Quotes about love and family for weddings. Congratulations to newlyweds based on quotes. Good Examples of Wedding Anniversary Hashtags

Aphorism - like a bee:
it contains both golden honey and a poisonous sting.

Carmen Silva

An intelligent woman, when she gets married, promises happiness. The bad one is waiting for him.
(author V.O. Klyuchevsky)

A diamond wedding is love that has conquered death.
(author Ilya Shevelev)

There are no rumors that arise so easily and spread so quickly as rumors regarding weddings.
(author David Hume)

If the fledglings are ringed out of love, then God himself decided this.
(author Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

The music of a wedding procession always reminds me of a military march before a battle.
(author Heinrich Heine)

A wedding is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.
(author: Yuzef Bulatovich)

Again someone's surrender - they play a wedding march.
(author Janusz Ros)

The wedding ceremony involves two rings: one is placed on the bride's finger, the other is threaded through the groom's nose.
(author Robert Orben)

White color represents joy. At weddings, women wear white, men wear black.
(author John Auler)

Is there life after marriage?
(author Maxim Zvonarev)

The sale of women is permitted only in front of the altar.
(author Henrik Kaden)

All weddings are alike, but all divorces are interesting in their own way.
(author Will Rogers)

A man feels seven years older the day after his wedding.
(author Francis Bacon)

Yesterday I was a witness at a wedding. It would be better if I got married.
(author unknown)

The wedding cake was invented so that you could admire it and pour more vodka amidst exclamations of admiration.
(author unknown)

In the family, everything is shared equally: the husband gets a tie, the wife gets a fur coat.
(author unknown)

Children are the flowers of life! Give me a whole bouquet!
(author unknown)

Hit your husband with a teapot - your husband will be the boss!
(author unknown)

Another one crowed!
(author unknown)

Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
(author unknown)

We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding.
(author unknown)

The worst wish is to say “good night” to the newlyweds when leaving a wedding.
(author unknown)

A wife is not a mitten - you can’t tuck it into your belt.
(author unknown)

Married yourself - help a friend.
(author unknown)

Live with each other like fish with water.
(author unknown)

A sober person at a wedding is a spy.
(author unknown)

Let's get lost in the smoke. May there be happiness for the young!
(author unknown)

A family without love is a tree without roots.
(author unknown)

A good mother-in-law never has a skinny son-in-law.
(author unknown)

In order for the union to be strong, a toddler is urgently needed!
(author unknown)

Don't look for an easy life, got married - not food!
(author unknown)

Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha, let's rob the groom!
(author unknown)

Who goes where, and we get married!
(author unknown)

Who won't have fun. Let's not let you get sober.
(author unknown)

Newlyweds. Reduce the waste rate in your marriage.
(author unknown)

At our wedding the law is simple: Drink, have fun and sing.
(author unknown)

My son-in-law has a best friend, he is called father-in-law.
(author unknown)

Love is a ring, but a ring has no beginning and no end.
(author unknown)

Love is patience, impatience is divorce.
(author unknown)

There is no need for treasure if the husband and wife are on good terms.
(author unknown)

Carry your wife in your arms... until she sits on your neck.
(author unknown)

Come on, mother-in-law, don’t drive around, give your son-in-law a Lada!
(author unknown)

From a kiss to a quarrel is one step, and from a quarrel to a kiss is a week, or even new boots!
(author unknown)

Don't gather under the table for more than three!
(author unknown)

The way to a husband's heart is through his stomach.
(author unknown)

With a good wife, grief is half grief, joy is doubly so.
(author unknown)

Don’t boast about getting married on the third day, but rather boast about marrying on the third year.
(author unknown)

There is no better friend than a faithful friend.
(author unknown)

With a dear one, heaven is in a hut, but it’s better if the hut is in heaven.
(author unknown)

Family is the key to happiness.
(author unknown)

A wedding is a wedding in Africa too!
(author unknown)

I quit drinking, smoking, swearing - we'll get married.
(author unknown)

Bride at the altar: "Finally! Finally!"
Groom: "It's too late! Too late!"
(author Henry Louis Mencken)


Funny aphorisms will always cheer you up, and for some, his wise thought will become necessary advice, while for others, caustic witticisms on the topic will help you shine with wit in a conversation.

Aphorisms are a unique, peculiar “music” of the word. They come from the works of ancient philosophers and orators, medieval theologians, sayings of literary classics, and modern cultural and artistic figures. An aphorism is a universal genre by its nature. It can be born in a novel or short story, a poem and a philosophical treatise, a children's rhyme or the speech of a public person.

Often an aphorism serves philosophy, where thinking is akin to exercise, and literature, where the power and persuasiveness of words is required.

At the wedding table, guests say parting words to the newlyweds. Wish them to live amicably and happily, give them the order to love and take care of each other, citing beautiful and wise quotes about the wedding.

Finding the right words to express your feelings on this exciting day can be difficult. This page of our website contains wedding quotes that you can use in your speech.

Quotes and aphorisms about weddings

“A husband and wife are like an onion,
A bow with a strong bowstring.
Even though she pulls him,
But she herself is obedient to him.
Even though she bends him,
But she herself is inseparable from him.
Separately, both are useless.”

“Marriage is the greatest happiness on earth if it is based on complete harmony.”
Benjamin Disraeli.

“In family life, the most important screw is love.”
Anton Chekhov.

“With a good wife, grief is half grief, joy is doubly.”
Russian proverb.

“Love is more valuable than all treasures. She is a diamond that even kings cannot buy. She is the whole world, although she is hugged with two hands.”
Mor Yokai.

What to say to the newlyweds on their wedding day, what to wish them? Let the leitmotif of your congratulations be the love and happiness of the young family. These wishes are always relevant, and the newlyweds will be pleased if you emphasize the importance of family values ​​by providing beautiful wedding quotes and aphorisms.

“Any marriage, happy or unhappy, is infinitely more interesting and significant than any romance, even the most passionate.”
Wysten Auden.

“Marriage is too perfect a state for an imperfect person.”
Nicola Chamfort.

“What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.”
Anton Chekhov

“A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable.”
Francis Bacon.

“The golden rule of marriage is patience and forbearance.”
Samuel Smiles.

“A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day, and that they are spouses at night.”

“The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.”
Alexander Pushkin.

The words spoken on the wedding day sound especially touching, and the quotes given to the place and time are remembered for a long time. Therefore, the preparation of such a speech should be approached responsibly, having thought it through to the smallest detail. Read out the appropriate wedding quotes, raise your glasses and congratulate your loved ones on the start of your married life!

“Those who marry should keep their eyes open before marriage and keep them half-closed after.”
Madeleine Scuderi.

“A wife is not a mistress, but a friend and companion of our life, and we must get accustomed in advance to the idea of ​​loving her both when she is an elderly woman and when she is an old woman.”
Vissarion Belinsky.

“A wedding is the culmination of a relationship that is in the process of development.”
Vladimir Sukhorukov.

“A wedding is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.”
Yuzef Bulatovich.

Choose quotes and aphorisms about the wedding that seem most consonant and appropriate to the situation to raise a glass to the newlyweds.

And if you do not have the opportunity to attend this celebration, you can congratulate the newlyweds in an email or SMS, post congratulations on their pages on social networks, citing suitable quotes about the wedding.

“Lovers can love each other before they know each other; spouses must get to know each other before they can fall in love.”
P. Buast.

“Each of us is half of a whole, cut into two parts, and therefore everyone is always looking for the half that corresponds to him.”

Cool wedding quotes

Wedding quotes can be not only serious, but also humorous.

“In every girl’s life there should be not only a little black dress, but also a long white one.
The worst wish is to wish the newlyweds “good night” at the end of the wedding.”

“Marriage is a smart thing for a fool and a stupid thing for a smart one.”

“If after the silver wedding you notice that you married the wrong woman, wait until the golden one: as they say, if you endure it, you will fall in love.”

“With my dear, heaven is in the hut, but it’s better if this hut stands in heaven.”

“Everything is shared equally in the family: a tie for the husband, a fur coat for the wife.”

“I got married myself - help a friend.”

“Keep your eyes wide before the wedding and close them after.”
Benjamin Franklin.

“The bride at the altar thinks: “Finally!” Finally!". Groom: “It’s too late! Too late!"".
Henry Mencken.

“A man endures marriage because of his love for a woman. A woman tolerates a man out of love for marriage.”
Gabriel Laub.

“The wedding ceremony involves two rings: one is put on the bride’s finger, the other is threaded through the groom’s nose.”
Robert Orben.

“A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn’t worry about the future until he gets married.”
Coco Chanel.

“Of course, your husband has his shortcomings! If he were a saint, he would never have married you."
Dale Caregi

“How many married couples need just a little passion to be happy! And how many lack just a little indifference!”
Jean Rostand.

“Marriage is like scissors: the halves may move in opposite directions, but they will teach a lesson to anyone who tries to come between them.”
Sydney Smith.

Wedding Quotes for Toasts and Congratulations

In your speech at the end of the ceremony at the registry office or at the festive table, you can use quotes and aphorisms on the theme of the wedding, which will cheer up the newlyweds and guests and help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday.

Bernard Shaw said: “To marry is stupid, not to marry is even more stupid.” Our young people chose the lesser of two stupidities. And they did it right! We raise a glass to you and your happiness!

French writer André Terrier wrote: “There is no such thing as a happy life, there are only happy days.” Let's drink to the fact that the newly created family will have many happy days, which will lead to a happy life as a whole!

A famous writer said: “Happiness is when you are understood.” And indeed it is. Each of us wants to be understood by other people, because it is important for us to feel the support and respect of others. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for many, many years to come! Happiness to you, dears!

As one writer said, “A happy marriage is a long conversation that at the end seems like a very short one.” So let your family life become a kind, vital conversation between two loving hearts for many years to come!

What is happiness? It is different for everyone, but there is one wise saying: “Happiness is finding half of your soul and holding it in your hands tightly, but affectionately and carefully, like a beautiful snowflake, admiring its beauty and being afraid to melt it.” I would like to wish you to preserve and protect your happiness with the same affection and trepidation! Bitterly!

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White color represents joy. At weddings, women wear white, men wear black.
John Auler.

A wedding is the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end.
Yuzef Bulatovich.

It takes two to get married - a lonely girl and a concerned mother.

The wedding ceremony involves two rings: one is placed on the bride's finger, the other is threaded through the groom's nose.
Robert Orben.

Many men, having fallen in love with a dimple, mistakenly marry the whole girl.
Stephen Leacock.

Marriage is love that has been asked for something else.
Wojciech Bartoszewski.

Marriage is the only form of slavery permitted by law.
John Stuart Mill.

Marriage is not such a terrible thing; You can join it from time to time.
Magdalena Impostor.

Marriage is the leading cause of divorce.
Lawrence Peter.

Marriage is a lifelong punishment for love.
Renata Schumann-Ficus.

Marriage is the most expensive way to wash clothes for free.
Franklin P. Jones.

Marriage is the most expensive way to get free advice.

Marriage is too perfect a state for an imperfect person.
Nicola Chamfort.

Marriage is such a wonderful thing that you need to think about it all your life.

Marriage is a harbor in a storm, but more often it is a storm in a harbor.
Jean Petit-Senne.

Marriage is a long conversation punctuated by arguments.
Robert Louis Stevenson.

Marriage is a long voyage in a cramped cabin.
Iris Murdoch.

Marriage is a fever that begins with heat and ends with cold.

Marriage is a lottery in which a man puts his freedom on the line and a woman puts her happiness on the line.
Virginia De Rieu.

Marriage is the continuation of love through other means.
Gennady Malkin.

Marriage is a state in which two people cannot live either with or without each other.
Modified Maria Ebner-Eschenbach.

Marriage is a union between a man who cannot sleep with the window closed and a woman who cannot sleep with the window open.
George Bernard Shaw.

Marriage is the triumph of habit over hatred.
Oscar Levant.

Marriage is the price men pay for sex; sex is the price women pay for marriage.

Marriage is the miracle of turning a kiss from a pleasure into an obligation.
Helen Rowland.

Marriage simplifies our lives and complicates our days.
Jean Rostand.

Marriage emasculates the soul.
Alexander Pushkin.

Marriage, to tell the truth, is evil, but a necessary evil.

We call a marriage for love a marriage in which a wealthy man marries a beautiful and rich girl.
Pierre Bonnard.

There are successful marriages, but there are no delightful marriages.
Francois La Rochefoucauld.

In marriage, the main thing is not victory, but participation.
Gennady Malkin.

In love they lose their minds, in marriage they notice loss.
Moses Safir.

All weddings are alike, but all divorces are interesting in their own way.
Will Rogers.

When a girl gets married, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one.
Helen Rowland.

The main secret of a successful marriage is to see accidents in misfortunes, and not to perceive accidents as misfortunes.
Harold Nicholson.

Stupid people get married, smart people get married.
Konstantin Melikhan.

Twenty years of love makes a woman a wreck; Twenty years of marriage give it the appearance of a public building.
Oscar Wilde.

Give a girl only her husband, but give everything to a married girl.
English saying.

Keep your eyes wide before the wedding and close them after.
Benjamin Franklin.

A virtuous maiden does not chase suitors. Where have you seen a mousetrap chasing a mouse?
Julian Tuwim.

If spouses did not live together, successful marriages would occur more often.
Friedrich Nietzsche.

If everyone marries smart people, then what to do with the beautiful ones.
Danil Rudy.

If there are so few happy marriages in the world, it is only because girls pay much more attention to weaving snares than to building cages.
Jonathan Swift.

There are two types of men: some are young, good-looking, with a future; others are thinking about getting married.

Is there life after marriage?
Maxim Zvonarev.

There is only one way to make a marriage happy, and we would all like to know it.

You should only marry women who cannot be trusted in marriage.
Cesare Pavese.

A woman is in a hurry with her first marriage, afraid of being late with her second.
Arkady Davidovich.

A woman worries about her future as long as she is not married; on the contrary, a man does not worry about his future as long as he is not married.
Liselotte Pulver.

Women deprive freedom only of those who do not know what to do with it.
Helena Zmievskaya.

Living with the person you love is just as difficult as loving the person you live with.
Jean Rostand.

Marriage: the formality required to obtain a divorce.
Oliver Hurford and John Clay.

Married woman: a woman who has a bright future behind her.
Ambrose Bierce.

For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but remain as the Angels of God in heaven.
Gospel of Matthew, 22, 30.

Every marriage is a misalliance.
Karl Kraus.

When I realized that I couldn't afford to support my family, I was already married.

The critical period in marriage is breakfast time.
Alan Patrick Herbert.

He who is incapable of either love or friendship is most likely to place his bet on marriage.
Friedrich Nietzsche.

The love of a married woman is a great thing. Married men never dreamed of this.
Oscar Wilde.

People stop developing as soon as they begin to reproduce.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson.

The honeymoon ends when the dog brings the husband's slippers and the wife starts grumbling.
Sari Gabor.

You can explain to others why you married your husband, but you cannot convince yourself of it.
George Sand.

A man marries because he falls in love. A woman falls in love because she wants to get married.
Henri Duvernoy.

A man feels seven years older the day after his wedding.
Francis Bacon.

A man who loves a woman very much asks her to marry him - that is, change her name, quit her job, give birth and raise his children, wait for him when he comes home from work, move with him to another city when he changes work. It's hard to imagine what he would demand from a woman he doesn't love.
Gabrielle Barton.

A man needs a wife because not everything in the world can be blamed on the government.
Leonard Louis Levinson.

The music of a wedding procession always reminds me of a military march before a battle.
Heinrich Heine.

You cannot find happiness in marriage unless you bring it with you.

There are no rumors that arise so easily and spread so quickly as rumors regarding weddings.
David Hume.

Oh, if only I could go on my honeymoon alone!
Jules Renard.

The wedding ring is the first link in the chain.
Hot Petan.

It’s a common thing: you declare your love to an angel, and then marry the cook.
Magdalena Impostor.

The first part of our marriage was very successful. But then, when we were returning from the wedding ceremony.
Henny Youngman.

With current taxes, you can marry for love.

Nature does not provide for marriage.
Napoleon I.

The sale of women is permitted only in front of the altar.
Henrik Kaden.

The length of a marriage is inversely proportional to wedding expenses.
Toms' law.

The slave was free - he had no family.
Ratmir Tumanovsky.

The strongest foundation for marriage is mutual misunderstanding.
Oscar Wilde.

The most valuable thing about marriage is that you can be alone in it without suffering from loneliness.
Gerald Brenan.

The most difficult years of marriage are those that follow the wedding.

A wedding, without a doubt, is a solemn event for which it is important not only to prepare a good wedding gift, but also to choose a special congratulations to the newlyweds. Not everyone can choose the right words on their own, but on our wedding portal Svadebka.ws you will certainly find the congratulations you have been looking for for so long.

Options for congratulating newlyweds based on quotes

Dear newlyweds! I want to raise this glass to the wise words of one talented French writer, Jean Rostand. He said that a good family is one in which the spouses forget that they are lovers during the day, and that they are spouses at night. So let’s drink to ensure that this is exactly what happens in your family!

On this day we congratulate wonderful people on the beginning of family life! As one French writer named Frederic Stendhal said: “Love is a beautiful flower that grows on the edge of an abyss, and people need courage and courage to pluck it.” Let's wish the young people to remain as brave and fearless, because you managed to pick your flower and not fall into the abyss. May your love bloom forever to the joy of you and your future children!

Congratulations on your wedding day! As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: “Love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in the same direction.” So I want to wish you that you always look in one direction and only forward, achieving all your goals. Happiness, love and good luck in everything!

As the great writer Cervantes said: “Love has glasses through which copper will appear as gold, poverty as luxury, and sparks of flame as pearls.” So we wish the newlyweds that in their wonderful family all this can be seen with the naked eye!

As Omar Khayyam said:
In a moment, a moment - and life flashes by...
Let this moment sparkle with fun!
Beware, for life is the essence of creation,
How you pass it, so it will pass!
May peace and happiness always reign in your young family!

Goethe wrote: “Everyone hears what he understands.” So let's wish that our young people always hear each other!

As Stendhal once said: “The family is one of nature’s masterpieces!” Today you have created this beautiful masterpiece! May your family life be filled with light and warmth, happiness and joy! Love to you and good luck in everything!

One philosopher said: “There are many seekers in life, but those who find are hard to find.” That’s why our newlyweds are the happiest people, because they found each other. May your family hearth always burn with the same bright flame as your love now burns in your hearts. Mutual understanding to you, love and devotion. For your happiness!

We hope that among our abundance of congratulations to the newlyweds, you have found the one that suits you best!


    Before getting married, don't forget to let go of selfishness.

    White color represents joy. At weddings, women wear white, men wear black.

    Holiday romances end at the airport, not at the altar.

    The golden wedding is a symbol of swan fidelity.

    Girls, if you want grandiose fireworks on your wedding day, get married on May 9!

    The first wedding is a rehearsal for the second.

    It is not always the one who gets engaged who gets married.

    Keep your eyes wide before the wedding and close them after.

    Vasya, did you marry Olga? - No, she said that I was poor... - But you have a rich uncle! Why didn't you tell her about this? - I said... - So what! - Now she is my aunt...

    The main thing is not the rings, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the bride.

    Heartfelt phrases about the wedding

    Whether two people did the right thing by marrying each other cannot be judged even at their silver wedding.

    A free woman is one who allows herself sex before marriage and work after marriage.

    Funny, heartfelt phrases about a wedding

    I always get so excited at weddings! - Me too. I always think: “It’s good that it’s not me.”

    I don't trust weddings - everything ends in marriage.

    The best thing about getting married abroad is the guests: random people won't travel that far, but those few who really care about you make this effort.

    And no veil! I don't want to get married in a mosquito net.

    No matter what they say in favor of a civil marriage, but for me getting married is a completely different feeling of happiness, bearing a person’s surname, being one, being close in sorrow and joy.

    I’m marrying for sex, but sex is only for love, since I don’t have the ability to love for convenience...

    Life in 100 words: Cradle. Diapers. Cry. Word. Step. Cold. Doctor. Running around. Toys. . Yard Swing. Kindergarten. School. Two. Troika. Five. Ball. Step. Gypsum. Bed. Fight. Blood. Broken nose. Yard Friends. Party. Force. Institute. Spring. Bushes. Summer. Session. Tails. Beer. Vodka. Gin with ice. Coffee. Session. Diploma. Romanticism. Love. Star. Hands. Lips. A night without sleep. Wedding. Mother-in-law. Father-in-law. Trap. Argument. Club. Friends. Cup. House. Job. House. Family. Sun. Summer. Snow. Winter. Son. Diapers. Cradle. Stress. Mistress. Bed. Business. Money. Plan. Emergency. TV. Series. Country house. Cherries. Zucchini. Gray hair. Migraine. Glasses. Grandson. Diapers. Cradle. Stress. Pressure. Bed. Heart. Kidneys. Bones. Doctor. Speeches. Coffin. Farewell. Cry.

    Do you agree to love her, protect her from problems, admire her, worship her wisdom and talent? - Untie me, jackals!

    Good heartfelt phrases about the wedding

    A wedding is a holiday, but immediately after it everyday life begins, for which people are not yet psychologically ready. This is where conflicts, disappointments, divorces begin...

    You have a choice, but you can only choose one. No. 1. If you say yes, we'll get married right away. No. 2. If you say no, I make you say yes, and then we get married right away. No. 3. If you need time to think about it, I'll give you a whole day to think about it, and then we'll get married.

    Honey, when will we finally get married? - I'm afraid, dear, never. I'm allergic to gold, but what would a wedding be without wedding rings?

    It was a fun Scottish wedding: six bagpipes were broken!

    At the prosecutor's wedding, the guests who stole the bride's shoe received eight years with confiscation of property!

    A married couple celebrates their golden wedding. Restaurant. Banquet, a lot of guests. The hero of the occasion addresses his wife throughout the evening: - Zainka! Give me that piece! Fish, please put me some salad. Kitty, pour me some juice. Then the men went out to smoke and asked the hero of the day: - Tell me, you and she have been together for half a century, and you are her “Kitten, Fish, Bunny”! Do you really still love?! - Guys, you won’t believe it, I forgot my wife’s name!

    He had heard somewhere that the future newlywed should not see his intended bride before the wedding - probably so as not to change his mind.

    Everyday sincere phrases about the wedding

    Novels and comedies usually end with a wedding. It is assumed that there is nothing left to talk about afterwards.

    Where are you taking me? - At the registry office. - And you didn’t propose to me. - What for? To hear again that you are busy?

    Men have the ability to change after marriage. A chic suit turns into sweatpants with pulled knees, the fire in the eyes is replaced by the alcoholic drag of a football fan or an avid fisherman, and declarations of love are replaced by grunting in the toilet in the morning. So, I wish you that your fiance always remains bright, flying and unbridled.

    They danced like this - the plaster fell down, the button accordion played, everything was a success... Some crossed themselves: “They melted the idiot!” Others grinned: “They’ve installed a slut...”

    Many fools consider marriage to be a simple union. That is why this union is so neglected after the wedding.

    You can also say that we left the ceremony on a motorcycle with a sidecar. - No, it's implausible. - And the fact that a dove flew up and put a wedding ring on your finger is real.

    This is a small, modest wedding. And this is a luxurious dress for a luxurious wedding! Do you have a dress that doesn't make noise when you walk? Or something less airy?

    There is nothing more useless in the world than a groom before his wedding.

    On their wedding night, the French, Germans and English make love, and the Russians count money...

    We go out into the world of the living to celebrate the wedding of the dead.

    Comical sincere phrases about the wedding

    Since we got married, we have never had a fight! If only the second day could go like this :)

    Matchmakers will find a good bride on the stove.

    How was your wedding? - Delightful. Just like all my other weddings.

    A wedding is good, but not as a way to impose terrible obligations on the newlyweds, but as a holiday confirming the union of two people who love and respect each other, who are ready to live together for many years without coercion or pretensions. If you think that everything will be exactly like this for you, then go ahead!

    Listen, friend, why are you getting divorced for the seventh time? Are there really only scoundrels? - No. I just really love weddings.

    Usually at weddings the bride is stolen, but my mother-in-law was stolen. There were no more expensive gifts.

    The first toast is given to the bride's closest people: her ex-husband and son.

    My friend is getting married. I pick out a bouquet for her. And there is an awesome option, but it has purple and yellow flowers. And although yellow, according to popular belief, is supposed to mean wealth, many of us for some reason believe that it means separation. I decided to call my friend and asked: - Lucy, won’t you stress over the yellow flowers? She answers: “I’m getting married on Friday the 13th.” Do you think yellow flowers will change anything?

    A wedding without a fool is like a bride without a groom.

    “Another fool has gone to wash the dishes,” my dad says jokingly if he sees the wedding procession)))

    I love weddings. Everyone is happy, everything is beautiful, and they even give you a cake. The bride pretends that she is a virgin, the groom pretends that he has found the one and only one, the parents on both sides pretend that they like each other.

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Among the salmon species, chum salmon is rightfully considered one of the most valuable. Its meat is classified as dietary and especially healthy. On the...
It features very tasty and satisfying dishes. Even salads do not serve as appetizers, but are served separately or as a side dish for meat. It's possible...
Quinoa appeared relatively recently in our family diet, but it has taken root surprisingly well! If we talk about soups, then most of all...
1 To quickly cook soup with rice noodles and meat, first of all, pour water into the kettle and put it on the stove, turn on the heat and...
The sign of the Ox symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. A woman born in the year of the Ox is reliable, calm and prudent....