What does firewood mean in a dream? Firewood - interpretation of sleep according to dream books. Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about Firewood?

To see that firewood has been prepared means success in business awaits you.

To see that you saw firewood in a woodpile - then you will soon have new love affairs.

See also: why do you dream about logs, why do you dream about boards, why do you dream about drowning.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream of Firewood, how to understand the dream:

To see that they were selling firewood - your perseverance and work will help you.

To see that you were looking at burning wood - then you will fully realize your plans and achieve great success.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream of Firewood:

If you dreamed of a large amount of firewood that was stacked in a woodpile, then soon you will receive some valuable property.

To see that you are chopping wood means you want to receive an inheritance.

Burning wood - property that you may get is wasted by its owner.

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Seeing that wood is being chopped - this portends you joy.

Collecting chopped firewood in a dream means you will soon make a big profit.

Carrying armfuls of firewood from the street into the house in a dream means some kind of accident awaits you.

Burning wood in a stove in a dream means you will soon suffer significant losses in reality.

Buying firewood in a dream means you will hear gossip about yourself.

To see that they were selling firewood means a quarrel.

To see someone carrying a bundle of firewood - you will have a deplorable state of affairs.

If a young girl dreams of firewood, then she will have a quarrel with her lover.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Seeing Firewood in a dream:

Seeing other people chopping wood is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing someone’s machinations against you. Carrying armfuls of firewood from the street into the house - a pleasant surprise awaits you. Dreaming of burning wood in a stove or fireplace means losses in reality. Buying firewood in a dream is a bad sign; soon you will hear dirty gossip about yourself.

Seeing someone carrying a bundle of firewood from the forest is a harbinger of an unsatisfactory state of affairs and conflicts with loved ones, and for a young girl - a quarrel with a loved one.

Chopping large wooden logs with ease in a dream means that your constant carelessness will lead to you putting other people's lives at risk and endangering them. Stacking firewood in a log in a dream means an unfortunate turn of fate. Wood burning in a dream means that troubles will haunt you. To see that you are in the forest and engaged in collecting firewood, then in reality this foretells you a serious struggle with ill-wishers, which will end in your complete victory.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream of Firewood according to the dream book:

Wood chips flying from an ax are a warning about the need to think carefully before taking any actions or making decisions, so as not to regret it later.

The log that is usually burned on Christmas Eve is a good dream; your most joyful expectations are destined to come true on the days of some great celebrations.

Freud's Dream Book

Firewood- symbolize the feminine principle or women.

Carefully chopped and stacked firewood- symbolize an active, but well-established and neat sex life. You and your partner are very attentive to each other and appreciate it.

Dumped or scattered firewood- symbolize promiscuity in choosing sexual partners.

Wet or rotten firewood- symbolize diseases of the genital organs or their functional disorders.

Firewood that has yet to be sawed and split- symbolize various difficulties and difficulties that await you when trying to realize your sexual plans.

Firewood harvesting- symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream of a bundle of firewood- this portends a quarrel with a loved one.

However, the large log that is burned on New Year's Eve- promises the fulfillment of your most joyful hopes. Perhaps a meeting with a person who can give you happiness will happen on a holiday.

Aesop's Dream Book

Firewood- if you dream of such a symbol, then keep in mind that it does not carry creativity. Most likely, the dream will not be associated with the future, but with the consequences of the past, because firewood is the result of the destruction of the forest, a consequence. Feel free to add wood chips to the firewood and remember everything that the people’s mind has given birth to on this occasion.

Wander through the forest, which gradually becomes thicker and darker- this means that you should not count on a quick resolution of the issue, receiving profits from the business started, there are still many expectations ahead.

Easily cut large logs of wood and prepare firewood- constant carelessness and recklessness will still make themselves felt, so stop before it’s too late, you need to draw conclusions from the mistakes that were made in the past, don’t risk other people’s lives.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Firewood in a dream- most often they say that some discord and disagreement in your environment will cause protracted and rather unpleasant conflicts.

At the same time, clean, neat logs- portend friendly warmth that will warm you.

Dream book for a bitch

Firewood- joy, pleasure, many pleasant events.

New family dream book

Woodpile- dreams of an unsatisfactory state of affairs and a quarrel with a loved one.

If you dream of a big log- the most joyful expectations are destined to come true on holidays.

Modern combined dream book

A dream in which you saw an armful of firewood- predicts unsatisfactory progress of affairs and mutual misunderstanding in love.

Trade firewood- means that in a decisive uncompromising struggle you will achieve success.

Eastern women's dream book

Bundle of firewood- portends failures in business and conflicts with loved ones.

I dreamed that you were selling firewood- you can achieve success only by surviving a fierce struggle.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing firewood stacked in a dream- means that you are a very organized person, and your affairs are always in order.

Burn wood in a stove or on a fire- means freeing yourself from unpleasant attachments.

cutting firewood- to accusations of infidelity.

Seeing a woodshed with neatly stacked firewood in a dream- your business affairs will be in order.

Seeing burning wood in the stove or fireplace- to unrealistic dreams.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Carry firewood- to the deceased; saw wood- to suffering; burn wood- free yourself from all enemies.

Drovnik- you may end up in a dangerous place.

Burning wood- to sadness.

Gather an armful of firewood- to the cold.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you chop wood- portends joy in reality. Chopping wood- means, on the contrary, losses.

Collect chopped firewood that has scattered in all directions- in reality make a significant profit.

Carrying armfuls of firewood from the street to the house- an accident awaits you. Burn wood in a stove, stove or fireplace- incur a loss.

Buying firewood in a dream- hear dirty gossip about yourself, sell firewood- to a quarrel. Seeing someone carrying a bundle of firewood from the forest foreshadows an unsatisfactory state of affairs and quarrels for a young girl- quarrel with a loved one.

Stacking firewood in a dream- to an unfortunate turn of fate.

Burning wood stack- means that in reality you will be haunted by nothing but troubles. If in a dream you see yourself in the forest collecting firewood- this foreshadows the beginning of the struggle for success, which will end in your complete victory. If you dream of a large log that does not fit into the oven- such a dream foretells that your wish will come true on one of the upcoming holidays.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Prepare firewood, make supplies, collect for fire- means taking measures to mitigate the situation.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Chop wood- in a dream marks overcoming enemies.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Firewood- spoiled business; family troubles.

Well built- a successful result of work.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Firewood- family troubles.

Put them in the oven- quarrel among all family members.

Burn wood- damage.

Carry firewood- surprise.

hold in your arms- quarrel between some family members.

Scattered logs- minor troubles.

Chop wood- joy.

Buy- gossip.

Sell- argument.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Firewood- family troubles, sadness, dryness, death; in the fire- conflicts in the family; in the oven- to frost; on a cart, in an armful- clashes between individual family members, unpleasant work; they brought firewood- the woman will die; scattered firewood or individual logs- general hostility; burn- harm, loss; wear- for money, for good, surprise; sell- argument; buy- quarrel, gossip; prick- defeat the enemy, fun / visit a stranger; chop- losses; cutting down in the forest- pestilence on people and livestock.

Ukrainian dream book

Firewood- to death.

Knitting firewood, knitting firewood- they may impose some unpleasant business on you.

Burn- harm.

Slivers- sadness.

Collection of dream books

If a person is about to throw an armful of wood into the fire- days of sadness await him.

Carry a bundle of firewood- to loss; lying under the images- to the deceased; scatter- to major troubles; prick- flaw; dry- loss; large- your strength, strength; small- illness of a loved one

Firewood- to victory over enemies.

Seeing a woodshed filled with firewood in a dream- to purchase real estate.

Seeing firewood brought and dumped in the yard in a dream- to labor-intensive housework.

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If you figure out why you dream of firewood, in most cases you will need to prepare for hard work and a showdown.

But there are other, more inspiring interpretations that depend on the details of your dream.

To find out the true explanation of a dream, try to remember it in great detail.

In what form and where did you see the logs?

Neatly stacked chopped firewood seen in a dream indicates that you have faithful, reliable friends. And logs scattered around the yard are a symbol of frivolity and a tendency to have random relationships.

An armful of firewood is a sign that you are not satisfied with the development of affairs on the personal front. And one log characterizes you as a person prone to melancholy.

  • Seeing firewood thrown into a stove in a dream means getting rid of unnecessary burden.
  • Dreaming of chopped firewood in a barn means peace.
  • They are sold in the store - an original solution to an old problem.

As the dream book says, wood near the fireplace symbolizes a pleasant family evening. And a dream where they lie in an unusual place (closet, refrigerator, etc.) warns of possible troubles due to your irresponsibility.

A large tree that needs to be cut down for firewood symbolizes the completion of a large amount of work. And if you dream of thin branches and twigs as firewood, then everything you undertake will be done quickly and efficiently.

Your actions

Stacking firewood in a dream means making a decent profit. But your financial situation will improve only when you start doing your work conscientiously. If you want to shift your responsibilities to someone else, then you will not see any cash income.

Chopping logs with an ax means waiting for a joyful event. If work goes well in a dream, then everything will be fine in reality. And when it’s difficult to chop, the ax handle comes off or the wood is too strong, this means that you are not ready for new challenges.

According to the dream book, firewood that had to be chopped in the cold promises warm relationships in the family. And bringing them into the house means getting into an unexpected situation.

  • If you dream that you are buying them, this means additional costs.
  • Tying an armful in a dream means you are used to saving.
  • Chopping wood in someone else's yard means imposing your opinion on someone.
  • To cut them off means to listen to complaints from your partner.
  • To prepare for the winter is to rely only on your own strength.

If you had to chop wood with a dull ax, then the dream book recommends reconsidering your behavior model. Such dreams often occur when the dreamer cannot find a solution to a problem, although it is very close.

And if during work the ax handle cracks or breaks, then your plans may be disrupted by the intervention of an outsider. Don't let anyone in on your plans.

If you have determined what firewood is for in your dream, and you do not like this meaning, try to look at the situation from the other side. Realistically evaluate the events that are happening in your life, compare them with the dream and draw conclusions. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Firewood in a dream symbolizes the creative beginning of some stage in life. Usually, this is a new task that you just can’t finish. If the firewood in the dream was damp, it means that your plans are not fully thought out. A bundle of dry firewood portends spiritual growth, joyful events and ease of making a profit. The more evenly the firewood is selected in the woodpile, the more measured and harmonious your life will be in the coming days. Stacking firewood in a dream is a sign that you are becoming wiser and wiser with each new day.

Firewood in Miller's dream book

Carrying armfuls of firewood in a dream is not always good - most often such a dream foreshadows quarrels with a loved one or with household members on your initiative. You are not satisfied with the salary or behavior of your chosen one and constantly grumble about this. Carrying large logs is a sign of celebration of the soul and reconciliation with those with whom you have been at loggerheads for a long time. If in a dream you dump firewood into one pile, and it constantly falls apart, it means that your lover is cheating on you. Buying firewood means improving the dreamer’s financial condition. Selling means losing an item that is very dear to you, as a memory of a loved one. Rotten or damp firewood symbolizes mental hardships and experiences.

Firewood in Vanga's dream book

Cutting down a forest for firewood in a dream is a bad sign: your carelessness and frivolity will bring disappointment. Seeing chips flying at you when cutting down a forest is a sign of gossip and empty talk. Chopping wood with ease in a dream means you live as if you were playing, you get everything right the first time. Small and clumsy firewood dreams of illness. To dream of someone carrying firewood on a cart means the death of a loved one. Watching a woodcutter work is a sign that you have entered a period of spiritual growth.

Firewood in Freud's dream book

Filling the stove or fireplace in the house with wood is a sign of a cozy family atmosphere. Burning wood - to a stormy sex life. If you see sparks bouncing off firewood in a dream, expect scenes of jealousy and mistrust on the part of your regular partner. Logs scattered around the yard dream of promiscuous sex life.

Before you figure out why you dream of firewood, you need to imagine what they are associated with in real life. Of course, first of all with fire and warmth. These are pleasant sensations, but not everything is so clear in the interpretation of dreams. We need to look into this in more detail.

Before you figure out what firewood is for in dreams, you need to imagine what it is associated with in real life.

Seeing firewood stacked in a neat woodpile under a secure canopy in a dream is a good sign. Everything in life goes according to plan. There is complete order at work, harmony and harmony in the family. No shocks are expected in the near future. It may be a little boring, but everything is predictable, without unnecessary stress and tragedy.

If you dreamed of firewood piled in a heap in the middle of the yard, then there are reasons for alarm. There are many problems in real life. Unresolved matters were put aside for a long time, piling up on top of each other. The result is chaos at work and confusion in your personal life. The time has come to seriously restore order in all areas of your activity.

In a dream, a person sees: the firewood is rotten, knotty and scattered throughout the yard or somehow stacked in a crooked woodpile. This is a bad dream. In reality, illness awaits the dreamer. To prevent a negative prediction, you need to carefully monitor your health and consult a doctor in time.

Seeing firewood stacked in a neat woodpile under a secure canopy in a dream is a good sign

If he carries an armful of firewood into the house, probably for kindling, then in real life nothing falls from the sky for him. He earned every penny through his labor, abilities, and activity. And this will have to be done over a long period of time. That is, it is not yet possible to expect a gift from fate in the form of winnings, inheritance or other easy money.

According to Vanga’s dream book, chopping wood in a dream means you need to be prepared for hard physical labor

Different dream books sometimes interpret completely opposite meanings, determining what is what in a dream. Firewood in this case is no exception. Miller's dream book interprets that chopping logs with an ax is a sign of great aggression. The more chips fly during work, the more fiercely the dreamer will have to defend his interests. Conflicts with relatives, work colleagues, or simply neighbors cannot be ruled out here. But the Slavic dream book in this case, on the contrary, says that this is a good dream. All matters will be resolved quickly and as if by themselves. You can expect pleasant surprises and unexpected gifts.

According to Vanga’s dream book, chopping wood in a dream means you need to be prepared for hard physical labor. Perhaps in the near future there will be construction work or the summer season will open, which means that you will have to dig, plant, and care. If in a dream you chop logs with pleasure, playfully, then in real life physical work will bring good profit and satisfaction.

Why do you dream about firewood (video)

What does working with firewood predict?

I dreamed that you were sawing logs into logs. Surrounded by loved ones, someone has a grudge against you. Discontent has not yet spilled over to its full extent, but is already on the verge of boiling over. There is no need to bring things to a scandal. Try to clarify and resolve differences peacefully.

Why dream of preparing firewood yourself: cutting down dry trees, cutting off knots, loading them onto transport? Most likely, grandiose plans are coming in reality. It doesn't have to be work related. Perhaps dreams of a trip abroad will come true or there will be a move to a new living space.

When figuring out why you dream of firewood in a dream, you can come across many contradictions

Collecting brushwood in the forest means a poor existence. When the forest around is thick and dark, then a good life is still a long way off. But if you see enlightenment ahead and the edge of the thicket, then adversity will not last long.

I have a dream: strangers are putting firewood in a woodpile, and the sleeping person is simply watching. This means that in real life you have to go with the flow. All personal initiatives will be cut off at the root and only those plans proposed by others will be implemented.

If you dream of logs that are already burning in a stove or fireplace, then the dreamer will face some kind of loss. The brighter the fire burns, the greater the loss. Burnt brands and ash indicate that the dreamer is very disappointed with something. Dissatisfaction can be both in personal relationships and professionally.

As the dream book interprets, the firewood that the sleeping person buys in a dream carries a negative meaning. In reality there will be a lot of gossip and slander. To protect yourself from troubles, you need to monitor your behavior and actions. Of course, there will always be a reason to rummage through someone else's dirty laundry, but caution will reduce the risks of major troubles.

If the firewood in your dream is prepared for sale, then this is a good sign. The dreamer will soon get rid of unnecessary troubles, and with great success for himself. It will not necessarily be financial profit. Sometimes a barter deal or just reciprocal gratitude is worth more than money.

When figuring out why you dream of firewood in a dream, you can come across many contradictions. But basically all interpreters agree that this is not a very good sign. However, even the most negative prediction can be circumvented and corrected if warned in advance.

Firewood in a dream (video)

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