Quotes about studying with descriptions. Golden Education Quotes and Learning Aphorisms

The history of civilization can be expressed in six words: the more you know, the more you can do. E.Abu

Much knowledge does not teach intelligence. Heraclitus

First try to examine things that are close to you, then those that are far from your sight. Pythagoras

A trap is needed to catch hares. Having caught a hare, they forget about the trap. Words are needed to catch a thought: when the thought is caught, the words are forgotten; How can I find a person who has forgotten about words - and talk to him! Chuang Tzu

Ideas in his head are like glass in a box: each individually transparent, all together dark. A. Rivarol

Nowadays, a portrait is painted in seven minutes, drawing is taught in three days, English language They explain the lessons, eight languages ​​are simultaneously taught with the help of several engravings, which depict various objects and their names in these eight languages. In a word, if it were possible to gather together all the pleasures, feelings and thoughts that so far take a whole life, and fit them into one day, they would probably do this too. They would put a pill in your mouth and announce: -Swallow and get out!.N. Chamfort

The meager means of knowledge are given to our members,

Many striking misfortunes dull inquisitive thoughts.

Having seen only a small part human life,

With a quick death, like a stream of smoke, people are scattered,

Only after learning what happened to everyone to meet

In a hectic life path; but everyone thinks he knows the whole!

It is invisible to the human eye, not intelligible to the ear,

I can't comprehend it with my mind. You, having rushed here,

You will know no more than what a mortal thought exalts. Empedocles

Do you think I'm learned? - Confucius once asked a student.

Is not it so? - he answered.

No, said Confucius, I am only tying everything together. Confucius

At birth, a perfect person is no different from others. He differs from the rest in that he knows how to rely on things. Xunzi

Instead of exalting Heaven and reflecting on it, isn’t it better to ourselves, by multiplying things, to subjugate Heaven to ourselves? Xunzi

The teaching reaches its limit in action. Xunzi

Those who want to know what we think about things are more curious than they need to be. Cicero

Human hearing is susceptible to all sorts of tales. Lucretius

There is nothing that the human imagination dares to do. Lucretius

It is better to study too much than to study nothing. Seneca the Elder

Knowledge is that which requires that the one in whom it is present knows. al-Ashari

The dull mind ascends to truth through the material. Suger

Knowledge is such a precious thing that there is no shame in obtaining it from any source. Thomas Aquinas

After all, it is true that skill preserves possessions, but possessions do not give skill. Juan Manuel

True power requires great knowledge. Juan Manuel

I tried to fully comprehend everything I saw,

And he became both angry and sir. Arrani

3knowledge is in action. Erasmus of Rotterdam

Those people who wished to experience heavenly life on earth unanimously say: so I ran away far and was left alone. D. Bruno

It is not easy to find a way to explain what we offer. For what is new in itself will be understood only by analogy with the old. F. Bacon

To truly know something means to know its causes. F. Bacon

The less a person knows, the more suspicious a person is. F. Bacon

Arguments that a person comes up with on his own usually convince him more than those that come to the minds of others. B. Pascal

Understanding is the beginning of agreement. B. Spinoza

There are two types of knowledge. We ourselves know the subject - or we know where to find information about it. B. Franklin

You need to have a great variety of different ideas in your head in order to give birth to one good one. L. Mercier

We are no better at knowing what we see every day. L. Mercier

Conviction is not the beginning, but the crown of all knowledge. I. Goethe

Every person is superior to me in some way; and in this sense, I have a lot to learn from him. R. Emerson

False knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance. B. Shaw

Knowing does not always mean hindering. M. Proust

We should only be surprised at our ability to be surprised at anything else. F. La Rochefoucauld

If I came across a new observation or thought that contradicted my general conclusions, I made sure and without delay to make a short note about them, because as I have learned from experience, this kind of facts or thoughts usually slip from memory much faster than those favorable to you. C. Darwin

New views through old cracks. G. Lichtenberg

For whom their teachings are the law of life, and not just knowledge put on display? Cicero

He who repeats the old and learns the new can be a leader. Confucius

As a rule, the greatest success is achieved by those who have better information. B. Disraeli

Along with the mathematization of knowledge, there is also a mathematization of nonsense; the language of mathematics, oddly enough, turns out to be suitable for performing any of these tasks. V.V. Nalimov

Considering the vast amount of knowledge now available, it is better to apply one general method, somewhat unproductive than learning a lot of special tricks. R. Hamming

Any human knowledge begins with intuition, moves to concepts and ends with ideas. Kant

Any discovery destroys those who were standing nearby when it hatched from the ground. Unknown

Quintessence extractor. F. Rabelais

Encyclopedism is cozy. Even reading about Diderot, you feel the comfort of Parisian salons, fascinating conversations, charming communication with smart women. Universalism is uncomfortable, it is itself uncomfortable, it is an openness to the Universe, it is Rilke closing the embrasure through which comets and... constellations should burst into our everyday life. Universalism is tragic. Any universal person challenges the world. E. Bogat

It is impossible to exhaust this subject: it seems that a lot has been said, but no, even more is left unsaid... D. Boccaccio

There is enough light for those who want to see, and enough darkness for those who don't want to. B. Pascal

We must try to find out - not who knows more, but who knows better. M. Montaigne

Learning without reflection is useless, but reflection without learning is also dangerous. Confucius

Anyone who thinks one thing and instructs his students in another, it seems to me, is as alien to teaching as to the concept of an honest person. Emperor Julian

I am now smoking a delicious thought with a charming smell. Her resinous bliss enveloped my mind like a sheet. V. Khlebnikov

When asked why students run from other schools to the Epicureans, but never from the Epicureans to others, Arcesilaus replied: “Because a man can become a eunuch, but a eunuch can never become a man.”

When asked how students can succeed, Aristotle answered: “Catch up with those who are ahead, and not wait for those who are behind.”

I could also collect many other proofs,

To further confirm the certainty of my reasoning;

But the traces that I have only outlined here are enough,

So that you, with a sensitive mind, can follow through with everything else. Lucretius

You will never know enough unless you call for more than enough. W. Blake

True knowledge does not consist in the acquaintance with facts which make a man merely a pedant, but in the use of facts which make him a philosopher. G. Buckle

Knowledge is power, power is knowledge. F. Bacon

It is easier for us to acquire the veneer of omniscience than to thoroughly master a small amount of knowledge. L. Vauvenargues

Repeated reading of books already read is the most reliable touchstone of education. K. Goebbel

Whoever wants to achieve greatness must be able to limit himself. Whoever, on the contrary, wants everything, actually wants nothing and will achieve nothing. G. Hegel

Knowledge of some principles easily compensates for ignorance of some facts. K. Helvetius

What they don’t understand, they don’t master. I. Goethe

A person knows himself only to the extent that he knows the world. I.Goethe

If you lose interest in everything, then you lose your memory. I. Goethe

The weakness of the mind and (note) the character of many students and adults depends on the fact that they know everything somehow and nothing properly. A. Diesterweg

Thanks to true knowledge, you will be much bolder and more perfect in every work than without it. A. Durer

False learning is worse than ignorance. Ignorance is a bare field that can be cultivated and sown; false learning is a field overgrown with wheatgrass, which is almost impossible to weed out. C. Cantu

To be human means not only to have knowledge, but also to do for future generations what those who came before did for us. G. Lichtenberg

The great art of learning a lot is to take on a little at once. D. Locke

You need to learn at school, but you need to learn much more after leaving school, and this second teaching is immeasurable in its consequences, in its influence on a person and on society more important than the first. DI. Pisarev

Knowledge must serve the creative purposes of man. It is not enough to accumulate knowledge; we need to disseminate them as widely as possible and apply them in life. N.A. Rubakin

Any real education is achieved only through self-education. ON THE. Rubakin

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. K Simonov

In the matter of education, the process of self-development should be given the widest place. Humanity has developed most successfully only through self-education. G. Spencer

Enlightenment has as its goal the development of character. G. Spencer

You need to know a little about everything, but everything about a little. [When you want to know the rest about a little, it will tell how little you knew about everything] K.A. Timiryazev

Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts, and not through memory. L.N. Tolstoy

It is a mistake to think that knowledge is a virtue. It is not the quantity, but the quality of knowledge that is important. L.N. Tolstoy

Knowledge without moral basis v doesn't mean anything. L.N. Tolstoy

To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite. A. France

The most important task of civilization is to teach man to think. T. Edison

The ideas in his head are like glass in a box: each individually transparent, all together dark. A. Rivarol

Nowadays, a portrait is painted in seven minutes, drawing is taught in three days, English is taught in lessons, eight languages ​​are simultaneously taught with the help of several engravings, which depict various objects and their names in these eight languages. In a word, if it were possible to gather together all the pleasures, feelings and thoughts that so far take a whole life, and fit them into one day, they would probably do this too. They would put a pill in your mouth and announce: “Swallow and get out!” N. Chamfort

I no longer know what I learned, and what little I still know I simply guessed. N. Chamfort

Nothing can be fully known, nothing can be fully learned, nothing can be completely certain: feelings are limited, the mind is weak, life is short. Anaxagoras

He who is learned, but does not apply his learning to his work, is like a man who plowed, but did not sow. Arabic saying

Knowledge of the law of life is much more important than many other knowledge, and knowledge that directly leads us to self-improvement is knowledge of primary importance. G. Spencer

Don't read anything you don't want to remember, and don't remember anything you don't mean to use. D. Blackie

Only true scholars continue to learn; the ignorant prefer to teach. Unknown

A person who sees both sides of an issue, in essence, sees absolutely nothing. O. Wilde

What we know is limited, but what we do not know is infinite. P. Laplace

It is more useful to know a few wise rules that could always serve you than to learn many things that are useless to you. Seneca the Younger

Knowledge is strength, omniscience is weakness. Sydney Smith

Learning in youth is stone carving, in old age it is drawing in sand. Talmud

We present to your attention a selection of the most best aphorisms and quotes about education. Here's how modern quotes, and classic. Everyone will find interesting aphorisms that will guide them to the right thoughts and actions.

Part 1: Quotes on Education

Children should be taught what will be useful to them when they grow up.

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn.
Leonardo da Vinci

We study, alas, for school, not for life.

Education is what remains after everything that was taught is forgotten.
A. Einstein

A person cannot truly improve unless he helps others improve.
Dickens Ch.

We ourselves must believe in what we teach our children.
Woodrow Wilson

Only the wisest and the stupidest are not teachable.

You can only learn what you love.
Goethe I.

I never allowed my schoolwork to interfere with my education.
Mark Twain

Don't be ashamed to study at mature age: It's better to learn late than never.

Part 2: Quotes on Education

The teacher should appeal not so much to the memory of students, but to their mind, to achieve understanding, and not just memorization.
Fedor Ivanovich Yankovic de Marievo

A child who received education only in an educational institution is an uneducated child.
George Santayana

To educate others, we must first educate ourselves.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

A teacher is not the one who teaches, but the one from whom one learns.
Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky

Knowledge that is paid for is remembered better.
Rabbi Nachman

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.
Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.
V. Klyuchevsky

The sign of a good education is to speak about the highest subjects in the most in simple words.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Some go to university to learn how to think, but most go to university to learn what professors think.

A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you become yourself
Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov

Part 3: Quotes on Education

People are a thousand times more concerned about acquiring wealth than about educating the mind and soul, although what is in a person is undoubtedly for our happiness more important than that what a person has.
A. Schopenhauer

The great goal of education is not only knowledge, but above all action.
N.I. Miron

Education cannot be the goal itself.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Both upbringing and education are inseparable. You cannot educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge has an educational effect.
L.N. Tolstoy

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life.

You have to study a lot to know even a little.

A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival.
Belinsky V. G.

In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays they study in order to surprise others.

A person who reads nothing is more educated than one who reads nothing but newspapers.
T. Jefferson

School prepares us to live in a world that does not exist.
Albert Camus

Part 4: Quotes on Education

Teaching adorns a person in happiness, but serves as a refuge in misfortune.
Suvorov A.V.

Book learning is an ornament, not a foundation.
Michel Montaigne

Education gives a person dignity, and the slave begins to realize that he was not born for slavery.
Diderot D.

Learning without reflection is useless, but reflection without learning is also dangerous.

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself.

Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Provide help only to those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of a square, to imagine the other three.

Nothing that is important to know can be taught - all a teacher can do is point out the paths.
Aldington R.

Anyone who is inclined to contradict and talk a lot is not able to learn what is needed.

The subjects that children are taught must be appropriate to their age, otherwise there is a danger that they will develop cleverness, fashion, and vanity.
Kant I.

Education is the face of reason.

A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings.

There is no need to prove that education is the greatest good for a person. Without education people are rude and poor and miserable.
Chernyshevsky N. G.

If you know any interesting aphorisms and quotes about education, then write in the comments.

Education is impractical, the main thing is talent. “At the Bottom” Maxim Gorky

Education is the grains of knowledge and bits of skill that have faded, but remained over time, but which we could not drink away and skip. D. Savile Halifax

Even an educated person will be improved by elite spiritual education. V. V. Belinsky

Education is the correct, practiced actions under any circumstances, especially in everyday life, at work, in government and in household chores.

You can forget about education without knowledge; not everyone can educate themselves. Upbringing and education are two parts of the whole. L. N. Tolstoy

Achieving goals in education means instilling in him the skills for self-realization, self-learning, self-preparation, to which the graduate knows, knows how and wants to apply strength and will, using a palette of ways, methods, means to reconstruct the outer shell of being independently. A. Disterverg

When an individual absorbs moral standards, the process of education takes place. L. N. Tolstoy

My personal obstacle on the path to knowledge is education. Albert Einstein

The teachers who teach you, highly qualified mentors and brilliant education are different things and opposite approaches. Anatoly Ras

Read more quotes on the following pages:

A day in which you did not learn anything new for yourself was wasted. N. S. Stanislavsky.

Education is disastrous for anyone who has the makings of an artist. Education should be left to officials, and even they are tempted to drink. George Moore

The art of education has the peculiarity that to almost everyone it seems familiar and understandable, and sometimes even easy - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that education requires patience... but very few have come to the conclusion that in addition to patience, innate ability and skill, special knowledge is also required, although our numerous pedagogical wanderings could convince everyone of this. K.D. Ushinsky

Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, knowledge and education have no boundaries or limits. - ON THE. Rubakin

You have to get to everything through the most difficult experience. – A.N. Serov

Just because you were given a good education does not mean that you received it. – A.S. Ras

Education develops abilities, but does not create them. – Voltaire

Many comprehend elementary truths already after school. – Tamara Kleiman

Education is the wings that allow a person to rise to a high intellectual orbit. – N.I. Miron

Nature and nurture are similar... education rebuilds a person and, transforming, creates a second nature for him. Democritus

Knowledge must necessarily be associated with skill... It is a sad phenomenon when a student’s head is filled with more or less knowledge, but he has not learned to apply it, so it has to be said about him that although he knows something, he can’t do anything. A. Disterverg

Pedagogy wants to raise a comprehensively developed person. So first let him study all its sides. K. D. Ushinsky.

Isn’t it because people torture children, and sometimes even older ones, because it’s so difficult to educate them and so easy to flog them? Are we retaliating with punishment for our inability? A.I. Herzen

A child who received education only in an educational institution? uneducated child. George Santayana

It is more beneficial to examine the same subject from ten different angles than to teach ten various subjects On the one side. Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know. A. Disterverg

The good thing about English education is that it is like a footprint on water - unnoticeable. Oscar Wilde.

Without clearly intensified hard work, there are no talents or geniuses. – D.I. Mendeleev

Education is not just a matter of schooling. School provides only the keys to this education. Extracurricular education is the whole life! A person must educate himself throughout his life. – A.V. Lunacharsky

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. – Simonov

Education is what remains when everything learned by rote is forgotten. Daniil Alexandrovich Granin

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. Konstantin Simonov

Education today does not differentiate between those who strive upward and those who walk on the earth. It gives everyone stilts and says: walk.

If we allow children to do whatever they please, and even have the stupidity to give them reasons for their whims, then we will be dealing with the worst way of education, and children will then develop a regrettable habit of particular unrestraint, peculiar mentality, selfish interest - the root of all evil. Hegel

I never allowed school to interfere with my education. Mark Twain

Education helps you get by without any abilities at all. Max Fry “Shadow of Googimagon”

The greatest, most important and most useful rule in all education? You don't need to win time, you need to spend it. J.J. Rousseau

Studying in schools and universities is not education, but only a way to get an education. – Ralph Emerson

Thanks to science, one man is superior to another in the same things in which man is superior to animals. – Francis Bacon

There is not one who has been gifted with everything by the gods. – Homer

Education in itself does not give talents, it only develops them; and since talents vary, it would be reasonable that education should also be as varied as possible. - Unknown author

Education is a gift that the present generation must pay back to the future. – George Peabody

Development and education cannot be given or imparted to any person. Anyone who wants to join them must achieve this through their own activity, their own strength, and their own effort. From the outside he can only receive excitement... Therefore, amateur performance is a means and at the same time a result of education... A. Disterver

It's hard to parent. You think that you are already at the end of the road, but it turns out that you are only at the beginning. M. Yu. Lermontov.

In order for upbringing to create a second nature for a person, it is necessary that the ideas of this upbringing pass into the beliefs of the pupils, beliefs into habits... When a conviction is so ingrained in a person that he obeys it before he thinks that he should obey, then only it becomes an element of his nature. K.D. Ushinsky

While a person is alive, even if gray hairs cover his head, he can and should receive an education, and thus any education that is obtained outside of school, since all of life does not fit within the framework of school, is a process of out-of-school education. – A.V. Lunacharsky

The true cure for all suffering is to increase the activity of the mind and soul, which is achieved by increasing education. – Jean Guyot

He who is interested in many things gains a lot. – Paul Claudel

Education without a comprehensive enrichment of one’s own life experience is not education. – Ernst Thälmann

Homo doctus in se semper divitias habet. A learned man contains wealth within himself. – Latin saying

A person who desires education must get it. – Patriarch Alexy II

Education is not preparation for life, it is life itself. – John Dewey

Education brings two great benefits: thinking faster and deciding better. – Francois Moncrief

The average person is capable of higher education. – David Samoilov

An educated person is not satisfied with the vague and indefinite, but grasps objects in their clear definiteness; an uneducated person, on the contrary, wanders uncertainly back and forth, and often it takes a lot of work to come to an agreement with such a person - about what? we're talking about, and force him to invariably adhere to this particular point. Hegel

Education is the ability to listen to anything without losing your composure and self-respect. Robert Frost

It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all, and for the longest time, people. Of these, parents and teachers come first. At all the most complex world surrounding reality, the child enters into an infinite number of relationships, each of which invariably develops, intertwines with other relationships, and is complicated by the physical and moral growth of the child himself. This whole xaoc seems to defy any calculation; nevertheless, it creates at every moment certain changes in the child’s personality. To direct and manage this development is the task of the educator. A.S. Makarenko

It is not enough that enlightenment brings both prosperity and power to the people: it gives a person such spiritual pleasure that nothing can compare. Every educated person he feels this and will always say that without education his life would be very boring and miserable. N.G. Chernyshevsky

If the prejudices and delusions of the old generation are forcibly ingrained in the impressionable soul of a child from an early age, then the enlightenment and improvement of an entire people is slowed down for a long time by this unfortunate circumstance. ON THE. Dobrolyubov

By teaching others, you also learn. N.V. Gogol

Education does not sprout in the soul unless it penetrates to a significant depth. Pythagoras

The need for education for the people is as natural as the need to breathe. L. N. Tolstoy.

You will never know enough unless you know more than enough. – William Blake

Both upbringing and education are inseparable. You cannot educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge has an educational effect. – L.N. Tolstoy

Education is a matter of conscience; education is a matter of science. Later, in a mature person, both of these types of knowledge complement each other. - Victor Hugo

Educated and an intelligent person One can only name someone who is like this through and through and shows his education and intelligence both in large things and in small things, in everyday life and throughout his entire life. - ON THE. Rubakin

Any real education is achieved only through self-education. - ON THE. Rubakin

Education consists of two branches – real and formative. The real is professional education, during which the student is offered knowledge that forms the basis of the discipline being studied. The purpose of real education is to train high-class specialists. The second branch of education provides knowledge that shapes personality cultured person. – V.V. Yaglov

It is not enough that enlightenment brings both prosperity and power to the people: it gives a person such spiritual pleasure that nothing can compare. Every educated person feels this and will always say that without education his life would be very boring and miserable. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

Education is not just a matter of schooling. School provides only the keys to this education. Extracurricular education is the whole life! A person must educate himself throughout his life. – A.V. Lunacharsky

Lunacharsky was asked how many universities one must graduate from to be an intellectual. He said: three. One must be completed by the great-grandfather, the second by the grandfather and the third by the father. – Andrei Konchalovsky

You have to study a lot to know even a little. – Charles Montesquieu

Studendum vero semper et ubigue. You need to study always and everywhere.

Education is the ability to act correctly in any everyday conditions. – John Hibben

In the matter of education, the process of self-development should be given the widest place. Humanity has developed most successfully only through self-education. – Herbert Spencer

Education only develops a person’s moral powers, but nature does not give them to a person. – V.G. Belinsky

If our children want to be truly educated people, they must acquire an education independent studies. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

At the center of education is He – the Teacher, Educator, Educator. – N.I. Miron

Science and education serve as chastity for young men, consolation for old men, wealth for the poor, and adornment for the rich. – Diogenes

All people have an equal right to education and should benefit from the fruits of science. – Friedrich Engels

In the sciences, the most reliable help is your own head and reflection. – Jean Fabre

Education is a treasure, work is the key to it. – Pierre Buast

The more enlightened a person is, the more useful he is to his fatherland. – A.S. Griboyedov

General education is the consolidation and comprehension of the natural connection that exists between an individual and humanity. – Ernest Renan

culture, professional ethics and etiquette (!) of the future specialist must be formed at each department during lecture course, practical, laboratory and seminar classes. – V.V. Yaglov

No person in the world is born ready-made, that is, fully formed, but all life is nothing more than a continuously moving development, a ceaseless formation. – V.G. Belinsky

There are many types of education and development, and each of them is important in itself, but moral education should be higher than all of them. – V.G. Belinsky

Development and education cannot be given or imparted to any person. Anyone who wants to join them must achieve this through his own activity, his own strength, and his own effort. – Adolf Disterweg

The best education in the world is obtained in the struggle for a piece of bread. – Wendell Phillips

Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know. – Adolf Disterweg

You can expand your knowledge only when you look your ignorance straight in the eye. – K.D. Ushinsky

Education gives a person dignity and self-confidence. – N.I. Miron

Education is wealth, and its application is perfection. – Arabic saying

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless it is learned. – Democritus

The main task of education is to make your mind an interlocutor with whom it would be pleasant to talk. – Sydney Harris

Education is not only knowledge and skills, but also, most importantly, the formation of a person as a Personality. – N.I. Miron

Education is based on self-education: the first without the second is unrealistic. – N.I. Miron

Education is the face of reason. – Kay Cavus

Education should instill in every person a sense of freedom and dignity. – Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

The great goal of education is not only knowledge, but above all action. – N.I. Miron

Diploma educational institution- a document certifying that you had a chance to learn something. – Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Education must be true, complete, clear and lasting. – Ya.A. Comenius

No one ever achieves their goal without their own efforts. No outside help can replace your own efforts. - ON THE. Rubakin

While a person is alive, even if gray hairs cover his head, he can, wants and must receive education, and thus any education that is obtained outside of school, since all life does not fit within the framework of school, is a process of out-of-school education. – A.V. Lunacharsky

The most educated person is the one who understands life and the circumstances in which he lives the most. – Helen Keller

The need for education lies within every person; people love and seek education, just as they love and seek air to breathe. – L.N. Tolstoy

What makes a person educated is only his own inner work, in other words, one’s own, independent thinking, experiencing, perceiving what one learns from other people or from books. - ON THE. Rubakin

There is no need to prove that education is the greatest good for a person. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

Each person receives two upbringings: one is given to him by his parents, passing on his life experience, something else, more important, he gets himself. – Ernst Thälmann

Education is just the key that unlocks the doors of libraries. – Andre Maurois

IN educational process must first of all function such scientific knowledge, means of education, educational technology and methods, disciplines and courses that are able to see and use the mechanisms of self-organization and self-development of phenomena and processes. – Yu.L. Ershov

The problem of education has been, is and will remain relevant at all times, in all civilizations. Education, especially higher education, is a dominant factor in social and economic development society, country. Therefore, for every person education is a vital necessity. You must always learn, everywhere and everything - and only the good, only the necessary. I want to know, I need to know, I will know.

What makes a person educated is only his own inner work, in other words, what he learns from other people or from books. - ON THE. Rubakin

Education creates differences between people. – John Locke

You need to learn at school, but you need to learn much more after leaving school, and this second teaching, in its consequences, in its influence on a person and on society, is immeasurably more important than the first. – D.I. Pisarev

Three qualities - extensive knowledge, habit of thinking and nobility of feelings - are necessary for a person to be educated in the full sense of the word. – N.G. Chernyshevsky

Education does not sprout in the soul if it does not penetrate to sufficient depth. – Progtagoras

Today is the first of September, the Day of Knowledge. Today, millions of schoolchildren and students are again sitting at their desks in order to gain another bit of knowledge. Let's dedicate this selection of quotes and aphorisms about studying - fortunately, there is a reason. By the way, how does anyone feel about school - are there those who miss it? Who prefers where - at the institute or at school? We are waiting for your answers in the comments.

Don't be afraid that you don't know - be afraid that you don't learn. - Chinese aphorism

“What the teachers digest, the students eat.” - Karl Kraus, Austrian writer

Live as if you will die tomorrow. Study as if you will live forever. - Mahatma Gandhi

When you study a lot, not only your face, but also your body acquires an intelligent expression. Friedrich Nietzsche

The weakness of the mind and (note) the character of many students and adults depends on the fact that they know everything somehow and nothing properly. - A. Diesterweg

Constant study is not studying all the time, but every day. - Lipkin

A person knows much more than what he understands. - A. Adler

The one who never dares to admit that he cannot or does not know something is uneducated. - Ofmiller

Education does not consist in the amount of knowledge, but in the full understanding and skillful application of everything that you know. - G. Hegel

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. - K. Simonov

It is as difficult to turn a fool into a genius as lead into gold. - G. Lichtenberg

A fool who has a great memory is full of thoughts and facts, but he does not know how to draw conclusions and conclusions - and this is the whole point. - L. Vauvenargues

We, in essence, learn from those books about which we are not able to judge. The author of a book that we can judge should have learned from us. Goethe

Learning without reflection is useless, but reflection without learning is also dangerous. Confucius

AND golden quote from Bash:
I watch how the students show off, which of them didn’t do anything else and passed everything.
When I was a student, I took my law test to a very nice woman. She was a practicing lawyer, and I expected that such a specialist would now chase me over and over throughout the notes.
She looked at me and, without asking anything, asked:
- What grade should I give you?
- Uh... I would like five
“Great,” she said, and began to write in her notebook.
- What, you won’t even ask anything? - I was surprised.
She looked up from filling out her record book, looked at me carefully and said:
- Remember, young man, the less you know, the more valuable I am as a specialist.
I remembered this phrase for the rest of my life and I no longer suffered from bullshit during classes.
And now is the time for me, already an associate professor and at the same time a practicing building designer, to repeat the same thing:
Gentlemen, students, please don’t study! Try to get as much as possible for free! The less you know upon graduation, the more valuable I am as a specialist and the more salary I can demand for my services!

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