What can I do to make the cow stand still? What to do to prevent a cow from kicking. For a hen to hatch eggs

To the question What to do if a cow won’t let you milk? given by the author Oleg Demin the best answer is Among cattle keepers, it is quite common for a cow to beat while milking. In this case, the owner or mistress should take a closer look at his pet and identify the reasons.
If a cow is accustomed to only one owner and has always given milk calmly, but when the milker changes, she begins to behave differently, then there is no particular cause for concern. Since a cow is an animal, which, like a person, has its own attachment. And it very often happens that when a stranger touches the udder, and perhaps even with cold hands, they feel it, and the instinct of self-preservation is triggered. At the moment of touching, she feels very well “whose hands these are,” and if she suddenly discovers strangers, she tries to beat them off with her hoof and not allow them to take the milk.
You can also use a limiter made of thin but strong poles and slats for this. Certain diseases can also cause anxiety in cows. For example, udder mastitis, various wounds, insect bites.
To avoid such situations, you need to approach the cow with care and affection, while talking to her, calling her by your nickname, stroking her from head to neck, or running your hand along her back. When the nurse's favor has been obtained, you can carefully begin milking. To do this, you need to follow all the following recommendations. The first rule is to wash the udder with warm water and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Second, apply Vaseline or a special cream to the milking udder with light massaging movements, while warming up and dispersing the blood vessels. The third rule is that you should start milking smoothly, you can even talk to the animal at this moment. Since their auditory reflexes are very developed, the conversation should be conducted monotonously, with a gentle intonation. Fourth - after the milking process is completed, it is recommended to lubricate the udder with cream again, and after all thank the nurse. If she likes sugar, then you can treat her with a piece of sugar with bread. By the way, if you give one or two pieces of sugar regularly every day, then milk yield can be significantly increased. If the cow does not accept such a treat, then you can treat it simply with a crust of bread or sugar beets. Still, there are obstinate animals. Then the question is what to do if the cow beats constantly? In this case, it is necessary, just before the start of the milking process, to secure the cattle’s legs with twine or rope.

Answer from Out Out[guru]
Fix! !
Give feed while you are milking...

Answer from Buldoga Buldogovna[guru]
maybe the cow has mastitis?

Answer from Natalia Orekhova[newbie]
Is the cow yours or did you buy it? there is a different approach here.

Answer from Marina Crow[guru]
One day I came to a neighbor's house. I watch a cow being milked. I call you by name. She turns around, and it’s not the neighbor at all, but her husband. The neighbor is a paramedic; there was an urgent call. The husband had to milk the cow himself, but the cow wouldn’t let him, so he put on his wife’s coat and scarf. And the wife often comes on calls, it’s time for the cow and her husband to get used to it, but no, she only lets her in in her mistress’s clothes.
And another neighbor sold a young cow. We raised it ourselves from a calf and milked it. And suddenly, for no apparent reason, she stopped letting me in. They called relatives for help. The neighbor herself did not even show herself to the cow, otherwise the cow would start kicking. Two tied and held, the third milked. We suffered, suffered, and decided to sell. Yes, and grandmothers say in this case, they jinxed the cow. Tatar buyers arrived and said that the cow was good, we know the words, we’ll try, maybe everything will work out with her, it’s a pity for the meat. We just don’t know how it all ended.
And one friend’s cow was allowed to be milked while her father stood nearby. She herself bought the cow, she took it away from the owners. Apparently the cow could not forgive her for taking her away from home.
These are the stories. Ask old owners about the cow's habits. And if it’s a young heifer, maybe you haven’t prepared her.

Vices of cows: restlessness, alertness...

Quite often, when milking, cows tighten their udders and do not release milk. This picture is usually observed when the cow is milked not by the owner, but by someone else, and also when the udder is handled with cold hands. To prevent this from happening, when approaching the cow carefully, you need to affectionately call her by name and stroke her back with your hand. During the period of preparing the udder for milking and at the end of milking, the cow should be given a little of some tasty food, for example, a small crust of bread, a piece of sugar or fodder beet. When milking obstinate cows, it is necessary to use a restrictor made of poles, slats, or raise and fix one of the animal's forelimbs. It happens that cows suck their udders. To wean cows from this habit, a so-called “Spanish collar” is placed around the animal’s neck, that is, a necklace made of wooden sticks tied at the ends with twine. The collar prevents the cow from bending her neck, and after a few days the cow usually abandons this habit. In such cases, a bridle with thorns is also used.

How to milk a restless cow?

When milking cows with this deficiency, the following measures should be taken:
entangle the cow's hind legs with soft fetters during milking;
during milking, hold, for example, the bent forelimb of the animal with fetters;
place a wet rag on the cow's lower back or rump to temporarily distract her;
tickle the udder during milking;
lubricate the udder with fresh butter;
milk the cow at least 3 times a day, and cleanly, without leaving any milk in the udder.

At the beginning of the grazing period, individual cows quite often run away from the herd, and this habit becomes so ingrained in the cow that it is difficult to eradicate it later. In this case, a collar is fixed on the cow’s neck, and a string with a short (0.6...1 m) round (8...10 cm thick) stick is tied to it, which is suspended at the level of the hock joint (Fig. b). When a cow runs away from the herd, a stick hits her legs, preventing her from developing speed. You can also apply this technique; the cow is restrained by tying the cow's horn with a short rope to the forelimb in the pastern area, as a result the cow is limited in movement.

If a cow experiences self-leakage of milk from the udder, which is typical for highly productive cows in the 2...4th month of lactation, especially when they go out to pasture, it is recommended to milk the cow as often as possible (4...6 times a day or more). At the same time, it is not recommended to milk such cows completely during the first 2 weeks of lactation. During this same period, it is better to underfeed the cow, that is, keep it on a “light” starvation ration. Spontaneous release of milk sometimes appears when the cow is frightened, in heat, or when she is cold or overheated.

To prevent milk loss, the clean surface of the tip of the teat after milking is lubricated with collodion or a rubber ring is placed on the top of the teat (Fig. 7). The ring should be soft so that it does not pinch the nipple and cause its necrosis. After each milking, it is recommended to massage the cow for 10...15 minutes, while the cow should be milked more often.

In some cases, cows do not produce full milk. This is a temporary phenomenon. It is associated with systematic under-milking, late start, milking from calving to calving, changes in the situation, fright, etc. In this case, the cow should be given milk powder, which contains anise seeds, juniper berries, trefoil leaves, sulfur (501) and Carlsbad salt (250/). The cow is given this mixture 2 tablespoons 2 times a day.

It happens that a cow gives a lot of milk, but... butts. In this case, on the hind limb just above the hock joint, it is necessary to pull the skin 3...4 cm) and tie it with a thin ribbon. The cow is constantly inflicted with mild pain, which distracts her from the desire to butt. Such a tie on the leg can be left for 5...8 days, after which it is either removed altogether or tied in another place on the same or another limb. For those cows that butt, but for a number of reasons are forced to be on pasture, it is easy to fix a simple device on the horns (Fig. c).

Also, in order to distract the cow from the bad habit of butting, an elastic band 1 cm wide (from a bicycle tube) is put on her ear and left at the base of the ear for 1 ... 2 weeks. Such cows are also given eye cups in the form of rectangular pieces of leather or rubber. It is advisable for a lively cow to scratch her forehead with her hand as often as possible, but it is better, of course, to sell such a cow!

Hello. Help with advice. We only recently started farming. We keep chickens, rabbits and a couple of cows. The cows were bought as adults, and at first everything was fine. I milked them calmly, they stood up well. But lately I don’t understand what happened, it’s just some kind of hard labor. One cow does not allow herself to be milked; at each milking she kicks so hard that it takes two people to milk her. What could it be?

Nadezhda Kaimogorodova, Krasnodar region

Cases when a cow fights during milking are not uncommon. Often the reason a cow kicks is because the skin on her teats is sore. Outwardly, this may not be very noticeable, but the nipples can burn in the sun and become chapped. There are no sebaceous glands on the skin of the nipples, and in the wild, when sucking, the skin of the nipples is lubricated by special substances found in the calf’s saliva and milk fat. Therefore, after separating a cow from her calf, we are obliged to take care of the skin of the udder nipples ourselves. Now the industry produces many special ointments. We recommend Zorka cream. This is an excellent remedy for treating and preventing inflammation of the skin of the udder nipples.

What to do if the cow won’t let you in, but you need to milk? If persuasion and shouting do not help, then fixation methods can be used as a temporary measure.

To do this, you can confuse the pelvic limbs with each other or tie one hind limb (or both) to a ring driven into the floor. You can pull your front leg to something with a rope, or you can throw the rope a couple of times around your body. But I think that as soon as you eliminate the cause of the pain during milking, your Zoyka will again stand calmly during milking.

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Many housewives complain that their cow kicks with her hind legs during milking. Some consider this a manifestation of character, others understand that there are objective reasons that need to be eliminated. Over the years of raising cows on private farms, certain methods have developed that will tell you what to do to prevent the cow from kicking.

Basic rules of milking

As practice shows, most often a cow can fight during milking if the owners do not comply with the rules for carrying out such a procedure. Regardless of the type of milking (manual or mechanical), it is important to adhere to the following rules:

Many housewives complain that their cow kicks with her hind legs during milking.

  1. Milk collection mode. To make the cow feel comfortable, milking should be done at the same time.
  2. Compliance with personal hygiene rules. Before each milking, you should wash your hands with soap and carry out the procedure in special clothing and gloves. If there are several cows on the farm, then after milking each gloved hand should be washed with warm water. If one of the animals is sick, then after milking the hands are additionally disinfected.
  3. Each time you should check the condition of the udder before milking, as well as the first portion of milk received.

Compliance with such simple measures will help to promptly identify the animal’s problems and provide assistance to it.

Main reasons

There is a list of the most common reasons why a cow beats during milking:

  1. Nipple injuries that cause pain. When grazing freely, a cow can injure her udder. Sometimes injuries, scratches and cracks are the result of frostbite or chapping. It turns out that when you touch the nipples the animal feels pain. Naturally, she strives to kick the offender.
  2. Development of mastitis, which also causes udder pain.
  3. Failure to follow milking technique, which causes discomfort to the cow.
  4. Fatigue and overwork. The milking process also requires effort from the animal. A hard day can trigger this behavior during milking.
  5. Lack of milk collection schedule. If cow milking is carried out at the same time in the morning, lunch, and evening, then the animal adapts much more easily and gets used to any procedures. But if you do not adhere to a certain schedule, the animal will become aggressive and kick when trying to touch the udder.
  6. The presence of extraneous irritants that frighten the animal during milking. They can be loud noise, too bright lighting, sharp sounds, or the presence of strangers.

On a note. There are often situations when an adult animal is purchased for a household. In this case, kicking often becomes a reaction to a new place. In the presence of new owners, the cow will feel fear and anxiety until she gets used to it.

It is important to prepare and learn how to milk a first-calf cow that is kicking. After all, she has no idea what milking is or how to behave. Due to the new stressful situation after calving, the animal becomes nervous and fights.

Ways to solve the problem

Over a long period of raising cows in private and private farms, certain rules and methods have been formed that help cope with various problems. If a cow beats during milking, experienced veterinarians and livestock breeders will tell you what to do.

Examine the udder for injuries and painful areas

If a cow does not allow milking, experts tell you what to do. Veterinarians recommend initially finding out the reason for her behavior.

On a note. First of all, you should examine the udder for injuries and painful areas. Since such a condition requires immediate treatment by the owner.

Insect bites, hidden injuries, scratches from branches, and hidden mastitis can cause painful sensations in the udder. Hematomas and tumors are not always on the surface. It is important to correctly determine the cause and begin treatment immediately.

To relieve the animal's agitation, you can use soothing infusions, for example, from oregano or valerian. The dry collection (30 grams) is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left to infuse. Then the resulting mass is filtered and dissolved in a bucket of drinking water. The animal should be given this decoction to drink in the morning and evening. Such decoctions can affect the taste of milk - it sometimes begins to taste bitter.

To relieve excitability, you can use sedatives (sodium, ammonium, potassium bromides). These drugs come in the form of a white powder. An adult animal is prescribed 60 grams.

Corvolol can also be added to cows' drink to calm them down. For every 50 kg of weight, take 1 ml of the product.

Important! Before choosing sedatives and starting to carry out any measures, any udder diseases should be ruled out.

Like any animal, a cow loves care and attention. When animals very rarely feel the love of their owner, they behave in a similar way. It is also worth remembering that they have their own character, habits and preferences. When growing and caring for them, they should certainly be taken into account.

Foot binding

A very common solution to the problem, many people resort to this method when other options do not help. Every housewife should know how to tangle a cow's legs during milking correctly. This simple rope device will help make the milk collection procedure safe for humans.

The legs are tied with a sliding, loose knot according to the figure eight principle. It is best to approach the animal from the front rather than the back. After the cow's legs have been tangled in this manner, you can begin milking.

Tugging a cow's legs while milking

On a note. If the cow does not allow her owner to approach her at all, you can act in a different way. Then it is much more difficult to tangle her legs; her hind legs are completely impossible. Therefore, a loop is formed at the end of the rope. The front leg is grabbed into it, lifted up and secured.

Most often, 3-4 ties are enough for the animal to get used to the milking procedure. This is one of the options on how to train a cow to milk.

Some animals do not have their hind legs tied, but rather have their tail tied to one of them. This also helps to stop the cow from kicking.

Most often, when asked what to do if a cow kicks while milking, the answer is to get rid of the animal, in particular, to sell it for meat. But there are many traditional methods that can help, so it is advisable to try them first, only then make such fundamental decisions:

  1. Bright light can be irritating to the cow, so milking is best done in a dimly lit room.
  2. If you throw a rag or jacket over the animal's head, the cow will stand more calmly.
  3. A hungry animal can kick, so you can put food in the feeder, give it something to drink, and at this time try to milk it. Treats in the form of a favorite product can also calm the animal down. For example, if a cow loves carrots, then one person can treat it to it, and the second can milk it at this time.
  4. If the cow is unable to be milked by hand and is constantly kicking and butting, you can try using a milking machine.

As you can see, the process of milking a cow can be accompanied by resistance from the cow. Before radically solving the problem, you should understand the reason for its behavior and eliminate it. There are also many tricks that livestock breeders have been using since ancient times to cope with the nature of obstinate cows.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Farmers often complain that cows kick with their hind legs during milking. They hit the bucket and the owner, despite the fact that the animal is treated kindly and cared for well. Typically, this behavior is characteristic of heifers who are experiencing the milking process for the first time. By the end of lactation, they get used to the milk collection procedure.

After the second calving there are no problems. What should be done if a cow that is experiencing more than its first calving is beating? What advice do participants give on livestock breeding forums? What do veterinarians offer?

Often, when asked what to do to prevent a cow from kicking when milking, the answer is to get rid of the animal. A strong blow can seriously injure the milkmaid. In order not to risk human health, it is better to use the cow for meat. Other tips are offered that can lead to the re-education of the animal.

  • Milking is carried out in a dimly lit room. Bright lights can irritate cows. Dim lighting has a calming effect.
  • A blanket and jacket are placed over the animal's head. It would seem that the animal should try to throw a foreign object off its head, but it stands calmly.
  • A hungry animal may fight. Feeders should be filled with food. The individual will be distracted and will pay less attention to milking.
  • Each cow has its own eating habits. Some people like carrots, others sugar. It is suggested to give the animal a treat during milking. One person feeds carrots, the other collects milk.
  • The hind limbs are tied with a rope. They don't make a tight knot. A rope is wound around the limbs in a figure eight and tied to the fence of the stall. At first the animal will not like it, but over time it will get used to it and stop kicking.
  • The tail is tied to the hind limb.
  • If a cow kicks, this behavior may be a consequence of a stressful situation. Farmers suggest exposing the animal to new stress. They say that the animal will experience inhibition in its head and the excitement will go away.
  • Milking is carried out in a machine. One front leg is tied to the crossbar. Farmers say that when tied like this, the animal tries to lie down.
  • If the cow is butting and fighting, then you can switch from manual. The transition is being carried out gradually. The animal must get used to the noise and the milking cups.

If the cow behaves excitedly when milking, then you need to be patient. There is no point in shouting or hitting the animal. Rudeness can provoke psychosis in an animal. The reaction may be unpredictable.

Experts advise finding out the reason for the animal’s violent behavior. It is suggested to examine the udder. Perhaps milking brings pain to the cow, which is why she beats her limbs and does not allow her to touch the mammary gland.

Insect bites, internal injuries, hidden mastitis - all this can cause pain when touching the udder and nipples. Massaging and expressing milk can be painful. Impacts to the udder are not always detected in the form of a hematoma on the skin of the mammary gland. Sometimes the hematoma is located inside the parenchyma. The milk is of normal color and quality. If pathologies are detected, treatment must begin.

It is recommended to use sedatives. Among them are decoctions of valerian and oregano. For decoctions, use 30 g of herb. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it and simmer in a steam bath for 20 minutes. The solution is diluted in 10 liters of water. The animals are fed in the morning and evening. When using herbs, you need to pay attention to the taste of the milk. It may taste bitter.

To relieve excitability, animals are given sedatives. Among them are potassium, sodium, and ammonium bromides. The drugs are produced in the form of a white crystalline powder. It dissolves well in water. It is recommended to give cows 60 g.

Animals are given Carvalol, 1 ml per 50 kg of weight. The medicine is added to the drink. Milk may have a specific smell, but it will not lose its beneficial qualities. "Carvalol" is recommended for spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, cramps of the limbs, and twitching of the body muscles.

Before doing anything to prevent the cow from kicking during milking, or taking any measures to calm the animals, it is necessary to rule out udder diseases. Sometimes it is necessary to administer epidural anesthesia in order to collect milk normally.

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