Circus show-musical "The Little Prince. "The Little Prince" in the "Circus of Miracles": reviews, tickets, plot Performance of the little prince circus of miracles

September 30, 2017 in the "Circus of Miracles" will be the official premiere circus musical"The Little Prince" - the first big show program in Russia based on legendary history!

A starry boy with golden hair, a touching and beautiful Rose, a faithful Fox, unusual inhabitants of distant asteroids... All the characters in Antoine De Saint-Exupery's book are looking forward to celebrating this grand holiday together!

The celebration program includes: the premiere of the show, a festive buffet, a colorful photo shoot, gifts and surprises from the Circus of Miracles and partners of the event. The guests of the evening will be representatives of leading media and Internet portals, famous bloggers, stars of the world of theater, cinema and television.

"The Little Prince" in the "Circus of Miracles" is a show that will inspire for a long time and remain in memory for a lifetime! main feature of this performance is a symbiosis of various genres: a large circus musical show is accompanied by laser, sand, light and music show.

Spectators are waiting for real hits and new numbers from circus stars, including juggling, acrobatics, aerial gymnastics, Sir's wheel, clowning, training (on stage: trained ferrets, roosters, bears, dogs, pigeons, a monkey and a donkey) and much more.

Starring on September 30 - stars of the world of music, theater and television: Mikhail Smirnov (finalist of "Voice. Children", representative of Russia on Junior Eurovision), Irina Ukhanova (host of Revizorro), Evgeny Egorov (vocalist of the Epidemia group).

Address: Moscow, st. Ivan Franko, house 14.

Venue: Circus of Miracles

Gathering of guests from 17:00, the performance starts at 18:00.


The first big show program in Russia based on the legendary story! This fall, the book, translated into 250 languages ​​and published in a total circulation of more than 140 million copies, will take on a new incarnation - in a grandiose theater and circus show! The audience is waiting for a whole universe of real miracles, unique tricks and amazing songs.

"The little Prince"- This:

big circus show+ incredibly beautiful musical.
The combination of two large-scale colorful genres in one program delights viewers of all ages!

Meeting with your favorite heroes and new adventures of the heroes of the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
A starry boy with golden hair, a touching and beautiful Rose, a faithful Fox, unusual inhabitants of distant asteroids... All of them are already waiting to meet you!

Lots of shows for the price of one!
Circus, multimedia, laser, sand, musical and interactive show- in one program!

Professional actors and theater stars!
Famous people take part in the show circus artists, acrobats, trained animals and really funny clowns. And also - famous theater actors, amazing vocalists and young stars the world of music and dance!

The show you've been waiting for!
Like legendary book, the show "The Little Prince" breaks down language and age barriers, filling the hearts of all viewers with inspiration and real joy!

Address: Moscow, st. Ivan Franko, 14
Venue: "Circus of Miracles" in Kuntsevo
Metro: Kuntsevskaya
Official website:
The official page of the show "The Little Prince":
Phone for inquiries: +7 495 357 10 10

Additional Information:
Hall: The auditorium can accommodate 695 seats. Throughout the year in auditorium and the foyer of the theater are air-conditioned.
How to get there: The Circus of Miracles is located very close to the Kuntsevskaya metro station (it's only three stops from the center along the new high-speed metro line), the 1st car from the center. After entering the city, go right for 50 meters and turn right again. Then move straight along the alley for 300 meters to the Circus of Miracles.
In front of the circus - a large convenient free parking!

Circus of Wonders we love and always visit it with great pleasure. Moreover, we could not pass by the premiere of the new show The Little Prince which took place on 30 September.
In the foyer, as it should be at the premiere, there are champagne and a lot of guests. What I like about the Circus of Miracles is that there is constant movement. Before the show starts, your child will not be bored. Here and slot machines and buffet, and an area where you can take original pictures.

And now I will try to tell you and convey the atmosphere that prevailed that day at the premiere of The Little Prince. Are you ready? (I apologize right away for the quality of the photos).

Who is he, the Little Prince? Even those who have not read this work will immediately understand what it is about. The star boy flew to our planet in search of his Rose. show. And they did it so masterfully and colorfully that we all sat and admired!
The first person our Prince met was the Pilot, who tried to tell him where he was and how to find his way to the Rose. a sand show was shown, which characterized what h about in this moment happens to the characters.

Fox, this is the hero who did not leave anyone indifferent that evening. How he entertained the audience, how they reciprocated him !! Bravo! Even my children decided to study dance with him, but can this be denied?

There is a lot of live music in the Show, all the artists sing great.

I want to introduce you to the Lamplighter. It was something! I could not take my eyes off! How masterfully he performed on the mast!

Separately, I would like to say about the costumes of the artists! They are always very bright. If this is Rose, then you can immediately see it!
The sire wheel was just a discovery for me! How it is possible to balance on the wheel like that remains a mystery to me!

Interesting piece with pigeons.

And he was struck by a bear that climbed a pole, so fast!

It is a pity that with the help of photography it is impossible to convey the beauty of the laser show.

I will not reveal to you all the numbers of this colorful show. I wanted to interest you in it so that you decide to visit it, but it's worth it.

On September 30, the official premiere of the circus musical "The Little Prince" will take place - the first major show program in Russia based on the legendary story. A starry boy with golden hair, a touching and beautiful Rose, a faithful Fox, unusual inhabitants of distant asteroids... All the heroes of Antoine De Saint-Exupery's book are looking forward to celebrating this grand holiday together! The celebration program includes: the premiere of the show, a festive buffet, a colorful photo session, gifts and surprises from the Circus of Miracles and partners of the event. The guests of the evening will be representatives of leading media and Internet portals, famous bloggers, stars of the world of theater, cinema and television. "The Little Prince" in the Circus of Miracles is a show that will inspire you for a long time and remain in your memory for a lifetime! The main feature of this performance is a symbiosis of various genres: a large circus musical show is accompanied by a laser, sand, light and music show. The audience is waiting for real hits and new numbers from the stars of the circus, including juggling, acrobatics, aerial gymnastics, the Syrah wheel, clowning, training (on stage: trained ferrets, roosters, bears, dogs, pigeons, a monkey and a donkey) and much more . Starring on September 30 are the stars of the world of music and theater: (finalist of The Voice. Children, representative of Russia at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest), Irina Ukhanova (host of Revizorro) and Evgeny Egorov (vocalist of the Epidemic group). Other performers of the role of the Little Prince -, and

"All adults were children at first, only few of them remember this"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"The little Prince"

I love the circus very much. First of all, for me, these are childhood memories. Leningrad, the famous Cinizelli circus on the Fontanka embankment, the legendary Kornilov attraction with elephants, the clowns that I was afraid of, the acrobats under the circus dome and the indescribable smell of sawdust! And how I loved the second section, when fences were erected around the arena, uniformed men with water cannons stood in a circle and tigers ran out along a narrow corridor! They were so obedient beautiful people in costumes embroidered with sequins, so deftly jumped through a burning ring that my cherished childhood dream was to become a famous animal trainer!
Since then, the circus has been a holiday for me.
But time runs forward. Everything around us is changing, so the circus has become different. New unique numbers have appeared, advanced technologies have come here too, but invariably only one- circus it's a miracle!
On Saturday evening we arrived at Kuntsevskaya Street to see the performance of "The Little Prince" at the Circus of Miracles.

Two adults, uncle and aunt, we towered over the crowd of children and felt like Gulliver in the country of the Lilliputians. At some point, we became embarrassed (((There were a lot of children around! I hissed in my husband’s ear with displeasure: “We should have taken at least one child to cover up”)) But our children run around the stadiums and dance on weekends and they don’t care about the circus, but in vain!
We didn't last long. As soon as the lights went out in the hall and the artists appeared, we stopped complexing and completely surrendered to the miracles happening right in front of us, on the stage!

What we saw on the stage does not lend itself to any clear formulation. This is theatrical performance, where the main characters utter monologues and at the same time it is a musical, where everyone sings and dances, but it is also a circus performance with all its genres and canons! But that's not all! Have you ever seen how to paint with sand? This is a real miracle!
We could watch how sand paintings right on the big screens installed on the stage.

The performance itself is based on the great and immortal novel by the French pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". Who hasn't read it? For a long time already this work was taken away into quotations, we remember many passages by heart. This is a magnificent fairy tale, which we need today like air. "Only one heart is vigilant!" "We are forever responsible for those we have tamed!"
It teaches us kindness, responsibility and understanding. The main characters are, of course, the Little Prince and Rose. And also Antoine de Saint-Exupery himself. We happily learned excerpts from our favorite novel, listened to the singing actors and our hearts became wiser. Little spectators enthusiastically reacted to the wonderful Fox, who was looking for friends. As a result, all the kids in the hall became friends with him!

The fox is absolutely adorable! This is a real find for such a show! Absolutely synthetic actor! He is a wonderful acrobat, clown, presenter who knows the approach to children! Bravo, artist!

Little spectators were involved in everything that was happening on the stage. How can a child sit quietly for an hour? And here it is not necessary! So feel free to take your fidget to the show! They will play with him, joke, play ball and entertain! He will not be bored for a single minute!

See how fun the show is for both kids and adults!

And of course circus numbers! I don't even know what to say here, I was so impressed! Firstly, this is an acrobat girl on three shells at once. It's just a miracle! Well, we were at the performance of the circus of miracles!

Talented little girl! I heard a lot of disputes that a girl and a pole are incompatible concepts. It's not true, it's very beautiful and very difficult! Come and see!

The real bomb of the performance is the acrobats! These are not just circus acrobatic tricks, but some amazing symbiosis of break dance, capoeira, choreography and the most complex elements! I watched it with bated breath! Bravo!!! You must remember these incredible artists!

But the acrobat on a pole in the image of a lamplighter charmed everyone in the auditorium! An unusually complex, artistic and beautiful number!

This is truly world class! The room is so good and original that it is impossible to describe in words! Photos also do not convey the drive that we felt looking at this miracle!

And, of course, clowns and trained animals! This is where we fell into childhood! If it wasn't for our important mission like writing this story, we'd definitely drop the camera and clap our hands and shout "Bravo" incessantly! But, conscience did not allow us to do this, so the photo is for you)))

What a funny king! Have you seen the thimbler king? We yes!

But this is not just a cunning king, but a real tamer of ferrets! These little rodents not only unroll carpets, run up stairs and spin wheels, but also sing! Have you heard the ferret jazz band? Not? And we heard!

Such a cute slow-moving dachshund! Mimimi...

Well, after the concert, all this fluffy gang could be stroked))) That's where the fun was!

I have never seen singing ferrets anywhere! I didn't even know they could be trained!

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