard sounds, is suitable for it. It’s good when the name and patronymic coincide on national and religious grounds. Boris Khigir, author of the book “The Secret of the Name,” warns that it is undesirable to give a child his father’s name. The psychologist explains this by saying that along with a name, a boy can receive double the energy of negative qualities. Based on these simple rules, you can choose several suitable middle names for David:

  • Arturovich,
  • Arsenievich,
  • Albertovich,
  • Aleksandrovich,
  • Andreevich,
  • Borisovich,
  • Georgievich,
  • Evgenyevich,
  • Igorevich,
  • Iosifovich,
  • Osipovich,
  • Eduardovich,
  • Emilievich,
  • Yurevich,
  • Yakovlevich.

David Georgievich Ioseliani - famous Soviet and Russian cardiologist

David on the Internet

Generating the name David into a nickname can occur in several ways:

  • first name+last name+personal identification mark;
  • the meaning of the name in the original in Latin;
  • decomposition of the name into syllables: yes_type_type_da;
  • reverse name: divad;
  • using one of the short or diminutive forms.

Nicky for David:

  • *david$rockfeller$$;
  • @divadisGod'slover;
  • iamdavid-sonofGod.

Name days and patron saints

The name David is included in the calendar of all Christian denominations: Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican. David has a wide range of patrons: from the Old Testament king to regional saints. The church will offer as a patron an ascetic whose memory is celebrated closer to the child’s birthday. Believing parents will see the will of God in this. But before accepting it unconditionally, it is important to first become acquainted with the biography of the heavenly patron. Then parents will be at least partially warned about the consequences that may await their child, named after one or another saint of God. Pavel Florensky, the author of a solid study on names, states: “If a priest gives the person being baptized the name of a saint, this promises him a happy life, but if the name of a martyr, life will come down to one continuous torment.” ».

Table: holy ascetics and dates of their glorification

Patron saint nameRite of CanonizationDate of glorification
DavidReverendOctober 7th
DavidReverendNovember 14
DavidReverendJanuary 27
David III the Renewer, king of Iberia and AbkhaziaeducatorFebruary 8
David of Aragvet, princemartyrOctober 15
David of Wales, bishop, educator of Wales (Great Britain)miracle workerMarch 1
David of Valaamvenerable martyr5th of March
David of Gareji, one of the founders of Georgian monasticismReverendJune 4, May 20
David GruzinskymartyrMay 31
David Dvinsky, Armenian, former robbermartyr5 January
David ErmopolskyReverendSeptember 19
David of MytileneconfessorThe 14th of February
Peter, monastically David of Murom, princemartyrJuly 8
David of Palestinevenerable martyr25th of April
David the Psalmist, King of IsraelprophetJanuary 10
David SerpukhovskyReverendOctober 31
David of ThessalonikistyliteJuly 9
Gleb, baptized David, princepassion-bearerAugust 6, May 15, September 18
David Yaroslavsky, princeeducatorJune 5, March 18, October 2

The church name is no different from the secular one: David.

One of David's patrons may be the Venerable David of Gareji, the founder of Georgian monasticism

Interestingly, in Wales (Great Britain) March 1 is celebrated as the day of St. David of Wales. He is revered as the patron saint of the city. On this day, townspeople go out for a festive procession in his honor. The symbols of the holiday are a red and green flag, a narcissus flower and a leek. Legend says that the archbishop advised the Welsh warriors during the battle with the Saxons to attach onion stalks to their headdresses in order to distinguish themselves from the enemy. The battle was won. In memory of the battle, leek soup is served for lunch on this day.

On March 1, the Welsh put on green and red clothes and go out for a festive celebration in honor of the city and its patron saint, the wonderworker David of Wales.

The mystery of the name David

The man named David continues the path of the name begun by his predecessors. This path, as history shows, consists of overcoming one’s own passions, achieving high material and social status, as well as searching for the highest meaning of life. David constantly has to make a choice between the pleasant and the useful, the desired and the necessary, self-interest and generosity.


As a child, the boy does not cause trouble either to his parents or to his teachers. Internally serious and focused, he intuitively knows how to behave in different circumstances with different people. David does not find himself in an awkward position when communicating with adults or peers. Little David is not left without parental supervision, so the risk of accidents is reduced to zero. Parents diligently protect an impressionable child from bad acquaintances, but it is recommended to harden him physically and spiritually, because it is impossible to protect him from real life in this way.

David has been musically talented since childhood


David is the owner of many talents: he is artistic, musical, flexible. Studying comes easy to him, so he studies well and with pleasure. Successful in mastering both the exact sciences and the humanities. After school he enjoys music, design, and sports. David's breadth of outlook, quick wit and skillful hands provide him with a wide choice of activities.

Mature years

A sense of self-worth creates difficulties for David in communicating with friends and family. This is especially evident in adulthood, when he has already reached a certain position. It is important for him to always be the center of attention, to receive everyone’s admiration and worship. To attract attention, he dresses brightly and stylishly, chooses a car with an exotic color, and gives preference to expensive, original things. To reinforce his authority, he does not refuse to help friends and relatives. He doesn’t waste words, and tries to keep all his promises.

Profession, business, career

Excellent knowledge, self-confidence and self-confidence allow David to choose a profession to his liking. Even if he does not have a diploma of higher or professional education, this will not prevent him from taking a worthy place in society. He can brilliantly perform work that requires intelligence, initiative, and organization. Pleasant appearance, intelligence and competent speech make David an indispensable administrator, manager, insurance or advertising agent, sales representative, banker, correspondent or photographer. In his free time from his main job, David will also not be bored. He can repair watches, jewelry, sew clothes or shoes. David will make a brilliant makeup artist, stylist, and hairdresser. The vanity of which he is accused is satisfied by success with women and material wealth. Success in business is most likely: David is able to make any activity profitable.

In jewelry and banking, David can become especially successful


The love of sensual pleasures can seriously spoil David’s health. Pierre Rouget, a French researcher of the influence of a name on life, warns that David should be wary of excess weight and nervous overload. Bad habits and inability to regulate your emotions are fraught with complications from the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Love, sexuality, marriage

David is a handsome man who women like. At first, love for himself and his body prevents him from building harmonious relationships with the opposite sex. For the fullness of existence, he requires the acuity of sensations. This also threatens with dangerous consequences. If he fails to transfer his sexual energy into creativity, sports or business, there is a threat of promiscuity, leading to a weakening of potency. However, active sex does not prevent him from looking for true love. Whenever he meets her, she will bring him a lot of happiness, and he will do everything to make his other half happy.

The first marriage may be unsuccessful, and David may find his soul mate on the second try. In marriage, David looks like a calm, respectable man who devotes all his strength to his family. This is a completely positive type of a noble husband and father. He will try to give his children a good education and leave a decent inheritance.

David is a handsome man who is always popular with women

Table: compatibility with female names

Olga80% 60% Hobby can develop into love, but it will not bring family happiness. Olga needs a tame husband, David is not suitable for this role. His nature requires freedom and novelty of impressions. He will not get what he wants from this marriage.
Anna80% 80% The union of two self-sufficient individuals can become strong and long-lasting. This is the case when love eventually becomes friendship, and passion becomes a habit. Life in such a family is comfortable and safe.
Elena90% 100% Despite the opposite character traits, partners can give each other a life that is fulfilling in all respects. The royalty of a woman sets off the aristocratism of a man. The nobility and decency of both help them not to share power, but in controversial issues to give priority to reason and family benefit.
Julia80% 60% Marriage is neither possible nor desirable. David, from the height of his intelligence and strength, cannot accept and understand Julia’s increased nervousness and imbalance.
Anastasia90% 50% Anastasia is not always able to show wisdom, and David is not always able to show patience. Lack of mutual understanding and unwillingness to give in lead to a break.
Tatiana90% 100% The perfect union of a genius and his girlfriend. This is a classic option when a wife becomes a faithful assistant and companion of a great man. Under Tatyana, David is simply obliged to become one.
Catherine80% 90% The relationship is not intense, but quite decent and balanced. In this pair, everyone takes their place and honestly fulfills their duties.
Irina90% 100% This is a fabulous scenario. Love ends with a wedding, after which the newlyweds live happily ever after.
Svetlana60% 50% They don’t love, they don’t marry, they don’t get along. There is no attachment between these names. Union is impossible and undesirable.

Video: the meaning of the name David

Significant years of life

David's life is chaotic and full of impressions. But it also obeys a certain cosmic rhythm:

  • 14 – 16 years - first sexual experience;
  • 18 – 20 years old - first marriage;
  • 25 – 30 years - second marriage;
  • 30 – 35 years - midlife crisis;
  • 45 – 50 years - revaluation of values;
  • 60 – 65 years - compilation of memoirs.

David can put his thorny and bright life path into a fascinating collection of personal memories

Astrological and natural correspondences

According to the French psychologist Pierre Rouget, the name contains an energy information code. Energy creates vibrations. Vibrations interact with waves and particles emitted by cosmic bodies, animals, plants and natural materials. When they resonate with each other at the same frequency, an optimal background for the development of a given personality is achieved. Which of them correspond to the name David is shown in the table below.

Table: connection of the name with nature

PlanetMarsFrom Mars, David borrows willpower, pride, and independence. Mars gives the ability to withstand circumstances and win.
Zodiac signCapricornCapricorn matches the character of the name in tenacity and perseverance. This is a purposeful, resilient and practical nature.
ElementFirePowerful sexual energy helps the fiery David win friends, women and position in society.
AnimalTourWith external softness and pliability - stubbornness and adherence to principles in important matters, carefully hidden feelings, secret connections.
ColorDark brownShows the imbalance inherent in the name. Anxiety, doubts, contradictions that complicate David's life - this is what the dark brown color indicates.
TreeLaurelTree of triumph, victory, nobility.
PlantPoppyA symbol of fertility, oblivion, a cheerful, carefree life.
StoneRubyThe energy of strength, power, influence. The owner of a ruby ​​sweeps away all obstacles from the path.
Number6 Charm, attractiveness, self-love. Extravagance, gambling. Jealousy.

The poppy flower perfectly reflects David's inner world: brightness, spontaneity and cheerful disposition

Letter code

The meaning and vibration of each letter of the name individually adds its own touch to David’s personality program.

A - beginning, leadership, initiative.

B - creative character, sociability.

And - sophistication, kindness, sincerity with external severity.

D - self-awareness, moodiness, increased sensitivity.

Character by season

The properties of the name are fully manifested in David, born in winter. External shockingness does not prevent him from being a businesslike and respected person. “Winter” David is resistant to the blows of fate and knows how to withstand difficulties. He is sociable, friendly, affable, but at the same time independent and independent. He has his own point of view on everything, and he is ready to defend it. Skillful, businesslike, solid.

“Spring” David is unpredictable, freedom-loving, flighty and frivolous. In order to satisfy his own desires, he easily transgresses moral standards. Inner freedom encourages him to act by trial and error. At the same time, the sad experience does not teach him anything, and he again gets bumps where he already got them.

David the “summer” is able to make dreams come true and turn shortcomings into advantages. He makes eccentricity a profession, creativity a business: in the end, both bring him moral and material satisfaction.

“Autumn” is the most pragmatic and balanced of all. He successfully combines all the strong qualities, leveling out the negative and weak ones. Honesty, decency, exactingness - these are the main character traits that help him achieve a lot in life.

David, born in autumn, is successful in love

Name horoscope

The character of the name will best manifest itself in a child born under the sign of Capricorn. But if parents wish to name a boy born under a different constellation David, it will enrich his nature with its own characteristics.

Table: main qualities of zodiac signs

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesImpulsiveness, ardor, endurance. Responsibility and communication skills. A sign of the victory of the mind and will over brute physical strength. David in the constellation Aries is a stone wall for a woman.
TaurusIndependence, temper, unwillingness to obey. David-Taurus will give happiness in love if his partner agrees to sacrifice her interests for him.
TwinsLightness, charm, and eloquence make this David the life of the party. But he also needs a woman who is sincere and open to his tenderness.
CancerSecrecy, dreaminess, and mystery make David, born under this sign, not very active in communication. He is too attached to his mother, constant, lives in the past. Having once experienced a breakup with a woman, he may remain single for life.
a lionLikes to command and give orders both at home and at work. Friends and colleagues avoid communicating with him so as not to come under fire from instructions. A wise and strong girlfriend can cool his leadership ardor and direct his energy in a peaceful direction.
VirgoPreferring freedom to marriage, David under the sign of Virgo is extravagant and wild. He finds an outlet for his passions in creating creative masterpieces. If he sees an inspiring muse in a loving woman, both will be happy.
ScalesDavid, born in the constellation Libra, is ready to build a house, give birth to a son and plant a tree. He will do everything in the best possible way: provided that his wife, a warm dinner and a calm atmosphere are waiting for him at home.
ScorpionThe most unpredictable and difficult of all signs. His inner life is always hidden from outsiders. Under the external cheerfulness and carefreeness, this David hides his secret thoughts, very far from the impression he makes. To live with him, you need to be prepared for his sudden mood swings.
SagittariusActive, loving sports and travel. He will open up to someone like him, a lover of a healthy lifestyle, tourism and fun communication. Common interests, sincerity and care for each other will form the basis for the happiness of spouses and their children.
CapricornIf a persistent and hardworking woman is in tandem with him, together they will achieve real heights both in the family and in work.
AquariusIt's warm and cozy next to Aquarius. He is calm and prosperous. He always sees and finds a way out of a difficult situation. It seems that all the troubles of the world pass him by. This David can marry and divorce repeatedly, but as if it were nothing and an everyday matter.
FishDespite all his daydreaming and soaring in the clouds, he successfully makes his dreams come true. An alliance with a calm and reasonable woman is most desirable and promising for both.

A true sign associated with the name

In Russian folklore there is a sign and a proverb associated with the name.

This means that by this day the strawberries had ripened in the forest.

There is another proverb about the name David: “With humility he defeated pride, like David defeated Goliath.”

I have a case that is just on topic. Graduates of a theater university came to our province by assignment: five actors and one director. The last one was called David - a frail, curly-haired guy with red hair. He was obsessed with ideas, raved about the fame of Federico Fellini, and dreamed of his own path in art. The theater collectively sensed the threat emanating from it: they hated directors who were obsessed with their profession. When he came on stage, the actors in the audience and behind the scenes greeted him just as the Philistines greeted David's shepherd on the battlefield. The young actors who came with him, unable to withstand the pressure, hurried to leave, but David remained. His intuition told him that in this situation it was better to resign himself and first adapt to the local level. He steadfastly withstood ridicule, politely bowed to the leading actors who ignored him, cared for elderly heroines, shook hands with the stage masters and did not pretend to anything. David gladly participated in children's matinees in the roles of Bunnies, Kitties and Doggies, acted as the third footman or fifth merchant in the crowd and patiently endured all the humiliations. It wasn't easy, but he endured. Observing the mores of the provincial theater, he added practical skills to his theoretical knowledge. Gradually, the theater giants, having gotten used to his serene physiognomy, lost their vigilance and began to let him near the holy of holies - the director's chair: either the main director will ask the executive guy to introduce an understudy into the ongoing repertoire, or the director will instruct him to stage a New Year's fairy tale. It so happened that the government changed, the Soviet Union collapsed, and all the leading figures scattered, leaving places that were no longer profitable. But the theater, contrary to fears, was not closed. David took over the artistic direction, and the new government confirmed him in the position of chief director. Together with two or three professional actors, he recruited a studio of talented young people. The first performance brought success. Several more successful premieres created a positive image for the theater. Audience interest was formed: people were waiting for new performances, and the troupe began to be invited to international festivals. David found himself at the epicenter of success: he realized all his dreams and fulfilled his destiny. He built his own theater, staged his performances in it and received high marks from theater critics for them. It was a brilliant victory of humility and desire to fulfill my dream.

Name in history

Among the owners of this name there are a lot of great and odious personalities. The range of activities of the famous Davids is also very wide: they are artists, writers, athletes, musicians and composers.

Here are just a few of them:

  • David Oistrakh is a great musician;
  • David Tukhmanov - Soviet composer;
  • David Samoilov - Soviet poet;
  • David Rockefeller - billionaire, philanthropist;
  • David Copperfield is an illusionist.

Photo gallery: glorious Davids

David Oistrakh - internationally recognized violinist David Copperfield, a notorious illusionist, performing a trick David Tukhmanov - Soviet composer, author of the hit “My address is not a house or a street...” and others David Samoilov, Soviet poet, author of the famous poem “Forties-Fatal” David Rockefeller - grandson of the founder of the Rockefeller empire, one of the richest people on the planet

An analysis of the name David shows that it endows its owner with an extraordinary, contradictory nature. It is clear that he has ample opportunities at his disposal: how he uses them and which path he chooses depends on his free will.

My name is Maria. I was born in a small Tajik town on the border with Afghanistan. My ancestors moved here from Russia before the war. My mother was born here. She has never been to Russia. In Soviet times we were taught very well. Even in these remote places. Our teachers were holy people. I graduated from high school here. She continued her studies at the Institute of Arts in Dushanbe. Upon graduation, she worked at the House of Culture in the city of Chkalovsk. I cannot leave Tajikistan due to circumstances beyond my control. My husband is Tajik. Children are also Tajiks.

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