What is monosodium glutamate? Food supplement E621 How it is obtained

Monosodium glutamate is the most talked about substance of our time, food additive E621, which is found in many products. It is around him that there are a great many myths and stories.

Monosodium glutamate or monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of glutamic acid, which is used as a food supplement E621. Salt is a finely crystalline white powder with a characteristic meat flavor. The chemical formula of the substance is as follows - C5H8NNaO4.

In food production, monosodium glutamate is called "flavor enhancer" or "additive E621". Food manufacturers are actively using the substance to improve the taste of raw materials.

The history of the discovery of the flavor enhancer

The first mention of glutamic acid dates back to 1866. German scientists carried out acid hydrolysis of the substance of gliadin, which is an alcohol-soluble protein.

And the discovery of monosodium glutamate belongs to the Japanese chemist Ikeda Kikunae. So the scientist noticed that foods and dishes containing kombu algae have a peculiar taste. In 1907, Ikeda Kikunae began to study the composition of kelp. It contained retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, B vitamins and folic acid, as well as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, a large amount of iodine and glutamic acid. The scientist extracted 40 kg of seaweed, and as a result of this method, he extracted 30 grams of glutamic acid. And in 1908, a chemist discovered that monosodium glutamate salt enhances the taste of the product. A year later, Ikeda Kikunae became the owner of a patent for the production of glutamic acid salt, which was packaged under the trade name "taste root". Later, monosodium glutamate began to be extracted from wheat and soybeans.

How is monosodium glutamate (E621) produced?

There are various methods by which you can get the nutritional supplement monosodium glutamate (E621). So at the beginning of the last century, the substance was obtained from seaweed, which was taken from the bottom of the ocean. A little later, the steel compound was mined by resorting to chemical reactions. However, this method did not give the desired result.

For the past half century, monosodium glutamate has been a product of carbohydrate processing. Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria, corynebacterium glutamicum, are involved in this process. Microorganisms are placed in a medium containing molasses, sugar beet, starch, algae or cane. They release natural monosodium glutamate through fermentation. Despite this method of extraction, production still resorts to chemical processes.

There are five main ways to get the E621 additive. Here are some of them.

Method number 1

Gluten is exposed to hydrochloric acid, then the solution is subjected to reduced pressure. As a result, evaporation occurs. Then concentrated hydrochloric acid is added again. The resulting solution is cooled. Glutamic acid hydrochloride in the form of crystals is dissolved in purified water, subjected to filtration, and the acidity was adjusted to 3.2-3.5.

Thus, with the help of a three-stage crystallization, highly purified monosodium glutamate is obtained.

Method number 2

According to this method, a gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, Escherichia coli, is capable of producing a small amount of amino acids during its life cycle. And with the addition of ammonium salts, the productivity of microorganisms increased significantly.

A little later, a bacterium was discovered - corynebacterium glutamicum. Specialists have created favorable conditions for the receiving process. Various carbohydrates were chosen as food for the microorganism. To date, Corynebacterium glutamicum ferments up to 100 grams of monosodium glutamate from 1 kg of carbohydrates.
Now about 70% of glutamate is natural, and the remaining 30% is synthetic.

The main manufacturers of flavor enhancer E621

The leader among manufacturers is the largest Japanese company Ajinomoto. The main share of suppliers of monosodium glutamate E621 additives to the Russian market falls on Chinese manufacturers. Their raw materials are of low quality and low price category.

Monosodium glutamate and the law

According to Rospotrebnadzor, glutamic acid salt E621 (monosodium glutamate) is a natural food supplement that has been evaluated by experts from the World Health Organization. Russian and European legislation allows the use of monosodium glutamate in food products.

According to the documentary acts of the Russian Federation, the use of glutamic acid, monosodium glutamate, potassium glutamate, ammonium glutamate, calcium glutamate and magnesium glutamate in food products is allowed no more than 10 grams per 1 kg of raw materials.

The use of monosodium glutamate and other salts as a food additive is regulated by the following documents:

  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 1333/2008 of 16 December 2008.
  • EU Commission Regulation 1129/2011 of 11 November 2011 on food additives.
  • Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation "... on the introduction of rules and regulations SanPiN" Hygienic requirements for the use of food additives "".
  • Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TP CU 029/2012) "Safety Requirements for Food Additives, Flavorings and Processing Aids".

The benefits of monosodium glutamate (E621 supplements)

Opinions of scientists and people are divided. Some believe that the food supplement has only a negative effect on the body. Others do not exclude the beneficial effects of glutamate.

The positive qualities of E621 include:

  • Establishing the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This property is actively used in the complex therapy of gastritis with low acidity.
  • Monosodium glutamate strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.
  • This preservative is part of some drugs.
  • In case of poisoning with toxic substances, in particular ammonia, monosodium glutamate is able to react with them and remove them from the body.

In addition, people with elevated levels are allowed to replace table salt with a dietary supplement. So the food will taste better.

Flavor enhancer E621 (monosodium glutamate) - harm

Most scientists believe that monosodium glutamate is a harmful food additive. The negative aspects of the use of salts of glutamic acid include:

    Deterioration of the brain. The food supplement has a stimulating effect on the brain and inhibits its work. This phenomenon is especially common in young children and adolescents. The risk of development increases.

    Food supplements are kind of addictive. People stop perceiving foods without glutamate, and also lose their main function of taste buds.

    With excessive use of the E621 flavor enhancer, an allergic reaction may occur, which is manifested by a skin rash, itching, burning, and swelling.

    In addition, monosodium glutamate can cause asthma, gastritis, erosion and other digestive diseases, and kidney failure.

When using a large amount of flavor enhancer, it is possible to implement supportive measures for your body. To do this, it is recommended to use useful substances that can block the toxic effects of salt.

  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • pyridoxine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol acetate;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • lycopene, provitamin A, polyphenols and other antioxidants.

These substances can be consumed in the form of ready-made vitamin-mineral complexes or from food. It is advised to include green peas, tomatoes, grapes, dried apricots, raisins, bananas, prunes, sea buckthorn, cranberries, apples, beef liver, pine nuts and walnuts in the diet.

Where is natural monosodium glutamate found?

Natural monosodium glutamate is a substance found in many foods. So meat, poultry and seafood contain glutamic acid. It decomposes when heated and exposed to high temperatures. As a result, glutamate is released, which in turn changes the taste of the cooked product.
The content of natural monosodium glutamate in some foods is presented in the table below.

Product name The amount of bound monosodium glutamate in 100 grams
Cheese "Parmesan" 9847 mg
Green peas 5583 mg
duck meat 3636 mg
Chicken's meat 3309 mg
Beef 2846 mg
mackerel fish 2382 mg
Pork 2325 mg
trout fish 2216 mg
Cod fish 2101 mg
Corn 1765 mg
chicken eggs 1583 mg
Pasteurized cow's milk 819 mg
Spinach 289 mg
Beet 256 mg
Tomatoes and tomato juice 238 mg
Carrot 218 mg
Onion 208 mg
Green pepper 120 mg
Pumpkin seeds 4300 mg
Buckwheat 1640 mg
Barley 2400 mg
Beans 3200 mg
Millet 2400 mg
walnut 3100 mg
oats 3750 mg
Lentils 4010 mg
goose meat 2928 mg
Mutton 2459 mg
Rye bread 1279 mg
wheat bread 2763 mg
Soya 6050 mg
sunflower seed 5580 mg
Peanut 5390 mg
Beans 3205 mg
Champignon mushrooms 311 mg

The table shows that the largest amount of natural monosodium glutamate is found in cheese, a green pot, as well as meat, poultry and fish.

What foods are monosodium glutamate added to?

Going to retail chains for shopping, many do not even know where the E621 flavor enhancer is hiding, what products have this preservative in their composition.

Salt of glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate) is aimed at improving the taste of only protein and salty foods. So preservative E621 can be found in the following products:

  • fast food (burgers, hamburgers, french fries, custard packaged soups and mashed potatoes “Rolton”, “Doshirak”);
  • sausages (sausages, sausages, sausage);
  • meat products (boiled pork, carbonade);
  • smoked fish;
  • fish and meat canned food;
  • ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise;
  • snack products (chips, crackers);
  • dry broths, ready-made seasonings, etc.

Monosodium glutamate in the sausage and meat industry

Today it is difficult to find sausage, sausages or ham without the addition of monosodium glutamate. Manufacturers add food additive E621 to hide cheap raw materials, improve taste and aroma. Glutamic acid and its salts enhance the salty and bitter taste of the product, saturate it with meat flavor and aroma. The use of the substance is permitted by international, interstate, European and domestic legislative documents.

In addition to monosodium glutamate, manufacturers actively add other food additives: glutamic acid, potassium, ammonium, calcium and magnesium glutamates.

The table below shows the average content of monosodium glutamate in various types of product according to reference data.

Safe rate of monosodium glutamate

Every year, people around the world eat more than 200,000 tons of monosodium glutamate. Only a few people know that there is a marginal norm for the consumption of nutritional supplements. It is considered standard that the daily amount of sodium salt of glutamic acid for an adult should not exceed 9-10 grams.

But still, the final dosage figure depends on the age of the person. Children under three years of age are prohibited from eating food with the addition of E621. Children aged 3-14 years no more than 500 mg per 10 kg of body weight, children over 14 years old and adults no more than 1 gram per 10 kg of body weight.

Scientists have found that consumption of more than 16-20 grams of monosodium glutamate per day is a lethal dosage.

Is the flavor enhancer E621 addictive?

Monosodium glutamate is a substance that is covered in rumors, stories, myths. So, according to many people, the flavor enhancer causes food addiction. However, American scientists, after conducting a series of studies, found that addiction to food has nothing to do with the use of glutamic acid salts.

So dependence on food is caused by hereditary predisposition, psychological and moral factors.

Myths about food additive E621

There is an incredible amount of myths and horror stories that have gathered around glutamate. However, monosodium glutamate, whose harm is usually exaggerated, is not so dangerous. The following are four of the most common myths.

Myth #1 Monosodium glutamate has no taste.

This opinion is a mistake. Scientists believe that our body's taste buds are able to recognize up to six different tastes: sour, salty, bitter, sweet, fatty, and the taste of glutamine salt. According to experts, monosodium glutamate has a peculiar subtle taste, which is very similar to natural carriers of glutamic acid. Some believe that it has a barely noticeable vegetable flavor, while others are sure that it is a mild taste of meat.

Myth #2 The taste of a dish depends on the amount of monosodium glutamate

This is absolutely not true. Domestic manufacturers do not tend to use a lot of E621. Firstly, it is regulated by law, according to which the amount of flavor enhancer should not exceed 1% of the total volume of the product. And secondly, monosodium glutamate in the wrong size can change and spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Myth #3 Glutamic acid salt is an allergen

This statement is also considered a myth. Scientists conducted research during which a group of volunteers was selected. They claimed that the food additive monosodium glutamate, the harm from which they noticed, causes them severe allergies, swelling, and asthma attacks.

The test people were offered food without monosodium glutamate, but this was hidden from them. In the second case, the participants ate food supplemented with E621 but were told that there was no salt present.

Thus, people complained about the symptoms and attacks of the disease in the first experiment. It can be concluded that the reaction to the use of the substance is a placebo effect.

Myth #4 Monosodium Glutamate Causes Retinal Detachment

This opinion has existed for a relatively long time. It appeared in the media after an experiment conducted by Japanese scientists.

Chemists, biologists, physiologists and other specialists conducted research for 6 months. For this, rodents were fed food containing monosodium glutamate. The amount of food additives exceeded the allowable rate several times. During the study, it was revealed that the rodents began to lose their sight, and some even went blind.
Having published these data, the journalists forgot to clarify that the supplement was in excess in the animal body.

Glutamic acid in drugs

Monosodium glutamate is not found in medicinal preparations. However, glutamic acid has found its use. So, in pharmacies you can find prescription drugs.

For example: "Glutamic acid tablets", "Eltacin".

The drug "Glutamic acid" contains glutamic acid. It is indicated to improve metabolic processes in the brain in epilepsy, schizophrenia, Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, psychosis and other disorders. The cost of 10 tablets is 30 rubles.

The drug "Eltacin" is produced by a domestic manufacturer. In its composition, it has glutamic acid, glycine, cystine. The drug is indicated for heart failure in adults and children, for the prevention of overwork in children aged 11-15 years. The price for a pack of 30 tablets is 195 rubles.

"Chinese Restaurant Syndrome"

In the mid-twentieth century, an American doctor, Robert Ho Man Kwok, published his article in a local journal. In it, he described the symptoms that people experience after visiting Chinese restaurants. The doctor claimed that within half an hour after eating food, people begin to experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • heaviness in the upper and lower extremities;
  • discomfort and loss of sensation in the back of the neck;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • slow and heavy breathing;
  • discomfort in the mouth (burning, itching);
  • skin irritations;
  • increased sweating;
  • swelling of the oval of the face, lips, tongue.

All these manifestations bothered people alone or in combination and disappeared within a few hours. The scientist claimed that all the symptoms are associated with the presence of monosodium glutamate in restaurant dishes.

However, the description of the syndrome was left without attention. And in 2014, scientists from South Korea conducted a survey among restaurant visitors, where they found out interesting data. More than 80% of people complained of thirst, about half of drowsiness, and a third of those surveyed reported weakness, headache and nausea.

Not many experts are sure about the relationship between the syndrome and the salt of glutamic acid.

Monosodium glutamate and pregnancy

The period of expectation of a child is the most reverent moment in the life of parents. The expectant mother should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat a large amount of vitamins, minerals, useful compounds, including glutamic acid.

This amino acid performs various functions in the body of a pregnant woman. It neutralizes ammonia, participates in acid-base reactions, supports healthy muscle growth, and is a source of energy. Glutamic acid strengthens the woman's immune system, activates protective functions, improves brain function.
However, an organic compound must be supplied to the body from natural sources. The diet of a pregnant woman should contain dairy products (cheeses, cottage cheese, pasteurized milk), various types of meat, poultry and fish, as well as vegetables (carrots, spinach, beets, onions, bell peppers), legumes. It is desirable to use vegetables without heat treatment, so the loss of nutrients will be minimal.

Consuming food with the addition of monosodium glutamate can have an irreversible effect on the health of the mother and the unborn child. Monosodium glutamate, the harm of which in large quantities is obvious, is able to penetrate the placenta and bloodstream into the fetus. As a result, he may develop disorders of the brain, central nervous system and other pathologies of internal organs. To avoid this, it is necessary to reduce consumption or completely exclude fast food, snacks, sausages, canned food and other foods containing glutamic acid salt from the grocery basket.

E621 flavor enhancer during lactation

Food supplement E621 has the ability to penetrate into breast milk, so a nursing mother must adhere to the correct diet, exclude foods with preservatives.

Fibromyalgia and monosodium glutamate

Harm can be caused by supplementation for fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by symmetrical muscle pain. This disease affects about 8-10% of the total population.

Scientists from the United States conducted a study in which about three dozen people with muscle pain regularly consumed some dose of monosodium glutamate. The experiment continued for several weeks.

It was found that the food supplement E621 significantly worsens the general condition and course of the disease.

The explanation for what is happening is as follows: an increased amount of sodium salt of glutamic acid in the body has an exciting effect on brain neurons. And eventually kills them. Neurons are non-repairable cells of the body.

So those with fibromyalgia should follow a special diet that excludes the taste enhancer from entering the body.

Too much monosodium glutamate

Oversaturation of the body with a flavor enhancer is a rather dangerous condition, so you need to control how MSG is consumed. Harm can be caused to various organs and systems. An overabundance of a food additive has the following symptoms:

  • headache that is undulating in nature;
  • irritability;
  • excessive hyperactivity. A person makes uncontrolled movements, grabs objects. Behavior becomes inappropriate.
  • sleep disturbance;
  • severe anxiety for no reason;
  • a sharp increase and decrease in blood pressure;
  • aimless movements. Behavior becomes similar to autism. A person reproduces meaningless monotonous movements, repeats the same words.

Many symptoms of an overdose of the E621 supplement are similar to autism, schizophrenia, and mental retardation.

Often, on the part of other systems of the body, there is an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, and a deterioration in the general condition.

As a rule, an excess of glutamate causes excessive consumption of foods containing non-natural monosodium glutamate.

How to reduce your intake of monosodium glutamate?

In order to reduce the consumption of the flavor enhancer, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • Exclude fast food, prepared food, sausages, canned food, convenience foods, instant soups and broths from the diet.
  • Eat as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible. Prepare your own first and second courses.
  • Carefully study the composition of the products. Monosodium glutamate is hidden under the names "flavor enhancer identical to natural" or "food additive E621".


Monosodium glutamate is a dietary supplement that can do both harm and some benefit to the body. Of course, there are benefits to glutamate if it enters the body in its natural form and from natural sources. However, if monosodium glutamate is used uncontrollably, the harm will be obvious, so you need to control the use of fast food, snacks, convenience foods and other not very healthy foods.

And it's not a secret for anyone that in the modern world, food has become entertainment. We eat to cheer up, to try new flavor combinations, and even just to keep our free time busy. Meanwhile, the food industry contributes to this in every possible way and finds more and more new ways to irritate the taste buds of our tongue. One of the main, in the literal sense of the word, narcotic drugs that are actively flavored with modern food is the food additive E621 - monosodium glutamate. Those who have tried various unhealthy refined foods know how addictive they are and how difficult it is to give up.

Chips, croutons, nuts, waffles, sweets, ice cream, various semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, sauces, ketchups, mayonnaises - the list is endless. Our brain is so arranged that only healthy food is considered tasty - this is ideal. But the food industry has long since learned to deceive the human brain. Through the most complex chemical transmutations, manufacturers have learned to create an illusion of taste, which deceives our brain and body. And in order for unhealthy refined food - which without various flavoring additives will be rejected by our brain as tasteless and unsuitable for consumption - to become attractive, manufacturers generously fill it with various flavor enhancers, the main of which is monosodium glutamate.

Food supplement E621: what is it

E621 - sodium salt of glutamic acid, easily soluble in water and addictive from the very first doses. The fact is that monosodium glutamate actively irritates special receptors in our tongue, allowing it to cause enhanced taste sensations. In parallel with this, natural, natural taste sensations become faded against this background, and a person ceases to perceive simple, natural food as tasty. That is, our brain does not react to the taste of vegetables, fruits, berries and other natural food - it becomes fresh and tasteless for it, like grass. Instead, the brain begins to look for those strong sensations that monosodium glutamate gives it, by irritating especially sensitive taste buds. This is how addiction develops.

And this forces a person to increase the consumption of junk food, and healthy, natural food in especially severe cases of addiction is completely excluded. We can see how modern youth have completely forgotten how to eat simple food: cereals, vegetables, soups, fruits, etc. The main part of their diet is fast food, various confectionery, fatty, fried foods, semi-finished products and other unnatural food. This is a prime example of how a drug like monosodium glutamate works.

The German chemist Carl Heinrich Ritthausen discovered this substance in the middle of the 19th century, and the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda discovered it in a decoction of brown algae. This is what became the beginning of the mass “addiction” of people to this food drug. In the modern world, monosodium glutamate is produced by microbiological methods - it is synthesized by the bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum. It is this substance that is added to almost any product with a complex chemical composition. It is absent only in fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals and other simple, natural products. In any other food that has already undergone more serious human processing, most likely there is a food additive E621, monosodium glutamate.

Food supplement E621: impact on the human body

Have you ever seen such a depressing picture in a store - a child insistently demands to buy him some "delicacy" and all this is accompanied by screams, tears and tantrums? This is a vivid example of how the nutritional supplement E621 acts on the child's fragile psyche. Being highly addictive, it forces a person to strive again and again to experience acute taste sensations, which become less and less acute over time, forcing manufacturers to increase the amount of monosodium glutamate, and consumers to increase their consumption. The example with a child is by no means evidence that this drug acts differently on an adult.

Just an adult is able to control his emotions, which, however, does not prevent him from spending half of his salary on such so-called food - quietly, without tears and tantrums. That is why the rejection of refined artificial products is associated with great willpower, as well as severe depressive states after their exclusion from the diet. Therefore, before you buy a product that has clearly undergone some additional processing, carefully read the composition. Ideally, it is better to use those products, the origin of which you can explain. For example, cereals: the product grew, it was collected, packaged, and it ended up on your table. Everything is simple and clear. Do you know how chips or sweets are made? For most, this is a secret with seven seals. And eating food that is of dubious origin is not entirely reasonable.

Monosodium glutamate, or the monosodium salt of glutamic acid, sometimes listed on food packaging as monosodium glutamate, is a dietary supplement. In some countries, this substance, designated by the European digital code E 621, is classified as a common seasoning. It appears as a white crystalline powder that dissolves excellently in water.

The monosodium salt of glutamic acid was introduced in 1908. It was synthesized from algae by the Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda. Since then, disputes have not ceased about what effect this food additive has on the human body. The harm and benefits of the supplement are compared again and again by nutritionists, doctors and ordinary food consumers. Let's join the discussion on this issue.

Where does E 621 come from?

Monosodium glutamate is found in a great variety of foods and even in living organisms. She is rich in:

  • fish,
  • meat,
  • scallops,
  • malt,
  • beet,
  • tomatoes,
  • sunflower seeds, etc.

Several decades ago, the salt of glutamic acid was tried to be obtained artificially, using the method of direct chemical synthesis. This technology is quite complex and time-consuming. In addition, it involves the production of two isomers of glutamic acid at once, one of which (L-isomer) is involved in the processes occurring in the body and is able to enrich the taste of products, and the other (D-isomer) is not needed by the body and does not affect taste buds. Therefore, these two isomers had to be separated in order to use only one of them.

Later, a simpler way was found to obtain a substance, fixed by GOST R 54380-2011, whose name sounds like monosodium glutamate 1-substituted. The method involves the use of the microorganism Corynebacterium glutamicum, which can ferment carbohydrates, converting them into the L-isomer. Today, this technology is most often used for the production of E 621.

Why manufacturers put monosodium glutamate in products

As we have already mentioned, many foods initially include monosodium glutamate.

In meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other foods, the substance is contained in a bound form. As a result of culinary processing, it is transformed into a free form, due to which the taste of food changes for the better. At the same time, it is not strengthened, as many believe, but enriched, since glutamate molecules themselves are carriers of one of the five basic tastes (along with salty, sweet, sour and bitter). These molecules, which are essentially amino acid molecules, cause the taste buds to recognize protein-rich foods (in other words, recognize them as healthy and nutritious), which entails the desire to eat them.

The above feature of monosodium glutamate is exploited by food manufacturers.

They add E 621 to sausages, sausages, cooked minced meat, chips, fast food, bouillon cubes, chocolate, ice cream and more. The use of the substance in products is also explained by the fact that it inhibits the growth of bacteria, thereby increasing the shelf life of the goods.

How monosodium glutamate affects health: benefits and harms

There is no exact and definitive answer to the question of whether monosodium glutamate is harmful to humans.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) called the supplement "generally safe." The Scientific Committee on Food Products of the European Union refers the substance to “salt substitutes, seasonings and spices” and denies the possibility of a negative effect of the additive on the body when consumed in an amount not exceeding 10 g per kilogram of body weight per day. E 621 is also allowed in Russia. At the same time, information appears on the Internet about studies proving the detrimental effect of the food component we are considering on human health. Let's try to understand this issue.

Monosodium glutamate and brain cells

Opponents of the use of E 621 speak of its neurotoxicity, substantiating their opinion by the fact that, being a neurotransmitter, the substance is capable of damaging the neurons of the cerebral cortex. In this regard, it is worth noting that about 90% of glutamate that enters the body with food is metabolized in the intestinal walls. In order for the substance to enter the bloodstream and be delivered to the brain, the consumer will have to eat at least 5 g of E 621 at a time (for example, a kilogram of sausages contains, as a rule, no more than 1.2 g of the nutritional supplement we are discussing). However, even if the substance got into the blood, the blood-brain barrier would not allow its excess to harm the brain. In addition, it is known that glutamate is present in the brain initially. The body independently synthesizes it, uses it to transmit nerve impulses, and gets rid of it if it detects an excess. For this reason, it makes no sense to talk about the danger of oversaturating the brain with glutamate coming from food.

Monosodium glutamate and the gastrointestinal tract

Salts of glutamic acid not only give the products a bright taste, but also benefit the gastrointestinal tract. So, monosodium glutamate stimulates the formation of substances that promote the division of gastric epithelial cells. In addition, this amino acid normalizes the process of secretion of gastric juice, which helps with hypoacid gastritis.

Sometimes you can hear the hypothesis that food
This supplement provokes the development of diseases such as pancreatitis and stomach ulcers. However, in this case, the “culprit” is not monosodium glutamate itself, but products, the taste of which is traditionally improved with its help. We are talking about chips, hot dogs, hot sauces and other products that cannot be eaten with the aforementioned diseases.

Indirectly, E 621 harms the gastrointestinal tract even when unscrupulous manufacturers add this substance to mask the taste of expired or poor-quality products.

E 621 and the cardiovascular system

For people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system, E 621 can be a complete alternative to salt. After all, salt contains about three times more sodium than the substance we are considering.

An excess of sodium leads to spasms of the heart muscle, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

The use of glutamate instead of salt will reduce such unpleasant symptoms of the disease as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • puffiness.

The gastronomic taste of the dishes will not suffer.

E 621 and body weight

As already mentioned, our taste receptors are highly sensitive to glutamate. Products containing this substance seem very tasty to us. Therefore, as a result, there is an excess of the norm of their consumption. A person continues to consume food in order to prolong the feeling of satisfaction.
deniya, despite the fact that in fact he is full. And if you consider that E 621 is part of french fries, hamburgers and chips, it becomes clear: flavor enrichment and weight loss are two incompatible things.

Of particular danger is the use of the aforementioned food products in childhood, when eating habits are laid. Monosodium glutamate forms in a child a love for poppy-ducks, sausages and other "junk" products. At the same time, healthy food begins to seem insipid and tasteless to him. Therefore, this supplement is harmful to children.

Conclusion: Monosodium glutamate is a substance that, in moderate amounts, does not harm the body.. However, it is impossible to abuse products in which it was added artificially.

Monosodium glutamate has been considered a food additive for many decades, but there is still no consensus on how it affects the human body: positively or negatively. It is difficult to understand whether monosodium glutamate is harmful or beneficial to humans.

To begin with, let's try to figure out what it is and why monosodium glutamate is dangerous.

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What is monosodium glutamate

It is also called monosodium glutamate. According to the chemical composition, it is a salt of glutamic acid, or rather, 1 substituted monosodium glutamate. In Latin transcription, it looks like Monosodium Glutamate.

It is white crystals, colorless, odorless and tasteless. True, there is an alternative opinion about taste. Some people who have used the supplement in concentrated form claim that this substance has a bright and unusual taste, but they do not know for sure whether monosodium glutamate is harmful or beneficial to humans.

The structure of glutamate is similar to the structure of one of the 20 amino acids that make up the proteins of the human body. In their composition, it performs the function of a building material for the body, actively participates in its life and is necessary for a full-fledged metabolism. Every protein found in the human body contains 10 to 40 percent glutamic acid or its derivatives.

Glutamic acid helps the body synthesize nitrogen, which is actively involved in vital biochemical processes.

Second name

In the European classification, the food additive monosodium glutamate is designated E 621 Although it is considered a flavor enhancer, it is more correct to call the substance a taste improver.

Glutamate was first synthesized by the Japanese at the beginning of the 20th century. Kikunae Ikeda of Tokyo Imperial University noticed that adding soy sauce to dishes, which included a certain type of seaweed, made the taste brighter and richer. Thanks to his research, the world got acquainted with the food additive E621, but did not understand whether monosodium glutamate is harmful or beneficial to humans. The isolated substance was named "umami" or "weijing".

The action of E621 has an interesting feature. Its use is effective for fish, seafood, meat and mushrooms, but it is useless for fruits, dairy products and eggs.

The principle of operation of this additive is not fully understood, but the fact that it has made a real revolution in the food industry is undeniable.

How Monosodium Glutamate Works

Until recently, it was believed that there are four tastes in nature: bitter, sweet, sour, and salty. Each of them is perceived by separate receptors of our language, transmitting a signal to the brain.

By discovering glutamic acid, the Japanese discovered the fifth taste - umami. It is unlike any of the known ones, but it is able to expand the range of taste sensations when added to other products. It makes food taste brighter and more attractive.

For the perception of umami, there are special receptors on the tongue, similar to those that help us taste sweet or salty tastes.

For East Asians, the existence of a taste of umami is as commonplace and undeniable as the statement that the Earth is round is for us. It is just as difficult for us to recognize the fact that there is a fifth taste as it is for our distant ancestors to recognize the theories of Giordano Bruno and Copernicus.

When glutamate enters the body, a false signal is sent to the brain about the intake of protein. In addition, the addition of E621 can reduce the level of glucose in the body, provoking the onset of hunger.

Having understood what monosodium glutamate E621 is, the food industry began to actively use it. This added to the food products more attractive to the consumer in comparison with the products of competitors who do not use this additive.

Glutamate has a particularly strong effect when added to salty foods.

What products contain

The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate is currently synthesized artificially, but it is found naturally in many natural food products. Here are some of them:

  • chicken;
  • mushrooms;
  • kombu seaweed;
  • spinach;
  • pork;
  • corn.

These products are used frequently and everywhere. Often, during the cooking process, proteins undergo hydrolysis to extract glutamic acid and its salts.

This substance is not alien to the body and is familiar to it. We get it from the first days of life, because E621 is found even in breast milk.

Based on these facts, you can independently conclude whether monosodium glutamate is dangerous.

The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate E621 can not only be present in products in its natural form, but also added to them intentionally. E 621 is fast food's best friend. There, umami is applied with a special scope. It is noticed that the additive can cause an addictive effect. A visitor, having tried food with the addition of glutamate several times in a certain institution, can become its regular.

When buying potato chips, be sure that in addition to potatoes and sunflower oil, on which it was fried, you will use many other interesting ingredients. Among them, monosodium glutamate is necessarily present.

Quite often, this substance is used in the production of sausages and smoked meats, instant soups and many other food products.

Glutamic acid and its salts are used not only as food additives. For example, monosodium stearoyl glutamate is very popular among cosmetics manufacturers. Sodium stearoyl glutamate is needed for skin and hair conditioning, it acts as an emulsifier and cleaner. Monosodium stearoyl glutamate has proven itself as an antibacterial agent and an effective antioxidant.

Is monosodium glutamate harmful to health?

Despite the long experience of use, the effect of the food additive E621 on the human body has not yet been sufficiently studied. It is impossible to say with certainty how harmful or beneficial monosodium glutamate is to humans. There are arguments both in favor of its use and against it. And both points of view have a serious foundation.

Of course, if food becomes tastier due to the addition of umami, it will make you want to eat more than usual. And this leads to obesity. But is the dietary supplement to blame? Is monosodium glutamate harmful? How dangerous is he?

If there are many lovers of sweets in the world, the excessive consumption of which is not good for the body, this does not mean that sugar should be banned. The disappearance of E621 will not save a person who is unable to control the amount of food consumed. It does not matter to him whether monosodium glutamate is harmful or not. He has other problems, mostly psychological.

There is information that E621 can cause allergic reactions, although it is not an allergen. Among the products around us with the same properties, there are many. Honey, being a strong allergen, has a lot of useful properties. It is difficult to determine if an allergy to monosodium glutamate exists and how severe it is, since it is consumed along with many other components. And each of them can be an allergen.

If you suggest to a person that the substance is deadly, and force him to use it, this can lead to death. The nocebo effect will work. A case is known when the subject received ordinary water, and he was told that it contained a strong poison. He believed and got poisoned. In the same way, you can artificially provoke an allergy to a completely harmless substance.

Although no scientifically confirmed case of an allergic reaction to glutamate has yet been found, it cannot be guaranteed that this substance is not an allergen.

It is easy to find out why monosodium glutamate is harmful to humans. The supplement can adversely affect the eyes (glaucoma), the brain (Parkinson's disease). Glutamate can cause metabolic disorders, the functioning of the nervous system. At significant doses, the drug is capable of causing disturbances at the cellular level, up to DNA changes.

All this is true, but the concentration of umami contained in the products is not enough to cause negative manifestations. Of course, if you eat E621 with spoons, you can get serious poisoning, as well as the whole bunch of possible diseases and disorders listed above.

Opponents of the use of the supplement often cite as an argument the experiment on mice fed E621, which led to disastrous consequences. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether monosodium glutamate is harmful or beneficial to humans. It all depends on the quantity consumed.

Along with possible negative consequences, E 621 also has useful properties. Its use can improve appetite and mood, makes food tastier, relieves depression, and stimulates brain activity. For many tissues in our body, glutamate serves as an indispensable source of energy.

And this is true, but only with moderate consumption of the supplement. Even the ancients claimed that all poison and all medicine depends on the dose. We will not argue whether monosodium glutamate is harmful or not. This question is pointless to ask so categorically. After all, much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, dosage and many other factors.

For example, a certain amount of E621 can be fatal. This dose is about 5 times less than the lethal dose of ordinary table salt. This means that monosodium glutamate is dangerous, but sodium chloride, better known as table salt, is much more dangerous, although it is used much more widely. For example, an ordinary sausage contains about 6 times more salt than E621.

Since there is no accurate and reliable information about the effects of this food supplement on the human body, it is better not to use monosodium glutamate during pregnancy. After all, a pregnant woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for her unborn child.


If sodium glutamate is used in food in moderation, this will not bring much harm to the body. But if you do not know the measure, then your life is in danger. And not just because of food additives.

And it is better if you eat only healthy, natural home-cooked food and do not get too carried away with fast food and processed foods that are dangerous to your health.

Remember that monosodium glutamate in moderation is not a poison. It will bring only benefit and pleasure.

Often appears in the composition of products as monosodium glutamate. It is surrounded by a large number of conflicting myths regarding the effect on the body, which is why people sometimes automatically classify it as a uniquely harmful additive. The material will help to understand its properties and find out whether the food additive E621 is actually dangerous or not, what is its history and which products contain it the most.

What is monosodium glutamate

Glutamate is a salt of the eponymous glutamic acid (one of the amino acids), which is obtained by crystallization. It looks like an ordinary white powder and is picky in storage. The powder itself has neither taste nor smell and is highly soluble in water. For the first time, the substance was discovered more than a century ago by the Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda, who noticed that dishes with the addition of seaweed are much tastier, and identified glutamate in its composition. So it turned out that this salt is found in natural products and even in the human body. Here it is a kind of "building material" for the protein, without which it cannot exist. It is a renewable amino acid, i.e. normally ingested with food.

industrial production

This additive appeared during an experiment at the beginning of the last century. Then Japanese chemists noticed that when seaweed is added to an edible dish, it acquires a richer taste. This was the first time a substance was isolated, which later became world famous. It was quickly adopted by the culinary industry, and by the first half of the 20th century, mass production of glutamate had been established.

All this time, research supplements did not stop. So, scientists have found that it is present in sufficient quantities in natural products:

  • tomatoes;
  • broccoli cabbage;
  • cheeses;
  • milk;
  • meat.

That is why their taste is so noticeable and rich - due to the glutamic acid in the composition. However, it is rather unprofitable to extract the substance from these products, and technologists have come up with another way. In industry, glutamate is produced by bacterial fermentation. The feedstock for this is starch, molasses or sugar beet, to which yeast is attached (previously wheat gluten was used instead). The output is a monosodium salt, a white powder that has neither taste nor smell and reacts well with water.

The powder reacts with other components and, influencing the receptors, improves the taste and attractiveness of the dish. This is due to a special biological property of acid called umami taste. This is one of several basic tastes that the receptors on our tongue are able to perceive. Monosodium glutamate molecules are the carriers of umami, and the tongue feels their uniqueness in the same way that table salt feels, something sour, bitter or sweet. It is also believed that glutamic acid is an indicator of protein, and thanks to umami we find food rich in protein. This taste was found in other salts of the acid, however, it is most pronounced in monosodium glutamate (which is a relatively cheap additive).


It is known that the difference between glutamate from natural products and artificially obtained taste cannot be determined. However, it is in store food that it is most of all. What is the function of glutamate in it?

  • makes the overall taste as bright as possible so that the consumer wants to buy the product again;
  • inhibits the growth of harmful microorganisms - this extends the period of sale of goods.

Manufacturers are required to indicate the presence of monosodium glutamate in the composition. This is overseen by a special committee on food additives, which regulates the use of such substances. The Committee monitors scientific research and, on its basis, adjusts the list of substances allowed and prohibited in the food industry. Monosodium glutamate is a permitted supplement. On the packaging, it is designated as E621, according to the international classification. It is sometimes also referred to as substituted monosodium glutamate or L-glutamate.

What foods contain monosodium glutamate

Glutamic acid is present in an impressive amount in foods of plant origin (seaweed, broccoli, tomatoes, meat and dairy products). However, if the food is processed (the one that is sold on the shelves), there is also a lot of monosodium glutamate. Here's what the list looks like:

  • sausages, sausages, sausages, minced meat;
  • sauces, mayonnaises, ketchups;
  • bouillon cubes, ready-made spices;
  • chips and crackers in bags, snacks;
  • food from fast food restaurants;
  • various kinds of semi-finished products (for example, frozen pancakes, cutlets, pasties);
  • shop salads;
  • fish, meat, vegetable and even canned fruits.

Glutamate is also found in foods with a minimal degree of processing. For example, in nuts, homemade cottage cheese and homemade mushrooms, this salt is contained in a chemically bound form (glutamic acid inside milk protein). Such glutamate does not act on taste buds, because the process of protein breakdown occurs in the gastrointestinal tract.

Interestingly, the Eastern food industry encourages the use of glutamate even more strongly. So, in Japan they are sure that he is able to enrich the dish like nothing else. The Vietnamese call it "onion salt" and revere it more than usual, and in China, the name "flavor seasoning" has stuck to glutamate. At the same time, the food use of glutamate is not limited to an industrial scale. For example, in the United States already in the 1960s it was used to cook homemade food.

Now monosodium glutamate is also put in cosmetic products:

  • facial skin care products;
  • conditioners for body and hair;
  • flavored creams and emulsions.

True, this is not exactly the glutamate that we find in food. It is obtained from coconut acid. It has emollient properties, strengthens the lipid layer of the skin, maintains the pH level, and reduces excessive sensitivity. In addition, coconut glutamate in cosmetics helps cleanse the epithelium and prevents overdrying.

Monosodium glutamate taste

Even before the actual synthesis of monosodium glutamate and its introduction into the food industry, people used it with might and main - along with food. In fact, there are quite a few products around that are initially rich in it, so no matter what the advertising says, natural products may well contain it, and there is nothing to worry about. In addition to seaweed, which contributed to the discovery of salt, the list of these natural products includes:

  • Asian soy sauce;
  • high-protein foods - aged cheeses (eg parmesan), cow's milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken meat;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • tomatoes.

These products themselves contain glutamic acid, and their use in cooking makes the resulting dish attractive. Therefore, it enters the body in its pure form. In the case of an artificial additive, the glutamate contained in the finished products is converted into it after direct consumption. In essence, cooking these products in your own kitchen is nothing more than the production of glutamate, because their processing (stewing, boiling and frying) is the breakdown of a protein molecule into fragments.

However, it would be wrong to think that monosodium glutamate necessarily affects the palatability of these products. It can be in a chemically bound form, representing an acid in the composition of the protein, therefore it naturally breaks down, enters the digestive tract and blood. Free glutamate, on the contrary, has a bright, pleasant umami taste (tomatoes and their derivative, ketchup, as well as meat and mushrooms, are especially rich in it). In everyday life, we don’t think about it, but it is the combination of products with bound and free glutamate that makes homemade food so special and attractive.

Effect on the body

Despite the fact that the additive is officially allowed, the opinions of experts on the issue of the safety of its use still differ. Part of the research community does not recommend the use of products containing glutamate. This is due to an experiment conducted in Japan in 2002. Scientists have given lab rats food containing the additive for a certain time, as a result of which the animals' eyesight has decreased. However, it was recorded that the deterioration occurred from excessively large doses. This news has given rise to the myth that foods containing glutamate necessarily lead not only to vision problems, but also to headaches, excessive sweating, heart palpitations and general weakness. However, there are no specific scientific articles that could prove such assumptions.

Also, opponents of glutamate associate glutamate with the so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome, when a person has shortness of breath and redness of the skin after eating with glutamate. This hypothesis also has no confirmation, and the symptoms can be explained, for example, by the fact that there were a lot of hot spices in the food.

The main health threats that arise from the excessive consumption of this dietary supplement are:

  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • weight gain and possible obesity;
  • allergic reactions and potential individual intolerance.

Doctors point out that due to its ability to hide odors and extend the shelf life, glutamate can mask already spoiled products that are sold by an unscrupulous manufacturer. For example, there is a danger of buying poor quality meat products made from waste (bones, hides, isolate). Therefore, you should be careful.

Recall the benefits of glutamate contained in natural products:

the beneficial effect of salt on the digestive system in connection with the stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice and the improvement of intestinal motility and strengthening the immune system. This may be useful in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity;

    • improves intestinal motility;
    • unlike table salt, it does not increase blood pressure (this is especially true for people with hypertension);

neutralizes the harmful effects of ammonia and removes it from the body;

used to treat diseases of the central nervous system;

  • participates in the production of glutathione, which supports immunity.

Protein, which many of these foods are rich in, is useful in itself, because it is the main building material of cells.

Of course, you should not abuse this supplement, since almost any substance that accumulates in the body for a long time can become toxic, i.e. harmful to health. This can be expressed, for example, in an immune disorder - allergies, gastritis or intestinal disease. In addition, doctors advise against eating foods containing monosodium glutamate for people with potentially vulnerable health conditions:

    pregnant women (mother's nutrition is directly related to the nutrition of the fetus, which must receive vitamins and minerals through the placenta, so a natural and balanced diet is recommended);

    children - their growing body also needs nutrition enriched with useful substances, and is often prone to the development of allergies; for children, natural products are preferred;

    people with chronic diseases, who should consult a doctor before including such products in the diet.

Safe substance E621

The maximum allowable and safe dosage of salt for health is one percent by weight of a solid product and three tenths of a percent for a liquid. Usually manufacturers do not exceed this limit, otherwise the taste of the dish will be spoiled and the product will not be sold. It is in this proportion that the additive is used all over the world, which is recognized as the norm. So, more than thirty years ago, the expert council of the United Nations recognized it as safe for humans. At the beginning of the 21st century, this also happened in developed countries, being enshrined in law. Therefore, it is possible to consume dishes containing glutamate without fear, and the production of products without it has become almost unthinkable.

Myths about monosodium glutamate

Causes allergies

An experiment was conducted to debunk this myth. The control group of participants were offered products purportedly with glutamate, but in fact it was not in the composition. As a result, the subjects experienced allergy symptoms. The other group was offered meals containing glutamate (they were not notified about this), and there were no exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Moreover, there is no information about the effect of glutamate on weight gain, the nervous system, memory, and the ability to concentrate. It is logical to assume that if this were the case, then any glutamate, including that found in natural products, would be harmful to the human nervous system. By itself, it is a neurotransmitter or transmitter of nerve impulses and, in adequate amounts, contributes to the functioning of the brain. It also cannot go directly to the brain in any way. The reason is that the circulatory system is protected from the central nervous system by a barrier that allows only the substances necessary for functioning to pass there in strictly necessary quantities.

Causes damage to brain cells

A number of researchers also believe that when an excess of glutamic acid accumulates in the body, it is quickly and harmlessly removed from there. Therefore, it is simply impossible to oversaturate it with this supplement. According to scientists, in order to be poisoned by glutamate, you need to eat more than a kilogram of this substance, which is physically impossible.

Interestingly, the everyday belief about harm is specifically glutamate, and not salt or sugar. Meanwhile, it is the excessive consumption of salty and sweet foods that really harms the body. Thus, it has been scientifically established that excess salt leads to an increased risk of vascular diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers (gastritis and ulcers), and sugar leads to an unhealthy increase in body weight and body fat, and also increases the load on the pancreas.


This is partly true: when we eat a product with this additive, it strongly affects the receptors that tell the brain a signal about taste sensations. The brain “remembers” them and wants to repeat them. The supplement stimulates the appetite. Therefore, often after one pack of chips or crackers, there is a desire to take another one. Of course, this is harmful, but mainly because such snacks are basically an unhealthy diet due to the frying in oil used. In addition, do not forget that glutamate is salt, and its excess affects digestion.

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