What caused the death of the main character of the play? Causes of Katerina's death (A. N. Ostrovsky) Causes of Katerina's death thunderstorm

The death of the main character ends Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm", the genre of which could easily be described as a tragedy. The death of Katerina in “The Thunderstorm” is the denouement of the work and carries a special meaning. The scene of Katerina’s suicide gave rise to many questions and interpretations of this plot twist. For example, Dobrolyubov considered this act noble, and Pisarev was of the opinion that such an outcome was “completely unexpected for her (Katerina) herself.” Dostoevsky believed that Katerina’s death in the play “The Thunderstorm” would have occurred without despotism: “this is a victim of her own purity and her beliefs.” It is easy to see that the opinions of critics differ, but at the same time each is partly true. What made the girl make such a decision, take such a desperate step? What does the death of Katerina, the heroine of the play “The Thunderstorm” mean?

In order to answer this question, you need to study the text of the work in detail. The reader meets Katerina already in the first act. Initially, we observe Katya as a mute witness to the quarrel between Kabanikha and Tikhon. This episode allows us to understand the unhealthy environment of lack of freedom and oppression in which Katya has to survive. Every day she is convinced that her old life, the same as it was before marriage, will never be again. All power in the house, despite the patriarchal way of life, is concentrated in the hands of the hypocritical Marfa Ignatievna. Katya's husband, Tikhon, is unable to protect his wife from hysterics and lies. His weak-willed submission to his mother shows Katerina that in this house and in this family one cannot count on help.

Since childhood, Katya was taught to love life: go to church, sing, admire nature, dream. The girl “breathed deeply,” feeling safe. She was taught to live by the rules of Domostroy: respect the word of her elders, do not contradict them, obey her husband and love him. And now Katerina is married off, the situation changes radically. There is a huge, insurmountable gap between expectations and reality. Kabanikha’s tyranny knows no bounds; her limited understanding of Christian laws terrifies the believing Katerina. What about Tikhon? He is not at all a man who is worthy of respect or even compassion. Katya feels only pity for Tikhon, who drinks often. The girl admits that no matter how hard she tries to love her husband, nothing works.

A girl cannot realize herself in any area: not as a housewife, not as a loving wife, not as a caring mother. The girl regards Boris's appearance as a chance for salvation. Firstly, Boris is unlike the other residents of Kalinov, and he, like Katya, does not like the unwritten laws of the dark kingdom. Secondly, Katya was visited by thoughts of getting a divorce and after that living with Boris honestly, without fear of condemnation from society or the church. Relations with Boris are developing rapidly. One meeting was enough for two young people to fall in love with each other. Even without the opportunity to talk, Boris dreams of Katya. The girl is very worried about the feelings that have arisen: she was brought up differently, Katya cannot walk with someone else secretly; purity and honesty “prevent” Katya from hiding her love, pretending that everything is “kept under cover” and others don’t realize.

For a very long time the girl decided to go on a date with Boris, and yet she went to the garden at night. The author does not describe the ten days when Katerina saw her lover. This, in fact, is not necessary. It is easy to imagine their leisure time and the growing feeling of warmth that was in Katerina. Boris himself said “he only lived for those ten days.” The arrival of Tikhon Kabanov revealed new sides to the characters. It turned out that Boris does not want publicity at all; he would rather abandon Katya than involve himself in intrigues and scandals. Katya, unlike the young man, wants to tell both her husband and mother-in-law about the current situation. Being a somewhat suspicious and impressionable person, Katya, driven by the thunder and the words of the crazy lady, confesses everything to Kabanov.

The scene ends. Next we learn that Marfa Ignatievna has become even tougher and more demanding. She humiliates and insults the girl much more than before. Katya understands that she is not as guilty as her mother-in-law wants to convince her, because Kabanikha needs such tyranny only for self-affirmation and control. It is the mother-in-law who becomes the main catalyst for the tragedy. Tikhon would most likely forgive Katya, but he can only obey his mother and go drink with Dikiy.

Imagine yourself in the heroine's place. Imagine all the things she had to deal with every day. The way the attitude towards her changed after the confession. A husband who cannot contradict his mother, but at every opportunity finds solace in alcohol. The mother-in-law, personifying all that dirt and abomination from which a pure and honest person wants to stay as far away as possible. Your husband’s sister, the only one who is interested in your life, but at the same time cannot fully understand. And a loved one, for whom public opinion and the possibility of receiving an inheritance turned out to be much more important than feelings for the girl.

Katya dreamed of becoming a bird, of flying away forever from the dark world of tyranny and hypocrisy, of breaking free, of flying, of being free. Katerina's death was inevitable.
However, as stated above, there are several different points of view on Katerina’s suicide. After all, on the other hand, couldn’t Katya just run away without making such desperate decisions? That's the point, she couldn't. This was not for her. To be honest with yourself, to be free - this is what the girl so passionately desired. Unfortunately, all this could only be obtained at the cost of one’s own life. Is Katerina’s death a defeat or a victory over the “dark kingdom”? Katerina did not win, but she did not remain defeated either.

Work test

The drama "The Thunderstorm" is the pinnacle of Ostrovsky's creativity. In his work, the writer shows the imperfection of the patriarchal world, the influence of the system on the morals of people, he reveals to us society with all its vices and shortcomings, and at the same time he introduces into the drama a hero who is different from this community, alien to it, reveals the influence of society on this person, how the character enters the circle of these people. In “The Thunderstorm,” Katerina becomes this new hero, different from others, “a ray of light.” She belongs to the old patriarchal world, but at the same time enters into an irreconcilable conflict with it. Using her example, the writer shows how terrible it is to be in the “kingdom of despots and tyrants” for a person with such a pure soul as Katerina. The woman comes into conflict with this society, and, along with external problems, internal contradictions are brewing in Katerina’s soul, which, together with fatal circumstances, lead Katerina to suicide.

Katerina is a lady with a strong character, but moreover, she cannot resist the “kingdom of tyrants and despots.”
Mother-in-law (Kabanikha) is a rude, domineering, despotic, ignorant nature, she is closed to everything beautiful. Of all the characters, Marfa Ignatievna puts the strongest pressure on Katerina. The heroine herself admits: “If it weren’t for my mother-in-law!.. She crushed me... she made me sick of the house: the walls are even more disgusting.” Kabanikha constantly accuses Katerina of almost all mortal sins, reproaches and finds fault with her with or without reason. But Kabanikha does not have the moral right to mock and condemn Katerina, because the inner qualities of her son’s wife in their depth and purity cannot be compared with the coarsened, callous, low soul of Marfa Ignatievna, and meanwhile Kabanikha is one of those through whose fault Katerina comes to thoughts of suicide. After the death of the main character, Kuligin says: “...the soul is now not yours: it is before a judge who is more merciful than you.” Katerina cannot come to terms with the oppressive, oppressive atmosphere that prevails in Kalinov. Her personality strives for freedom at any cost, she says, “I’ll do whatever I want,” “I’ll leave, and I was like that.” With marriage, Katerina’s life turned into a living hell, an existence in which there are no joyful moments, and moreover, love for Boris does not relieve her of melancholy.

In this “dark kingdom” everything is alien to her, everything oppresses her. She, according to the customs of that time, married against her will and to an unlovable man whom she would never love. Katerina soon realized how weak and pathetic her husband was; he himself could not resist his mother, Kabanikha, and, of course, was unable to avoid offending Katerina from constant attacks from her mother-in-law. The main character tries to convince herself and Varvara that she loves her husband, but still later admits to her husband’s sister: “I feel very sorry for him.” Pity is the only feeling she feels for her husband. Katerina herself understands perfectly well that she will never love her husband, and the words she uttered when her husband left (“how I would love you”) are words of despair. Katerina is already possessed by another feeling - love for Boris, and her attempt to grab hold of her husband in order to prevent trouble, a thunderstorm, the approach of which she feels, is futile and useless. Tisha does not listen to her, he stands next to his wife, but in his dreams he is already far from her - his thoughts are about drinking and partying outside Kalinov, but he himself says to his wife: “I won’t understand you, Katya!” Yes, how can he “disassemble” it! Katerina’s inner world is too complex and incomprehensible for people like Kabanov. Not only Tikhon, but also his sister says to Katerina: “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

In the “dark kingdom” there is not a single person whose spiritual qualities would be equal to Katerina’s, and moreover, Boris, the hero singled out by a woman from the entire crowd, is unworthy of Katerina. Her love is a stormy river, his is a small stream that is about to dry up. Boris is just going to take a walk with Katerina at the hour of Tikhon’s departure, and then... then we’ll see. He is not too concerned about how the hobby will turn out for Katerina; Boris is not stopped by Kudryash’s warning: “You want to completely ruin her.” On the last date, he says to Katerina: “Who knew that we should suffer so much for our love with you,” after all, at the first meeting, the lady told him: “I ruined it, I ruined it, I ruined it.”

The reasons that prompted Katerina to commit suicide are hidden not only (and moreover, not so much) in the society surrounding her, but in herself. Her personality is an expensive cobblestone, and the invasion of foreign particles into her is impossible. She cannot, like Varvara, work according to the principle “if only everything is sewn and covered,” she cannot exist, keeping such a terrible secret inside herself, and moreover, confessing to everyone does not bring her relief, she understands that she will never atone for her guilt. in front of himself, and cannot come to terms with it. She has taken the path of sin, but will not aggravate it by lying to herself and everyone, and understands that the only deliverance from her mental torment is death. Katerina asks Boris to take her to Siberia, but moreover, if she runs away from this society, she will not be destined to hide from herself, from remorse. To some extent, perhaps, Boris also understands this and says that “there is only one thing we need to ask God for, that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time!” One of Katerina’s problems is that “she doesn’t know how to deceive, she can’t hide anything.” She cannot deceive or hide NK from herself, much less from others. Katerina is constantly tormented by the consciousness of her sinfulness.

Translated from Greek, the name Catherine means “always pure,” and our heroine, of course, constantly strives for spiritual purity. All kinds of lies and untruths are alien to her, moreover, having found herself in such a degraded society, she does not betray her inner ideal, she does not want to become the same as many people in that circle. Katerina does not absorb dirt, she can be compared to a lotus flower that grows in a swamp, but, in spite of everything, blooms with unique snow-white flowers. Katerina does not live to see the full bloom, her half-bloomed flower withered, but no toxic substances penetrated into it, it died innocent.

The main character of Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" is Katerina Kabanova. This girl has an extremely difficult fate, which she has to cope with day after day.

As we know, at the end of the work Katerina jumps into the river from a cliff. What are the reasons for Katerina’s death?

I found at least three such reasons:

1. Katerina married an unloved man. She had to come to terms with this life day by day.

One day Katerina understood what love is. Having met Boris for the first time, she realized that she could not live without him. She dreams of meeting him, but is afraid that God will punish her. Cheating on her own husband gnaws at her from the inside.

3. And the last reason – an important one – is Kabanikha’s mockery. She constantly instructed Katerina and her husband with all sorts of moral teachings, with which she did not agree. And Tikhon was afraid to confront his mother. Of course, this could not help but cause frustration and sadness in Katerina.

In my opinion, it was all of the above that contributed to the ending that Katerina chose for herself. It is a pity that sometimes life comes with challenges that are so difficult to cope with. And some people do not manage to overcome such difficulties at all.

Updated: 2017-06-26

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The drama “The Thunderstorm” is the pinnacle of Ostrovsky’s creativity. In his work, the writer shows the imperfection of the patriarchal world, the influence of the system on the morals of people, he reveals to us society with all its vices and shortcomings, and at the same time he introduces into the drama a hero who is different from this community, alien to it, reveals the influence of society on this person, how the character enters the circle of these people. In “The Thunderstorm,” Katerina becomes this new hero, different from others, “a ray of light.” She belongs to the old patriarchal world, but at the same time enters into an irreconcilable conflict with it. Using her example, the writer shows how terrible it is to be in the “kingdom of despots and tyrants” for a person with such a pure soul as Katerina. The woman comes into conflict with this society, and, along with external problems, internal contradictions are brewing in Katerina’s soul, which, together with fatal circumstances, lead Katerina to suicide.
Katerina is a woman with a strong character, but meanwhile even she cannot resist the “kingdom of tyrants and despots.”
Mother-in-law (Kabanikha) is a rude, domineering, despotic, ignorant nature, she is closed to everything beautiful. Of all the characters, Marfa Ignatievna puts the strongest pressure on Katerina. The heroine herself admits: “If it weren’t for my mother-in-law!.. She crushed me... she made me sick of the house: the walls are even disgusting.” Kabanikha constantly accuses Katerina of almost all mortal sins, reproaches and finds fault with her with or without reason. But Kabanikha does not have the moral right to mock and condemn Katerina, because the inner qualities of her son’s wife in their depth and purity cannot be compared with the coarsened, callous, low soul of Marfa Ignatievna, and meanwhile Kabanikha is one of those through whose fault Katerina comes to thoughts of suicide. After the death of the main character, Kuligin says: “...the soul is now not yours: it is before a judge who is more merciful than you.” Katerina cannot come to terms with the oppressive, oppressive atmosphere that prevails in Kalinov. Her soul strives for freedom at any cost, she says, “I’ll do whatever I want,” “I’ll leave, and that’s how I was.” With marriage, Katerina’s life turned into a living hell, an existence in which there are no joyful moments, and even love for Boris does not relieve her of melancholy.
In this “dark kingdom” everything is alien to her, everything oppresses her. She, according to the customs of that time, married against her will and to an unlovable man whom she would never love. Katerina soon realized how weak and pathetic her husband was; he himself could not resist his mother, Kabanikha, and, naturally, was not able to protect Katerina from constant attacks from her mother-in-law. The main character tries to convince herself and Varvara that she loves her husband, but still later admits to her husband’s sister: “I feel very sorry for him.” Pity is the only feeling she feels for her husband. Katerina herself understands perfectly well that she will never love her husband, and the words she uttered when her husband left (“how I would love you”) are words of despair. Katerina is already possessed by another feeling - love for Boris, and her attempt to grab hold of her husband in order to prevent trouble, a thunderstorm, the approach of which she feels, is futile and useless. Tisha does not listen to her, he stands next to his wife, but in his dreams he is already far from her - his thoughts are about drinking and partying outside Kalinov, but he himself says to his wife: “I won’t understand you, Katya!” Yes, how can he “disassemble” it! Katerina’s inner world is too complex and incomprehensible for people like Kabanov. Not only Tikhon, but also his sister says to Katerina: “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”
In the “dark kingdom” there is not a single person whose spiritual qualities would be equal to Katerina’s, and even Boris, the hero singled out by a woman from the entire crowd, is unworthy of Katerina. Her love is a stormy river, his is a small stream that is about to dry up. Boris is just going to take a walk with Katerina during Tikhon’s departure, and then... then we’ll see. He is not too concerned about how the hobby will turn out for Katerina; Boris is not stopped even by Kudryash’s warning: “You want to completely ruin her.” On the last date, he says to Katerina: “Who knew that we should suffer so much for our love with you,” after all, at the first meeting, the woman told him: “I ruined it, I ruined it, I ruined it.”
The reasons that prompted Katerina to commit suicide are hidden not only (and even not so much) in the society surrounding her, but in herself. Her soul is a precious stone, and the invasion of foreign particles into it is impossible. She cannot, like Varvara, act according to the principle “if only everything is sewn and covered,” she cannot live keeping such a terrible secret inside herself, and even confessing to everyone does not bring her relief; she understands that she will never atone for her guilt before himself, and cannot come to terms with it. She has taken the path of sin, but will not aggravate it by lying to herself and everyone, and understands that the only deliverance from her mental torment is death. Katerina asks Boris to take her to Siberia, but even if she runs away from this society, she is not destined to hide from herself, from remorse. To some extent, Boris perhaps understands this and says that “there is only one thing we need to ask God for, that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time!” One of Katerina’s problems is that “she doesn’t know how to deceive, she can’t hide anything.” She cannot deceive or hide NK from herself, much less from others. Katerina is constantly tormented by the consciousness of her sinfulness.
Translated from Greek, the name Catherine means “always pure,” and our heroine, of course, always strives for spiritual purity. All kinds of lies and untruths are alien to her, even if she finds herself in such a degraded society, she does not betray her inner ideal, she does not want to become the same as many people in that circle. Katerina does not absorb dirt, she can be compared to a lotus flower that grows in a swamp, but, in spite of everything, blooms with unique snow-white flowers. Katerina does not live to see the full bloom, her half-bloomed flower withered, but no toxic substances penetrated into it, it died innocent.

The drama “The Thunderstorm” is the pinnacle of Ostrovsky’s creativity. In his work, the writer shows the imperfection of the patriarchal world, the influence of the system on the morals of people, he reveals to us society with all its vices and shortcomings, and at the same time he introduces into the drama a hero who is different from this community, alien to it, reveals the influence of society on this person, how the character enters the circle of these people. In “The Thunderstorm,” Katerina becomes this new hero, different from others, “a ray of light.” She belongs to the old patriarchal world, but at the same time enters into an irreconcilable conflict with it. Using her example, the writer shows how terrible it is to be in the “kingdom of despots and tyrants” for a person with such a pure soul as Katerina. The woman comes into conflict with this society, and, along with external problems, internal contradictions are brewing in Katerina’s soul, which, together with fatal circumstances, lead Katerina to suicide.
Katerina is a woman with a strong character, but meanwhile even she cannot resist the “kingdom of tyrants and despots.”

/> Mother-in-law (Kabanikha) is a rude, domineering, despotic, ignorant nature, she is closed to everything beautiful. Of all the characters, Marfa Ignatievna puts the strongest pressure on Katerina. The heroine herself admits: “If only it weren’t the mother-in-law! She crushed me. I’m even sick of the house because of her: the walls are even disgusting.” Kabanikha constantly accuses Katerina of almost all mortal sins, reproaches and finds fault with her with or without reason. But Kabanikha does not have the moral right to mock and condemn Katerina, because the inner qualities of her son’s wife in their depth and purity cannot be compared with the coarsened, callous, low soul of Marfa Ignatievna, and meanwhile Kabanikha is one of those through whose fault Katerina comes to thoughts of suicide. After the death of the main character, Kuligin says: “...the soul is now not yours: it is before a judge who is more merciful than you.” Katerina cannot come to terms with the oppressive, oppressive atmosphere that prevails in Kalinov. Her soul strives for freedom at any cost, she says, “I’ll do whatever I want,” “I’ll leave, and that’s how I was.” With marriage, Katerina’s life turned into a living hell, an existence in which there are no joyful moments, and even love for Boris does not relieve her of melancholy.
In this “dark kingdom” everything is alien to her, everything oppresses her. She, according to the customs of that time, married against her will and to an unlovable man whom she would never love. Katerina soon realized how weak and pathetic her husband was; he himself could not resist his mother, Kabanikha, and, naturally, was not able to protect Katerina from constant attacks from her mother-in-law. The main character tries to convince herself and Varvara that she loves her husband, but still later admits to her husband’s sister: “I feel very sorry for him.” Pity is the only feeling she feels for her husband. Katerina herself understands perfectly well that she will never love her husband, and the words she uttered when her husband left (“how I would love you”) are words of despair. Katerina is already possessed by another feeling - love for Boris, and her attempt to grab hold of her husband in order to prevent trouble, a thunderstorm, the approach of which she feels, is futile and useless. Tisha does not listen to her, he stands next to his wife, but in his dreams he is already far from her - his thoughts are about drinking and partying outside Kalinov, but he himself says to his wife: “I won’t understand you, Katya!” Yes, how can he “disassemble” it! Katerina’s inner world is too complex and incomprehensible for people like Kabanov. Not only Tikhon, but also his sister says to Katerina: “I don’t understand
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  8. In “The Thunderstorm,” Ostrovsky shows the life of a Russian merchant family and the position of women in it. Katerina’s character was formed in a simple merchant family, where love reigned and the daughter was given complete freedom. She purchased...
  9. A. N. Ostrovsky, the author of numerous plays about the merchants, is rightfully considered the “singer of merchant life” and the father of the Russian national theater. He created about 60 plays, the most famous of which are “Dowry”,...
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  11. The play “The Thunderstorm” by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was published in 1860, during a period of social upsurge. The story itself, told in the play, reflects the typical conflicts of the 60s era: the struggle between the moribund morality of tyrants and their...
  12. We met the main character of A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm”, plunged into the magical world of her memories of childhood and youth, learned her character traits, spiritual world, watched with bitterness the tragic...
  13. Remarque - from the French word remarque - means remark, explanation. This is the author’s indication of the actions, gestures, intonations of the characters, the peculiarities of their speech, and much more. During Ostrovsky's time, in the second...
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  16. The conflict that forms the basis of the plot of Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” goes beyond the play. This is a conflict between the old - patriarchal principles, and the new - the desire for freedom. This conflict is very important, but not...
  17. Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is rightfully considered a singer of the merchant milieu. He is the author of about sixty plays, the most famous of which are “Our People – We Will Be Numbered”, “The Thunderstorm”, “Dowry” and others. “Thunderstorm”, like...
  18. At the heart of the drama “The Thunderstorm” is an image of an awakening sense of personality and a new attitude towards the world. Ostrovsky showed that even in the ossified little world of Kalinov, a character of amazing beauty and strength can arise. Very...
  19. Share you! - Russian female share! Hardly any more difficult to find. N. Nekrasov In literature lessons we got acquainted with the biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. His life was endlessly varied. He wrote comedies...
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