Composition “Ideological and moral evolution of Pierre Bezukhov. Spiritual and moral formation of Pierre Bezukhov

Ideological and moral evolution of the personality of Pierre Bezukhov

Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is the greatest epic work of world literature of the 19th century. Its action lasts for fifteen years. Few writers have managed to combine the description of the major events of history with the scenes of the everyday life of the heroes of the work, so that they do not overshadow each other, but harmoniously merge into a single whole. For Tolstoy, the life of one person is the historical life of the entire nation. However, in the raging sea of ​​​​persons that fill the novel, the personality that is central to the work stands out - this is Pierre Bezukhov.

The reader meets Pierre in the very first chapter of the novel, in the high society salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. It is in this "spinning workshop", filled with indifferent people - "spindles", that the sincerity and naturalness of Pierre stand out so contrasting with this society. “One living person among all our world,” says Prince Andrei Bolkonsky about Pierre.

Pierre, the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, returned from abroad three months ago and has not yet determined his future career. His character has not yet been formed, he is young, knows life poorly and hardly understands people. Since Pierre was deprived of a family, he constantly needs a teacher, a mentor. But the desire to gain spiritual support does not prevent Pierre from maintaining his individuality and going through life in his own way.

The first serious blow of fate for Pierre was his marriage to Helen. He turned out to be unarmed against the deceit and deceit of the Kuragins, who lured him into their networks. But morally, Pierre turned out to be much higher than these people: he took the blame for what happened. It will always be so in the future.

A turning point in Pierre's life can be considered a duel with Dolokhov. Having accepted someone else's rules of the game, he seriously thought about his life and came to the conclusion that he was lying to himself. This led Pierre to the desire to turn his fate into a different moral direction.

In Pierre's soul, "the main screw on which his whole life rested" curled up. He crossed out the past, but did not know what the future would be. "What's wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate?

Why live and what am I ... ”At this moment of crisis, Pierre met the freemason Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev, and a new, as it seemed to him, purifying star shone over him.

Disillusionment with Freemasonry did not come all at once or suddenly. Pierre was faced with hypocrisy, careerism, passion for the external attributes of rituals, and most importantly, he did not feel connected with real, everyday life. At the same time, he failed in his good intentions to change the position of the serfs - Pierre was too far from the people's troubles and problems. Dissatisfaction with himself again came, that driving force that did not allow the spiritual fire to go out in him. This is how readers find Pierre on the verge of the Patriotic War of 1812, which became a fateful turning point for many heroes of the novel.

It is no coincidence that we see the battle of Borodino partly through the eyes of Pierre, a non-military man who could not help but be where the fate of his Fatherland was decided. Here, Count Bezukhov became close to ordinary soldiers. He was struck by their fearlessness, stamina and kindness. They were morally superior and purer than Pierre. He began to think about how to become like them, "how to throw off all this superfluous, devilish, all the burden of this outside world."

Then there was desecrated Moscow, and the romantic idea of ​​killing Napoleon, and rescuing a girl, and a fight with the French, and captivity. In captivity, Pierre witnessed the senseless and cruel execution of Russian prisoners. This shock seemed to pull out the spring on which faith in life, in God, in man was kept in his soul. And Pierre felt that he himself could not revive this faith. He was saved by a meeting with Platon Karataev.

"The previously destroyed world now moved in his soul with new beauty on some new and unshakable foundations." Amazed and fascinated, Pierre watched Platosha and saw his amazing kindness and diligence, he listened to his songs and sayings, plunging into the world of folk life. Pierre felt that he had found peace and harmony with himself, which he had been looking for for so long. He saw how close the happiness he longed for was. It was in the satisfaction of the simplest and most natural needs of man. The meeting with Karataev helped Pierre feel like a part of a whole vast world: “And all this is mine, and all this is in me, and all this is me!”

Pierre Bezukhov returned home morally renewed. He realized that the purpose and meaning of life is life itself, in all its manifestations. “Life is everything. Life is God." Pierre learned to see the great and eternal in the petty and worldly. He learned to love and understand people, and they were drawn to him.

All this time, a tender and admiring love for Natasha lived in Pierre's soul. Both of them had changed during the war, but these spiritual changes only brought them closer. So a new family was born - the Bezukhov family.

In the epilogue, we see Pierre, carried away by radical ideas of changing the social order. According to Tolstoy's plan, the hero of the novel had to survive the collapse of "false hopes" and, having returned from exile to Siberia, come to an understanding of the true laws of life.

In the image of Pierre Bezukhov, Tolstoy revealed to us, on the one hand, the characteristic personality of his era, on the other, he showed the moral quest of a person who is looking for his way in the seething ocean of life. Only the desire for self-improvement could lead the hero, according to the author, to such high spiritual boundaries.

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  • evolution of pierre bezukhov

Essay text:

Pierre is one of those people who are strong only when they feel completely pure.
L. Tolstoy. A diary
On the pages of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" I, we meet many people who undergo moral evolution, the development of ideas, and a change in worldview in the course of various events. One of these people is Pierre Bezukhov, whose life path was difficult and difficult, but in whom the thirst for self-improvement, personal development, the search for freedom and truth never quenched.
Raised abroad, the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, Pierre appears before us as a free-thinking person, but far enough from real Russian reality, as a result of which he becomes an obedient toy in the hands of cunning and dishonest people.
Having become the legitimate Count Bezukhov, Pierre acquires the status of a noble and rich person, marrying the capricious and soulless, but surprisingly beautiful Helen. Over time, Bezukhov begins to burden the idle and parasitic lifestyle that he leads, because he; see how false the society to which he belongs. Forced to live according to his laws, Pierre does some business, attends balls and salons, shoots himself in a duel with Dolokhov, realizing the senselessness of such an existence. Disappointed, he parted with his wife, leaving her almost all of his fortune, and leaves, tormented questions about the meaning of life and the place of man in it.
Brought up on the ideas of the French enlighteners, Bezukhov completely denies God, but he, like every Russian person, needs some kind of faith. So he becomes a Mason. Easily succumbing to the external charm of Freemasonry, Pierre is almost happy. He feels strong, because now he can figure out where is the truth and where is the lie. However, it did not take Pierre so long to understand that those who preach poverty and the correctness of life themselves live in a lie, and all their rituals only cover up the falsity of their behavior, the desire to extract their own benefit.
At one time, Pierre was extremely attracted to the image of Napoleon; he also wanted to go ahead, to be strong and invincible. However, with the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, this passion passes, Pierre realizes that he worshiped a despot and a villain, and therefore an empty idol. Staying in Moscow, Pierre even imbued with the idea of ​​​​killing Napoleon, but his plan fails, and Bezukhov is captured by the French.
In captivity, Pierre Bezukhov meets Platon Karataev, and this man gives him a completely new understanding of the world and the role of man in it, answering the questions: why live and what am I? Bezukhov only develops and deepens this new understanding for himself: "I lived for myself and ruined my life. And only now, when I live ... for others, only now I understand the happiness of my life."
Tolstoy wrote: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness, and truth." And the whole point of the ideological and moral evolution of Pierre Bezukhov consists in the gradual overcoming of individualistic self-affirmation, in self-denial for the good and benefit of others.
After returning from captivity, Pierre already looks at life and at the people around him with different eyes, he strives to actively change reality, because now even the thought of a parasitic way of life is hateful to him: "If vicious people are interconnected and constitute strength, then honest people you just have to do the same."
After the end of the war, Pierre marries Natasha Rostova. And she, after her suffering, and he, after all the misfortunes and doubts, find true happiness in their love. But Pierre does not calm down and enters into a secret society. It is possible that soon, "joining hand in hand with those who love good," he will come to Senate Square.
For Tolstoy, it is extremely important not only the results of the search for the heroes, but also the paths they went through, cancer as paths eҭi reveal the true content of life, brightly illuminate the real relationships that exist in the world. Pierre Bezukhov's search for truth is also peculiar, but fero was dictated by time, circumstances, surrounding people, to the lyricist it is no less important for us than those truths that the hero comprehended by the time we parted with him.

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The evolution of the personality of Pierre Bezukhov……………………………………..4


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The evolution of the personality of Pierre Bezukhov

In receiving humanity c. Tolstoy draws two parallels: the story of the individual development of a gradually seeing man, who finally found the revelation and the truth of life, and the moment of the collective movement of mankind, led by the finger of Providence. The first parallel is depicted by gr. Pierre Bezukhov, the second - the Napoleonic massacres and the Patriotic War of the 12th year. A major event was not chosen without a purpose: if it is proved, the author thinks, that people are senseless ants in grandiose positions, similar to the warlike era of Napoleon, then, of course, in all other cases they do not deserve comparison even with aphids.

There are many different characters in the novel: men and women, gray-haired Catherine's elders and children in diapers, princes, counts, peasants, generalissimos and subtle diplomats, generals and soldiers; even three emperors appear on the stage; but all these persons serve only as additional proof of the irrefutable fidelity of the idea personified in gr. Bezukhov and the Napoleonic movement.

Roman gr. Tolstoy begins with an image of the emptiness of high society morals, with which he introduces the reader, introducing him to the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, the maid of honor and approximate empress Maria Feodorovna. In the same salon, the author shows his hero. Pierre Bezukhov, a fat, clumsy gentleman, taller than usual, broad, with huge red hands, unable to enter the salon and even less to get out of it, that is, before leaving, to say something especially pleasant. In addition, the hero is very scattered. So, getting up to leave, instead of his hat, he grabbed a triangular hat with a general's plume and held it, pulling the sultan, until the general asked to return it. But all his absent-mindedness and inability to enter the salon, and he says that he proved especially by his ardent intercession for Napoleon and the attack on the Bourbons, was redeemed by an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty. Pierre, the natural son of Count Bezukhov, from the age of ten was sent abroad with a tutor-abbot, where he stayed until the age of twenty. When he returned to Moscow, the count dismissed the abbot and said to the young man: “Now go to Petersburg, look around and choose. I agree to everything; Here is a letter for you to Prince Vasily, and here is money for you. And so Pierre arrived in Petersburg and did not know where to place his large and fat body. Go to the military, but that means fighting against Napoleon, i.e. help England and Austria against the greatest man in the world. Having not decided on the choice of path, Pierre joined the company of drunken revelers, who were run by Prince Kuragin. What kind of life it was, the reader can see from the tricks of Dolokhov, who, drunk, bet that, sitting on the window of the third floor and lowering his legs to the street, he would drink a bottle of rum in one gulp. Everyone was delighted, and Pierre was inspired to the point that he offered to repeat the same thing and already climbed onto the window, but he was pulled off. Revelry and debauchery, nightly visits by some ladies, fun with a bear, to the back of which they even once tied a quarter warden - these are the exploits of a hero whose moral enlightenment c. Tolstoy wants to determine the depth of that wisdom that should guide every person. Some kind of force wanders in Pierre's large body, but where it rushes - the person does not know; he has nothing precisely defined, clearly worked out. Surrendering to his uncultivated wildness, Pierre does all sorts of savagery, and just as he, for no apparent reason, just from the confusion of strength, wanted to repeat Dolokhov's trick, so he marries the beautiful Helen. Why did he need to get married? The high-society Anna Pavlovna decided to attach Helen, and the good-natured Pierre fell like chickens. Perhaps Pierre would have passed the nets, but it so happened that at one evening of Anna Pavlovna Pierre found himself so close to Helen that he “with his short-sighted eyes could not help distinguishing the lively charm of her shoulders, neck, lips, and that it cost him only a little bend down to touch her. He could hear the warmth of her body, the smell of her perfume, and the creak of her corset as she moved. He saw not her marble beauty, but one that was one with the dress; he saw and felt all the beauty of her body, which was covered only by clothes. So well says Mr. Tolstoy. We only wonder why Pierre got married a month and a half later, and not at the same second when he felt the warmth and all the charm of Helen's body.

Having done one stupidity, Pierre inevitably had to produce a number of still new stupidities. He was captivated only by a beautiful body, and he had no other stronger moral ties with Helen. Therefore, it is not surprising that the beautiful body of Helen, who married Pierre by calculation, soon reached out to other, more beautiful men than her husband, and Pierre began to be jealous. To what? why? what did he have in common with Helen? Pierre knows nothing, understands nothing. His broad, passionate nature, placed in a huge body, can only get excited and boil. He is angry with Dolokhov, as with his wife's lover, and, finding fault with a trifle, calls him a scoundrel. A duel follows, that is, a new stupidity, all the more capital stupidity and revealing the whole uncultivated expanse of Pierre's nature, that he never held a pistol in his hands in his life, that he not only does not know how to load a pistol, but even how to pull the trigger. But there are forces over a person that force him to go one way and not the other, - meditates and intensifies to prove gr. Tolstoy. At the place of the duel, Pierre even took it into his head to justify Dolokhov for what he had previously called a scoundrel. “Perhaps I would have done the same in his place,” thought Pierre. “Even probably I would have done the same; why this duel, this murder? Either I will kill him, or he will hit me in the head, in the elbow, in the knee. To leave here, to run away, to close somewhere, it occurred to Pierre. And despite such fair reflections, Pierre, to the remarks of the second, who wanted to try on the enemies - that there was no offense on either side and that it was not necessary to talk to Dolokhov, he answered: no, what to talk about, it doesn’t matter ... And just like that fate, which forced Pierre to marry for no reason, for no reason to go to a duel, arranged so that Pierre, who did not even know how to pull the trigger, shot the famous bully Dolokhov.

After the duel, Pierre, constantly thinking in hindsight, began to wonder why he had said to Helen before his marriage: "Je vous aime." “I am guilty and must bear ... what? The shame of the name, the misfortune of life? uh, everything is nonsense and shame of the name, and honor, everything is conditional, everything is independent of me. Louis XVI was executed because they said that he was dishonorable and a criminal, it occurred to Pierre, and they were right from their point of view, just like those who were martyred for him and canonized him as saints . Then Robespierre was executed for being a despot. Who is right, who is wrong? - no one. But live and live: tomorrow you will die, as you could have died an hour ago. And is it worth it to suffer when one second remains to live in comparison with eternity. Then Pierre decided that he needed to "part" with his wife. He couldn't stay under the same roof as her. He will leave her a letter in which he will announce that he intends to be separated from her forever and is leaving tomorrow. But then his wife enters and announces to him that he is a fool and an ass, and that the whole world knows this, that he, drunk, not remembering himself, challenged a man whom he is jealous without any reason to a duel. - Hm ... hm ... mumbles at this Pierre. “And why could you believe that he is my lover, why? because I love his company? If you were smarter and nicer, I would prefer yours.” Pierre loses his temper, grabs a marble board from the table, waves at his wife and shouts: “I will kill you!” If the reader remembers that Pierre pressed nails into the wall, he will understand that the marble board in the hands of such a Goliath represented some danger. “God knows what Pierre would have done at that moment if Helen had not run out of the room,” the author notes.

Apparently, it is not clear why Mr. Tolstoy chose such a raw, wild nature as his hero. After all, this is an unbridled Mongol. Why is he called a count, why should he be given an abbot as an educator, why should he be sent abroad for ten years? Raw strength, heartfelt impulse - that's the basis of Pierre's character. His roaming power, fitting in the body of Goliath with the mind of an ostrich, of course, cannot come to any European results. But that is precisely what is needed. Tolstoy: otherwise his philosophy, based on raw, direct force, will lose ground. What he needs is the fatalism of the East, and not the reason of the West.

After his explanation with his wife, Pierre went to Petersburg and at the station, in Torzhok, met with some mysterious gentleman. The mysterious gentleman was a squat, broad-boned, yellow, wrinkled old man with gray, hanging eyebrows over shining, indefinite grayish eyes. The mysterious stranger, speaking, underlined every word and, like a prophet, knew what had happened to Pierre. “You are not happy, my lord,” said the mysterious old man to Pierre. “You are young, I am old. I would like to help you to the best of my ability. But if for any reason you find it unpleasant to talk to me, then you say so, my lord. Pierre was struck by the mystery and the whole appearance of the incomprehensible old man, and, like a completely warm-hearted person, timidly submitted to a force incomprehensible to him. Here, only for the first time, Pierre felt that everything he did was not that he was not able to comprehend life with his mind or heart, and that wisdom and truth flowed like a key past him, nor watering his soul. The highest wisdom is not based on reason, not on those secular sciences of physics, history and chemistry into which mental knowledge breaks down. There is only one supreme wisdom. The highest wisdom has one science, the science of everything, the science that explains all the universes and the place occupied by man in it... improve. And to achieve these goals, the light of God, called conscience, is embedded in our soul. Look with spiritual eyes at your inner man and ask yourself: are you satisfied with yourself? What have you achieved with one mind? What are you? “You are young, you are rich, you are smart, educated, my lord. What have you done from all these blessings given to you by God? ”said the mysterious old man, and Pierre, broken to tears, felt that until now he had done nothing but stupid things. Moreover, he did not even believe in God. The conversation with the Freemason made a deep impression on Pierre, and the first of the external influences made him look at least a little into himself. Pierre was not a hopeless fool, but he had a broad Russian nature. Pierre could not think well, but he could feel well if external circumstances favored it. Gr. Tolstoy puts him in positions that should personify a philosophy that convinces of the mental insignificance of the West and the superiority of the direct feeling of the Russian broad nature, which does not need a mind to find the truth.

So, it would be useful to note that Pierre Bezukhov is one of the author's favorite characters in the novel "War and Peace", which is why we have the pleasure of watching his numerous and sometimes unexpected metamorphoses.

For the first time we find this ridiculously dressed ridiculous man in A.P.'s living room. Scherer. “A massive, fat young man, in glasses, pantaloons and a high frill”, naturally attracts attention, but not that which gives rise to interest in the individual, but rather that which causes a condescending smile directed at a funny eccentric.

Of course, it is also worth noting that the hostess greets him with "a bow belonging to the people of the lowest hierarchy in her salon." “Only having arrived from abroad, where he was brought up,” Pierre finds himself in a completely new world for him. This world and all its inhabitants are bursting with pride to be called a secular society. Without proper training and experience, naive in every respect, Pierre bursts with his bearish figure where they are used to painstakingly and carefully weaving a sticky web of falsehood and self-interest, where they are not used to sincerity, where they are frightened and do not understand genuine interest and lively communication. Nevertheless, the inveterate hypocrisy and amazing foresight, caused by the incessant search for one's own benefit, force one to keep the future heir to the famous Catherine's nobleman and the real "bastard" near him. Although Pierre is very smart and observant, he has not yet learned to understand people, so at first he does not notice and does not feel how ropes, obviously woven from cobwebs, were tied to his "huge red hands", and then it becomes too late.

Marrying Helen is the first step on the ladder of personal development, no matter how strange it may sound. The consequences of the manifestation of spinelessness and controllability will help Pierre wake up and open his eyes to what is happening around him. From the impeccably educated, versatile beauty Helen, two pathetic words remained: “a depraved woman”; the predatory essence of Prince Vasily is revealed; the true motives of the vast majority of the people around him are clear and vulgar. Unable to avoid all this, the weak, desperate Pierre relies only on his sensuality. He lacks willpower to develop a strategy, but the emotions of resentment, anger, disappointment, injustice are so overwhelmed that they push Pierre to a rash act - challenging Dolokhov to a duel. As a rule, it is very common for weak people to make some crazy decisions under the influence of passion, it looks like the superpower of a hunted beast that has appeared from nowhere; No wonder Pierre is compared to a bear.

So, the duel is the most important episode in Pierre's life. Through death, he breaks through secular habits, becomes a person, rises to the threshold of independence.

The former Pierre would not have found the strength to become the initiator of a separation from his wife, would have come up with a large number of excuses for himself in order to drown out his conscience, and his existence as a sedate victim would have flowed measuredly until the next outburst of anger. But Pierre, renewed, starts this conversation himself and achieves his goal, despite the tricks and tricks of his cynical vile little wife.

After such an internal change for the better, L.N. Tolstoy rewards his hero with philosophical reflections on the theme of good and evil. These thoughts are born and spin in Pierre's head during his trip to St. Petersburg. The road here, of course, is symbolism. Bezukhov is in constant search for the truth of life, the meaning of human existence. And since he is still very weak internally, he instinctively looks for a mentor, an example to follow. Pierre finds him in O.A. Bazdeev, head of one of the Masonic lodges. As it seems to him, he comes to St. Petersburg renewed. But everything is not so rosy: at the initiation ceremony, Pierre experiences fear, tenderness, admiration, and he is also a little ashamed! As we remember, Pierre's inexplicable sense of shame is a kind of radar for falsity and falsity. This peculiar gift once again proves his insight, sensitivity and gentleness. In the end, Pierre comes to a terrible disappointment: he will see in Freemasonry all the same features of secular life, from which he so diligently ran away. This is similar to the situation of Prince Andrei, who, in an attempt to escape from St. Petersburg society, goes to war, but the same secular dirt reigns there.

And again, through a new disappointment, Pierre gains will, confidence, spiritual independence.

So, all the developed or reborn qualities arose immediately after and due to heavy emotional experiences and conflicting thoughts, and those, in turn, came from Pierre's disappointment in many things around him. It is paradoxical in this that Pierre did not lose faith in people and love for them, kindness, sincerity and gentleness; the only thing that is gone is childish stupid naivety.

Human life is complex and multifaceted. At all times, there were moral values, to step over which meant forever incurring disgrace and contempt. The dignity of a person is manifested in his striving for high goals. I would like to dedicate my essay to the hero of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" Pierre Bezukhov. This amazing person cannot but arouse interest. Pierre is focused on his personality, but he is not immersed in himself. He is keenly interested in life around. For him, the question is very acute: “Why live and what am I”? This question is of great importance to him. Bezukhov thinks about the meaninglessness of life and death, that it is impossible to find the meaning of being; about the relativity of all truths. Secular society is alien to Pierre, in empty and meaningless communication he cannot find his truth.

The questions that torment Pierre cannot be solved by mere theoretical reasoning. Even reading books can't help here. Pierre finds answers to his questions only in real life. Human suffering, contradictions, tragedies - these are all integral components of life itself. And Pierre is completely immersed in it. He approaches the truth, being at the epicenter of events, tragic and terrible * The spiritual formation of Bezukhov is somehow affected by war, the fire of Moscow, French, the suffering of people with whom he encounters very closely. Pierre gets the opportunity to come face to face with the life of the people. And this cannot leave him indifferent.

On the way to Mozhaisk, Pierre was overcome by a special feeling: “the deeper he plunged into this sea of ​​troops, the more he was seized by anxiety, anxiety and a new joyful feeling that he had not yet experienced ... He now experienced a pleasant feeling of consciousness that everything that makes up people, the comforts of life, wealth, even life itself, is nonsense, which is pleasant to put aside in comparison with something ... ".

On the Borodino field, Pierre understood “... the whole meaning and all the significance of this war and the upcoming battle ... He understood that hidden (la(enle), as they say in physics, the warmth of patriotism that was in all those people whom he saw , and which explained to him why all these people calmly and, as it were, thoughtlessly prepared for death.

After Pierre was next to the soldiers, imbued with their courage, it began to seem to him the most correct and wise to merge with them, with simple, but wise in their understanding of life, people. It is no coincidence that he says: "To be a soldier, a simple soldier! ... Enter this common life with your whole being, imbue with what makes them so."

Throughout his life, Pierre had many hobbies and disappointments. There was a period when Pierre admired Napoleon; there was also a period of passion for Freemasonry. However, in the process of moral rebirth, Pierre abandons his former hobbies and comes to the ideas of Decembrism. Communication with the common people had a huge impact on his formation. From the very first minutes of meeting Pierre, we understand that we have an outstanding, sincere, open nature. Pierre feels uncomfortable in secular society, and society does not accept him as his own, despite even the rich inheritance that Bezukhov received from his father. He is not like the regulars of secular salons. Pierre is too different from them to be his own.

In the process of communicating with soldiers, mainly with Platon Karataev, Pierre Bezukhov begins to understand life better. Now his thoughts are no longer abstract, speculative. He wishes to direct his forces to real actions that could help others. For example, Bezukhov seeks to help those who suffered from the war. And in the epilogue, he joins the secret society of the Decembrists. This decision was obviously influenced by everything he saw in the process of communicating with ordinary people. Now Bezukhov understands well all the contradictions of life, and, as far as possible, wants to fight them. He says: “Theft is in the courts, in the army there is only one stick: shagistics, settlements, they torment the people, they stifle education. What is young, honestly, is ruined!

Pierre not only understands and condemns all the contradictions and shortcomings of life. He has already reached that moral and spiritual development, when the intentions to change the existing reality are obvious and necessary: ​​"let there be not only virtue, but independence and activity."

The moral quest of Pierre Bezukhov makes his image especially interesting for us. It is known that Pierre herself served as the basis for the concept of the novel War and Peace. The fact that the image of Pierre is shown in development speaks of the author's special disposition towards him. In the novel, static images are those that do not call for warm feelings from the writer.

Pierre cannot but delight readers with his kindness, sincerity, and directness. There are moments when his abstract reasoning, isolation from life, seem incomprehensible. But in the process of his development, he overcomes the weaknesses of his nature and moves from the need for reflection to the need for action.

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