What is a university curriculum? Training according to an individual curriculum (IEP) What every student should remember

All students study according to a plan that allows them to gradually acquire new knowledge and distribute it evenly in their heads.

To make it clearer, I’ll explain with a simple example: before solving complex examples, a student must learn the multiplication table; otherwise, more comprehensive information will simply be inaccessible to his understanding.

That is why in the curriculum the first thing on the agenda is the multiplication table, and only then solving complex examples.

A similar situation exists in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, only students are so busy studying that they simply do not attach any importance to it.

In general, this is correct, since the curriculum is, rather, a guide to action for teachers and teachers, and it does not concern schoolchildren and students.

However, this does not mean that you can ignore the question of what a curriculum is, because for the general development and expansion of your own horizons, this information will certainly not be superfluous.

What is a curriculum and its features

Curriculum is a certified document that provides a training plan for students in a particular specialty.

It is not only drawn up on paper in a strictly specified form, but also contains a sufficient number of signatures and even the wet seal of the educational institution, less often the Ministry of Education.

This once again proves the importance of this document, which must be agreed upon with the top management of the university and the dean’s office of a particular specialty.

The curriculum is a structured document and consists of three mandatory parts:

Training schedule;

List of items;

Number of hours.

Training schedule- this is the main component of the document, since it provides a schedule of tests, exams, educational and work practice, and intermediate certification. Accordingly, this also includes coursework and diploma papers, course projects and laboratory workshops.

List of items- also an important part of the curriculum, since it includes a list of all disciplines that will be studied by students during a particular session. In addition, elective classes and sports and cultural events are mandatory. Also, do not forget about the Olympiads, which are necessarily held by every university.

Number of hours- This is, rather, a conditional component of the curriculum, which provides detailed information about the number of hours on a particular topic or subject. The duration of each period is described in total and separately, and there are also assigned hours for homework, theoretical lectures, independent and practical assignments, and laboratory classes.

All these components of the curriculum are mandatory, and without a detailed description of them, a confirming signature, and, moreover, a wet seal, is definitely not possible.

Moreover, each specialty has its own unique plan, which will be different for part-time, full-time and evening students.

If you still didn't know there was a curriculum, now is the time to open your eyes.

If you are wondering what kind of document this is, and whether the teacher complies with its strictly approved framework, then you can make a specific request to contact the dean’s office or your department, where they will be able to carefully review this important student document without any problems.

Any questions that arise can be safely addressed to the teacher, but again, do not forget that you still have to take an exam in this subject.

Why do students need a curriculum?

Many students study and don't care much about what the curriculum is. However, there are periods when the load increases so much that the student can no longer cope with all the tasks, noticeably “sliding down” in academic performance.
This is where panic begins, and the desire to personally familiarize yourself with the curriculum becomes more and more acute.

Here it is important to clearly understand that the curriculum is a document equivalent to the Charter of the university, therefore, in the event of obvious violations on the part of the teacher, proceedings from above may follow.

It is possible that they will be in your favor, and then your reputation as an exemplary student can be immediately restored.

Such knowledge is also necessary when a teacher treats the lecture and practical components of his direct obligations superficially, but then demands it in full during the exam.

As a rule, lazy teachers love the phrase “self-paced learning.” Indeed, such a term is provided for in the curriculum, but it is designed only for individual topics, and not for a full course of lectures.

The rector's office will not praise the teacher for identifying such a discrepancy; in addition, penalties may follow, for example, in the form of deprivation of a bonus.

So you should not ignore such important information as the curriculum, since this document, first of all, represents the interests of the student, so that he will soon earn the proud and honorable title of “young specialist”.

Personally, my advice goes something like this: the next semester has begun, don’t be lazy, go to the dean’s office and read the curriculum, at least for general development, and then... you never know where this useful information will come in handy.

Educational reforms

Ten years ago, curricula were drawn up annually, and they included a lot of innovative ideas from teachers, but today teachers prefer to follow the well-trodden path.

What does it mean?

Previously, drawing up a curriculum was a real debate, as a result of which the truth was born. Teachers argued about which subject should be introduced into the curriculum and when, how many hours per semester to devote to it, and how to certify students.

The main goal was to provide students of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions with maximum knowledge, which in the future will definitely be useful in production and practice.

Today everything has changed, and teachers prefer to simply update the old curriculum and then bring it to the rector’s office for signature.

There are no fresh ideas, no drive, and the modern education system has become somewhat boring and mundane.

On the one hand, stability has never harmed anyone, but on the other, why not experiment, as it was before?

In defense of traditional curricula, it is worth saying that, thanks to them, more than one highly qualified specialist has appeared in production and other areas.

Types of curriculum

We have already figured out what a curriculum is; why it is needed in all educational institutions - also. Now let's try to find out what kind of curriculum there are and how they differ in practice.

So, there is the following classification.

Model curriculum is considered the main document that guarantees the state component of a certain educational and professional program. It establishes at the state level the minimum volumes of training hours and cycles (blocks), a list of compulsory subjects, the qualifications of the graduating specialist, and any additions. Simply put, the Ministry of Education has established that schooling lasts for 10 years, which means that no one will change this at the non-state level.

Working curriculum- This is a standard curriculum with adjustments from a specific university. That is, a higher educational institution takes as a basis the main document established and approved by the Ministry of Education, and then makes amendments to it, in accordance with the current education system within its walls. All changes are confirmed by documents, in particular, the University Charter.

For example, students are required to read a certain amount of information per year - this is a standard plan. In the first semester, make fewer pairs in the specialty, and in the second, by decision of the dean, on the contrary, increase the number of hours - this is already a working plan. As a result, the plan was implemented, but how is a matter for the university.

All existing requirements for the level of training of graduates are mostly determined by the mandatory minimum content of educational and professional programs, and it is important not to forget about this when drawing up the annual curriculum.

What should every student remember?

To avoid clashes with teachers and not create conflict situations, it is important to know the following information, which, in fact, is a statement of fact and will not be superfluous for every student:

1. A curriculum is required in any educational institution, be it a school, college, college or university.

2. The curriculum is approved by the management of the educational institution, and is based on the regulations and instructions of the Ministry of Education.

3. The curriculum for different specialties is different.

4. The curriculum for full-time, evening and correspondence students also differs in structure.

5. The curriculum provides the maximum information that every student should comprehend.

6. The curriculum is stored in the dean’s office of the faculty, and every student who wishes can personally familiarize himself with its contents.

7. The curriculum allows you to resolve a number of conflict situations.

8. The curriculum is re-approved every academic year (in August).

9. The curriculum cannot be challenged, but adjustments can be made to it.

10. The curriculum is an official document.

Conclusion: So now you should understand the seriousness and significance of this document, but all other issues in terms of drawing up a curriculum are best left to competent teachers and the dean’s office. They will certainly never wish bad things on their own students.

Now you know about what is a university curriculum?.


Study the state educational standard for your discipline. When developing a curriculum, you should use it as a guide, especially if you work in a public higher education institution. In any case, it is undesirable to allow points in the education plan to sharply contradict these documents.

Divide the entire course of your subject by the specific number of hours allocated to it. Next, divide each academic semester into large blocks depending on the main sections of this science. It is very convenient to build training if you can simultaneously separate semantic blocks from each other by time intervals.

Use textbooks from trusted authors. Make sure you have the most recent edition of your books. Gradually move on to a more detailed drawing of the plan. You can allocate a specific number of study hours to master each section.

List the topics that each section includes. Give them a degree of difficulty. Depending on the volume and difficulty of completion, allocate time for each topic.

Divide what topics you will give in lectures, and what students can study on their own after discussing them at the seminar. Keep in mind that you should not leave the study of complex issues that require explanation to be mastered without a teacher.

Develop a knowledge testing system. It should include seminar preparation assignments that you will give to students after each lecture. After completing a large section, it is advisable to give students a test.

Make a table that will contain data about the topics being studied and the hours for them. This way you will have a visual form that is convenient to adjust and supplement. Leave two hours free. Then, if the plan shifts a little, you can use them.

Video on the topic

A novice teacher will be helped to draw up a lesson plan for a certain period of time by special methodological recommendations based on practical experience in teaching this academic discipline. In these recommendations, the topics of classes and the time required to master them are distributed in accordance with the results of an analysis of teaching activities over a long period of time.

Analysis of new teaching aids is a necessary condition in order to draw up a curriculum correctly

In order to properly draw up a curriculum at the beginning of a new season, you need to carefully analyze all newly available educational materials. Sometimes the quality of new textbooks leaves much to be desired, but from time to time convenient and accessible, well-structured electronic or printed publications appear that can significantly facilitate the learning process. If the newly appeared textbook is not yet recommended as the main source for studying the subject, but you want to be sure to use the information available in it, then your lesson plan should include elective hours to familiarize students with the new edition.

What is the best way to distribute test sessions when creating a curriculum?

For voluminous ones that are difficult to understand, it is best to provide several intermediate control lessons and one final test. If the results of intermediate control classes are unsatisfactory, additional classes should be conducted on the material covered. Therefore, when drawing up a curriculum, it is necessary to provide hours for additional classes. If all students are doing well and no additional lessons are required, the hours provided for these purposes can be used for cultural events (going to the theater, concert, museum).

What should be considered in order to correctly draw up a curriculum?

First of all, approved methodological recommendations developed by authorized structures. In addition, it is possible to correctly draw up a curriculum only when the average level of preparation of students is known. If it is not possible to evaluate it, it is better to increase the number of hours allocated for additional and control classes on the subject.


  • curriculum development

Drawing up an enterprise work program is an integral component of the planning and management system. Without the creation of such a system, the activities of any company are simply impossible. The work program is a plan for the production of products or the provision of services of the established nomenclature, range and quality. At its core, it is the sequence and timing of activities aimed at fulfilling the production plan.


Next, in the center, enter the name of the document “Work program ...”, here the name of the discipline for which you need to draw up a curriculum, as well as the class for which it is intended, is indicated. Below is the name and category of the teacher/teacher who completed this program.

Enter the year in which the work program was compiled on the next line in the center. Please note that the program is drawn up for five years, and every year it must be reviewed and, if necessary, amended and re-approved. Add a page break so that the next text is printed from a new sheet, to do this, select the menu “Insert” - “Page Break”, or press the key combination Ctrl+Enter.

Execute the command “Table” – “Add table” to discipline. The table should have the following columns: number, names of sections and topics, total hours, then “Including on” and break it into 3 columns (tests, tests), approximate number of hours for independent work.

Fill out the table, first enter the sections, each with the topics included in it. For each topic, indicate the number of hours allocated to it. Also, to draw up a work program, it is necessary to indicate after each section a form of control, usually testing. In the last row of the table, sum up the hours entered; they must correspond to the curriculum.

Perform formatting of the work program. Use Times New Roman font, size 12. Line spacing is single. Hyphenations are not allowed in the text. The paragraph indent should be 1.25 cm, the margins should be 2 cm. For all text, use width alignment, for table text - left, for headings, set center alignment. Number all pages of the program except the title page, sign them yourself and have them approved by the management, and put the school seal on the title page.

Helpful advice

Take a ready-made work program in another subject as a sample; this will save you from many mistakes and speed up the procedure for signing the program.

Every subject teacher is faced with the need to develop a work program for their academic discipline. Of course, there are standard programs, but the teacher has to deal with specific students, whose level of knowledge, skills and abilities may be in some ways higher or lower than the average. The work program is drawn up on the basis of a standard one, but taking into account specific conditions.

You will need

  • - standard program for the subject;
  • - federal educational standards;
  • - data on the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Training according to an individual curriculum with a shorter training period

In accordance with the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, they can take advantage of the right to study according to an individual curriculum with a reduction in the period of study the following persons:

  • those with higher education in any field of training (specialty) - the estimated duration of study is 4 - 4.5 years;
  • graduates of colleges or technical schools who have received a specialized specialization in secondary vocational education for the chosen profile at the University (for example, a college diploma in the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” is considered core in relation to the program mastered at the University in the profile “Industrial and civil construction”) - duration of study 4.5 years;
  • previously studied at a higher educational institution and have a certificate of study or academic certificate - the duration of study depends on the extent of overlap of disciplines.

General rules:

  1. All applicants, regardless of previous education, are enrolled based on the results of a competitive selection in the chosen field of study for the first year of the full training program, see the admission rules. Reducing the duration of study is possible only by re-crediting or re-certifying the studied disciplines in a previous educational institution, on the basis of which an individual curriculum for the student is drawn up.
  2. Only those disciplines that were studied in an educational organization of higher education are re-credited, provided that they have similar names, the same complexity of mastering (not less) and the form of certification in relation to the curriculum of the National Research University MGSU. Diplomas of higher education or certificates of study at a university/academic certificates are taken into account without limitation of how long ago they were received, but subject to state accreditation of the university.
  3. If a discipline has a difference in name, form of certification (test/exam/differentiated test) or less labor intensity (number of hours of study), it can be re-certified by decision of the certification commission of the relevant department. Re-certification of disciplines is carried out by the certification commission of the relevant department in the personal presence of the student during the first semester of study according to the schedule (usually the month of November). During recertification, the commission surveys the student in the discipline and makes a decision on whether the student has or does not have knowledge and competencies corresponding to the University program. For persons living in remote regions of the Russian Federation, the recertification procedure can be carried out using telecommunication technologies, subject to the identification of the person being certified.
  4. If desired, any of the disciplines that fall under the category of “retest” or “recertification” can be studied again by the student.
  5. Applications for transfer to study according to an individual curriculum and for re-certification of disciplines (if necessary) must be submitted by students to the Academic Department of the Institute of Education within 10 days from the beginning of the academic semester.
  6. The results of re-testing and re-certification are included in the student’s individual curriculum. The individual curriculum is agreed upon with the student, after which an additional agreement is drawn up to the agreement on paid educational services, which determines the new term of study and changes in tuition fees according to the IEP, calculated in accordance with the order. The cost of training is determined for each academic semester separately, depending on the actual labor intensity, without taking into account re-credited or re-certified disciplines. That is, the total cost of training is reduced by the volume of re-credited or re-certified disciplines.
  7. Transfer to training according to an individual curriculum is made during the first semester of study after completion of the recertification procedure.

For reference, using the example of the direction of training “Construction”, the profile “Industrial and Civil Construction” are given:

  • an approximate list of disciplines that a college graduate who has received a secondary vocational education diploma in the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures” can apply for recertification;

At school, as at a university, the entire educational process must be confirmed by certain documents. In this article I would like to talk about one of them. We'll talk about what it is

Definition of the concept

First of all, you need to decide on the concepts that will be used in this article. The main one is the curriculum. It must be said that His goal is to determine the number of subjects, as well as the hours allocated for their study. Also, the curriculum will specify the arrangement of hours by week, the breakdown of these hours into various types of classes (for universities): lectures, seminars, laboratory work. An important point: the curriculum is drawn up and approved by the Ministry of Education.


So, it is also worth considering in more detail what the curriculum is filled with.

  1. This document determines the length of time (year, semester) allocated for studying this subject. Vacation days are also prescribed.
  2. The plan contains a complete list of subjects that will be taught to students.
  3. Each subject will have its own breakdown into hours (their total number; hours allocated for lectures, seminars, laboratory work).
  4. Official aspects: name of the course, indication of specialty codes, signatures of officials certifying the document.


It is worth remembering that the curriculum is drawn up once every 5 years. It requires changes only if adjustments have been made either by the Ministry of Education or by the department itself. Every year a working curriculum should be drawn up, which will provide more detailed information about a particular subject.

It is worth saying that all curricula and programs must be drawn up in accordance with the principles prescribed by the Ministry of Education. So, when compiling them, you need to adhere to the following points:

  1. The curriculum must be drawn up in accordance with the following documents: State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education and educational standards, which are official documents).
  2. All disciplines of specialties should not exceed the volume that was regulated by the educational standard.
  3. All individual student work - laboratory, coursework, graphic work, abstracts, as well as certification issues (exams or tests) - are included in the total hours allocated for studying a particular subject.
  4. The educational institution may change some aspects at its discretion. However, federal disciplines always remain the same. For example, the number of hours allocated to physical education is constant.


When drawing up a curriculum (2014-2015) for universities, it is worth remembering that the number of disciplines that a student must pass during the year should not exceed 10 exams and 12 tests. You should also take into account that the department can change some points at its discretion:

  1. Regulate the amount of hours allocated to studying a particular subject (necessarily within 5-10%).
  2. Independently formulate plan cycles, while leaving the cycle of normative disciplines partially untouched (this will include history, philosophy and other compulsory subjects intended for study by all students, regardless of specialty).
  3. Each teacher can draw up original programs for the disciplines he teaches, while recommending a certain number of hours for their study (the department must take these recommendations into account).
  4. The division of hours into the study of a particular subject from a cycle of disciplines specialized for a particular department occurs at the discretion of the department administration, but must be in sufficient quantity to fully study the subject.

Individual plan

Another very important document is the individual curriculum. It is compiled for a specific student who is trained according to a special, individual system. For schoolchildren this is possible due to illness, but a student can either work or be on maternity leave.


It is worth saying that an individual curriculum must necessarily implement the following principles:

  1. It is compiled on the basis of a general education program, which the student must necessarily complete.
  2. In the individual curriculum, changes relative to the curriculum are allowed, but within 5-10%.
  3. It is possible to make changes to the plan only in the third section (disciplines in the specialty); changes are not possible regarding standard disciplines.

Both regular and individual are sealed with a set of signatures and always a wet seal. Only in this case the curriculum is considered an official document according to which it is possible to conduct

Basic curriculum

It is also worth saying that the work plan for the academic year should be drawn up not only for students of higher educational institutions, but also for schoolchildren. So, it is worth understanding such a concept as a basic curriculum. This document is also being developed on the basis of the federal standard. Here is an annual distribution of hours for studying all school subjects. Features: it is worth remembering that the federal basic plan for primary school students (grades 1-4) is drawn up for 4 years of study, for students in grades 5-11 - for five years.

Distribution of federal plan components

It should be said that the school curriculum must be distributed according to certain rules. Thus, the federal component will contain approximately 75% of all subjects, the regional component - necessarily at least 10%, and the educational institution component - also at least 10%.

  1. Federal component. It contains all the disciplines required for schoolchildren to study, prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
  2. Regional (or national-regional) component. This section may study subjects that are important for a particular region, but not for schoolchildren throughout the country. Example: the native language of certain nationalities.
  3. The educational component may deepen the study of certain subjects. Example: a school with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​gives an additional few hours to study these subjects.

In the 11th grade, additional hours will help allocate for pre-vocational training of students.


Well, at the very end I would like to look a little at the structure of the curriculum (i.e. those points that must be present there).

  1. Title page. However, this is not a separate sheet, as in a term paper or essay. This is the so-called “anatomy” of the educational institution. The name of the school or university, department, specialty (with codes), etc. should be indicated here.
  2. Next item: summary data regarding the time budget (by week). The time allocated for studying, tests and exams, and vacation time is listed here.
  3. A plan of the educational process, which specifies the distribution of hours by subject.
  4. Special point: practice(industrial, pre-diploma (for university students)).
  5. A separate point goes
  6. A block of signatures that are sealed with a wet seal.

All these points are mandatory when drawing up curriculums. The structure of the curriculum is not subject to change and cannot be adjusted at your discretion.

What is an IEP?

The IEP is a student’s working document, which contains information about the list and terms of study of academic disciplines selected for mastering from the approved RUPs of the university, the volume of the student’s academic load and the assessment system for each discipline.

In what cases is a standard IEP issued to a student?

A standard IEP is prepared for each student based on his personal statement annually before the start of his studies. A typical student’s IUP is designed for one academic year. It includes the elements of the curriculum defined for the student’s current course for the current academic year in, with the exam dates that are also reflected in the RUP (). A typical IEP includes basic and elective disciplines, which the student chooses within a certain time frame, usually using special modules in.

A typical IUP is issued by the educational office of the educational program. Paper technology can be used (two copies of the IEP are signed, one is issued to the student, one is stored in his personal file), or recording of a standard IEP in the personal account in .

The standard IEP is mandatory for the student to complete during the academic year.

A student can include in a standard IEP in addition to the standard 60 credits of disciplines from the curricula of his or other educational programs for no more than 6 credits.

What can I do to include additional disciplines of more than 6 credits in my standard IEP?

You can enter into an agreement for paid educational services, listing in it a list of disciplines that you plan to study. The cost of training in such disciplines is calculated in proportion to the number of credits and the cost of a year of study in the educational program in which this discipline is included.

For example, your typical IUP already contains 66 credits of curriculum elements. But you are planning to study another discipline from another educational program, which weighs 5 credits. In order for your desire to be realized, you need to obtain the consent of your academic supervisor, a teacher of the discipline you are interested in, in the form of visas on an application addressed to your academic supervisor with a request for permission to study an additional discipline in excess of the permitted number of credits. If the decision is positive, the manager of the program to which the discipline you are interested in belongs will enter into an agreement with you to master part of the educational program. The cost of training in such an additional discipline will be 5/60 * the cost of a year of study in the corresponding course of this educational program.

In what cases is a special IEP issued to a student?

A special IEP is prepared for the student individually based on his personal statement in the following situations:

  • at ;
  • with , previously expelled from the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • at ;
  • when receiving a second higher education in parallel;
  • when transferring a student to accelerated education;
  • with the participation of a HSE student in the program.
  • for re-studying disciplines in the presence of academic debts (in no more than two academic disciplines) obtained during two modules of one academic semester. Students who have already studied according to an individual curriculum with repeated study of disciplines can continue their studies by including additional disciplines in their IEP.

IUP with repeated training is possible only when teaching a student on a commercial basis. If a budget student decides to re-study disciplines to eliminate existing academic debts in the future, he will have to switch to commercial education.

The student’s special IUP is compiled before the end of the current academic year, then the next one is compiled for the new academic year. At the same time, the total number of credits under the IUP in the academic year cannot exceed 75. (Form).

The special IUP is necessarily approved by order. It is issued by the educational office in two copies, one is issued to the student, one is kept in his personal file as an attachment to the order.

What document regulates the provision of a special IUP with repetition in the case of academic debt at the Higher School of Economics?

“On training according to individual curricula for students with academic debt” (Appendix 5 to)

What does re-learning a discipline mean?

Repeated study of the Discipline/part of the Discipline means listening to the Discipline/part of the Discipline in full, with repeated implementation of all activities of ongoing progress monitoring, intermediate certification of the Discipline within the time limits specified in the working curriculum for students of the previous year of the same field of study; or listening to an academic Discipline in another area of ​​training, if when studying the Discipline/part of the Discipline, in a volume of credits equal to the volume of credits of the Discipline for which an unsatisfactory grade was received, an identical program of the Discipline is used.

Repeated passing of the intermediate certification in a discipline included in the IEP with repetition and subject to re-study is possible only after completion of the re-study of this discipline, during the examination period determined by the schedule of the educational process for the academic year.

Do I need to pay for subjects studied repeatedly?

Students studying under the IEP with repetition, along with paying the cost of current training, in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement on the provision of paid educational services and the procedure established at the University, pay the cost of training in academic disciplines subject to repeated study. The cost is calculated in accordance with the assistance provided to students when the educational trajectory of students changes.

How is the cost of training calculated in the case of an IEP with repetition?

When calculating the contract price, the cost of training is multiplied by the coefficient of credit units.

For example:

  • The IEP of a student who is given the opportunity to re-study disciplines provides for 65 credit units.
  • The RUP of the course in which the student is/will be studying next year provides for 60 credit units.
  • The coefficient is 65/60
  • The cost of training is 300 thousand rubles per year
  • The contract price will be equal to: 65/60*300 thousand = 325 thousand rubles

If a student who has transferred to the IUP with a repeat is expelled without completing it, will he be refunded and in what amount?

The amount of the overpayment to be refunded for educational services not provided (if a student is expelled, if the contract is terminated, if the number of educational services is reduced) is equal to the difference in the amount of funds that was paid under the agreement and the cost of educational services actually provided for the entire period of validity of the agreement, and is paid upon application student.

Is a student who has transferred to the IEP with repetition transferred to the next course?

A student who has paid for services under an agreement for the provision of paid educational services is transferred to the next course (autumn period) or continues to study in the current course (spring period and autumn period).
A student who has paid for services under an agreement for the provision of paid educational services (autumn period) may not be transferred to the next year if he decided to master the Disciplines studied repeatedly during the academic year, separately from other Disciplines of the working curriculum of the next year of study. This decision is formalized by an entry in the student’s personal application for provision of an IEP with a repeat.

In what cases is the IUP with repetition provided without transfer to paid training?

Students studying at the University in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation or the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the education of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation/ accepted for study as persons recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new subjects within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol”, they can use the opportunity specified in paragraph 162 without transferring to places with payment of tuition fees once during the entire period of study at the University (except for the case if the student has academic debt for violating the deadline for choosing a topic for a final qualifying work or course work and does not choose a topic in an additional period: from the beginning of the third module until February 15).

What does a refusal to switch to an IEP with repetition entail if you have academic debt in no more than two different disciplines?

Students who refuse to study under the IEP with repetition are expelled for academic failure. The recovery procedure is described.

In what cases can an IEP not be provided?

If a student has academic debt for violating the deadline for choosing a topic for a final qualifying work or course work and does not choose a topic in an additional period: from the beginning of the third module to February 15, then he is subject to expulsion without the right to issue an IUP with a repeat.

When is the IEP considered completed?

The IUP is considered completed if all forms of control planned in it are completed successfully and within the specified period.

Can changes be made to the IEP?

Changes to the IEP can be made on the basis of a student’s personal application or at the initiative of the educational office of the educational program, with the obligatory approval of the changes made with the academic director of the educational program.

How long can a student have an IEP during their studies?

Depending on the level and form of training - typical IUP from 2 (for full-time masters) to 6-7 (for part-time and part-time specialists), one for each academic year. The number of special IEPs depends on the student’s educational trajectory. At the same time, the totality of all the student’s IEP should in total give the number of disciplines (both compulsory and elective), the number of credits and forms of control, internships, projects and coursework, as well as State Examination activities, no less than similar indicators in the curriculum of the corresponding year of enrollment . At the same time, the total time spent on completing all the student’s IEP may differ from that planned during the standard period for mastering the educational program. The educational program is considered completed if all the student’s IEPs are completed.

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Tomorrow, October 1, the transfer of employees of those units that were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the new federal service - the National Guard - begins. Decree...
The history of such a totalitarian superpower as the Soviet Union contains many both heroic and dark pages. It couldn't help but...
University. He repeatedly interrupted his studies, got a job, tried to engage in arable farming, and traveled. Able...
Dictionary of modern quotations Dushenko Konstantin Vasilyevich PLEVE Vyacheslav Konstantinovich (1846-1904), Minister of Internal Affairs, chief of the corps...
I have never been so tired. In this gray frost and mucus I dreamed of the Ryazan sky No. 4 And my unlucky life. Many women loved me, And...