Tsvetnoy boulevard 11 banquet hall mir. Concert hall mir on tsvetnoy boulevard. Theater and concert hall "Mir"

At the end of the 16th century, the stone walls and towers of the White City were built. Where the river bed ran, a hole was made in the wall, closed with a lattice, called a "pipe". Therefore, the area was named Trubnaya.

In the 17th century, near the wall of the White City, there was a Bast Market, where logs, boards and dismantled log cabins were sold.

In 1789 - 1791, the bed of the Neglinnaya River was reinforced with stonework, and the river in the central part was made into a basin. In 1819 the river was removed into an underground collector and by 1830 a boulevard was laid out on the site of the former river floodplain.

At first it was called Trubny Boulevard, but after the construction of the Flower Market in 1851, it got its current name - Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Gradually the boulevard was built up with stone houses, in which cheap apartments were rented out. And it became a place of festivities with entertainment for ordinary poor townspeople.

By the end of the century, because of the cheap drinking establishments that opened on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, in which criminals gathered, he acquired a reputation as one of the most criminal places in Moscow.

In 1880, one of the first stationary circus of rider and trainer Albert Salmansky opened in Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Circus artists demonstrated juggling, acrobatic sketches on a wire, equestrian numbers. It contained five rows of chairs, a mezzanine and boxes, as well as seats with unnumbered wooden benches and a gallery where you could stand to watch performances. The building was rebuilt many times, but all the time it served only as a circus. It was nationalized in 1919 and became the state Moscow circus. It was led by Yuri Nikulin for a long time. In 1989, the old circus building was demolished and a new one was built.

In 1937 the Central Market was founded and in 1959 by the architect Yu. Grigoryan built his building, which was later demolished.

In 1947 the territory of the boulevard was landscaped.

The composition "Song" was installed in the park, depicting three Russian women peasants. In 1958, its author, sculptor M.F. Baburin was awarded the gold medal of the USSR Academy of Arts and the gold medal at the World Exhibition in Brussels.

In February 1958, the first panoramic cinema in the USSR, Mir, for 1220 spectators, was opened. The image in it was displayed from three projectors on a giant curved screen with an area of ​​200 square meters. The schoolchildren liked the Mir cinema: thanks to the high rise of the rows of the auditorium, the spectators sitting in front did not in any way interfere with the viewing.

In 1988, the Tsvetnoy Bulvar metro station was opened.

In 2000, a monument to the clown Yuri Nikulin was erected on Tsvetnoy Boulevard next to the circus. The sculptor Y. Rukavishnikov made a bronze convertible as in the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus", from the back door of which Yuri Nikulin comes out.

In 2002, a square with a fountain was made in the center of the boulevard and sculptures of bronze clowns Zurab Tsereteli were installed.

The park in the middle of the boulevard is a cultural heritage site of regional importance.

In 2007, the Trubnaya station was opened at the beginning of Tsvetnoy Boulevard on Trubnaya Square. At the beginning of the boulevard there is a stele with the figure of St. George the Victorious. This is a monument to the defenders of law and order who died in the line of duty.

Another global reconstruction awaited the boulevard at the beginning of the 21st century. A fountain was built on the boulevard, landscaping was carried out, but at the same time a significant number of old trees were cut down, in connection with which the work on the boulevard was criticized by environmental organizations.

Now Tsvetnoy Boulevard is crowded and popular thanks to the business districts located on its sides. However, this does not prevent the boulevard from continuing to be the venue for theatrical festivals and city holidays and for walks of the townspeople.

The route was prepared according to the project materials"Lesson in Moscow"

  • The Trubnaya metro station was built by architect V. Filippov and opened on August 30, 2007. It is located under Trubnaya Square at the intersection of Tsvetnoy Boulevard and the Boulevard Ring. Track walls and columns are faced with light-colored marble with inserts of dark green marble between columns and 18 boulevard lanterns in the Art Nouveau style. The columns are decorated with stained-glass windows depicting cities and the aisles of the central hall are mounted panels created by the sculptor Z. Tsereteli. The floor is decorated with a geometric carpet with alternating patterns of black and light gray stone. At the southern exit of the Trubnaya metro station, a monument to the killed policemen was erected. The body-monument was unveiled on November 11, 1994, created by the sculptor A.A. Bichukov. This is a bronze column 32.5 meters high on a granite pedestal, on which stands the statue of St. George the Victorious, defeating the snake. The base of the monument is decorated with bas-reliefs and the inscription "Grateful Russia to the soldiers of law and order who died in the line of duty."

    We leave from the Trubnaya metro station and walk forward to the Monument to the Fallen Policemen. And from it we pass to the left and forward along the odd side of Tsvetnoy Boulevard to house number 5 on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

  • In 1887 the architect B.V. Freudenberg built a special building with a gymnasium for the Moscow Gymnastics Society. The Moscow Gymnastics Society was founded by sports lovers - lawyers, doctors, writers from the sports club at the German Club in 1868. Society elected a committee and a committee chairman. The committee collected members' contributions and spent them on the purchase of equipment, salaries for gymnastics teachers, and bonuses at competitions. The society rented buildings in the city until in 1887 a house was built for it on Tsvetnoy Boulevard No. 5. In this building, competitions and training took place during the cold season. The architect Freudenberg built a two-story brick house with an attached gymnasium with windows in the walls and ceiling. There were two dates on the facade of the building - the foundation of the society and the construction of its building. The House contained an office of the society committee, a library, massage and medical rooms, a locker room with a shower room, offices of two gymnastics teachers, an apartment for the building caretaker and a stoker. From the book "German Addresses of Old Moscow"

    We pass forward to the house number 9 on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

  • The six-storey apartment building was built by the architect N.D. Strukov in 1906. Now reconstructed.

    We pass forward to house number 11, the Mir cinema on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

  • A building was originally built on this site to showcase various panoramas in 1881. It was a deaf octahedron about 40 meters in diameter. It was later turned into a riding arena, which burned down during the Civil War. The building stood empty until 1957. In 1957 architects V.A. Butuzov, N.S. Strigaleva, M.I. Bogdanov rebuilt it into a panoramic cinema with an auditorium for 1450 seats with a diameter of about 40 meters was covered with a cone-shaped dome made of metal trusses. The main volume in the form of a polyhedron was faced with light ceramic tiles and towered over a rectangular glazed volume protruding forward, where there was a vestibule.It had a huge screen on which images from some projectors were displayed. The screen was the largest in the world - a 146-degree arc measuring 33 meters by 12 meters. The chairs were located at a large angle and could be seen clearly from all sides. The cost of tickets was different - in the center, 70 kopecks, at the edges, 50 kopecks. The cinema screened Soviet films "Wide is my country", "The Volga Flows", "The Tale of Fiery Years", "Dangerous Turns". Later, the screen was replaced by a smaller and flat one, and in 1960 the cinema was converted into a widescreen one with an auditorium for 1220 seats. The contrast of glass and blank surfaces gave expressiveness to the building.

    We pass forward in house number 13 - Yu. Nikulin's Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

  • The Moscow Circus opened in 1880 on October 20 in a building specially designed by the architect A.E. Weber. Its creator was a brilliant artist, trainer and entrepreneur Albert Salamansky, an Italian by origin, in addition to the Moscow circus, who opened circuses in Berlin, Riga, Odessa. His career began in 1866 in the wooden circus in Vozdvizhenka, Karla Ginn. At the opening there was a grand show of 14 trained horses in the room of Albert Salamansky, juggling on a wire by gymnast Henrietta, rider Truzzi, clown gymnasts Pascali and comic pantomime ballet Life on a Winter Evening with ice skating and wooden sledging. There is a legend that Salamansky put the first ruble from ticket sales into a frame and hung it on the wall at the box office. The circus has become the main entertainment for the merchants and common people. The circus was equipped with five rows of armchairs, a mezzanine, a box, a standing gallery, and second seats that offered guests to sit on wooden benches. Great artists Anatoly and Vladimir Durov and now forgotten foreign clowns Veldman and Bernardo, Tanti, Sergey Kristov performed in the Salamansky circus. As an artist-rider, Salamansky put on special numbers with trained horses that walk on a tightrope, waltz, jump over each other. Circus of that time did not do children's performances. And here Albert Salamansky became a pioneer, having asked for a special permission to hold children's performances - matinees. Matinees were held every Sunday. At Christmas, Christmas trees were made with round dances, dances and gifts. In 1919, Salansky's circus was nationalized and became the first Soviet state circus. Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin became the head of the circus in 1983. In 1985, on 13 August, the last performance took place on the old stage and the building was dismantled. In 1987, on October 19, the foundation was laid for a new building, in which a capsule with a message to future generations was placed. The authors of the reconstruction were architects V. Krasilnikov, A. Agafonov, N. Kudryashov and engineer V. Mirimanov. The façade of the circus was preserved and, as it were, “framed” from tinted glass. On September 29, 1989, the circus opened with a new show. In 1996, the circus was named "Nikulin Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard" for the 75th anniversary of the outstanding artist Yuri Nikulin. In 2000, a monument to Yu.V. Nikulin, designed by sculptor A.I. Rukavishnikov and architects M.M. Posokhin and A.G. Kochekovsky. Nikulin comes out of the bronze convertible onto the sidewalk. On Tsvetnoy Boulevard there is a monument-fountain "Clowns" opposite the Yu. Nikulin circus. This composition of several figures of clowns was created by the sculptor Z. Tsereteli and opened on June 14, 2002. A group of bronze clowns demonstrates their tricks and there are also attributes made of copper: a suitcase, a hat, a cane, a shoe. The composition is dedicated to the memory of Yuri Nikulin.

On the eve of a wedding, birthday, anniversary, or any other holiday, there is so much to do - decide on the list of invitees and inform them about the time and place of gathering, choose a menu, and, of course, find a suitable restaurant. Despite the fact that there are a lot of similar establishments today in Moscow and the Moscow region, it is really possible to find cozy banquet hall- the task is extremely difficult. Do you want to cope with it as quickly as possible, spending a minimum of your own efforts and finances? Then contact our company and we will tell you how to do it!

The most common pitfalls when renting restaurants

For the first time making out ordering a banquet in a cafe or a restaurant, most people do not even know how many problems they will have to face later. The most common are the following:

  • A very large selection of various establishments. On the one hand, such a variety allows you to find exactly what meets all your requests, but, on the other hand, it is quite easy to get confused in the assortment. On our website you will find a convenient and functional search form, which contains only proven restaurants, cafes and hotels with an impeccable reputation;
  • On the website of your chosen institution on the Internet, outdated or generally fake photos are posted. Result - banquet halls vip in fact, they turn out to be cramped, stuffy rooms, which, of course, spoils the holiday. You can avoid such a nuisance if you search for a restaurant through our website - we carefully check all the offered establishments, monitor the timely update of information about them;
  • Inability to get through by contact numbers. Imagine, you have found an establishment that meets all your requirements, and have already planned a holiday in it, but then another "surprise" awaits you - no one answers the phone numbers indicated on the site. Of course, you can spend a lot of personal time and go to the address, having learned everything there, but there is an easier way out - contact us! We will help you rent beautiful banquet hall, we ourselves will contact its owner and agree on the formalities, and if everything suits you, we will agree on when and where you will talk;
  • Having found a suitable establishment, it is extremely difficult to rent it at an acceptable cost and for the date you need. The task of our company is to offer such cafes and restaurants that will meet the customer's requirements as much as possible;


The imposition of animators, decorators and presenters, extra dishes on the menu, for which you have to pay extra, and other similar troubles may well darken even the most carefully prepared holiday. So the best solution would be to entrust the search for the venue to professionals - namely, the employees of our company.

Why should you contact our company?

If you are used to celebrating the holidays cheerfully, without facing any problems, and want to do it further, but with less expenditure of your own time, effort and finances, cooperation with us is what you need! We will help you place an order for a wedding banquet in a suitable institution (cafe or restaurant), we rent a tent, a spacious veranda, and even organize a trip to nature! In addition, our specialists will develop a menu for you, find talented hosts and designers. But, most importantly, we know various ways to reduce prices without compromising quality, which will ultimately allow us to invest in any budget.

Working on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region for more than 5 years, we have collected a fairly large database of various entertainment establishments, each of which has its own unique features. In any of them, your holiday will surely be unforgettable!

If you don't know where can you celebrate your wedding, you can also contact us at the company! Already more than 300 couples, having done this, were satisfied with the services provided. In total, we have successfully held about 500 different events, so we can easily organize your event!

Among our regular customers are such well-known organizations as Courier Service Express, Correct Toys, Aegida, Moscow Petrochemical Bank, Gallery Media, and so on.

Do you want to cooperate with us? You can either use the service yourself or ask the employees for help. And in the first and in the second case, you can rest assured that you will definitely find the institution in which your holiday will be perfect!

  • Presentation of a certificate at the "Terrine" restaurant

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    Our partners-organizers of children's parties turned to us for help in choosing a hall for a children's birthday

    Congratulations to the young and presenting our certificate for eco-recreation in the restaurant "Lomonosov"

    12.09. Anastasia and Denis's wedding. We congratulate the young and present our gift (certificate for eco-rest) at the Lomonosov restaurant.

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    12.09. We present a certificate for eco-recreation to a couple Olga and Yuri. Zagorodny Restaurant

    Presentation of a gift from the service of happy events BR Moscow

    DONE !!! We present the first certificate for eco-recreation to newlyweds in the Yar restaurant (July 18, 2015)

    Leave a request for the selection of a restaurant right now and take advantage of a special offer from our partners:

  • On Tsvetnoy Boulevard, literally a few meters from the famous Moscow Nikulin Circus, the Mir concert hall is located. However, this is a whole entertainment center, including the Jumanji restaurant, several cozy bars and a modern concert hall for 1000 spectators. The equipment of the hall allows holding a variety of events in it: concert shows, theatrical performances, film screenings. A large screen is installed above the stage, which is 22 meters wide, and the soundtrack is provided by high-quality equipment of the Dolby Digital Surround class.

    After the reconstruction, the Mir Concert Hall became one of the best venues in the capital. This is eloquently evidenced by the fact that the famous American saxophonist Maceo Parker performed on this stage twice. Many other celebrities have recently held their concerts in KZ "Mir". Tickets these events are very popular with the metropolitan public.

    Concerts and shows on the stage of the Mir Concert Hall

    Poster KZ "Mir" surprises with its variety. Here you can see the humorous and entertaining show "Evening Quarter", the musical performance "Once upon a sultry night" with the participation of Anfisa Chekhova, Zhanna Epple and Jean Daniel, the show "In this city" presented by the humorous duet of Rafael Iskenderov and Choshgun Ragimov, a concert of the famous French group Nouvelle Vague, EL CARNAVAL latino dance festival.

    Also on the stage of the concert hall is the popular comedy show "Comedy Woman", which became a kind of response to the sensational project "Comedy Club". Separate place in repertoire of the concert hall "Mir" are occupied by performances for young spectators. Here, the children's play "Masha and the Bear", based on the famous animated series, is successfully staged. The play "Fixies", based on the story of Eduard Uspensky, is equally popular.

    Tickets to KZ "Mir" at the best price

    The Mir Concert Hall is a comfortable concert venue equipped with modern sound and light equipment. Vivid cultural events take place here, and many Muscovites strive buy tickets to KZ "Mir" to performances by popular musicians, children's performances and humorous shows. On the website of our agency, you will always find the most favorable tickets for events taking place in this famous metropolitan hall, which is in demand by spectators and critics.

    The Mir Concert Hall is one of the most modern and largest theater and concert venues in Moscow. It is located in the very center of the city on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. The concert hall has a capacity convenient for holding mass events, designed for the simultaneous presence of 923 people in the hall. This is exactly how many comfortable comfortable armchairs are in the Mira auditorium. In addition, the hall has a sufficiently large stage, ideal even for showing performances or holding various show programs. There is also enough space to accommodate a live orchestra accompanying the event.

    Therefore, the Mir Concert Hall has been serving as an excellent platform for showing performances of various theaters and entrepreneurial associations for several years in a row. In addition, this concert hall is successfully used by many domestic comedians for their shows. And sometimes you can find performances of real "stars" of the Russian stage here. And some foreign performers gladly performed at Mir. Therefore, this concert hall can become interesting for all categories of metropolitan spectators who are happy to purchase tickets for such events.

    By the way, currently on the posters of "Mir" you can see information about the conferences and meetings held here, for which this concert hall is also suitable. In addition, many metropolitan companies tend to rent this space with excellent sound and light equipment for their corporate events. And during school holidays and New Year's holidays, Mir is popular with many parents who bring their children here to all kinds of show programs. Therefore, the concert hall "Mir" can be safely recognized as an ideal place for various cultural events.

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