What Murat Nasyrov hid before his death. Before his death, Murat Nasyrov was euphoric and dreamed of performing at Eurovision. What group did Murat Nasyrov sing for?

In Moscow, in the Northern Administrative District, the famous singer and composer Murat Nasyrov committed suicide. Nasyrov jumped from the 5th floor balcony at 15 Vuteticha Street, building 1, where he had recently lived. The musician was holding an Orthodox icon in his hands.

Law enforcement agencies believe that “the singer committed suicide.” The director of the deceased Murat Nasyrov, Alexander Skurikhin, confirmed the information about the death of the artist.

“The police officers claim that Nasyrov was in a state of drug intoxication.” At the same time, he regards the incident as an “accident.” “Murat Nasyrov died as a result of an accident,” he said. The deceased singer was 37 years old. Murat Nasyrov became famous after he performed the song “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov,” notes ITAR-TASS. Police officers who are currently working at the scene claim that Nasyrov was in a state of drug intoxication.

Murat Nasyrov was born in the city of Almaty into a family of ordinary workers: his mother worked at a plastic products factory, his father was a taxi driver. Murat began playing the guitar at the age of eight, and very soon he was teaching his peers how to play. From a young age he played the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd and others. After school he went to serve in the army in Ashgabat, where his musical career began. Having moved to Moscow, he entered the Gnessin School.

Nasyrov’s star rose when at the Yalta-91 competition, the eminent jury unanimously awarded him the Grand Prix, then an unknown Kazakh boy. The jury then included Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Matetsky, Laima Vaikule.

Nasyrov, performer of the famous hit “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov,” himself was in this city only once, when he gave a concert in the city square. More than 50 thousand people came to the concert. Nasyrov is a Muslim. The singer was married and had two children - Leah and Akim.


“I saw God and Baga”
Has Murat Nasyrov already tried to commit suicide?

Author of the photo: GENNADY AVRAMENKO
“This is not suicide. Murat just hung up the antenna and lost it,” said singer Murat Nasyrov’s common-law wife, Natasha, through sobs. It was impossible to get more from her.
“This is suicide. The victim Nasyrov threw himself from the balcony under the influence of strong drugs. Most likely LSD,” one of the police officials told MK authoritatively at the scene of the incident.
Two versions of one tragedy. The tragedy that those who knew closely the singer of the hit “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov” expected. Over the past year, Murat Nasyrov seemed to be striving for self-destruction. MK reporters tried to find out why they didn’t stop him.

The last day of the musician's life is Friday the 19th. Nasyrov is not himself. In the morning, his common-law wife Natasha returned from her hometown - Narva. Murat met her at the station and took her home (the family lived in house No. 15 on Vucheticha Street). It seemed that everything was as usual, except for the strange behavior of the husband. He fussed, walked around the apartment with quick steps, not finding a place for himself, called someone, often went to the window...
In the evening, around 20.00, Natasha got ready to visit: she had long wanted to meet her friend. Nasyrov took her in his car. Two children - 10-year-old Liya and 6-year-old Akim - remained under the care of their grandmother, Natasha's mother, Greta Boyko.
Returning home alone, restless Murat locked himself in his studio (the composer’s workroom is located right in the apartment). There he tried to sing. “Juliet... Juliet!” - sad chants came from behind the door. But the creative process did not last long. An hour later, the singer woke up the already sleeping children and, for some unknown reason, began pointing them to his hand-drawn A3 portrait. Looking at the image, he assured Leah and Akim that the picture was moving. Then he changed into his concert costume and began rushing to the balcony. Greta Boyko managed to stop him. At some point, the singer jumped out onto the landing and called his closest neighbors, with whom Nasyrov’s family is friends. When Murat opened the door to his friends, he began to shout: “I saw God and Baga (meaning the recently deceased guitarist of the group “A-Studio” Baglan Sadvakasov. - Author). He calls me... He feels bad there. I need to see him... Let's go to one place...”
Friends tried to calm the musician down. However, soon it was Greta who had to provide help, who followed her son-in-law out onto the stairs. The 59-year-old woman felt unwell from her experiences. At this time, Nasyrov again dived into the apartment. This time there was no one to follow him.
At 22.30 the apotheosis of the crazy day came. The final chord - the singer hung a camera around his neck and, with a portrait in his hands, jumped from the fifth floor...
“All these symptoms indicate short-term insanity,” Nikolai VOLODIN, a psychiatrist with 20 years of experience, explained to MK. - Since the deceased had not previously contacted psychiatry specialists, it can be assumed that Nasyrov took potent drugs. In particular, it could be LSD. The effect of it is exactly this: hallucinations, visions, the desire to follow some previously deceased friend...
Yes, the singer certainly wasn’t crazy. But the drugs... As MK learned, once an ambulance already came to Vuchetich’s house. This was a couple of months ago. According to unofficial information, then the artist was also in an excited state, but only expressed his intention to commit suicide. He was brought to his senses. There is also evidence that Nasyrov was treated for drug addiction in a special clinic. And not under his own name. The nearest drug dispensary did not remember patient Nasyrov - even from the photo. But friends say that about six months ago Murat disappeared for a couple of weeks. And then they said in the crowd that he was trying to “kick it off” with the help of doctors in the hospital.
It is not known for sure whether Nasyrov was under the influence of drugs at the time of his death. For now this is just speculation. They can only be confirmed by a special examination, and most likely there will not be one. After all, today the musician’s body will be sent to Alma-Ata. And the relatives are categorically against the autopsy. Although this is what Nasyrov’s mother-in-law said to MK, barely restraining hysteria:
“I got the impression that Muratik didn’t know what he was doing.” This is terrible... It's like he's gone crazy!
In light of the above, the version about the antenna looks, alas, implausible. Although Nasyrov actually bought the antenna and was going to install it.
Many see the reason for suicide in the composer's creative crisis. He hasn't released a single album lately. And in Nasyrov’s personal life, not everything was smooth.
“We remember him as an intellectual and a respectable family man,” those same neighbor-friends explained. - His wife Natalya is often seen with their little son on the street. A very nice young woman. And Murat was greeted more and more in the morning when he went to work. He always said hello, always polite... He didn't look like a person who dabbled in drugs. Of course, there were conflicts in the family, and often. But these quarrels were not fatal.

Information service

Suicides of Russian musicians
June 12, 1984 - according to the official version, Alexander Davydov from “Strange Games” died of a heart attack. There were rumors in the rock community that it was suicide.
September 17, 1988 - Alexander Bashlachev jumped out of a window.
April 22, 1989 - one of the founders of Kalinov Most, Dmitry Selivanov, hanged himself.
May 9, 1991 - Yanka Diaghileva committed suicide. On May 17, her body was discovered on the banks of the Inya River (Novosibirsk region).
April 12, 1993 - Igor Chumychkin, the founder of the Moscow group “99%”, at that time the guitarist of “Alice”, jumped out of the window.
July 20, 1994 - Lesopoval vocalist Sergei Nikitin, 35, committed suicide. He jumped out of the window of his mother's apartment on the 15th floor.
September 1, 1998 - Ivanushki International lead singer Igor Sorin jumped out of the 6th floor window of a building on Veresaeva Street in Moscow, where he and a friend rented an apartment.

For quite a long time, Murat was produced by the Mediastar company. It's been several years since the company collapsed. And, according to some defendants in the case, one of the reasons for the decline of the pop empire was the fact that the artists and their immediate circle were drawn into a religious sect.

Alexander Tolmatsky, ex-producer of “Mediastar”:
- Yes, it was a tough story. Our co-producer Arman Davletyarov, with whom Murat once came from Alma-Ata, gathered the guys for some indoctrination sessions. All this took place under the auspices of “team unity.” But it was definitely a sect, and a well-known, large sect. After all, they have the same principle: first they recruit a top manager of a reputable company into their ranks, and then this top manager, under the threat of dismissal, includes the rest. I won’t say for sure whether Murat was a member of this sect, but, in my opinion, Arman and Nasyrov’s administrator Alexander Skurikhin - he used to work for us as a driver - actively scammed him.

Arman Davletyarov, ex-co-producer of “Mediastar”, friend of Nasyrov:
- What sect?! Tolmatsky makes everything up. Murat is a devout Muslim, his dad was an imam. Yes, lately Nasyrov has become more religious, every week on Fridays he went to prayer at the mosque. What is my version of what happened? Our version - the guys who worked with him, Natasha's wife - was an accident. He was at home with his family: children, mother-in-law - only his wife left on business. They gathered in the hall and watched TV together. But then the image began to act up - there was a heavy downpour that day - Marat went out onto the balcony and started to adjust the antenna. He slipped and fell down... He had no problems or worries. He and Natasha had just returned from Norway - that is, everything was wonderful in the family. The same is true at work: he was recording a new album, and on March 2 and 3 his performances were to take place in Almaty.

Irina Saltykova:
- Murik was a wonderful person. What drugs and alcohol? He was a normal person! You see, even if he “dabbled in” with something, it is never visible from the outside. Creative people have such a life that it is not surprising to fall into depression. The man despairs. Apparently, this condition lasted for a long time. Well, maybe he drank a little. We all drink. It's hard to judge... Only he knows how painful it was for him. Maybe he tried drugs. But who hasn't tried it? Many are sinners. What about alcohol? I drank like everyone else. I kick myself for not calling him on his birthday. She and my Alice were born on the same day - December 13th. I was running ahead, December is such a difficult month. I kept thinking - then I’ll call Murik. I didn’t have time. The last time we saw him was at Metelitsa in early December. As always, he boasted about his children and family. But for a man who has to support a family, it’s difficult in show business. Popularity does such a somersault to a person. First the rise, then the fall. So a person falls out of life.

Dmitry Malikov:
- He served in Ashgabat and even went AWOL once to get to my concert. A year and a half ago we were in Khabarovsk. He took pictures of us there and spoke as a keepsake. There were definitely weaknesses. I only knew about alcohol. But he never drank heavily - to the point of binge drinking. I was not completely satisfied with my creativity. He approached life wisely. I had my own philosophy: you should never get upset and take everything that happens calmly. I recently saw him in Moscow, he kept asking about my daughter. He and his son are the same age.

Natasha Koroleva:
- Murat and I before the New Year in the program “Thank God, you came!” filmed. He laughed, rejoiced, joked. I didn’t notice anything special in his behavior. But someone else's soul is darkness. We didn’t talk about creativity, more about life - everything was good with him. The only thing I noticed then was that he had gained a little weight. That's all.

Raisa Chapala, former press attaché of Nasyrov:
- We met Murat almost ten years ago. Murat made a wonderful impression on me. Next to him is his equally beautiful young wife Natasha, with whom Murat passionately fell in love back in school. He told me about the passion with which he pursued her. He said that his parents, Uighurs, Muslims, at first did not recognize their daughter-in-law, but then fell in love with both her and their granddaughter Leah. About the fact that, thanks to his father’s strict upbringing, he does not know what foul language is, is indifferent to alcohol, loves music, women, good company, and loves children.
Many years later, having become a press attaché for the Mediastar company, I met Murat again, and he offered to work with him personally. He was the same sweet, kind, polite, gentle, smiling guy.
During this time, different things happened to him. Murat dreamed of getting an apartment in Moscow. But money disappeared from some construction company - this was a serious blow for the young musician. The relationship with the first producer did not work out well. After the duet with Alena Apina, not a single star song appeared in the singer’s life. He made an attempt to record a duet with his wife and turn Natasha into the pop star Selena. After all, they graduated from the Gnessin School together, she is a professional singer. But it all ended in nothing. Murat invested money in videos and participated in star concerts. But he remained a “boy” who “wants to go to Tambov”...
And the talk that, they say, he was high and had been undergoing treatment for drug addiction for a long time is just talk. Dependence on the stage, the thirst for fame is a part of the artist’s personality that cannot be cured. And withdrawal symptoms in a state of sadness are worse than from drugs. Regardless of what was written in the medical report, it is obvious to me that Murat Nasyrov was poorly adapted for life in the environment where he ended up. With a good upbringing and a gentle character, without a wolfish grin - there is nothing to do in show business! You know, my daughter called him Butyatik... May you be remembered, Muratik!

Murat Nasyrov (born Murat Ismailovich Nasyrov) (December 13, 1969, Alma-Ata - January 19, 2007, Moscow) - pop singer and composer.

1997 - Someone will forgive
1998 - My story
2000 - All this was not with me
2002 - Wake me up
2004 - Kaldim yalğuz (Uyghur album)

“I, like my friends “A’Studians,” was born in Alma-Ata,” said Murat Nasyrov - however, not a Kazakh, but a Uyghur by nationality, “in a family of ordinary people. I was the fifth child in the family - I have two brothers and two sisters, and I was the latest. All the children were gifted and no less talented than me, although I was the only one who went on stage. And all this is thanks to my father. Now he is 75 years old, he reads the Koran. His voice is of indescribable beauty, he sings folk songs and plays various instruments. The father is so musically developed that this was passed on to all the children. In any case, the vocal gift is for sure: we all sing well...”

Despite his innate abilities, in sultry Alma-Ata, Murat did not even think about becoming a singer. He was roughly in school and especially liked to “click” math problems, alternating them with experiments in physics for a change. And he would have become a standard Soviet engineer if it weren’t for the yard boys and, most importantly, his older brother with his giant Bryansk tape recorder.

He was not spared his passion for sports: boxing, freestyle wrestling, fencing, but his favorite was football. He even played for the Enbek team in Almaty, mainly in defense and midfield. However, at school tournaments I was always on the attack. I was rooting for Kairat. I even had to serve balls at the games of my favorite team. After school, I was faced with a choice of what to be: either enroll in physics and mathematics, or devote myself to art.

“At the age of eight I was taught to play the guitar. I picked up everything very quickly, picked out the chords, and soon I was teaching my peers myself. And thanks to my older brother, I played the Beatles from a young age. Then Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd and others appeared. I sang all this, of course. And even then my friends said: you have a talent for imitating!”

When the country was swept by “Modern Talking”, Murat was already a school graduate. Of course, Thomas Anders could not help but leave an indelible mark on the souls of schoolchildren of the perestroika era. While the girls were sobbing into their pillows from ardent love for the Western idol, Nasyrov... “copied him for a penny.” Friends, hearing me sing, said that with such a voice I should become a superstar. Then something turned upside down in my head.” In general, thanks to the “detrimental” influence of Western culture, the country has lost the average engineer, football player and “kitchen-entry” guitarist. But I acquired it - without five minutes of the artist.

The first minute of this “five minutes” flew by... in the army. After school, Murat went to Ashgabat to repay his debt to his homeland. Actually, it was there that his active musical activity began. With the first “military” tours, the feeling of the stage came (and has not disappeared since then). After such “hardening” there was nowhere to retreat, and Murat decided to go to Moscow to conquer the expanses of show business. “They said goodbye to me in Almaty with tears in their eyes: the last child in the family, the most beloved. But I firmly decided that I was created only for the stage.”

Having parted with his home, Nasyrov hoped for the warm hospitality of the white stone. However... “Coming from a wealthy family, where I didn’t have to think about where to get a piece of bread, I came to a completely “hungry” (for myself) city. Before entering Gnesinka, he simply lived from hand to mouth, somehow working part-time to rent a room. Thank you, friends and acquaintances helped out - they invited us to visit, gave us water and food.” But the first bastions of Moscow - exams at the Gnessin Institute - were taken. Murat overcame a competition of 40 people for a place and lived the unforgettable life of a Moscow student...

The next Everest he conquered was the Yalta-91 competition. Nasyrov carefully prepared for it together with Gnesinka’s teacher - and received the Grand Prix. The jury - Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Matetsky, Laima Vaikule, Jaak Joala - was unanimous in their decision, giving the highest rating to the Kazakh boy, who was the first of all the contestants to attempt to perform Alla Pugacheva's hit.

However, absolute victory in the competition did not mean instant ascension to the stellar Olympus. Some proposals appeared, but after a while everything fell apart. Desperate Murat decided to give up all-encompassing fame: “Then I thought that I could have my own audience without chasing popularity - and I got a job singing in a tavern. It was hard work. But many people liked what I was doing, and they began to invite me to other places.” So, in one of the clubs, fellow countrymen saw each other in the cigarette smoke: Murat met the group “A'Studio”.

Of course, the Kazakh brothers could not help but help and introduced the young Almaty native to the then just beginning producer Arman Davletyarov. After several performances at show parties, Murat Nasyrova was discovered by the bohemia of the capital.

Murat gained widespread fame after the song “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov” (arrangement of the song “Tic, tic, tac” (Bate forte o tambor) by the Brazilian band Carrapicho). In 1995, the Soyuz studio released a CD single with the songs "Step", "It's Just a Dream" and "Natalie". In 1997, Murat's first big album, “Someone Will Forgive,” was released, which included 12 songs, including three from the previous single, 11 of them written by Nasyrov. Murat found himself in the role of a performer of soft, lyrical and professionally impeccable music.

In 1996-1997, Alexander Iratov, producer of Alena Apina, worked in the concert department of the Soyuz studio. The master, appreciating the young singer, offered his participation. As a result, Murat and Alena worked in the same program. Everyone sang their own songs. Including the main hits - Nasyrov - “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov”, Apina - “Electric Train”. That is why the program received the name “Electric Train to Tambov”.
But soon the duet number “Moonlit Nights” appeared. And in the fall of 1997, a program of the same name. On April 1 and 2, 1998, the artists successfully showed it in the country's main concert program at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. By that time, new hits about beautiful love had appeared in Nasyrov’s repertoire, the most notable of which was “You are me.” And soon followed the premiere of the next album, “My Story.”
In 1999, Murat Nasyrov began singing in English. The singer’s new hobby was greeted coolly by fans, who still asked to perform “You are me” and “The boy wants to go to Tambov” at concerts, but not new English-language experiments.
In 2000, Nasyrov became interested in Latin American rhythms that had become fashionable and released his third album, “All this was not with me.” Two years later followed by the much less “Latin” and in many ways more intimate record “Wake Me Up.” The first composition of the album is dedicated to Nasyrov’s son Akim, and the track “Alina” is dedicated to the famous Russian athlete Alina Kabaeva.
In 2004, Murat Nasyrov completed work on the Uyghur album “Kaldim Yalgus”, full of national flavor. He wrote all the material for the record himself. Moreover, in the studio, Murat played most of the instruments used in the album.
After this work, Nasyrov did not release a single record, although his new songs were periodically published on various collections of popular music and were among the most popular compositions in various charts.
On the night of January 19-20, 2007, at the age of 37, he committed suicide.
He was buried in the city of Alma-Ata.

Murat Nasyrov was born into a simple family - his mother worked at a plastic products factory, his father was a driver. My father knew the Koran by heart, sang folk songs and played various Uyghur folk musical instruments. His musical talent was passed on to all his children - three sons and two daughters.

Murat studied diligently at school, especially loved mathematics and physics. After school I went to serve. Real musical activity began there, in the army, in Ashgabat, in the creative team of the division.

Music career

After serving in the army, in 1991 Nasyrov entered the Gnessin Music School for vocal class. The next peak he conquered was the Yalta-91 competition. Nasyrov received the Grand Prix of the Competition. The jury - Igor Krutoy, Vladimir Matetsky, Laima Vaikule, Jaak Joala - was unanimous in their decision, giving the highest rating to the Kazakh boy who brilliantly performed Alla Pugacheva's hit "The Half-Educated Wizard".

In 1995, Murat Nasyrov brought his original phonograms to the most prestigious studio in those years, Soyuz. The producers liked the singer’s voice and after a while the song “Step” became a radio hit. However, the single “It's Just a Dream,” which included only 3 songs, sold poorly. The studio didn't even release it in CD format. Nasyrov blamed his management for everything, looked for new administrators, but luck came unexpectedly. The poet Sergei Kharin approached the Soyuz studio with the idea of ​​​​covering the fashionable song “Tic Tic Tac” by the Brazilian group Carrapicho. The idea was approved, and Sergei and the studio producers began selecting performers for the project. Like other singers, Nasyrov was also offered to sing “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov” - the Russian version of “Tic tic tac”. Murat agreed more out of curiosity and politeness. But soon they called from Soyuz and said that his option was the best. So Murat Nasyrov got a hit, which made him famous. They immediately released their first album, which included the super hit “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov.” The album was called “Someone Will Forgive.”

Nasyrov was often invited to concerts and shown on television. As a result, he managed to perform at the gala concert “Surprise for Alla Pugacheva” in April 1997, where he finally sang “The Half-Educated Wizard” to Alla Borisovna herself.

In 1996-1997, Alexander Iratov, producer of Alena Apina, worked in the concert department of the Soyuz studio. The master, appreciating the young singer, offered his participation. As a result, Murat and Alena worked in the same program. Everyone sang their own songs. Including the main hits: Nasyrov - “The Boy Wants to Go to Tambov”, Apina - “Electric Train”. That is why the program received the name “Electric Train to Tambov”. But soon the duet number “Moonlit Nights” appeared. And in the fall of 1997 - a program of the same name. On April 1 and 2, 1998, the artists successfully showed it in the country’s main concert program at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. By that time, new hits about beautiful love had appeared in Nasyrov’s repertoire, the most notable of which was “I am you.” And soon followed the premiere of the next album, “My Story.”

In 1999, Murat Nasyrov began singing in English. The singer’s new hobby was greeted coolly by fans, who still asked to perform “I am you” and “The boy wants to go to Tambov” at concerts, but not new English-language experiments.

Best of the day

In 2000, Nasyrov became interested in Latin American rhythms that had become fashionable and released his third album, “All this was not with me.” Two years later followed by the much less “Latin” and in many ways more intimate record “Wake Me Up.” The first composition of the album is dedicated to Nasyrov’s son Akim, and the track “Alina” is dedicated to the famous Russian athlete Alina Kabaeva.

In 2004, Murat Nasyrov completed work on the Uighur album “Khaldym Yalguz”, full of national flavor. He wrote all the material for the record himself. Moreover, in the studio, Murat played most of the instruments used in the album.

After this work, Nasyrov did not release a single record, although his new songs were periodically published on various collections of popular music and were among the most popular compositions in various charts.

Nasyrov also performed Russian versions of songs for the screensavers of the Disney animated series “Black Cape” (in 1993) and “DuckTales” (in 1994).

On June 28, 2005, he openly expressed his civic position on the high-profile trial, signing, among 50 representatives of the public, the “Letter in support of the verdict to the former leaders of Yukos.”


On the night of January 19-20, 2007, at the age of 37, Nasyrov fell from the balcony of his Moscow apartment, located on the 5th floor. The causes of the incident remained unknown. An autopsy of the deceased's body, performed at the Botkin Hospital, revealed no traces of drugs or alcohol. According to the official version, it was suicide due to depression. According to Murat's wife, Natalya Boyko, death occurred as a result of an accident. According to criminologists, someone was in the apartment at that moment; perhaps it was a contract killing or the revenge of an ill-wisher. Murat is buried in the city of Alma-Ata.


1997 - Someone will forgive

1998 - My story

2000 - All this was not with me

2002 - Wake me up

2004 - Uyghur album (Kaldim Yalguz)


Wife - Natalya Boyko; daughter - Leah, born in 1996; son - Akim, born in 2000.

Biography and episodes of life Murat Nasyrov. When born and died Nasyrov, memorable places and dates. Causes of death. Musician Quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life:

born December 13, 1969, died January 19, 2007


"Lightning that illuminated eternity" .
The inscription on the monument to Nasyrov on the singer’s grave

Biography of Murat Nasyrov

He had a very beautiful and gentle voice, played many instruments and never allowed himself to use foul language. The biography of Murat Nasyrov is the story of a boy from a good and loving family who decided to become a famous and popular singer and could not cope with the difficulties of show business.

Murat Nasyrov was born in Almaty, his father was a mullah- it was from him, according to Murat, that the boy received his talent. All his life, Nasyrov loved his father very much, admired him and thanked him for the love and education that he gave him. After school, Murat served in the army, and at the age of 21 he moved to Moscow. The parents released Murat with tears in their eyes; he was their youngest and beloved son. First time Murat had a hard time in Moscow, he often lived from hand to mouth, but he still entered Gnesinka, passing a competition of 40 people per place. The next victory was Grand Prix of the Yalta-91 competition, which, however, did not become a ticket to the Russian stage for Murat.

Musicians played a major role in Nasyrov’s creative biography "A-studio" who decided to help their fellow countryman. Another successful creative decision was Nasyrov’s duet with Alena Apina and their general program. And the Russian public liked such hits of Nasyrov as "The boy wants to Tambov", as well as lyrical love songs "I am you" And "Someone will forgive". In 2003, Nasyrov’s father died and Murat decided to dedicate an entire album of national music to his memory, the material for which he wrote himself. This album was the last in Nasyrov’s history; after it, he never released another record, nevertheless remaining a beloved and sought-after performer.

Cause of death

Nasyrov died on the night of January 19-20, 2007. Nasyrov's death was a real tragedy for his fans, friends and relatives. In the very next few days, a date was set for the singer’s wedding with his beloved woman Natalya, who bore him two children. Murat himself was full of plans and projects, which makes Nasyrov’s death seem even more like an absurd accident, and not a suicide. The cause of Nasyrov's death was the singer's fall from the balcony of his apartment on the fifth floor.. A subsequent autopsy showed that there was no alcohol or drugs in the musician's blood. There are still a huge number of versions of why Nasyrov died - the artist was depressed, his competitors ordered him, Murat fell from the balcony while trying to take a photo(in the last days of his life he was interested in photography). Nasyrov's wife, Natasha, claims that death of Murat Nasyrov - accident: the husband just went to the balcony to adjust the antenna, since the TV was showing poorly, slipped (it was raining outside) and fell.

Nasyrov's funeral took place in Almaty, at Nasyrov's grave A monument to Nasyrov was erected at the Zarya Vostoka cemetery. The musician is depicted plucking the strings of the Uyghur folk instrument rabab, notes lie in front of him, and above his head is a broken arch with a star. Soon after the musician’s death, a concert in memory of Nasyrov “The Voice that Warms...” was held in Almaty - this is exactly the kind of concert program the musician was going to perform in his hometown.

Murat Nasyrov with his wife Natalya and children

Life line

December 13, 1969 Date of birth of Murat Ismailovich Nasyrov.
1990 Moving to Moscow, entering the Gnessin College in the vocal department.
1991 Receiving the Grand Prix in the Yalta-91 competition.
1995 Release of the first single.
1996 Graduation from the Gnessin School, birth of daughter Leia.
1997 Receiving the Golden Gramophone award.
October 2000 Birth of son Akim.
January 19, 2007 Date of death of Murat Nasyrov.
January 22, 2007 Funeral of Murat Nasyrov.

Memorable places

1. Almaty school No. 111, where Murat Nasyrov studied.
2. Gnessin Music College in Moscow, which Murat Nasyrov graduated from.
3. Studio "Soyuz", where Nasyrov's first single was released.
4. Nasyrov’s house in Moscow, where his apartment was located, from the balcony of which he fell.
5. Cemetery "Zarya Vostoka" in Almaty, where Nasyrov is buried.

Episodes of life

WITH Natalya Boyko, mother of her children, Nasyrov studied together at Gnesinka. On his part, it was love at first sight; he immediately began to court Natasha and announced to her his serious intentions. Murat's parents did not immediately accept Natalya, since she was not a Muslim, but after the birth of their granddaughter Leah, they relented and married Natasha and Murat according to Muslim customs.

A few months before Nasyrov’s death, his friend, musician of the A-Studio group Baglan Sadvkasov, died in a car accident. Murat took the death of his friend very hard. According to neighbors, on the night of his death, Nasyrov knocked on their door and shouted that he had a vision of God with the participation of his friend. Murat fell from the balcony dressed in a concert costume with a camera around his neck and a portrait of himself in his hands.. According to other information, due to depression caused by the death of a friend, Nasyrov was drawn into some kind of sect, where he was pushed to commit suicide.

Shortly before his death, Murat Nasyrov released an album of Uyghur music dedicated to his father


“What is happening in my life, a successful career, a beloved family, is a great gift of fate. I was very lucky. Isn’t it happiness when you do what you love and return home to your family with pleasure?”

TV story “Secret Signs. Murat Nasyrov."


“He approached life wisely. I had my own philosophy: you should never get upset and take everything that happens calmly.”
Dmitry Malikov, singer, composer

“No matter what they wrote in the medical report, it is obvious to me that Murat Nasyrov was poorly adapted for life in the environment where he ended up. With a good upbringing and a gentle character, without a wolfish grin - there is nothing to do in show business! You know, my daughter called him Butyatik... May you be remembered, Muratik!”
Raisa Chapala, press attaché of Nasyrov

“We have been friends for 17 years, and during all this time I have never seen Murat sad. He loved his Natasha and the children so much. I don’t understand how he could decide to do this..."
Marina Khlebnikova, singer

A real shock for everyone was the tragic death of 37-year-old singer Murat NASYROV, who died on the evening of January 19 as a result of a fall from the 5th floor. His wife Natalya BOIKO and director Alexander SKURIKHIN hastened to announce that it was an accident. Allegedly, Murat was adjusting the television antenna on the balcony and accidentally fell off. However, law enforcement officials came to the conclusion that the singer committed suicide. According to their information, he was in a state of drug intoxication and before throwing himself off the balcony, he shouted that he was talking with God and with his deceased friend, guitarist of the group “A-Studio” Baglan SADVAKASOV, who died in a car accident on August 2, 2006.


Murat lived not far from me, and I arrived at his house literally half an hour after the tragedy,” said singer Felix Tsarikati, who had been friends with Nasyrov since their participation in the Yalta-91 competition. - The place where he fell was already fenced off with tapes, and the police did not let anyone near him. With tears in my eyes, I began to explain that this was my friend. But I was still escorted out of there. They said that Murat fell with the icon in his hands.

Indeed, some broken frames were lying next to him. But these were frames not from an icon, but from an ordinary portrait. For some reason, Murat himself was dressed in a concert costume. It all looked a little like an accident. Well, who would climb up to adjust the antenna in a concert costume and with a portrait in hand?! And there are no antennas on the balcony where he fell from. And why does the wife insist on the version of an accident? I'm still in shock. I never expected this from Murat. We talked to him before the New Year. He was in absolutely normal condition. Talk about his lack of demand as an artist is complete nonsense. Yes, he rarely appeared on television. So what? He was already known and loved. He was preparing an album. On March 2, he planned to go with me and other friends to Alma-Ata with a big concert program. What they say about drugs also raises serious doubts in me. I have known him for a very long time and have never noticed the slightest sign. It’s strange for me to hear about his dying mystical statements. His father is an imam. And he himself is a Muslim. Maybe he was drawn into some kind of sect or zombied by someone? Well, he couldn’t do this himself.

Sex on the roof

Oddly enough, the assumption about the possible involvement of certain sectarians in the incident turned out to be by no means as absurd as it might seem at first glance.

“Recently, Murat recorded a song in our studio together with Dynamite, and the guys also said that he was telling them about some visions and about communication with God,” said Alexander Tolmatsky. - In my opinion, he could have picked up this crap from his producer Arman Davletyarov.

Even when we worked together at the Media-Star company, Arman was part of a sectarian-type organization. And under the threat of dismissal, he forced all the employees of our company, right down to the secretary, to visit her. All this was done under the auspices of team building. As employees later complained to me, they were locked there for several days and were constantly indoctrinated with some kind of heresy. After that, people went crazy. On this basis, Arman and I began to have a conflict. As a result, he hung out with Alexandra Burataeva from Youth Unity and, having lured some of the artists from Media Star, created his own production company, Musical Unity.

RELATED: musicians from “A-Studio” - Keti and Baga, who later died in a car accident

Whether he then continued to lead people to this sect is unknown to me. But during the time of Media Star, Arman and Nasyrov were dragged there.

Unfortunately, the assumption that the singer could lose control of himself due to alcohol and drug abuse also looked quite plausible. “I can’t say that Nasyrov appeared at every party drunk or stoned, like Shura and some other artists, but I happened to see him in a completely insane state,” admitted producer Alexander Valov. “I was especially shocked by one incident that happened on the ship during the birthday celebration of producer Vladimir Zolotarev. I don’t know what exactly Nasyrov intoxicated himself with then, but in the end he got to the point where he dragged the lead singer of “Guests from the Future” Eva Polna onto the roof of the ship and began to have sex with her in front of everyone. How did they not escape from this roof...

On the eve of his death, on the night of January 18-19, Murat Nasyrov attended the Russian Dance Music Awards (RDMA) in the fashionable metropolitan club "Diaghilev", where, according to eyewitnesses, almost all the guests were high.

In the “VIPs” some “shady” people hung around for the most part,” a certain dimantip reported in his online diary. - In the upper boxes, like the benoir at the Bolshoi Theater, there was some kind of elite sitting - almost all of them were wearing “white”, yes, yes, “coca”. The majority did not understand at all what was happening and why was it written “RDMA” on all the screens? They just came, as usual, to the club to “sniff some white stuff and drink something,” and then there was some kind of award... One of the nominations was supposed to be presented by Malinovskaya, but they said that she had snot... Nasyrov presented it instead of Malinovskaya. He promoted himself to the fullest. I forgot why I went on stage in the first place. He said that his wedding was on March 21 (the singer lived in a civil marriage with Natalya Boyko for 15 years. - M.F.), he was saying something about wishes for all the ladies in the New Year to buy them the most beautiful wedding dress. In general, everything was lofty and completely off topic...

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