What is chauvinism? Examples of chauvinism in the modern world. The meaning of the word male chauvinism is brief and clear: what is the female term Chauvinism examples from history

In recent years, we have come across this concept more and more often. It appears with amazing consistency in the speeches of politicians, in topics of public discussion, in discussions about the problems of the country and people. Often chauvinism and nationalism are closely intertwined in our minds. Some people consider them synonymous. Chauvinism - what is it? Let's try to figure it out.

The history of the term “chauvinism” dates back to France during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. The soldier, Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, remained a devoted supporter of his emperor until the very end. The name became a common noun and was transformed into a term. Chauvinism in its basic meaning is an ideological concept that is based on the belief of the superiority of one nation over another. Aggressive policies and pressure are methods used by supporters of chauvinism to incite ethnic hatred.

Today, the word “chauvinism” refers to the unrestrained praise of any one nation or group of people, its exaltation over other nations or groups. As a rule, the chauvinist himself belongs to the very nationality or group that he praises.

Who are chauvinists? Unlike nationalism, where “all peoples are equal,” chauvinists see their nation as endowed with special, exclusive powers and rights. Fascism is one of the terrible manifestations of chauvinism, a crime against all humanity. The result is the death of millions of people of different nationalities, large-scale destruction of cultural and material property.

Chauvinism - psychology

The concept of chauvinism is used by psychologists of different schools. The psychotraumatic experience of upbringing, based on suppression, lays the foundation for the child to further self-affirmation in negative ways. The boy can learn the result of a destructive relationship between father and mother (beatings, humiliation) and carry this program further into his future family. What “male chauvinism” is can be clearly seen in eastern countries, where education was initially built on male superiority over women.

Signs of chauvinism

In modern society, open acts of discrimination are illegal and criminally punishable. Political movements based on chauvinistic tendencies will never lead to mutual understanding, openness, and peace between peoples, and therefore will not enjoy the support of the majority of people. The consequences are devastating: war, genocide. In its individual form, chauvinism is present as a “belief system”, mainly among men. Signs of a chauvinist:

  • a male chauvinist actively “fights” against chauvinism, blaming others for it except himself;
  • considers himself free from nationalist prejudices;
  • exaggerates the “greatness”, “otherness” and “interestingness” of his people;
  • elevates the temperament of his nation;
  • believes that all nations “a priori” should love and admire his nation, he is offended when met with indifference;
  • accurately notices the shortcomings of other ethnic groups, but does not know the real advantages and traits of his people.

Types of chauvinism

If we consider for clarity a specific example from history, then in Russia in the 19th – 20th centuries. “Great-power chauvinism” - an expression denoting the dominant attitude of the empire towards other peoples, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, was opposed to nationalism and, as a dangerous ideology, began to be supplanted, but as social chauvinism exists in third world countries. Today, when defining what chauvinism is in other social and public categories, experts distinguish several varieties:

  • religious (confessional);
  • domestic;
  • racial;
  • age chauvinism;
  • gender;
  • language.
  • female chauvinism
  • Gender chauvinism

Regardless of the sphere of manifestation, chauvinism is based on the suppression and domination of some over others, infringement, and inequality of rights. A worldview based on gender discrimination is called gender or sexual chauvinism. The difference in natural essence between a man and a woman creates inequality in political, economic and social manifestations - this is the ideology of sexism. Gender stereotypes play a key role in maintaining sexual chauvinism.


Men can experience tender feelings and sympathy towards women, but at the same time do not consider them equal to themselves; part of the reason lies in psychological differences. Male chauvinism is a term (another name is sexism) coined by American feminists. The writer N. Shmelev considered male chauvinism an integral part of a man. Without realizing it, a man can tell a joke about a “stupid woman” or “evil mother-in-law” at any moment.

Characteristic manifestations of male chauvinism:

  • a man's word is a woman's law;
  • the man is the head of the family;
  • reason, logic and intelligence - the difference between a man and a woman, in whom only feelings prevail;
  • a man is always right;
  • for a man - the appearance of a mistress is encouraged, for a woman - this is censure by society

Female chauvinism

At the end of the 18th century. Women in European countries began to declare their equality with men. The phrase of the American suffragist Abigail Smith Adams: “We will not submit to laws in which we did not participate, and to an authority that does not represent our interests” has gone down in history. Feminism is an ideological movement that has been gaining strength and scope over the course of several centuries. During this time, women managed to achieve equal rights with men:

  • occupy leadership positions;
  • suffrage;
  • military service;
  • choice of any profession;
  • free choice of sexual partners.

All this helped women strengthen their position in society, become useful and influential. Female chauvinism is a concept that arose relatively recently. Unlike feminists, who recognize the rights of men and strive for equal rights with them, chauvinists devalue the role of men and emphasize their superiority. Men say that women also infringe on their rights and see discrimination in the following:

  • early retirement age compared to men;
  • lower standards of physical activity;
  • the need to remove hats in the theater, church - a woman does not need to do this;
  • The woman can make the decision to terminate the pregnancy on her own.

Chauvinism in the modern world

Preserving their traditions, way of life, religion, language, music is a normal desire of people of any nationality. A high level of moral and spiritual development helps to see the benefits and beauty of the entire diversity of the world's cultural heritage. Cultural chauvinism promotes its heritage as the only one and superior to other cultures - it impoverishes human perception.

Chauvinism in the Bible

What is modern chauvinism? There is no consensus between sociologists and other specialists. The origins of this phenomenon go back centuries. Male chauvinism in Christianity is based on the legend of the creation of the world. God created Adam first, and from a rib he created Eve for him - as a consolation. Expulsion from Paradise occurs through the fault of Eve, who tasted (succumbed to the temptation of the serpent) an apple - the fruit of knowledge. “All troubles come from women!” - this stereotype has not outlived its usefulness even today.

In recent years, we have come across this concept more and more often. It appears with amazing consistency in the speeches of politicians, in topics of public discussion, in discussions about the problems of the country and people. Often chauvinism and nationalism are closely intertwined in our minds. Some people consider them synonymous. Chauvinism - what is it? Let's try to figure it out.

Interestingly, the term itself comes from the surname of a veteran of the Napoleonic wars, Nicolas Chauvin. Bonaparte dreamed of world glory for France. He sought to create a militarily strong empire, annexing more and more

Chauvinism - what is it in social terms?

Along with the manifestation of intolerance and aggression towards people of a different nationality, we have all encountered manifestations of chauvinism towards people of a different sex. Most often, men show it towards women. In addition, some people show it in relation to other categories. Often intolerance is accompanied by deliberate discrimination, which, as we know, can exist against people with disabilities, those under a certain age, and those who have certain political opinions.

Chauvinism - what is it in biology?

There is also so-called species discrimination, when one biological species infringes on the interests of another species, being convinced of its own species superiority and the priority of its interests. Simply put, this kind of chauvinism is definitely manifested by humans towards animals. Another interesting phenomenon is carbon chauvinism. What it is? There is no discrimination here. This type of chauvinism belongs to the field of science of cosmozoology and the search for extraterrestrial life. The fact is that all life forms on earth studied by modern scientists are based on carbon. Moreover, all biological organisms on our planet consist of the same substances that are most common in the Universe (hydrogen, oxygen, and so on). This determines the popularity among modern scientists of the idea that extraterrestrial life forms must also consist of these compounds. And assumptions about some other forms, based on silicon, for example, are categorically rejected by some scientists. Which led to the emergence of the concept of “carbon chauvinism”.

The interests of one nation are the interests of all etc. nations, distribution national swagger, incitement national enmity and hatred. The term "Shch." appeared in France [in 1831 in the comedy of the brothers I. and T. Cognard “The Three-Color Cockade” ("La cocarde tricolore") one of the heroes was the aggressively militant recruit Nicola Chauvin; it is believed that the prototype of this character was a real one - veteran of the Napoleonic wars N. Chauvin (N. Chauvin), brought up in the spirit of admiration for the emperor - the creator of the “greatness” of France]. The word "Sh." began to denote various manifestations of nationalism. extremism. In Great Britain Sh. received con. 70s gg. 19 V. a special name is jingoism.

Opportunist, current in international socialist movement, whose representatives spoke out during the 1st World War in support of chauvinistic. The policies of the bourgeoisie of their countries received social chauvinism.

A variety of Sh. - great power Sh. - and the policy of the ruling classes of the nation occupying the dominant (sovereign) position in the state, declaring their nation the “superior” nation. Great power Sh. aimed at enslavement etc. nations, their discrimination in economic, political. and cultural life. The most extreme Sh. is misanthropic. ideology and fash. states

Marxist-Leninist parties have always considered one of the most important tasks to be the fight against any variety of Scholastic ideology and its supporters.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


CHAUVINISM is a transformed form of national consciousness, one of the forms of heteronomy and xenophobia, hostility and even hatred of strangers, atavistic, biologically based rejection of foreigners, people of other faiths, all bodily, color, cultural, national, linguistic differences, even foreign customs, costumes and etc. according to the principle “not like that - stranger - stranger - enemy”. The term “chauvinism” comes from the name of the fanatical Bonapartist N. Chauvin, a soldier of the Napoleonic army, whose grotesqueness became a household name thanks to the comedy of the Cognard brothers “The Tricolor Cockade, an Episode of the War in Algeria” (1831). Subsequently, “chauvinism” became the international designation for extreme, fanatical nationalism bordering on racism. Modern chauvinism can have mass prejudices, even the ideology of extreme right-wing political movements. Chauvinism is especially dangerous if it becomes the de facto or de jure ideology of any ruling party or state policy (Germany in the 30s and 40s).

I. I. Kravchenko

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .


See what “CHAUVINISM” is in other dictionaries:

    - (French from his own name Chauvin, a French soldier, an exalted supporter of Napoleon and the empire). At first it meant every boundless surprise felt towards Napoleon after 1815, then in general political self-delusion, self-adoration. Dictionary… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (French chauvinisme) a type of nationalist policy, the content of which is the spread of hatred and enmity towards other nations and nationalities. The main provisions of the political ideology of chauvinism are: assertion... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    CHAUVINISM, chauvinism, many others. no, husband (polit.). Extreme nationalism, preaching hatred, contempt for other peoples and inciting national enmity. “...Chauvinism, even in white gloves and with the most sophisticated turns of phrase, is disgusting.” Lenin... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    chauvinism- a, m. chauvinisme Chauvin Proper name French. soldier N. Chauvin, a supporter of Napoleon's aggressive policy. 1. Initially it meant any boundless surprise towards Napoleon after 1815, then generally political... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    The primary source was popular prints (“pictures from Epinal”) on military themes, created by the French artist Nicolas Toussaint Charlet. The constant hero of these pictures is the good soldier Sho Wen. Later, this same popular character became the main... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    - (French chauvinisme), an extreme aggressive form of nationalism... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French chauvinisme, in the English version jingoism) the most odious form of nationalism, the proclamation of national exclusivity, the opposition of the interests of one ethnic group (or superethnic group) to the interests of all other ethnic groups, the spread of ideas... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    CHAUVINISM, huh, husband. Extreme nationalism, preaching national and racial exclusivity and inciting national enmity and hatred. | adj. chauvinistic, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    A neologism that received citizenship rights in the French language, followed by it in other European languages. Under Sh., of course, a stormy patriotic mood of a warlike nature, supported by a heated fantasy and based on a blind... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


  • State anti-Semitism in the USSR. From start to climax. 1938 - 1953, . Based on archival documents and mostly published for the first time, this volume shows how the formation of the policy of state anti-Semitism took place in the Soviet Union. Presented...

What is chauvinism as a phenomenon in society? This concept is used in many areas of life and is closely related to politics, social life, and interpersonal relationships between men and women. Chauvinism carries a destructive principle and is based on sharply negative emotions.

Chauvinism - what is it?

The history of the term “chauvinism” dates back to France during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. The soldier, Nicolas Chauvin de Rochefort, remained a devoted supporter of his emperor until the very end. The name became a common noun and was transformed into a term. Chauvinism in its basic meaning is an ideological concept that is based on the belief of the superiority of one nation over another. Aggressive policies and pressure are methods used by supporters of chauvinism to incite ethnic hatred.

Who are chauvinists? Unlike nationalism, where “all peoples are equal,” chauvinists see their nation as endowed with special, exclusive powers and rights. Fascism is one of the terrible manifestations of chauvinism, a crime against all humanity. The result is the death of millions of people of different nationalities, large-scale destruction of cultural and material property.

Chauvinism - psychology

The concept of chauvinism is used by psychologists of different schools. The psychotraumatic experience of upbringing, based on suppression, lays the foundation for the child to further self-affirmation in negative ways. The boy can learn the result of a destructive relationship between father and mother (beatings, humiliation) and carry this program further into his future family. What “male chauvinism” is can be clearly seen in eastern countries, where education was initially built on male superiority over women.

Chauvinism and xenophobia - differences

At their core, both phenomena, chauvinism and xenophobia, contain an affective component - (hatred, hostility, contempt). Xenophobia - a broader concept - is a person’s fear of loss, dissolution of his ethnicity. The paranoid fear of xenophobes extends to everything alien: nations, races, cultures, religions. Chauvinism is a form of xenophobia that aggressively and violently opposes the interests of one’s own nation to the detriment of others.

Signs of chauvinism

In modern society, open acts of discrimination are illegal and criminally punishable. Political movements based on chauvinistic tendencies will never lead to mutual understanding, openness, and peace between peoples, and therefore will not enjoy the support of the majority of people. The consequences are devastating: war, genocide. In its individual form, chauvinism is present as a “belief system”, mainly among men. Signs of a chauvinist:

  • a male chauvinist actively “fights” against chauvinism, blaming others for it except himself;
  • considers himself free from nationalist prejudices;
  • exaggerates the “greatness”, “otherness” and “interestingness” of his people;
  • elevates the temperament of his nation;
  • believes that all nations “a priori” should love and admire his nation, he is offended when met with indifference;
  • accurately notices the shortcomings of other ethnic groups, but does not know the real advantages and traits of his people.

Types of chauvinism

If we consider for clarity a specific example from history, then in Russia in the 19th – 20th centuries. “Great-power chauvinism” - an expression denoting the dominant attitude of the empire towards other peoples, with the advent of the Bolsheviks, was opposed to nationalism and, as a dangerous ideology, began to be supplanted, but as social chauvinism exists in third world countries. Today, when defining what chauvinism is in other social and public categories, experts distinguish several varieties:

  • religious (confessional);
  • domestic;
  • racial;
  • age chauvinism;
  • gender;
  • language.

Gender chauvinism

Regardless of the sphere of manifestation, chauvinism is based on the suppression and domination of some over others, infringement, and inequality of rights. A worldview based on gender discrimination is called gender or sexual chauvinism. The difference in natural essence between a man and a woman creates inequality in political, economic and social manifestations - this is the ideology of sexism. They play a key role in maintaining sexual chauvinism.


Men can experience tender feelings and sympathy towards women, but at the same time do not consider them equal to themselves; part of the reason lies in psychological differences. Male chauvinism is a term (another name is sexism) coined by American feminists. The writer N. Shmelev considered male chauvinism an integral part of a man. Without realizing it, a man can tell a joke about a “stupid woman” or “evil mother-in-law” at any moment.

Characteristic manifestations of male chauvinism:

  • a man's word is a woman's law;
  • the man is the head of the family;
  • reason, logic and intelligence - the difference between a man and a woman, in whom only feelings prevail;
  • a man is always right;
  • for a man - the appearance of a mistress is encouraged, for a woman - this is censure by society

Female chauvinism

At the end of the 18th century. Women in European countries began to declare their equality with men. The phrase of the American suffragist Abigail Smith Adams: “We will not submit to laws in which we did not participate, and to an authority that does not represent our interests” has gone down in history. Feminism is an ideological movement that has been gaining strength and scope over the course of several centuries. During this time, women managed to achieve equal rights with men:

  • occupy leadership positions;
  • suffrage;
  • military service;
  • choice of any profession;
  • free choice of sexual partners.

All this helped women strengthen their position in society, become useful and influential. Female chauvinism is a concept that arose relatively recently. Unlike feminists, who recognize the rights of men and strive for equal rights with them, chauvinists devalue the role of men and emphasize their superiority. Men say that women also infringe on their rights and see discrimination in the following:

  • early retirement age compared to men;
  • lower standards of physical activity;
  • the need to remove hats in the theater, church - a woman does not need to do this;
  • A woman can make the decision to terminate a pregnancy on her own.

Chauvinism in the modern world

Preserving their traditions, way of life, religion, language, music is a normal desire of people of any nationality. A high level of moral and spiritual development helps to see the benefits and beauty of the entire diversity of the world's cultural heritage. Cultural chauvinism promotes its heritage as the only one and superior to other cultures - it impoverishes.

Chauvinism in the Bible

What is modern chauvinism? There is no consensus between sociologists and other specialists. The origins of this phenomenon go back centuries. Male chauvinism in Christianity is based on the legend of the creation of the world. God created Adam first, and from a rib he created Eve for him - as a consolation. Expulsion from Paradise occurs through the fault of Eve, who tasted (succumbed to the temptation of the serpent) an apple - the fruit of knowledge. “All troubles come from women!” - this stereotype has not outlived its usefulness even today.

The concept of “male chauvinism” is commonly used in everyday life to refer to the unfair attitude of men towards women. Many representatives of the fairer sex claim that because of men, they cannot make a career or achieve a high level of earnings because of their abilities. Is this true or not? In order to answer this question, we will consider the concept of chauvinism, including male chauvinism, and try to figure out whether humiliation really takes place in modern society.

Chauvinism: the meaning of the word

According to dictionaries, chauvinism is defined as an ideology based on the assertion of the superiority of one nation over others in order to justify discrimination against other peoples.

The name of this phenomenon comes from the name of Napoleon Bonaparte's soldier - Nicolas Chauvin. According to legend, this soldier remained loyal to Napoleon even after his overthrow and was ready to fight with any people on the side of the emperor.

Gender chauvinism, also called sexism, is defined as a worldview that affirms unequal rights for men and women.

This is manifested in the fact that each gender is assigned rigid standards that men and women supposedly must comply with.

For example, there is a stereotype that a woman should be weak and a man should be strong. When dating and building relationships, a man is given an active role, and a woman should only wait to see how events will turn out. In addition, it is believed that women's wages are 10% less than men's wages under equal conditions and responsibilities.

Even the fact that punishments such as life imprisonment are not applied to women is sometimes considered a manifestation of sexism. Also, many fighters for gender equality are outraged by the fact that women retire earlier than men, despite a longer average life expectancy.

From such facts we can conclude that gender inequality is emphasized everywhere. Men can feel as violated in their rights as women.

Male chauvinism in modern society

The stereotypes mentioned above regarding male and female behavior are merely culturally embedded patterns. Traditions, worldviews and goals are changing, as well as ways to achieve them. If at the beginning of the last century strict standards entirely determined the behavior of representatives of both sexes, then in modern Russian society people have received much more freedom in their manifestations. No one is shocked anymore by a girl who, on a par with men (and sometimes more successfully than them), makes a career in the oil and gas or similar complex industry.

Many women give up in favor of scientific research or promoting new ideas. The fair sex does not always find itself in “second roles”, following the male leader.

Against this background, male chauvinism, or the attitude towards a woman as a “second-class creature,” is gradually receding into the background.

Of course, there are still men who claim that a lady cannot be a good leader, but such remarks can only cause a smile. There are many examples that a woman can make a brilliant career and become the head of a large enterprise. Thus, the CEO of one of the largest airlines in the country is a woman, and the majority of employees of this giant enterprise treat her with genuine respect.

In conditions of competition with women, men begin to feel deprived and disadvantaged. Many truly cannot find their place in society when faced with female superiority. Isn’t this the reason for so-called male chauvinism? In an effort to somehow establish themselves among active ladies holding high positions, some representatives of the stronger sex vent their souls with the help of impartial statements addressed to them. But is it worth paying attention to this?

An important problem is that both men and women dream of an easy and happy life, which is only possible if a person is in harmony with himself. Will full equality make people happier, will they become more successful because of it - this is the main question. And other conversations about who is more important: men or women, simply do not deserve attention.

People living in conditions of gender equality often strive to return to traditional values, when the woman is the keeper of the home, and the man is the protector and breadwinner. Is it correct? Everyone answers this question independently; fortunately in the modern world there is an opportunity for self-realization in any direction.

And I would like to advise women who are offended by “male chauvinism”, in other words, by unflattering statements made by men about them, to believe in themselves and their capabilities. And then other people's opinions will not prevent you from making a career, as well as achieving everything you dream of.

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