Which salmon caviar is larger, tastier, healthier, more expensive, more valuable - chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon or pink salmon: comparison. Red caviar: what kind is there, which is the best and how does it differ between different salmon fish? Is red caviar better: large or small? Caviar like ub

The value of red caviar lies not only and not so much in its benefits, but in its excellent taste. If the product is prepared with high quality, every egg gives great pleasure. But, sadly, sometimes an unpleasant bitterness is revealed in the taste. This raises a frequently asked question: why does caviar taste bitter and is it possible to restore its pleasant soft taste?

Caviar is bitter - what does it mean?

It is worth noting that for some types of red caviar, piquant bitterness is a completely acceptable quality. This is typical, for example, for coho salmon caviar. Fresh pink salmon caviar may have a slight bitterness, but we are always talking about low bitterness. If pink salmon caviar has a pronounced bitterness, then the reasons should be sought in the peculiarities of manufacturing and/or storage of the product.

Why is red caviar bitter?

  1. You are dealing with a low quality product. This is the most common reason why caviar has a bitter taste. It is possible that caviar contains a large amount of preservatives, which, on the one hand, increase shelf life, and on the other, worsen the taste characteristics. These are the qualities that methenamine, a food additive banned in European countries, has.
  2. The harvesting of caviar was carried out in violation of technology. When cutting fish, it is unacceptable to violate the integrity of the gallbladder. If this happens, the caviar becomes bitter and requires long and thorough washing.
  3. Violation of transportation and storage rules. According to production technology, caviar should not be left in the open air for a long time. If the caviar turns out to be frozen, this also provokes the appearance of bitterness.

There are also certain rules for storing the finished product, both in a closed container and after opening the package, which must not be violated so that the caviar does not have time to go rancid. These rules are usually indicated on the caviar container. If you are convinced that the bitter taste cannot be explained either by the type of caviar or by the expired shelf life, then there are a number of recommendations on how to improve the taste of the product. What to do if red caviar is bitter?

  1. Rinse the caviar under running water. This is the easiest and fastest method and the most popular. But washing will only help eliminate the bitter taste, which cannot be said about the bitter smell, if any. Water should be used at room temperature, or black tea should be used as a rinsing liquid, after allowing it to cool. After washing, the caviar should drain, for which it is advisable to use gauze and a strainer.
  2. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the caviar. This method can be used either independently or after washing, which enhances its effectiveness.
  3. Mix bitter caviar with something more pleasant to taste.

Knowing why caviar is bitter, we can conclude how important it is to choose a high-quality product. After all, most often it is a violation of the technology for producing and storing caviar that leads to a deterioration in taste. And it’s better to buy higher quality, albeit expensive, caviar than to try to get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste later.

Comparative characteristics of red caviar.

Red caviar is a delicacy valued for its chemical and energy value. Nowadays there is a huge amount of this product in stores, and caviar differs not only in price, but also in taste. The chemical composition is also different. In this article we will tell you which caviar is the most delicious and healthy.

Nowadays, red caviar is considered the most delicious and healthy on store shelves. It has a pleasant delicate taste and slight bitterness. The cost of the product depends on the type of fish and taste. The price of the product is also affected by the quantity of fish caught. The rarer the variety, the more expensive the caviar.

Red caviar is obtained from fish of the salmon family. Now there are about 6 species that are used to extract the product:

  • Chinook. This is one of the most expensive varieties of red caviar. This is due to the fact that the fish is listed in the Red Book. The size of the eggs is the largest, about 7 mm. At the same time, the product is slightly bitter. Finding the product on store shelves is almost impossible due to limited quantities. You can find this type of caviar in Primorye.
  • Pink salmon. The most common species in Russia. Found in any supermarket at a fairly affordable price. The taste is neutral. The eggs themselves have an oily structure and burst when stirred. The color of the product is bright orange.
  • Chum salmon. In our country, the caviar of this fish is considered festive. It is classified as Luxury because the balls hold their shape and do not burst when stirred. The taste may be slightly bitter.
  • Red salmon. There is not much caviar from this fish in Russia. This is due to the small volume of transportation. The taste of caviar is quite spicy. It has a bitter and slightly spicy taste.
  • Kichuzh. Caviar is inexpensive, since the size of the eggs is small and the taste is slightly bitter.
  • Trout. The caviar of this fish has a pleasant bitter taste and small size. It is often found on sale at an affordable price.

All red caviar comes from fish of the salmon species, that is, red fish. As for taste, this is a controversial issue, because everyone likes something different. The most interesting thing is that all salmon caviar differs in size. Chinook salmon caviar is considered the most expensive, because the fish is very rare and its catch on an industrial scale is prohibited. At the same time, the size of the eggs is the largest and reaches 7 mm. The taste of this caviar is neutral.

Benefits of red caviar:

  • Increases immunity. This product contains unsaturated fatty acids. They help improve immunity, increase hemoglobin and the body's resistance to various infections.
  • Improves skin condition. This product is ideal for the fair sex. The fact is that caviar improves the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and youthful. Helps restore normal oily skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of rickets. Caviar contains a lot of vitamin D. It helps to better absorb calcium, preventing bone fragility. The product is useful for women over 50 years old.
  • Improved vision. Caviar contains vitamin A, which helps people with poor eyesight.
  • Improves the nervous system. Thanks to its high content of fatty acids, caviar helps cope with stress and nervous disorders.

It all depends on the buyer's preferences. It is believed that the most delicious and expensive caviar is the one with the largest egg size. The most popular is chum salmon caviar. It is not the cheapest, but it has a neutral taste and pleasant aroma. It doesn't taste bitter and keeps its shape perfectly. The size of the eggs of such fish is 5 mm. The smallest is trout, but not everyone likes its taste, as bitterness is often observed.

Of course, the cost of sockeye salmon is higher than pink salmon caviar. This is due to the fact that not much product is imported into Russia. In this case, transportation costs are reflected in the price. But pink salmon is more neutral in taste and does not have a bitter aftertaste. But sockeye salmon caviar is piquant and has a slight spiciness and bitterness. Regarding the benefits, the energy value and composition of the products are similar. Sockeye salmon caviar is smaller and healthier. Due to the small size of the grains, the fish is forced to saturate each egg with a mass of useful substances.

The taste and cost of these types of caviar are different. For residents of our country, chum salmon caviar is more familiar. Its taste is neutral, without pronounced bitterness. At the same time, the size of the eggs is large, but the shell is hard. Despite the small grain size (2-3 mm), coho salmon caviar is more healthy. It contains more vitamins and minerals than chum salmon caviar. This is due precisely to its small size. The taste is quite spicy and bitter. If you are looking for a product for a feast, then chum salmon caviar is an ideal option.

The largest caviar is considered to be Chinook salmon and chum salmon. The size of the eggs reaches 7 mm. The smallest caviar is considered to be coho and trout caviar. The grain size is 2-3 mm.

As you can see, not all red caviar is the same. It differs in taste and nutritional value. It is recommended to eat no more than 3 sandwiches with the product during the entire feast.

VIDEO: Red caviar

Red caviar is an incredibly tasty and healthy delicacy, always a welcome “guest” of any holiday table. Real high-quality caviar should have a pleasant smell, be thick and consist of fairly large eggs that do not stick together, identical in size and color. But what to do if eating this delicacy leaves behind an unpleasant aftertaste of bitterness? Is it possible to somehow save the product, because it is certainly a shame to throw it away. In fact, the answer to this question depends on the reasons that caused the bitterness of the caviar. In general, first things first.

Natural bitterness

First of all, it should be noted that the bitterness of red caviar does not always indicate its low quality. For example, a certain bitterness is inherent in salmon caviar, and this is a completely normal phenomenon associated with the specific characteristics of the fish. What can be recommended to eliminate the unpleasant taste in this case? Do not use red caviar as a snack as such (do not stuff tartlets with it or make sandwiches with it), but prepare some dish that contains vegetable oil along with this product. The oil will make the taste of caviar softer and brighten it up somewhat, or even, one might say, overcome the existing bitterness.

Acquired bitterness

The bitter taste of red caviar may be a consequence of improper cutting of the fish, in which the contents of the cut gall bladder completely saturates the entire fish. It is also possible that red caviar producers, in their desire to increase the shelf life of the product, used various preservatives (which, as a rule, are not stated on the packaging), which give the product a bitter taste. In addition, the caviar may have been exposed to strong sun for a long time, resulting in rancidity (oxidation) of the fats. What can be done in these situations?

Since the vast majority of bittering substances are easily soluble, you should try simply rinsing the product. It is worth noting right away that it is strictly not recommended to wash caviar with cold fresh water, since this will cause it to lose its taste and become hard. You should not use very hot water for this purpose, under the influence of which the caviar will turn white, since under the influence of hot temperatures the protein located inside the eggs will coagulate. For rinsing you can use:

  • Milk (pasteurized or fresh boiled). Wash the bitter red caviar in milk, the temperature of which should not exceed 40°C, for 10 minutes. Drain the milk through a fine sieve. Leave the caviar in the strainer for 10-15 minutes so that the remaining milk drains from it.
  • Tea leaves. It is necessary to brew a strong dressing, cool it to 35°C and pour it over the eggs. Gently rinse for 5-7 minutes. Strain the brewed strong tea through cheesecloth and let the water drain.
  • Warm boiled water. The procedure is carried out in a similar way.

When nothing can be done...

The bitter taste of red caviar may be due to the expiration date of this product. You need to take a close look at the canned food, and if it really is long past its expiration date, then you should throw the product away immediately. Here, unfortunately, no methods or means will help.

Red caviar is one of the most delicious delicacies on any table. In addition, this delicacy is also very healthy. Regular consumption of caviar reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Red caviar has the unique property of slowing down the aging process in the body. However, this product is not cheap and perishable: if red caviar is not stored properly, it will soon lose its appetizing appearance.

Choose your recipe


To restore the appearance of caviar, wash it in water. To do this, place the caviar in a container with warm (20-25 degrees) boiled water, you can even leave it in the water for 20 minutes, then spoon the caviar onto cheesecloth to drain off excess water. This method will also help remove excess salt.

If the caviar has acquired an unpleasant aftertaste, is too bitter and looks unappetizing, but has not yet spoiled, tea leaves will help correct the situation. To do this, prepare 1 liter of weak tea leaves. Place caviar in a container with tea leaves for 2-3 minutes, then place the caviar on a sieve or cheesecloth to drain excess water.

Well, if the appearance of caviar really confuses you, then milk will come to the rescue. Pour 1 liter of warm (20-25 degrees) boiled milk into a deep container and place the caviar there for 2-3 minutes. Then carefully spoon the caviar onto cheesecloth or a sieve. However, this method can negatively affect the taste of red caviar.

Please note

“Red salmon caviar” is the caviar of salmon fish such as pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, and sockeye salmon. It varies in color, size and taste, depending on the breed of fish. Pink salmon caviar is the most popular in Russia. Bright orange color, medium-sized grains. Chum salmon caviar is orange-red in color, with the largest grains. Sockeye salmon caviar is a medium-sized, rich red grain.

Useful advice

It is best not to store red caviar for a long time; you should not leave it for later. As the paraphrased proverb goes: “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can eat today.” In any case, red caviar should be stored in the refrigerator in a glass or enamel container with a tightly closed lid.

Red caviar should be thick, crumbly and consist of eggs of the correct shape and the same size. The eggs should burst on the teeth. Good red caviar should not taste bitter or smell like fat or rancid oil, but should have a faint smell of fresh fish.

Every time you bring home this by no means cheap delicacy, you run the risk of buying fake, low-quality or simply spoiled caviar. The last option is especially dangerous, since eating spoiled caviar can cause not entirely pleasant consequences for our health.

Pathogenic bacteria, E. coli, salmonella, and protein breakdown products lead to severe food poisoning. Other gourmets who did not want to throw away the spoiled delicacy are “sucked out” after the New Year holidays in intensive care...

Also, when buying caviar, you should be careful, as cases of botulism infection are possible. When the toxins of this bacterium enter the human body, the nervous system is affected, vision deteriorates, breathing becomes difficult and paralysis occurs.

Of course, no one says that you will get this entire “bouquet” in one tablespoon of spoiled caviar. But is it worth experimenting on your own health?

We move from emotions to dry facts.

Caviar can go bad for several reasons:

1) It was initially processed and spoiled with salt;

2) During salting (freezing), technological and sanitary standards were not met;

3) The caviar storage conditions were violated;

4) The expiration date has simply expired.

Spoiled caviar should be thrown away immediately! Don't think about wasted money and ruined mood. All these are trifles compared to the damage caused to your health by the missing delicacy!

According to statistics, it is seafood that causes the most severe food poisoning, which can even lead to death. Only poisonous mushrooms can seriously “compete” with spoiled caviar in terms of consequences.

Simple ways to determine by appearance that caviar is spoiled:

1. Killer smell.

The “amber” of spoiled caviar simply cannot be confused with anything else - the protein breakdown products “smell” so specifically that no doubt about the spoilage of the product usually arises.

The bad thing is that if the manufacturer or distributor knows that the caviar is spoiled, he will try to get rid of the compromising aroma first.

A typical example. The store bought red caviar in 20 kg barrels for sale and began selling it “by weight” (although by law it is obliged to sell the product in the container in which it was purchased, without opening it).

Over time, the top layer of caviar begins to weather - and the caviar is simply mixed. After a couple of such procedures, all the caviar begins to become bitter, moldy and dry out. She is immediately sent for “reanimation” - treatment with a water-salt solution.

After that it goes on sale again...

By the way, this is not the worst option from the point of view of the safety of such a product for the buyer.

It also happens that “thrifty” producers store huge volumes of caviar in freezers (and store it incorrectly), throwing it out on the shelves before big holidays.

Spoiled caviar is simply washed, filled with oil with a strong smell, just in case, a double dose of preservatives is given - and off to the meeting with the consumer!

In general, the conclusion on the first point is this: good, unspoiled caviar should have only a faint smell of the sea, which is pleasant for most of us.

All other “odors,” including the smell of rancid fat, alcohol, oxidized metal and rotten fish, are signs of caviar, which belongs in the trash can, not on the holiday table.

2. Caviar has a distinct bitter taste

We remind you right away that the caviar of some fish (for example, sockeye salmon) is bitter on its own - and this is absolutely normal. But in the caviar of other fish there should be no bitterness at all - not even a slight aftertaste.

Why can caviar taste bitter?

Even when cutting the fish, the technology was violated (the gall bladder was damaged) - this is not dangerous, just tasteless;

Preservatives prohibited for use were used (in this case they are not even indicated on the packaging);

Fat oxidation occurred because the caviar was left in the open air for a long time;

The caviar was stored incorrectly or subjected to freezing and thawing procedures.

Even with the naked eye, darkening or rot is visible on one of the sections of the caviar in the jar. It is not recommended to simply carefully collect the missing part of the caviar and eat the rest - all the caviar in the jar is probably gone;

To the touch, the caviar is covered with a slippery dark mucus that remains on the fingers.

And one last thing. If you have even the slightest doubt that the caviar is spoiled, it is better to throw it away. Believe me, the money lost on an unsuccessful purchase is incomparable to the harm that you will cause to your body by tasting a spoiled delicacy!

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